Ready for school at age 5. Development of higher mental functions. Games to help prepare your child for school

Entering school is the beginning of a new life stage and the first serious test for a child. If earlier he played carelessly all day, then, having become a first-grader, he is forced to adhere to a strict regimen, get up early, sit in class for half a day, and do homework homework. It is difficult for kids to change their established lifestyle drastically. To make the transition smooth and comfortable, you need to properly prepare for school.

Headaches are almost normal

For researchers at the University of Bielefeld, Simon is a prime example of the risk of childhood burnout. The results are alarming: about one in six children under the age of twelve and one in five teenagers in Germany suffers from "stress". The consequences range from falling asleep to giving up depression.

Headaches are among the common symptoms. According to current data from Barmer's replacement fund, young people have risen for ten years. In practice, Hermann Josef Kahl emphasized young patients on a daily basis. He is a pediatric and adolescent doctor in Düsseldorf and a representative of his professional association. At school, he experiences mostly trouble. There, many children felt not only performance, but also group pressure. Long term treatment followed by after-dinner care - missing rooms were missing for sensitive children.

Classes are held in mini-groups of 4 people. Despite the fact that the duration of the lesson is as much as 60 minutes, the children do not get tired and learn the material well. It is built in such a way that a change of activity occurs every 10-15 minutes, and the child does not have time to lose interest.

Children are brought to us different ages, so we are training on three different programs training, designed for 1, 2 and 3 years of study. Which one is best for your child, our specialist will tell you.

A lucrative market has emerged for tutoring

Thus, the group of part-time workers felt that the pressure on children was especially great. Relatively relaxed, on the other hand, housewives and men see the situation. This also applies to staff members, but only a few women with children are represented in this group. For companies, crowded parents and their children have long been a profitable business. Because more and more good students are getting extra lessons.

Opportunities for learning are determined by the parents of the parents

Failed to play video.

Program "How can I become a schoolboy?" consists of 3 blocks:

1. Development of speech

  1. Development of coherent speech;
  2. Development of the grammatical structure of the language;
  3. Formation of speech utterance;
  4. Literacy education;
  5. Practicing reading skills;
  6. Formation of a phraseological dictionary;
  7. Development of the ability to use antonyms, synonyms in speech.

  1. Learning to count, logic;
  2. Acquaintance with geometric shapes;
  3. Spatial representations (up-down, left-right, more - less);
  4. The concept of time (yesterday, today, tomorrow, days of the week, months, seasons);
  5. Patterns.

  1. attention;
  2. memory;
  3. Thinking.

Preparation for school also includes:

Please try again later. There is no equal opportunity in the German education system. Whether one is studying depends heavily on the social background. There are also big differences at the regional level. The goal is to no longer hide flaws. Parents want to give their children an example on the way to Abitour. Textbook manufacturers are also increasingly relying on it. In the daytime market, which publishers such as Ernst Klett, Kornelsen and Westerman are developing with high pressure - with special offers for ambitious parents.

  1. Preparation of the hand for writing;
  2. Graphic exercises, cutting, shading;
  3. sensory development;
  4. Development of communication skills;
  5. The development of the emotional sphere.

Why do you need to prepare for school?

According to most parents, this is teaching the basics of arithmetic, reading, and writing. But in order for a child to master new knowledge and skills well, such knowledge is not enough.

A monthly subscription gives students access to instructional videos and interactive exercises. For an additional fee, the package includes additional training sessions. The potential clientele is growing. Within a decade, the proportion of high school graduates rose from around 40 percent to over 50 percent a year later.

No amount of stress is also a solution

Charlotte's parents don't have a one-year-old Abitour. But they wanted to ask for something more from their daughter sooner rather than later. In the state primary school there were "too many problem children" in Berlin Mitte, they remarked. So they informed Charlotte from the fifth grade - and, as usual, in Berlin from the seventh grade - to the gymnasium. There, the daughter attends the so-called high-speed class. Latin and Ancient Greek are available as foreign languages. Ordinary fabric is taken in four instead of five working days.

In fact, readiness for school consists, first of all, in the development of speech, memory, sensory perception, imagination, thinking, attention, as well as in training the hand for writing. For example, if a child does not speak well, cannot describe a picture, does not hear himself, and distorts sounds, then serious difficulties in acquiring literacy will inevitably arise at school. If he knows what the numbers are called, but cannot count the objects, then everything will be very sad with mathematics. And then these problems will accumulate like a snowball.

This leaves time for additional projects. Charlotte found friends and good grades. But she's still not happy. For weeks, the girl has been coming home from school with a headache, but she is still at home. "On its own," according to the parents. But they blame themselves. Maybe they gave too much to their daughter?

Teacher high school and the philologist Meidinger might have ventured on Charlotte's parents. He says young people also need to learn how to deal with stress and failure at school. "School completely without pressure and stress will be a possible poor preparation for life."

Preparatory classes not only develop and improve speech, higher mental functions, broaden their horizons, but also help the child get used to the specifics of school lessons.

  1. The kid learns to interact with the team - peers and teachers, masters the rules of behavior in the classroom.
  2. He adapts to the duration of the lessons - he learns to concentrate for a long time, becomes more assiduous.
  3. He develops a positive image of the school and looks forward to going there.
  4. Classes in the center are regular and systematic. This means that the baby will fully absorb all the information that the teacher will give him.

If a child comes to school prepared, then learning will be easier. The better the grades, the more he will be respected by his classmates. In addition, good performance in elementary grades is the foundation for success in middle and high school.

Previously, the deadline was that, after the unsuccessful results in the Pisa study, some federal states began to gradually bring the deadline for school admission closer. On Thursday, the list of signatures was handed over to the Ministry of Culture.

“It is not the origin of children that is the problem, but the school system itself!”

Just because they are Finns cannot be the only reason. "Learning from Finland" was the goal. But, obviously, representatives of adult education are no different from students. They only perceive what they want to perceive. Instead of learning from Finland and increasing the age of enrollment, it has been reduced. But it was completely clouded. Instead, it has been observed that there are not many migrants in Finnish schools.

When should classes start? Basically, parents think about what will soon go to school, when the child turns 5.5 - 6 years old. There is very little time left, and the preschooler is faced with a gigantic amount of information. Of course, he is simply unable to remember half of it, he quickly gets tired of intensive studies, and therefore study causes more negative emotions in him.

It is not the origin of the children that is the problem, but the school system itself! In Finland, even after fourth grade, kids' school runway is likely to pass. They can be left alone in school until they can take responsibility for school success. It will be “training from Finland”.

In addition, not only from Finland, but also from other countries, children only after or But you clearly did not want to study. To this was added an indescribable acting approach in German schools. Already in elementary school there is no week without action and sometimes meaningless projects. Why don't students learn in real time? Spelling can only be learned from spelling, not circus visits, ice skating, snowboarding trips, and more. Please don't misunderstand: the projects and excursions are very good.

  1. If there are some delays in the development of speech and higher mental functions, they are detected in time and completely corrected.
  2. Preparation is not carried out in a hurry, but in proportion to the age and capabilities of the baby.
  3. The child gradually gets used to the duration of classes, work in a team, to subordination to someone else's adult.

Especially early school preparation is important for children who do not attend Kindergarten, because at home it is difficult to conduct full-fledged classes, and even more so to do it regularly.

“Last year in kindergarten is often boring”

But they should be meaningful and not take responsibility. Let the kids be longer kids and give them more time to learn! The school system, which needs to be relearned in six years, is certainly not fundamentally wrong, at the latest three years in kindergarten.

The past year in kindergarten is often boring for knowledgeable children. It would be good, be sure to introduce a pre-school school from the age of six, a school from the age of seven. Preschool education should be used to promote and study motor, linguistic, musical development. should be encouraged own initiative. Children need time to develop their creative, artistic and intellectual potential. Trips to museums, zoos, forests or swamps are often lost. Various topics will be explored, felt and tested.

What do you do in preschool classes?

Preparatory classes take into account age features development of preschoolers and are built according to the following principles.

  1. The main form of exercises and assignments is playful, since it is the leading one among preschoolers.
  2. Frequent change of activity, because it is difficult for the child to concentrate on one task for a long time, and he loses interest. The lesson is divided into short segments, each of them is devoted to the development of certain skills - counting, reading, speaking, fine motor skills etc.
  3. The complexity and duration of work on the same type of task gradually increase and approach the real lesson. The exercises become more interesting.
  4. Compliance with a system of certain rules and conditions - the child is gradually accustomed to strict school discipline.
  5. Classes are held in groups - this is necessary so that the preschooler learns to communicate with the team.

On such complex classes the child receives the necessary knowledge about the world around him, learns to apply them, reason independently, draw conclusions, think creatively, work in a team.

Unfortunately, there are too few kindergartens and school classes that can meet the needs of this researcher. Movement helps the child better understand what he sees. In many kindergartens, music is practically not created. Theatrical performances Exciting experiments with chemistry, physics and space are often missing.

Why does a child at the age of six read and write? Distances and dimensions are best studied by passing the distance between oneself and the objects about which in question. The brain has to "feel" the distance through the movements of the body. This and more would be good preparation for school.

Is your kid ready for school?

Teachers and psychologists identify four main points of a child's readiness for schooling.

1. Intellectual readiness

This implies the level of development of attention, memory, thinking. Preschoolers should be able to:

  1. give the full name, patronymic, surname, birthday, address, age, names and professions of the parents,
  2. navigate in space (“right - left”, “up - down”, “far - close”, etc.),
  3. distinguish between wild and domestic animals trees, shrubs, flowers, fish, birds, identify natural phenomena, etc.,
  4. compare and generalize objects according to their characteristics, establish relationships between them,
  5. own elementary mathematical concepts (“more - less”), know geometric shapes, be able to count to one hundred.

In addition, the child must be able to read and write. Speech should be coherent, consist of detailed phrases.

Iris Weber, Langenhagen, reader's letter. The easiest way is to use the comments feature below this article. In Hamburg, all children and their parents are invited for an interview about 18 months before entering schools, which are prepared by assessing childhood development in kindergartens. At the same time, primary school teachers create an impression of the development of children. They inform parents of the expectations that the school will place on their children in the future and inform them of opportunities to further support their children.

Negotiations take place at the school on Uhlenhorst on December 2 in December. In preparation, children need to register for these conversations at school. So please come to the school office with your child and Required documents. You will find all the details in the parent letter, which is updated annually. You can also register your child at preschool next year as part of the presentation.

2. Psychological readiness

With age, play activity fades away, and it is replaced by cognitive activity. The child must be able to concentrate on one lesson, control his behavior, follow the established rules and obey an adult. Check if the baby can calmly do one thing for 20-30 minutes, without being distracted by anything? If not, then you need to work on concentration.

Montini, these are children who are already too far beyond kindergarten, but still too young for school. In our new preschool group, already 4, 5 year old children can learn and, as each child develops, develop into school internal structures. With the help of Montessori material, skills and basic competencies are practiced. The goal is to promote cognitive, motor, emotional and social development children aged 4, 5 to 6 years. Therefore, the preparation for the so-called light hand and the understanding of form and quantity in our curriculum is just as important as the preparation of the senses and perception of the body.

3. Social readiness

Is your child willing to make contact? How does he build communication with adults and peers? Is he looking for a new connection? The answers to these questions will give an idea of ​​the degree of social readiness of the baby.

It also includes self-service skills - the ability to independently eat, dress, collect textbooks. Also, the child must be taught the rules of behavior, obey adults, be able to calmly wait for their turn, without being distracted, immediately fulfill requests.

They start in the morning with the great Montis but are placed in their own class. Sponsoring large programs facilitates the transition to elementary school and allows children to learn faster and understand the easy transition to first grade even during the school year. For 20 years, the Montessori School in Freudenberg, the only elementary school in Wiesbaden, has been completely oriented towards the pedagogical concept of the Italian doctor and teacher Maria Montessori. The aim of the school was to create an educational and living place where children can develop their individual abilities. 20 years of fun in learning - we want to celebrate with a great anniversary and summer festival.

4. Motivational readiness

The child must clearly understand why he goes to school. If he just wants to wear a nice school uniform and a briefcase, then it's better to wait. Ideally, he should strive to go to school precisely in order to learn something, to get a certain profession in the future.

Classes in our center are aimed at comprehensively preparing the child for entering school. First impressions of her are the most important, and your child will have positive ones.

A new preschool group starts at the Montessori school in Wiesbaden: Montinis. Interested parents can register at the Montessori School in Wiesbaden. The introduction of new preschoolers takes place after screening and parent discussion and can be done flexibly throughout the school year - as far as space is available.

This is an example of the diversity of teaching as well as training and the only school in Wiesbaden that operates 100% in accordance with the principles of Maria Montessori. In our school, the desire to learn, the joy of self-activity and careful attitude to each other should form school education - without grades and without textbooks.

How is the preparation for school in our center?

Preparation for the first class in the Karkusha center is carried out in several directions at once.

1. Development of speech

In the classroom, the baby learns to speak coherently, build speech statement, is mastering phrasebook and grammatical structure mother tongue. In addition, he is taught to read and the basics of literacy.

The Montessori School in Wiesbaden now offers a pre-school group

Montini - children of our preschool group. Here the scholastic elements of preschool, playful content are mixed.

Montessori School Wiesbaden gets to know each other

Montessori school students show how teaching is the reform of the teacher Maria Montessori. In this case, instead of manuals, dictation and mathematical books, innovative educational materials, such as "sandpaper", "lesbods", "hundreds of boards" and "golden pearls". As children acquire knowledge on their own, they can look at parents and prospective students from 10 am to 1 pm and try their hand.

2. Formation of mathematical representations

Training is conducted using the Mathematical Steps program, which has already proven itself well. The kid learns to count, think logically, navigate in space, gets acquainted with geometric shapes, the concepts of "more - less", "up - down", "left - right", basic mathematical patterns.

3. Development of higher mental functions

During classes, the child performs exercises to develop attention, different types memory, thinking and imagination, as well as fine motor skills, which contribute to the improvement of speech.

There are also classes to prepare the child's hand for writing. After all, writing requires the development of many specific skills. For this, the child is offered graphic exercises, cutting, shading, contour drawings.

In addition, on preparatory classes sufficient time is devoted to the development of communication skills and teamwork, sensory perception and emotional-volitional sphere.

Every year in Moscow, the requirements for children who come to the first grade are getting higher. This is especially true of good, elite schools in the city, whose leadership openly or behind the scenes selects and accepts only the strongest children into their classes.

It is no longer just about the fact that children should be able to read. Often the requirements are much higher - it requires the ability to count the number of syllables in a word, determine the stressed syllable, determine the hard or soft consonant sound.

We can proudly say about the graduates of our “Preparation for School” course (especially for the two-year program): their skills exceed the expectations of the “admissions committees”.

How does it work?

First, we have a very strong teacher. Yulia Petrovna Salomatova is a teacher who for the last 12 years has been only preparing children for school. Yulia Petrovna has two higher educations, she is a teacher primary school and speech therapist. She is also a researcher at the Institute of Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education ( Russian Academy Education). Yulia provides training for young professionals; dozens of children's centers in Russia and neighboring countries operate according to her author's program.

Yulia Petrovna is a professional with a capital letter, but by nature she is a talker and a laugher who loves children. She manages to be for them both a strict teacher who disciplines even the most restless children, and a friend whom they hug and kiss when they meet.

Secondly, our classes are very focused. The program is designed for 2 hours per week (80 hours per academic year). One hour is devoted to learning to read and develop speech, literacy, and writing. The second is mathematical.

In the classroom, Yulia Petrovna has short physical exercises, but there is no creativity, rhythmic blocks, musical pauses. All these are wonderful things, and those parents who consider them important bring their children to us separately for music, dancing, drawing. (For example, many parents leave their children with us on Saturday after preparing for school for an art class).

That is, we spend more time directly preparing for school. Every minute of the lesson is devoted to this.

By the way, the lack of "entertainment" does not mean that the classes are boring. You will see that the children in the lesson laugh a lot and “rage” a little.

Thirdly, great importance has the content of classes- their structure, choice teaching aids, consistency and alignment of the course, the effectiveness of which has been honed for 12 years.

The students of our course will receive two textbooks and copybooks in which they will do a little homework.

To sign up for a free trial lesson, call +7 495 724 19 04 or leave .

Many of those children who are preparing for school with us are also very fond of our artist Irina Bikmaeva.