Children's meals for every day 1.5 years. Feeding a child at one and a half years.

At this age, it is not necessary to feed the child with grated food, just boil it well or stew it. Do not feed your baby fried foods, as well as convenience foods. You can offer him sandwiches and vegetable salads. Next, consider what the menu of a child in a year and a half can be.

Ideal children's menu should include all the substances necessary for the body, namely proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They need to be present in the diet in the right proportions. Carbohydrates are the majority of the daily portion, while proteins and fats are the remainder.

1 Breakfast (7:00-9:00)

Breakfast should be 25% daily allowance calories. A nutritious, varied breakfast eaten without haste will give the baby strength and energy for the whole day. Compose it correctly, because it is impossible to replace the morning portion of energy. Not taking breakfast. the child will be drowsy, capricious, will not want to play, his body will be in an economical mode, as it were. The brain will work slower, the immune system will dull, and it is easy to catch a cold. Another tip is not to combine foods of the same type in the morning (for example, cottage cheese and milk).

Porridge- a storehouse of carbohydrates. Rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal - the main thing is to be tasty. You can diversify the taste by adding finely chopped fruit or jam.

Sandwich. On bread, in addition to cheese or meat, be sure to put a piece of cucumber or a lettuce leaf.

Drink. Milk works best, but if the baby refuses, make cocoa or a milkshake.

2 Lunch on the menu for one and a half one year old baby (10:00-11:00)

It is necessary to satisfy a slight hunger before dinner. Choose not hearty, light foods, otherwise the baby will not eat lunch. Do not force if the child cannot eat the entire portion of the second breakfast, maybe he has not yet had time to get hungry.

Offer your child bread and cheese biscuit cookies, and he can drink all this with compote or juice. It will also be great if you include fruits in your diet, because they enrich the body with vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on growth. It can be either fresh or dried fruits.

3 Dinner (12:00-14:00)

This is the main meal of the day, covering 30% of the calories. Try to keep the regimen and offer the baby food at the same time.

First. The main thing is that the soup is easily digestible and nutritious at the same time. Don't boil it in meat broth, it's better to boil the meat separately and then add it to the plate before serving. Do not cook a huge pot of soup, because the child is unlikely to want to eat the same thing as yesterday. Yes, and heated soup loses its usefulness.

Second. steam cutlet or a piece of boiled (baked) meat or fish. Vermicelli is suitable for garnish, mashed potatoes or porridge with butter. Don't forget the vegetable salad.

Dessert. Here choose for yourself: banana, apple, fruit jelly or homemade biscuit.

4 afternoon tea (15:00-16:00)

Children love the afternoon snack the most, because this is the time for sweet fruits and other treats. Do not try to replace it with an early dinner. The break between meals should be 3-4 hours.

What can you choose? Fruits and vegetables: grated apple and carrot salad, banana or fruit pie. Also good choice will become homemade yogurt or cottage cheese with jam, pudding.

5 Dinner (18:00-19:00)

We complete the menu of our one and a half year old child with dinner. It should not be plentiful and should be taken an hour or two before bedtime.

Vegetables. Ideal options are vegetable puree or stew, steamed omelet stuffed with vegetables, or baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese.

Cereals. Porridge on the water - a good option. You can also have a sandwich with a boiled egg (cheese).

Water- Ideal for drinking before bed and at night. In general, water is simply very important, and if the baby wakes up from thirst, give him a glass.

Thank you for using the buttons

Baby sleeps best after breastfeeding. If you want to put your baby to sleep easily, start at the end of feeding.

All toys you purchase for your child must meet safety standards. The tips below will help you choose safe toys for.

Crying and tantrums at parting are inherent in all children with early years. Starting from the first birthday, many babies develop.

Hung up. No, some dishes do not raise questions, but some..
Naturally, I will not give everything that is written. But, I want to transfer the baby to normal food. Because we eat regularly, but the same thing -
porridge on the mixture
vegetables with meat (on a blender)
cottage cheese (purchased for children) + yogurt (I make it myself) + fruits (canned)
milk porridge

In general, they don’t eat my pieces, one chokes, the second doesn’t care, but he eats reluctantly anyway. The liver does not eat first. And what bites off immediately pushes back.
The second one eats cookies and is happy, but I can’t just feed him cookies so that he learns to chew.

All in all, mothers. Help me please. What to feed and how to feed children correctly so that they learn to chew without problems ??

And yet, if possible, give recipes, in general terms - how quenelles are prepared (on the menu below), liver pate for a child. I'm really not very good at cooking, so I'm asking..

sample menu for a child 1-1.5 years old

The proposed menu for the week takes into account the transitional nature of the nutrition of children of this age - some dishes are more reminiscent of complementary foods used in the 1st year of a child's life, and some look quite adult. The total amount of food per day for a baby 1-1.5 years old is 1000-1200 g, not counting liquids (150-200 ml of juice, up to 300 ml of milk or fermented milk products or 300 ml of tea). Nutritionists recommend feeding the baby according to the regime: for example, 8.00 - breakfast, 12.00 - lunch, 16.00 - afternoon snack, 20.00 - dinner, at night (23.00) the child is offered kefir. Recall that in the diet of children of this age, fatty, spicy, salty, fried foods should be avoided; steamed dishes are preferred. More details about the diet of a child of the second year of life can be found in a separate article.

Milk semolina porridge 200 g
Tea with milk 100 ml
Wheat bread with cheese 20/10 g

Vegetable soup 100 ml
Steamed fish quenelles 50 g
Mashed potatoes 100 g
Kissel fruit 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Kefir 100 ml
Baked apple 100 g
Cookies 15 g

Cottage cheese mashed with milk 80 g
Carrot puree 100 g
Boiled milk 100 ml

Liver pate with mashed potatoes 200 g
Coffee with milk 100 ml
Wheat bread with cheese 10 g

Creamy oatmeal soup 100 ml
Beef soufflé 50 g
Carrot puree 100 g
Fruit juice 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Boiled milk 150 ml
Bun 30 g

Dinner Curd mashed with carrots 80 g
Mashed potatoes 100 g
Tea with sugar 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Milk rice porridge 200 g
Tea with milk 100 ml
Bread with cheese 10/20 g

Shchi green 100 ml
Steam beef quenelles 50 g
Mashed potatoes 100 g
Tomato juice 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Kefir 100 ml
Cookies 15 g
Apple 1 pc.

Cottage cheese casserole 80 g
Beet puree with apple 100 g
Boiled milk 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Milk vermicelli 150 g
Omelet 50 g
Wheat bread 10 g

Rice soup with prunes 100 ml
Fish soufflé 50 g
Green pea and potato puree 100 g
Cherry juice 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Milk pudding 100 ml
Tea with sugar 100 ml
Cookies 15 g

Cauliflower puree 100 g
Pureed cottage cheese 80 g
Tea with milk 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Herring pate with mashed potatoes 50/150 g
Tea with sugar 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Milk soup with semolina and carrots 100 ml
Chicken meat soufflé 50 g
Cauliflower puree 100 g
Kissel raspberry 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Kefir with pureed apples 150 ml
Homemade crackers 30 g

Omelet 50 g
Buckwheat porridge 120 g
Boiled milk 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Oatmeal porridge with grated cheese 200 g
Tea with milk 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Vegetable soup 100 ml
Beef quenelles 50 g
vegetable puree 100 g
Plum juice 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Boiled milk 150 ml
Bun 30 g

Cottage cheese with milk 80 g
Mashed potatoes 100 g
Tea with honey 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Omelet 50 g
Buckwheat porridge 150 g
Tea with milk 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

Potato soup with green peas 100 ml
Meat puree 50 g
OS beets stewed with carrots 100 g
Rosehip infusion 100 ml
Wheat bread 20 g
Rye bread 10 g

afternoon tea
Yogurt 150 ml
Cookies 15 g

Curd pudding with sour cream 200 g
Tea with milk 100 ml
Wheat bread 10 g

The nutrition of a child after the age of one is already significantly different from the nutrition baby despite the fact that many children continue to receive their mother's milk. This is due to the fact that the child's body grows, and at the same time its functions improve, cognitive and physical activity baby and his energy needs. All these reasons affect the diet of the child, which is already significantly different from the nutrition of children in the first year of life.

Menu of the 1st day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Rice porridge
Tea with milk

Vegetarian borscht
Meat puree with vegetable puree
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir
Fruit (apple)

Cottage cheese with milk
Mashed potatoes
fruit juice
wheat bread

23 hours
Kefir or milk
Rosehip decoction for the day

Menu of the 2nd day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Vermicelli in milk
Tea with milk
wheat bread

rice soup
Sauteed meat with carrot puree
fruit juice
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir
Homemade croutons
Fruit (apple)

vegetable puree
Cottage cheese with milk
wheat bread

23 hours
Kefir or milk
Rosehip decoction for the day

Menu of the 3rd day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Herculean porridge
Tea with milk
Wheat bread with grated cheese

vegetable soup
Meat soufflé with vegetable puree
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir
Fruit (apple)

Cottage cheese with milk
Pumpkin puree
fruit juice
wheat bread

23 hours
Kefir or milk
Rosehip decoction for the day

Menu of the 4th day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Semolina porridge
Omelette (0.5 eggs)
Tea with milk
wheat bread

Vermicelli soup
Steam cutlet with vegetable puree
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir
Fruit (apple)

Cottage cheese with milk
Buckwheat porridge
fruit juice
wheat bread

23 hours
Kefir or milk
Rosehip decoction for the day

Menu of the 5th day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Rice porridge
Tea with milk
Wheat bread with grated cheese

Herculean cream soup
Fish soufflé with mashed potatoes
fruit juice
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir
Fruit (apple)

Cottage cheese with milk
vegetable puree
wheat bread

23 hours
Kefir or milk
Rosehip decoction for the day

Menu of the 6th day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Mashed potatoes with 0.5 eggs
Tea with milk
wheat bread

Shchi fresh
Quenelles with carrot puree
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir

Fruit (apple)

Cottage cheese with milk
Buckwheat porridge
fruit juice
wheat bread

23 hours
Rosehip decoction for the day

Menu of the 7th day for children from 1 to 1.5 years

Name of dish and products

Semolina porridge
Tea with milk
wheat bread

vegetable soup
Liver puree with mashed potatoes
fruit juice
Rye bread

afternoon tea
Yogurt or kefir
Fruit (apple)

Cottage cheese with milk
vegetable puree
wheat bread

23 hours
Rosehip decoction for the day

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Is your precious son or daughter a year old?

First of all, we want to congratulate you! Your baby already knows how to crawl, walk, pronounce simple words and learn the world more actively. And secondly, we want to focus your attention, dear parents, on the fact that your baby needs a complete and balanced diet to restore the expended energy, as well as for normal growth and development.

By the age of one year, children eat not only breast milk, but also some products of plant and animal origin. For example, fruits, boiled vegetables, fish, poultry and eggs.

After 1 year, you will have to diversify the child’s diet a lot, preparing delicious and delicious meals every day. healthy meals baby food. For proper metabolism, full-fledged work digestive system, proper development nervous and cardiovascular systems, the baby's body needs vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, etc., which are found in many foods of animal or vegetable origin.

Considering that eating for many children is one of the most unpleasant moments, parents should make sure that the prepared meals are not only healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. To do this, you need to make the menu varied and serve the dish in a playful way.

What dishes for children 1 year old can and should be cooked?

To answer this question, I presented to your attention the recipes of simple dishes. home cooking which can be prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So, the diet of a one-year-old kinder should consist of a varied 4x-5 single meals. Moreover, dairy products breast milk, cow's milk, infant formula) recommend giving no more than 500 ml per day.


  • milk porridge or vermicelli milk soup
  • cottage cheese, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole
  • scrambled eggs (usually by 1.5 years) or a hard-boiled egg.

From drinks: jelly, tea without sugar, dried fruit compote or infusion of wild rose, lentils.

By the way, you should not give all of the above for one breakfast. It is enough to feed the baby with milk porridge (150-200 ml) with the addition of 5 g of butter and half a boiled egg. This will be quite enough for the little one to be full and not pass it on. Be sure to give him a cup of drink to quench his thirst.

What kind of porridge can a baby who is 1 year old.

I recommend giving multi-cereal, rye and barley porridge for baby food. By one and a half years, you can feed him cereals: millet, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice. All of them are valued for their unsurpassed healing and nutritional properties.

So that mom does not suffer for a long time over the cooking process, I will share my experience fast food tasty and healthy porridge. Just soak the grits in water until it swells (becomes soft), and then boil a little and that's it! The porridge is ready!


Pour clean, sorted buckwheat porridge (1 cup) into a saucepan with 2 cups of water. Leave for a few hours for the cereal to absorb water. Then put on fire and boil for a couple of minutes until fully cooked. Don't forget to add some salt. Pour the prepared buckwheat porridge with milk or season with a small piece of butter.

If you decide to give your child a curd dish for the first breakfast, then you should know that he is supposed to eat no more than 70 grams of cottage cheese per day. Cottage cheese casserole and cheesecakes are cooked in the oven or steamed! Fried foods are not recommended for children.

And finally: for the first breakfast - an omelette (steamed) can be served with a slice white bread(no more than 40 g / day) with butter or cheese. By the way, a crumb of 1-1.5 years old can eat 15-20 grams of oil per day. Bread is preferably white, as it is more easily perceived by the delicate stomach of a child.

The second breakfast may consist of fruit puree, fruit or carrot juice, dried fruit compote, apples or lentil tincture. Such a breakfast will quench your thirst and stimulate the production of gastric juice before dinner.


The baby's lunch should be more saturated and consist of the first course, the second and the drink.

For the first course, I suggest cooking soup, borscht, cabbage soup or vegetable salad.

If you are interested in vegetable salad, then I can offer several types of it. For example: from grated fresh cucumbers, tomatoes or carrots. Or a salad boiled vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, cabbage, stewed zucchini and tomato. I recommend adding egg yolk to salads - it's healthy and tasty!

Salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, but in no case mayonnaise or any sauces.

If you decide to give your baby soup for lunch, then it also comes in several types:

  • milk soup with pasta. By the way, this soup is recommended to give one year old baby only once a week.
  • vegetable soup is borscht, fish soup, cabbage soup, mashed potatoes and cauliflower soup. Such soups, as a rule, are boiled in fish or meat broth with the calculation: for one serving of soup - 0.3 ÷ 0.4 ml of broth.

The second is served: side dish and meat or fish.

For small children who are just one year old, mashed potatoes of many vegetables and legumes are served as a side dish. Just boil and grind through a sieve any of the following components: zucchini, pumpkin, onions, white or cauliflower, beets, turnips, beans, radishes, radishes, green peas. You can add greens: lettuce, dill, parsley, sorrel, nettle, spinach. By the way, do not forget to salt the puree and add a small amount of butter or sunflower oil.

It is advisable to give mashed potatoes to the child infrequently, because this vegetable contains a large amount of starch.

Serve with fish or meat. By the year, the peanut can be given: beef, lean pork, lamb, chicken, offal and rabbit meat. The meat is prepared separately and served as meatballs, meat puree or soufflé.

It is advisable to arrange vegetarian, meat and fish days so that the food of the minnows is varied and healthy. A couple of times a week, replace the meat dish with fish. According to experts: a child should eat about 80 grams of fish per week. It is better to give him non-fat varieties of marine fish: pollock, hake, cod, greenling.

What fish dishes can be offered for children 1 year old? These are boiled fish fillet with carefully removed bones, baked fish (of course, without bones), fish cakes or soufflé.

Don't forget about this useful product like a liver! Usually children prepare pate from it.

And finally, a drink. It can be juice (from apples, carrots), compote / jelly (from dried fruits or fresh berries), lentil or rosehip tea.

afternoon tea

An afternoon snack is a small snack. It may consist of one or more products: cookies, pudding, dessert, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fruits (not allergic). I recommend preparing a fruit salad from fresh apples, bananas and pears, grated on a fine grater, as well as with the addition of cherries, raspberries, cranberries, black or red currants, lingonberries and sea buckthorn. After the baby is 1.5 years old, he can be given pancakes with cottage cheese or homemade pancakes for an afternoon snack.

To quench your thirst, offer fruit tea or juice to the little one.


And finally, what to feed the baby for dinner? I can suggest several options:

  • waxes + cereals;
  • vegetables + meat;
  • scrambled eggs (if you did not give it for breakfast).

It can be oatmeal with pumpkin, vegetable stew with meat puree, stewed beets combined with apples, or zucchini soufflé with meat puree.

For dessert, offer your child fruits or make fruit puree, as well as sour-milk drinks and juices.

If your child has not yet been weaned from breastfeeding, then at night, attach it to your chest. By the way, a one-year-old toddler breastfeeding can be limited to once or twice a day.

Having listed the main diet, I do not exclude the possibility that for the whole day the child will not ask you for sweets, cookies, fruits or berries. There is nothing wrong with this, if the norm is within the reasonable limits. It should be noted that children of this age should not be given chocolates, sweets, cakes, pastries and other sweets that are overflowing with confectionery and food outlets. If you want to pamper your child with sweets, then offer him marmalade, jam, home-made jam. Many children enjoy eating honey and homemade condensed milk.

Summing up, I would like to point out that caring mommy should monitor the amount of food eaten by her child. A baby (1 ÷ 1.5 years old) should eat (excluding drinks) approximately 1-1.2 liters of food per day, and older: 1.4 ÷ 1.5 liters of food. I hope our recommendations and recipes for a 1 year old baby will be useful for you.

I have been asked so many times about my favorite recipes for children's dishes that I already feel obliged to share them.

Per Last year I got into the habit of daily performing in the kitchen the role of Yulia Vysotskaya from the program “We Eat at Home”. Yana is ready to listen endlessly to my chatter about food processing technology and observe the process. The main thing in this matter is to organize a comfortable place for the viewer, and given the phenomenal perseverance of Yana, this is not at all difficult. For the previous month and a half, in addition to the role of Vysotskaya, I had the opportunity to perform the functions of a photographer. Our camera lived in the kitchen, and I caught good shots of my favorite dishes.

  • (useful link and book recommendation)

Menu for a child from 1 year old | Introduction

I really wanted to write for you the very best delicious recipes for kids, but I'm afraid that this did not happen, because I am very demanding on the degree of harmfulness of food. It turned out that I only had a couple of really tasty children's meals in stock, and everything else was basic healthy meals that for most may seem tasteless. After thinking, I decided that these useful recipes can also be useful to someone, because my cooking technology is not quite the usual, a little original and intuitive. Now it is fashionable to call the word "author's".

To many, our selection of recipes may seem strange 🙂, so I’ll immediately clarify my views on nutrition - I am of the opinion that animal food is harmful, therefore not a single recipe contains milk. It turned out to be easier for me to eliminate it from the diet than other animal products. Meat, liver, fish and eggs are still present in our diet, but are not a daily necessity. In the compilation you will find some of our favorite recipes, including some of them.

In addition to the usefulness of the dishes, the time that I have to spend on cooking is very important for me. I cook almost everything in the slow cooker. For me it is very convenient. Timed shutdown and automatic modes allow you to press the button and forget about the kitchen. While the pan on the stove literally chains to itself. When cooking on the stove, it is necessary to wait for a certain degree of boiling, then adjust the temperature to maintain it constantly and note the cooking time. In addition, the progressive multicooker allows you to set the temperature.

In the photo for the recipes, I tried to give the dishes an appetizing look, using delicious additions: raisins, green peas, etc. In fact, I only use these supplements when I've been denied food. I also want to add that Yana is small and unwilling, and all the recipes have been repeatedly tested on her.

I also want to note that I don’t add salt and sugar during the cooking process, because I don’t want to accustom Yana to bright tastes. Of course, this will inevitably happen in kindergarten, but let it happen later 😥 . Adults add spices to their plate.

Menu for a child from 1 year old | viscous cereals

In children, unlike adults, the stomach is very susceptible to the consistency of food. In addition to this, Yana has a peculiarity, she does not drink any drinks, even the most delicious and sweet ones. The maximum can take a couple of sips. That is why our entire diet is viscous and liquid. For breakfast, we usually have dairy-free porridge, which I cook in a slow cooker. Yana does not have a very positive attitude towards cereals, but with a handful of raisins the situation evens out. Here are a couple of recipes for cereals with vegetables:

Dairy-free oatmeal porridge with zucchini

This porridge can be introduced already in the first year of life, only in this case it is necessary to peel the apple.

1 st. long-cooked hercules;
4 tbsp. water;
1 apple;
200 gr zucchini (pumpkin also goes well).

Three zucchini and an apple on a grater. We put all the ingredients in a slow cooker and cook in milk porridge mode. When serving, add oil.

If your baby is unwilling, try to get interested in dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, etc.).

Semolina porridge with vegetables


  • Carrots, beets or pumpkin - 600 gr;
  • Semolina - 3-4 tbsp;
  • Milk (I add water) - 125 gr;
  • Oil 2 tbsp.

Grind vegetables on a grater. Add water and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour semolina in a thin stream and cook for another 5 minutes. When serving, season with oil.

Menu for a child from 1 year old | Soups

For lunch we usually have vegetable soups. Soups, unlike cereals, Yana respects and may even ask for an addition. If you are not a fan of vegetable soups, then you can add meat to any of them.

vegetable soup

Set of vegetables for soup. Homemade zucchini is not only a real rarity in winter time year, but also a rich source of nutrients!

The easiest way to introduce a stranger into your diet is to add him to your soup! Personally for myself, I discovered that any soup perfectly complements parsnips, celery and parsley root. By the way, zucchini is also great as an ingredient in soup.

So, vegetable soup:

Several different fresh vegetables (prefer local ones) in the same proportions, with the exception of spice vegetables (onions, garlic and other vegetables with a rich taste). Vegetables and spices in small quantities. If you want to make the soup more high-calorie, add a handful of cereals (this is true if you are underweight). I took:

  • 200 gr. cabbage;
  • 200 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. celery root;
  • 200 gr. squash;
  • small onion.
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add half a teaspoon of dill and a couple of bay leaves.


Option 1(the most common): onion, chop cabbage. Carrots, celery three on a grater. Zucchini cut into cubes. Pour all the ingredients with water and cook until tender.
Option 2(how I do it): I cut vegetables into large cubes - about 4x4 cm. I cook in a slow cooker in stewing mode for 1 hour. Grind cooked vegetables with the addition of broth in a blender chopper. I like the grainy consistency that is obtained in this way. The size of the resulting pieces is controlled by the speed and time of grinding. What is important - even cabbage after such grinding is completely placed in the mouth.
Option 3. Puree option - grind everything with a blender. If you do not adhere to vegetarian views, 100 gr. cream will significantly improve the taste (this is knowledge from a past life 🙂).

If you do not adhere to vegetarian views, add sour cream, otherwise vegetable oil at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 serving.
If a non-hochuha refuses to eat soup, you can try to interest him by adding a spoonful of green peas.
For adults (taking into account our spoiled taste habits): I add salt, a spoonful of tomato paste or half a teaspoon of lemon juice - sourness greatly contributes to the taste of the dish.

Soup of the borscht family

Beets and as many other vegetables as possible. I took:

  • 200 gr beets;
  • 300 gr potatoes;
  • 3 00 gr. cabbage;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 200 gr. string beans;
  • 300 gr. squash;
  • half an onion.

Option 1(the most common): onion, chop cabbage. Three beets, three carrots on a grater. We cut the beans into pieces 0.5-1 cm long. Pour all the ingredients with water and cook until tender.
Option 2(how I do it): I cut vegetables into large cubes - about 3x3 cm. I cook everything, with the exception of beans, in a slow cooker in stewing mode for 1 hour. Grind cooked vegetables with the addition of broth in a blender chopper. Beans boiled in

double boiler until tender and add to the soup at the serving stage.

Option 3. Puree option - grind everything with a blender.

If you do not adhere to vegetarian views, add sour cream, otherwise vegetable oil.
If a non-hochuha refuses to eat soup, you can try to interest him by adding pieces of a boiled egg.

Soup with fish


  • steak of pink salmon, chum salmon or other red fish(I didn’t take into account that red fish is a strong allergen. Since we never had problems with this and this soup is in our adult diet, Yana has been eating it since the year. For moms who are more careful in the diet, it’s better to take white lean fish ( ));
  • a couple of medium potatoes;
  • a couple of medium carrots;
  • a handful of green beans (can be replaced with a bunch of fresh dill);
  • 1/3 cup rice (if you have a leftover side dish from a previous meal, you can use it - just add it to the soup at the very end);
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, do not forget to add half a teaspoon of dill and a couple of bay leaves.

: cut carrots and potatoes into large pieces (as in the photo), cook in water until tender. It is this vegetable broth that will be used for the soup. In a slow cooker, cook rice as a side dish along with fish and beans (we steam fish and beans). When everything is cooked, we combine in a separate pan:

Puree option: this soup is also very good mashed. In this case, it is better to increase the amount of green ingredients (beans or fresh dill) or reduce the amount of carrots, otherwise the color will not be as beautiful as in the photo.

Menu for a child from 1 year old | side dishes

Our favorite side dishes:

  • viscous buckwheat boiled on water from green buckwheat (I cook in a slow cooker on the “milk porridge” mode. Proportions: 1 tbsp. cereals - 4 tbsp. water.). In general, at this age, you can already give crumbly cereals, only with sauces (for example, gravy).
  • A complex side dish of stewed zucchini or cabbage with carrots and rice.

Perfect mashed potatoes

  • to make puree no lumps, do not rush - it is better to digest than not to cook;
  • to puree didn't turn gray- add only hot milk or broth to it;
  • to puree it was airy- potatoes should not be crushed, but beaten!

Little secret: Probably, each of us was at one time disappointed when we found out that the blender is not suitable for making mashed potatoes. It turns out that for these purposes you need to use a conventional mixer.

In the photo are not those nozzles! We take regular for whipping and we get guaranteed the most tender mashed potatoes, provided that the potatoes are cooked until tender.

After the mixer, not a single lump!

Menu for a child from 1 year old | Children's gravy - the main recipe

To maintain a viscous consistency of food in order to prevent digestive problems, sauces and gravies are indispensable. The technology for preparing children's sauces is different from the usual one - no frying and other procedures that enrich food with carcinogens.



  1. Remove skins from vegetables before chopping. To do this, heat treatment. I usually steam tomatoes and bell peppers for 10 minutes. After that, they are easily cleaned. Then, to obtain a puree, grind the vegetables with a blender.
  2. Mix flour with a little water. Rub thoroughly until the lumps disappear.
  3. Bring vegetable juice or puree with liquid to a boil. This is the base of the gravy.
  4. While constantly stirring the solution of water with flour (I like to stir with a whisk), pour it into the boiling base of the gravy.
  5. Add dill and bay leaf to the gravy and boil for another 10 minutes.
  6. If, despite all the tricks, lumps form in the gravy, we filter.
  7. Drizzle with butter, sour cream or cream and serve.

Gradually add flour and water to the tomato sauce, stirring constantly.

Bell pepper sauce goes well with boiled chicken with rice. I added a teaspoon of lemon juice to the adult version of this sauce.

Menu for a child from 1 year old | fish/meat/liver

Steam fish cakes

These cutlets are distinguished by tenderness and a very successful flavor combination.


  • 700 gr. (weight of thawed fish) - sole fillet;
  • 350 gr carrots;
  • 200 gr of bread.

Defrost the fillet, drain the water. We scroll all the ingredients in a meat grinder. Knead the minced meat - it should turn out

sticky and slightly viscous. If the minced meat is very thick and does not stick to your hands, then too much bread was added and the cutlets will not be so tender and tasty.
When forming cutlets, we moisten our hands with water so that the minced meat does not stick. Cook the formed cutlets for a couple of 25 minutes.

Mashed potatoes or rice with steamed zucchini are ideal for a side dish.

Turkey or chicken meatballs

As a rule, poultry meatballs, if you do not add more fatty minced meat, are dry and not tasty. Fatty meat is not recommended in the diet of babies, so I suggest you make meatballs with cabbage in gravy.


  • 500 gr. fillet;
  • 250 gr. cabbage;
  • small onion;
  • gravy.


Fillet, cabbage and onions are passed through a meat grinder. We knead the mince. Gravy is ready. Minced meat is soft and does not hold its shape when raw, so we immediately lower the formed balls into boiling gravy. Cook for 25 minutes. Serve ready-made meatballs with a side dish - I have mashed potatoes.

Liver pate


  • 500 gr. chicken liver;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • small onion;
  • Bay leaf.


1. Boil the liver, carrots and onions. Carrots and onions can be steamed. The liver is better in water with the addition of bay leaf.
2. Grind the boiled ingredients into a puree.
3. By original recipe 50 g of butter should be added to the finished puree (I add 1 tsp of vegetable oil for 1 serving).
4. Serve with a side dish - this time I have buckwheat porridge.

This concludes the compilation, I hope you found interesting recipes and cooking methods in it! I will be glad if you share your hits.

The nutrition of the baby after 1.5 years is significantly expanded. New dishes and new products appear on the menu. You no longer need to grind food, as in the first year of life. The ingredients can be cut into small pieces, and not grind in a meat grinder or blender. The nutrition of a child at this age is five times a day, three of which are the main meals, and two are snacks. One serving of food for a child older than a year is 250-300 grams.

The diet includes light soups, vegetable and fruit purees, meat and fish, meatballs, cutlets and meatballs, milk porridge. For dressing dishes, use sour cream or vegetable oil. You can add a little salt and pepper, herbs. When introducing a new product, each time monitor the reaction of the baby for two days so that there is no allergy or eating disorder.

From heavy and unhealthy food should be abandoned. Do not feed your baby fried foods, mushrooms, smoked and canned foods, marinades and pickles, sauces and seafood. For detailed information on which foods are not recommended for children under 3 years old, see. And in this article we will learn recipes for a child 1.5-2 years old.

Salads and omelettes

Salads and omelettes are great for breakfast, dinner or a snack. By the way, for an omelette and other dishes, you can take quail eggs, not chicken eggs, if the baby has a food allergy to protein. And instead of chicken this case use turkey. This is a dietary, hypoallergenic and more tender meat.

Omelet with broccoli

  • Milk - 0.5 stack;
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Broccoli - 350 grams.

Boil broccoli separately. Break eggs, mix with flour and milk. Cut the cooled cabbage and add to the egg-milk mass. In a mold greased with vegetable oil, put the omelet and bake for 12 minutes at 180 degrees. You can bake an omelet in the form of a cupcake, then it will look interesting and every child will like it. These methods will help if the baby refuses to eat.

Meat omelette

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken fillet or breast - 200 grams;
  • Milk - 1⁄3 cup

Boil the chicken separately, cut into pieces. Beat eggs and pour in milk, mix. At the bottom of the pan, greased with butter, put the chicken down and pour in the egg-milk mass. Steam with a lid on for twenty minutes. If desired, the finished omelette can be sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

Beet salad with prunes

  • Beets - 1 small fruit;
  • Prunes - 50 grams.

Beets and prunes improve digestion and improve stool. These products are great for constipation, which often affects small children. To prepare the salad, boil the beets, and wash the prunes, sort and soak for twenty minutes. Peel the vegetable and, together with dried fruits, pass through a meat grinder. For dressing, take sour cream.

If desired, chopped and pre-soaked walnuts can be added to the salad. However, this dish is not recommended for children with high blood sugar and frequent diarrhea.

You can prepare an ordinary vegetable salad for your baby by finely chopping the ingredients and seasoning the dish with vegetable oil. The child can be given tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, pumpkin and zucchini, carrots and radishes, small amounts of bell peppers, fresh green peas and herbs. But in one serving it is better not to mix more than four or five components at a time.

To prepare salads, you can use boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables, but preferably peeled. In addition, in such dishes you can put boiled meat and fish, nuts, dried fruits. You can find many interesting recipes for children's salads for the holiday and for every day.


Casseroles are a dish that many mothers love to cook. It is hearty, tasty and healthy, if, of course, you choose the right ingredients. It is better to start with a classic cottage cheese casserole, then you can gradually add dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish to the dish. The casserole will be a great breakfast, second course for lunch or a full dinner.

vegetable casserole

  • Broccoli - 500 grams;
  • Milk - 1 stack;
  • Flour - 1 table. a spoon;
  • Tomatoes - 2 medium fruits;
  • Cheese in grated form - 200 grams;
  • Butter - 40 grams.

Boil the cabbage for five to seven minutes in boiling and lightly salted water. Melt the butter in a frying pan with high sides, pour in the flour and pour in the milk, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Bring the resulting mass to a boil and cook for several minutes until thickened. Sprinkle cheese on top and stir. Peel the tomatoes and chop. Mix the prepared cabbage and tomatoes, put on a baking sheet, pour over the cheese and milk mass and bake at two hundred degrees for 25 minutes. After introducing the recipe into the child’s menu, you can add zucchini to the dish along with tomatoes, and for older children, eggplant.

Potato casserole with meat

  • Cooked mashed potatoes - 500 grams;
  • Minced chicken or beef - 500 grams;
  • Hard cheese in grated form - 100 grams.

Prepare mashed potatoes and fry the minced meat until half cooked. Pour half of the puree into the butter dish and level with a spatula or spoon. Put minced meat on top and sprinkle with cheese. Close the casserole with the rest of the puree, level the layer and brush with sour cream. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees or cook in a water bath under a closed lid for 40 minutes. Instead of meat, you can use fish fillet. What fish to choose for a child, see.

For cottage cheese casserole, it is better to cook cottage cheese yourself. To do this, pour children's or 1% kefir into a jar. Lay a cloth on the bottom of the pan, pour cold water and put the jar in there. Heat the pot over low heat and remove ten minutes after boiling. Strain the cottage cheese through a sieve and cheesecloth. The product is ready! Cottage cheese is used as a separate dish, and for making casseroles. Also, the baby can cook delicious dumplings.


Soups should be heavy and light. It is not recommended to give the baby a meat or fish-based broth. The fact is that when these products are cooked, extractive substances are formed that strongly irritate the intestines, cause digestive disorders and stool disorders. Therefore, it is better to cook meat and fish separately, and then cut into pieces and add to the finished vegetable broth. In the first months of feeding, the baby should receive puree soups, but in the second year, classic traditional soups can be introduced.

vegetable puree soup

  • Zucchini - 1 medium fruit;
  • Cauliflower and broccoli - 250 grams each;
  • Tomatoes - 2 fruits;
  • Carrots - 1⁄2 pcs.;
  • Chopped fresh herbs to taste.

Grate washed and peeled vegetables. Simmer over low heat for three minutes and pour into boiling water (1.5 liters). If necessary, salt and pepper, add herbs and cook for ten minutes. Beat the prepared vegetables with a blender and grind through cheesecloth or a sieve. Then the puree soup will turn out airy and light. If the consistency is too thick, dilute the dish with vegetable broth that remains after cooking.

Soup with meatballs

  • Minced beef or chicken - 300 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Short vermicelli - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Chopped greens - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Onion - 1 head.

Put a whole peeled onion and chopped potatoes into three liters of boiling water. To prepare meatballs, use minced meat without salt and other spices, from which roll small balls. They should be small so that the child can chew without problems. Five minutes after the start of cooking potatoes, put the meatballs and cook until they float to the surface.

While the potatoes and meatballs are cooking, peel and finely chop the carrots, stew in vegetable oil and put in the soup. Then add vermicelli and cook for another five minutes. Instead of vermicelli, you can use homemade noodles (50-60 grams). Remove the onion from the finished dish and add the greens. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes. By the way, meatballs can also be used for second courses, for example, served with spaghetti, mashed potatoes or rice.

Soup with homemade noodles

  • Chicken or turkey fillet - 200 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 stack;
  • Spinach to taste.

Boil the chicken or turkey separately, drain the broth. To prepare noodles, break an egg, pour in 30 ml of water and add flour. Knead the dough, roll it into a thin layer and cut out the noodles. Put chopped spinach and diced potatoes into boiling water. After two minutes, add the noodles and cook the soup until the noodles float to the top.

Milk soups are especially popular among mothers. Such dishes can be prepared with rice, buckwheat, millet and barley groats, noodles or vermicelli. Pasta or cereals are first boiled in water, and then warm or hot milk is poured. Be careful with the combination of milk and buckwheat, as this is a hard-to-digest dish. Milk soups are best given in the morning.

The preparation of meat soups for babies is made from low-fat varieties. These are veal and beef, rabbit, turkey and chicken. Children also enjoy eating vegetable soups with zucchini and pumpkin, pea soup, you can gradually introduce and fish soup. You can find the recipes for these dishes here.

Main dishes

Among the traditional side dishes, noodles and other pasta, mashed potatoes from zucchini, potatoes and other vegetables are distinguished. The side dish is served with boiled or baked meat or fish. Remember that you can not give both meat and fish dishes on the same day. It is enough to give fish to children two or three times a week.

Vegetable stew with meat

  • Chicken fillet - 100 gr;
  • Cauliflower - 300 gr;
  • Bulb - ½ pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Zucchini - 1 medium fruit;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Green peas - 150 gr.;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 4 table. spoons.

This is the perfect meal for a small child. For cooking, boil the chicken separately and cut into pieces. Finely chop the onion and carrot, stew in vegetable oil. Prepare zucchini and cabbage, peel the tomato, chop and add to the onion with carrots. Simmer until the tomatoes are soft, then add the peas and sour cream. Mix the ingredients and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

Instead of chicken, you can use beef, rabbit or turkey. Moreover, it is better to cook the meat separately and, cut into pieces, add to stewed vegetables. If the child has not yet learned to chew well, the stew can be passed through a blender. And to make the baby’s kitchen more diverse, we offer a few more recipes for the second one.

Zucchini with minced meat

  • Zucchini - 1 medium fruit;
  • Ground beef - 300 grams;
  • Cheese in grated form - 100 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 head.

Peel and cut the zucchini in half, remove seeds and entrails. Chop the onion and put into the bowl. Whisk the egg in there and mix. Spread minced meat in zucchini, put on a baking sheet or in a special form and bake for twenty minutes at 180 degrees. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the zucchini and bake for another ten minutes.

Meat muffins

  • Minced veal or beef - 500 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese in grated form - 100 grams;
  • Chopped greens - 50 grams.

Eggs pre-cook and grate, mix with prepared herbs and cheese. Put the minced meat in cupcake or muffin molds first. By the way, minced meat for children should be used homemade, and not purchased semi-finished products. Put the filling with egg and cheese in the center, gently tamp with a teaspoon. Bake meat muffins for half an hour at 180 degrees. This dish looks very interesting and every kid will like it. The original food supply will come to the rescue if the child does not want to eat.

Fish in the oven

  • Red fish (fillet) - 300 grams;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 2 table. spoons;
  • Grated cheese - 40 grams;
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp. spoons.

Wash the fish and cut into pieces, lightly salt. Coat in butter and sour cream, put in a mold. Spread the remaining mixture of butter and sour cream on top of the fish and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 40 minutes at 100 degrees. For a side dish, it is good to use crumbly boiled rice, vermicelli, mashed potatoes or buckwheat.

In addition, you can cook various meat and vegetable cutlets or meatballs for your child, baked or steamed. Use zucchini, pumpkin, minced meat. But for children under three years old, it is not recommended to use breading! Don't forget about cereals. It is a suitable breakfast and side dish for dinner. Children after 1.5 years can cook both milk and gluten cereals. A detailed daily menu for a child 1-2 years old with recipes and photos can be found at the link.


1 August 2016

Compiling correct menu for a child of 1 year based on the recommendations of WHO and AKEV. What to feed the child? The most delicious recipes that can be for children from the age of one.

Recall that the following products should already be present in the diet of a one-year-old child:

  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, corn - gluten-free, oatmeal, wheat - gluten.
  • Vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets.
  • Meat: rabbit, turkey, veal.
  • Low-fat fish.
  • Fruits: apple, pear, banana, prunes.
  • Dairy and sour-milk: cottage cheese, kefir or narine, biolact, etc.

Products that can be introduced after a year

  • Whole cow or goat milk should not be administered before 12-18 months of age. This is due to excess protein load, loss of iron through the intestines, the risk of allergic reactions, etc. Closer to a year, it is possible to add milk to cereals, but on condition that the child does not have an allergic reaction to cow protein.
After a year, you can enter milk porridge for breakfast and small portions adapted baby milk as a drink. Be sure to monitor the reaction of the child.
  • Yolk. Has no significant nutritional value for infants in the amount that is given to the child. It is also a strong allergen. Therefore, it is better to introduce the yolk closer to the year or not to give the baby at all.
  • Cucumber(grated without peel), Brusselscabbage.
  • Gluten cereals (oatmeal and wheat).
  • Beef. Chicken.
  • Peach, nectarine, apricot, berries by season.
Should not be fed to an infant meat and fish broths as a separate type of complementary food. They are an extract from products and have high allergenic properties and an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract of an infant. In addition, the calorie content of broths is close to zero.

Menu options for a child at 1 year old



afternoon tea


Before bedtime

  • milk porridge (200g) + biscuits
  • steam omelet
  • rice porridge with pumpkin (200g)
  • couple of cheesecakes
  • vegetable soup (180 - 200g) + meat (50g)
  • chicken soup puree (200g)
  • vegetable puree 200g + egg yolk
  • mashed potatoes + boiled fish 60g (cod, hake, pollock)
  • thin vermicelli + steamed meatballs from chicken, fish or turkey
  • yogurt (200g) + biscuits
  • seasonal fruits or berries + biscuits
  • baked apple
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • banana pudding
  • buckwheat porridge (150 gr) + meat (30 gr)
  • vegetable salad (grated cucumber + a little tomato + sunflower oil)
  • boiled rice + fish (low-fat varieties) steamed or in the oven with carrots
  • liver pate with potatoes
  • adapted milk or mixture (200 gr)
  • breast milk
  • fermented milk products (kefir, bifidok, etc.) 200 gr

What can you drink

Water, milk, compotes, fruit drinks, diluted natural juices. Herbal teas and decoctions not worth it give in large quantities, as they significantly reduce the absorption of iron from the intestines.

Recipes for children from 1 year

Vegetable puree, vegetable soup. Thoroughly wash, clean and finely chop vegetables (zucchini (pre-cut seeds), potatoes (soak in advance), cauliflower, carrots, peas), cook for 30-40 minutes. Beat with a blender or just knead with a fork - you get mashed potatoes. We leave a little broth, add pureed meat - it turns out soup. Pieces of vegetables in the soup should be very soft (carrots and potatoes are cooked for a long time!), so that the child does not choke.

Soup with meatballs. For 2 servings: minced turkey 200 gr, carrots 150 gr, small pasta 50 gr, quail eggs 4 pcs, greens. We make small balls from minced meat, boil them for 20 minutes, drain the broth and pour clean water, add grated carrots, after 10 minutes pasta, 5 minutes before the end of the greens and raw eggs, break into a saucepan and mix quickly or boil in advance, cut and add. If desired, you can boil the soup and add broccoli or cauliflower.

Meatballs for a couple. Meatballs can be prepared from minced fish or chicken. Mix minced meat with a small amount of raw rice, add a little salt and an egg. Roll into small balls and place in a steamer. Cooking time is about 40 minutes.

Steam omelet. Beat one egg with a small amount of milk, pour into a container, put in a double boiler for 30 minutes. Divinely tender omelet for the baby is ready!

Cottage cheese. Boil milk (200 gr). Pour kefir (200 gr) into boiling milk. Keep on low heat until the whey begins to separate. Turn off, cool, recline on gauze. It turns out very tender, not sour cottage cheese.

Banana pudding. Banana cut into pieces, add crushed cookies, pour a glass warm milk. Beat with a blender.

Cottage cheese casserole. We mix cottage cheese, a little sugar, an egg, semolina, vegetable oil, raisins and a pinch of salt. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet, add sour cream on top. Bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

Liver pate with potatoes. Rinse the chicken liver, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Rub, add a little milk or cream and mix with mashed potatoes.

Vegetable salad. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers, separate the peel, grate, add a little sunflower oil.

Cooking fish for a couple or in the oven. We buy low-fat fish: hake, pollock, cod, haddock, telapia. For a child, it is better to buy fillets without bones. You can cook in a double boiler, boil or bake in the oven "under a fur coat." For a fur coat, three carrots, a little onion, mix with sour cream and spread on top of the fish. Bake in the oven for about 60 minutes.

Potato pjure with fish cake. We scroll the fish (preferably cod fillet and the like) in a meat grinder along with a loaf soaked in milk or water in advance, add an egg, a little onion, salt and herbs. We mix everything well and sculpt. You can roll in semolina, flour or crackers (optional!). And in a double boiler for 25-30 minutes. These meatballs can also be frozen.

So the menu of a child at 1 year old can be diversified and come up with new recipes yourself. Bon appetit to you and the kids!