Baby food 10 months. An exemplary diet. Fresh and boiled fruits and vegetables.

In this article:

Breast milk continues to be included in the main menu of a child at 10 months. However, it is already produced much less, so you need to think carefully about how to feed the baby.

What is included in the diet?

The closer to a year, the more varied the child's diet becomes. Juices are far from the last place here. Moreover, you can give not only fruit juices, but also vegetable ones. And if the child does not like the latter, then you can mix them with fruit juices. He certainly should not refuse such a drink.

Do not add sugar, salt and honey

to these products. It's best to avoid low-fat foods like certain types of milk and yogurt because fat is important for a growing body, especially for the brain. Since the baby will eat semi-solid and solid foods, he will gradually drink less milk.

In some cases and conditions, it may be helpful to add some vitamins for the first year of life, as evidenced by the pediatrician. What do I need to know about feeding 10- month old baby! Feeding a 10-month-old baby does not differ significantly from that at 9 months. Usually they stay for one appointment - in the morning, which gradually prepares the child for weaning. Some mothers continue to give milk or formula milk in the evening, but most prefer to offer yogurt that is sweetened with sugar or added powdered biscuits.

A portion of cereals should be 200 g and it is advisable to alternate cereals. Meat should be given no more than 50-60 g. Do not overload the baby's body with too much protein. No more than twice a week, a child can be given an egg yolk, half or whole, as well as cottage cheese. Fish should not be given often - once a week is enough.

During the 8-10 months of your baby's life, their palate is constantly evolving to new tastes. It is good to eat a 10 month old baby to give your baby chopped vegetables or more meat to gradually transition from baby food to adult food. Pasta, vegetables, fruits, and everything else should be gently cooked or mashed with a fork, but not processed with a blender or blender. Meat and egg yolks should be boiled, stick or finely chopped. Now the child can refuse mashed potatoes.

Different traditions and approaches

As in previous months, when feeding a 10-month-old baby, new food is given gradually and a little at the beginning of the meal and gradually increases. You can offer stuffed peppers, moussaka, meatballs with sauce. After 10 months with a normal nutritional capacity, you can introduce watermelon, figs, turkey fillet, oatmeal, and whole grain black bread.

In the diet of a child of 10 months, bread or special children's cookies are used as an addition to the menu. It usually melts quickly in your mouth. And various kinds of puree are usually supplemented with a small amount of vegetable or butter.

Since at this age the child already has several teeth, it is possible to cook cutlets or steamed meatballs from meat and fish. For lunch, you can cook soup, which does not need to be turned into a homogeneous mass.

It is during this 9 months that babies have a huge jump in appetite. There are days when all the food in the world is not enough for the baby, while other days may not be hungry at all. Refusal to eat may be because the child is too busy to explore the world when it is in the stool. Give the child the opportunity to eat the food he wants, let him choose the food and the amount that he can eat at the right time. Let your child be the guide, don't let him down and don't stress.

He should enjoy the food, not stress it. Remember that it is important to offer your child a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and proteins in order to get all of the food she needs for her proper growth. Many mothers start eating from children's kitchens this month.

Concerning breast milk, then it can be present in the diet of a 10-month-old baby and you can continue to breastfeed your child for up to two years.

Menu planning

For a 10 month old baby, food plays important role, since its further activity and its development depend on it. The more active he behaves, the more appetite he eats. By 10 months, every mother already knows what her baby loves most of all, and therefore she can decide what approximately portions should be fed.

If your baby is developing normally, then he is eating well and you feel great feeding a 10 month old baby - Bravo! The taste of taste is well developed and he wants something "more". With milk or milk, he only feeds in the evening before falling asleep, but it is not surprising that he no longer satiates him, and you need to give some other food and milk to stay for dessert. However, no sour and fresh milk is given, but only adapted.

It is time for the baby to try to drink the cup and eat the spoon. The first attempts will be quite dramatic, the food will go into the ears, eyes and accidentally into the mouth, but if the child has a desire for autonomy, give it to her. Otherwise, you will become those mothers who feed their children in the first grade.

For proper nutrition for a 10-month-old child, it is important that the menu includes all the necessary minerals. You should not buy ready-made sweets for your child and give him food, allergic. You should also feed at least 5 times daily, and sample menu a 10 month old baby could be:

Teach your child to sit in a special chair when eating. Make him feel very important, like adults, and he won't mind it, instead of coughing at you while you eat. It's time for the baby to learn to chew. To do this, gradually leave large pieces of food. Morning breakfast can be couscous, breakfast cereals, milk and biscuits, and some toothbrushes even eat sandwich baked on toast with cheese or cheese and butter. Others, like cheese, bread, and tomato, puckered together.

You can start by cooking cooked foods - no spices other than greens and no food. Give less food if prepared more appropriately. For example, moussaka without overburden and with selected minced meat, stuffed peppers, sour cherries, zucchini with rice, spinach.

  • 6 a.m. Breastfeeding or formula milk. Before breakfast, you need to give the baby some water, herbal tea or fruit juice. This will allow him to get used to the right diet.
  • For breakfast, you can serve some kind of porridge cooked in milk (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). Instead of porridge, you can drop cottage cheese in combination with fruit puree. You should not feed a child at this age with semolina porridge, because it contains a lot of carbohydrates, and there are no other useful substances in it. It is recommended to introduce it into the diet, starting from the year.
  • At lunchtime, a 10-month-old baby's food may consist of soup in meat or vegetable broth. Garnish can be vegetable puree or baby vermicelli. Meatballs from dietary meat: poultry, calves, beef will give the child more strength. Twice a week, meat dishes can be replaced with fish cakes, which should be steamed.
  • Dinner may consist of one egg yolk or its halves, mashed potatoes (vegetable or fruit). You can also invite your child to try breadcrumbs.
  • Feeding a 10 month old baby at bedtime should not include heavy meals, because then the baby will sleep restlessly. AT this case instead of mother's milk, it is better to use kefir.

Allergy Risk

In some cases, when feeding a 10-month-old baby, an allergic reaction may occur. How can you tell if a child is at risk? In medical circles, this phenomenon is called atopy, which implies an innate predisposition. If one of the parents had an allergy, then the risk can be up to 37%. A more risky situation will be if both parents have suffered an allergy - in this case it is already about 60%.

And don't forget fruit every day. Scraped, glued, whole, juice if they are fresh. Now you can give citrus fruits and all without strawberries. Improve your child's taste. For example, banana with melon, pear with apricot, fresh fruit juice, possibly diluted with water, etc. be aware that melons and melons are high in sugars and can cause upset.

The best solution for feeding a baby at the end of the first year is children food. For little money you get soup, mostly food and dessert. Dessert, which is usually cream, semolina or rice milk, remains for an afternoon snack, and at noon some soup and main dishes are consumed.

Usually, in order to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, it is necessary not to include cow's milk and soy-containing products in the menu of a 10-month-old baby. Also, do not give your child chocolate, strawberries, tomatoes, citrus and wheat products until the child is one year old.

Approximate schedule and diet

Morning: sip, milk with biscuits, puree or couscous. Lunch: 30 ml. Soup or broth without bread, boiled or mashed vegetables, day after day with meat. If you only have soup, put in a snack and dinner is ready. If the child likes eggs, you can give him a whole one. If you definitely refuse to cook them, by 12 months you can now make homemade egg pie.

Afternoon snack - cream, semolina, rice milk, biscuit pie, ready-made cakes, such as apples with rice, etc. Dinner is breast milk or milk if not enough to give a little soup or baby milk or baby biscuits or biscuits. Some children prefer cooking in the evenings as well as dessert milk.

A child by 11 months has a large stock of achievements. The diet is also changing. The menu becomes diverse, and preferences are formed: some dishes are liked, others are not. It is important for parents to know which foods should be mandatory in the diet, and which are prohibited.

Menu for an 11 month old baby who is on breastfeeding, is compiled on the basis of allowed products, health status and personal preferences. If he needs breast milk, then do not wean the baby from the breast.

Kohlrabi puree

Your child is more alert and curious than before and needs a balanced diet to discover the world that will give him the energy he needs. Let the big chunks of food in your food make your little explorer learn to bite and recognize new tastes.

Children who can build themselves look great, but they still have a small stomach - six times smaller than an adult stomach. Therefore, their nutritional requirements are specific. That's why every bite of the food you eat counts. Once the child has mastered the fragmented diet, it's time to move into chunks. If you need help feeding your baby, we are here for you!

Breast milk is still a source of immunity and contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

Good bowel function ensures the digestion of such difficult foods for the baby as fish and meat. Do not give up breast milk in favor of cow's. The latter is allowed to enter only after one year of age.

Even if your little explorer is used for a much more mature flavor and can handle large chunks, most adult foods aren't particularly suitable for it because it contains too much salt, sugar, and fiber. Give him the most varied food. Milk, mash or yogurt for breakfast, plenty of protein, vegetables for main meals, fruit and dairy for snacks. Through this diet, you give your body the right balance of vitamins and minerals, proteins and fats that it needs to grow.

Avoid excessive salt because a child at this age should eat no more than 1g of salt per day. By introducing a coarser texture in the form of large pieces into your diet, you will help him develop his biting skills and strengthen his speech muscles. Food crushed into small pieces is the perfect way to prepare your child for a real bite, not a roll of dog food.

In order for the digestive organs to work correctly and cope with their task, it is necessary to plan the day. By the end of the 10th month, some children switch to a one-time daytime sleep. Meals should ideally be 5 times a day, the amount of food is approximately 200 g. If for some reason the menu is designed for four meals a day, then you should not try to increase the portion. This can lead to indigestion or stomach problems.

At this stage, it is important that the child become more demanding taste in the form of more complex recipe recipes. Vegetable mixes, mixed fruit snacks and fruit breakfasts will teach your child to enjoy a varied diet. Variety should also consist in the fact that in his diet should appear different kinds meat.

Alternative eating habits, especially for children, are a source of flaming controversy not only among lay people in different nutritional settings, but even among nutritionists. While some argue that children are generally healthier when certain dietary components are removed, others point to the dangers associated with the risk of missing essential nutrients.

The menu of the 11-month-old baby also contains new products.

  1. Pasta. They can be combined with vegetables. Milk soups can be cooked with noodles.
  2. Kissel. The basis should be fruits that are allowed to the baby and with which he is already familiar. When cooking, it is better not to add sugar.
  3. Milk casserole. You can add pasta, vegetables, meat.
  4. At the end of the 10th month fish are introduced.
  5. It is allowed to include snacks consisting of cookies or crackers (about 5-10 g).

The least restrictive are semi-oversized, which refuse dark meat and sausage, but accept poultry and fish, eggs and dairy products. The so-called Lacto-Goetheans do not eat meat, but consume milk, dairy products, and eggs. The strictest part of vegetarianism is veganism.

Don't Underestimate Your Child's Vegetarian Diet

Vegans avoid all animal products, including eggs, dairy, gelatin, and even the honey that bees produce. If a child is receiving a vegetarian diet, special care should be taken to prepare the diet and consult its pediatrician's suitability. Definitely, this is not enough to exclude meat from the normal diet - it must be harvested so that the child regularly receives all the necessary nutrients for its proper development.

  1. Do not include in the diet foods that the baby refuses to eat.
  2. Dishes that have been ground to a homogeneous mass should not be included. Products should be finely chopped or chopped with a fork. It is necessary to accustom to such food from small pieces, gradually increasing their size.
  3. The child should eat 700-900 g of breast milk per day. Half of this volume can be replaced with kefir or fermented baked milk.
  4. Food still needs to be boiled, baked or stewed.
  5. Food can be varied with a small amount of greens (green onions, parsley, dill). It is allowed to add a few crystals of sugar or salt.
  6. Vegetables are recommended to be diluted with olive or sunflower oil. So they are better absorbed by the body.
  7. It is necessary to avoid foods that most often cause allergies: nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits.
  8. All new products on the menu should be included slowly, gradually. If a reaction occurs (vomiting, diarrhea, rash), you should stop giving food, you can re-enter it only after a month.

The volume of breast milk and nutrients in it is significantly reduced closer to the year, and this is no longer enough for further development baby. Therefore, it is imperative to include all the necessary products in his diet.

Juices and fruit purees

AT practical advice The Czech Pediatric Society's emphasis is on serving iron-rich foods along with vitamin C, which increases its absorption. On the other hand, milk-based meals and vegetable meals should be provided separately, as calcium can make it difficult for iron to be absorbed. Milk improves the quality and utilization of plant proteins, which is especially problematic for vegans who avoid all animal products. You should also pay attention to the appropriate fat, which increases the energy value of the diet and enriches the diet with valuable essential fatty acids. Specialists in veterinary diet generally do not recommend especially pregnant, lactating women and infants.

Approximate schedule for the day

The menu of a 10-11-month-old child, including five meals a day, may look something like this.

If you properly organize the nutrition of the child during the day, then the baby will sleep soundly at night without needing additional feeding.

Steam cutlets from fish

Jana Divoka, member of the Committee of the Pediatric Section of the Czech Society of Obeithology, teacher and therapist for overweight and obesity, points to problems associated not only with the potential deficiency of substances important for the development of the body, but also with the psychological aspects of alternative nutrition for children.

If we do not give or even prohibit certain foods, we naturally want to try them secretly, at school or with friends, and this can make us feel guilty. A threat to higher needs such as safety and security, we often deal with people for lesser needs, food and drink and often very inappropriate. If they decide for themselves an alternative diet during adult life, it will be their choice. If this is the choice of the parents, he is not sure that in the future it will turn out to be the right one, he says.

More about products

Cottage cheese may well replace the lack of breast milk. Therefore, this product should be included in the menu of an 11-month-old baby. But you need to either make it yourself, or take it in a dairy kitchen. Regular cottage cheese contains casein, a substance harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Meals from meat and offal (liver, heart) should be included in the diet, as this is an indispensable source of protein. You can make cutlets, meatballs, just boil lean meat. You need to cook only for a couple, you can not fry and add spices. Do not use pork or beef.

If no allergy to fish has been identified, then twice a week it can be included in the diet instead of meat.

Choose white meat. River fish would be ideal. Boil the fish fillet, remove the bones and chop the flesh with a fork. Can cook fish cakes. Fish can be served with vegetable puree or porridge.

Already at 10 months, almost all vegetables are introduced into the child's diet. They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, as they contain a lot of fiber. Of these, you can make salads, mashed potatoes, stews, just boil or give raw. Soups and broths are cooked on the basis of vegetables.

The menu of a 10-11-month-old breastfed baby must include the yolk of a chicken egg in the amount of ½ pcs. It contains a large number of trace elements. If the baby flatly refuses this dish, then the mother should try to hide it in another dish. For example, finely chopped, add to milk or porridge.