Eyes on the contrary say that they do not mind. Your eyes on the contrary tell me that you are a maniac

The most numerous were the groups of graduates of the first years of the school.

The head of the district administration S.V. Lavrenov, deputy of the Zemsky Assembly A.L. Gribanov, head of the administration of the Moshkinsky village council D.V. Tsvetkov, representative of the Department of Education.

The holiday was opened by the director of the school N.A. Skvortsova. S.V. warmly congratulated all the participants on the anniversary. Lavrenov. 40 years ago he was a young specialist in the neighboring collective farm "The Way to Communism" and knows the conditions under which the construction of the school was going on, how difficult it was to bring building materials.

Life has fully confirmed the correctness of the decision to build a school in the village of Moshkino. For 40 years it has become a center social life and culture not only for Moshkin and Strelitz, but for the entire region of Skulyabikha and Galkin.

Sergei Valentinovich presented the school staff with a congratulatory address and a certificate for 5,000 rubles. He assured that the district administration would make every effort to keep the school running.

In response, N.A. Skvortsova thanked S.V. Lavrenova, education department, financial department for constant support and care for educational institution. Per last years The school has undergone significant renovations. The school is fully provided with coal long before the start of the heating season. High Quality and firewood. 40 years ago, solving the issues of providing the boiler room with fuel and others took all the time of the headmaster. It is no coincidence that six directors have changed in the first 25 years of the school's operation. They had to work without days off and summer holidays.

The housing problem for teachers has been successfully solved. All of them are provided with solid housing with household amenities. This contributed to the creation of a stable teaching staff.

All children from Skulyabikha and Ryazanovo are transported by school minibus. Driver V.A. Detenyshev is one of the best in the area.

Permanent sponsorship is provided to the school by V.V. Soshnikov - head of JSC Vetluga-Agro, individual entrepreneur N.A. Smirnov, director of LLC "Alliance" K.A. Smirnov, director of MUP "Agrofirma-Vetluga" A.L. Gribanov.

Deputy of the Zemsky Assembly A.L. Gribanov does not miss a single important event that takes place at school or on the territory of the village council. His kindness, openness, sincerity bribe everyone. Among teachers, he is most often called "our Lyosha." Isn't this the highest assessment of the activities of the deputy of the Zemsky Assembly. A rare day does not happen at school, the head of the administration of the Moshkinsky village council D.V. Tsvetkov. He is always aware of all her problems and affairs. The concrete care of the authorities about the school has yielded positive results. The material and technical base of the school and technical facilities have been strengthened, classrooms and classrooms have modern furniture, classrooms, recreations and corridors are tastefully decorated.

We can safely say that every school teacher is a creative person. All teachers at different times were awarded certificates of honor by the ministries of education and science of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Russian Federation. teacher primary school A.M. Smirnova was awarded the title "Excellence in Public Education". School principal N.V. Mavrichev was awarded the medal "Honorary Worker general education". Passed certification for the highest category V.V. Belova, V.V. Solovyova, N.N. Smirnova, O.V. Kliman.

The pedagogical skills of the school teachers gave their results. Maria Mavricheva and Nina Sukhareva graduated from high school with silver medals. At the exam in history, V. Strakhov (teacher M.A. Paltseva) scored the maximum amount of points - 100.

They expressed their opinion about the school, about grades, teachers in their memoirs former students and school teachers.

In August 1986, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Samarina came to school as an English teacher. “I consider the recognition of the results of my work by colleagues - “foreigners”, especially my former English teacher, to be the biggest reward for me,” she shared. “I am happy that I worked at the Moshkin school next to energetic, creative, extraordinary teachers, real teachers.”

Irina Shturmilova teaches English language at UNN N.I. Lobachevsky, is finishing his postgraduate studies and is preparing to defend his dissertation.

Valentina Vladimirovna Solovyova began working at the Ryazanovskaya secondary school on September 1, 1972, and then worked at the Moshkinskaya school until her well-deserved rest. “From the height of the past years, the accumulated life experience, I was convinced again and again that our native school left an indelible mark on the souls of all those who studied within its walls, developed their talent and abilities,” she said. “All the years the school has lived and worked honestly, openly, creatively for children and in the interests of children.”

Irina Leonidovna Anufrieva, a teacher of the Russian language and literature, expressed her opinion in verse:

School is small in the outback o celebrates its anniversary.

To gather us, who did not know life

And for 40 years of mature, p matured their children.

We may have different statuses, and We are far apart in age.

Mothers, grandmothers, children, citizens - in All for school graduates.

And the memories will flood circling in the whirlwind of the past years.

Both questions and exclamations: - Where are you? How? How many winters, how many years!

Maybe we'll remember how unintelligent

We came to the first class

And the "teacher" first mother called some more.

How they learned to sit at a desk, with running late to class

As a cleaner aunt Valya (maybe Lucy, maybe Galya) sent scarves for us.

As we wrote off the control, to like bugs were brought to class,

Like the wisdom of adult life, understandable at times and complex

We started to worry.

And, having moderated the excitement of the first, in we will remember again and again,

How the first b appeared to someone unaccountable and immeasurable, n still earthly love.

Under an avalanche of memories let's turn back into children,

With gratitude and understanding remember our teachers.

How did you try to be more kind in our experience to note,

How we were taught by personal example forgive inappropriate jokes.

Booting up life experience, P we just now:

If you demanded a lot from us, nachit, still loved us.

Let's forget all the bad without pity, p Let's just remember one thing:

For insults, anxieties, pranks m We forgave each other a long time ago.

“I always have the warmest memories of the Moshkin school,” said Marianna Alekseevna Kiseleva, a music teacher. - Of course, these are, first of all, colleagues who were nearby, supported, helped in the development of a young and inexperienced teacher. After all, I came to teach children music at the age of 19. Dear my first school, happy anniversary to you. I wish to stay on long years an island of knowledge and culture on the beautiful Vetluzh land!”

Elena Bogomolova - a graduate of 1984, a member of the Komsomol youth section of milkmaids who voluntarily decided to work in the village of Moshkin, a teacher at the Arkhangelsk secondary school. “With respect and love, I remember my native school, my dear teachers. Thank you so much for your work, patience, love, care, participation. Every year, meeting with school friends and sharing memories, we invariably come to the conclusion: our teachers are the best, kind, smart, tactful, funny, talented, beautiful.”

Tatyana Vladimirovna Strigunova - a graduate of the first school graduation (1979), director of the Moshkinsky Palace of Culture, after school she entered the Bor cultural and educational school on the advice of T.I. Zamyshlyaeva. She managed to organize the work of the Palace of Culture in such a way that all events are held at a high artistic level. Works closely with student and teacher teams. The recreation center and the school became one.

“I can't believe that 40 years have passed since we stood on the threshold of our native school on the eve of new starts and discoveries,” she said. - Some of us succeeded the first time, someone changed their plans and goals. I want to wish everyone with a smile to remember the wonderful years at the school desk and at least for one day again become those mischievous boys and girls, in whose eyes there is joy and carelessness. Let these memories give everyone strength, energy and inspiration for new successes and new stories.”

The teachers of the Moshkin school were always ready to help other schools when they had problems with staff. So in the early 2000s, a chemistry and biology teacher died at the Galkinskaya eight-year school, and then foreign language. For several years in a row, N.A. went to the Galkinskaya school. Skvortsov for biology and chemistry lessons, L.N. Samarin and V.V. Solovyov - a foreign language. G.A. Mavricheva and A.V. Mavrichev went to Arkhangelsk high school for the lessons of computer science and economics.

The pride of any school is its graduates. They achieved different results in their education. Among them are teachers, educators, librarians, lawyers, police officers, medical workers, salespeople, individual entrepreneurs, cultural workers, social workers, people of other professions and occupations. But all of them are united by a high sense of responsibility for the assigned work, modesty, humanity, decency, love for their small homeland and home school. Someone can make mistakes and rash acts, but never meanness.

Dear our graduates of all years! Thank you for your warm, sincere words about our teachers! We remember and love you all! And we say: “Goodbye! Until we meet again within the walls of our native school!”

June 9, 2016

The holiday was a success! The holiday was just wonderful! The team that made it are great practices. Nature helped, added drama and drama to the holiday, on a symbolic level. On the first day of the holiday, all those gathered did not even get a breath of wind, but with general fun and joy, people appeased the elements, and on the second day, kites soared into the sky - weightless symbols of this holiday, which will now certainly become traditional. VolgaFest.

Photos: Sergey Osmachkin!

There are many ways to measure the success of a holiday. You can measure it in children's happiness, and then the off-scale result will forgive the organizers and participants for their possible flaws. And you can measure it in the intended use of budgetary funds. And, they say (I didn’t see it myself, for some reason I came across more happy smiling people), so, they allegedly went on a holiday and diligently and sadly measured.

One can measure this holiday for the first time. It is very important when something good and interesting happens to a person for the first time! For example, my son Vanya took off for the first time on the site of the "Sports Forces" above all the houses, and the governor Nikolai Merkushkin gave an interview to the MTV channel for the first time. And thousands of people for the first time in their lives were at such a holiday. What kind?

Big, fun, expensive. This is all important and will now be evaluated, but main characteristic celebration is the joy of participation. Yes, there were spectacles and they are also important. But in these warm days, the symbolic cycle ended and there was even a change of eras somewhere. Holidays-spectacles, which were launched exactly 30 years ago, on the enchanting Day of the City, in honor of the 400th anniversary, give way to holidays-actions. If we consider this as an example of dialectics, then we can recall that in Soviet times official holidays were, above all, collective activities. Demonstrations, for example. You can watch the demonstration only from the podium. Then for 30 years we watched spectacles - city days, big sweeping concerts, fireworks festivals, but all this was a spectacle for society. And now the wheel of Samara's dialectical samsara has completed its revolution.

On the first weekend of June, a holiday was held in Samara, involving mass participation. It was dissolved in the air. Dancing to jazz, drawing an underwater garden, reciting familiar lines with Smekhov school years- "Oh, the Volga is my cradle!" And feel how every sound fills the power of the great river. Or just assemble something crooked from chocks, but with your own hands. Seryozha, 38 years old - proudly read the signatures under the masterpieces of the “sculptor”.

Of course, VolgaFest deserves a very big and serious analysis. And the answer to the question: why? Answers, more or less, live, there are two. The first is a festival about a city on a river. About how the river affects urban culture, makes cities like Samara possible. A city that is possible only on the Volga. And then, in addition to beautiful attractions and exciting activities, you will need to create these meanings together. Continue the work started by the winter session with the participation of experts and communities. As a result, make a real new holiday. Big and beautiful, like the Volga. Let it last a week and attract not tens, but hundreds of thousands, but for this, in addition to being beautiful and interesting, it must correspond to the name in essence - the Volga Festival. This is a pompous option. The second one is faster. Outside. Suppose that everything we have seen is a working model of the new urban leisure. Like in Gorky Park in Moscow. And then trolling on the topic: “the same, but every weekend” becomes a work task. In total there are 12 days off in the summer. It is possible to simulate a situation where such holidays take place on the embankment every weekend. But… questions about fences, security, economics, etc. immediately arise. This option is simpler only externally.

The holiday was a success. I want him to become like Paris, all the time with us. All the time with you.

And of course the most the right way measurements - in children's happiness. Especially when it comes back to adults.

I choose you

(music by S. Mazaev, lyrics by P. Zhagun-Linnik)

I choose a city. The city chooses me.
I choose my lifestyle, name and passport office.
I choose the sky. Heaven chooses me.
I choose neon and air; winter Moscow courtyard.

I choose the time. Time chooses me.
I choose an April afternoon, a torn branch of the river.

I choose my thoughts, my thoughts choose me.
I choose everything, I choose everything that I have chosen, what else do I want.

I choose you. I choose you.
Your eyes on the contrary tell me that you don't mind.
You choose me, you choose me
You play with me again: choose, choose.

Lyrics translation moral code- I choose you

(music by S. smudge next. P. Zhagun - Linnik)

I choose the city. City chooses me.
I choose my way of life, name and passport office .
I choose heaven. Sky chooses me.
I choose neon and air ; Winter Moscow court.

I choose the time. Time chooses me.
I choose the April noon ragged bayou .

I choose thoughts, thoughts choose me.
I choose everything, choose all that chose what I still want.

I choose you. I choose you.
Me in front of your eyes say that you do not mind.
You choose me, you choose me.
You "re playing with me again: choose, choose.