Barley groats recipe. We prepare cereals to cook barley porridge. How many minutes do you need to cook?

Any cereals are useful, but barley porridge on the water is doubly useful! Why? Read about it in the recipe.

Barley porridge is almost the same as barley porridge, only its taste is more delicate due to the fact that barley kernels are finely crushed to prepare this cereal. And because of this, it cooks much faster. This porridge, like others, has a lot of carbohydrates, and therefore such a breakfast will give you a boost of energy for the whole day!

Dairy-free, skimmed, and skim milk can help you lose weight. Take salt, sugar, and alcohol from the recommended diet. Lunch: 1 glass vegetable broth, 1 green onion, 1 oar. Dinner: 1 part of porridge, 1 glass of natural yogurt, cinnamon.

Lunch: 1 cup vegetable broth, leftover porridge. Dinner: 1 grated apple sprinkled with lemon juice. Cooked for 10 minutes over low heat. Lunch: 1 cup vegetable broth, 1 part puree, garlic, parsley. Glazed glass rice with two glasses of water and boiled. Mix stewed apples with cooked rice. Seasoned with cinnamon and lemon juice. Eat porridge in equal parts for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The cell also contains vitamins A, B, D, E, proteins, enzymes, minerals and other useful substances that improve digestion and metabolic processes in the body.

Having decided to cook barley porridge, it should be borne in mind that during the cooking process, it increases in volume by as much as 5 times! You need to focus on this nuance by adding barley groats to soups and making crumbly or viscous cereals with it.

Lunch: 1 cup vegetable broth, 1 part porridge, green onion letters, 1 paprika. Dinner: 1 day of cereal and 1 glass of orange juice. Lunch: 1 cup vegetable broth, 1 part cream with your favorite spices. Dinner: the remaining porridge and a glass of kefir. Seventh day: varied porridge.

After boiling, cook for 20 minutes. on low fire. Lunch: 1 glass vegetable broth, 1 part porridge, 3 tablespoons tomato paste, garlic, spices. Dinner: leftover porridge, peeled and fermented apple, cinnamon, lemon juice. We all know that eating porridge is great for breakfast, but few people do it. Maybe because it's plain puree? Here are some of the most varied recipes for regular porridge.

Cooking barley porridge on the water is one of the easiest and most convenient options. In addition to the cereal itself, water and butter with salt, nothing else is needed.

  • After cooking you will get 4 servings
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes 40 minutes


  • water, 2 glasses
  • barley groats, 1 cup
  • butter, 1 tbsp.

How to cook barley porridge on the water:

It is very convenient to cook barley porridge in a slow cooker. By setting a delayed start, fresh porridge, piping hot, well steamed and infused, you can eat for breakfast.

Buckwheat is especially popular in our family. We will eat everything without exception. It is no secret that buckwheat is the most nutritious of all cereals. Buckwheat with onions and turmeric. We bake buckwheat, leave the pot. We burn oil in oil and cook it with a finely chopped onion head. Then, if we want, we mix carrots with carrots. When these vegetables soften, we pour the buckwheat into the pan from the pan and stir a little, for a couple of minutes we heat everything together and add turmeric spices.

Friends, does your family eat barley porridge? How do you cook it more often - with milk or water? What do you prefer to add to it? Share your recipes in the comments!

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Do you know how to cook barley porridge with water or milk, and how much to do to start the morning hearty and recharge with health and energy for the whole coming day. Indeed, having eaten a sandwich with sausage in the morning, after a couple of hours we begin to think about lunch. With porridge, the situation is different: the feeling of hunger is absorbed more slowly, and the feeling of hunger comes much later and the need for frequent snacks will disappear.

Chop finely chopped onion in a pan. We put it in buckwheat porridge and added a cubic aperitif. We mix, let's make friends with buckwheat avocado and eat.

It is also one of the most valuable grains. Pearl currant is rich in iron, various acids that improve the absorption of food. We can eat with butter, but we can do it differently.

Fried pearl porridge with dried plums and onions. We pour peach pepper parchment. Dried plums are filled with boiling water, after which we drain the water and cut the plums. Place the plum and onion in the scallop and scoop. Fried porridge with zucchini. We pour pearl barley porridge separately. Then all this in a pancake in a saucepan over low heat until the zucchini softens. Add pickled zucchini to porridge and we graze.

The peculiarity of fast and long saturation with a delicious dish was noticed by our ancestors long ago. Needless to say, porridge is a symbol of traditional Russian cuisine.

How to cook barley porridge

It would seem that it could be easier than preparing a simple dish, but during cooking, you need to take into account some subtleties in order to get what you intended at the end.

But here you can also experiment with it.

Rice is ideal for breakfast, although in Lithuania it is more common to use it as a side dish. Rice is very delicious sea ​​kale. Our ancestors chose this dish for their useful properties and high nutritional value. However, can all pieces be dietary and equally useful?

This question was answered by two experts: trainer Andrey Zhukov and nutritionist Olga Boyarkina. They will discuss nine properties of cereals: buckwheat, oats, rice, millet, semolina, rye, barley and peas. Cochet can go from complex to simple. Especially fast food.

  • Go through the grits, or at least look, as some manufacturers allow grain husks to enter.
  • Be sure to rinse the cereal in running water to remove dust and dirt that has fallen during processing.
  • Put the cereal only in boiling water.
  • After laying the barley groats, let the porridge boil, and immediately reduce the cooking rate - switch the gas to the smallest fire.
  • At the end of cooking, leave the porridge for 20-30 minutes, let it “reach”. It will be even better if you wrap it with something warm or, in general, ideally, send it to the oven to sweat.
  • And do not forget, you can’t spoil the porridge with butter, so don’t skimp, butter from the heart!

How much to cook barley porridge in time

In time, the cell is cooked quickly and will be ready in 15 - 20 minutes. It should be noted that dairy cooks a little longer.

Mushrooms cannot be sugar coated. In addition, it is better not to eat some colorful fruits with fruits, choose berries. Replace it with soy or almond drinks, as well as lactose-free milk. Many grain production processes change their glycemic index to a higher level, such as pearl kernels.

Diets include buckwheat and oatmeal, which are among the cheapest. However, buckwheat is suitable for both lunch and dinner as it maintains optimal blood sugar levels. Any porridge is more than 300 kilocalories per hundred grams.

But I advise you to increase the cooking time a little, though not on fire. Be sure to wrap the saucepan with ready-made porridge and let it sweat, “ripen”, and you will not regret it.

Proportions for cooking porridge from barley groats

If you want to cook a dish of the desired consistency, you need to correctly observe the proportions of liquid and cereal. The ratio of cereals and milk, water depends on the purpose - on whether you want to cook, liquid, viscous porridge or crumbly.

The day should start at dawn. If you don't want some mozzar in the morning, you eat too much lunch. Dinner should be modest and only 20 percent of your daily calories. In order to prepare a sufficient amount of food porridge, it is useful to pour boiling water over it and leave it to stand.

In addition, they are rich in all the essential minerals of the body: iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, calcium, potassium, nickel and so on. Traditional oatmeal is high in protein and the right carbs. When buying, pay attention to the method of treatment and the rules of preparation.

For each recipe, I indicated how much water, milk and cereals will be needed. But if it’s simple, then, without further ado, take 2 glasses of water for a full glass of cereal - and you won’t miss.

For crumbly porridge, the proportion is strictly constant; when cooking viscous, it changes depending on how thick you want it to be at the exit.

For example, quick-cooked oatmeal does not contain healthy fibers and complex carbohydrates, the expert says. Boyarkin says: My hazel grouse has a lot of starch and gluten. It also contains a substance called phytic, which, on the one hand, reduces the amount of calcium in the body, on the other hand, protects the liver from the development of steatosis in case of protein deficiency in the diet. Due to its high starch and gluten content, semolina has a high nutritional value and is easily digestible, but for the same reason, it has a high glycemic index.

In terms of calorific value, semolina cooked in milk has 93 calories one hundred grams, boiled water - only 36.5 calories one hundred grams. Doctors often recommend manna pigs for adults suffering from stomach and intestinal problems because they are a source of energy. Manila margarine is not recommended for children under one year of age and those with diabetes. To maximize the benefits of mangrove, don't overdo it and keep it in the right proportion.


Porridge is delicious on its own, except for oil, there is no need to add anything. I wanted to diversify the dish - apples, various berries, pumpkin, any dried fruits, honey are appropriate. If you decide to cook an independent dish from cereals, feel free to put meat products, stew, mushrooms.

We cook barley porridge on the water

Barley cereal porridge boiled in water is great for weight loss and for people with diseases digestive system. It is boiled after the operation, when liquid porridge is the only way to feed the patient.

According to him, buckwheat cough is rich in iron, and this promotes the formation of red blood cells. It is recommended for anemia with the normalization of hemoglobin and blood sugar. Buckwheat also contains potassium, which maintains optimal blood pressure, as well as phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron, essential amino acids, and carbohydrates. Buckwheat - the best choice for those who want to lose weight or avoid gooey. Just pour the grains overnight with boiling water, and in the morning you will have a great breakfast! - says the expert.

Rice porridge made from white rice - net carbohydrates. In addition, it contains no nutrients other than empty energy. Therefore, experts say that this dog is recommended to be removed from the diet in general. Millet vitamins A, PP, B6, B5, B1, B2, E, beta-carotene, folic acid. However, it contains high levels of carbohydrates, making it unsuitable for dietary purposes.

Recently, many opponents of butter have appeared, which, as they say, will not spoil the dish. In defense of the product, I will say: oil helps to better absorb valuable microelements from crushed cereals, which is confirmed by nutritionists. And finally, it's delicious, so don't deny yourself the pleasure.

A simple recipe for cooking barley porridge in water

The correct proportion of water and cereals is 2:1. In addition, you need butter and a little salt. Sugar is added as desired.

Rye proteins even contain the amino acids lysine and trerin, but there is no gluten. This is superficial for those who are watching their weight, cholesterol and glucose levels. Rye has a lot of fiber, which will help you get rid of hunger within a few hours, and also speed up the removal of toxins from the intestines. The fiber in rye improves digestion and also controls blood sugar levels.

Calorie content is 35 kilocalories per hundred grams. In fact, it is a sliced ​​grain of barley. They are rich in minerals and vitamins. Particularly lysed in it, responsible for the cessation of aging and antiviral effects and phosphorus, which improves metabolism, brain activity and helps to absorb calcium.

  1. Rinse the cereal (glass), put it in boiling water (2 cups), add salt and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Stir the porridge at least 2 - 3 times - it will not burn.
  3. Sprinkle with oil, and then cover it with a towel, or something else. Ideally, if immediately after cooking, you would send a pot of porridge to sweat for half an hour in the oven.

Loose porridge on the water

Crumbly, grain to grain, porridge is good for a side dish. A little calcined a cell in a pan and you will achieve what you want.

This mascara is suitable for weight loss because it contains a lot of fiber. One hundred grams of pearl porridge is about 80 kilocalories. It is beneficial for athletes and physically active people because it has a high phosphorus content, a low glycemic index and is slowly absorbed. To properly cook a roast pig, it is necessary to soak before it, then wash it, pour water over it again and boil it for at least an hour.

Boyarkin is convinced that this cara is slightly different from pearls in its properties. In addition, it has another advantage - high the nutritional value. Barley grits are made from ground barley and because the kernel is not polished, it retains a lot of fiber. Only organic and mineral impurities are purified. Barley porridge can be cooked in water and milk.

  • Groats - two glasses.
  • Water - four glasses.
  • Salt and oil.


  1. While slightly salted water is boiling, calcine the grits in a dry hot frying pan, remembering to stir, and it will not burn.
  2. Pour in the cereal, mix and cook after boiling until all the water is absorbed into the cell. You will understand - there will be no liquid left on the surface and small holes will appear on the croup.

How much to cook:

Peas are useful in peas because they contain healthy vegetable proteins and starch. Boyarkin. Its mineral composition also has plenty of calcium and zirconium, tin and selenium, manganese and copper, iodine and iron, zinc and aluminum, vanadium and fluorine, molybdenum and boron, titanium and silicon, strontium and nickel. There are also potassium and sulfur, phosphorus and sodium, as well as chlorine and magnesium. According to the nutritional value of peas, porridge can compete with even beef, as it contains a lot of protein, which makes it an indispensable dish for vegetarians.

Eat with decoction; Sow dead mushrooms Finely chop and mix with coarsely fried apples, finely chopped onions, oily butter; Mushroom "Grow". During the experiment, many shoots mixed with mushrooms are added, potatoes cut one by one, carrots are cut into carrots, peeled or peeled. They eat rattles and ears; mushrooms with mint and butter; Sow mushrooms fried in oil with onions; Vegetable mushrooms, fry potatoes; mushrooms in potatoes. Brush with oil and put the broth in the middle of the potatoes; Mushroom mint Slowly boiled boiled potatoes are mixed with chopped onions, flour, some water is poured, soup and boiled with buns baked with butter in a frying pan.

  • Eat everywhere; Boiled potatoes with onions, peppers and bay leaves.
  • Fried potatoes in oil.
During Christmas she ate pots, soups and herbs.

  • The dish is cooked on the very - very small fire. By the time it will take you 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Season with oil and leave the dish to sweat for a quarter of an hour, warmly covering the saucepan.

Recipe for barley porridge with meat

A dish can become full-fledged, separate, if cooked, for example, with meat or stew.

  • Groats - a glass.
  • Meat, tenderloin - 400 gr.
  • Water two glasses.
  • Oil and salt.
  1. Boil the meat until cooked and cut into pieces. Do not pour out the broth yet, we will cook porridge on it.
  2. Rinse the cereal and send it to the hot broth. On low heat, continue to cook for about twenty minutes, and before the end of cooking, add pieces of meat to it. If you decide to cook porridge with stew, then cook it according to the first recipe, and put the stew at the end.
  3. Take your time - send the pan to the oven for half an hour, or just let it stand, covered, for at least a quarter of an hour. Cooking time 20 minutes.

Barley porridge with milk

To perfectly cook milk porridge, you need to take into account a couple of nuances. Firstly, sugar and salt are added at the end of cooking, this is how it differs from porridge boiled in water. Secondly, sometimes milk is diluted with water, and then the cooking process changes slightly.

Here you need to consider, any porridge in milk is cooked a little longer. To speed up the process and make the dish crumbly, calcining the washed cereal in a hot frying pan will help. Evaporating, the water will make the structure of the cereal looser and it will cook faster.

Loose porridge with milk - recipe

Sometimes housewives cook in milk with the addition of some water. And this is advisable: there will be fewer calories in the dish, and the replacement will practically not affect the taste. AT this case replace 1 glass of milk with water.


  • Milk - two glasses.
  • Groats - one glass.
  • Salt, butter and sugar.
  1. Boil milk and add cereal. Mix well and cook for 10-15 minutes. When the milk disappears on the surface of the cereal, salt and taste the dish.
  2. If you think the cereal is not boiled enough - wrap the pan and let the porridge "reach". Add butter with sugar at your discretion: either before or after languishing. And stir well.

Viscous porridge with milk

Sweet and tasty dish According to the presented recipe, even a child will like it. Do you want to weld liquid porridge, add more liquid. My proportions are given for the preparation of ordinary viscous.


  • Water is a glass.
  • Groats - a glass.
  • Milk - two glasses.
  • Butter, salt and sugar.


  1. Pour water, salt, and when it boils, pour in the cereal.
  2. When the brew begins to thicken a little, pour in the milk and continue to cook until tender. Consider the dish turned out to be not liquid enough, add more milk, and let it boil.
  3. Wrap the pan, let the dish reach a little. Place sugar and butter directly on a plate.
  4. Cooking time for barley milk porridge: 15 - 20 minutes, plus time for the porridge to sweat a little.

Porridge in a slow cooker

The recipe for a barley dish is good because it will save a lot of time, since the cooking process will take place without your participation. Made a few movements and ... free.


  • Water - one glass.
  • Groats - one glass.
  • Whole milk - two glasses.
  • Butter, sugar and salt.

We cook in a multicooker:

  1. Pour the washed cereal into the bowl, pour in milk and water, immediately add sugar, salt and butter.
  2. Set the mode to "Milk porridge" and go about your business. Tip: do not rush to immediately open the lid, let the porridge brew a little and it will become much tastier.

Benefit and harm

I’m sure we need to know exactly what we put in our mouths, so I’ll talk a little about the benefits of barley grain and the harm to humans. The dish is cooked from cereals, but not from whole grains of barley, but from crushed ones. Its advantage is that the grains were only freed from the husk, crushed, but not subjected to polishing. This made it possible to preserve the shell of the grains, which contain a lot of fiber, and, in addition, a maximum of useful properties.

Why is porridge good for people?

Everything is very simple: in it you will find a complete set of natural minerals and vitamins:

  • There are vegetable proteins, fiber, vitamins A, D, PP, E, B, essential amino acids. Complement the benefit of cells with natural minerals - phosphorus, iron, iodine, magnesium, iron, silicon, zinc, boron, fluorine, copper, potassium, molybdenum, manganese and nickel.
  • Porridge is especially useful for the stomach and intestines of adults and children. It improves its work, envelops the walls of our stomach, thereby protecting it from the negative effects of gastric juice. Porridge will improve peristalsis, absorb harmful compounds with a sponge and take it out of the body.
  • Delicious barley porridge will help you lose weight! There is even a whole one, and you can get to know it.
  • With the help of porridge, you will provide yourself with a very satisfying weight loss. since porridge has the main quality of all cereals - the presence of "slow" carbohydrates. They then provide satiety, and calories are not stored in reserve in the form of fat deposits.


How many calories you get by eating barley porridge, boiling it in water or milk, you will find out from this table.

Calories per 100 gr. product:

As usual, I “googled” and found a recipe for cooking barley porridge, different from mine, suitable for an independent dish - with gravy. Enjoy your meal! With love… Galina Nekrasova.