Scenario of a musical living room for parents with competitions. Scenario of a musical living room for older children and parents "Autumn mood

1) The game "Ball in a circle."

Children are seated on the floor (on the site) squatting in a circle. The teacher with the ball is in the center of the circle. He rolls the ball to each child in turn or to the one he calls: “Sasha, catch!” The child catches the ball and sends it back, but at the same time it is necessary to complete some task: have time to clap your hands 2-3 times, name a quantitative or ordinal number. For example, the teacher says: “First”, the child answers: “Second”, etc. You can name any item that is part of a generalized concept (furniture, vegetables, fruits, etc.). The teacher makes sure that the children roll the ball, and not toss it.

Note. When the game is repeated, any child can be in the center.

2) The game "Ball on the floor."

Musical accompaniment: Russian melody folk song"Like ours at the gate."


Children sit on chairs along the wall. The teacher calls three or four guys, gives each a big ball (of a different color).

Children sit on the carpet facing the group at a distance two or three meters from it, put the balls in front of them (legs slightly apart). Everyone sings a familiar song.

I knock with my hands, I knock with my hands,

I tap with my hands.

Natasha (Masha, Sasha) will shake the ball.

Children sitting on the carpet energetically slap the ball with their palms to the beat of the melody. To the exclamation of "Oops!" roll the ball to the one whose name they themselves pronounce in the song. The game continues.

3) The game "Call and don't yawn!".

Purpose: to develop in the game the ability to quickly respond to the word.

Game tasks. Children stand in a circle, alternately throwing a ball to each other. The child who threw the ball first says a word, such as "ball". The one who catches answers consonant word(for example, “rook”) and throws it to the third, etc. If the child did not have time to pick up the word, he is eliminated from the game.

4) The game "The ball in pursuit."

Children stand in a circle (possibly in two circles). Educator 3-4 children standing in different places circle, distributes 3-4 colored celluloid balls. At the signal of the educator: “The ball is in pursuit!” - children simultaneously begin to quickly pass the balls to each other. If one child has two balls at once, he is out of the game. After 3-4 repetitions of the game, the child again stands in a circle and plays with everyone together.

Note. First, the game is played with two balls. The teacher monitors the correct transfer of the ball (you can pass the ball in front of you, behind your back, but you can’t pass it through one OR several players, you can’t leave the place).

5) The game "Toss - catch."

Children stand in two lines (opposite each other) at a distance of arms extended to the sides. The children of one of the ranks have a ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the children simultaneously throw the ball up in front of them, catch it with both hands and roll the ball to the players standing opposite in the other line. Those, in turn, repeat the task in tossing and catching the ball.

Note. When repeating, the game can be complicated: throw the ball up and clap 2-3 times; catch the ball in a jump; throw the ball, have time to turn around and then catch the ball; throw the ball with one hand and catch with the other.

6) The game "Hit the ball."


The players stand in a circle, the distance between them is 2-3 steps. A circle is drawn, in the middle of which is the driver.

Children standing in a circle, without leaving the line, throw a small foam ball at the driver, trying to hit him. The driver, running inside the circle, dodges the ball. A child who gets into the driver changes place with him.

Rules of the game.

1. Players must not cross the line.

2. The ball is taken by the child to whom it flies or rolls.

3. You can only throw the ball below the knees.

4. If the driver catches the ball, this is not considered a hit.

Note. It is advisable to play the game with a small group of children (6-8 people).

7) The game "Will the balls meet?".

We divide the children into pairs and give the task: roll the balls so that they meet.

Children-spectators in unison count how many times the balls hit, having met, for each pair of participants. The pair of players with the most ball encounters wins.

8) The game "Run, catch!".

Children stand freely on one side of the playground. The teacher with a large beautiful ball in his hands is in front of them at a distance of 1.5-2 m. Throwing the ball up and catching it, the teacher steps back a few steps, saying: “I throw it once, I throw it two, I throw it three - run, catch it!” Children run to the teacher, trying to catch the ball; the teacher himself catches the ball and says: “If you didn’t catch it, run back!”

Children return to their original places. The game is repeated 2-3 times, after which the teacher gives one of the children the opportunity to catch the ball. Having called this child by name, the teacher invites him to carry the ball, holding it with his hands above his head. The rest line up behind the child who caught the ball and follow each other.

The game can be finished or repeated 2-3 more times. During this game, children practice running, walking after the leader; at the same time they develop attention and endurance.

9) The game "Roll to me."

Children sit on the floor in front of the teacher, legs apart. The teacher rolls a big ball to one or another child, saying: “Catch the ball and give it to me!” The child catches the ball, rolls it to the teacher. After 5-6 children do this, the teacher suddenly raises the ball up, runs away from the children and shouts: “Come to me!” Children should quickly get up and run to the teacher. The teacher moves away from the children a few steps, hitting the ball on the floor, and says: “Jump like my ball!” Children are jumping. Then the teacher, saying “The ball is tired, he ran after the guys!”, Rolls the ball to the children. They must run away from the ball and sit in their seats. The game is repeated 3-5 times and ends with all children calmly walking behind the child who carries the ball. The ball is received by the one who completed all the tasks better than others. While walking, the teacher can pass the ball to another child. At the same time, he says: "Whoever walks well will carry the ball."

In this game, children practice rolling a ball, jumping on two legs, running on a signal; at the same time, they develop the ability to gently, easily jump, quickly change position.

If children play outdoors, the ball can be rolled from a standing position, squatting.

10) The game "My cheerful, ringing ball."

Children stand facing the teacher, in whose hands is a large beautiful ball. The teacher, raising the ball high, says: “Come up to me and look at my ball, and now go to your seats and look at the ball again.” Children approach the teacher, then return. The teacher repeats the invitation and invites the children to become wider in a circle and see how the ball bounces. Beating him with his hand on the floor, the teacher says:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue -

Don't chase you!

He invites the children to jump with the ball, and then throws the ball to the side: “The ball will catch up with you - run away from it!” The children run away. The game is repeated 3-4 times. At the end of the game, the teacher gives the ball to one of the children; everyone goes after the ball.

After that, the children stand in a circle. The teacher gives a signal to stop and takes the ball to himself. “I lift the ball high,” he says, “and you do the same!” Children raise their hands up and, together with the teacher, lower them down. This is repeated 3-4 times. “I will put the ball on the floor, stand up and hide my hands,” the teacher says, showing the movements, “and you do the same.” Children repeat the movements 3-4 times. “I will sit down and roll the ball,” the teacher continues. Children imitate the movements of the teacher. “Now everyone run, catch and throw the ball,” he says and runs, tossing and catching the ball. Children run after him, imitating his movements. The teacher switches the children to calm walking: “Quietly, quietly, we are walking and we will remove our ball.”

The ball is put into place.

In such a game, children exercise in a whole complex of various movements: running, jumping, gymnastic exercises; at the same time, they develop the ability to act on a signal.

11) The game "Catch and throw - do not let fall!".

Children stand in a circle; the teacher is in the center with a big ball. He throws the ball to one or the other child. The children catch it and throw it back to the teacher, who says: “Catch and throw - don’t let it fall!”

Then the teacher says: “Jump to me like balls!” Children jump on their toes, approaching the teacher. He quickly picks up the ball: “Run away faster! The ball bounces after you." The children run away, and the teacher hits the ball on the floor, catches it and resumes the game, throwing the ball to those children who have not yet caught it. You can end the game by walking. The player in front is given the ball.

Children practice throwing and catching the ball, jumping on two legs moving forward.

12) The game "The ball into the goal."

From 6 cubes (the height of each is 15-20 cm), children build a gate, that is, a thin rail 1.5-2 m long is placed on top of the cubes. In front of the gate at a distance of 1.5-2 m from them on a line or a stretched cord 5-6 small balls lie. The child, at the direction of the teacher, approaches them, takes one ball, rolls it into the goal and runs after it, crawling into the goal on all fours; then he straightens up, catches up with the ball and, putting it in its original place, sits down to rest and watches how the children roll the balls.

This game strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs, back, abdomen; children develop coordination of movements, dexterity. The game helps to organize a group of children.

13) The game "Ball from the hill."

Children face the teacher who is building a "slide". On a low gymnastic bench, he puts a board at one end (you can fix the board for escaping on the gymnastic wall, the other end of the board on the floor). Near the bench is a big ball. The teacher calls the children. They alternately stand on the bench, approach the hill, roll the ball off it and run, catching up with it, then bring the ball to its place and watch the players.

The game is played with a small group of children; they exercise in running on an inclined plane; children develop courage, dexterity and speed.

14) The game "Don't lose the ball!".

All children are given medium or small balls. The teacher says: “You can play with the ball as you like! But don't lose the ball! Play!" Children run into different sides and play freely with balls: roll, throw, catch. To the words of the teacher: “Don’t lose the ball, lift it up!” Everyone stops and shows their balls. The game is repeated 3-4 times. After that, the teacher invites the children to walk around with the ball in their hands.

Having arranged the children in a circle, the teacher invites them to perform several exercises with balls, for example:

1. Raise the ball up, look at it and lower it.

2. Spread your arms to the sides, then, connecting in front of you, shift the ball from one hand to the other and lower them down.

3. Bend down, put the ball on the floor, straighten up without the ball, bend over again and pick up the ball.

4. Sit down, roll the ball from the right hand to the left hand and vice versa, then stand up, lifting the ball. After that, you can offer walking with balls. When the game is over, the children put the balls in baskets or boxes.

The game can be played with children of middle and senior groups. Then, in the first part of the game, children must perform certain movements, for example: throw the ball in front of them and catch it while walking and running without dropping it; play the ball, beating it on the floor; hit the ball on the floor and catch it. In the second part of the game, more complex movements should also be given. Children can be built not in a circle, but in pairs. This will make it possible to include an exercise such as rolling or throwing balls.

Sample ball exercises for older children:

1. Transfer the ball from hand to hand overhead.

2. Transfer the ball from hand to hand under the foot.

3. Holding the ball in your right hand, turn to the right without taking your feet off the floor and transfer the ball behind your back to your left hand, turn to the left and put the ball in your right hand.

4. Squat as low as possible and shift the ball from hand to hand.

5. Sitting cross-legged on the floor and holding the ball in an outstretched hand, lean to the right and left, touching the floor with the ball.

6. Sitting with your legs extended on the floor, lean forward, put the ball between your legs and take it back.

7. Sitting and leaning back on your hands, supporting the ball with both legs, lift it up and down.

8. Lying on your back, lift the ball with your feet up.

9. Lying on your stomach, raise the ball with your hands up.

10. Sitting on the floor, pull your legs up to your stomach, hold the ball at your feet and, pulling them forward, push the ball away from you with your feet.

15) The game "Two circles with the ball."

Children are built in two (the older can be in three) circles. The teacher holds a big beautiful ball and, throwing it up, says: “I throw it once, I throw it two, I throw it three - run in different directions!”

Children run until the teacher says: “Two (or three) circles!” The children quickly take their places.

Then the teacher throws the ball to one of the children in the circle in which the children gathered faster. The child catches the ball and returns it to the teacher. He throws the ball to another child standing in the same circle. After repeating the exercise 3-4 times, the teacher throws the ball up and says: “Run!” The game is restarted.

Children in this game practice catching and throwing the ball; in all directions; learn on a signal to quickly gather in a circle.

16) The game "Red, blue, who is behind him?".

Children, lined up in two lines (each line should have no more than 10-12 children), stand facing each other on the playground or in the room. The teacher has baskets with balls of red and of blue color. There are as many balls as there are players. The children of one line should run when the red balls roll, the other - when the blue ones. Distracting the attention of the children and showing one or the other basket, the teacher suddenly overturns one of them; the children run after the balls, collect them, then put them back in the basket held by the teacher and return to their places.

The game develops attention, speed of reaction, dexterity.

17) The game "Ball over the net."

Children are divided into two groups. One stands on one side of the stretched net, the other on the other. The one on the far right throws the ball over the net to the person opposite. He must catch the ball, throw it to the one standing nearby, etc. The teacher counts the number of mistakes and failures in each group. When the ball falls into the hands of the last player, they start playing again; now the ball is thrown to the far left.

In the game, children learn to throw and catch the ball well; they develop coordination of movements. All this serves as a good preparation for playing volleyball.

18) The game "The ball from the hill and into the goal."

Children stand or sit in front of the teacher, who, showing the ball, says: “Now we will roll the ball and catch up!” The teacher gives several participants in the game the task of building a slide and a gate. Children should bring a bench, a long board, a rail, a few cubes. The gates are built in front of the hill at a distance of one and a half to two meters. The gate is a rail laid on cubes, the height of which is 60 cm. At the signal of the educator, the first player with the ball gets on the hill. He must roll the ball so evenly that it hits the goal from the hill. Then the child runs down the hill, goes into the goal - crawls on all fours so as not to touch the rails, straightens up and runs, catching up with the ball. Having caught up, he raises it high above his head, brings it to the hill and gives or throws it to the next one.

Players need to be divided into 2-3 links; children from the same link line up at the same time, approach the slide and complete the task one after another. When the last one completes the task, both achievements of the link and errors are noted; when all links complete the task, the best link is marked. You can end the game by walking. To do this, the teacher lines up all the children. The best link goes in front, the leader carries the ball.

To speed up the game, you can take 2-3 balls; when one runs down the hill, the other starts the exercise with the second ball.

In this game, children practice balance while running on an inclined plane, climbing, catching a ball, throwing it; at the same time, they develop accuracy, dexterity, coordination of movements, speed and quick wits.

19) The game "Catch the ball!".

The players form a circle. The teacher brings two balls - large and small. Children must, on signal, pass the balls in a circle. On a signal: "Big, forward!" - a large ball is passed, and after it through two people on a signal: “Small, forward!” - small. After some time, at the direction of the teacher, they begin to pass the balls in the other direction, that is, the big ball catches up with the small one. The game continues until one ball catches up with the other.

This game develops attention, intelligence, speed, accuracy of movements; the muscles of the arms, legs, torso are well exercised.

20) The game "Don't let the ball into the goal!".

Children become in a circle; feet shoulder width apart; one of the players with the big ball stands in the middle. Saying: “I’m starting!”, He rolls the ball under someone’s feet, trying to get him out of the circle, but everyone to whom the ball rolls must quickly bend down and beat it back with his hands. The one who misses the ball must catch up with him and stand with him in the center of the circle instead of the driver, who then joins the rest of the children. Standing in a circle, the children should keep straight and bend only when the ball rolls.

The game develops attention, dexterity of movements, the ability to quickly and accurately roll the ball.

21) The game "For the ball."

Children are divided into four groups. A line is drawn along one wall of the room, at which there are two groups; the other two are at the opposite wall, also on the same line. The extreme players, on the right or on the left, are given one ball each. At the signal of the educator: “Start!” - they throw the balls to the one standing opposite and immediately run to the column where they threw the ball, and stand behind. The one who caught the ball throws it to the one opposite, runs to the column where the ball flew, and stands behind. The game continues until everyone has switched places.

In this game, children practice catching and throwing the ball, running, speed, accuracy, dexterity of movements.

22) The game "Ball on the floor."

Children are built in four columns in the same way as in the game "For the ball". The game starts after the signal. The first in each column to the right or left run, hitting the ball on the floor; having reached the first in the opposite column, they pass the balls to them, and they themselves stand behind. The one who received the ball runs without delay, directing it with blows on the floor to the column in which the ball was earlier, etc. When everyone changes places, the teacher should mark the column that completed the task better.

In this game, children practice running, hitting the ball on the floor; at the same time they develop coordination of movements, speed, accuracy.

23) The game "Hurry to catch."

Children are built in a circle, the driver is in the middle. Children throw the ball from one side of the circle to the other; the driver must catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If he manages to do this, he stands in a circle, and the one who threw the ball goes in the middle.

In this game, children practice throwing the ball, catching it, bouncing, quick turns; at the same time they develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

24) The game "Bring the ball."

Children line up one after another in three columns on one side of the playground or room. In front of each column is a basket. Opposite the columns at a distance of 6-7 m, balls lie on the floor. On a signal: "Run, bring it!" - the first from each column run to the balls; everyone takes as many balls as they can. On the way, the balls should not fall. If the ball falls, the teacher marks it as a failure. The players put the brought balls into the baskets and move to the side or to the end of the column. When everyone has completed the exercise, it is determined who has more balls; the quality of the exercise is also taken into account. In this game, children practice speed and dexterity of movements.

25) The game "We carry different balls."

Children line up in two lines on opposite sides of the playground. Children of one line have small colored balls (preferably soft, stuffed ones). The children in the other line turn their backs to the wall. The first line picks up the balls and approaches the second. The teacher says: “We go, we go, we go, we carry different balls!”.

Having approached the second line, children with balls stop at a distance of two steps and put the balls on the floor. The teacher says:

Whoever has the ball here, He doesn’t run after us, But picks up our ball And rather throws it at us!

After these words, the children of the first line quickly run away to their places, and the children of the second line pick up the balls and throw them towards the fleeing ones. The throwers collect the balls. The game is repeated 2-3 times; then the children change places.

In this game, children practice throwing the ball, running; At the same time, attention and endurance develop.

Game-exercise for performances

Teacher's words:

1. Throw - catch

Throw - catch

Throw - catch

Throw - catch!

2. About the floor - and into the hands,

About the floor - and into the hands,

About the floor - and into the hands,

About the floor - and into the hands!

3. Roll - lift,

Roll - lift

Roll - lift

Ride - pick up!

4. Run and throw,

Don't let fall

Run and drop

Don't let fall

Don't let fall

Don't let it fall!

Children's movements:

1. Children throw balls and catch them. The exercise is repeated four times.

2. Hit the ball on the floor and catch it. The exercise is also repeated four times.

3. Children crouch and roll the ball to the person standing opposite, pushing him right hand. Having received the ball from a friend, the child stands up and straightens up, lifting the ball up with both hands.

4. Children stand at the back of each other's heads and run, tossing and catching balls; one column runs to the right, the other to the left; in the middle they pair up and continue to run; stop, put the balls on the floor, clap their hands and say: "That's it!" Then they take the balls and run away.

In the game, children show the ability to control the ball, speed, dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements of all players.

26) The game "Ball from the hill."

Children stand in a column one at a time in front of slides of 5-6 people. Approximately there should be 3-4 slides for the entire group of children. Each child rolls the ball down the hill, runs after it, passes it to the next in the column and stands behind everyone. The team (column) that completes the task the fastest wins.

Note. The teacher stands on the side of the columns and makes sure that the children run after the ball on one side and return on the other (to avoid collisions). At a distance of 2-3 m from the hill, obstacles are installed that hold the ball.

The teacher may suggest various options rolling the ball: roll with the right, left, two hands; roll so that the ball accurately passes into the goal, made of cubes, clubs, etc.; roll the ball not from the hand, but from the scoop (plywood, planks, rackets, cardboard, etc.); roll the ball and have time to catch it in the scoop.

27) The game "Roll to the wall."

From 6-8 sticks they make a corridor 40-50 cm wide so that it reaches the wall. There should be two such corridors. A group of children is divided into two teams that are seated on chairs (benches) on both sides of the hall.

Two from each team stand against the wall: one catches the ball, the other prepares. At the signal of the teacher, the first in the team rolls the ball along the corridor, the ball must touch the wall. The player, standing against the wall, takes the ball after the rebound and stands in the starting position for rolling. His place is taken by the next one, and so on. The team that quickly and correctly completed the task wins.

28) The game "Catch the ball."

3-4 corridors are made from gymnastic sticks, 3-4 m long, 70 cm wide. Children are divided into 3-4 teams. Two people from each team stand at the beginning of the corridor. The rest of the children sit on two sides of the hall. The first one rolls the ball, runs after it, tries to catch it, preventing it from rolling out of the corridor, then picks up the ball and throws it in any way to the next in the column, and he sits down. The team that not only quickly, but also correctly completes the task wins.

Note. The teacher is at the end of the corridors and makes sure that the children follow the order and accurately perform the appropriate actions with the ball, gives specific comments: “Don’t throw the ball so hard, otherwise you won’t have time to catch up with it to the end of the corridor”; “To catch the ball, cover it with your hand from above with a “boat”; "Try to accurately throw the ball to your friend."

The game can take place in more complicated ways: catch a rolling ball after the signal “One-two-three! Catch!"; catch at the end of the corridor; at the checkbox; when throwing the ball to a friend, have time to clap a certain number of times. The boundaries of the corridor can be lines drawn on the floor, ground. The game can take place without corridors. Children simply roll the ball in a straight direction.

29) Roll the ball game.

Children themselves lay out 3-4 rectangles from building material without one side facing the players (in the form of a gate). According to the number of rectangles, children are divided into teams. Each player has one ball. At a distance of 2-3 m, the child rolls his ball into the gate of the rectangle. When everyone completes the task, the number of balls that hit the goal is counted. The team that scores the most goals wins. After that, one of the children in each team collects the balls and distributes them to their comrades. The game is restarted.

Note. With repeated repetition of the game, the width of the goal gradually decreases (from 70 to 40 cm) or the distance from the place where the ball rolled to the goal increases, but not more than 5-6 m.

30) The game "The ball towards the ball."

The group of children is divided into two teams. Both teams stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 m. The first are the captains, each with a ball. At the signal of the educator: “Begin!” - children roll the balls towards one another, but so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the ball, the captains pass the balls to their comrades, etc. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Note. This game is played only after the children learn how to roll a big ball to each other with both hands. In this case, children are not divided into teams, but play independently in a group or on a site. The teacher shows how to roll and explains: "Everyone should roll the ball a little to the right, then the balls will not collide."

31) The game "Catch the bouncing ball."

The game is played in a group room or in the hall. Two tables are shifted by the narrow side and placed close to the wall. The child stands at the edge of the table against the wall and rolls the ball along the table so that it bounces. After that, the child must quickly catch the ball and pass it to a friend. The game can take place in subgroups, then 2-3 are needed playing fields, i.e. put 4-6 tables side by side.

32) The game "Pass the ball."

Children are divided into 3-4 teams and line up in columns one after another at a distance of 2-3 m. Any object is placed in front of each column at a distance of 3-4 m: a chair, a large ball, a mace, a cube, etc. The first in the column with a tennis celluloid ball, he must run around the object, pass the ball to the next in his column and stand behind everyone. If the ball is lost, the child must return, pick it up and run from the place where the ball fell.

Note. The teacher makes sure that the children follow the rules of the game: they do not go out ahead of time towards the player, try not to touch the object, do not pass the ball through the air and move into columns on one side. If children often make the listed mistakes, then the teacher can stop the game and explain the rules again.

The game can take place in another version: run around the chair, put the ball on it, and returning to your column, touch the hand of the next player; he, running around the chair, takes the ball, passes it to another, etc.

33) The game "Throw the ball."

Children are built in two lines. The children of the first line have one ball each. They throw the ball to the children of the other line.

The subgroup of children with the least number of ball falls wins.

Note. The game can take place on the signal: “Start!”, Which is given by the teacher. Children throw the ball at the same time.

34) The game "Hurry to catch."

The game is played with a small subgroup of children. They stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. Children throw the ball to each other, trying not to touch or catch the driver. If he succeeds, he takes the place of the one who unsuccessfully threw the ball. The last one goes to the middle of the circle.

Note. The teacher stands behind the circle, makes sure that the children do not hold the ball for a long time, do not throw it to the same child. If the driver fails to catch the ball for a long time, a new one is appointed.

The game can be complicated: enter two drivers and throw two balls.

35) The game "Get in the" window ".

Children are divided into 4-6 teams. Each team should have no more than 5-6 children. Two teams play at the same time. The guys stand in a column one at a time from the gymnastic wall on both sides at a distance of 1 m. A line is drawn at the same distance.

One team gets the ball. The one standing first throws the ball into the lower span of the gymnastic wall - the "window" and stands at the end of the column. The child standing first in the opposite team catches him (or takes him from the floor, ground) and throws the ball into the same span. The next children throw it into the flight higher, etc. If one did not hit the “window”, then the next child from the same team throws the ball into the same “window”.

Depending on which team and which side is to the gymnastic wall, the children throw into the "window" with their right or left hand.

When the ball hits each "window", the teams change places: those who threw the ball with their left hand throw with their right, and vice versa. The team with the fewest mistakes wins. After that, their place is taken by another pair of teams.

Note. The teacher makes sure that the children during the throw do not come closer to the gymnastic wall than the prescribed distance.

The game can be played simultaneously with four teams, then one pair of teams gets up from one end of the gymnastic wall, the other from the other end. This will shorten the playing time and keep most of the children busy in the game.

Game "Ball in the net"

A volleyball net is stretched on the site at a height of 110-120 cm. Children are also divided into teams and stand on both sides of the net. Each child from the team alternately throws the ball into any cell of the net, the child standing opposite catches it.

36) The game "Ball on the floor."

Children stand in two lines opposite each other. Children in one line have balls, they throw them on the floor, catch them with both hands and roll them to partners from the other line.

You can throw the ball up and catch it after it hits the floor.

37) The game "The ball in the basket."

Children stand in a circle, depending on the number of children, not one, but 2-4 circles can be formed. A basket is placed in the middle. Each child has a ball. You need to throw the ball on the floor so that it hits the basket.

The balls are thrown one at a time or all together. In the second case, the balls must be colored. The teacher is behind the circle.

38) The game "Get in the circle."

Children, just like in the previous game, are built in 4-6 columns against the wall. A hoop is placed on the floor 30-40 cm from the wall or a square is made from gymnastic sticks.

Each in turn throws the ball on the steppe so that, having rebounded, it hits the circle, then catches the ball and passes it to the next player, and he himself stands at the end of the column.

Note. At first, the teacher shows how to act: it is easy to hold the ball with three fingers, throw it from below, the left (right) hand is slightly pushed forward.

39) The game "The ball in a circle."

Children are divided into several teams, each with 5-6 people. On the floor, colored paper discs or colored hoops are laid out in any order, 3-4 pieces against each team. Children stand in front of the hoops at a distance of 1.5-2 m. At the signal of the teacher, the first ones throw the ball so that it falls into the circle.

Each child makes two throws in any circle, or the teacher suggests a certain sequence: hit the red, blue, yellow, etc. The team that hit all the colored disks wins.

Note. Children can throw the ball in any way, but the teacher must explain that the throw from below is more effective, while holding the ball freely.

The game can be played with a feather ball (shuttlecock).

The game "Through the rope in the hoop"(as a variant of the previous game)

The game is played in the same way as the previous one, only it takes place on the court. A rope is pulled between two posts at a height of 120-130 cm.

On one side of the site, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn behind the rope, a line is drawn at a distance of 50-70 cm in front of the rope. Children take turns throwing a ball (shuttlecock) over the rope, trying to get into the circle. You can divide the children into several teams. The team with the most balls in the circle wins.

40) Game "Hit and Catch".

Divide the group of children into four teams. Everyone lines up in a column one at a time. In front of each team, squares are drawn on the floor (ground) at a close distance from each other. At the signal of the teacher, the first players from each team run to the squares and, trying to hit the ball into the square, try to catch it. The movement resembles the driving of stakes.

The ball is then passed to the next player. You can hit the ball with your left hand and catch it with your right or vice versa; or hit and catch with the same hand.

40) The game "obedient ball".

A hoop is placed on the floor or a circle is drawn. The child hits the ball with his hand, trying to hit the circle exactly. It is necessary to hit the ball lightly, but with a firm palm and after the ball has bounced high enough off the floor. This exercise can be done, or sitting on a chair; or without using a hoop (circle); or hitting the ball with each hand, either separately or alternately.

The exercise can be complicated by the fact that the child will hit the ball alternately with each hand into a triangle, the side of which is 40 cm.

Note. The teacher makes sure that the children not only hit the ball correctly, but also maintain a free natural position of the body: the knees are slightly bent, not tense, the body is slightly tilted forward.

You can organize the game as a competition between teams or between children in pairs: who can hit the ball longer, accurately hitting a circle, triangle, etc. Each winner gets a point.

41) The game "The ball on the track."

Divide a group of children into two teams, in front of each of which they draw or lay out a corridor 50-100 cm wide and 3 m long from gymnastic sticks, ropes. Each child has a ball in his hands.

It is necessary, hitting the ball on the floor, to lead it along the corridor, return, stand at the end of the column and pass the ball to the next one. If the player drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue to dribble from that spot.

The next in the column begins to move only when the previous player passes the corridor. You can return to your column only on a certain side.

The team that not only quickly, but also correctly completes the task wins.

Note. Children can dribble in a straight line, first with their right hand to the middle of the corridor, and then with their left.

42) The game "The ball around the hoop."

The group of children is divided into 4-5 teams. Opposite the team, at a distance of 1.5-2 m, there are hoops, each 1 m in diameter (you can use a hula hoop). At the signal of the teacher, the first begin to dribble the ball, heading for the hoops, go around it, pick it up, then run back to their column and pass the ball to the next one. If someone drops the ball, then he continues to drive it from the place where he fell.

Note. The game is played with children only when they learn to dribble the ball in a straight direction. You can dribble with your right hand, left hand or alternately.

43) The game "The ball on the bumps."

Children stand 5-6 people in a column one at a time. The first child has a ball. On the site, 6-8 circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm are drawn at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. The first one must hold the ball so that it jumps around the circles - “over the bumps”, and pass the ball to the next one.

Note. The teacher monitors the course of the game, shows, as necessary, how to dribble the ball correctly, getting into each circle, compares this movement with running over bumps. The game can be played with small variations: dribbling the ball alternately with each hand; get into the circle indicated by the teacher; dribble the ball between circles.

Ball exercises.

It is not necessary for the educator to play all ball games with the entire group of children. It can be individual sessions, in which it is good to use individual elements of games, their options and exemplary exercises.

1. Roll the ball to each other at a distance of 1.5-2 m alternately with the right and left hand.

2. Throw the ball up, catch with both hands or alternately with each hand.

3. Throw the ball on the floor, catch with both hands, having time to clap. Perform exercises on the spot and while walking.

4. Throw the ball up, let it hit the floor, catch it with both hands, with each hand, after the throw, have time to make a turn around you.

5. Throw the ball against the wall, jump on one foot, catch with both hands.

6. Throw the ball against the wall, after bouncing off the floor, catch with both hands or with each hand in turn.

7. Throw the ball on the floor so that it touches the wall and catch it.

8. Throw the ball on the floor so that it touches the wall, hits the floor again, and catches it.

9. Dribble with one hand, like a basketball, bypassing objects.

10. Put the ball on your head and try to keep it as long as possible. Perform the exercise on the spot, while walking. Exercise promotes posture.

Card file of outdoor games with a ball in kindergarten


for children 3-4 years old

Target. To improve the skill of repulsing the ball, to learn to navigate in space, to develop fixation of the gaze, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. Children squat on the floor in a circle. The teacher (adult) gives one of the participants in the game a ball-Kolobok (eyes, nose, mouth are drawn or glued on it) and reads a poem.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, You have a ruddy side.

You roll on the floor

And Katyusha (guys) smile!

At the request of the teacher (adult) (“Katya, roll the ball to Dima”), the girl rolls the ball with both hands to the named participant. He, having received the ball, rolls it to another child, who was called by name, etc.

Rules: the ball needs to be pushed harder in order to

he rolled up to another participant in the game, as well as to serve the ball that rolled out of the circle.

Dosage: each child rolls the ball 2-3 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. To learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, to repel it vigorously, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. A child with a ball in his hands comes to the designated place (cord, strip of plaster, colored circle) and performs actions in accordance with the poetic text.

Our cheerful, sonorous ball(pushing the ball with both hands)

We'll drive far(looks where he went)

And now let's catch him. (runs after the ball, catches up with him.)

This is easy for us to do!(raises the ball over his head: “Caught!”)

Depending on the diameter of the ball, the child can roll it with one hand, alternating the right and left hand, if it is small (5-8 cm in diameter) or with both hands, if it is large (18-20 cm in diameter).

Rules: the child looks ahead before rolling the ball. Does not run after the ball immediately, but waits for a speech signal.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-5 years old

Target. To develop elementary skills of hitting the ball on the target, the ability to vigorously push the ball in a given direction, to develop gaze fixation.

Move. The teacher (adult) puts two or three skittles at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the child, gives him a big ball.

The child squats down, bends over, puts his feet slightly wider than his shoulders in the place indicated by the adult (colored circle or cord), rolls the ball forward with both hands, trying to knock down the skittles. Then he follows him, picks him up and returns.

The teacher (adult) accompanies his show with the following words:

Look at the skittles.(teacher points to skittles)

They stand exactly in a row!

We will send the ball to them skillfully(pushing the ball with both hands)

And they are already there! (points to knocked down skittles)

Rules: vigorously push the ball away with both hands, look ahead - at the pins.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. Develop dexterity, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children take balls of different colors and freely position themselves around the room. An adult with children says:

These are not crackers:

The guns fired.

People dance and sing.

Fireworks in the sky!(children throw balls and catch them).

At the signal of an adult: “The fireworks are over!” children stop throwing balls up.

Rules: you can throw the ball up only after the command "Salute".

Dosage: 3-4 times.

THEM. Votolkina "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"


for children 3 - 5 years old

Target. Develop speed of reaction, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children with balls in their hands line up on the starting line in a line. The teacher says the words:

All the balls rolled, rolled.Children throw balls over their heads and run after them.

Here the balls jumped, played outThey jump on two legs in place with balls in their hands.

Our bright balls, colorful balls.

Balls run into the corner, run away.Children run to the starting line.

Balls are hidden there, they are resting.They squat down.

Rules: act according to the text of the poem.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. Develop orientation in space, expand the visual field.

Move. Children stand at one end of the hall facing the teacher. The teacher shows the ball and says that they must find it. The one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place, and the game will continue until all the children find the ball.

Then the teacher invites everyone to turn their faces to the wall and close their eyes, and at this time he hides the ball. At the signal "Done!" children open their eyes and spread around the room in search of a ball. At the end of the game, the one who first saw the ball is noted, as well as those children who showed the greatest restraint, observation, and quick wit.

Option: whoever finds the ball first with the teacher hides it, and the children look for it.

Rules: the one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

L.I. Penzulaeva "Physical training with children 3 - 4 years old."


for children 4-6 years old

Target. Develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Move. The adult says:

Kach, kach, kach. Children take balls and stand in a circle.

We want to play ball

From the basket where the toys are

Get him quickly

And play with everyone get up

Kach, kach, kach. Children throw the ball with both hands

Let's throw the ball high!up and catch him.

And then we'll catch him

And let's throw it up again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach. Throw the ball with both hands on the floor

We'll hit the ball on the floor! and they catch him.

And then we'll catch him

And let's hit the bottom again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach.

Tired poor ball.The children put the balls in the basket.

Rolled into a corner.

And quietly fell silent.

Rules: perform movements according to the text.

Dosage: 2-3 times.


for children 3-5 years old


Move. Children stand in a circle, an adult in the center. He throws the ball and catches it back, saying: “Catch, throw, don’t fall!”.

The text is pronounced slowly in order to have time to catch and throw the ball. The distance gradually increases: from 1 to 2 m or more.

Rules: catch the ball without pressing it to the chest; throw accurately to an adult with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.

Complication: Children stand in pairs and throw the ball to each other.

Dosage: 30 sec.

for children 4-5 years old


Move. The ball school is a system of exercises. Exercises are selected simple, affordable. Children perform them in a certain sequence.

1. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2. Throw the ball up, clap your hands and then catch it.

3. Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands.

4. Hit the ball on the ground, clap your hands and then catch it.

5. Hit the ball against the wall (or shield) and catch it with both hands (see picture)

6. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and then catch it.

7. Hit the ball against the wall. After he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

8. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and, when the ball hits the ground, bounces, catch it.


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, fixation of the gaze.

Move. The players stand in a circle, throw, catch and hit the balls, reading verses:

Multicolored fast ballChildren throw the ball up and catch it.

Without hesitation jumps, jumps.

Often, often, low, low.They hit the ground.

From the ground to the hand so close.

Jump and jump, jump and jumpThrow up and catch.

You won't get the ceiling.

Jump and jump, knock and knock,They hit the ground.

You won't leave our hands.

Rules: throw, hit and catch the ball rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the verse.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Exercise group 1.

1) Throw the ball up and catch with both hands.

2) Throw the ball up and catch with one right hand.

3) Throw the ball up and catch with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with both hands (fig)

5) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one right hand.

6) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one left hand.

If the child, while doing the exercises, drops the ball, he passes it to another player and waits for his turn. If he completes all these exercises, then he repeats them with claps.

Group of exercises 2 (at the wall).

1) Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.

2) Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one hand.

3) Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball against the wall; after he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

5) Hit the ball against the wall; after he falls and bounces, catch him with one right, then left hand.

All of these exercises can be done with claps.

T.I. Osokin "Games and entertainment for children in the air"


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the players has a ball in his hands. At the command of the teacher, the child begins to throw the ball, calling by name the person to whom he throws the ball. The ball must be caught. Whoever dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and performs any exercise with the ball.

Rules: The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. If the player drops the ball during the exercise, he is given an additional task.

Dosage: 2 - 3 min.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, visual-motor coordination, touch.

Move. The players form a circle. The leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest move tightly towards each other, hands behind everyone.

An adult gives someone a ball (diameter 6-8 cm), and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: "Hands!"- and the one being addressed should put forward both hands, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one who has the ball starts to drive.

Rules: try to pass the ball behind your back so that the driver does not guess; to whom the driver is addressing must show his hands.

Dosage: 2 - 3 times.

L.I. Penzulaeva "Physical training with children 5-6 years old"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, fixation of the gaze, eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle, pass the ball from hand to hand, saying:One, two, three - take the ball as soon as possible!

Four, five, six - here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine - throw who knows how.

The last one to whom the ball hit says: “I!”, goes into the middle and throws the ball, trying to knock down the children running to the sides.

Rules: pass the ball, precisely coordinating the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words; the one who is stained by the ball misses one round of the game; throw the ball, aiming at the legs.

Dosage: 3-4 times.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"


for children 5-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, hand-eye coordination.

Move. They play together. Two players are located opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m and throw the ball between them. The third one stands between them and tries to catch the ball or at least touch it with his hand. If this succeeds, he changes places with the one who threw the ball. You can invite children to perform some movement before throwing: throw the ball up, down, catch it, dribble in place, etc.


Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Build ball handling skills, agility, fine motor skills hands

Move. The children are on the playground. Everyone plays with the ball, performing actions of their choice: throws up and on the ground, hits the ball on the spot and in motion; throws the ball into the wall, into the basket. After the teacher's signal, everyone must quickly raise the ball up.

Rules: play with the ball without interfering with comrades, find a free place on the court; A player who fails to pick up the ball at the signal receives a penalty point.

Dosage: 2-3 min.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, eye.

Move. On the site (in the gym) a circle is indicated. The players are divided into two teams: "hunters" and "animals". The animals stand in a circle, and the hunters are distributed around the circle. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters “shoot” - they throw the ball at the animals (at the feet of the children). The animals in the circle dodge the ball (step aside, jump, etc.). Hunters catch the ball and continue to throw it at the animals. On a signal, the hunt stops and the number of animals caught is counted. Then the teams change places.

Rules: those animals who have been “shot down” step aside.

Dosage: 4 times.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. The players are divided into two teams. Teams are placed on different sides of the site. A net or cord is stretched in the middle of the site. Each player has a ball in their hands. At the signal of the teacher, the children throw the balls with their right and left hands over the net or cord. After the second signal, the throwing of balls stops and the number of balls on the playing field for both teams is counted. Whoever has fewer balls, that team won.

Rules: throw the balls over the top of the cord, after the signal, finish throwing the balls.

Dosage: 4 times.

A.I. Fomina "Physical training and sports games in kindergarten"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop auditory attention, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. The players become in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle with a small ball. He tosses the ball up (or hits it hard on the ground) and says someone's name. The child who was named runs after the ball, the rest scatter in different directions. As soon as the named child picks up the ball, he shouts: “Stop!”. All players must stop and stand still where the team found them. The driver tries to hit someone with the ball. The one to whom the ball is thrown can dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot. If the driver misses, then he runs after the ball again, and everyone scatters. Taking the ball, the driver again shouts: “Stop!” - and tries to overpower one of the players. Salted becomes the new driver, the game continues.

Rules: the one at whom the ball is thrown must dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot.

Dosage: 1-2 min.

A.I. Fomina "Physical training and sports games in kindergarten"


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction to a signal.

Move. Children walk or run around the playground. An adult holds a ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The named one must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. Throw the ball should not be too high and in the direction of the child, whose name is called.

Rules: listen to the signal.

Dosage: 2-3 min.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sports games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children are united in 2-3 groups, each forms its own circle with a diameter of 4-5 m. In the center of each circle is a leader with a ball. At the signal of the teacher, the presenters alternately throw the ball to their players, trying not to drop it, and get it back.

When the ball goes around all the players in the circle, the leader lifts it up. The team that drops the ball the fewest times wins.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sports games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop gross motor skills, visual attention, eye.

Move. Children become in a circle. An adult gives two children standing in different places a ball. Then he says: "The ball is in pursuit!" - and the children simultaneously begin to pass them on to their comrades. If one ball catches up with the other, that is, both are in the hands of one child, then he leaves the game for a while. The teacher gives the balls to other children and the game continues.

Rules: the ball is passed on a signal, without passing the players.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sports games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop coordination skills, dexterity, eye.

Move. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5 m from one another. For one of them, players become one by one in a column (5 - 6 people). Behind the other line, in front of them, the driver becomes. He throws the ball to the first child in the column; he, having caught the ball, returns it to the driver and runs to the end of the column. At this time, the second child moves to the line and repeats the same movements. If the child standing in the column did not catch the ball, the driver throws the ball to him again until he catches it. When all the children throw the ball, a new driver is selected.

The game can be played with an element of competition. In this case, it is convenient for the players to stand in two columns and choose two leaders. Success depends on children's ability to throw and catch the ball. If the player drops the ball, the driver throws it again, but because of this, the column loses time and may lose.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sports games and exercises in kindergarten".


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, develop the speed of reaction to a signal, train visual concentration on a given subject.

Move. Children form several teams, each team chooses a captain. Teams stand in columns behind the start line. The captain of each team with the ball in his hands stands opposite his team at a distance of 1.5 - 2m from it.

At the signal of the teacher, the captain passes the ball to the first player in the column, who catches it, passes it back to the captain and crouches. The captain in the same way passes the ball to the second, then to the third and all other players. Each player, after passing the ball to the captain, crouches. When the ball is passed to the captain by the last player, the captain lifts the ball up over his head and the whole team quickly stands up. The team that completes the task first wins. If the player did not catch the ball, then he is obliged to run after it, return to his place and pass the ball to the captain.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

Dosage: 2-3 times.

HEY. Adashkevicienė "Sports games and exercises in kindergarten".

Ball games can relieve tension, develop coordination of movements, reaction speed, accuracy and endurance in a child. We offer the most interesting and fun.

Mobile, sports games are especially useful for schoolchildren. primary school. Their body is experiencing a lack of physical activity, in the continuous process of which they were before they began to “sit” in the classroom for half a day.

1. Trolls with a ball

These are the same “catchers”, only playing to escape the chase, at the same time they pass the ball to each other. The main thing is to pass the ball to the one whom the driver is about to catch up with, since a person with a ball cannot be kicked. Water has to switch to another player. It is allowed to intercept the ball. If he was in the hands of the driver, then the participant who caused the loss of the ball will now catch up with everyone. By the way, do you know?

2. Sultan's runners

A place of honor is chosen in the center of the site. Two teams are formed from the participants, these are runners. "Sultan" is separated from the rest of the players and throws the ball as far as possible. At this time, all the walkers, closing their eyes, stand quietly and listen to where the ball will fall. Hearing the sound of the ball on the ground, they run to look for it. The finder tries to quietly pass the ball to the player of his team. You cannot keep the ball in your hands for a long time. Moving towards the goal, it must be thrown to each other at the same time, without giving into the hands of rivals. The winner is the group whose representative is the first to bring the ball to the "sultan" and put it in a place of honor.

Notes: Walkers cannot be peeped, so you should put them with their backs to the place where the "sultan" throws the ball. You can scatter and look for a projectile only after its rebound.

3. Bouncers

Two people (bouncers) stand facing each other at a distance of at least 5 meters. The rest of the participants are placed between them. The bouncers, throwing the ball to one another, must hit those who are playing. Those who failed to dodge the projectile leave the playing field. A hit is not counted if the ball first hit the ground, and only then flew into a person. The task of the last remaining player is to dodge the throw as many times as he is old, then the game is considered won. If the latter does not cope with his task, then the first dropouts go to the place of the bouncers, the game continues.

Notes: The ball is not very heavy (for example, a volleyball), and if the players are very small, it is better to take a children's rubber ball. More interesting game make special names for the throws: “Bullet”, “Candle”, “Potato”, “Bomb”, etc. Each of them has its own peculiarity that requires a certain behavior of the participants. We recently wrote about! And among these games there are such - you will download!

4. Aport!

For the game you will need two balls of different colors, but the same size. Taking them in hand, the players stand at a pre-drawn start line. At the command "Aport!" everyone must throw their ball as far as possible and immediately run after the opponent's projectile. The first person to bring someone else's ball wins.

5. Tens

The players take turns doing exercises with the ball.

10 times - just throw the ball at the wall; 9 times - they throw, and while the ball flies, they manage to clap their hands once; 8 times - you need to have time to clap twice; 7 times - three claps; 6 times - the ball is thrown from under the right leg; 5 times - from under the left; 4 times - you need to take the ball by jumping over it, so that it slips between the legs; 3 times - hit the wall with one hand; 2 times - another; 1 time - having managed to turn around.

If the given element fails, the move is passed to the next participant. The winner is the one who completes all the tasks before the rest.

6. Rocket

The players, picking up small (for example, tennis) balls, stand along the outer border of a circle drawn on the ground with a diameter of about 10 meters. The leader with a large (basketball or volleyball) ball is located in the center. With the words: "Three, two, one ... start!" he throws his ball up (launches a rocket), the rest throw small balls at this flying target, trying to hit. For each accurate throw, the player is awarded a point. The winner is the one who scored the most points after a certain number of attempts.

Note: For this sports game with the ball, you need a referee who watches from the side. He makes sure that no one steps over the line, and counts the hits.

Games and game exercises with a ball for children of primary preschool age

Ball games have been known and loved at all times. In children's games, the ball ranks first in popularity. It attracts and beckons children of all ages, stimulates fantasy and motor imagination.

Games and game exercises with a ball are a kind of activity for children and at the same time a school of various skills and abilities. In the process of actions with the ball, children develop the ability to navigate in space, coordination of movements. Children learn to control their bodies, analyze their achievements, they develop a “ball sense”, which includes the development of an eye, large and “dexterous” muscles (fine motor skills), the ability to regulate static and dynamic tension. And of course, the child becomes more dexterous, stronger.

Ball games are an indispensable tool in preparation for school. A variety of ball manipulations require control of the actions of the hand, and its physical activity directly related to the development of intelligence. Possession of the ball stimulates the formation of arbitrariness and independence - such personality traits that are necessary for self-regulation of any type of activity.

Today the ball has many faces. These are fitball, hop, massage ball, plastic ball, rubber balls of different sizes, etc. Balls of different sizes and materials allow the child to get acquainted with a variety of movement options: play alone and in pairs, triples, throws, roll, hit, dribble the ball.

Species diversity allows you to use the ball to maintain activity. Inactive children are interested in balls large sizes, which stimulate the desire to roll, catch, throw, perform actions that increase the range of motion.

Medicine balls are more suitable for hyperactive children, they require accuracy and concentration when performing a movement. Thanks to such tasks, the child learns to "stop" his temperament, to correlate the "explosion" of actions with the intended goal, which is set not by an adult, but by himself.

Soft sensory balls are pleasant for children, suitable for any game and effective for dealing with aggression - primarily because they are safe for throwing, throwing, throwing and other stress-relieving exercises. Even shy guys play with them.

It is necessary to select a ball for the baby in accordance with his age characteristics and opportunities. How younger child, the less skill he has in throwing, catching. And these movements are the main ones in possession of the ball. Therefore, in order for children to be able to perform appropriate actions, it is necessary to choose a comfortable ball. Attention must be paid to the weight, volume and quality of the material from which the ball is made. Children of the younger preschool age they love to play with a balloon, a sensory (foam rubber) ball, they are also interested in small massage balls, plastic balls. For kids! middle preschool age fit light balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm, small balls with a diameter of 5-8 cm (for tennis and table tennis, rubber, soft,; from different materials, sewn by parents), paper balls (from crumpled paper), a large inflatable ball-ball.

These balls can be used in games and game exercises, developing coordination, strength, eye, forming arbitrariness and the ability to concentrate when performing tasks, helping to master various options for performing movements.

Ball games for younger preschoolers

play ball with me

For the game you need: big ball.

The adult sits down on all fours in front of the child and invites him to sit down in the same way. Rolls the ball to the child, saying:

You caught a funny ball

Well, give it back, don't hide it.

The child rolls the ball back. The exercise is repeated several times.

Catch, roll

Required for the game: flag and ball.

The adult invites the child to play with the ball. He asks him to stand up to the flag (distance 50 cm), shows how to sit on all fours, and rolls the ball to the child. Then asks him to roll the ball back.

Push and Catch

Required for the game: ball.

An adult gets up with a child in a couple. Players sit on the floor opposite each other. The seated one pushes the ball to the partner, he catches and pushes it back.

ball down the lane

Required for the game: track and ball.

An adult draws the child's attention to the track (Colored fabric 35-40 cm wide, 0.5-1 m long), invites him to roll the ball along the track. Then he rolls the ball with the child.

Roll the ball to the wall

Required for the game: bench or chair, ball.

An adult brings a bench and hides the ball under it. Then he invites the child to sit on a bench, lean towards the ball and push it so that it rolls up to the wall.

Roll down the hill

Required for the game: slide and ball (or ball).

An adult shows the child a slide and asks to roll a ball (or ball) from it.

Katy, push

Required for the game: hoop or soft module-circle.

An adult gives the child a medium-sized circle from a soft module or a hoop and offers to roll, follow and push him.

Get in the gate

Required for the game: gate and ball.

An adult invites the child to stand in front of the gate, sit down on all fours and roll the ball into the gate. Then do- 1 run to the gate, pick up the ball and repeat the movement.

Roll the ball into the goal

Required for the game: gate and ball.

An adult, together with a child, makes a gate (arc, skittles, tunnel, high chair, etc.), then invites him to push the ball with his foot, roll it into the gate.

Throw, catch, don't let fall

Required for the game: ball.

The child takes the ball. The adult offers to throw the ball up and catch it.

Get in the circle

For the game you need: basket or hoop and small balls or bags.

The child takes from the basket (you can use a hoop instead of a basket) small balls or bags (two each, in the right and left hands), stands at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the basket in a circle and throws the ball or bag into the basket.

My cheerful sonorous ball

For the game you need: ball.

The adult invites the child to play with the ball, then shows how to toss and catch the ball, offers to repeat to the baby. He accompanies his actions with the words:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you jump off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase after you.

After the words, he throws the ball forward, asks the child to catch up with his ball, pretending that he wants to overtake the baby and be the first to take the ball. The game is repeated again.

knock down the ball

For the game you need: rope and small ball.

Hang the ball (at least 70 cm in diameter) at the level of the child's eyes, give the child a small ball (8-12 cm in diameter), stand with the child at a distance of 1 m from the ball and invite him to throw his ball at the suspended target.

hit the ball

Required for the game: an inflatable ball (or balloon).

An adult takes an inflatable ball (ball), throws it to the child, and the kid must hit the ball from the fly with one or two hands.

Ball high

For the game you need: rubber ball.

The child takes a medium-sized ball, the adult offers to throw it as high as possible, catch it from the floor and throw it again.

Watch out don't drop the ball

Required for the game: ball.

2-3 children can play. An adult throws the ball on the floor, accompanying the throw with the words "Look, don't drop the ball." After the rebound, the child must catch it and, through the rebound, throw it to an adult, then to another child.

Throw and Catch

Required for the game: big rubber ball.

The child stands on the line, at the command of the adult "Drop it!" throws the ball forward and into the distance, on the command "Catch!" runs after him. The child must have time to catch the ball while it bounces after hitting the floor.

Get hit by a mosquito

For the game you need: any object attached to a stick 1 m long, and balls or bags (2-3 pieces).

The child takes several bags, the adult picks up a stick with an object attached to it, which means a mosquito, and invites the children to get into it.

Note:"Mosquito" should be large, at least 50-80 cm in size.

Throw in the basket

Required for the game: basket and bag (small ball, pebbles, etc.).

An adult offers the baby to throw a bag into a basket (1 m in diameter), located at a distance of 1.5 m.

Methodological guide for outdoor games with the ball.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. To improve the skill of repulsing the ball, to learn to navigate in space, to develop fixation of the gaze, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. Children squat on the floor in a circle. The teacher (adult) gives one of the participants in the game a ball-Kolobok (eyes, nose, mouth are drawn or glued on it) and reads a poem.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, You have a ruddy side.

You roll on the floor

And Katyusha (guys) smile!

At the request of the teacher (adult) (“Katya, roll the ball to Dima”), the girl rolls the ball with both hands to the named participant. He, having received the ball, rolls it to another child, who was called by name, etc. Rules: the ball needs to be pushed harder in order to

he rolled up to another participant in the game, as well as to serve the ball that rolled out of the circle.

Dosage: each child rolls the ball 2-3 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. To learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, to repel it vigorously, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to activate the tracing function of the eye.

Move. A child with a ball in his hands comes to the designated place (cord, strip of plaster, colored circle) and performs actions in accordance with the poetic text.

Our cheerful, sonorous ball(pushing the ball with both hands)

We'll drive far(looks where he went)

And now let's catch him. (runs after the ball, catches up with him.)

This is easy for us to do!(raises the ball over his head: “Caught!”)

Depending on the diameter of the ball, the child can roll it with one hand, alternating the right and left hand, if it is small (5-8 cm in diameter) or with both hands, if it is large (18-20 cm in diameter).

Rules: the child looks ahead before rolling the ball. Does not run after the ball immediately, but waits for a speech signal.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-5 years old

Target. To develop elementary skills of hitting the ball on the target, the ability to vigorously push the ball in a given direction, to develop gaze fixation.

Move. The teacher (adult) puts two or three skittles at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the child, gives him a big ball.

The child squats down, bends over, puts his feet slightly wider than his shoulders in the place indicated by the adult (colored circle or cord), rolls the ball forward with both hands, trying to knock down the skittles. Then he follows him, picks him up and returns.

The teacher (adult) accompanies his show with the following words:

Look at the skittles.(teacher points to skittles)

They stand exactly in a row!

We will send the ball to them skillfully(pushing the ball with both hands)

And they are already there!(points to knocked down skittles)

Rules: vigorously push the ball away with both hands, look ahead - at the pins.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. Develop dexterity, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children take balls of different colors and freely position themselves around the room. An adult with children says:

These are not crackers:

The guns fired.

People dance and sing.

Fireworks in the sky!(children throw balls and catch them).

At the signal of an adult: “The fireworks are over!” children stop throwing balls up.

Rules: you can throw the ball up only after the command "Salute".

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3 - 5 years old

Target. Develop speed of reaction, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.

Move. Children with balls in their hands line up on the starting line in a line. The teacher says the words:

All the balls rolled, rolled. Children throw balls over their heads and run after them.

Here the balls jumped, played out They jump on two legs in place with balls in their hands.

Our bright balls, colorful balls.

Balls run into the corner, run away. Children run to the starting line.

Balls are hidden there, they are resting. They squat down.

Rules: act according to the text of the poem.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 3-4 years old

Target. Develop orientation in space, expand the visual field.

Move. Children stand at one end of the hall facing the teacher. The teacher shows the ball and says that they must find it. The one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place, and the game will continue until all the children find the ball.

Then the teacher invites everyone to turn their faces to the wall and close their eyes, and at this time he hides the ball. At the signal "Done!" children open their eyes and spread around the room in search of a ball. At the end of the game, the one who first saw the ball is noted, as well as those children who showed the greatest restraint, observation, and quick wit.

Option: whoever finds the ball first with the teacher hides it, and the children look for it.

Rules: the one who finds it should go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and move back to his place.

Dosage: 2-3 times.


for children 4-6 years old

Target. Develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Move. The adult says:

Kach, kach, kach. Children take balls and stand in a circle.

We want to play ball

From the basket where the toys are

Get him quickly

And play with everyone get up

Kach, kach, kach. Children throw the ball with both hands

Let's throw the ball high! up and catch him .

And then we'll catch him

And let's throw it up again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach. Throw the ball with both hands on the floor

We'll hit the ball on the floor! and they catch him.

And then we'll catch him

And let's hit the bottom again.

Just hold on to our ball.

Kach, kach, kach.

Tired poor ball. The children put the balls in the basket.

Rolled into a corner.

And quietly fell silent.

Rules: perform movements according to the text.

Dosage: 2-3 times.


for children 3-5 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, fixation of the gaze.

Move. Children stand in a circle, an adult in the center. He throws the ball and catches it back, saying: “Catch, throw, don’t fall!”.

The text is pronounced slowly in order to have time to catch and throw the ball. The distance gradually increases: from 1 to 2 m or more.

Rules: catch the ball without pressing it to the chest; throw accurately to an adult with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.

Complication: Children stand in pairs and throw the ball to each other.

Dosage: 30 sec.

E.N. Vavilova "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw"

for children 4-5 years old


Move. The ball school is a system of exercises. Exercises are selected simple, affordable. Children perform them in a certain sequence.

1. Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2. Throw the ball up, clap your hands and then catch it.

3. Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands.

4. Hit the ball on the ground, clap your hands and then catch it.

5. Hit the ball against the wall (or shield) and catch it with both hands (see picture)

6. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and then catch it.

7. Hit the ball against the wall. After he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

8. Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and, when the ball hits the ground, bounces, catch it.


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, fixation of the gaze.

Move. The players stand in a circle, throw, catch and hit the balls, reading verses:

Multicolored fast ball Children throw the ball up and catch it.

Without hesitation jumps, jumps.

Often, often, low, low. They hit the ground.

From the ground to the hand so close.

Jump and jump, jump and jump Throw up and catch.

You won't get the ceiling.

Jump and jump, knock and knock, They hit the ground.

You won't leave our hands.

Rules: throw, hit and catch the ball rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the verse.

Dosage: 2-3 times.


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Exercise group 1.

1) Throw the ball up and catch with both hands.

2) Throw the ball up and catch with one right hand.

3) Throw the ball up and catch with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with both hands (fig)

5) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one right hand.

6) Hit the ball on the ground and catch with one left hand.

If the child, while doing the exercises, drops the ball, he passes it to another player and waits for his turn. If he completes all these exercises, then he repeats them with claps.

Group of exercises 2 (at the wall).

1) Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.

2) Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one hand.

3) Hit the ball against the wall and catch with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball against the wall; after he falls to the ground and bounces, catch him with both hands.

5) Hit the ball against the wall; after he falls and bounces, catch him with one right, then left hand.

All of these exercises can be done with claps.


for children 5-6 years old

Target. Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the players has a ball in his hands. At the command of the teacher, the child begins to throw the ball, calling by name the person to whom he throws the ball. The ball must be caught. Whoever dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and performs any exercise with the ball.

Rules: The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. If the player drops the ball during the exercise, he is given an additional task.

Dosage: 2 - 3 min.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, visual-motor coordination, touch.

Move. The players form a circle. The leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest move tightly towards each other, hands behind everyone.

An adult gives someone a ball (diameter 6-8 cm), and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: "Hands!" - and the one being addressed should put forward both hands, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one who has the ball starts to drive.

Rules: try to pass the ball behind your back so that the driver does not guess; to whom the driver is addressing must show his hands.

Dosage: 2- 3 times.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, fixation of the gaze, eye.

Move. Children stand in a circle, pass the ball from hand to hand, saying: One, two, three - take the ball as soon as possible!

chetyre, five, six - here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine - throw who knows how.

The last one to whom the ball hit says: “I!”, goes into the middle and throws the ball, trying to knock down the children running to the sides.

Rules: pass the ball, precisely coordinating the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words; the one who is stained by the ball misses one round of the game; throw the ball, aiming at the legs.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 5-7 years old

Target. Develop attention, dexterity, hand-eye coordination.

Move. They play together. Two players are located opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m and throw the ball between them. The third one stands between them and tries to catch the ball or at least touch it with his hand. If this succeeds, he changes places with the one who threw the ball. You can invite children to perform some movement before throwing: throw the ball up, down, catch it, dribble in place, etc.

Rules: start throwing the ball on a signal.

Dosage: 3-4 times.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. To form ball possession skills, dexterity, fine motor skills of hands.

Move. The children are on the playground. Everyone plays with the ball, performing actions of their choice: throws up and on the ground, hits the ball on the spot and in motion; throws the ball into the wall, into the basket. After the teacher's signal, everyone must quickly raise the ball up.

Rules: play with the ball without interfering with comrades, find a free place on the court; A player who fails to pick up the ball at the signal receives a penalty point.

Dosage: 2-3 min.


for children 6-7 years old

Target. Develop speed qualities, orientation in space, eye.

Move. On the site (in the gym) a circle is indicated. The players are divided into two teams: "hunters" and "animals". The animals stand in a circle, and the hunters are distributed around the circle. One of the hunters has a ball. On a signal, the hunters “shoot” - they throw the ball at the animals (at the feet of the children). The animals in the circle dodge the ball (step aside, jump, etc.). Hunters catch the ball and continue to throw it at the animals. On a signal, the hunt stops and the number of animals caught is counted. Then the teams change places.

Rules: those animals who have been “shot down” step aside.

Dosage: 4 times.