Download presentation history of 16 centuries. Presentation on the history of Russia on the topic "Russian culture at the end of the 15th - 16th centuries." (6th grade)

Features of the development of Russian culture of the XVI century. Cultural development Russia XVI c., as in all times, was not only determined by the social, economic, and political development of society, but was itself an essential part of historical development generally. Culture is not a separate facet of social life, but one of its manifestations, closely related to all others. The level and nature of the development of culture depends on the general level of socio-economic development of society, and to a certain extent past traditions and the accumulation of cultural heritage. The turn of the XV - XVI centuries was a turning point in the historical development of Russian lands. The phenomena characteristic of this time had a direct impact on the spiritual life of Russia, on the development of its culture, predetermined the nature and direction of the historical and cultural process.

Typography. Around 1553 - the first printing house in Russia, but the names of the printers are not known. - the clerk of one of the Kremlin churches Ivan Fedorov and his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets printed the first book with imprint ("Apostle") at the Printing Yard. By the end of the XVI century. Printing houses worked not only on Nikolskaya Street (now October 25), but also in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. But the printed book did not supplant the handwritten one, since it was mainly liturgical books that were printed. Russian culture of the 16th century.

A work in which the idea of ​​succession of power of the Moscow sovereigns from the Byzantine emperors was emphasized. Correspondence of Prince A.M. Kurbsky with Ivan the Terrible. Talented and political opponents, Kurbsky and Ivan IV, fought furiously about the ways and methods of centralization, about the attitude of the monarch and subjects, and Ivan IV received a message from Prince Kurbsky from abroad (Lithuania), accusing him of tyranny. Regulation of Russian life. "Domstroy" priest Sylvester (an approximate Ivan IV), which in translation into modern Russian means "housekeeping". This book contains both instructions of a church nature and advice on raising children and a wife. The legend of the princes of Vladimir ""

Throughout the century, the construction of Moscow fortifications continued. Under Glinskaya, the walls of Kitay-gorod were built in Moscow, protecting the central part of the settlement. End of the 16th century - "city master" Fedor Savelyevich Kon erected a ring of fortifications " white city"about 9.5 km long with 27 towers (passed along the line of the current boulevard ring). The horse also built the Kremlin in Smolensk, he is credited with the walls of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow and the Pafnutiev (in Borovsk) Monastery. Last years XVI century - the creation of the last outer line of fortifications of Moscow - "Skorodom" (a wooden wall along an earthen rampart). "Skorodom" passed along the line of the current Garden Ring. Second third of the 16th century - in the stone architecture penetrates from the wooden spherical style. The masterpiece of this style is the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye (within Moscow). - the architect Postnik Yakovlev and Barma built the Cathedral of the Intercession on Red Square, which is on the moat, in honor of the capture of Kazan. 16th century architecture

At this time, the tradition of Andrei Rublev continued in painting. The frescoes of Dionysius stood out in particular. His best paintings have been preserved in the Ferapontov Monastery in the Belozersk Territory. Second half of the 16th century - the emergence of portraitism and images, with a feature of real resemblance. Painting.

The least known and still largely mysterious page in the history of Russian medieval art. Not many icons from Tver and its environs have been preserved. They are quite diverse in style and belong mainly to the late period of independence of the Tver culture. In addition, some icons of unknown origin can be presumably attributed to the art of Tver on the basis of their stylistic similarity to authentic Tver works. Therefore, now it is only possible to in general terms to present the main stages in the development of Tver painting. Painting of ancient Tver

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Presentation on the topic: Russian culture of the 16th century

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Russian culture of the 16th century. There is nothing better, more beautiful than your dear homeland. Look back at our ancestors, At the heroes of past days. Remember them kind word-Glory to them, the stern fighters, Glory to our side, Glory to the Russian antiquity! N. Konchalovskaya

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Features of the development of Russian culture of the XVI century. The development of the culture of Russia in the 16th century, as at all times, was not only due to the social, economic, and political development of society, but was itself the most important component of historical development as a whole. Culture, not a separate facet of social life, but one of its manifestations the level and nature of the development of culture depends on the general level of socio-economic development of society, and to a certain extent on previous traditions and the accumulation of cultural heritage. The turn of the XV - XVI centuries is a turning point in history the historical development of Russian lands. The phenomena characteristic of this time had a direct impact on the spiritual life of Russia, on the development of its culture, predetermined the nature and direction of the historical and cultural process.

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Russian culture of the 16th century. Typography. Around 1553 - the first printing house in Russia, but the names of the printers are not known. 1563 - 1564 - the clerk of one of the Kremlin churches Ivan Fedorov and his assistant Pyotr Mstislavets printed the first book with imprint ("Apostle") at the Printing Yard. By the end of the XVI century. Printing houses worked not only on Nikolskaya Street (now October 25), but also in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. But the printed book did not supplant the handwritten one, since it was mainly liturgical books that were printed.

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The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir" is a work that emphasized the idea of ​​the succession of the power of Moscow sovereigns from the Byzantine emperors. Correspondence between Prince A.M. Kurbsky and Ivan the Terrible. Talented and political opponents fiercely argued about the ways and methods of centralization, about the relationship between the monarch and subjects - Kurbsky and Ivan IV 1564 - Ivan IV received a message from Prince Kurbsky from abroad (Lithuania) accusing him of tyranny. means “housekeeping.” This book contains both instructions of a church nature and advice on raising children and a wife.

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16th century architecture Throughout the century, the construction of Moscow fortifications continued. Under Glinskaya, the walls of Kitay-gorod were built in Moscow, protecting the central part of the settlement. End of the 16th century - "city master" Fyodor Savelyevich Kon erected a ring of fortifications of the "White City" about 9.5 km long with 27 towers (passed along the line of the current boulevard ring). The horse also built the Kremlin in Smolensk, he is credited with the walls of the Simonov Monastery in Moscow and the Pafnutiev (in Borovsk) Monastery. The last years of the 16th century - the creation of the last outer line of fortifications of Moscow - "Skorodom" (a wooden wall along an earthen rampart). "Skorodom" passed along the line of the current Garden Ring. Second third of the 16th century - in the stone architecture penetrates from the wooden spherical style. The masterpiece of this style is the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye (within Moscow). 1554 - 1561 - the architect Postnik Yakovlev and Barma built the Cathedral of the Intercession on Red Square, which is on the moat, in honor of the capture of Kazan.

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The architecture of the work of architects - representatives of the Italian Renaissance, in fact, the entire architecture of the 16th century is under the sign of an increasing assimilation of the features of Italian architecture.

Archangel Cathedral of Moscow Kremlin architect Aleviz Novy

Bell tower of Ivan the Great architect Bon Fryazin

Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral)

Decorative decoration of the church - patterned

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

architect Fyodor Kon walls of the White City in Moscow fortress walls in Smolensk

Iconography depiction of theological concepts in visible images; complex plot; complication conceptual apparatus icon art; the desire to reflect in one work many specific events and ideas

fresco mosaic

Four-part icon, 1547

Andrey Rublev Trinity

Dionysius Our Lady Hodegetria Frescoes from the Ferapontov Monastery


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The presentation was prepared by a teacher of history and social studies, secondary school No. 3 of Komsomolsk-on-Amur Safonova Olga Vyacheslavovna Culture of Russia of the 16th century


Typography circa 1553 - First stage development of Russian book printing; in 1563 the printing house of Ivan Fedorov was opened

Literature Records of oral-poetic folk art this time is not preserved. But oh folk songs, some literary works, documents, for example, Stoglav, cathedral messages, etc. are mentioned in merrymaking. The events of that era were reflected in fairy tales. The genre of historical song is flourishing

Folklore. Tales In “The Tale of Borma-Yaryzhka”, its hero, a simple Russian man, obtains for Tsar Ivan the Terrible signs of royal dignity in Babylon City. A similar plot developed in The Tale of the Babylonian Kingdom, but in it we are talking about regalia for the Byzantine emperor.

Folklore. Proverbs In proverbs and songs, sayings and riddles, words and teachings, the living folk speech, apt and sharp, was reflected. Such, for example, are the proverbs that Tsar the Terrible wrote in his message to the elders of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery: “The tsar favors, but the kennel does not favor”, “give free rein to the tsar, foreign and kennel”.

"Face Chronicle" - a story about Russian history from the time of the first princes to the reign of Ivan the Terrible

"Domostroy" - home economics (reflections on the upbringing of children and family life, household tips)

Correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Prince A.M. Kurbsky A.M. Kurbsky accused the tsar of cruelty and despotism; about the responsibility of the sovereign to the people, Ivan the Terrible defended his autocratic rights; not the king should serve the people, but the people should serve the king. “You are free to grant your lackeys, but you are free to execute them”

Great Reading Menaion, Metropolitan Macarius, the Readings - books for reading Menaion - collections where the works are arranged according to the days when they are recommended to be read

Science and technology The heyday of foundry - Andrey Chokhov's school of foundry skills

Inventions - boyar serf Nikita made large wooden wings

Medicine - doctors (healers), the first pharmacy for royal family, pharmacy order

Used materials from Internet resources 5af8fc56bb0d.jpg Mitr_Makarij.jpg http :// Smolensk fortress wall | Code of Peter's monuments

Century 16 for the history of the Russian state is the period of formation national consciousness people who threw off the yoke of foreign conquerors.

A horde of Mongol-Tatars swept through the Russian land in a fiery flurry, sweeping away everything in its path. Most had to be rebuilt, and Orthodox Church was during this period a spiritual mentor and a social ideal.

Moscow, former center Moscow state, proclaimed its spiritual symbols of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

Since 1547, Ivan IV the Terrible was crowned the royal throne, and the Moscow kingdom began to be called the Russian state, the ideal of which was an unlimited monarchy, which was supported by the church. All political changes were reflected in cultural development countries.

16th century painting

Painting of the 16th century is represented by icons and frescoes by the outstanding Russian artist Dionysius. His creations reflect the humanistic ideas that filled the work of his great predecessor Andrei Rublev. The images of his icons do not frighten, do not threaten with punishment, but console, understand, forgive and heal the wounded soul.

frescoes of Dionysius in the Ferapontov monastery photo

Together with his sons, Dionysius created frescoes for the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in the Ferapontov Monastery. Clean, bright, bright, but at the same time, delicate colors illustrate the hymns of the Byzantine Roman the Melodist, reproducing the scenes of the Annunciation, the Last Judgment, and the Unction. It was Dionysius who first began to prescribe in Russian icons White background which gave them an extraordinary transparency.

By conveying the movements and gestures of the characters, Dionysius was able to achieve the emotional excitement of the Orthodox flock. The son of Dionysius Theodosius, already after the death of his father, painted the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. In Russian painting of the 16th century, secular themes from Russian and world history appear.

icon parable of the lame and the blind man photo

The plots of some icons, for example, “The Parable of the Lame Man and the Blind Man”, “The Vision of Eulogia” illustrate stories-parables. Icon paintings deviate so much from the established canons that the Stoglavy Church Council in 1551 makes a special decision and establishes a kind of standard for the depiction of saints in icon painting.

Architecture, architecture of the 16th century

The 16th century is rightfully considered the period of fortress architecture. The burnt, destroyed fortress walls of cities and cathedrals are being rebuilt in Nizhny Novgorod, Serpukhov, Kolomna, Pskov. Solovetsky, Trinity-Sergius and other monasteries are being built. Moscow itself is also being rebuilt - Kitai-Gorod, White and Earthen City are being built.

bell tower of Ivan the Great photo

In the village of Kolomenskoye, a pillar-shaped tent-shaped church is being erected - the Church of the Ascension, and in Moscow the Church of Ivan the Great. One of the most outstanding monuments of Russian architecture of the 16th century is a symbolic and for modern Russia architectural structure- Intercession Cathedral in Moscow, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral. It was erected in honor of the capture of Kazan by Postnik Yakovlev, nicknamed Barma. Kokoshniks of various sizes and shapes, bizarre domes, and an unusual wealth of decorative parts give it extraordinary elegance.


16th century is memorable for Russian culture the greatest event- the emergence of its own printing press. It is known that the first printing house already existed in 1553, but the names of its masters have not reached us. But the name of Ivan Fedorov, the deacon of the Moscow church, and his assistant Peter Mstislavets, who printed the first book "Apostle" with imprint in the Printing House on Nikolskaya Street, are known for certain.

book apostle photo

The book of the Apostles is one of the parts of the Bible. The print quality was just excellent. Ivan Fedorov was not only an excellent typographer, but also edited translated books, carrying out not only interlinear, but also literary translation. The printing house worked not only in Moscow, but also in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda.

In Lvov, Fedorov printed the first Russian primer. But it still comes out a lot handwritten books with a large number of hand-made magnificent miniatures.