7 whose name is the Baku Philharmonic. Azerbaijan State Philharmonic

The history of the creation of the Philharmonic is called a vivid example of a successful synthesis of two great cultures - East and West, and in the appearance of the building itself you can see an excellent illustration of the fusion of architecture and music. The origins of the famous Baku Philharmonic go back to the beginning of the 20th century.

In the first years of the second decade, an elegant building appeared in the central part of Baku at the intersection of Nikolaevskaya and Sadovaya streets, which became an organic addition to the nearest urban landscape. Interestingly, the architect Ter-Mikelov drew inspiration for the development from Monte Carlo itself, where he was sent by customers. The initiators of the construction considered that the local philharmonic society had no equal in beauty and original design, which overshadowed many outstanding examples of architecture of those years. The architect returns, filled with fresh original ideas, which he realized in the building: an amazing example of an architectural masterpiece, reminiscent of Renaissance palaces, replete with terraces, exquisite verandas and various decor. After a short time, the Philharmonic entered the list architectural monuments cities. In those years, it served as a building for the Public Assembly, where meetings of representatives of the city elite took place.

In the Philharmonic, the interesting location of the stage in relation to central entrance. This was the reason for the whim of the head of the representative office of the Rothschild firm, who is kind to art, who really wanted to see everything that happens on the territory of the club directly from his box on the balcony. The wishes of the honorary citizen and one of the richest citizens did not contradict. The entrance to the hall, contrary to all the established canons of architecture, was placed on the side of the stage. The scene of the summer playground of the club can be perfectly viewed from the palace windows of Debur.

Until the beginning of the 1920s, card games with roulette were the main occupation of wealthy visitors to the club, and when the power of the Bolsheviks strengthened in Azerbaijan, music fans replaced the gambling elite, and the stage was given over to performances. different ensembles and creative teams. By May 1936, by decision of the authorities, the building was given the status public institution arts, and a year later it receives the name famous composer Muslim Magomayev, who is the grandfather the most popular artist Soviet era.

In 1996 the building was closed for restoration. Updated concert hall was inaugurated in early 2004. The ceremony was attended by the head of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, and famous musician Mstislav Rostropovich, who later became a frequent guest of the Philharmonic.

Over the years of its activity, the Philharmonic hosted many famous cultural figures from all over the world within its walls. On its stage, the performances of the People's Artists of the Republic of Khan Shushinsky, Shovket Alekperov, Niyazi, Sarah Gadomova and others took place. In addition, artists from all over the Soviet Union and abroad visited the Philharmonic. The institution has become the base for the activities of several well-known national musical groups.

Except concert programs prepared by the forces of their own teams, well-known foreign performers also perform in the Philharmonic. AT last years Artists and philharmonic groups from all over the world come here at the invitation of the Azerbaijani government. It is especially worth noting the surprisingly fruitful creative meetings that took place within the framework of various music festivals named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli and M. Rostropovich.


The building of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic named after Muslim Magomayev, built in 1910-1912, became part of a beautiful ensemble, bounded by Nikolaevskaya Street on one side, and Sadovaya Street on the other.

This building was built as the Summer House of the Public Assembly, which also meant a casino. The author of the project was civil engineer Gavriil Ter-Mikelov (1874-1949).

He was born in Stavropol, in an Armenian family with Tbilisi roots, he graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineers and after graduation he worked in Tbilisi and Baku. AT Soviet time he became a corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR, an honored worker of arts of the Georgian SSR, a professor at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts.

In Baku, in collaboration with contractors A.Ya. Dubov and the Kasumov brothers, Ter-Mikelov creates the Commercial School (Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute), the Baku branch of the Tbilisi Commercial Bank, the Baku Trade School, etc.

The history of the Philharmonic Society dates back to 1907, when the foremen of the Baku Public Assembly appealed to City Duma with a request to allow them to build a summer building in the Governor's Garden.

This happened after the so-called. "White Club" - a wooden and whitewashed pavilion for the entertainment of the cream of Baku society near the Shirvan fortress gates.

Manaf Suleymanov writes about this in the book “Days of the Past”:“One night, when a strong Khazri was blowing, ... there was a fire and the pavilion burned to the ground. It was suspected that the "White Club" was set on fire on purpose. Avid gamblers gathered here. The rich, the dandy, the gochu, the sharpers of all stripes gathered under the roof of the club and had fun here until the morning. Of course, there were some fights.”

Needless to say, the place was chosen beautifully: the second terrace of the Baku amphitheater, a wonderful view would open from the building, and the building itself would become an adornment of the urban landscape that had developed by the beginning of the 20th century, and of the Governor's city garden itself.

One bad thing: for the construction, more than 200 perennial trees would have to be cut down. Many members of the Duma naturally objected. But economic interests prevailed, and in 1908 the project of the summer premises of the Public Assembly on the territory of the Governor's Garden by reducing its area by almost 1665 sq.m. has been approved.

Ter-Mikelov, as the same M. Suleymanov writes, “I was seconded to the Cote d'Azur - to Monte Carlo, so that he could take a closer look at the local philharmonic society, get acquainted with its project. And he built something similar here in Baku. It was believed that the Monte Carlo Philharmonic in its beauty occupies one of the first places in Europe. Nine terraces descend from the building to the sea. Ter-Mikelov returned from Monte Carlo, full of impressions and ideas…”

The final project was developed by 1910 and submitted for approval by the construction commission of the city government. Two years later, construction was completed.

It must be said that Baku architects were not afraid of imitation. Because, firstly, even a copy began to play with new colors, surrounded by a typical Baku urban landscape, and secondly, no one made full copies - and their imagination was enough. So is the Assembly building: it was built only after the famous casino.

The summer building of the Public Assembly immediately after the opening became a favorite place for leisure of the Baku elite, in fact, a club. Wealthy merchants and oilmen, factory owners and high-ranking officials, representatives of the intelligentsia and officers stayed here until midnight, sometimes losing entire fortunes at cards.

This continued until the advent of Soviet power. The Bolsheviks could not tolerate such a "hotbed" of the bourgeois way of life in the city and quickly covered up this case. AT former building the casino were placed various musical groups and circles. On the organized stage, amateur and state ensembles and orchestras.

The fact that the building has excellent acoustics was immediately noticed. And on May 25, 1936, on the basis of the Directorate symphony concerts Under the Baku Council of Workers', Peasants' and Sailors' Deputies, the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society was organized in the summer building of the Public Assembly.

From the very first days of its creation, the Philharmonic has become a kind of temple of the classical musical art republics. Here were prominent figures cultures not only of Azerbaijan, but also of other republics and even foreign countries.

Over the years, on the stage of the Philharmonic, folk artists Azerbaijan Khan Shushinsky, Shovket Alekperova, Maestro Niyazi, Sarah Gyadimova, Mstislav Rostropovich, Elena Starodubtseva, Nikolay Suk, Ivan Manichetti, Ingeberg Kosma, Tatyana Piminova, Unyusha Kuloglu and others.

The most prominent figures of art, such as Niyazi and Shamsi Badalbeyli, led the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic.

But time passed, the building was dilapidated and therefore needed serious reconstruction. Therefore, in 1936-1937. restoration work was carried out at the Philharmonic. Upon their completion, on August 11, 1937, by decision No. 5021 of the Council of People's Commissars of the Central Committee of the AKP (b), a petition was sent to perpetuate the name of the honored worker of arts, Muslim Magomedovich Magomayev and assign his name to the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic.

Yes, yes, the Philharmonic is not named after the famous Soviet singer, but his grandfather. Everyone's favorite in the Soviet Union, Muslim Magomayev, was named by his parents in honor of his famous grandfather. Unfortunately, most representatives of the younger generation do not know in whose honor the Philharmonic is named.

And the name of the grandfather of the famous singer at one time thundered! He was a very talented composer, was friends with the founder of the Azerbaijani classical music Uzeyir Gadzhibekov.

Back in the 60s. Tourists coming to Baku (both Soviet and foreign) were amazed at such a quick response from the authorities: they say that the popular singer is still so young, and the Philharmonic has already been named after him! So the grandson eclipsed the glory of his grandfather ...

In 1996, in the building of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic named after. M.Magomaev repair and construction work began. But for objective and subjective reasons, they were suspended. In 2002, by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, repair and construction work in the Philharmonic Hall was resumed.

The ancient interior was preserved as much as possible, however, its coloristic solution was changed and many new “trinkets” were added. In accordance with the latest advances in technology, internal acoustics systems, new ventilation and heating systems were installed, a sound recording studio that meets international standards was organized at the Philharmonic Hall under the summer stage on an area of ​​a thousand square meters. meters built new additional premises.

And on January 27, 2004, the Philharmonic Society was solemnly handed over to its audience. Heydar Aliyev did not live to see this day. The event was attended by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the world-famous Baku cellist Mstislav Rostropovich.

HGIOL The country Azerbaijan Azerbaijan City Baku Builder A. Ya. Dubov and the Kasumov brothers [ ] Architect Gavriil Ter-Mikelov Construction - years Website filarmoniya.az

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Azerbaijani State Philharmonic named after Muslim Magomayev(Azerb. Muslum Maqomayev adına Azərbaycan Dövlət filarmoniyası listen)) is a cultural institution in the capital of Azerbaijan, in the city of Baku.


When the foremen of the Baku public meeting in 1907 applied to the City Duma with a request to allow them to build a summer building in the city (Mikhailovsky) garden, many vowels objected, because in this case more than 200 perennial trees would have to be cut down. However, in 1908, the project of the summer premises of the Public Assembly in the garden by reducing its area by 1664.92 sq.m. has been approved.

For the entertainment of the “cream” of Baku society, a pavilion made of wood existed earlier in the city. It was plastered, whitewashed and called the "White Club". It was located near the Shirvan fortress gates. One night, when a strong “khazri”, the famous Baku north wind, was blowing, a fire broke out and the pavilion burned to the ground. It was suspected that the White Club was set on fire on purpose.

After the White Club burned down in 1910, it became necessary to create another building where the rich could hold their free time. The project was entrusted to the architect Ter-Mikelov. He was even seconded to the Côte d'Azur - in Monte Carlo, so that he took a closer look at the local philharmonic society, got acquainted with its project. And he built something similar here in Baku. It was believed that the Monte Carlo Philharmonic in its beauty occupies one of the first places in Europe. Ter-Mikelov returned from Monte Carlo, full of impressions and ideas.

Clubhouse in the 1910s photographed by Robert Cotton

The final project was developed in 1910 and submitted for approval by the construction commission of the city government.

The summer club faces the House of the Sadikhov brothers, in profile looks at the building of the Mariinsky Russian Women's Gymnasium, built by G-Z. Tagiev, as well as the palace of Debur, the manager of the Baku office of Rothschild (Subsequently, he sold this palace to the oil company "Caucasian Partnership") .

They say that the head of this joint-stock company, the millionaire Gukasov, begged the architect to make sure that from the palace where he lived with his family, everything that was happening in the summer club was not only heard, but also visible. In addition, he did not want, sitting on the balcony, to “admire” the silent wall. The request of the millionaire was respected and acted in a rather original way. Usually the stage in the auditorium "looks" at the main entrance. In the summer hall of the Philharmonic, the entrance to auditorium located on the side of the stage. So from the windows and from the balcony former palace Debura, as in the palm of your hand, you can see the scene of the summer club.

In the early 1990s, the Philharmonic closed for renovations. With