A complicated case is a summary of Saltykov Shchedrin. Alexander Bogdanov - a complicated case

real bacteria. Archaebacteria. oxyphotobacteria


For each question, choose one correct answer from the four given.

A1. All bacteria that inhabit the planet Earth are united in the kingdom

1) Prokaryotes

3) Plants

4) Animals

A2. They do not have a formalized core

2) plants

3) bacteria

4) animals

AZ. The bacterial flagellum is an organelle for

1) movement

2) protein storage

3) breeding

4) transfers adverse conditions

A4. Bacterial spores serve to

1) supply

2) breathing

3) breeding

4) transferring adverse conditions

A5. Organisms that feed on ready-made organic substances are called

2) autotrophs

3) anaerobes

4) heterotrophs

A6. Organisms that take in oxygen during respiration are called

1) aerobes

2) anaerobes

3) autotrophs

4) heterotrophs

A7. Turn the remains of dead bodies of organisms into non organic matter bacteria

1) destroyers

2) symbionts

3) nodule

4) pathogenic

A8*. The mode of nutrition of most cyanobacteria is

1) photosynthesis

2) fermentation

4) rotting

A9*. Methane-producing bacteria live in

1) swamps

2) salt lakes

3) plant roots

4) spring water


A. Chemosynthesis - the process of formation of organic substances due to the energy of inorganic compounds.

B. Kefir is produced using fermentation bacteria.

1) Only A is true

2) Only B is true

3) Both statements are correct

4) Both judgments are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements. The bacterial cell contains

1) Decorated core

2) Chloroplast

3) Cytoplasm

4) Outer membrane

5) Mitochondria

6) Flagellum

B3. Establish a correspondence between the nutritional characteristics and the ecological group of bacteria.


A. They feed on the juices of living organisms, harming them

B. They themselves form organic substances due to the energy of sunlight

B. Carry out the transformation of organic substances of dead bodies into inorganic compounds


1) Destroyers

3) Autotrophs

IN 1.

Organisms that themselves produce organic substances are classified as ... (A), and organisms that absorb ready-made organic substances are ... (B). Of these, plant organisms in which sunlight is the primary source of energy are called ... (B).

Glossary: ​​1. Phototrophs, 2. Autotrophs, 3. Heterotrophs

Answer: A-2, B-3, C-1


A1. The most ancient inhabitants of our planet -

2) Plants

3) Bacteria

4) Animals

A2. The hereditary material of the cell is not separated from the cytoplasm in

2) Plants

3) Bacteria

4) Animals

AZ. bacterial cell from environment separates

1) cytoplasm

3) nuclear envelope

4) outer membrane

A4. Bacterial cells multiply

1) disputes

2) flagella

3) sections of the cytoplasm

4) cell division

A5. Organisms that are able to synthesize organic substances from inorganic compounds are called

2) anaerobes

3) autotrophs

4) heterotrophs

A6. Organisms that live in an oxygen-free environment are called

2) anaerobes

3) autotrophs

4) heterotrophs

A7. Bacteria that interact with other organisms for mutual benefit are called

1) destroyers

2) symbionts

3) pathogenic

A8*. The mutually beneficial relationship between cyanobacteria and fungi is called

1) symbiosis

3) predation

4) competition

A9*. Halobacteria live in

1) swamps

2) salt lakes

3) plant roots

4) fresh water

B1. Are the following statements true?

A. Photosynthesis - the process of formation of organic substances due to the energy of sunlight.

B. Pathogenic bacteria affect only the human body and are not found in the body of plants and animals.

1) Only A is true

3) Only B is true

4) Both judgments are correct

5) Both judgments are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements.

Bacteria carry out life processes

1) cell division in half

2) propagation by seeds

3) breathing

4) tissue formation

5) food

6) organ formation

BZ. Establish a correspondence between the peculiarities of nutrition of bacteria and the way of nutrition.


A. Live in the bodies of other organisms and benefit them

B. Eat other bacteria

B. They themselves form organic substances due to the energy of inorganic compounds


1) Autotrophic

2) Symbiosis

3) Predation

Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

IN 1. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the numbers that represent the words from the dictionary.

The content of the bacterial cell limits ... (A). There is no ... (B) in a prokaryotic cell. Bacteria that absorb oxygen during respiration are called ... (C), and those that use other substances for oxidation are ... (D).

Glossary: ​​1. Anaerobes. 2. Plasma membrane. 3. Aerobes. 4. Nuclear envelope.

Answer: A-2, B-4, C-3, D-1

Test № 2.

bacteria. Mushrooms.

Option 1

    Single-celled organisms are grouped into a kingdom:

    fungi 3) plants

    bacteria 4) animals

    The formed nucleus is absent in the cell:

    fungi 3) bacteria

    plants 4)animals

    The bacterial flagellum is an organelle for:


    protein storage


    enduring adverse conditions

    Bacterial spores serve to:

    nutrition 3) breeding

    breathing 4) transferring adverse conditions

5. Biologists combine all mushrooms into a systematic group:

    genus 3) kingdom

    department 4) family

6. The main part of the boletus mushroom is:

    root 3) spores

    stem 4) mycelium

7. Mushrooms reproduce using:

    spore 3) seeds

    gamete 4) sperm

8. The mold fungus penicillium is used by a person to obtain:





A. Native sulfur and natural gas were formed as a result of the activity of bacteria.

B. Pathogenic bacteria affect only the human body and are not found in the body of plants and animals.

A. Mushrooms reproduce by spores or patches of mycelium.

B. A relationship is established between the roots of the tree and the mycelium of the hat fungus.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

11. Complete the table using the words and sentences from the dictionary.

The structure of a bacterial cell

Parts of a bacterial cell

The meaning of the parts of the cell


Nucleic acid


Glossary: ​​A. Serves for movement. B. Protects the contents of the cell.

B. Contains hereditary information.

12. Establish a correspondence between the feature of the life of organisms and their belonging to the kingdom of wildlife.

Kingdom of wildlife:

A) They feed by swallowing food 1) mushrooms

particles 2) Animals

B) Unlimited growth in most organisms

B) Active movement

D) They feed by absorption of substances.

D) immobile, lead an attached lifestyle

Full name_______________________________________________Class_________Date____________

Control work number 2.

bacteria. Mushrooms.

Option 2.

Choose one correct answer.

    The most ancient inhabitants of our planet are:

    mushrooms 3) bacteria

    plants 4) animals

    The hereditary material of the cell is located directly in the cytoplasm in:

    fungi 3) bacteria

    plants 4) animals

    The bacterial cell is separated from the environment by:

    cytoplasm 3) nuclear envelope

    flagellum 4) outer membrane

    Bacterial cells multiply:

    spores 3) sections of the cytoplasm

    flagella 4) cell division

5. The fruiting body of the boletus is formed:

    mycelium 3) escape

    roots 4) stem

6. The fruiting body of the boletus mushroom consists of:

    roots 3) kidneys

    shoots 4) hats and legs

7. Mold, or white coating, forms on bread:

    cap mushroom 3) yeast

    mushroom mucor 4) bacteria

8. Baker's yeast are:

    bacteria 3) plants

2) mushrooms 4) animals

9. Are the following statements true?

A. Bacterial cells can have different shapes.

B. Kefir is produced using fermentation bacteria.

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

10. Are the following statements true?

A. Yeast reproduces by seeds.

B. Mushrooms turn the remains of dead bodies into minerals

1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong

11. Complete the table using the words and sentences from the dictionary .

Vital activity of a bacterial cell

The life process of bacteria

How is it carried out


Enduring adverse conditions


Glossary: ​​A. By dividing in two. B. With the help of a flagellum. B. In the form of disputes.

12. Establish a correspondence between the feature of life and a group of organisms.

Life feature. group of organisms

A) Form organic substances in the light 1) Cap mushrooms

B) Reproduce by spores 2) Flowering plants

B) propagated by seeds

D) Eat by absorbing ready-made nutrients

A basic level of

For each question, choose one correct answer from the four given.

A1. The most ancient inhabitants of our planet -

  1. mushrooms
  2. plants
  3. bacteria
  4. animals

A2. The hereditary material of the cell is not separated from the cytoplasm in

  1. mushrooms
  2. plants
  3. bacteria
  4. animals

AZ. Separates the bacterial cell from the environment

  1. cytoplasm
  2. flagellum
  3. nuclear envelope
  4. outer membrane

A4. Bacterial cells multiply

  1. disputes
  2. flagella
  3. sections of the cytoplasm
  4. cell division

A5. Organisms that are able to synthesize organic substances from inorganic compounds are called

  1. aerobes
  2. anaerobes
  3. autotrophs
  4. heterotrophs

A6. Organisms that live in an oxygen-free environment are called

  1. aerobes
  2. anaerobes
  3. autotrophs
  4. heterotrophs

A7. Bacteria that interact with other organisms for mutual benefit are called

  1. destroyers
  2. symbionts
  3. pathogenic
  4. predatory

A8. The mutually beneficial relationship between cyanobacteria and fungi is called

A9. Halobacteria live in

  1. swamps
  2. salt lakes
  3. plant roots
  4. fresh water

- - - Answers - - -

A1-3; A2-3; A3-4; A4-4; A5-3; A6-2; A7-2; A8-1; A9-2.

Increased difficulty level

B1. Are the following statements true?

A. Photosynthesis - the process of formation of organic substances due to the energy of sunlight.
B. Pathogenic bacteria affect only the human body and are not found in the body of plants and animals.

  1. Only A is true
  2. Only B is true
  3. Both statements are correct
  4. Both statements are wrong

B2. Choose three true statements.

Bacteria carry out life processes

  1. cell division in half
  2. propagation by seeds
  3. breath
  4. tissue formation
  5. food
  6. organ formation

BZ. Establish a correspondence between the peculiarities of nutrition of bacteria and the way of nutrition.

Nutritional characteristics of bacteria

    A. Live in the bodies of other organisms and benefit them
    B. Eat other bacteria
    B. They themselves form organic substances due to the energy of inorganic compounds

Feeding method

  1. autotrophic
  2. Symbiosis
  3. Predation

Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

- - - Answers - - -

B1-1; B2-134; B3-231.

Alexander Alekseevich Bogdanov

confusing case

The train was approaching Bologoe station.

In the third grade, as usual, it was stuffy, cramped and smoky. The passengers, who managed to get to know each other, had an endless conversation.

Near the very exit of the carriage, in a friendly lively crowd, were sitting: a white-blooded, sickly woman in a red nanke shorty and a black kerchief, with a child in her arms; a soldier with three medals and George; an indefinite gentleman with glasses and a stern, handsome old man with a biblical gray beard, white fluffy eyebrows and long strands of hair cut almost at the shoulders. The old man looked like a sectarian.

We talked without a specific topic. The soldier conveyed the impressions of the war and asked about the harvest and about the village, which he yearned for. The woman complained about the high cost, scolded the merchants as robbers and bloodsuckers. Prasol awkwardly grunted and, as if justifying himself to someone, objected in a hoarse falsetto:

– The merchant class is not causal!.. Here you also need to have a correct understanding of what the main root of turnover is… The first thing is the disruption of transport, and the second is the ruble exchange rate… It also happens that ruble for ruble is imposed on merchants.

- You have a ruble, and you two! .. - the woman got excited. - Fill these sort of belly, and the influx does not take you ... Thousands of rake ...

- How lucky anyone too! .. - Prasol objected. - Who rakes, and who flies into the pipe ... Perhaps more, and inadvertently end up in prison.

“Whoever has a conscience, he will not get in…” the gray-bearded sectarian said sternly and impressively. – And that many of you sold your soul to Satan for the sake of worldly goods – this is also true!

Under the Bologoye station, an indefinite gentleman in glasses got off. A seat was vacated for a new passenger, a spiritual person in a worn blue cassock, a felt hat, wide boots and a gray canvas suitcase. Prasol grimaced, but moved to make room. The child cried.

“Nishkni you!” the woman yelled at him. "Then the deacon will put me in a sack... Deacon, put my Vassenka in a sack!"

The spiritual person affectionately bent down to the child:

- Shut up, shut up, dove! .. You see what a big bag I have!

The child goggled at his full black beard and fell silent.

While the train stopped at Bologoy, the conversation was interrupted. They looked through the windows at the station building and at the gendarme walking along the platform. The soldier ran to the sideboard for boiling water, took out of a canvas bag bread with pieces of bright red sausage, which had already begun to deteriorate, and settled down to drink tea.

“Look, what crowding! .. I don’t know where to sit down, take a steam bath with boiling water! ..

After much trouble and adjustment, he managed to get settled. He put his tin teapot on the floor, placed bread and sausage on a linen bag, and adjusted a white enamel mug on his knees.

- In a marching way! ..

- Nothing! .. - the woman remarked benevolently, pushing her legs further from the teapot. - In crowded but not mad…

Prasol hurried to make acquaintance with a spiritual person.

Will you be a deacon, father?

The one who was mistaken for a deacon or deacon did not immediately answer. He wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, straightened his shoulders, and said in a soft, good-natured tone:

- Yes, it seems like the father of the deacon ... I myself don’t know who ... the deacon or the priest! ..

Everyone turned to look at him curiously.

- It is even worthy of surprise! .. - he confirmed. - It seems as if according to a proverb: he goes there, he doesn’t know where, someone goes, he knows what ... But all sorts of twists and turns happen in the world - especially if you take into account war time... And what happened to me is very instructive ...

Prasol and the others craned their necks and eagerly prepared to listen. Noticing this, the clergyman began loquaciously:

– This is the sixth time I've told this story during the journey... And everyone who heard it was plunged into amazement. Perhaps I'll tell you again. Anyway, there is a lot of time before Petrograd ...

- Are you going to Petrograd, father deacon? ..

– To Petrograd… To the Holy Synod… So, I’m starting… You should notice that I was ordained a deacon by Bishop Anthony. Haven’t you heard of such a thing? .. And before being a deacon, I was a psalmist in the village of Laishevo, where my great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were also deacons, and died there ... I have little education, - I only reached the second grade of the seminary, - rhetoric , as they used to say. So I also tasted the art of literature - all sorts of concepts about tropes and metaphors and other embellishments of speech. And I didn’t finish the course because of illiteracy, I went in the first category, and circumstances family life so formed. My dad died, I still have two sisters in my arms, one smaller one, Olenka, needs to be taught at the diocesan school, the other Varya is a humpbacked cripple, you can’t marry such a woman, and even a sick mother in her arms. That's all this and tied my hands. According to my successes, they would take me to the state account in the bursa. And mother, if she were healthy, could have survived as prosphora no worse than others. Only mother had a chest disease, and therefore I had to tell all my dreams about the priesthood finis.

The woman with the child sighed.

– Our sister is sure to do so – she gets sick through the children. It's a joke to say, so I had nine of them ... If you endure everyone, then no health will be enough. How many of you did your mother have?

End of introductory segment.

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Born into a wealthy family of Evgraf Vasilyevich Saltykov, a hereditary nobleman and collegiate adviser, and Olga Mikhailovna Zabelina. He was educated at home - his first mentor was the serf painter Pavel Sokolov. Later, young Michael was educated by a governess, a priest, a seminary student, and his older sister. At the age of 10, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin entered the Moscow Noble Institute, where he demonstrated great academic success.

In 1838, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin entered the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There, for his academic success, he was transferred to study at public expense. In the lyceum, he began to write "free" poetry, ridiculing the surrounding shortcomings. Poems were weak, soon the future writer stopped doing poetry and did not like being reminded of the poetic experiences of his youth.

In 1841 the first poem "Lyra" was published.

In 1844, after graduating from the Lyceum, Mikhail Saltykov entered the service of the Office of the War Ministry, where he wrote free-thinking works.

In 1847 the first story "Contradictions" was published.

On April 28, 1848, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin was sent to a service transfer to Vyatka for the story "A Tangled Case" - away from the capital into exile. There he had an impeccable working reputation, did not take bribes and, enjoying great success, was well received in all houses.

In 1855, having received permission to leave Vyatka, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin left for St. Petersburg, where he became an official a year later. special assignments under the Minister of the Interior.

In 1858, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin was appointed vice-governor in Ryazan.

In 1860 he was transferred to Tver as vice-governor. During the same period, he actively collaborated with the magazines Moskovsky Vestnik, Russkiy Vestnik, Library for Reading, Sovremennik.

In 1862, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin retired and tried to found a magazine in Moscow. But the publishing project failed and he moved to St. Petersburg.

In 1863, he became an employee of the Sovremennik magazine, but due to microscopic fees, he was forced to return to the service again.

In 1864, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin was appointed chairman of the Penza State Chamber, and was later transferred to Tula in the same position.

In 1867 he was transferred to Ryazan as head of the Treasury.

In 1868, he again retired with the rank of a truly state councilor and wrote his main works “History of a City”, “Poshekhonskaya Antiquity”, “Diary of a Provincial in St. Petersburg”, “History of a City”.

In 1877, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin became the editor-in-chief of Otechestvennye Zapiski. He travels around Europe and meets Zola and Flaubert.

In 1880, the novel "Lord Golovlev" was published.

In 1884, the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine was closed by the government, and Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's health deteriorated sharply. He is ill for a long time.

In 1889, the novel "Poshekhonskaya antiquity" was published.

In May 1889, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin fell ill with a cold and died on May 10. He was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.