How to take revenge on the offender with the help. How to take revenge on a person who offends you, conspiracies

Every person has faced in his life with betrayal, dishonest fulfillment of promises and other things to which we usually react with resentment. Sometimes we are offended even when the offender had good reasons to let us down. This does not seem significant: the main thing is that our interests be observed at any cost.

They can offend us in almost any situation, unexpectedly, and even the people closest to us:

Feeling a strong offense, a person begins to think about revenge. It is widely believed that revenge must necessarily follow any insult and humiliation. Allegedly, this way you can prove to the whole world that you are a worthy person. Is this belief true?

As a rule, after a successful revenge, a person does not feel any relief. Maybe the desire for revenge is just a harmful reflex? Consider this example: a naval battle of sailing warships. A breach has been made in the side of your ship he's sinking. How to improve your position in this situation - should you fire back or close the gap? And what if the gap was created not by an enemy ship, but by some kind of cliff?

Revenge in the movies

Movies in which the main character takes revenge on the villains are very popular. We are following the development of these stories with great interest.. But pay attention to your feelings after the completion of these films. What is left but the joy of spectacular fight scenes and beautiful explosions?

You may notice that only sadness remains. It’s more interesting when the “villain” in the cinema is better revealed, his motivation is shown so that we can see: we probably wouldn’t be any different from him if we were in his place.

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, speaking on this topic, recommended watching the film "Gran Torino", describing it as "transformative". Indeed, there events develop in a somewhat non-standard way, and as a result, the viewer can experience a real catharsis.


An extreme manifestation of revenge for an offense is vendettas, common on some islands of the Mediterranean Sea until the beginning of the last century. They consisted in the fact that for the death of one's family member, one of the killer's family should certainly be killed. As a rule, each subsequent revenge became more and more cruel than the previous one, and often both warring clans were exterminated to the last man as a result. And pay attention: after all, both clans took revenge, and not just thoughtlessly killed. Both had reason to be offended.

Nothing more, no one else ... No one else, except for that raven - there is no one to shoot at him ... (B. Okudzhava)

Blood feud is a barbaric custom that survives today only in the wildest regions. However, in civilized societies, many still want to take revenge, albeit in less radical ways, for their grievances. People don't understand that being offended is extremely infantile behavior. We learn it in infancy, when we understand that with the help of our resentment, we can blackmail parents and peers, receiving certain benefits: sweets, ice cream and affection.

Children's grievances

Offended, you can demand more from a kind mother than she would like to give us herself. Perhaps she has a small salary and cannot afford a new toy or sweets now, but when she sees her offended child, she will not be able to resist and will be forced to spend more than the family budget allows. The inability to plan for the future is another infantile trait. It is thanks to her that the child finds it possible to manipulate parents who have good reasons not to satisfy all his whims.

If such a child grows up without getting rid of infantile character traits, he seeks to use black magic and conspiracies to take revenge on the enemy, to humiliate him so that he suffers. He knows no other joy than how to cruelly take revenge on the enemy, ruin a person's life. The problem is that this joy is not too big . The desire for revenge is one of those that are more pleasant to imagine than to realize, and inside after revenge there is only emptiness, the realization that nothing has changed for the better.

How to act wiser?

If the offense inflicted on you is reversible - they spoiled some of your things, did not return the money debt, then you should simply deal with the restoration of the damage. Be calm: karma will take care of the offender. Remember what happens to leading vendettas? A person who allows himself unscrupulous treatment of others, digs a hole for himself, into which he will one day have to fall. You don't even have to push it. So forgive him and forget, you now have more important things to do: repair the damage done. You must react as if the damage was caused by a natural disaster or bad weather. You do not take offense at bad weather - just take an umbrella.

If you have been offended, and strong feelings are seething in you, such as anger, rage, indignation, you become an easy object for manipulation. You can easily become a victim of a scammer, for example, who will sell you a pseudo-magical "conspiracy". How to punish a person for meanness, he will not tell you, but he will replenish the wallet of the fake sorcerer (and significantly facilitate yours).

In any situation, you should take care of your well-being. Harming someone is not in your best interest. Moreover, this gives rise to the risk that they will want to play dirty tricks on you in return, and this will last indefinitely. Don't you have something more interesting to do?

Even Plato in the dialogue "State" cited Socrates' reasoning about justice. It is difficult to imagine a reader who has become acquainted with him, who then would like to take revenge on someone. In this dialogue, it is very simply explained that a person who has committed a bad deed is bad. And justice is doing good deeds. If you harm a bad person, then he will become even worse from this. And that means you will be unfair. Therefore, it will be fair not to harm even bad people, so that they do not become even worse from this.

two frogs

You are so eager to judge the sins of others. Start with your own, and you will not get to strangers. (W. Shakespeare)

This quote says the same thing that Jesus says in the New Testament: you see a speck in someone else's eye, but you don't notice the beam in your own. The point here is to focus on your development. In any situation, you should make efforts to become stronger yourself. Remember the parable about the two frogs drowning in sour cream? One of them was offended by the whole world and drowned. The second one began to quickly touch with its paws, the sour cream turned into butter, and the frog was able to get out. If she started plotting revenge on the man who left the pot of sour cream open, nothing good would come of it.

It's time to stop looking for someone to blame. It's time to become an adult. It's time for us all to grow up. It's time for all of us to stop looking for someone to blame. This is the first sign of growing up - stop looking for someone to blame. (I. Vyrypaev)

Transferring responsibility to another person is very easy, pleasant and convenient. But not everyone thinks about the consequences of this. The baby has no choice: he does not have his own means and is completely dependent on his parents, only they can buy him a toy or candy.

But growing up, a person must realize that more and more actions become available to him. Already, having discovered that there is no candy in the pocket, there is no need to viciously kick mom's shoe, as some children do. You can go to the store and buy yourself candy with your salary.

When does a person, being already an adult, retains this childish mental mechanism that in case of trouble, one must certainly be offended by someone, he may face a number of unpleasant consequences.

Hatred is the acquisitiveness of love. (E. Brodetsky)

According to this psychologist, even hatred is just our attempt to get love. What is there to say about resentment? Being offended, we try to demand some dividends from the offender.

Mom, reluctantly, can close her eyes to the whims of her child and still give him the desired treat. If, as an adult, he behaves this way at work, the boss can simply fire him. Colleagues will not understand him either.

If you're feeling left out, it's greener to just go public with your feelings. And if they didn’t hear you, then quit and find a job with a more suitable psychological climate for you.

A lit candle will continue to shine until it burns out and goes out. Our life is just as short, and it's stupid to waste it on petty grievances. . You will be the first to suffer from them.. If you come up with a way to annoy someone who, in your opinion, is to blame, to frame him, the suffering will only become more, not less. Now, besides you, one more person will suffer. It is more expedient to think about how to make suffering in the world less.

Moreover, resentment can even lead to illness. But this is a topic for another article and on another topic.

Below are some practices that can have a beneficial effect on your mental state and spiritual well-being if you have been offended:


A good way to improve your life is prayer. If you spend at least an hour a day in prayer, gradually resentment will begin to let go of you. “Thy will be done”, “Lord have mercy” - is it possible, after such words, to maintain an egoistic desire to harm someone, to hurt?

Rune Evaz

If you have found the courage to forgive your offenders, to let God himself reward them with what they deserve, this rune will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future. You can draw her somewhere in your house, carry her image with you, or at least get a tattoo with her. The less selfishness and resentment in you and the more stamina in resisting anger and outbursts of anger, the more benefits the Rune of Forgiveness will bring you.

Forgiveness Sunday

In the Christian tradition, a special day has been allocated when forgiveness is given special attention - Forgiveness Sunday. It usually falls on February, the exact date varies from year to year. On this day, Christians not only forgive those whom they had a grudge against, but also ask for forgiveness from everyone around them. Everyone who was offended voluntarily or involuntarily. When you yourself ask for forgiveness, you understand that you yourself have offended someone, and this gives rise to a feeling of harmony in the world. You no longer feel undeservedly offended by someone, it becomes easier to forgive your offenders.


Famous esoteric Joe Vitale talks about the Hawaiian method of changing lives for the better, called "Hooponopono". According to him, a person who practiced it cured an entire psychiatric clinic simply by repeating a few words. Namely:

By repeating these words, filling them with sincere repentance and love and addressing the patients he met, doctors and even the walls of the building, Hugh Lin ensured that the clinic was closed: there was no one to treat, everyone was on the mend. Also, with the help of this technique, you can improve your health, and it can be performed completely unnoticed by others, repeating these words to yourself. Not a hindrance for her and distance.


Resentment is a harmful and infantile character trait that must be removed from your arsenal in order, no less, to survive in this difficult world. Your boss can piss you off as much as you like, but even if the reason for your anger is an unfair dismissal, the best option is to forgive. The same path is the best if your beloved woman did not live up to your expectations.

The expressions “smile / travel - it annoys everyone” are completely fair. This is exactly what the best revenge is - just focus on making your life beautiful and amazing. In the film "Merlin" with the inimitable Sean Connery, there was an evil witch that nothing could get through, except for one. She was defeated when everyone forgot about her and stopped paying attention to her. . We wish you to punish your offenders in the same way.

You are in a terrible state. Your boyfriend left you, he ruined everything you believed in, hoped for. If this person behaved meanly and cynically, offended by his behavior, exposed to ridicule, then it hurts doubly. And you decided to take revenge on the guy. Do you want him to endure at least a fraction of what you had to endure? Well, you can understand. The main thing is that in the heat of revenge, you do not get a taste and do stupid things. It is important to stop in time, to tell yourself “Stop!”.

When is revenge not worth it?

This step is often taken by women who still love a man. They cannot forgive him for ruining their plans for happiness and now sharing their lives with another. This is banal jealousy and resentment. Pay attention, maybe he still has hints that he also continues to dry for you. If so, then it is better not to take revenge, but to try to improve relations, to push him to action, which allows him to return to his former harmony.

The second point - there is no need to take revenge if he offended you reluctantly, involuntarily. It also happens, many of us become victims of circumstances. Perhaps he was framed, or he was misled.

You yourself have become a victim of your own fantasies. Remember, did he offer you friendship, love? From the very beginning you did not let him pass, you pursued him everywhere. And when they starved out, he reluctantly began a relationship with you. The logical result was his departure, passion for another girl. And this is normal, because he did not love you and did not promise anything. It turns out that you took revenge on yourself by the current situation. Who to be offended now? Only for yourself. And there’s nothing to take revenge on this guy, let him go and don’t pursue him anymore. Get your hands on it!

Before you take revenge - think a hundred times

Most recently, everything was fine in your couple. It seemed that everyone around was admiring your sincere and tender relationship. And the moment came when you found out about his infidelity, dishonesty. In this case, revenge, of course, is justified. But is it worth punishing the offender for what he did to you? It cannot be said that some marginal part of the female sex burns with the desire to take revenge. Almost all the girls and ladies who have been deceived and offended draw in their thoughts the most sophisticated methods of returning pain. Yes, revenge is the return of betrayal, pain, humiliation. We want him to experience the same thing as us. To roll on your knees and beg for forgiveness.

The first thing to do is to cool down. You can’t think about revenge in the heat of ardor, at the moment of a surge of emotions, when the soul hurts and disgusts. Wait at least 1-2 weeks. It is best to leave and preferably on vacation. If possible, go to the sea, to a country boarding house and breathe fresh air, meet new people, “dilute” your life. Fresh faces, interesting conversations, entertainment and relaxation will bring positive impressions and calm the heated passions in your soul.

And then think about whether it is worth it to spend strength and nerves on his punishment. Will you get relief? Of course, all psychologists say that it is absolutely impossible to suppress negative emotions. It’s also not worth plucking them at your loved ones and relatives - they are not to blame for anything. The only person who deserves your attacks is he, the one who hurt and offended. But here you need to think about how to take revenge.

How not to take revenge

Before describing for you the best and most effective methods of punishing an offender, we suggest studying something that should never be decided on.

  1. Do not cause bodily harm.
  2. Don't punish your opponent.
  3. Don't think about suicide.
  4. Do not curse and do not run around grandmothers.
  5. Don't damage his property.
  6. Don't damage your opponent's property.

Revenge must be beautiful

So, all the bad methods that can destroy not only him, but also your life, we have already brushed aside. Now let's move on to the list, which will reflect very elegant and effective methods of punishment. At first glance, they seem too soft, but this is only at first glance. After all, we decided to take revenge beautifully and wisely, which means we must be patient. Act, and as in the Chinese proverb, wait on the river bank for the "corpse" of your offender. Do not take it literally, "corpse" in a figurative sense.

Do not try to call him, and in general, change your mobile phone number. Men only pretend that they do not react to anything. In his heart, he hopes that you still pine for him and cut off his phone. Just imagine what a disappointment awaits him when there is complete silence. Of course, at this time it will be very difficult for you, you will “burn”, there will be boredom, longing for your beloved. Nothing - be patient. He is now in a more uncertain state.

Don't hesitate to stay at home. But do not communicate with your ex in the same company. It is better to make new friends, otherwise he will think that you are purposely trying to meet him once again. But don't lose touch with your friends. Let them tell him that everything is fine with you, the rhythm of life has not changed, have a great time, do not get bored and do not cry into the pillow.

Ignore his presence. Even if you received an invitation from a common girlfriend for your birthday, go boldly and do not be afraid of anything. Now I will tell you a very interesting situation that will help you beautifully and gracefully take revenge on the offender.

Galina and Sasha started dating about a week before he became interested in another girl. We've known each other for a long time, but it seems that relations have begun to improve. Every day he came to visit, invited for a walk, gave flowers. Everything indicated that the guy was in love and wanted to develop relationships. It cannot be said that Galya was burning with desire, but nevertheless she felt sympathy for him in her soul. So, there were kisses and caresses, fortunately it did not reach the bed.

And then, at mutual friends wedding. Naturally, our heroine was sure that Alexander would be her gentleman, it seems like they started dating. But no, as soon as the blonde appeared on the part of the groom's relatives, he immediately forgot about the existence of Galina. Was unpleasant. In her thoughts, Galya thought it was good that we had not gone far, otherwise she would feel spat on.

So, at the end of the wedding celebrations, Sasha and the Blonde went together to the same hotel room. The second day of the wedding took place at the dacha of friends. Galina thought for a long time, to go, not to go. And then she spat and decided that such a womanizer and nonentity like this Sasha is not worth it for her to refuse to rest and communicate with friends.

Arriving at the place, she decided that she would not even look in the direction of the womanizer. Sasha appeared with a blonde, they gently whispered something in the ear of a friend. Galina - zero attention. Moreover, when they clinked glasses, she smiled, extended her hand along with everyone, but did not look the offender in the eyes. Approximately 2 hours after the start of the banquet, he could not stand it and began to run after our heroine. Moreover, he knelt before her.

It would seem, what did she do? Ignored - and this is the strongest blow to male pride. Of course, she did not give him a second chance, but the poor blonde was also abandoned. She gave birth to a boy 9 months later. And Sasha married a simple and modest girl, but it didn’t work out and he drank himself.

Become a happy and successful girl. Perhaps this is a real "uppercut" on the former. It will be difficult for him to put up with the fact that after parting with you, you do not need anything, enjoy life, you can afford anything. And of course, it will hurt him just to think that you fell in love and this feeling is mutual. How to achieve all this? Yes, it's simple:

  1. Engage in your own self-development. Study, look for an interesting job, grow up the career ladder. Work and study will help to distract from heavy thoughts and very soon completely dissolve them.
  2. Take up some hobby. Sign up for courses, in the studio, dance, write poetry, bake cakes.
  3. There will come a moment when your revenge will turn into a profitable occupation, and then, you will be completely indifferent to how the ex feels. Isn't it cool to watch his facial expression when you, like a butterfly, will fly out of your own convertible.

Meet and talk with his new crush. Before that, make sure that this is a normal, adequate person, and not some kind of hysterical and fool. Tell her in detail what kind of person your ex is. Perhaps in this way you will protect another victim of a womanizer from insults and pain. Also tell her about his secrets, which he carefully hides from new girlfriends. Most likely, if she is an understanding person, the conversation will help draw the right conclusions and scare the girl away.

You still have his messages on your phone, and tender letters in your e-mail. Send their text to the phone of a new sweetheart. Regardless of how old they are, the scandal will be serious. Any woman continues to be jealous of her man for his past. And if it is impossible to prove when the message was written, then a conflict will definitely flare up.

Take advantage of modern technology. Register on one of the social networks under a new name, find your ex and start a virtual relationship with him. Instead of an avatar, you need a photo of a stunning beauty (the main thing is not to frame another girl). Find a picture of a girl living almost in another corner of the planet. She must be the embodiment of his desires. Arrange a correspondence that excites the imagination and lure the guy into your "networks". Pull to the last, arouse his desire, force him to make an appointment. And when the hottest moment comes, you have several options for punishment:

  1. Send it all to his new girlfriend. Let her know what kind of womanizer she's dealing with.
  2. Make a date and disappoint with your appearance. This is really a victory, because for several months I was on your leash.
  3. Stop the correspondence abruptly, pointing out his shortcomings in communication. Humiliate his dignity.

If you have compromising evidence on a guy, use it. As a rule, with a long-term relationship, men stop being careful, they can talk about something, hide their documents badly, etc. And women are curious people, they will definitely sniff something out. An excellent option is the saved videos of his misbehavior, bad attitude towards colleagues, etc. For a careerist or a person dependent on the boss, this is a bomb, the explosion of which will destroy all his plans.

A sophisticated but expensive way is to ruin your ex's vacation. Wealthy girls or ladies usually resort to it. It is necessary to properly prepare and purchase vouchers for two (for him and his new passion). Preferably to a resort in some exotic country. Well, you know his preferences and you can't go wrong with the choice. And as soon as the couple is at their destination, numerous and serious problems should immediately begin. This includes lack of seats, confusion with numbers, poor food, no plane tickets or they are simply not paid for.

Of course, it is impossible without the involvement of a travel agent in this process, but it is still worth trying to contact them. At the same time, it’s not worth your ex knowing which company the ticket came from, let it be a fictitious company, and at the other end of the phone you will answer in a slightly changed voice. The main thing is that the unfortunate vacationers should not be physically harmed.

Place ads of various nature on the Internet. For example, pizza delivery, or car repair, urgent computer repair, etc. And of course, include his phone number everywhere. The endless stream of calls will infuriate him. A more sophisticated way is to leave his phone number on a gay dating site.

There are a million different groups on the Internet. Among them there are those that help to take revenge on the offender of the girl. Let them call your ex and set him up in front of a new lover. The effect is guaranteed.

Change your status, but don't describe your position. That is, such small and unpretentious phrases, such as “I have an awesome manicure”, “The girl made an excellent perm”, “The cat scratched the sofa” will simply infuriate the former gentleman. The above indicates that you have no intention of attracting his attention, and at the same time, pay attention to all sorts of nonsense. And this means that you are completely calm, carefree and do not suffer from loneliness.

Make him fall in love with you again, and then, of course, dump him. This revenge will take time. After the betrayal, take a time out, do not show yourself in front of him for at least a month. During this time, you should completely transform, become more beautiful, slimmer. Consult a make-up artist for advice. And then, as if by accident, run into him at a party with friends or in a cafe. Be sure that he will be stunned by your beauty and will immediately regret that he broke up with you. It would be nice if there were people around you who wanted to get a date. To begin with, communicate with him, you can even flirt,. Reassure the offender, let him dream. And at the most "interesting" moment, drop it, pointing out the shortcomings in the mental and physical plane. This is revenge, this is revenge!

May proceed further. Agree with him on a date, let it take place in some hotel. When he goes to the shower, throw his things out the window, and calmly go home. Or even worse, offer role-playing games, tie the guy to the bed, naked of course. And go your own way. Let the maid find him in this position. She will definitely call her colleagues to admire the unfortunate womanizer, take a couple of pictures on the phone, although you already have them. Put it online - let everyone who wants to admire it.

Make him jealous. Start a light romance, no commitment. You need to switch your attention to the other person. Let the ex know about it. If you think he doesn't care, you're wrong. Men are owners and in dreams hope that you shed tears for him and do not want to see anyone. No, you are needed, you are looked after, you are sought. And it will hurt!

Fulfill old desires. Remember what you dreamed about together when you were still a couple. Maybe they wanted to go to some resort, or attend a concert of their favorite musician. Fulfill this dream for yourself. If earlier it was not possible to save money, find time, now you allow yourself whatever you want. Do not forget to post pictures with a face glowing with pleasure on social networks. So he will understand that you didn’t love him that much, since you didn’t try to please him before parting.

Write a letter full of coquetry and flirting and, as if by accident, send it to his number. Naturally, he will answer, and you will make it clear that it was not intended for him. And be sure to apologize to him for this oversight. But to repeat the action is not categorical, otherwise it will bite.

Hurt him. When you find out that he has traded you for another, make an appointment. And tell him, looking into his eyes, that you are glad that it happened, because you never loved him, but you just didn’t know how to tell him about it. And so, everything was resolved by itself. And wish him happiness, and, by the way, give advice, let him make sure that this girl really loves him. A blow to pride will be the most accurate.

Does your ex love his car? There is nothing complicated here at all. Drip some valerian once, the cats will not get off the hood and scratch all the paint. Or pour wheat, let the birds peck, at the same time leave millions of holes on the surface of the car.

Do not cut contact with his mother. If a woman treats you well, continue to communicate, because she is not to blame for anything. Also, through it, he will learn that everything is fine with you, communication with his family does not cause additional pain. You feel great, you have a new romance (even if it's not), interesting hobbies.

The mother of the former will always tell you how her ne'er-do-well son is really doing. The same applies to other members of the guy's family. His sister, brother should not become your enemies. Keep in touch with them, of course, it is better that the initiative comes from them.

Revenge with an intimate "smell"

Next, we will present for review the ways of punishing the offender, which not every girl dares to do. But if he really humiliated and insulted you, and even exposed you to ridicule, let him be “satisfied” with what he deserved.

  1. The most important thing for a man is his reputation for being sexual. And in order to punish him, you need to tell your girlfriends without delay why you “left” him. He just has problems with "manhood." It is either too small, or the guy has banal impotence. You can even resent in detail how uncomfortable it was for you when he bought Viagra before your next seclusion. And do not forget to return the vial of this drug to him with friends with the words, “Na, I don’t need yours!”. He will not get rid of such a shame for a long time.
  2. You broke up because he hides his true sexual orientation. And you were just a cover, but everything is tired. With an offended and disappointed face, share about how you cheated with men, begged for underwear, and instead of meeting you from work, had fun at your favorite gay club. But it needs to be very persuasive. With the smallest details, a description of his excuses and confessions, with the visualization of his inventions. That's the only way they'll believe it.

We have listed for you the most harmless and easy methods of punishing a person who offended, betrayed, humiliated, insulted you. By no means do we claim that even easy ways of revenge should take place in the life of an offended girl. The main punishment is ahead of him. Believe me, causing offense and pain to a person who did nothing wrong to you, loved and believed, is a great sin. The laws of nature do not ignore such things. Like a boomerang, everything will return, and at the most unexpected moment, in an unexpected way. And you need to go your own way and thank fate for getting rid of the deceiver and manipulator in time. It would be much worse if he became your husband and tormented all his life with his adventures.

I've been offended. Cruel and unreasonable. A black wave covers hatred. It hurts so much that I want the offender to feel the same pain. I want him to learn his lesson, and feel in his own skin what it feels like when you are not appreciated.

I am a good person and yet I want to take cruel revenge on my enemy! Questions involuntarily arise in my head: how to take revenge? How to do disgust to the enemy? How to qualitatively and thoroughly harm the person you hate? What method of revenge is the most effective and will surely defeat the hated enemy, and will put me on the pedestal of the winner?

The desire to take revenge is great, and irresistibly drives in search of ways to take revenge. The search for answers to these questions now occupies a large part of my life. Pleasant fantasies of my triumph are constantly changing in my head, forcing the offender to fall to his knees in disgrace. How do you want to play a dirty trick on a person unworthy of respect! I will take revenge and justice will be done!

Most often, it does not matter to the offended person in what form the revenge will be realized: whether it is causing property damage or humiliating the person of the offender, inflicting physical injury or mental pain on him. Use the help of black and white magic with the whispering of conspiracies - or spoil a person using the latest technology. It is important, in principle, to take revenge on the person who offended you. And, probably, then satisfaction will appear in the soul, peace and joy of life will return.

But is it? Is revenge really the only sure way to achieve happiness and enjoyment in life? Where does the desire to avenge unjustified expectations and unfulfilled hopes come from? And why thoughts about how to harm a person come as if by themselves.

The answers to all these questions are in the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth!

Each person is naturally endowed with special individual properties of the psyche, which regulate the behavior of each of us. Each person has their own characteristics of the manifestation of internal discomfort.

For example, a person with an anal vector is naturally endowed with unique opportunities that allow him to take place as a qualified specialist, a professional in his field, a faithful and caring husband and father. Truth, loyalty, justice, honor and respect are the values ​​of a person with an anal vector.

A comfortable state of the human psyche with an anal vector is a state of internal balance that can be described by the word "equally".

If a person with an anal vector believes that they are being treated fairly, that they adequately evaluate his work, recognize his merits, thank him for a job well done, for the attention and care shown in the family, he will be filled with joy from such an attitude. Receiving a positive response from other people, the owner of the anal vector will strive to give back the same and in the same amount as he received. He will strive to be the best at work and the best in couples.

But if a person with an anal vector does not receive the necessary respect, timely gratitude, recognition of well-deserved success, or experiences the betrayal of a loved one, he experiences a bitter and heavy sense of resentment. He seeks to compensate for his pain through the restoration of justice on the same principle: to give the same that he received.

Wanting to return to a balanced state, a person with an anal vector will feel the intention to repay what they deserve. Internal discomfort triggers the alignment mechanism.

At any opportunity, the offended owner of the anal vector will use the opportunity to take revenge on the offender - to annoy the offender with a word or even inflict physical violence in case of a heavy experience of resentment. Only people with an anal vector in a state of resentment wonder how to take revenge on the offender. As scrupulously and in detail they study information, learning their profession, they will also study in detail all the ways how to take revenge on the person who offended.

Memory reliably stores the smallest details of resentment, plunging the offended person into a state of anger. It is difficult for a person with an anal vector who feels resentment to switch his attention and get distracted from thoughts about how to take revenge on the enemy. This is due to the peculiarities of the psyche of the anal person, who is naturally endowed with a huge memory resource necessary for the accumulation of information and its transmission to the younger generation. The memory of a person with an anal vector is capable of storing huge volumes of the smallest details, which are meticulously compared, systematized and arranged into high-quality, detailed information.

A person with an anal vector is an excellent teacher, mentor and master of his craft. Realizing his natural feature in the transfer of experience and knowledge, he experiences a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. Because he does the work that ensures the fulfillment of his natural desires - to pass on the experience of past generations to the future. To teach and teach young people to use the knowledge accumulated over many years for the benefit of tomorrow.

The lack of realization of natural properties in the transfer of experience, the lack of manifestation of well-deserved respect at work, in the family - fills with resentment the huge amount of memory of a person with an anal vector. The smallest details of offensive situations, words and intonations are accumulated and firmly held in memory. The burden of difficult experiences increases, intensifying the suffering of a person, closing the trap of resentment on the desire to get out of it, taking revenge on the offender.

Anyone who once experienced the pain of resentment knows what a heavy burden they accumulate on the heart. And how sweet is the expectation and the choice of sophisticated methods of revenge. The owner of the anal vector can spend half his life on this. Or rather, life will pass by while he is looking for how to punish a person. However, having avenged another for the unjustification of one's own expectations, happiness does not increase. Resentment and the desire for revenge reappear.

And so I want to throw off the burden of resentment and experience satisfaction from life! I want to live life in joy among other people. To be a recognized, respected specialist in his field, a loved one, a faithful husband, a caring wife and mother. And everyone can get such an opportunity at the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Understand and forgive systematically

Realizing the distinctive features of the psyche of oneself and another person, understanding natural desires and aspirations with the help of Systemic Vector Psychology, we become able to interact with other people as comfortably as possible. An accurate understanding of the reasons for one's own behavior and the behavior of other people forever frees one from the exorbitant burden of resentment and misunderstanding, a heavy anchor lying in the soul of many.

When there is an awareness of the psychic nature, answers come to questions about what desires drive us, why we behave this way and not otherwise. In this case, resentment leaves, making room for positive emotions and joy. Where there is such an understanding, the question of how to take revenge on a person cannot be - it simply does not arise.

A huge number of sincere reviews posted on the System Vector Psychology portal testify to

Complete collection and description: prayer or conspiracy how to punish offenders is strong for the spiritual life of a believer.

If you want to punish the offender, the conspiracy is strong, but does not harm you and mortal danger to the offender is what you need. There are situations when it is possible to call for conscience, to shame a fierce enemy only through magic. In this case, light magic will help you by returning all the bad energy to the one who sent it to you.

Siberian healer Stepanova on guard of justice

You should not think that punishing the offender is terrible sin. And to make various attacks on you, direct insults, humiliations, isn’t it a sin? Do not think that you will do something terrible if you use the advice of people who know, healers. In the end, a conspiracy against the offender will strengthen and protect you, your family from the deeds of his evil, dishonest.

The Siberian healer and her storehouse of knowledge, backed by God, will help you in various everyday situations to resolve issues without harm to yourself:

  1. Building relationships.
  2. Health promotion.
  3. Achievement of financial benefits.
  4. Punishment for offenders.

Many other conspiracies that help with good help are collected in the collection of the Siberian Assistant in Magical Affairs.

Stepanova's prayer to pacify the offender

The secret of the healer is that she uses conspiracies aimed at turning to the Lord for help, which means that they do not harm the physical body, human health. Conspiracies are aimed at emotional shake-up, knowledge of the soul, calling a sense of shame, awakening conscience:

Want to punish the offender his? Use magic words, white magic, backed up by actions, will not keep you waiting. Apologies, acts of benefactor and kindness from the other side will quickly arrive at your doorstep.

So, on the growing moon, buy the heart of any animal, bird in a butcher shop: beef, pork, chicken - everything will fit for the conspiracy. Boil the meat product in salted water, eat a piece and read the following plot:

“As I tasted the heart, so trouble from you would not come close to me. Your evil will not be mine. To each his own. Lord God, do not allow evil on my threshold, pacify the servant of God (name), may resentment return to him, not with fierce evil, sword and fire, but with triple divine goodness. As this goodness shines, so my offender is shame, he knows guilt. He will come, confess, bow three times at my feet. Live in health my offender, enemy. Let it be so"

At the same time, you can light a church candle in a candlestick and visualize (imagine) the image of your offender. As you can see, the words of the conspiracy are not harmful, trouble does not come from them. So, you can safely use them to pacify enemies.

Call for white magic to help - punish the offender

There are times when you need to make it clear to a person that he is behaving extremely indecently. In this case white magic help you. You are interested in how to punish the offender with a conspiracy at a distance - read the information. Go to church and light a candle for the health of the person who offended. Sincerely ask the Lord forgive his soul, his sins. The return of bad energies will go through Divine goodness. Arriving home, draw a glass of running water into a transparent glass and, looking at the surface of the water to the very bottom, imagine the face of the one who offended you. As soon as you concentrate, read the magic words:

“As the water in the rivers stirs, so your evil will return to you. I do not wish anything bad, but only return your insult. There is nothing forbidden, dishonest, and you, the Servant of God, will learn a lot of interesting things: how to endure undeserved pain and resentment, while not giving any signs, not mind. May all yours be with you, and mine stay with me. Let it be so. Amen"

After reading, pour the water down the sink and drain the running water from the faucet. Everything bad will be carried away with the jet. Evil will not come near you.

The offender cannot live in peace, his photo will help you

Punishing people who interfere in your life is a personal matter. If you want, you can call the enemy to shame, conscience at home using a photo. Take a photo of the offender and red pepper. Rub pepper on the cheeks of the offender, saying:

“Let your cheeks fill with fire, blaze and burn like tea in a saucer. At the same time, remember your deeds, repent and repentance will come. I do not wish evil and grief, but with pepper I return your insult. Amen"

This is quite enough for the guilty to admit his guilt. Expect a call or an apology visit soon.

These are simple, harmless ways to pacify evil people and punish the offender. A strong conspiracy in several copies is always at your fingertips.

Conspiracies and rituals to punish your offender

Making an enemy is no easy task. Envy, spiritual and moral weakness, hatred corrode the victim from the inside and one day he strikes at the most important areas of the enemy's life. A conspiracy against the offender is committed in exceptional cases, when it is impossible to protect yourself from the ill-wisher in another way. How to punish the offender, and how to speak the subject of the offender or the offender? Man is a complex system with its own, unique energy. Punishing the offender with a conspiracy is not difficult, but is it worth resorting to such radical steps?

Conspiracy to punish the offender

Why is a conspiracy necessary?

How to punish the offender with a conspiracy will be told by an experienced magician who, over many years of practice, has seen many difficult fates of offended people. The bitterness of disappointment destroys the entire spiritual organization of the victim, literally eating away all the good that was in him. A conspiracy is a special kind of magical action that helps to get something that cannot be obtained by physical or mental forces.

The curse refers to conspiracy magic and in the most destructive way affects another living being. By nature, people are peaceful and compassionate, but the tricks of the offender force them to show a different essence - ruthless, evil and desperate. A conspiracy made at home can work from the first day, leaving the enemy no chance of salvation. Poverty, professional failures, problems in personal life, death, simple conspiracies will help to achieve all this, which is dangerous to commit for the sake of fun.

Ancient rituals of paganism

Pagan spells are still considered the most popular and in demand. Ancient magic, the origins of which a person is unable to realize, helps to achieve the desired events and situations. Who will benefit from the conspiracy? There is no official collection of instructions on how to properly perform magical rituals in nature. The sequence of actions in the secret rite consists of advice and recommendations from experienced magicians and sorcerers. The conspiracy does not affect the offender immediately, but gradually taking away all the good that he had.

It is not recommended to cast Vanga's spells on an ill-wisher at home, without the help of a strong witch. The consequences of the ritual are difficult to predict in advance. As a result, both the customer, and the victim, and even the magician can suffer. Conspiracies to make enemies apologize and repent of their own sins are less dangerous, but you also need to be extremely careful with harmless rituals. Is there a strong desire to punish the offender? If no warnings and possible risks stop the customer, then you can proceed to the secret rite.

Help magic in the fight against enemies

A conspiracy to influence enemies acts in both directions, both protection from the offender and punishment for the person who holds a grudge. Spells so that the enemy sends an apology, enslaves the will of the ill-wisher, makes him weak and supple. Such power is not given free of charge and does not go unpunished. A slander on a candle or ancient rites for holy water will help to fulfill your plan, but the payment will be taken in any case.

For the offender, magical punishment can become irreversible, the most terrible. Before conspiracy, it is worth assessing the risks and harm caused by the enemy. If you read the mixed reviews about magical rituals, it becomes clear that jokes are bad with magic. In order for the rite to help, it must be charged with its own inner strength. Experienced magicians say that one who acts cruelly with enemies is merciless with relatives. Is that much compassion needed for forgiveness?

Damage at home

Doing damage on your own is very dangerous. A woman who dares to take such a step will face many trials and difficulties. Why do the fair sex more often resort to the help of magic? Every successful woman, mother, wife, lover sooner or later faces such a problem as a rival. Getting rid of a predator is not always easy, and sometimes even impossible. The magic word gives unlimited power over the unfortunate fate. The woman says “my man cannot be a stranger” and secretly whispers his name during secret rituals. Taking back is not a sin, but a defensive reaction.

A good helper will be the words of sincere prayer, filled with despair and sorrow for lost love. When calling on higher powers, it is necessary to give thanks, if a woman turns to God, then her requests are heard after “Our Father”, and at the end, “Amen” always sounds. The order of the rituals is completely different. Before the ceremony, the practitioner carefully prepares and performs secret actions for some time.

The necessary ritual will be found by itself, without the help of strangers. It will arise, as if at the behest of invisible forces. It is not enough to say the words of the spell, you need to believe in them. Trust those forces that give you what you want. Casting the evil eye on the enemy is costly, but doable, but it will not be possible to reverse the spell. About what awaits the victim, you should think in advance.

Punish the offender with damage

Making the pangs of conscience wake up in the soul of the enemy is a task for an experienced magician. Only a strong, strong-willed personality can harm the offender at a distance. It will also not be possible to remove someone else's energy influence without the help of a professional. Evil lurks in a person, not in strength, and if the customer is not ready for the consequences, then you should not try to bring the evil eye. How are rites performed? Conditions for inducing damage:

  • a secluded place without strangers;
  • the fighting spirit of the practitioner who performs the rite;
  • compliance with all the recommendations of magicians or sorcerers (the presence of the necessary attributes and ritual things);
  • a personal item (in rare cases, you can do without a carrier of energy, but then the damage will be weaker and will not work right away).

Before the start of the ritual, it is recommended to clean the house. Clear your home and your own mind of everything unnecessary. It is by no means possible to conduct a ceremony without realizing a clear goal. The current rite is carried out to achieve certain goals:

  • for a loved one or boyfriend to return;
  • for the husband to leave his mistress;
  • so that the offender repents;
  • to return the old relationship by punishing the enemy;
  • for evil to be punished.

It is worth remembering that no one else can control a person’s emotions, his feelings. If the guy decided to leave, then it is possible to pull him by force, but there will be little use from such actions. Even the most harmless ritual requires responsibility on the part of the customer. You can’t buy love and you can’t bewitch, but to punish the offender who has collapsed a strong union is within the power of every woman.

Universal Conspiracy

If you've been wronged look who's to blame? In the depths of their souls, anger from injustice ripens in everyone. A healthy outwardly person says to himself "I was offended, and I allowed this offense." There is more to punishment than mere vengeance. Retribution helps the victim of betrayal or meanness move on. A spell that should be cast during a universal ritual will save from mental harm.

A sunny day is chosen for the ceremony, when not a single cloud gathers in the sky. The window in the house or at work (if you have no other choice and the ritual needs to be carried out urgently) should be opened and fresh air let into the room. The appearance of the person that offended or offended you should literally stand before your eyes. Then you need to forgive yourself, because for you the punishment turned out to be too much pain. Standing against the window, read:

“Lord my God, everything is in your hands and in your power. Everything is subject to You and controlled by You. You created everything and turned to Yourself. The sun does not rise without You, and the Earth does not live. The wind does not blow in the desert, the stars do not light up above the horizon, if You do not want it. A person is not born and the soul does not leave the body. I am Your creation, the Lord my God. Your child is unreasonable, but desiring to know You through the manifestations of the world. I am a small reflection of you! I am in You and a part of You. I walk under the protection of Your protection! Lord my God, restore justice and return all offenses to whom it is due.

Against such a conspiracy, the enemy will have no weapons. Protecting yourself and your loved ones with the help of magic is not a cause for shame. Revenge helps to find peace of mind. With the help of a photo, the rite will bring a lot of troubles to the enemy (for his relatives, he will become a stranger, aggressive, unnecessary). Black magic in the photo is the most dangerous and powerful conspiracy against your offender.

For such a ritual, salt is useful, spoken the night before with the words: “I can no longer find pain, punish the enemy. From me, like water off a goose, from him, like three times yes on merit. The rite provides the ill-wisher with insomnia, bouts of severe headache and apathy.

Strong ritual on the enemy

Folk rites guarantee the result, no matter what revenge the one who was offended wishes. To return a husband who left for another woman or to repay a vile colleague with the same coin will help the New Moon ritual. Having waited for the full moon, the person remains alone, pours a glass of holy water, into which he puts a small onion (the names of the offenders are inscribed with a pen on the bow). They drip wax from a church candle on the bow and say:

“As wax melts from a burning candle flame, so let your hatred and evil melt, (name of the offender) from my words!”

"I let go of bitterness, I am no longer afraid of resentment."

Consequences of the conspiracy

It is impossible to experience betrayal, which greatly affected the peace of mind, for a long time. The harm that comes from one's own thoughts and feelings must be transferred to the culprit of such a state. If I feel bad, the customer of the magic ritual thinks to himself, then it’s good for the enemy not to live. If it’s bad for me, then the enemy can’t see good. This position is dangerous, but fair. The retribution is worth any price set by higher powers.

Magic and conspiracies, how to punish the offender.

Conspiracy on a bad person to get rid of him

What to do when it's insulting, when injustice is beyond

In punishing the offender, the conspiracy is strong and even irreversible. Before you get involved with magic, you should evaluate your own strengths. If the offense inflicted on you cannot go unpunished, then it is necessary to act without delay. From emotional bestowal, other people's words, actions, deeds acquire meaning. To take revenge on a person, so much so that he does not have a single happy day for everyone. Painful trials, insomnia and constant causeless fear will haunt the enemy. An experienced magician or collections of magic spells (books by Natalia Stepanova or other practicing adepts) will tell you how to punish the offender with a conspiracy. Protecting yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers is simply necessary.

How to punish the offender - conspiracies to fight enemies

If you need to punish the offender, conspiracies against enemies can help. There are special rites of White and Black magic that allow you to get even with those who brought pain and disappointment. You can carry out the rituals yourself, as they are quite simple.

How to identify the offender?

Before punishing a person, it is worth making sure that he is really guilty. If it is not possible to personally talk with a person and get information from him, then you can perform a fairly simple ritual that can open your eyes to the true offender. After the ceremony, you will know exactly who is trying to harm.

The main condition of the ritual is it must be done before church holidays. There are no further restrictions. On the night before any church holiday, before going to bed, you need to read a prayer:

I, the servant of God (name), will go in rows, I will look with my own eyes. Among those rows there is Saint Samson. In the name of the Lord God, I will pronounce the holy word. May Saint Samson show me a prophetic dream, may he indicate my sworn enemy, show his face to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity will show me the way, Jesus Christ will bless my dream, and reveal my enemy. Let it be so. Amen.

In a dream, you will see a sign indicating the real culprit of the current situation. In some cases, a person hears the name of the offender or even sees his image. After it is known who the ill-wisher is, you can plot against the enemy.

Black magic - a ritual with blood on the enemy

There are many rituals of black magic that help punish the offender. These rituals are simple and effective. Some of them are aimed at causing damage to the enemy, others will block his strength, and others will turn all his witchcraft against him.

If you decide to turn to the dark forces for help, then remember: this magic will cause significant damage to human health and life in general.

It is necessary to make a strong conspiracy against the offender on special days of the month. The date must be a multiple of 6. Otherwise, there will be no effect from the performed ritual. The ceremony takes place exactly at 3 o'clock in the morning. Before this time, prepare all the necessary attributes:

  • sheet of white paper;
  • needle;
  • wax church candle;
  • holy water;
  • pen with red ink;
  • photo of the enemy;
  • enemy blood.

holy water photography blood

Difficulties may arise with the last component, but a true witch will always find a way to extract the blood of an enemy. For example, a napkin with blood is also suitable.

At the beginning of the ritual, on a sheet of white paper, write down the method that you think is the best way to punish the ill-wisher. To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, try not to miss the details. Remember that words can have two meanings. Therefore, describe everything as detailed and understandable as possible.

Then take a needle and heat it over a candle flame. It will be perfect if it turns black. Dip it in blood and attach the photo to the wish sheet. After that, read the plot 3 times:

Written in blood, sealed in blood. By the power of darkness I will correct your life. I will bring tears and bitterness to her. Do not hide from my judgment. Let it be so.

Paper and photos must be burned to the end. The ashes are carried to the enemy's doorstep or scattered in the wind. After the ceremony, sprinkle the room with holy water to drive away the negative, which almost always remains after strong black magic rites. The effect of the conspiracy will not be long in coming, the offender will be punished.

Strong conspiracies against the enemy

Return conspiracies on the offender

If you decide to make a simple and effective conspiracy to punish the offender, then this rite will suit you best. In order for all the evil that the magician is trying to send on you to return to him, you need to prepare 2 needles (one is ordinary, the other is gypsy).

Insert a small needle into the eye of a large needle and tie it with a dense black thread. After that, read the spell:

Your needle is long, mine is short,

your work is evil, mine is good.

I pierce your evil, I return it to you

everything that he prepared for me,

everything you did for me

got everything back

now, this minute and forever and ever!

After the ceremony, go to the house of the enemy and stick a large needle into the door frame so that the tip of the thin needle looks towards the doorway. After this, the plot must be spoken 1 more time.

Conspiracy for a rose

In order for all enemies and offenders to get what they deserve and no longer bother you, you need to perform a ceremony on a red rose. The rose is not only a plant of love and beauty. Its spikes have powerful protective properties, and with their help they induce damage. Buy a flower and put it in a large vessel, such as a glass jar. You will need a knife or scissors. Cut off 1 thorn and put them in a vessel, for each thorn say:

Every thorn in every evil tongue

for every injustice.

Next, the flower needs to pick all the petals. They also need to be thrown into the container, repeating:

Lay softly, sleep hard,

think about your own, forget about someone else's,

put everything in its place.

When the ceremony is completed, pour salt water into the container in such an amount that it completely covers everything that is in the jar. Close the container with a lid, cutting off the stem of the flower, and wrap it with a black thick scarf. Tie the lid with a strong red thread. You need to tie it into 9 knots.

If you know the offender, then bring the bottle to the threshold of his house. If the ill-wisher is unknown, then the container should be buried in the ground next to your home. Such a charm will protect you for a long time from evil tongues and those who like to appropriate someone else's, acting like a witch's bottle.

Conspiracy for water

If you want to further protect yourself from extraneous negative impact from a certain person, then you should do so. Pour clean drinking water into a jar, put it in front of a mirror, and put a Bible under it. A candle is placed between the water and the mirror, and the magician reads the plot:

Who is with good, he will remain with good,

who is with evil, he will receive this evil,

who with the word filthy,

he will choke on the same word.

After the ceremony, take a container of water and pour the liquid at the threshold of the ill-wisher's house.

Volt plot and photo with a waning moon

It is very easy to conspire against an offender on a waning moon. Even a beginner will do it. The magician will need volt- a figurine made of wax or clay. It will be a doll symbolizing the enemy.

If there is an image of an ill-wisher, then you should glue it to the figure. To enhance the effect of witchcraft, you can attach to the volt any biological material of the person on whom the conspiracy will be performed. You also need a church candle, which you need to buy after dinner.

During the ceremony, remove images of saints from the room, remove the pectoral cross. The candle must be lit from the base and the needle heated. Pierce your head at the volt and while the candle is burning, say the words of the conspiracy 3 times:

I strike you, (name), with a red-hot needle! Do not think about me, do not harm me and do not interfere with my life! Then take the needle out of the head and stick it in the heart of the doll. On the flame of a candle, say three times a conspiracy: “I strike you, (name), with a red-hot needle! Do not beat an evil heart, do not mock me! I strike you, (name), with a red-hot needle! I crush your thoughts, your heart, your soul! So that you, (name), do not be sad about me, Do not do evil deeds on me. I deprive you of the evil forces, (name). I'm sending you to hell.

The candle is extinguished with fingers. After that, it is cut into 3 equal parts, wrapped in black dense matter and buried in a wasteland. Leave the volt and needle in the same place. Upon arrival at the house, draw water into a bowl, wash your hands in it and pour the liquid at the threshold of the enemy.

How to punish an enemy with an onion

This ritual also applies to black. It is very strong and will cause significant damage to the ill-wisher. It is held only on the first day of the full moon.

On the bulb, before the ritual, the name of the enemy is scratched with a needle or knife. Above and below the inscriptions must be placed along the cross, on which a little wax from a church candle is poured. The bulb is dipped into a container of holy water, where it should be until sunset. You don't need to peel it off.

When night falls, take a candle, light it and place it over the onion container. The wax should fall into the water. You should cast the following spell 40 times:

As wax melts from a burning candle flame, so let your hatred and evil melt, (name of the offender) from my words!

When this period expires, you need to get the wax out of the cup with the help of sticks and put it on the fabric along with the bulb and the tool with which you scratched the inscriptions on it. The fabric can be any, but there is one condition - it must be new, not bearing a trace of your energy. That is, a piece of fabric from the store is suitable, but an old T-shirt is not. Wrap up the ingredients and bury in a wasteland under a dry tree. Say 3 times:

Here your evil to be and rot. I, (name), always and everywhere be healthy!

Pour the water that was in the container under the threshold of your ill-wisher's house. The conspiracy is very powerful, therefore, before carrying it out, make sure that this particular person is guilty.

White magic against enemies

This ritual is completely harmless, and there will be no consequences for whoever performs it. But he is strong enough so that you will be able to punish your enemies on merit. Before proceeding with the ceremony, prepare the ingredients:

  • dry willow branches - 6 pieces;
  • dried fern leaves - 4 pieces;
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp;
  • ground or dried red pepper - ½ tsp;
  • church wax candle.

The ceremony is performed only on days whose dates are a multiple of 3. The ritual begins at 2 am, with the fact that all prepared ingredients (except for oil) must be put in a bowl and set on fire from a candle. While the ingredients are burning, say the words:

I will make your heart burn with pepper, I will curse with a fern. Willow-mourner will look at your suffering. I will unite with holy fire and direct power. Wash yourself with bitter tears for forty days and forty nights from my word. Amen.

When the ingredients turn to ashes, fill it with oil. With the resulting mass, you need to stain the front door or a personal item of the enemy, in extreme cases - his photo. The effect of the ceremony will be noticeable in a few days.

What is the danger of conspiracies for revenge - black magic

Conspiracies against the offender are strong rituals, but they do not have a negative effect on the sorcerer if his actions are justified. The magic of retribution loves justice, and, if the victim really did severe damage to you and your loved ones, then rituals can be used to punish the offender.

If you are just trying to harm a person who did nothing to you, then the ritual will either not work, or witchcraft may turn against you. Therefore, before resorting to witchcraft, analyze the situation and make sure that the suspect is really guilty.

If you guess that a specific figure is causing damage, but there is no direct evidence of her guilt, then perform a ceremony that will point to the real culprit of the troubles.

When you decide to punish the offender, conspiracies will help you. But first make sure that it is this person who is guilty of all the hardships. Otherwise, you can harm both an innocent person and yourself.

    • divination
    • Conspiracies
    • rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • amulets
    • love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it is not a sin to drink a lot if the bins are full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got nicked!”. On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

  • We are all social beings (no matter how sad it may sound). We are surrounded not only by friends, family and acquaintances who treat us with all their hearts and sincerity, but also by intruders and envious people who wish us harm. The latter we call our "enemies". We are all living people, and we too can run out of patience. In such cases, one simply wants to kill, annihilate, wipe out this enemy, this subhuman! But after all, this may be followed by an appropriate punishment by the law, and the measure of restraint will depend on one or another degree of severity of our revenge. How to take revenge on the offender bypassing the current legislation? What can be done so that he gets what he deserves, and we remain unpunished? This will be discussed in our article.

    You burn in hell!

    People who are unpleasant and objectionable to our soul are found anywhere: at work, at home, in public transport, and even on our own TV. Some of them are familiar to us, while others suddenly appear out of nowhere. It also happens that former friends or relatives with whom ties are deliberately lost become the worst enemies. However, those who require real punishment are rapists, robbers and other criminals.

    How to take revenge on the offender in our time?

    Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, the most effective and unpunished (in terms of legislation) measures are, of course, ritual conspiracies. What does it mean? Let's see how you can energetically take revenge on the offender!

    Conspiracy against the enemy - what is it?

    Did you know that the planet Earth is completely immersed in an energy field? Many of us do not even realize that the power of our own energy can move mountains! We may well attract and repel certain events. The difficulty lies only in the fact that not each of us knows how to manage it.

    To know how to take revenge on the offender with the power of one's own will, it is necessary to understand that the quantum of our energy works in combination with certain sound vibrations. All this has stood the test of time. It is curious that when conspiring, it is not necessary to know the name of the offender! It is enough just to mentally imagine his image. The conspiracy has already become purposeful.

    How to take revenge on the offender. conspiracy magic

    Know that sometimes your own plot, like a boomerang, can resent you again, but not always! In many cases, the troubles that haunt the enemies after the ritual performed by you are not evil on a universal scale! Very often such revenge is called "holy"! At the same time, the prudent in your actions can finally be forced to connect the mind and correct, return to the true path.

    The conspiracy should be pronounced in the back of the offender (enemy) who passed by you. Here's what to whisper: "Arrow, go with illness and tears, and untrodden lands, go through his blood, but not in the eye and not in the eyebrow, but in the heart to the very! If and chip him! Beat him, tear him! Exterminate, but punish him - my negligent offender (name). A key and a lock, and a worldly vow! Amen!"

    Well, friends, now we are “armed” because we know and understand how to take revenge on the offender without resorting to illegal actions that are punishable by law! Good luck to you!