Melikhovo Spring 20 May program. Such a different "Spring

From May 20 to May 27, 2017, the Melikhovo Museum-Reserve will host the International theater festival"Melikhov Spring".

Within the framework of the festival a whole a number of special events. It's a show feature film"Joker" based on the stories of Antosha Chekhonte, traditional Melikhovo tea party on the day of memory of O.N. Efremov May 24th.

The estate will also host a photo exhibition dedicated to the festival performances of different years.

The poster of the upcoming "Melikhov Spring" was once again supplemented by the program "Visiting Chekhov". The performances of this program are not dramatizations of Chekhov's works, but in these productions or in the lives of their authors, there are interesting links with Chekhov's work.

In 2017, the special program is called Tolstoy Visiting Chekhov. As part of it, the Moscow drama theatre on Malaya Bronnaya will present the play "Princess Marya", and the Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theater. Tolstoy will show the production of The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

Festival poster:

  • 14.00 - « Polite people» A.P. Chekhov
    Melikhovsky Theater "Chekhov Studio" (Moscow region, Melikhovo)
    Director: Kirill Loskutov

    Venue: Theater Yard.
    Duration: 1 hour 40 min.

  • 18.00 - Opening ceremony of the festival

  • 20.00-00.00 - "Night at the Museum", an annual action to international day museums
  • 21.00 - Meeting with creative team and demonstration of the feature film "Joker" (based on the stories of Antosha Chekhonte)
    Cinematography company
    Director: Alexander Kaurykh and Sergey Okhotin

    Venue: Homestead.
    Duration: 1 hour 20 min. + meeting with the group.

  • 14.00 - "On the dangers of tobacco" based on the story of A.P. Chekhov
    International laboratory of theater "Nikindom" (Moscow) and Theater association "Paper boat" (France)
    Director: Nika Kosenkova.

    Venue: Theater Yard
    Duration: 1 hour 10 min.

  • Chamber Theater "Vazrajdane" (Bulgaria)
    Director: Grigor Antonov

    Venue: Veranda of the Main House.
    Duration: 2 hours.

  • 14.00 - “ThreeSisters” (“Three Sisters”) by A.P. Chekhov
    Theater company "En Drasei" (Greece)
    Directed by: Dimitris Mylonas//Dimitras Mulonas

    Venue: Theater Yard.

  • 19.00 - "#HE_HE_DOG@" based on the stories of A.P. Chekhov
    Krasnodar Academic Drama Theatre. Gorky
    Director: Radion Bukaev

    Duration: 1 hour 40 min.

  • 14.00 - “Kostya Treplev. Love and Death” based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull"
    "Such a Theater" (St. Petersburg)
    Director: Veniamin Filshtinsky

    Venue: Theater Yard.
    Duration: 2 hours 40 minutes.

  • 20.00 - "Uncle Vanya" by A.P. Chekhov
    Novgorod Academic Drama Theater named after F.M. Dostoevsky (Finland)
    Directed by: Jari Yutinen

    Venue: Veranda of the Main House.

  • 14.00 - Memorial Day of O.N. Efremova

    Venue: Theater and Exhibition Hall.
    Duration: 2 hours.

  • 19.00 - "Three Sisters" by A.P. Chekhov
    Theater "At the Bridge" (Perm)
    Director: Sergey Fedotov

    Venue: Theater Yard.

  • 15.00 - "Princess Marya" L.N. Tolstoy (scenes from the novel "War and Peace")
    Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya (as part of the special program "Visiting Chekhov")
    Director: Sergey Poselsky

    Venue: Theater Yard.
    Duration: 2 hours 30 min.

  • 19.00 - "Death of Ivan Ilyich" L.N. Tolstoy
    Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theatre. L.N. Tolstoy (as part of the special program "Visiting Chekhov")
    Director: Sergey Bobrovsky

    Venue: Serpukhov Music and Drama Gortheatre.
    Duration: 1 hour 50 min.

  • 14.00 - “Three pieces. Bear. Sentence. Anniversary” based on the works of A.P. Chekhov
    Donetsk State Academic Music and Drama Theater
    Director: Vadim Pinsky

    Venue: Theater Yard.
    Duration: 2 hours 20 min.

  • 19.00 - “And why are you in a tailcoat?” A.P. Chekhov
    Berlin Musical Theatre Lori (Germany)
    Director: Iosif Reichelgauz

    Venue: Serpukhov Music and Drama Gortheatre.
    Duration: 1 hour 20 min.

  • 14.00 - “Love me. Diagnosis"
    Historical fantasy after reading the correspondence between A. Chekhov and O. Knipper.
    New Artistic theater(Chelyabinsk)
    Director: Igor Barmasov

    Venue: Theater Yard
    Duration: 1 hour 30 min.

  • 20.00 - "Rereading Chekhov" based on the stories of A.P. Chekhova Elena Olenina
    State Academic Maly Theater (Moscow)

    Venue: Veranda of the Main House.
    Duration: 1 hour 30 min.

    The cost of tickets for performances: from 600 rubles.
    You can buy tickets

  • With great success and on a high emotional upsurge, from May 19 to May 26, the XIX International Theater Festival "Melikhovskaya Spring" was held.

    For seven days, the audience and discerning critics saw 14 performances. Theaters from Grodno, Moscow, Lipetsk, Perm, Samara, Yoshkar-Ola and Syktyvkar brought their performances. On a daily basis, the Organizing Committee of the festival held discussion clubs and discussions of performances. Actors and directors received valuable advice and recommendations from leading theater critics.

    This year's festival revived the tradition of holding children's day. For the little guests of the festival, several types of programs have been prepared for different ages. Young theater lovers participated in the quest, mastered the street and board games 19-20 centuries, treated themselves to rich bones and compote. And in the final of each of the programs, two performances were presented for the participants of the programs: “Through the Eyes of a Flower” (Moscow SNARK Theater) and “Shoes” (Melikhovsky Theater “Chekhov Studio”).

    The main theatrical program began with a witty and cheerful performance of the famous Lipetsk Drama Theater. L.N. Tolstoy "Come! Had seen! Loved it! This theater takes part in almost every festival and has already become its lucky "talisman". After all, it was with the tour of this theater, back in 1982, that the tradition of holding “Melikhov springs” began.

    Mandatory condition of the Festival: only Chekhov and - with the obligatory "The Seagull" in the program. This year, "The Seagull" was brought by theaters from Grodno and Syktyvkar.

    State Academic Theatre. Viktor Savina from Syktyvkar presented his "Seagull" through the metaphor of a game based on chance, like a game of lotto. BUT regional theater puppets from Grodno presented a sparkling performance, where both people and puppets played the main roles.

    Traditionally, on May 24, O.N. Efremov. On this day, graduates of his course gathered in Melikhovo, recalled the master, watched films with his participation. The evening was spent by the granddaughter of Oleg Nikolaevich Olga Efremova.

    This year, the program “Visiting A.P. Chekhov”, Maxim Gorky came to Anton Pavlovich, performances based on his works were presented by two theaters: “At the Bridge” (Perm) and the graduation course of RATI-GITIS.

    The festival was filled not only theatrical performances but also film screenings! The marvelous short film “The Seagull” by Elizaveta Stishova was also received with a bang, and Yuri Grymov’s film “Three Sisters” aroused a million delights - this is a poignant story of the sixty-year-old Prozorov sisters.

    The Festival also has a platform - the Serpukhov City Theater, on the stage of which passions were running high ... The Place of Action Theater from Samara presented an unusual performance based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "Three Sisters".

    "Spring" was filled with events and guests, there were also premieres! Melikhovsky Theater "Chekhov Studio" presented its new performance based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya". This performance is not about the fate of the intelligentsia at the turn of the century, it is about people outside the time frame, about human feelings and lost lives. Their life has failed, they are funny, but "one must live", and they live ... This performance closed the festival program of "Melikhovskaya Spring".

    All performances of the Festival were held with a full house!

    Regular viewers of the Melikhov Spring come to the performances of the festival, expecting to meet familiar characters, often knowing in advance what stories will unfold on the stage, and how everything will end in the end: the cherry orchard will be sold, the sisters will never leave for Moscow, and Kostya Treplev will shoot himself at the very moment when the others are playing lotto...

    Everything, as written by Chekhov - once and for all ...

    At the same time, we are pleased to note that the meeting with the most unusual Chekhov took place at the showing of the play "Chekhov" of the Moscow theater MOST. Georgy Dolmazyan's production stirred up traditional ideas about storytelling. The director masterfully assembled the "Three Sisters", " The Cherry Orchard and Chaika. According to the director, the Melikhovo version of the performance became a “reboot” of the director’s explication – the audience has never seen such a “Chekhov”!..

    In the State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo" will host one of the largest and most important theater festivals in Russia - the famous "Melikhovskaya Spring". The festival will run from 20 to 27 May. Its program will delight both sophisticated theatergoers and novice connoisseurs. theatrical art.

    As part of the "Melikhov Spring -2017", the audience will see performances based on the works of Anton Chekhov and Leo Tolstoy, will be able to visit the photo exhibition "Parallels" dedicated to performances of different years and become participants in the "Melikhov Tea Party", which will take place on the day of memory of the outstanding theatrical figure of Russia Oleg Yefremov.

    You can find the detailed program of the festival below. Hurry up to get tickets for the performances you are interested in in advance! "Melikhovskaya Spring" traditionally enjoys great popularity among the audience. Hundreds of fans of theatrical art and cultural tourism from all over the country come to the former estate of Anton Chekhov during the event.

    May 20 14.00
    A.P. Chekhov
    Melikhovsky Theater "Chekhov Studio" (Moscow region, Melikhovo)
    Directed by Kirill Loskutov

    May 20 20.00
    film "JOKER" (As part of the annual action "NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM")
    based on the stories of Antosha Chekhonte
    Open-air screening and meeting with the creative team of the film
    Manor Melikhovo

    May 21 14.00
    according to the story of A.P. Chekhov
    International laboratory of theater "NIKINDOM" (Moscow) and Theater Association "Paper Boat" (France)
    Directed by Nika Kosenkova
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    21 May 20.00
    A.P. Chekhov
    Chamber Theater "Vazrajdane" (Bulgaria)
    Directed by Grigor Antonov
    Manor Melikhovo

    May 22 14.00
    A.P. Chekhov
    Theater company "En Drasei" (Greece)
    Directed by Dimitris Mylonas
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    May 22 19.00
    based on the stories of A.P. Chekhov
    Krasnodar Academic Drama Theatre. M. Gorky
    Directed by Radion Bukaev

    May 23 14.00
    based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Seagull"
    "Such a Theater" (St. Petersburg)
    Directed by Veniamin Filshtinsky
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    May 23 20.00
    A.P. Chekhov
    Novgorod Academic Drama Theater named after F.M. Dostoevsky
    Directed by Jari Yutinen (Finland)

    May 24 14.00
    Memorial Day O.N. Efremova
    Traditional "Melikhov tea party"
    Manor Melikhovo

    May 24 19.00
    A.P. Chekhov
    Theater "At the Bridge" (Perm)
    Directed by Sergei Fedotov
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    May 25 15.00
    "Princess Marya" (Special program "Visiting Chekhov")
    L.N. Tolstoy (scenes from the novel "War and Peace")
    Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya
    Directed by Sergei Poselsky
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    May 25 19.00
    "The DEATH OF IVAN ILYICH" (Special program "Visiting Chekhov")
    L.N. Tolstoy
    Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theatre. L.N. Tolstoy
    Directed by Sergei Bobrovsky
    Serpukhov Music and Drama Theater

    May 26 14.00
    based on the works of A.P. Chekhov
    Donetsk State Academic Music and Drama Theater
    Directed by Vadim Pinsky
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    May 26 19.00
    A.P. Chekhov
    Berlin Musical Theater "Lori" Berlin Musical Theater "Lori" (Germany)
    Directed by Iosif Reichelgauz
    Serpukhov Music and Drama Theater

    May 27 14.00
    historical fantasy after reading the correspondence between A. Chekhov and O. Knipper
    New Art Theater (Chelyabinsk)
    Director Igor Barmasov
    Melikhovo Manor, Theater Yard

    May 27 20.00
    according to the stories of A.P. Chekhov
    State Academic Maly Theater (Moscow)
    Directed by Elena Olenina
    Melikhovo Manor, Veranda of the main house

    More about the festival.

    May 18, 2019 at the State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo" International Theater Festival "Melikhovo Spring" will open for the 20th time. The main program includes performances based on the works of A.P. Chekhov or about the writer himself. Also, the audience is waiting for film screenings, meetings with directors and other special events.

    Theaters from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lipetsk, Donetsk, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Ryazan, Kineshma, Voronezh and Moscow regions, the Republic of Tatarstan will present their performances at the anniversary festival. The playbill also includes performances from New York (USA), Vienna (Austria), Temirtau (Kazakhstan).

    The tasks of the "Melikhov Spring" are unchanged - to show all the variety of stage interpretations of the works of the great writer - from classics to avant-garde, to present to the audience modern theater in all its diversity through the palette of Chekhov's themes and plots.

    The main feature of the "Melikhov Spring" is that the "Seagull" is present in the festival program every year. This worldwide famous play was written by Chekhov in Melikhovo, namely from The Seagull, played by the Lipetsk Theater. L.N. Tolstoy on the veranda of the main house, the tradition of theatrical meetings in the writer's estate was born. There are four Seagulls on the 2019 poster - completely different, each with its own accents.

    The Lipchans, the founders of the festival and its regular participants, this year will bring to Melikhovo not a separate play, but a performance based on several stories by A.P. Chekhov.

    As part of the festival 2019 years will pass several special events. Among them are the screening of the feature film "Brothers Ch" directed by Mikhail Ugarov based on the play by Elena Gremina about the life of the Chekhov family and the traditional Memorial Day of O.N. Efremov May 24th. The estate will also host a photo exhibition “20 Years of Emotions”, dedicated to the most bright moments Melikhovo festivals of different years.

    The organizers did not ignore the little spectators - two "Kashtanka" from puppet theaters from Volgograd and Ryazan are similar only at first glance. Two readings of a familiar work - touching, but conveying mood in different ways, will be a good theatrical discovery not only for kids.

    The grand opening of the festival on May 18, according to tradition, will be held on the veranda of the main house of A.P. Chekhov, the audience is waiting for the theatrical program "Dedication to the Seagull" with the performance of the teams participating in the "Melikhov Spring - 2019". Also on the opening day, the estate will show the play “The Proposal” by THE LAMBS THEATER LAB (New York), after which there will be a meeting with directors Peter Kingsley (USA) and Aubrey Malor (Australia). At the end of the opening day in Melikhovo, a film screening of the play "Uncle Vanya" by the State academic theater them. Evg. Vakhtangov.