Dishes for children from 1 to 5 years. - One meal. Fish under a vegetable blanket.

Of course, the nutrition of the child should be healthy, varied and natural. Basically, it consists of cereals and dairy dishes (from yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese). Fried foods are not recommended for children. All vegetable, meat, fish dishes should not be steamed - either in a double boiler or in a water bath. But most of the children's menu should be vegetables and fruits - both raw and boiled. It is better to cook in a small amount of water. And in no case do not give the child heated food, that is, cook at one time.

Before giving a child something to eat for the first time, you need to make sure in advance that the baby is not allergic to it. And it is desirable to add as little sugar and salt as possible. It is best to do this after a year and a half.

Children over one and a half years old can be given the same food that the whole family eats. But don't get rid of it baby food, since, in general, most products are designed for children, older three years.

Drink or massage, then boil one or two cuts of meat, which can serve for several lunches later. When there is a surplus after dinner, make separate portions and send them to the dishes that are served for lunch.

  • Spend time preparing vegetables and fruits for a week.
  • Cook rice and pasta in large quantities.
  • Try making homemade cookies and muffins and freezing them.
Sandwiches are popular with kids and can be an easy solution when you don't have an extra dinner.

Sandwiches: ideas for toppings and recipes

Feel free to change the bread - choosing the whole version of the grain - and the finish. To avoid unexpected dinners, it's best to mark everything you need on your grocery list so that the refrigerators, freezer, and pantry are well stocked. Sucrose, fructose, dextrose, glucose-fructose, invert sugar, malt syrup and corn syrup. Use less frequently for foods containing saturated or hydrogenated fats. Avoid foods that say it: shortening, hydrogenated oil, lard, lard, palm oil and palm kernel.

  • They prefer the least processed foods.
  • Avoid processed foods that have sugar as the first ingredient.
  • Look at the Nutrition Facts table and the list of ingredients.
  • Their ingredient list is short and simple.
These spreads and dips can serve as a condiment for sandwiches or accompany raw vegetables.

The child's meals should be four times a day, and always at the same time of the day, for example: from 8 to 9 in the morning - breakfast; from 12 to 13 - lunch; from 16.00 to 16.30 - afternoon snack; from 20.00 to 20.30 - dinner. It is not recommended to make any snacks (even fruits or berries) between these meals. Even giving drinks (juices, teas, compotes) is also desirable during the main meal.

Children's nutritionists offer an approximate menu for a child from 1.5 years to 2 years old with recipes for a week.

And on crackers or croutons, they can also be a good snack. Make sure your meals are nutritious and contain the 4 food groups. Here's what your lunch box should contain. One to two servings of vegetables and one to two fist-sized servings of fruit. Fruits and vegetables. . The more colourful, the better.

Boiled whole grain bread: bagel, flat bread, English muffin, ciabatta. Choose from whole grain or multipurpose pasta, brown rice, couscous, barley, millet, bulgur, and quinoa. Prefer yogurt to which you can add fruit. One serving of cheese is equal to the size index finger and your middle finger.

For breakfast: Rice porridge with dried fruits, cottage cheese, bread with butter. And drink tea with milk.
For lunch: Salad of greens and fresh cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, green bean soup, potato zrazy, Rye bread. And to drink - berry juice.
For an afternoon snack: fresh fruits, cookies and a glass of yogurt.
For dinner: turkey cutlets, braised cabbage, fruit puree and bread. And drink - baby milk.

The fattening of seeds and nuts should fill the cavity of your hand. Moderately consumed cookies, energy bars and homemade muffins are a healthy solution for desserts and snacks on the market. simple recipes that freeze well.

Ready-made products: a small shopping guide

They are a synthesis of recommendations from various health organizations and institutions, no consensus was reached at the time, and you will find this information in the Nutrition Values ​​Chart for Food Packaging. Cereal bars, cookies, pies, crackers, muffins, and commercially prepared meals should only be consumed occasionally and in moderation.

Breakfast is offered: semolina in milk with grated carrots, scrambled eggs, bread with butter. And to drink - a rosehip broth.
For lunch: fresh tomato salad seasoned with vegetable oil, fresh cabbage soup, beef meatballs, boiled buckwheat in water, rye bread. And it is recommended to drink juices from freshly squeezed fruits.
For an afternoon snack: biscuits, fresh fruit and drink yogurt.
For dinner: meat casserole with cabbage, cottage cheese and apple pancakes, bread. And drink a glass of yogurt.

For breakfast it is recommended: oatmeal with banana, cheese, yogurt, biscuits, and drink baby milk.
For lunch: a salad of greens and fresh white cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, chicken soup with noodles, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, cauliflower puree, rye bread, and drink dried fruit compote.
For dinner: salad with apple and beets, beef meatballs, rice porrige on water, bread, and drink a decoction of wild rose.

Prepared foods 15 g protein 2 g or more fiber 10 g or less lipids 720 mg or less sodium Must be served with vegetables other than potatoes. It is possible that the product you have does not meet the criteria. The important thing is to most often choose foods that contain less fat, saturated and trans fats, sugar and sodium.

Party, Stephanie, healthy child in a healthy body - Help your child develop good eating habits. Montreal: Man Editions, Maureen. Lunch Defi, file, Protejj-Vuz, September. From 18 to 36 months. The child gradually discovers the pleasure of eating, but also becomes more demanding.

For breakfast: corn porridge on milk with boiled pumpkin, cottage cheese, bread with butter, and drink green tea. What else to cook for breakfast, you will find recipes.
For lunch: Salad of greens, green lettuce and fresh cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, mashed potatoes, lazy cabbage rolls, rye bread. And from drinks you can also fruit juices and dried fruit compote.
For an afternoon snack: Fresh fruit, biscuits, and drink baby milk.
For dinner: fresh tomato salad dressed with fat-free sour cream, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, broccoli and green peas puree, bread, and a glass of kefir.

Flavor 200ml growing milk or 1 plain or lightly sweetened yogurt 1 bread or 1 stew. Dinner Half cooked vegetables, half starchy 2 tsp. butter or 1 hazelnut butter 1 dairy product 1 fruit or 1 stew. New baby food Baby can now consume dried vegetables. However, be careful to introduce them gradually so that they digest them well. They are rich in fiber and vegetable proteins.

We also offer raw vegetables as a starter. They will be seasoned with vegetable oil. For example, special children's cookies may also be offered for children, for example for snacks. Put the child with you at the table, even if he does not eat like you, he is integrated into the family meal ritual, and this is important for his development.

For breakfast, it is proposed: Porridge from rice or other cereals, with an apple, a soft-boiled egg, bread with butter, and drink a rosehip broth.
For lunch: a salad of greens and fresh white cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, lean borscht with red beans, with the addition of fat-free sour cream, potato pudding with rabka, rye bread, and drink berry juice.
For an afternoon snack: biscuits, fresh fruit and kefir.
For dinner: lazy cabbage rolls, cottage cheese pancakes, bread, and drink baby milk.

For breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, cheesecakes, fruit puree, and drink tea with milk.
For lunch: apple and carrot salad dressed with low-fat sour cream, lean cabbage soup, meatloaf (beef or pork) or minced vegetable, rye bread, and drink dried fruit compote.
For an afternoon snack: a bun, fresh fruit and kefir.
For dinner: sauerkraut, seasoned with vegetable oil, sausages (special for children), mashed potatoes, bread, and drink a rosehip broth.

Breastfeeding an infant. New baby food. The baby can now consume the shell or calf. He may also try exotic fruits, crustaceans and nuts that were previously rejected to minimize the risk of developing allergies. These foods can be offered after 1 year of age, except in the presence of a familial atopic soil where it is best to expect a 3 year old, especially nuts.

Cottage cheese casserole with fruits or berries

More complex preparations can be offered to the child: pieces, pies, pastries, but always prefer "homemade" to limit the consumption of sugar and salt. Vigilance is a must for sugary foods. Therefore, it is important to offer them in limited quantities. Not forgetting that they shouldn't be the object of this type of "reward": "If you eat your green beans, you'll have your chocolate mousse."

For breakfast: oatmeal with prunes, cheese, bread with butter, yogurt, and drink green tea.
For lunch: a salad of greens and fresh cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, vegetable soup with millet, turkey cutlets, boiled pasta, rye bread and fruit juice.
For an afternoon snack: biscuits, fresh fruit and kefir.
For dinner: vinaigrette, roll of boiled meat and vegetables, bread, and drink baby milk.

Miami real hunks! From 12 to 18 months. Breastfeeding. Lunch 1 tablespoon of meat or fish or ½ egg. Half cooked vegetables, half starchy 2 teaspoons of butter or 1 stick of butter 1 raw fruit or 1 stew. Flavor 200ml growing milk or 1 plain or lightly sweetened yogurt.

Dinner Half cooked vegetables, half starchy 2 teaspoons of butter or 1 stick of butter 1 dairy product 1 fruit or 1 stew. The child continues to progress at the level of textures: he moves from mixed or rolled food to real pieces. Fruit, originally offered crushed, may also be offered to him raw, grated or thinly sliced. He knows better and better the spoon, but he always likes so much to eat with his fingers from time to time.

Posted by: viki0884
The date: 08.07.2016 / 11:53 Already read: 17879 times

By popular demand of mothers of wonderful babies, this article contains the simplest and most delicious children's dishes. Food for children from 1.5 years old, how to feed a picky eater and how to decorate baby dish, read on.

Recipes for children / Children's menu from 1.5 years

Many times in my articles I have been campaigning for mothers to feed their children. homemade food, cook cereals, soups, purees and compotes. These dishes are much healthier than porridge or soup from the package, and you yourself probably know about mashed potatoes.

New arrivals in children's menus. Bread appears, expanding the bar of baby grain products. Meat cereals take over from baby cereal. Thus, the child can vary the pleasures, alternating between slices of bread and instant cereals. Lateral milk, the baby refuses milk of the second age to go to growth milk, milk rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids and iron with a reduced content of proteins and minerals, exactly what a child of this age needs.

Why not go for cow's milk? Cow's milk has a nutritional composition that is not adapted to the nutritional needs of the child. Its protein load is too high and its levels of vitamins and essential fatty acids are too low. Thus, replacing milk growth with cow's milk may be accompanied by certain deficiencies in the child in certain nutrients and an excess in others.

Therefore, I offer you a selection of recipes for children from 1.5 years onwards. Adults can also taste such dishes, they are quite appetizing and tasty.

Adults suffering from any diseases will especially appreciate food for babies, because the recipes are simple, and dietary and very healthy dishes.

All mothers know how to cook the right baby porridge, or read here.

What does the menu of a one-year-old child consist of

The number of vegetables, fruits, starches, cereals, fats and meat continues to increase gradually with separate meals. Toddlers always need to take care of children, and they all need what is best for their child, and this is necessarily related to nutrition and healthy, balanced nutrition. The questions that many parents ask about preparing baby food are: as long as it's suitable for breastfeeding? What are the alternatives to breast milk? At what age can we prepare a real recipe with children's clothes?

Children's soups

Here I will dwell on them in more detail. Daily soup in a child's diet is no less important than porridge. Do not forget to feed your child with freshly prepared soup, natural meat, fish or vegetable broth.


  1. No bouillon cubes, soup bases, or sachet stews in baby soup!
  2. Spices for children's soup: salt, dill sprig and bay leaf. Nothing else!
  3. The child must have their own dishes. Keep a separate bowl for porridge, a saucepan for soup, a personal baby plate and a glass in the kitchen. Cutlery also get suitable for the baby. Only children's meals are prepared in children's dishes.

Children's Soup Recipes

Chicken puree soup


The first months after the birth of a child represent a milestone in one's nutritional awakening and assimilation of the vitamins, minerals and nutrient salts that are essential for its development. Throughout the period breastfeeding mother breast milk will guarantee your child an adequate supply of nutrients and vitamins, which will guarantee the healthy growth of children with. Of course, there are plant-based milks to compensate for the difficulties that certainly occur during breastfeeding.

Phases of baby food diversification

This type of plant-based milk can, however, cause certain deficiencies in the infant. Well known to nutritionists and some moms, the dietary diet is a crucial step in a child's eating habits. Diversification of food products consists of two stages.

  • Chicken fillet with skin and bones
  • 1-1.5 liters of water
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 1 st. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • ½ st. l. sour cream
  • dill greens

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fillet, cover with water and prepare a clear broth from it. Then take out the meat, strain the broth.
  2. Add peeled whole onions and carrots to the broth, boil until tender.
  3. Put a few whole sprigs of dill. At the end, remove the dill.
  4. Pass carrots, onions and boneless fillets several times through a meat grinder. The resulting mass pour 1 tbsp. hot broth, add milk, flour and butter.
  5. Beat the whole mass with a blender. Pour the meat puree into the boiling broth in a thin stream.
  6. Stirring constantly, heat the soup until it thickens. Salt. When serving, add sour cream and dill to taste.

Fish soup-puree from sole fillet


After breastfeeding, which lasts until the second or third first months of the child: the first phase of the dietary diet begins with fourth month and ends in the eighth month of the child. This stage consists of the gradual introduction of various products. New products should be stored in a liquid state: the main objective this stage - discover new tastes and new tastes for the child's palate.

Zucchini with minced meat

From the ninth month, the second phase of food diversification is the trend of food, but mainly to change the texture of the baby's food. This nutritional awareness will help your child gradually get used to new textures. This will allow you to integrate little by little new foods and new ingredients into the pieces.

  • 1 sole fillet
  • 1 l. water
  • 1 PC. onion
  • 2 potatoes
  • dill greens
  • Bay leaf

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep children's saucepan, put potatoes in cubes, slices of sole fillet, a whole onion, bay leaf and dill sprigs.
  2. Pour in water and put on a very small fire. The soup should simmer for about 20 minutes. As soon as the potatoes begin to flake, remove the dill and bay leaf.
  3. Soup rub through a sieve, salt to taste and put on fire to warm up. Then pass through a sieve again and serve immediately. Try it yourself!

Milk soup with vermicelli


At the same time, the purchase of children's clothing will allow you to easily prepare a variety of recipes, dishes and small pots, to which you can gradually include all the elements and ingredients that interfere with the dietary diversification of the child. Recipe for green puree with 3 vegetables: 5 minutes; Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Rinse the spinach; Peel and cut the zucchini and diced potatoes. Then place the potato cubes in your child's cookie cup and cook for 5 minutes. After cooking for 5 minutes, add the diced zucchini and spinach and cook for another 15 minutes. When ready, add milk and blend until a very fine green puree is obtained. If necessary, add cheese or fresh cheese instead of milk after 10 months of age.

  • 1 st. milk
  • A handful of vermicelli straws or letters
  • ½ st. l. Sahara
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Boil milk, add sugar and salt. Pour the vermicelli into the boiling milk and reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil vermicelli soup for about 5 minutes.
  2. Then add vanilla and remove from heat. Close the lid and leave for 5-10 minutes to steam the vermicelli. Milk soup can be served with a drop of butter.

Milk soup with barley groats


Recipe for mashed vegetables and ham mixed with baby recipe: 5 minutes; Cooking time: 15 minutes. This wonderful recipe for babies only takes 5 minutes. After chopped broccoli and cut carrots into circles with a thickness not to exceed 2mm. After cooking, add butter and milk, then mix until smooth puree. Lastly, skip the ham blender.

You can, at your discretion, include the ham directly in the puree or separate the two parts of the meal. Pumpkin Vegetation Recipe for Baby Cooking Time: 5 minutes; Cooking time: 15 to 20 minutes. Small carrots - medium potatoes - a little grated cheese - a tablespoon of olive oil - 70 g pumpkin.

  • ½ st. barley groats
  • 1 st. milk
  • 1.5 st. water
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • Egg yolk

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the grits in a dry frying pan, pour into boiling water and boil over low heat until soft.
  2. Rub the finished cereal through a sieve, pour warm milk, raw yolk and salt. Heat on fire for about 3 minutes, at the end add butter and beat vigorously.
  3. Enjoy your meal!

Now for the second courses.

Steam cutlets from meat or fish


  • 100 gr. meat or fish fillet
  • A piece white bread
  • Butter, the size of a walnut
  • Milk

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the bread in warm milk and, together with the meat (fish), pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Add butter, salt and some milk from bread. You can soak the lion in water and use water in cutlets. grease a deep saucepan with butter.
  2. With wet hands form small patties and place in a saucepan.
  3. Pour into a saucepan 3 tbsp. l. hot water or broth, put in a hot oven for 30 minutes. Pour the cutlets with the resulting sauce, avoiding drying out.
Culinary advice: cook a lot of meatballs in this way. I assure you both the child and adults, these cutlets will be to your taste.
As a side dish for steam cutlets, potato or vegetable puree, boiled rice or pasta.

    Most children are pretty bad eaters of meat, so try to make meat dishes unusual view. For example, boiled meat can be mixed with an omelet mixture and an omelet can be prepared for a child with meat stuffing.

    Give children's dishes an element of play and fabulousness. The more beautifully the dish is served, the more desire the little gourmet has to eat it.

    For soups, use special curly knives for cutting vegetables.

    Sculpt cutlets in the form of animals or cars. Garnish with fresh or boiled vegetables. Bright eyes, legs-handles - look funny and interesting. The child will love it.

    Pancakes and pancakes will turn out the shape you need if you pour the dough into plastic bottle with holes in the lid. Turn the bottle upside down over the hot skillet and extrude the pattern you want.

    Serve cheesecakes with sweet sauces. Kissel, jam or jam will do. There is no need to force the child to eat cheesecake with sour cream, many have not yet fallen in love with this combination.

    Try to cook cottage cheese for children's dishes with your own hands. You can simply leave the kefir in a mug on the table, and after a few hours, fold it into a gauze corner and hang it over a plate. As all the liquid drains, the curd can be eaten. One mug of kefir is one serving of homemade cottage cheese for a child.

    Prepare jelly from potato starch and jam. It is both beautiful and natural, teach your child from childhood to appreciate natural products.

Health to you and your baby!