Russian pianist Denis Matsuev. Denis Matsuev - With love for music from childhood to adulthood

Matsuev Denis Leonidovich Soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic. President of the Interregional Charitable Foundation "New Names", art director of the Foundation. S. V. Rakhmaninova, member of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art.
Titles and awards: People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize. D. D. Shostakovich, laureate of the 1st Prize XI International Competition them. P. I. Tchaikovsky, laureate of the International Piano Competition in Paris, Honorary Citizen of Irkutsk.

Denis Matsuev is the star of the Russian piano school, a pianist who quickly burst into musical life, winning the love and recognition not only of the Russian public, but throughout the world. A star in the constellation Lyra is named after Denis Matsuev.
Denis Matsuev was born on June 11, 1975 in Irkutsk, in a family of musicians. They began to teach him music at the age of 3, when he independently selected a melody from the Vremya program. His first teachers were his parents: his mother, Irina Dmitrievna, a music teacher, and his father, Leonid Viktorovich, a composer and pianist. Further, Denis studied in the nursery music school with the teacher Lyubov Sementsova. At the age of eight, he first stepped onto the stage of the Irkutsk Philharmonic - played with a symphony orchestra I. Haydn's concerto for piano and orchestra. He performed a lot and soon became a real celebrity of Irkutsk. Music lessons did not prevent Denis from growing up as a “normal” child - playing football, hockey, running with the guys at construction sites. Then he did not yet know that music would become his main profession and the meaning of his whole life.
Denis did not graduate from the Irkutsk music school - he went to complete his studies at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied in the class of V. V. Pyasetsky. In 1991, the young pianist became a scholarship holder of the New Names Foundation. An important step in the musician's biography was the victory at the first International Piano Competition in Johannesburg, where he was awarded the Grand Prix.
He continued his musical education at the Moscow State Conservatory in the class of A. A. Nasedkin, and later - S. L. Dorensky, who noted in his student "great technique and artistry." At the age of 20, Denis Matsuev became a soloist of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic, which opened up new opportunities for him to perform in concert. For many years, the musician has been presenting his annual subscription "Soloist Denis Matsuev". He performs with the best Russian and foreign orchestras conducted by such masters as: E. Svetlanov, V. Fedoseev, M. Pletnev, A. Katz, M. Ermler, Ch. Duthoit, J. Levy, R. Saccani.
Fateful for Denis Matsuev was 1998 - a triumphant victory at the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, followed by even more rapid creative takeoff. According to the artist himself, from that moment his further creative career turned 180 degrees. Today, Denis Matsuev's performances are scheduled for three years in advance, he gives about 150 concerts per season in the most prestigious halls in Russia and the world. He regularly performs with world-famous orchestras, among which are the orchestras of the USA (National, New York, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati), Germany (orchestras of the Bavarian Radio, West German Radio, Leipzig Orchestra), France (National, Orchester de Paris, Philharmonic Orchestra French Radio, Toulouse Capitol Orchestra), Great Britain (Air Force Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony and London Philharmonic Orchestras, Royal Scots National Orchestra), as well as the La Scala Theater Orchestra, the Rotterdam Philharmonic, the Budapest Festival and the European Chamber Orchestra.
Close creative contacts have developed between Denis Matsuev and outstanding conductors modernity, including: Yuri Temirkanov, Vladimir Fedoseev, Valery Gergiev, Yuri Bashmet, Mikhail Pletnev, Yuri Simonov, Vladimir Spivakov, Semyon Bychkov, Maris Jansons, Ivan Fisher, Lorin Maazel and many others. For several years, the musician has been fruitfully cooperating with the Rachmaninov Foundation and its president, the composer's grandson Alexander. Denis Matsuev was honored to present unpublished works by the great Russian composer. Released in 2007 solo album Matsuev with works by Rachmaninov unknown until that time. The recording was made on the composer's piano in his home - Villa Senar in Lucerne. And today the cycle of programs "Unknown Rachmaninoff" as part of the pianist's solo performances is extremely in demand both in Russia and abroad.
Denis Matsuev - art director of the music festival "Grescendo". This is a unique annual forum of the best representatives of the young generation of Russian musicians. Festival concerts were held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Paris, New York, Riga, Rome, Tel Aviv, etc. He is also the organizer of the Anfis summer music festival in France. Denis Matsuev is not only a talented performer, but also a successful art manager.
Irkutsk occupies a special place in the artist's tour map. Each arrival of a musician is a holiday for music lovers. These holidays have become especially large-scale since 2004, when Denis organized and held the first festival of academic music in the Angara region, Stars on Baikal. In 2012, the seventh such festival was held, which became annual, gained strength, became known far beyond the borders of not only the region, but also Russia. The participants of the festival in different years were Vladimir Spivakov and the Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra, Valery Gergiev and the Symphony Orchestra Mariinsky Theater, Elena Obraztsova and Yuri Temirkanov, Georgy Garanyan and Harry Grodberg, Yuri Bashmet and Viktor Tretyakov, Khibla Gerzmava and Vadim Repin and the Mogilev brothers…
For Irkutsk citizens, "Stars on Baikal" is an opportunity to hear great music and great performers, join culture, educate and improve musical tastes, and for Denis, visiting his hometown is not only a meeting and a creative report to fellow countrymen, but also an opportunity to visit Baikal, to feed on its life-giving energy.
The musician pays great attention to working with young talented musicians, he is the president of the New Names Foundation. During its more than twenty years of history (before Matsuev it was headed by Ivetta Nikolaevna Voronova), the foundation has raised several generations of stage masters. Today he continues to expand his educational activities in the field of musical education of talented children in Russia.

The childhood of Denis Matsuev

Composer and pianist Denis Leonidovich Matsuev was born in Irkutsk. The Matsuev family are musicians: his mother teaches music, and his father is a composer, pianist, writes musical accompaniment to Irkutsk theatrical performances. From childhood, parents developed talented child musical skills - Denis studied at home and at a music school in the piano class, as well as at an art school. As a general education educational institution Denis visited high school No. 11 im. Mayakovsky.

Denis never faced the question of choosing a profession - from childhood he knew that he would be a pianist. After school, Matsuev enters School of Music in Irkutsk, but a year later it becomes clear to him that further musical education must be received in the capital. As a result, Denis and his parents moved to Moscow, where he auditioned for the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. The audition is successful, and Denis is enrolled in the Central Music School.


In 1991, Matsuev became a laureate of a scholarship from the New Names International Foundation. As part of the project implemented by the foundation, Denis participates in a large series of concerts classical music all over the planet. Concerts were held in more than forty countries around the world on the best venues. Matsuev's concerts were attended by the Pope, the Queen of England, NATO Secretary General in Brussels.

In 1994, Denis Matsuev graduated from the Central Music School and entered the Moscow State Conservatory, for a professor's seminar, People's Artist Russian Federation Alexey Nasedkin. Starting from the third year, Denis was taught by Sergei Dorensky, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, professor.

Denis Matsuev in the SMAK program on Channel One

Since 1995, Denis has been a soloist of the Moscow Academic Philharmonic. This served as an impetus for opening up new opportunities for the pianist for concert activity.

In 1998, at the age of 23, Denis Matsuev won the international competition named after Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. At the time of the victory, Denis was still in his last year at the conservatory. This victory brought the pianist world fame and international recognition. The performance of the most talented musician caused a great resonance among connoisseurs of classical music around the world.

Solo concerts by Denis Matsuev and recording of albums

A year after winning the Tchaikovsky competition, Denis graduated with honors from the conservatory. The first solo concert of the pianist takes place in 2004 at the Moscow International House of Music. The Svetlanovsky Hall of the House of Music was filled to overflowing. In the same 2004, Denis Matsuev signed a contract with Russian representatives of the largest record label in the world - SONY BMG Music Entertainment.

Under the contract, the pianist releases solo project Tribute to Horowitz, which immediately after the release receives the most prestigious Russian professional award in the field of sound recording "Record -2005". Matsuev's next album, released jointly with SONY BMG and containing recordings of The Four Seasons by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and compositions by Igor Stravinsky, in particular fragments from the ballet Petrushka, received the Record-2006 award. Another album, released in 2006, was recorded together with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra (headed by Yuri Temirkanov). A year later, the pianist introduced the listeners to little-known compositions by Rachmaninov, included in the solo album "Unknown Rachmaninoff".

Album recordings alternated with active concert performances not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, the USA. In November 2007, Denis Matsuev triumphantly performed at the famous New York Carnegie Hall with a solo program. Soon the recording of this performance appears in the form of the album “Denis Matsuev. Concert at Carnegie Hall", aimed directly at the Western listener. Soon the album diverges in the USA and Europe in huge circulations.

In 2009, Denis Matsuev, together with Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theater Department, released an album of Rachmaninov's compositions on the new Mariinsky-Live label, organized not long before.

Since the mid-2000s, Denis Matsuev has been performing at concert venues all over the planet with world-famous orchestras - the Chicago Symphony, the Pittsburgh Symphony, the Bavarian Radio Orchestra, the Leipzig Orchestra, the Air Force Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Capitol of Toulouse, the European Chamber Orchestra and dozens of others. The pianist also performed repeatedly with outstanding contemporary conductors - Mikhail Pletnev, Mark Gorenstein, Vladimir Spivakov and others.

Denis Matsuev's personal subscription has been operating at the Moscow Philharmonic Society for many years, allowing you to attend all of his performances in Moscow.

Social activities of Denis Matsuev

In 2004 Denis was the initiator and artistic director of the international festival of classical music "Stars on Baikal". This festival is held annually and gathers more and more connoisseurs and stars of classical music from all over the world. In February 2005, Denis was elected vice-president of the New Names charity foundation, whose priority tasks include finding and educating talented children in all regions of Russia. In 2008, the pianist is elected head of the foundation. In addition to "Stars on Baikal", Denis - artistic director a number of other major festivals, including music Festival Crescendo, whose venues traditionally operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tel Aviv, Paris and New York. Recently, the musician has been elected art director of the Foundation. S.V. Rachmaninov.

Denis Matsuev Evening Urgant HD

Denis is rightfully recognized as the leader of a new generation of Russian pianists who have achieved worldwide popularity. Since 1993, Matsuev has been constantly participating in international music competitions, where he has consistently received high awards. In 2006, the pianist became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, a member of the Government Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2010, the musician receives the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of art and literature. Shortly before that, within the framework of cooperation with French colleagues, Denis Matsuev takes part in the organization and holding of the international Russian-French festival of arts in the city of Annecy, aimed at popularizing Russian culture in France and bringing together modern French and Russian music schools.

The pianist does not forget his native Irkutsk either - in 2001 the musician opened the House of Music of Denis Matsuev in the city with a concert hall for sixty people.

The virtuoso pianist Matsuev is known not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond its borders. The musician proved more than once that he deserved a big name for a reason. In the world, Matsuev is known and respected. Recently, the topic of what nationality Denis Matsuev is becoming more and more relevant. Does the origin and place of birth of an outstanding cultural figure influence his success? Let's try to understand this article.

The youth of a musician

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev was born in Irkutsk in 1975. The boy spent all his childhood in his native city. The musician still recalls Lake Baikal and its environs with nostalgia. Teaching music to Denis was not easy. Future star on a global scale could shine in the field of sports, because Matsuev was madly in love with football. However, the boy gave priority to music.

After graduating from a music school, Denis entered a music school. Here Matsuev studied until 1991. Denis's parents saw a real talent in their child, and therefore advised the young man to continue his studies. The musician moves to Moscow, where he enters a music school with State Conservatory. Already in the early 90s, Denis became a laureate of the New Names charitable foundation, which had world recognition. Such a prize allowed Matsuev to give many concerts in various countries. The Pope, the Queen of England, numerous heads of state and other dignitaries highly appreciated Denis Matsuev's excellent performance. The nationality of the musician was known to many foreign listeners. We can say that Russia has another cultural symbol in the person of an outstanding musician.


Denis's father was a composer and musician. He wrote music for Irkutsk theaters. The activity of the mother of the future celebrity was also associated with art. Irina Dmitrievna Matsueva (Gomelskaya) worked as a piano teacher. Surprisingly, even Denis Leonidovich's grandfather and grandmother were musicians. paternal grandfather played percussion instruments in the Irkutsk circus orchestra. Grandmother taught at a music school. Thus, the pedigree of the hero of our article is no less interesting than the personality of Matsuev himself.

What can you say about the nationality of the parents? Denis Matsuev does not hide information about his pedigree from the media. The musician claims to have Siberian and Ossetian roots.

It is not easy to explain the increased media interest in the topic of nationality. Most likely, individual Russian mass media simply cannot exist without covering sensitive topics and peculiar problems. Representatives of each nationality would like to see their fellow countryman in the famous musician, and therefore they are trying so hard to find information about where Denis Matsuev comes from. The musician's nationality interests them no less than his achievements and personal life. This topic will be discussed in our article.

Denis Leonidovich Matsuev: nationality

The famous musician, unlike many colleagues in the field of art, does not hide his origin. "I am a Siberian" - said Denis Leonidovich in an interview with Vladimir Pozner. Moreover, the musician seriously believes that the Siberian is a nationality.

Denis Matsuev is an Ossetian, a Pole, an Estonian, a German and even a Jew rolled into one. He is well acquainted with his genealogy, and therefore has some information about the origin of his ancestors. At the same time, Matsuev does not intend to challenge his attachment to Russia. The artist is truly in love with Siberia. He is sure that in these parts the spirit of some rebelliousness and firmness, laid down in the days of the Decembrists, has been preserved. Here we come to the question of whether the place of birth has any influence on a person's talent. Certainly, and to a very large extent. It is clearly seen how the musician is inspired by the places where he was born and spent his childhood.

Thus, the question of who Denis Matsuev is by nationality is very difficult. The musician has a variety of ancestors in his family, which he often likes to talk about.

World recognition

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Denis Leonidovich began to receive more and more recognition and recognition - both at home and abroad. Matsuev gives concerts all over the world. The most famous musical groups and orchestras are glad to work with a talented performer.

Matsuev considers his main achievement to be the album "Unknown Rachmaninov", recorded on the piano of the composer himself. The recording of the album could not have taken place if Alexander Rachmaninov was the grandson of the famous musician. It was he who gave Matsuev archival documents with previously unknown suites and a classic fugue. Denis Leonidovich received the right to the premiere performance. In return, the grandson of Sergei Rachmaninov took a friendly promise from the performer to get rid of smoking. I must say, Matsuev kept his promise.

Some critics call Matsuev an innovator in the field of piano art. It is believed that he invented a new approach to the use of rich musical traditions.

Concert activity

Denis Matsuev's personal subscription has been valid annually since 2004. Musician with the best symphony orchestras travels around Russia and foreign countries. Such celebrities as Toscanini Arturo, Valery Gergiev, Zubin Meta, Mikhail Pletnev and many others performed on the same stage with the virtuoso. Matsuev actively collaborates with soloist and conductor of the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra Vladimir Spivakov.

Matsuev is world famous. It is an honor to work with the biggest celebrities from all over the planet. Among the fans of the musician are such persons as the Queen of England, the heads of many states, the Pope and other famous personalities.

Personal life

Denis Matsuev tries not to hide his biography. For a long time the musician was a bachelor. In numerous interviews, he stated that he did not suffer from loneliness and did not intend to start a family in the near future. However, quite recently, Denis Leonidovich nevertheless acquired a stamp in his passport. The equally talented ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina became the wife of a talented musician.

Matsuev's wife has been working at the Bolshoi Theater for the last ten years. In the fall of 2016, the media learned that the couple was expecting a child. "The most important thing for me today," says Denis Matsuev, "is my wife and children."

The personal life, nationality and hobbies of the musician's wife are still little known. The ballerina herself tells a little about herself. Much more she likes to broadcast about her work as a ballet dancer. At the end of 2016, a daughter was born to the Matsuev couple.

Social activity

Matsuev tries to use his popularity in various useful areas. The main merit of Denis Leonidovich is the promotion of philharmonic art in different regions of the Russian state. The musician forms a special interest of young people in classical music. To achieve his goals, Matsuev uses various charity programs, youth and children's festivals, as well as special music competitions.

Since the end of 2011, Denis Leonidovich has been an honorary professor at Moscow State University. The musician became president of the New Names International Foundation. The main objective of the organization is to provide quality education to talented children and youth.

It is also worth noting that the musician is the art director of the Rachmaninov Foundation, is a member of the Council for Culture under the Head of the Russian State, and also heads the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.


The first major performance of the musician took place in 1998. Then Matsuev won the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. Critics and spectators were impressed by the game of Denis Leonidovich. The musician himself began to rapidly gain popularity.

The real success is considered to be the signing of a contract with the label Sony BMG Music - a real "musical empire". Matsuev's performances are becoming more and more famous, and albums are becoming bestsellers. The musician's first album was called Tribute to Horowitz. The publication included the best concert numbers of Vladimir Horowitz, as well as individual concert variations of classical operettas. It is also worth noting that Denis Matsuev is a representative and advertising person for Yamaha grand pianos.

Organization of festivals

The hero of our article likes to organize various festivals, is an active initiator and leader of many musical projects. It is worth mentioning, for example, the famous festival "Stars on Baikal", which has been held since 2004. The festival is hosted by Matsuev's friend Svyatoslav Belza.

At the invitation of his French colleagues, the famous musician organizes annual festival in the city of Annecy, the purpose of which is the rapprochement of the French and Russian cultural spheres.

The nationality of Denis Leonidovich Matsuev makes itself felt: the eminent musician likes to give frequent concerts in his homeland - in Siberia. Most likely, native lands inspire the creator to new achievements. Matsuev has been playing virtuoso for several decades, and it seems that he is not going to stop.

Musician's hobbies

It is worth abstracting from questions about how Denis Matsuev builds work activities and complex organizational relationships. The nationality, biography, personal life and hobbies of the famous musician are no less interesting for his connoisseurs.

According to Matsuev himself, he is fond of football, bowling and tennis. Denis Leonidovich is sick of Spartak. He is a fan of jazz compositions, although he prefers the classics. Admirer of the famous Moscow theater "Sovremennik". If we talk about the more "mundane" hobbies of the musician, then it is worth mentioning the Russian bath and walks in the forest. In an interview, Matsuev said that he could not live without emotional outbursts. To do this, Denis Leonidovich goes to a dense forest, where he “yells for his own pleasure.”

Thus, the hero of our article is a truly multifaceted and world-famous personality. Without exaggeration, it should be noted that Matsuev is our national pride, one of those people who will definitely go down in Russian history.

The Russian musician of world renown, the famous virtuoso musician Denis Matsuev was born in June 1975 in Irkutsk. More than one generation of the Matsuev family was directly related to music. So, Denis's grandfather played in a circus orchestra, his father was a popular composer and pianist in Irkutsk, and his mother taught children to play the piano at a music school.

early years

From birth, Denis was in the world of music, and his parents in every way developed his son's love for her. The boy's first teacher was his grandmother, who played several instruments freely. When Denis grew up, he entered the art school, where the teachers immediately noticed his musical talent.

However, intensive studies at school did not prevent Denis from remaining a restless little boy who free time spent with friends playing football or skating. At that time, he was much more passionate about sports than music. and even dreamed of a professional sports future.

It was difficult for Denis to devote more than two hours a day to playing the piano, but even this time was enough for him to master the material that his peers devoted more than one week to studying.

After graduating from a music school, Denis entered a music school in his hometown, but quickly realized that his studies should be continued at a higher level in the capital.

Matsuev is very grateful to his parents, who made great sacrifices for the sake of their future son. So, they had to leave the established life in Irkutsk to live in a tiny one-room apartment in Moscow - only in this way did Denis have the opportunity to study with the best teachers in the country.

Musical career

In 1990 Denis became a student of a specialized music school at the Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. In just a year, the talented musician reached a decent level, becoming the winner of the prestigious music competition. Thanks to this, he was able to visit several dozen countries with concerts.

Three years later, Matsuev entered the Moscow Conservatory, where Sergei Dorensky and Alexei Nasedkin became his teachers. As a graduate of the conservatory, Denis became the winner of the XI International Competition. Tchaikovsky. His game was acclaimed by critics, but most importantly, it evoked a great response from the public, marking the beginning of a brilliant career.

In 2004, the young pianist presented for the first time his own program "Soloist Denis Matsuev", which gained such great popularity that it became a kind annual tradition within the program of the Moscow Philharmonic.

For his concerts, only the most famous Russian and foreign orchestras of world renown were involved, but at the same time, the cost of tickets remained affordable for most music fans.

Interesting Notes:

Also in 2004, Denis Matsuev signed a contract with SONY BMG Music Entertainment. Gradually, the Russian musician became recognizable not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. His performances began to gain more and more popularity all over the world, and the albums he released never lingered on store shelves for a long time.

This demand was also confirmed by the fact that Matsuev received an offer to become the “face” of Yamaha pianos. Prior to this, such an honorable duty was performed by the famous Svyatoslav Richter.

Among musical achievements pianist became his disc called "Unknown Rachmaninoff". Its peculiarity was the performance of compositions by an outstanding composer on his own piano. The history of the recording of this disc is very interesting. So, after the next concert of Denis Matsuev in Paris, he was met by the grandson of Sergei Rachmaninov and offered to play the fugue and suite found in the composer's archives, which had not yet been performed in public.

For the right to premiere the music of Rachmaninov, Denis Matsuev had to fulfill a friendly promise - to quit smoking. By the way, the musician kept his word and since then no longer smokes.

Matsuev is an amazing musician who is always open to new experiments. He takes part in musical marathons with great pleasure, and today he is the only performer who managed to play three Tchaikovsky concertos in one evening.

Having achieved success, Denis began to actively help others. He organized many charitable programs, the task of which is to hold competitions among novice pianists, support young talents and popularize classical music among young people.

Denis Matsuev collaborated with the New Names Foundation for a long time, and was eventually elected its president.

He organized a music festival called "Stars on Baikal", which takes place every year in Irkutsk. The musician also became one of the jury members of the Blue Bird talent show. Under the leadership of Matsuev, concerts are regularly held for visually impaired children and the disabled.

Iconic in creative biography Matsuev was his enchanting performance at the closing of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, which was remembered by all viewers for a long time.

In addition to the classics, the famous pianist also plays jazz with great pleasure, which he appreciates very much. He often dilutes his concerts jazz improvisations which invariably delight the public.

In 2017, the musician presented new program titled "Jazz in the circle of friends", consisting of the author's jazz works of the pianist.

Denis Matsuev has become one of the few classical music performers whose work is of genuine interest to the wide audience listeners, and not only among a narrow circle of lovers and connoisseurs of the classics.

Personal life

For a long time Denis Matsuev remained a bachelor, preferring not to tie the knot. However, after a while, information about the beloved of the famous pianist, who became prima ballerina Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina. The wedding of young people was held in the circle of relatives and closest friends.

In rare hours of leisure, the musician spends time outdoors with great pleasure, relaxing with friends in a Russian bath. Sometimes he comes to his small homeland to Irkutsk, where his parents' apartment remained untouched. Matsuev decided not to change anything in it since he left his hometown and moved to Moscow. The school where the maestro studied also preserved the desk at which he sat, as well as the piano on which he played during breaks.

Denis Matsuev is a truly virtuoso musician, whose talent made him famous not only throughout the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Denis is not only a Russian social and musical figure. In addition, he has the title of People's Artist of Russia and is the laureate of a large number of various music awards. And all this he alone - a regular guy who was born into an ordinary but musically gifted family.

It is worth recognizing that it is quite difficult to establish his nationality. As well as which of the members of his family had the strongest influence on the future of the pianist. But one thing is truly known - even in childhood he chose the only true path for himself. And it was this path that, in the end, could lead him to a truly impressive success and the emergence of a huge number of admirers not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Admirers who would be insanely happy to meet their idol.

Over time, more and more people are interested in this amazing pianist. In addition, fans are interested in him not only as a virtuoso musician, but also as a person. In particular, they are interested in such parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Denis Matsuev is also one of the frequently asked questions. Therefore, we will answer all at once. Denis is an adult colorful man - he is 42 years old. Women adore him also because he is very tall - 198 centimeters. And 85 kilograms of weight suggests that his figure is also excellent.

It is easy to find such information on the net as Denis Matsuev photo in his youth and now. Looking at them, it is easy to guess that most of the army of his fans were women. Tall, handsome, and also a musician - what can resist such a thing?

Biography of Denis Matsuev

Denis was born on June 11, 1975, in Irkutsk, in a family not particularly famous, but directly connected with music. Father - Leonid Matsuev - was a pianist, wrote music. And mother - Irina Matsueva - taught to play the piano.

Approximately thirteen years ago in the same city was organized international festival"Stars on Baikal", now it has traditionally been held there, in Irkutsk, for many years now.

We can say that the biography of Denis Matsuev, as a musician, began about fifteen years ago. It was then that fame came to him. Except famous pianist, Matsuev became the head of the society of novice musicians, and also the Crescendo music competition. Most of the townspeople respect the musician very much, since it was with his assistance that the city was opened concert hall. Let it be small, accommodating only sixty people, but nonetheless.

The life of this person is really rich in colorful and interesting events. For example, not so long ago the famous opera diva Maria Maksakova celebrated her anniversary. And Denis was one of the first to congratulate the singer. A lot of fans, mostly women, were immediately interested in this fact, and made them wonder what really connects these two famous artists.

The truth turned out to be that Denis Matsuev and Maria Maksakova have been close friends for many years now, which Denis himself confirmed. Answering a question from journalists, he noted that they met while studying at a music school, and it was there that their friendship began. In fact, there is absolutely no reason to spread rumors. By the way, Denis studied music at the Moscow Music School.

Often, fans of Matsuev are also interested in the question of his nationality. The musician himself prefers to remain silent on such questions, answering simply: "I am a Siberian."

Personal life of Denis Matsuev

The personal life of Denis Matsuev for a very long time was one of the main topics for discussion among the admirers of the pianist. Mainly for the reason that, despite the relatively middle-aged age, the man was in no hurry to get married. In his interviews, the composer stated that family life it is, above all: respect, trust and love. In the past, the musician claimed that he is still single only because he has not yet met a woman whom he could call his wife. And marriage is not only a stamp in the passport, but also a responsibility.

After a certain time, news began to appear in the media. At first, that Denis Matsuev started a relationship with Ekaterina Shipulina, the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. Somewhat later, rumors began to arise that Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina broke up. But this seems to be just a rumor. Because last fall the ballerina gave birth to a girl for him.

Family of Denis Matsuev

Interestingly, the family of Denis Matsuev is very creative. It seems that the talent of a pianist is in his blood, as they say. And it was relatives that had a significant impact on later life musician. Father is a pianist and composer who wrote music for the theater in their hometown. As did his grandfather. And his mother is a music teacher.

From his very childhood, his parents developed in him a talent for music. Little Deniska not only studied at a music school, but did not forget to practice at home. It is obvious that in such a scenario, the future musician did not even have a question about the profession. He was completely sure that he would become a celebrity in the world of music.

Children of Denis Matsuev

During the period when Matsuev began his relationship with Shipulina, at some point the press decided to raise the question of whether there are children of Denis Matsuev? Or the relationship with the ballerina has not yet grown to such heights. Fans immediately became interested in the reasons for such a question. After all, this could mean only one of two things: either Matsuev began a conflict in relations with his beloved wife, or Catherine, at least, became pregnant.

Truthfully, fortunately for the fans, it turned out to be the second option. And in the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to a daughter to the composer, which caused great joy and immense delight for all their relatives and friends.

Daughter of Denis Matsuev - Anna Matsueva

The daughter of Denis Matsuev, Anna Matsueva, is a rather late child, but adored by her parents. Now the girl is only a year old. And currently famous composer and the pianist devotes all his free time to spending time with his daughter, who is just a copy of her mother.

It would not be superfluous to mention that the musician does not like it at all when the media try to get into his personal, his relationship with his family, they try to discuss close people and so on. And the man, with some difficulty, puts up with the fact that one way or another, one cannot do without it, because he was and remains a public person, and sooner or later any details of his life appear in newspapers and the Internet.

Denis Matsuev's wife - Ekaterina Shipulina

Almost all the time that they are married, Denis Matsuev's wife, Ekaterina Shipulina, like the composer himself, did not provide journalists and their admirers with any reason to spread rumors about their couple. They have been married for over ten years. And in particular, this fact was one of those that served as a real explosion when the news finally appeared that the musician and ballerina had finally had a baby. However, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Denis himself did not comment on this long-awaited event for the press.

Something like this was to be expected, because Denis does not want to talk about personal things in the press. And not particularly delighted when one of his close associates does it. During one of the interviews, he did not even begin to answer a completely harmless, it seems, question about whether he had a girlfriend before the wedding. But, if you remember Denis' attitude to marriage, one thing is clear - he loves and respects his wife very much, otherwise he would not marry and, even more so, have children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Denis Matsuev

Mainly due to the fact that their idol is so secretive, fans are often interested in such pages on the Internet as Denis Matsuev’s Instagram and Wikipedia, in the hope that at least these sources will be able to open for them the veil of mystery that the musician himself and his wife so diligently cast .

The pianist often claims that due to a fairly busy work schedule and frequent flights every month, he does not have time to chat about personal things, as well as keep pages in social networks. Thus, admirers only have to watch the life of their idol through the Instagram profile of his wife Ekaterina and read the Wikipedia page dedicated to him.