Unique architectural structures of the Kostroma region. Architectural monuments of Kostroma

Rottnest Island is located off the southwest coast of Australia. aborigines local tribe The Noongar call it Wajemup, or "beyond the water where the spirits dwell."


It was formed 7 thousand years ago: the sea level rose, and now Rottnest is the largest in the chain that includes Garden and Carmack. They are composed of limestone rocks, in some places going straight to the shore and forming rocks, eaten away by the surf. Most of the coast is a strip of sandy beaches.

Rottnest is surrounded by a ring of reefs that pose a great danger to ships.

It has large natural salt lakes, occupying a tenth of it, as well as swamps and small areas of forest.

Approximately 30 thousand years ago, aborigines lived on Rottnest, which is confirmed by archaeological finds until the sea level rose and separated it from the mainland. In 1610, when Europeans discovered it, it was uninhabited.

In 1696, the Dutch navigator Willem de Vlaminck set foot on its shore: he named it Rottenest, or "rat's nest" in Dutch. Most likely, for rats, he took marsupial quokkas, outwardly really similar to large rats.

In 1830, the Thomson family settled here: they grazed cattle and mined salt for sale on the mainland.

From 1838 to 1931, Rottnest served as a maximum security prison for Aboriginals convicted of serious crimes. In total, 43,000 people were serving time on the island, and 400 were buried in the local cemetery.

During the First and Second World Wars, an internment camp was set up on it: Australians of German, Austrian and Italian origin were deported here.

In the 1940s laid on it railway, installed a couple of large guns, built barracks. Today, Rottnest Fortress is a popular tourist attraction.

Its current owners are officially considered the natives of the Nungar tribe.

The location of the island turned out to be convenient in all respects: in the “prison” era, food for prisoners was regularly delivered here, and today you can get there by boat in 20 minutes to spend the weekend on it. Rottnest depends on the "mainland" in everything: fuel is brought here, and household waste is taken out.


Today's Rottnest is a place of continuous celebration and relaxation. Everything on the island is adapted for a carefree pastime.

Rottnest is known for three species of endemic trees: Rottnest pine, Rottnest tea tree, and skunk tree. Other typical plants are sea mustard, prickly spinifex, and wild rosemary.

The most famous animal is the quokka. The large population of the short-tailed kangaroo is a consequence of the absence of cats, dogs and foxes. Quokkas are accustomed to people, allow themselves to be stroked and willingly accept handouts, which is strictly prohibited by the rules of conduct on the island.

Rottnest has now been turned into a picnic spot for Perth and Fremantle residents, taking 20 minutes by motorboat. The entire island is a protected natural area; the construction of private houses is prohibited on it. The Australians simply call him Rotto.

The two main attractions are the whitewashed Wajemup Lighthouse (Western Australia's first stone lighthouse) and the artillery battery on Oliver Hill. The battery is located almost in the center, consists of a 233.7-mm ship gun (there were three guns during the Second World War) and an underground labyrinth.

Much of the island is connected with its "prison" history. The octagonal rear prison (now a hotel) and the current building of the Rottnest Museum were built by Aboriginal prisoners in mid-nineteenth in. As well as the Salt Store (Salt Store), which was turned into a gallery of Aboriginal art: it stored salt extracted from the lakes and intended for delivery to Fremantle. Lomas Cottage - now showroom- built for former prisoner John Lomas, who wished to stay.

general information

Location : southeast Indian Ocean.
Origin: continental.
Administrative affiliation : State, Australia.
Nearest cities : Perth - 2,039,200 people (2015), Fremantle - 26,582 people. (2011).
open: 1610
Language: English.
Ethnic composition : white.
Religion: Christianity (Protestantism, Catholicism).
Currency unit : Australian dollar.
Airports: Perth International.


Square: 19 km2.
Length: 11 km.
Width: 4.5 km.
Population: 114 people (2011).
Population density : 6 persons/km 2 .
The most high point above sea level : 46 m.
Remoteness: 18 km west of Fremantle (Western Australia).

Climate and weather

Winters are warm and dry, summers are humid.
January average temperature : +19.1°С.
July average temperature : +12°С.
Average annual rainfall : 564 mm.
Average annual relative humidity : 60%.


Services sector: tourist, transport, trade.



    Salt Lakes Baghdad, Vincent, Herschel, Garden, Government House, Serpentine, Pink, Sirius, Negri and Pierce

    Capes Parker Point and Vlaminck

    Little Salmon Bay, Fish Hoek, Geordie, Parakeet and Stark Bays

    Little Armstrong, Little Parakeet, Rice and West End beaches


    Hotel Rottnest Lodge ( former building prisons and chapel, 1864)

    The waves off the coast are very high and long, which is why this place was chosen by surfers from all over the world.

    The Australian spinifex herbaceous plant, or triodia, is tough and prickly: even kangaroos are not able to eat this red grass. The only ones that can eat spinifex are termites. By chewing spinifex along with thorns and particles of earth, termites process it into material for their dwellings, whose walls are as hard as baked clay.

    When the Noongar natives first saw the Europeans, they took them for their ancestors who had returned to the world of the living after a long stay in the world of the dead under water, where their skin had faded and turned white.

Kostroma was founded in 1152. In memory of this event, Kostroma residents erected a monument to the "father" of the city - Yuri Dolgoruky (Voskresenskaya (formerly Soviet) Square). It happened in 2003 on August 29, a year after the 850th anniversary of its founding. In the place where they planned to put it, a year earlier, with the participation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, they laid a stone and a capsule with earth brought from the resting place of the prince in Kyiv. Funds for the installation were collected by philanthropists, both prominent entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens. The creators of steel famous sculptor V. Tserkovnikov, architect G. Morozov and artist S. Kadyberdeev.
The sculpture weighing 4 tons and 4.5 meters high looks majestic. Yuri Dolgoruky is shown sitting on a bench decorated with carvings. On his head is the cap of Monomakh. With his left hand he leans on a sword resembling a cross. According to the authors, this symbolizes that he came to these parts as a conqueror, but not as a warrior. The right hand of the ruler is stretched forward, as if pointing to the place where a new city should be founded.

Monument to Ivan Susanin

Among the iconic names associated with Kostroma, the name of Ivan Susanin plays a special role. The legendary feat of this native of peasants, who led the Poles and Lithuanians to a swamp in the wilderness and, despite torture, did not betray the future ancestor of the royal Romanov dynasty, Mikhail, was first decided to be immortalized back in the 30s of the XIX century.Then, with the highest permission, Tsar Nicholas I ordered a monument dedicated to the autocrat Mikhail Fedorovich and Ivan Susanin to be erected. At the same time, the square, where they wanted to erect a monument in the central part, was given a new name: instead of Ekaterinoslavskaya, it became Susaninskaya. A commemorative composition with honors, with a large gathering of distinguished guests and ordinary people, was opened in 1851 on March 14. Its creator was famous master IN AND. Demuth-Malinovsky.The memorial consisted of a column ending with a bronze bust of the first Tsar of the Romanov family. At the base of the granite pillar was a kneeling figure of Susanin, and next to him were two scrolls - letters granted by the monarchs to the descendants of the peasant. The column was decorated with a symbol Russian Empire- double-headed eagle, and the coat of arms of the Kostroma province. A bas-relief picture of the death of a national hero was attached to the front of the quadrangular pedestal, and an inscription in gold letters was placed behind, expressing the gratitude of the descendants to the savior of the king. The age of this commemorative sign was short-lived. After the revolutionary upheavals of 1917, in the spring of the following year, the Council of People's Commissars issued a document "On the Monuments of the Republic", in connection with which the symbols associated with the imperial family and its servants were to go into oblivion. Then the destruction began memorial building, and Susaninskaya Square received a new name - the Revolution. First, the bronze figures were destroyed. Then, in 1928, the column was removed from the pedestal, until then hiding under a wooden obelisk with a red flag. In 1934, the foundation itself was razed to the ground.
The historical name Susaninskaya was returned in 1992. Also, the plans for the 400th anniversary of the ascension to the throne of the last royal dynasty in Russia (2013) included the reconstruction of the monument at its former location, but this idea was not put into practice. Although in 2013 a monument to Mikhail Romanov and Ivan Susanin (in the courtyard of a house on Gornaya Street) nevertheless appeared. This building was installed on the initiative of the former mayor Boris Korobov. sculptural creation is a threefold reduced, reworked copy of the 19th century model. On a high column there is a bust of a young autocrat in a Monomakh's hat and with a golden cross shining on his chest, and in the middle of the column there is a bas-relief portrait of Susanin.AT Soviet period established new monument Susanin (Molochnaya Gora Street, near the Trading Rows on Susaninskaya Square) as a patriot of his homeland, as the inscription on the pedestal says. The project was invented by a young author N.A. Lavinsky and erected with the participation of architects M.P. Bubnov and M.F. Markovsky. The decision to develop and install a monument to the national hero was approved back in 1947, but work on its creation began only in 1959. And it was opened, despite numerous controversies of contemporaries, who for the most part considered it inconsistent with the appearance of the city's historical center, was September 28, 1967 .
On a towering pedestal in the form of a cylinder, lined with limestone white color, a statue of a peasant is installed in full height. He is shown dressed in long-sleeved clothes. With his left hand, Susanin leans on a massive stick, and with his right hand, with his palm turned down, according to the remark of the eminent academician N.V. Tomsky, whose pupil was Lavinsky, shows that the enemies who came to Russian soil will remain there. The monumental creation, designed to glorify the patriotism of the Russian people, rises to a height of 12 meters.

Lenin monument

Another attraction of the communist era invariably attracts tourists with its non-trivial appearance. This is a monument to V.I. Lenin ( central park, st. Tchaikovsky, 4A), made by a group of specialists, including M. Listopad, Z. Ivanov, A. Lebedev, D. Schwartz. The image of the leader of the world proletariat in Kostroma does not differ from many similar figures in other Russian settlements. He is depicted delivering a fiery speech with the same gesture right hand pointing forward. But the base under the sculpture, thanks to which it is clearly visible from afar, looks unusual and contrasts sharply with it.
This is because initially it was supposed to erect a grandiose sculptural and architectural composition dedicated to the 300-year reign of the Romanov family. According to the project of the sculptor A.I. approved in 1912 by the autocrat Nicholas II. Adamson, it was planned to build a chapel with a hipped completion of several tiers. On the ledges were to be placed statues of representatives of the royal family and other famous in Russian history personalities.
The monument was laid in 1913 during the anniversary celebrations dedicated to the royal dynasty. By 1916, a pedestal had been erected and 20 of the 28 expected sculptures cast in bronze were brought. But the first World War and October Revolution prevented the final implementation of the plan.
In the early years of Soviet power, the idea was expressed to build a monument to Freedom on a pedestal from an unfinished chapel with elements characteristic of such structures in the form of kokoshniks, but the proposal remained only on paper. After the death of V.I. Lenin in 1924 found a more practical use for the pedestal by erecting a statue of the leader on it. Placed in 1928, the sculpture was made of concrete, later in 1982 it was replaced by a metal sculpture.

Memorial "Glory to the Kostroma warriors, participants of the Great Patriotic War"

During the Second World War, thousands of natives of the Kostroma region did not return from the battlefields. At the memorial "Glory to the Kostroma warriors, participants in the Great Patriotic War"(Pl. Mira) there are always fresh flowers as a tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the happiness of future generations. A grandiose bronze composition created by sculptors M.F. Baburin, G.P. Levitsky and architect E.I. Kutyrev and installed in 1972, depicts a young Soviet soldier in a fluttering raincoat, holding the dead youth with one hand, while the other, clutching a machine gun, is thrown up.

Monument to Home Front Workers

The feat of those who worked tirelessly in the rear during the war years is not forgotten. The original and unique monument to home front workers (Deputatskaya St.) was erected in 2006. His sketch called "Tear", made by a resident of Soligalich R. Simonova, was selected as a result of a popular competition. The sculptural creation, embodied by V. Tserkovnikov, consists of images of a woman holding a machine-gun belt and a teenage boy. They are enclosed in a frame resembling a tear. The height of the bronze memorial is 7 meters. There are 2 plates near it, one of them describes the contribution of the Kostroma rear troops to the common victory, and the second one shows those who took part in the installation of the memorial.

Monument to the dog

In addition to impressive sculptures, frozen in stone and metal and keeping the memory of historical figures and significant events in the life of the city and the country, there is also a less noticeable, but in its own way important attraction in Kostroma - a monument to a dog (Susaninskaya Square). A bronze basset with sad eyes, often called Druzhk among the people, had real prototype, and it is no coincidence that the sculpture appeared in 2009 near the Fire Tower.
The writer L. Kolgushkin in the middle of the 20th century in his story described the real-life dog Bobka, who, in late XIX For centuries, he lived at the fire station and helped save children from fire. Today, the good-natured dog does not just decorate the square, now it benefits our smaller brothers. A piggy bank is installed next to it, where caring people drop money, which is then transferred to the center for overexposure of homeless animals. And the nose of the dog, beloved by locals and guests, is rubbed to a shine, as it is believed that touching it invariably brings good luck.

The city of Kostroma, the “empress”, as it is used to be called in folklore, is located on the picturesque banks of the Volga. This is the city where Time of Troubles fate was being decided and the history of the Russian state was being created, when the Zemsky Sobor appealed to the young Mikhail Romanov. The future tsar, who took refuge behind the walls of the Ipatiev Monastery, determined all further historical development our country.

Kostroma is one of the centers of religious and ethnographic tourism, it is included in the classic Golden Ring route. In the central part of the city, absolutely charming carved huts, solid noble mansions and merchant shopping arcades have survived to this day. The former power, wealth and glory of the city eventually turned into an invaluable historical heritage.

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What to see and where to go in Kostroma?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and a short description.

Historical monument of the 19th century, built in the classical manner according to the project of P. Fursov. The architectural merits of the building were rightly appreciated by Emperor Nicholas II during his visit to Kostroma in 1834. After that, the fire tower began to be called the most beautiful in the territory of the Russian Empire. Now the building is part of the complex of the Kostroma historical and architectural reserve.

Ancient merchant premises located on the left bank of the Volga. They worked on the construction of shopping arcades for more than a hundred years and finished only by the beginning of the 19th century. Once Kostroma was a rich merchant city, the shopping malls were a symbol of the economic power of the city. The architect was the author of the project German descent K. von Clair. Kostroma shopping malls are considered the most significant and best preserved in Russia.

An architectural monument of the 19th century, located in the center of Kostroma on Susaninskaya Square. During the time of the empire, the building was used for its intended purpose - the offending military served their sentences here. With the advent of Soviet power, the guardhouse began to be used as a museum, then as a registry office and a library. Nowadays, the military-historical department of the city museum-reserve is located inside.

The mansion on Susaninskaya Square, built in the style of late classicism. The house belonged to General S. Borshov. It was built in the 20-30s. XIX century according to the project of P. Fursov (other sources indicate the authorship of N. Metlin). The building was badly damaged during a fire in 1847, the heirs of Borshov sold the dilapidated house to the merchant A. Pervushin. The businessman restored the mansion and opened a luxurious hotel in it called "London".

The museum was opened in 1913, just in time for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. The architecture of the building is an imitation of an old Russian tower. Such a project was approved by the emperor and implemented by N. Gorlitsyn and L. Trebert. The museum exposition highlights the history of the Romanov family and important historical milestones in the life of the rulers. Also in the collections are paintings, archaeological finds and objects of applied art.

The building is an example of the so-called "Russian provincial classicism", it was erected in late XVIIIearly XIX century according to the project of M. Prave. The noble assembly was the center cultural life county aristocracy of the Kostroma province. Balls, receptions were held here, meetings were held on various administrative issues. After 1917, the House of Pioneers was placed in the mansion, in 1991 the building was transferred to the museum-reserve.

7. Museum-Reserve "Kostroma Sloboda"

museum under open sky located near the Ipatiev Monastery. It was created in the middle of the 20th century. Wooden monuments were transported to the territory of the museum 18th architecture century, taken out of the flooded territories. Later buildings of the 19th-20th centuries were added. Initially, the reserve was called the Kostroma Museum wooden architecture. On its territory you can look at the huts, outbuildings and churches, completely made of wood.

The museum building on Molochnaya Gora Street used to house a tearoom of the Kostroma Sobriety Society, a stock exchange and a printing house. The exposition shows all the richness and diversity of the nature of the Kostroma region. The collection was formed thanks to the enthusiasts of the Kostroma Scientific Society. The museum actively formed funds throughout the 20th century. Since 2001, it has been functioning as a separate independent organization.

The museum opened relatively recently by historical standards - in 2013. The task of the museum collection is to acquaint the guests of the city with jewelry Kostroma. The city has always been considered a habitat the best craftsmen, Kostroma jewelry can be seen in stores throughout Russia, so the creation of the Museum of Jewelry Art was just a matter of time. This is a small private collection of 500 exhibits belonging to the 17th-20th centuries.

The wooden building of the museum reminds fabulous tower and country mansion at the same time. Heroes of Russian fairy tales live inside: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Miracle Yudo, Leshy and others magical characters. A visit to the Wonder Forest will not leave indifferent either children or adults, as everyone is familiar with the traditional fairy tales of our country. The museum is located on the way from the center of Kostroma to the Ipatiev Monastery.

A small private collection created in 2005 by a citizen N. Zabavina. In more than 10 years of existence, the museum has gained popularity and has become a must-see on many tourist routes. The collection is made up of a variety of handicrafts made from traditional Kostroma flax and birch bark. Also at the museum works gift shop where you can buy interesting gizmos and gifts.

The main theatrical platform of Kostroma and the region, which was built in the middle of the 19th century. Until that time, the city did not have a separate theater building. On the stage from the very beginning were often staged famous plays Ostrovsky and other playwrights. Many performances staged by local directors were successfully staged in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and also took part in prestigious theater festivals.

The Ipatiev Monastery is considered one of the most significant in Russia. The monastery is connected with important and decisive for our country historical events. According to one version, it was founded in 1330 by a Horde commander who converted to Orthodoxy. Thanks to the patronage of the boyar family of the Godunovs, the monastery became very powerful and influential in times of Medieval Russia. Here, for some time, the founder of the Romanov dynasty, the young Tsar Mikhail, was hiding from enemies.

A convent founded by St. Nikita, a disciple and associate of Sergius of Radonezh, in the 16th century. In fact, the monastery was formed on the basis of three monasteries - Epiphany, Anastasiin and Holy Cross. During the Time of Troubles, it was plundered by the troops of False Dmitry II, restoration continued until the middle of the 17th century. The interior painting of the cathedral was made by G. Nikitin and S. Savin, but the original frescoes have not survived to this day.

The temple, located on the banks of the Lower Debra River, the first mention of it dates back to 1628. The church was built at the expense of city residents. The building is the only posad temple preserved in its original form on the territory of Kostroma. Presumably, the interior was painted by G. Nikitin's artel. The first large-scale restoration of the temple was carried out at the beginning of the 19th century.

The legend about Ivan Susanin, who led the Poles through the forests of Kostroma, is known to everyone. In honor of this selfless and devoted to the state peasant, in 1967, a monument was erected on Milk Mountain. On him folk hero depicted with pride and dignity, in contrast to the earlier ruined monument, where Ivan is shown as submissive small man bowing before the majesty of the royal person.

The habitat of the fabulous granddaughter of Santa Claus, where she lives with her assistants - brownies and the cat Bayun. The tower itself is part entertainment complex, which includes souvenir shops, a restaurant of Russian cuisine, a belfry, playgrounds. Fascinating and informative excursions are conducted for visitors throughout the complex, including the Snegurochka's tower.

noble estate early XVIII century, which belonged to the ancient Kartsev family. Capable politicians, military leaders, scientists came out of this family. Around the estate there is a park with magnificent flower beds and galleries - a real reserve of rare plants. On its territory, the "Ball of Flowers" is held annually - a holiday with concert program, games and grand exhibitions of bouquets.

The farm was established in 1963, and so far it is the only elk farm in Russia. Moose live here in greenhouse conditions, the life expectancy of local inhabitants is 8-10 years longer than that of their wild counterparts. Visitors are allowed to feed and stroke the animals, during the tour people will learn many interesting features from the life of moose.

Arbor on the banks of the Volga, a landmark of the city and its recognizable symbol. It was built in 1956 on a high embankment, from where a picturesque view of Kostroma and the river valley opens. The gazebo is stylized as a noble building of the 18th-19th centuries; White stone. Some of the footage from the movie was filmed at this location. Cruel romance", based on the play by Ostrovsky "The Dowry".

Kostroma is rightfully included in the number of the most beautiful cities of the "Golden Ring" of Russia and its sights attract thousands of tourists and guests of the city.

● Kostroma is an ancient Russian city, whose history is closely connected with the fate of all of Russia, located 350 km from Moscow on the banks of the great Russian river Volga.

In ancient times, Kostroma was built up mainly wooden buildings, but due to frequent fires, monuments of antiquity for the history of Russian architecture have not been preserved.

● Only in the 17th century, well-known architectural monuments that have survived to our time were erected in Kostroma: T Roitsky Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, Posad Churches of the Resurrection on the Lower Debra, John the Evangelist and Ipatievskaya Sloboda, of the Nativity of Christ at the Settlement.

● By decree of Catherine II Kostroma becomes in 1778 . the administrative center of a vast governorship, and since 1797 - the center of the Kostroma province. Intensive construction of new administrative buildings began in the city. The new development was carried out according to the general plan, according to a clear scheme, in which the streets of radial directions converged to the central square, and the main axis of the plan should be perpendicular to the Volga embankment and pass through this square. According to the plan, the center of Kostroma was formed mainly at the end of the 18th - the first third of the 19th centuries as an unusually integral ensemble, and has survived almost unchanged to this day.

Ipatiev Monastery. South-western tower and fortress walls of the New City. XVII century

● The creators of this ensemble were the architects S. A. Vorotilov, P. I. Fursov, V. P. Staso v. On the sides of the quarters that form the central square, there is a fire tower, a former guardhouse and a hotel, Borshchov's mansion and the building of government offices. The buildings of the watchtower and the guardhouse are rightfully included in the golden fund of monuments of Russian architecture.

Kostroma in the 18th century becomes a large shopping center on the Volga shipping route. The complex of shopping arcades that has survived to this day is one of the largest in Russia. It was built over several decades, starting from the end of the 18th century. Particularly interesting are the Big Red and Flour, Tobacco, Gingerbread, Butter Rows.

Ipatiev Monastery. XVI-XIX centuries Museum-reserve.

The balanced appearance of the administrative and commercial center of Kostroma and its architectural style were not disturbed by large buildings of the late 19th century: Tretyakov's houses, the former Romanovsky Museum, etc. One of the most interesting sights in Kostroma is the historical and architectural museum-reserve, located in the former Ipatiev Monastery . There is a scientific hypothesis that the monastery was founded in the 14th century, but a complex complex of buildings has survived to this day, in which buildings of different times have been preserved, starting from the end of the 16th century and ending with the last quarter of the 19th century.

The centerpiece of the ensemble is Trinity Cathedral built in 1652. The building is very monumental in form, crowned with richly ornamented domes, its northern facade is decorated with an expressive porch and beautiful decor. The murals of the cathedral, made in 1685 by an artel of Kostroma painters under the direction of Gury Nikitin and Sila Savin, are one of the best works these masters.

On the main square of the monastery there is a belfry, erected at the beginning of the 17th century, with three floors of arches, with a hipped roof. It housed up to 20 large and small bells and an ancient striking clock. At the western wall of the monastery are located Chambers of the Romanov boyars - Kelar cells built in the 16th-17th centuries, with quite significant later architectural changes.

Of great interest are the fortress walls with towers and gates (XVI-XVII centuries), residential chambers - fraternal cells (XVI-XVII centuries), outbuildings (XVI-XIX centuries), as well as rich historical, local history and art expositions, located in many buildings of the architectural complex.

Ipatiev Monastery. Bishop's Corps. XVII-XIX century.

Ipatiev Monastery. Chambers of the Romanov boyars. XVI-XIX centuries

Ipatiev Monastery. Entrance to the chambers of the Romanov boyars. XVI-XIX centuries

Ancient architecture of Yaroslavl
Unusual buildings in the world
Not far from the stone architectural ensemble of the Ipatiev Monastery, from the beginning of the 60s in the 20th century, the Museum of Wooden Architecture "Folk Architecture and Life" began to be created, occupying more than 30 hectares, where about 26 unique and typical monuments for the Kostroma Territory were brought and installed: peasant huts, baths, mills, churches, granaries, barns built from the 18th to the 20th centuries and restored at the present time.
Museum of Wooden Architecture. Church from the village of Fominskoye. 1721. Museum of Wooden Architecture. Baths from the village of Vederki. XIXcentury