Translation of Russian letters into English (online). Russian alphabet in Latin

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Why translate Russian letters into Latin?

Since Russia is not yet a very rich country in our country and most companies cannot afford to organize the distribution of free samples to advertise their product, at the moment most of the freebie offers come from abroad.

Since the most common language is English, the order forms for free samples are often in English.

Address information and full name of the recipient in such forms must be filled in Latin. Since both our postmen and those companies that distribute freebies will understand the Latin alphabet.

If you write in Russian, then there is a risk that the organizers of the action simply do not want to spend time translating and understanding what is written there.

If you write in English, then our postmen will not understand to whom and where to deliver.

by the most the best option is to write the freebie delivery address and the full name of the freebie recipient in Latin.

Now the Internet is full of different translators, but most of them are either not convenient, or they need to be searched for a long time.

We offer to constantly use our free translator of Russian text into Latin.

When you order a freebie through forms written in English, then write the delivery address and full name in Latin.

Translate Russian text into Latin will allow our free, simple and convenient service. When we order samples from foreign sites, we always do this and it's a freebie, not always of course :-), but it comes. So the way is correct.

Rules for pronunciation of Latin words


Printed letters letter names Reading
aa a a
bb bae b
CC ce c, k *
Dd de d
ee uh uh*
FF ef f
gg ge G
hh Ha X *
II and i, th *
jj iot th *
Kk ka to *
Ll ale l" 1 *
mm Em m
Nn en n
Oh about about
pp pe P
Qq ku sq. *
Rr er R
Ss es s, s
Tt te t, c *
Uu at y, in *
vv ve in, at *
xx X ks
Yy upsilon and, and german 2*
Zz zeta h
1. A comma at the top right after the sound symbol means that the sound is soft.
2. A similar sound in the words byuvar [b" ivar], bureau [b" iro "].
* This sign marks sounds, the pronunciation of which requires special attention.

Latin is a dead language, i.e. currently there are no people for whom this language would be native. The living pronunciation of the classical period of the development of the Latin language 1 has not reached us. It is hardly possible to restore the exact Latin pronunciation, in connection with this, every nation that uses the Latin language (in particular, using it in jurisprudence) is guided by the pronunciation of Latin words on the pronunciation of its own language. mother tongue(the English read the Latin word with English pronunciation, Russians - with Russian, etc.). Therefore, the letters indicated in the table should be read "as in Russian" (unless their reading is specifically stipulated) [Period I c. BC. Cicero, Caesar and other prominent writers worked in this era; their language is considered an example of Latin. When studying the Latin language, this pattern is not oriented.].

Features of reading Latin vowels

Letter ee reads like [e] 2 (not [ye]!): ego [e "go] I.

Letter II[and] is read except when it stands before a vowel at the beginning of a syllable or word. Then it reads like [th]: ira [and "ra] anger, but ius [yus] right, adiuvo [adyu" in] I help.

In a number of publications, the letter i, which entered the Latin alphabet in the 16th century, is used to denote the sound [th]. It is also used in our guide. So ius = jus etc.

The letter Yy is found in words of Greek origin. It reads like [and] or, more precisely, like the German b: lyra [l "ira], [l" ira].

There are 2 diphthongs in Latin: au and eu. They consist of two elements that are pronounced together, "in one sound", with the stress on the first element (cf. diphthongs in English).

aurum [arum] [The sign of square brackets indicates that they contain exactly the sound, and not the letter (i.e., that we have a transcription). All transcription signs in our manual are Russian (unless otherwise specified).] gold

Europa[eropa] Europe

letter combination ae reads like [e]: aes[es] copper; letter combination oe- like German q [A similar sound will turn out if you pronounce the sound [e], lower the corners of your mouth to the bottom.]: poena[ptsna] punishment.

If in these two combinations the vowels are pronounced separately, then the letter e is placed above - or .. (i.e. _, ё): a_r / aёr[a "er] air, po_ta / poёta poet[poet "that].

Vowel Uu, as a rule, denotes the sound [y]. However, in the words suavis[swa "vis] sweet, nice; suadeo[swa "deo] my advice is ; suesco[swe "sko] I am getting used to and derivatives from them - a combination su reads like [sv].

Group ngu read [ngv]: lingua[l "ingva] language .

Features of reading Latin consonants

Letter Cc before e, ae, oe(i.e. before the sounds [e] and [o]) and i, y(i.e. before the sounds [u] and [b]) is read as [c]: cicero[pica] Cicero. In other cases with reads like [k]: Credo[cre" to] I believe .

Letter hh gives a sound similar to "Ukrainian G"; it is obtained by pronouncing [x] with a voice, and is denoted by the Greek letter i (this sound is present in the words yeah! and God![io "spod" and]).

In words, as a rule, borrowed from the Greek language, there are the following combinations of consonants with the letter h :

ph[f] philosophus[philo" sophus] philosopher

ch[X] charta[ha "mouth] paper

th[t] theatrum[tea "room] theatre

rh[R] arrha[a "rra] deposit

Letter Kk very rarely used: in the word Kalendae and short for it K. (it is also possible to write through with), as well as in the name Kaeso[ke "so] quezon .

Latin Ll softly pronounced: lex[l "ex] law .

Letter Qq used only in combination with the letter u ( qu). This combination reads [kv]: quaestio[que "stio] question .

Letter Ss reads like [s]: saepe[with "epe] often. In a position between vowels, it reads like [з]: case[casus] case, case(in grammar), except for Greek words: philosophus[philo" sophus] philosopher .

Letter Tt read [t]. phrase ti it is read as [qi] if it is followed by a vowel: etiam[etziam] even .

Combination ti reads like [ty]:

a) if a vowel i long in this combination (see below for vowel length): totius[totius] - R. p., unit. hours from totus whole, whole ;

b) if before ti costs s, t or x(i.e. in combinations sti, tti, xti): bestia[bestia] beast ;Attis[a "ttius] Attius(name); mixtio[mixio] mixing .

c) in Greek words: Miltiades[mil "tee" ades] Miltiades .

Longitude and shortness of vowels

Vowel sounds in Latin differed in the duration of pronunciation. There were long and short vowels: a long vowel was pronounced twice as long as a short one.

The length of the sound is indicated by the sign - over the corresponding letter, brevity - with the sign Ш:

+ ("and long") - - ("and short")

_ ("e long") - _ ("e short"), etc.

When reading Latin texts, we pronounce long and short vowels with the same duration, without distinguishing them. However, the rules governing vowel length/shortness need to be known, as :

There are pairs of words that have different meanings, but completely coincide in spelling and pronunciation (homonyms) and differ only in longitude and brevity of the vowel: m_lum evil - m_lum apple ;

Longitude or shortness of a vowel significantly affects the placement of stress in a word.

Placement of stress in a word

The last syllable of a word is not stressed in Latin.

In two-syllable words, the stress falls on the 2nd syllable from the end of the word: sci "-oh I know cu" l-pa wine .

In polysyllabic words, stress is determined by the length (brevity) of the 2nd syllable from the end of the word. It falls:

on the 2nd syllable from the end of the word, if it is long;

on the 3rd syllable from the end of the word, if the 2nd syllable is short.

Long and short syllables

Long syllables are called syllables containing a long vowel, short - a short vowel.

In Latin, as in Russian, syllables are formed with the help of vowels, near which consonants are "grouped".

NB - a diphthong represents one sound and therefore forms only one syllable: ca "u-sa reason, guilt. (NB - Nota bene! Remember well! - Latin for notes.)

Long vowels are:

diphthongs and combinations ae and oe: cen-tau-rus centaur ;

a vowel before a consonant group (except for vowels before a muta cum liquida group (see below): in-stru-m_n-tum instrument .

This is the so-called longitude by position.

o the vowel may be long in nature, i.e. its longitude is not due to any reasons, but is a linguistic fact. Longitude by position is fixed in dictionaries: for-tk "-na fortune.

Short vowels are:

o vowels that come before another vowel (so all words ending in io, ia, ium, uo etc., the stress falls on the 3rd syllable from the end): sci-e "n-tia knowledge ;

o before h: tra-ho i'm dragging.

This is the so-called brevity by position:

o vowels before a combination of one of the consonants: b, p, d, t, c[k], g(the so-called "mute" - muta) - with one of the consonants: r,l(the so-called "liquid" - liquida), i.e. before combinations br, pr, dl etc. ("mute with smooth" - muta cum liquida): te "-n_-brae darkness, darkness ;

o the vowel may be short in nature, i.e. its brevity is not determined by external causes, but is a fact of language. Brevity by position is fixed in dictionaries: fe "-m--na woman .


Miroshenkova V.I., Fedorov N.A. Latin textbook. 2nd ed. M., 1985.

Nikiforov V.N. Latin legal phraseology. M., 1979.

Kozarzhevsky A.I. Latin textbook. M., 1948.

Sobolevsky S.I. Grammar of the Latin language. M., 1981.

Rosenthal I.S., Sokolov V.S. Latin textbook. M., 1956.

  • A a(a)*
  • Bb(b)
  • c c- before "e", "i", "y", "ae", "oe" is pronounced (ts), in other cases - (k)
  • D d- (e)

  • e e- (e)*
  • F f- (f)
  • G g- (G)
  • H h- (X)

  • I i- (and); (d) - before vowels.
  • K k- (k) - rarely found in Greek borrowings.
  • l l- (l)
  • M m- (m)

  • N n- (n)
  • O o- (about)
  • Pp- (P)
  • Q q- (to)

  • R r- (R)
  • S s- (with); (h) - between vowels.
  • T t- in combination "ti" + vowel is read (qi) + vowel, if "ti" is not preceded by "s", "t", "x".
  • U u- (y)

  • Vv- (in)
  • X x- (ks)
  • Y y- (and) - in Greek borrowings.
  • Zz- (h) - in Greek borrowings.

Diphthongs, pronunciation features:

  • ae- (uh)
  • oh- (yo [yo]) - something like that
  • ch- (X)

  • ph- (f) - words of Greek origin.
  • th- (t) - words of Greek origin.
  • rh- (p) - words of Greek origin.

Latin alphabet in human history

Human civilization has already reached a high level, and we practically do not think about where they came from, these or those things that we use every day, it seems that it has always been like this. Let's not talk about the latest technical progress now, let's think about more global things, such as language, writing. Every day on store signs, product packaging, price tags on things, we meet with inscriptions on foreign languages, most often it is English, which has rightfully won itself the status of an international language. In the last decade, the prevalence in English erased all boundaries, it has become vital for those who want to make successful career. Even those who do not speak this language can easily read the names of popular brands, and all thanks to its incredible popularization. In Russian, the Cyrillic font is used for writing, it is also used by some other Slavic peoples, such as Bulgarians and Serbs. But, more than half of the European languages ​​​​use for writing Latin alphabet . These uncomplicated Latin letters seem to have been with us for ages. But both language and writing are always the result of centuries-old work of the people. It was the emergence of writing that made it possible for ancient civilizations to leave a memory to their descendants. Without writing, there would be no literature, scientific and technological progress would be impossible. How did writing originate? What prompted the ancient people to think about how to record the necessary information? Nomadic tribes, and the warring parties, there was no need for writing. Their main task was to conquer a large territory for their tribe. But when the tribe began to lead a settled way of life, then the need for writing appeared. Probably, it was in some of these moments of calm that the ancient Phoenicians thought about how to graphically display the necessary information. It is the Phoenicians who own the first alphabet in the history of mankind, which became the progenitor of the Latin alphabet. It was the Phoenician alphabet that gave the traditional letter order. On the basis of the Phoenician alphabet, the Greek alphabet developed, it is in it that vowels first appear, which were borrowed from the Semitic languages. For thousands of years, literacy was the privilege of the upper strata of society and the clergy, only a select few owned this science. But it was the Ancient Greeks who were able to bring schools closer to the people, bringing them out from under the influence of religious priests. And giving the opportunity to receive education from childhood. But the Greek civilization fell, under the onslaught of the Roman conquerors, who received the alphabet and writing as trophies. It was the Greek alphabet and the writing system that formed the basis of Latin, the language of the Ancient Roman Empire. For thousands of years, the alphabet has been transformed, for example, initially there were 23 letters in the Latin alphabet, only in the Middle Ages, three more new letters (J, U and W) were added, and the alphabet acquired such a familiar look. At the dawn of the birth of Latin writing, they wrote without separating words with spaces, and did not use punctuation marks yet. The militancy of the Romans expanded the expanses of the empire in all directions, in the end, even the north of Europe was conquered, and the Romans crossed the English Channel. The sites of the Roman legions are found in England, France, Syria and Judea, and even in Africa, near Tunisia and Algeria. The main base of the Roman Empire, of course, remained Italy. Many tribes that inhabited Europe at that time, in order to survive, tried to make an alliance with the Romans, such as the Germans and the Goths. Most of these alliances were long-term. Latin began to be used as the language of international communication. It is the emergence of Christianity, and its formation in Ancient Rome, strengthened the position of Latin. Latin became the official language of religion, which spread very quickly across Europe, displacing pagan cults. And when Christianity had already become the official religion of Rome, the role of Latin was strengthened, because now it is the official language of the church. And the role of the church in the state system in European countries cannot be underestimated. Latin is used for correspondence by diplomats and heads of state, it becomes the official language of science, it is in Latin that the works of scientific men and theological treatises are published. And the Renaissance, which, like a fresh spring wind, swept through Europe, exhausted by the Inquisition, also chose Latin as its language. The great Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei and Keppler wrote their works in Latin. In the spread of Latin writing, an important role was also played by the fact that many peoples chose the Latin alphabet to write their native languages, so as not to invent new letters, but to use those already familiar to everyone. In its development, Latin writing went through many stages, the font was transformed, how did architectural styles. In various historical periods minuscule Roman cursive and Roman capital letters, uncial and semi-uncial letters, Merovingian and Visigothic fonts, Old Italic and Gothic, rotunda and Swabian writing appear. Many of these fonts are still used for decorative purposes. This is how the evolution of writing took place, introducing new signs, styles, ways of writing. The theme of the emergence of writing is very interesting and multifaceted, it is closely related to the development of human civilization with historical and cultural events. It is on the example of writing that one can establish a historical connection, it would seem, of completely different peoples. The transformation of primitive rock paintings, first into drawn symbols, and then into individual letters, which corresponded to a certain sound. The pinnacle of this process was the invention of printing. That allowed science and culture to develop at a new level.

November 11th, 2013

Numerous reforms Russian language with early XVIII centuries and up to the present day have never allowed the possibility of replacing the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin alphabet.

Peter introduced the civil alphabet, had a major quarrel with the church, brought guest workers into the country, but did not encroach on the Slavic letters.

AT late XVIII - early XIX century, when - according to c. L. Tolstoy - the court and high society spoke exclusively French, and the vast majority of the population was illiterate, the moment was exceptionally convenient. However, the important issue of transformation was not even considered. The nobles preferred to riot on the Senate.

In 1918, during the last major reform, the Bolsheviks abolished several letters, but they did not introduce a foreign alphabet even in the light of the approaching world revolution.

The need to use the Latin alphabet grew every year, but the position of the Soviet leadership on this issue remained unshakable. It was influenced neither by the accession of the Baltic republics and part of Romania to the USSR, nor by the creation of a socialist bloc in Eastern Europe, nor by relations with distant Cuba and close Finland.

Then the presidents missed their chance one by one:
- Gorbachev (after the fall of the Berlin Wall);
- Yeltsin (after completion of privatization);
- Medvedev (after meeting with Jobs).

The current head of state started small but important, marking the upcoming Olympiad with the mysterious words sochi zoich (or hioz upside down), but was not understood by his compatriots.

As a result, we are forced to spend millions of rubles on infographics in cities, duplicating all the names in Latin letters. And who counted the number of man-hours spent on switching the language in keyboards across the country?

However, enough words. What follows is a new alphabet for Russia, integrated into the sparkling Western world. Apparently, this is the least painful path for a country in which Chinese characters or Arabic calligraphy are about to triumph.

Yo Yo
And I
To K
With S
At U
Kommersant -
b "

The letters Q, W and X disappear. However, the first can be used in such words as isqusstvo, ququshka. W is two ve in a row or in with a soft sign. X will work for words that begin with X. We leave yo, because the monument has already been built and the yo-mobile is about to appear.

A couple of excerpts for practice:

1. Ne lepo li ny bjashet-, bratie,
nachjati starymi slovesy
trudnyh- povestij o p-lku Igoreve,
Igorja Svjat-slavlicha?
Nachati zhe sja t-j pesni
po bylinam- sego vremeni,
a ne po zamyshleniju Bojanju!
Bojan-bo veschij,
asche komu xotyashe pesn" tvoriti,
to rastekashetsja mysliju po drevu,
serym v-lkom po zemli,
shizym orlom- pod- oblaky.

2. Ja pomnju chudnoe mgnoven "e:
Peredo mnoj javilas" ty,
How mimoletnoe viden "e,
How genij chistoj krasoty.

I heart b "etsja v upoen" e,
I dlja nego voznikli vnov"
I bozhestvo, i vdohnoven "e,
I zhizn", i slezy, i ljubov".

The last stanza should also be given in another tradition, where the soft sign is replaced by a doubled consonant, "vy" by "w", and "ё" is retained where possible.

I heart bёtsja v upoenne,
I dlja nego voznikli vnow
I bozhestvo, i vdohnovenne,
I zhiznn, i slezy, i ljubow.

Anyway, as an unbiased reader can see, it turns out clumsily. It can be seen that the Russian language is such that the text, even being written by the most foreign letters, retains its wild Eurasian identity, contradictory essence and unwillingness to integrate into world culture and civilization. What can we say about its carriers?

So, you registered on Aliexpress or on any other foreign online store, spent a lot of time figuring out how to shop correctly, choose a product and a reliable seller. And now, the moment of the first order has come, but to complete the checkout process, you need to write the delivery address in Latin letters.

But how to do it right? You are used to writing the address only in Russian, but here you need to somehow write in English. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in filling in the address. Everything is very simple. The most important thing is to write the index correctly. It is at the specified index that the parcel will arrive at your post office, and already there the postal employees will need your address in order to send you a notice of the parcel. Therefore, the address must be written in such a way that they can understand it at the post office.

If you write the index incorrectly, then your package will make a short trip. First, she will come to another post office using the wrong index, and already there the postal workers will read your address, understand that you made a mistake, edit the index and send your package to the correct post office.

If you made a mistake in writing the address, but the index is correct, then you just need to track the parcel from Aliexpress by the track number. As soon as it arrives in your mail, immediately take your passport with you (to confirm your identity and that the package is intended for you) and go get it before it goes back to the sender due to the wrong address.

Instructions on how to write an address in Latin (English) letters

1)County- here we write the country. The country needs to be translated into English
State/Province/Region- area.
city- City.
Google translator will help you translate the country and city
2) The subsequent address is written for the employee on your mail, so you need to write it in such a way that it is clear to him.
The address is written using the Latin alphabet. You don't need to translate the words. Otherwise, your postman will not understand anything
Street Address - here we write down the street, house number, building, apartment

Zip / Postal Code - index (post office number). The index will help to find you, even if you have errors in the address. The index can be specified on the Russian Post website.

Write the address in Russian letters to convert them to Latin spelling
color:#0C3A45; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background:#F2F2F2;">

We also write abbreviations in Latin letters:
boulevard - boulevard
village - der.
house - d. or dom
name - im.
quarter - quarter
apartment - kv
region - obl.
lane - per.
village - pos.

Address example:
292397 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, ul. Esenina, dom 8-2, kv 14

Don't forget to include phone numbers:
Tel - landline phone number. You need to write only numbers (without brackets and dashes). We start with the country code. (7 - code of Russia). Then the area code and then your number.
Mobile is yours mobile phone. We write in the same way with a code with a country code. (7 - for Russia) then the operator code and your number.
Phone numbers are needed so that postal workers can contact you in case of any problems.

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