How to draw a bull step by step with a pencil for beginners. How to draw a bull with a pencil in stages? — Useful information for everyone

    The bull is an animal with a very unpredictable character, he can stand calmly and not touch anyone, but in a split second change his mood and chase the target. Therefore, a ring is inserted into the bull's nostrils, you take it by the ring and the bull will stop being aggressive, it hurts him there.

    A diagram of how to draw a ferocious bull animal in stages, but you can color it at your discretion.

    Young bull or calf together with the child, you can draw in stages with a simple pencil.

    Let's start drawing simple figures, which we will further complicate. Let's finish the drawing by coloring the figure of the animal.

    We start by drawing an oval and just above a small circle, which we then connect with smooth lines. Three lines down from the oval, these are the future legs.

    Now we are trying to draw the head, first its contours, and then the small details.

    Then we move on to the front legs, and then the hind legs.

    When the calf is fully drawn, it can be turned into a young bull only by painting small horns for now.

    Then we take paints or pencils and complete the image.

    You can also draw an adult bull as in the picture in stages.

    Drawing tutorial here.

    The bull is a very strong ferocious animal and it is better not to anger him once again, not to pretend to be a brave matador in the arena, waving a red rag testing his patience in front of the bull.

    Drawing a bull is not easy, the animal is large with a warlike muzzle, therefore I offer here such a rather simple cartoon video master class, how to draw such a bull, as in the photo above with a pencil in stages.

    Let's draw a bull. To do this, take the necessary inventory (pencils, clean paper and an eraser). The following stages of drawing can be distinguished:

    First step. Let's make the outlines of a bull, for this we will draw three round figures.

    Second phase. We begin to draw the muzzle of the bull, we will show its horns, ears and the bottom of the head.

    Third stage. We continue to draw the details of the muzzle: we show the eyes, nose and mouth.

    Fourth stage. We draw the front legs of the bull.

    Fifth stage. Draw the back of the body and legs.

    Sixth stage. We draw a tail and hooves.

    Seventh stage. This is the final stage, take the eraser and erase the auxiliary lines in the figure. And the final drawing looks like:

    The bull is almost outwardly similar to a cow, but it does not have an udder, and he himself is larger, more powerful, with large horns, and sometimes they also have a beard and bangs. In the first option, there will be a drawing of a not entirely realistic bull, although he would definitely be champions in a bullfight.

    In order to draw a bull it is necessary to mark three circles - the head, chest and back of the animal:

    Then start drawing the aggressive muzzle and horns:

    So gradually shape the muscular body of the bull and do not forget to erase the auxiliary lines:

    The finished drawing can be shaded with a pencil, or painted with paints, you can do it, for example, like this:

    And here's another example step by step drawing bull, in which it turns out to be more realistic:

    In order to draw a bull, you need to take more or less simple drawing(because if you get carried away with drawing, any simple drawing can be complicated later). In principle, a bull is drawn in the same way as a cow, only it has tougher features, a more vicious look, a powerful body, and of course, if you draw a bull from the side, then there is no need to draw an udder. For example, you can take the following pictures:

    I propose to draw a bull with a pencil in stages like this.

The bull is an amazingly strong and powerful animal. Since ancient times, people have worshiped the bull, deifying it. For example, in and bulls and are currently, and among the ancient Slavs, the bull was considered a symbol of power and wealth. And what grace, strength they show at bullfights! If you have touched the world you might want to know how to draw a bull.

Beginning of work

Before you start creating a drawing of a bull, you need to decide on its location on paper. Such a powerful animal must certainly be in the center, although if you have chosen a certain plot and several characters, you will need to pre-select a place for each of them.

Let's look at how to draw a bull in stages:

  1. To start creating a drawing of a bull, you will need to mark out the main parts of the figure using straight lines. This is the place and size of the head, neck, torso, as well as the place where the legs start from.
  2. In accordance with the markup, we single out its main parts: ovals are the head, torso and neck of the animal; big circle draw to indicate the location of a powerful chest. Another slightly flattened circle will mark the location of the back of the bull.
  3. How to draw a bull so that no one doubts that it is he? Of course, the horns will help. They can be curved and long, but there are also very small ones. In any case, this is a formidable tool that gives the bull a ferocious and dangerous look. Let's draw the basis of the future bullish pride - two semicircles at the top of the head. Also add a semicircle for the tail.
  4. The broken lines denote the four legs of the animal. The forelimbs are slightly longer than the hind limbs.

Body shaping

Now that the preparation of the drawing is completed, let's proceed to the design of the body of the animal. The following steps will help us with this:

  • With circles of different diameters, we will draw the locations of the shoulder and shoulder blades of the front leg, the coccyx and the widest places of the hips of the bull.
  • Small ovals indicate the nose and cheekbones.
  • The second semicircle will continue the tail, and in small circles we mark the junctions of the bones on the legs - the knee part and the hoof area.
  • Outlining general outline powerful animal body. With separate strokes we continue the line of the front leg to the shoulder blade.

Outlining the body, we slightly move away from the preparatory lines, rounding the curves between circles and ovals with smooth movements. If you are still interested in how to draw a bull with a pencil, then let's move on to the final stage of the design of the work.

Final stage

The impression of the work done depends on this stage, because it is at the final stage that the drawing is finalized. How to draw a bull?

We outline with smooth lines the horns, tail and missing legs of the majestic animal. Let's locate the eyes and ears on the face. Rigid, confident lines define the chest, sides and withers of the animal. On the tail, do not forget to draw a small tuft of wool.

We erase the auxiliary lines, draw an angry look, use bold lines to highlight the main contours of the body and, of course, do not forget about the animal. The bull is ready for the bullfight!

Now you know how to draw a bull - a powerful and formidable animal, which is famous for its ferocious temper and strength.

This article is from the topic "Drawing Cattle".

We are with you already. Well, a bull is a male cow. Here you go in the village past a cattle grazing on a leash and think: oh, they say, cows are quieter, and bulls butt heads ... Oh, and who is this? If only to find out... If this is not some super-elite manufacturer with unthinkable articles, then you can’t really distinguish it, only by gender. So you look out with caution - is there an UDDER, or how ...

But let's move on to the lesson - how to draw a Bull.

The drawing will be like this - very convincing, in my opinion.

Let's start with a pencil sketch:

If you want to learn how to draw (a bull, for example), then start not with external contours and not with details. Start with a sketch in the most in general terms. And another tip: when the sketch is done, leave it until tomorrow or at least for an hour. Then look with a fresh eye - how good this bull looks on the sheet - not great? not small? whether the proportions are observed, whether all the legs are on the same plane and whether these pairs of legs are the same. If the strategic plan is good, then we start drawing.

First - the largest - is the torso. The back is not straight - there is a hump at the withers and the sacrum protrudes strongly. the belly is tucked up, but a very large skin fold hangs on the neck - an earring.

Now let's move on to the legs. First, for example, draw the hind legs of a bull. All herbivores have very cleverly arranged legs - they walk on hooves, which are modified fingernails. There is everything in the leg - thigh-shin-tarsus-tarsus-phalanxes of the fingers ... but all this is not like ours. And therefore, we do not draw on the machine, but consciously observe all the necessary folds:

The front legs, although they look straighter, are also cunningly arranged and we draw without relaxing:

Head? Let's. It looks conical-triangular. The eyes are set not just wide, but very wide. And therefore the large nose is not impressive.

Now we need to complete the drawing by indicating that our bull is a super man:

Such is the picture - a bull. Everything is with him, this is, in fact, not a cow.

Marina Novikova told you how to draw a bull.

This article is from the topic "Drawing Cattle".

We have already learned how to draw a cow. Well, a bull is a male cow. Here you go in the village past a cattle grazing on a leash and think: oh, they say, cows are quieter, and bulls butt heads ... Oh, and who is this? If only to find out... If this is not some super-elite manufacturer with unthinkable articles, then you won’t really distinguish it, only by gender. So you look out with caution - is there an UDDER, or how ...

But let's move on to the lesson - how to draw a Bull.

The drawing will be like this - very convincing, in my opinion.

Let's start with a pencil sketch:

If you want to learn how to draw (a bull, for example), then start not with external contours and not with details. Start with a sketch in the most general terms. And another tip: when the sketch is done, leave it until tomorrow or at least for an hour. Then look with fresh eyes - how good this bull looks on the sheet - not big? not small? whether the proportions are observed, whether all the legs are on the same plane and whether these pairs of legs are the same. If the strategic plan is good, then we start drawing.

First - the largest - is the torso. The back is not straight - there is a hump at the withers and the sacrum protrudes strongly. the belly is tucked up, but a very large skin fold hangs on the neck - an earring.

Now let's move on to the legs. First, for example, draw the hind legs of a bull. All herbivores have very cleverly arranged legs - they walk on hooves, which are modified fingernails. There is everything in the leg - thigh-shin-tarsus-tarsus-phalanxes of fingers ... but all this is not like ours. And therefore, we do not draw on the machine, but consciously observe all the necessary folds:

The front legs, although they look straighter, are also cunningly arranged and we draw without relaxing:

Head? Let's. It looks conical-triangular. The eyes are set not just wide, but very wide. And therefore the large nose is not impressive.

Now we need to complete the drawing by indicating that our bull is a super man:

This is the drawing of a bull. Everything is with him, this is, in fact, not a cow.

Marina Novikova told you how to draw a bull.

Not all novice artists know how to draw a bull. But, fortunately, in this task, in fact, there is nothing complicated. The main thing to remember is that bulls are rather large creatures, often prone to very aggressive behavior. These are their qualities and should be reflected in your drawing. In addition, bulls, unlike cows, never have an udder, and their horns, as a rule, are somewhat longer.
Before you draw a bull in stages, you should definitely prepare all the items you need for this:
one). Pencil;
2). A set of pencils of various colors;
3). A gel pen with a black refill;
4). Eraser;
five). paper.
If everyone necessary materials ready, you can draw a bull with a pencil, and then color the finished image. It is best to draw a bull step by step:
1. First, draw the body of a bull, which is shaped like a rectangle;

2. Draw a powerful neck to the body;
3. Draw a head to the neck, which should be slightly tilted;
4. After that, with light lines, mark the location of the front and hind legs. With a curved line, outline the bull's tail;
5. Draw the front legs of the bull. Please note that they must be thick and muscular enough, because they hold the imposing body of the animal. Draw cloven hooves;
6. Focusing on the previously drawn lines, depict the hind legs of the bull, which should also be strong and not thin. In addition, the hind legs should have a bend. Draw hooves, remembering that the bull is an artiodactyl animal;
7. Draw the tail. Draw the back and stomach, because they do not have to be absolutely straight;

8. Draw curved horns on the bull's head;
9. Behind the horns draw the ears. On the face of the bull, draw small eyes, swollen nostrils and mouth;
10. Having understood how to draw a bull in stages with a pencil, you can proceed to coloring it. But first you need to carefully circle the pencil sketch with a pen, and then remove it with an eraser;
11. With a gray and black pencil, shade the horns, hooves, mouth and nostrils;
12. Paint over the inside of the ear with a flesh-colored pencil, and the entire body of the bull with a light brown;
13. Shade the bull with brown pencils;
14. With a red-brown pencil, as well as a light brown pencil, shade the ground. in green color the grass.

The drawing of the bull is ready! Now, knowing how to draw a bull, you can color its image with felt-tip pens or paints.

Beginning of work

Before you start creating a drawing of a bull, you need to decide on its location on paper. Such a powerful animal must certainly be in the center, although if you have chosen a certain plot and several characters, you will need to pre-select a place for each of them.

Let's look at how to draw a bull in stages:

  1. To start creating a drawing of a bull, you will need to mark out the main parts of the figure using straight lines. This is the place and size of the head, neck, torso, as well as the place where the legs start from.
  2. In accordance with the markup, we single out its main parts: ovals are the head, torso and neck of the animal; draw a large circle to indicate the location of a powerful chest. Another slightly flattened circle will mark the location of the back of the bull.
  3. How to draw a bull so that no one doubts that it is he? Of course, the horns will help. They can be curved and long, but there are also very small ones. In any case, this is a formidable tool that gives the bull a ferocious and dangerous look. Let's draw the basis of the future bullish pride - two semicircles at the top of the head. Also add a semicircle for the tail.
  4. The broken lines denote the four legs of the animal. The forelimbs are slightly longer than the hind limbs.

Body shaping

Now that the preparation of the drawing is completed, let's proceed to the design of the body of the animal. The following steps will help us with this:

  • With circles of different diameters, we will draw the locations of the shoulder and shoulder blades of the front leg, the coccyx and the widest places of the hips of the bull.
  • Small ovals indicate the nose and cheekbones.
  • The second semicircle will continue the tail, and in small circles we mark the junctions of the bones on the legs - the knee part and the hoof area.
  • We outline the general outline of the powerful body of the animal. With separate strokes we continue the line of the front leg to the shoulder blade.

Outlining the body, we slightly move away from the preparatory lines, rounding the curves between circles and ovals with smooth movements. If you are still interested in how to draw a bull with a pencil, then let's move on to the final stage of the design of the work.

Final stage

The impression of the work done depends on this stage, because it is at the final stage that the drawing is finalized. How to draw a bull?
We outline with smooth lines the horns, tail and missing legs of the majestic animal. Let's locate the eyes and ears on the face. Rigid, confident lines define the chest, sides and withers of the animal. On the tail, do not forget to draw a small tuft of wool.

We erase the auxiliary lines, draw an angry look, use bold lines to highlight the main contours of the body and, of course, do not forget about the ring in the nose of the animal. The bull is ready for the bullfight!

Now you know how to draw a bull - a powerful and formidable animal, which is famous for its ferocious temper and strength.

What You'll Be Creating

Although cows may not seem like the most graceful animals, they are excellent material to study. In this tutorial, I'll show you everything you need to know about cow anatomy, as well as bison, buffalo, and yak. You will learn about their body structure, characteristic features and how to draw various details so that your drawn animal looks like a real bull, not a horse or a horned dog.

You can explore them all one by one, or just choose your favorite. Ready to try?

Draw a cow

Let's start with the cow. Just like with dogs, people have created many breeds of cattle for their needs, so there are cows of various shapes and sizes. We are going to focus on the most classic form, but feel free to modify it to create your own breed.


The cow skeleton will be our basis for other species. There are a few features worth remembering:

  • Although the body may look like a horse at first, cows have shorter legs and necks;
  • The skull is large and long;
  • The chest is very broad;
  • There is a hump on the shoulder created by the spine;
  • The hooves are cloven like those of a deer.
cow skeleton

We can simplify the skeleton to this basic pose. However, we still have a lot to learn in order to create a believable cow body.

Simplified skeleton


Cows are usually short-haired, so the muscles can stand out a lot under the skin. By drawing them you can get rid of the effect of a flat body. It is important that there is loose skin under the cow's throat and neck, so it looks wider than it really is. This is especially noticeable on a strong bull.

Use arrows to better remember muscles
Cow muscles

Body features

  1. Males and females may have horns, depending on the breed. Their form is very different;
  2. The ears are long and wide;
  3. The shoulder hump need not be very distinctive, but it is good to emphasize it for a strong bull;
  4. The tail is long and with a tuft of hair, used to drive away flies;
  5. The chest is crucial to the type of cow;
  6. The belly is rounded.
Body features of a cow


The body can be easily divided into simple parts that will help you create a neat silhouette.

Follow the arrows to draw the correct silhouette for the cows


We will learn about the head later, but for now just keep in mind that cows are a good template for every cattle.

cow head

Draw an American bison

The American bison is a great base for some creature from hell, a bloodthirsty monster. Look at this hump!


It is important to understand the bison's skeletal structure in order to properly plan your pose. Without this, you might be under the impression that bison have huge shoulders when they actually look very much like cows. The anatomically characteristic hump helps create the strength needed to control a heavy head.

American bison skeleton

Body features

  1. The "real" head is hidden under fur, making it look larger than it really is;
  2. Both sexes have horns, which are rather short, and thinner and slightly twisted in females;
  3. The hump is much less pronounced in females;
  4. The tail is short and with a tuft of hair;
  5. The mouth has a distinctive "beard";
  6. A thick mane covers the front of the body;
  7. "Pantaloons" look like an extension of the mane.

When it comes to colors, the bison's fur is dark brown and the front and bottom are darker.

Features of the American bison body


When drawing a silhouette, the most important thing is to emphasize the large front and inconspicuous back.

Follow the arrows to draw the proper bison silhouette


  1. The mane needs to be added to make the head look bigger;
  2. The muzzle may be slightly shorter than in cows;
  3. The ears are small, fluffy and not very distinctive.
The head of a bison is the head of a cow hidden under the fur.

Draw an African buffalo

African buffaloes are very ferocious animals, just as dangerous to humans as lions, although they may not look like that. Let's see how to draw!


Again, we have a typical cow skeleton, the main difference being the structure of the tail and the thick, overlapping ribs.

African buffalo skeleton

Body features

  1. Both sexes have large and thick horns;
  2. The hump is not very distinctive;
  3. The thighs are clearly visible under the skin;
  4. The tail is long and with a tuft of hair;
  5. The belly is rounded.

Body color - dark chocolate or black.

African buffalo body features


Like a skeleton, the silhouette is very similar to a cow. Pay attention to the area of ​​the hip joint.

Follow the arrows to create the correct silhouette for the African buffalo


  1. The horns are rooted in the forehead, covering it;
  2. The ears are very broad and set behind the horns, with a characteristic "fringe";
  3. The eyes look angry.
The African buffalo looks like an angry cow with fluffy ears and huge horns.

Draw a yak

Furry yaks are not very popular animals, but can you imagine something better for the frozen land?


Here the resemblance to cows is still very noticeable. Note the hump and short tail.

yak skeleton

Body features

  1. The head is covered with fur, but not as much as that of the aurochs;
  2. Both sexes have long thin and twisted horns;
  3. The hump is well defined and it slides over the neck;
  4. The tail, although short, is covered with long hair that he looks equine;
  5. Legs very short under coat;
  6. The whole body is covered with thick fur, but long strands of hair are visible in the lower part of the body.

The fur is usually dark, brown or black. Domesticated yaks sometimes have breeding for white fur.

Yak body features


The silhouette is neat, lined with fur.

Follow the arrows to create the correct silhouette for the yak


  1. Ears are small;
  2. The forehead is covered with a curly fringe.
As if they added a long horn and a thick fringe to a cow's head



We will learn how to draw a cow's head in each position, and then using the tips above you can modify it to create other views.

Step 1

Create a head from three circles

Step 2

Add nose

Step 3

Define the eye area

Step 4

Define eye ridges

Step 5

Add an eye between the ridges

Step 6

Determine a place for the horns

Step 7

Add ears

Step 8

draw the outlines


The hooves of each type of cow are bifurcated, with four "fingers".

Step 1

Start with certain "ankles" and fingers

Step 2

Determine the top of the hooves

Step 3

Add domes to them

Step 4

Use guide lines to outline the hooves


To draw horns correctly, you need to know a few rules of perspective. Most horns will have a circular cross section and these circles will shrink into ellipses as they turn away from you.

Horns dramatically change their shape when turning

The easiest way to simulate this phenomenon when working with more complex twisted horns is to divide them into cylinders and cones.

1 - bison, 2 - buffalo, 3 - yak


The eyes of any cattle are large and round, but they may appear smaller in furrier species or breeds. They are mostly dark, with horizontal pupils and long eyelashes. Some may show white eyeballs, especially when the eyes are wide open.

Draw the eyes round and dark


The ears are broad and usually rounded, with characteristic depressions. These three depressions are most prominent in buffaloes.

Draw the ears with three indentations


The mouth is very important to the overall bovine appearance. The lips should be thick and small, while the openings in the nose should be large and ready to open wider when needed.

Draw the nose as part of the mouth


Now you know how to draw a cow, an American bison, an African buffalo and a yak, and you can use these features to draw your own imaginary creatures. If you liked this tutorial, check out my other tutorials as well - we have many animal tutorials like this one!