How to cook rice with milk in a slow cooker. Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker.

Due to the fact that rice porridge contains many useful vitamins and minerals, it is considered not only a satisfying, but also a healthy dish. If you eat rice porridge for breakfast, you can provide yourself with energy for the whole day. Rice porridge in the Redmond slow cooker retains all its useful qualities.

This is classic recipe dairy rice porridge. It is most often cooked for breakfast. Milk rice porridge in the Redmond slow cooker will not burn and will not “run away”.


  • rice - 1 cup;
  • milk - 5 glasses;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

Cooking milk rice porridge in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. Rice must be washed cold water repeatedly.
  2. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, add sugar, salt and vanilla, pour rice and put butter.
  3. Turn on the "Milk porridge" mode for 30 minutes. Rice porridge in the Redmond slow cooker is good because it is very easy to cook, you do not need to constantly monitor that the milk does not “run away”, as often happens on the stove.
  4. When the cooking process is completed, turn off the slow cooker and leave the porridge in it for another 20 minutes. Before serving, add a piece of butter to the porridge.

Your delicious breakfast is ready. Such porridge can be eaten with fruits and cinnamon.

Rice porridge with pumpkin in the Redmond slow cooker

Doctors say that a portion of rice porridge with pumpkin every day provides a person with everything he needs. Pumpkin has a unique and pleasant taste. Rice porridge with pumpkin in the Redmond slow cooker is tender and fragrant. You can use both water and milk, and sugar can be replaced with honey.


  • rice - 1 cup;
  • peeled pumpkin - 500g;
  • milk - 3 cups;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • honey - to taste.

Cooking rice porridge with pumpkin in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. Peel the pumpkin. It is advisable to do this with a sharp knife for peeling potatoes, because. The pumpkin skin is very tough.
  2. Grate the pumpkin, then it will cook faster.
  3. Rinse the rice well under running water so that it does not stick together during the cooking process.
  4. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl, pour rice, pumpkin into the same place, add salt and butter. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 30 minutes.
  5. After the process is completed, leave the porridge for another 1 hour in the slow cooker.
  6. Before serving, add honey to the porridge. Now the rice porridge is ready.

Rice porridge with dried fruits and nuts in the Redmond slow cooker

This recipe will appeal to lovers of dried fruits and nuts. You can use the ones you like best. Fortunately for gourmets, the choice is very large. It is very difficult to overestimate the benefits of these ingredients. And rice porridge with dried fruits and nuts in the Redmond slow cooker will be doubly useful.


  • rice - 1 cup;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • prunes - 50 g;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • honey - to taste.

Cooking rice porridge with dried fruits and nuts in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. Wash the dried fruits well, peel if necessary from the seeds and pour over with boiling water. Cut the dried apricots and prunes into pieces, leave the raisins whole.
  2. To make rice crumbly, it must be washed until the water runs clear.
  3. Put the butter in the bowl of the multicooker. Send rice, prepared dried fruits, a piece of butter there, salt and pour water.
  4. Turn on the "Extinguishing" program for 30 minutes.
  5. While the rice is cooking, you have time to peel and chop the nuts.
  6. After you hear a signal about the end of the process, turn off the multicooker. Rice can be immediately laid out on plates, it remains only to sprinkle with nuts and decorate with honey.

Rice porridge with chicken fillet in the Redmond multicooker

Rice porridge with chicken fillet can be a great dinner. This dish is not heavy, but at the same time very satisfying. Cook rice porridge with chicken fillet in the Redmond slow cooker. It will take you a minimum of time.


  • chicken fillet- 400 g;
  • rice - 2 cups;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • green peas for decoration.

Cooking rice porridge with chicken fillet in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. Wash the meat under water, pat it dry with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes.
  3. Rinse the rice until the water runs clear, then it will turn out crumbly.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and fry the chicken fillet cubes until golden brown. Do this on the "Fry" mode.
  5. When the chicken fillet is fried, pour carrots to it. Fry for 5 minutes in the same mode.
  6. As soon as the carrots and chicken fillet are fried, add rice to them, pour water, salt and season. Close the lid, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 25 minutes.
  7. When the beep sounds, your rice porridge in the Redmond slow cooker is ready. Arrange it in portioned plates, garnish with green peas. It will give the dish some piquancy. Now you can treat your friends to dinner.

Rice porridge with mushrooms in the Redmond slow cooker

Rice porridge with mushrooms is a great idea for a lean vegetarian dish. Mushrooms in this dish can be taken any: both fresh and frozen. Rice porridge with mushrooms in the Redmond slow cooker turns out to be very fragrant and appetizing.


  • rice - 2 cups;
  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • greenery for decoration.

Cooking rice porridge with mushrooms in a Redmond slow cooker:

  1. If you took fresh mushrooms, then wash them well and cut into pieces. If you decide to use frozen mushrooms, then defrost them in advance and let the water drain.
  2. Rinse rice until clear water and dry it.
  3. Onion cut into small pieces.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Frying” mode.
  5. Transfer the chopped onion to a bowl and fry until nicely golden.
  6. After that, add rice to the mushrooms, pour water, butter, salt and season. Close the lid and cook for 30 minutes on the "Stew" process.
  7. After the end of the process, transfer the finished dish to portioned plates and garnish with herbs. Rice porridge with mushrooms is ready to please you with taste and aroma. Bon appetit!

Rice porridge with seafood and avocado in the Redmond slow cooker

This dish is for real gourmets. It can be included both in the daily menu and in the festive one. Seafood and avocados are known for their high content of vitamins and minerals. And the combination of these ingredients with rice is doubly beneficial. Rice porridge with seafood and avocado in the Redmond slow cooker will delight you with its aroma.


  • rice - 2 cups;
  • seafood - 500 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • dried basil - a pinch.

Cooking rice porridge with seafood and avocado in the Redmond slow cooker:

  1. Take round rice rinse it well until the water runs clear.
  2. Turn on the multicooker on the “Frying” program, put the seafood in a greased bowl and fry them for 5 minutes.
  3. Then add rice to seafood, salt, pepper, sprinkle with basil and add water. You need to cook the dish on the “Stew” program - 30 minutes.
  4. While the seafood rice is cooking, grate the cheese. Wash the avocado, remove the pit, then cut the flesh into small cubes.
  5. As soon as the signal for the end of the process sounds, open the lid, add avocado and cheese to the rice. Let the dish brew for 10 minutes. After that, you can lay out rice porridge with seafood and avocados on plates and start tasting.

Rice porridge with strawberry jam in the Redmond slow cooker

Rice porridge with strawberry jam is sure to please children. Even those kids who do not like porridge at all are unlikely to refuse this dish.


  • milk - 4 cups;
  • rice - 1 cup;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • strawberry jam - 0.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 3 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

Cooking rice porridge with strawberry jam in a Redmond multicooker:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly with water, then it will not stick together in the porridge.
  2. Turn on the program in the Milk Porridge multicooker, transfer all the ingredients, do not forget about the butter, it is this that makes the porridge especially fragrant.
  3. Set the time to 30 minutes. At this time, prepare the strawberries. It needs to be washed and the stem removed.
  4. After the signal for the end of the program sounds, transfer the rice porridge to a plate, garnish with strawberries and mint on top.

If you take this recipe as a basis, then you can cook rice porridge in a Redmond slow cooker with different jams and berries, for every taste.

Rice porridge with an apple in a Redmond slow cooker. Video

What a great way to start your morning with a healthy breakfast! But not every housewife, just waking up, wants to stand at the stove to cook porridge. Yes, and cooking porridge in an ordinary saucepan is troublesome: either the milk will run away, or the porridge will burn. You have to stand and watch. Whether it's to cook rice porridge in a slow cooker. We put the products and there are no problems. Moreover, in almost all multicookers you can cook on a delayed mode and your porridge will be cooked by the set time. This is very convenient, especially if you have children. Do not accustom them to sandwiches in the morning.

Milk rice porridge in a slow cooker is not only tasty, but also healthy. The benefits of dairy dishes are undeniable, they enrich the body with proteins. Rice contains not only proteins and essential vitamins, but also complex carbohydrates that supply the body with energy and charge us for the whole day.

Milk rice porridge is one of the successful dishes in a slow cooker. Here it turns out especially tasty, almost like in a Russian oven.

Cooking time: 5 + 60 minutes
Calories: 110 kcal per 100 g

For 100 gr of finished product:

  • proteins - 3.35
  • fats - 4.06
  • carbohydrates - 22.49
  • calories - 134.33 kcal

What do we need to cook milk rice porridge

  • Rice - one multi glass
  • Milk with water 4-5 multi glasses in half
  • Three tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 10-20 grams of butter

How to cook milk rice porridge in a slow cooker

Rinse one multi glass of rice until pure water and fall asleep in the multicooker.

Place remaining ingredients in bowl and stir.

Turn on the "milk porridge" mode. This is a program in the Panasonic automatic multicooker and rice milk porridge will be cooked for 60 minutes.

Let the porridge brew in the heating mode for another half an hour. Let's mix.

Place on bowls and top with a dollop of butter. Bon appetit!

Many mothers have to cook milk porridge every day for breakfast. Cooking rice porridge in a regular saucepan is much more difficult than in a slow cooker. This device is simply created in order to get only pleasure from the cooking process.

Want to cook fast healthy breakfast? Then you will need some rice and milk, as well as a slow cooker. It will help to prepare different dishes, facilitating the task. You do not have to keep an eye on the milk, stir and make sure that the rice does not burn.

Products for this dish:

  • round-grain rice - 1 part;
  • water - 2 parts;
  • milk - 3 parts;
  • salt, sugar - to taste, but not more than 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • butter to enrich the taste - 50 g.

We will cook porridge like this:

  1. Preparation of cereals - in order for the dish to succeed, it is necessary to pay due attention to rice. Namely - thoroughly rinse the cereal in several waters. When the water becomes clear after 8-10 washes, soak the rice in water at room temperature or slightly warm. Leave for a few minutes.
  2. Preparing the bowl of the appliance is nothing complicated, but there are some tricks: take a piece of oil and simply grease the walls with it in a circle.
  3. The preparatory process is completed, it remains to pour out the rice (and the water in which the cereal was soaked must be drained), then pour the indicated amount of water. As for the requirements for this ingredient: it is desirable that the water be boiled.
  4. Pour milk, put salt, literally a pinch and sugar, if necessary.
  5. We lower the lid, select the optimal cooking mode - this will be the “Milk porridge” program, the cooking time is determined automatically, otherwise 20 minutes is enough and a little more (literally 10-15) is allocated to the “Heating” mode.
  6. The porridge is ready, after the signal, do not rush to immediately open the lid, you can go about your business, and switch the multicooker to the “Heating” mode so that the porridge sweats a little.
  7. Scatter the finished dish on plates, adding a little more butter if desired, as well as berries, dried fruits, honey, etc. The porridge is ready, it will turn out tasty and tender, very satisfying. By density, you will understand which porridge to cook next time: more viscous or dense.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Method 2

Cooking rice in milk in a slow cooker is a real pleasure, because it turns out to be boiled and tasty. And also - there are a lot of useful substances in porridge, for example, vitamins of the PP group and amino acids.


  • round grain rice - a glass;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • water - a glass;
  • light raisins - 50 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - to taste, but not more than 2 tbsp.

Cooking in sequence:

  1. We wash the rice very carefully, do not be lazy, drain the water several times, pour in fresh water, and make sure that the water is clear. This suggests that we prepared the cereal in accordance with all the rules.
  2. Washed rice must be put in a working bowl, pour milk, as well as water, put a little oil, dry ingredients: salt, sugar, vanilla sugar if desired.
  3. Raisins need to be prepared before they are added to rice and other foods. It needs to be rinsed hot water, leave for a few minutes, then drain the water, remove excess liquid and put on rice.
  4. Cooking porridge for breakfast in the "Milk porridge" mode, we expect 20 minutes or a little more in time.
  5. After the signal, the porridge must be mixed so that the raisins are evenly distributed, put on plates. In each plate, if desired, add pieces of fruit, berries, dried fruits.

Serve rice porridge immediately to the table until it has cooled down.

Rice porridge with baked milk in a slow cooker

Thanks to the slow cooker, daily morning duties that you don’t always want to do fade into the background. Because everything is easy and simple with the multicooker: put the food down, lower the lid, select the desired mode, and they themselves went to do other household chores.

Products for cooking:

  • rice - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • baked milk - 2 cups;
  • dried apricots, raisins - to taste;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 1 tsp

Cooking porridge:

  1. To quickly prepare a delicious breakfast, baked milk must be made in advance so that it only remains to get it from the refrigerator. But if you are cooking for the first time and just mastering the slow cooker, then we will start with cooking milk. This is done very simply: you need to take farm milk bought on the market (necessarily fresh), pour it into a slow cooker, set the “Extinguishing” mode, set the time to 6 hours.
  2. When the milk is ready, it must be drained into a separate container, prepare the bowl of the appliance for the next step: now we will cook porridge. Rinse the rice in several waters, wash and soak the raisins, put all the products in the multicooker bowl.
  3. First, put the washed cereal, then the dry ingredients: sugar, salt, pour pieces of dried fruit or steamed raisins, put the oil. Pour in water and boiled milk.
  4. Cooking porridge using the program "Kashi" or "Porridge with milk", " Children's menu”, after the signal, be sure to leave the porridge to languish under the closed lid for 10 minutes. Just this time will not pass in vain, you will have time to set the table and then it will already be possible to pour a fragrant dish on plates and immediately invite everyone to the table. Decorate the dish as you wish.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. How to cook with Delay Start

Today we will learn how to cook porridge with such a useful and sometimes necessary Delay Start function, and this time there will be no water in the recipe, only milk. The result will be milky rice porridge, it will be much richer and tastier than porridge cooked with the addition of water.

We cook porridge from the following products:

  • milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 0.5 l;
  • round grain rice - 150 g;
  • sugar - 1 or 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - a piece;
  • raisins and dried fruits - optional.

How to cook porridge:

  1. From this list of ingredients you get thick rice porridge, and if you need to cook porridge of medium density, not so dense, then we take 2 times more milk, and a little less rice, only 100 g, the rest of the ingredients also increase proportionally, sugar needs to be put 3-4 tablespoons, salt - half a teaspoon and do not forget about the butter.
  2. Those housewives who say that they manage to cook porridge on the “Delayed Start” function without problems forget to clarify that if nothing is done, then the porridge can escape. After all, in the process of boiling, the milk rises and can exit through the valve - this is unpleasant and can affect final result. It is easy to avoid this: you just need to draw an oil rim inside the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter. That's the whole secret, as a result of boiling, the milk will slide down the walls and not strive to rise above this mark.
  3. There is another trick: you need to put a steamer tray on top of the multicooker bowl, but it does not work as well as an oil rim.
  4. And there is another way: you just need not to miss the moment of boiling milk, open the lid in time, mix the milk to reduce the foaming process.
  5. These tricks will help you cook delicious rice porridge. In the meantime, we wash the rice in several waters. We use round grain rice because it is ideal for such dishes.
  6. Pour the prepared cereal into the multicooker bowl, put sugar, salt and the remaining oil (do not forget to draw a rim on the multicooker bowl with oil).
  7. Milk - we take only chilled. Why? Because we put all the ingredients in the evening so that the dish is ready for breakfast. All night the milk will be in the slow cooker with the lid closed and may boil during cooking. Therefore, milk must be thoroughly cooled.
  8. We put all the products, lowered the lid, select the "Porridge" program. You need to cook this dish for half an hour + 5 minutes on the "Heating".
  9. And now the most important thing: after you have chosen the desired cooking mode, you need to switch to the delayed start function, then specify the time in the standby mode of the device. On the specific example it is easier to understand the principle: let's say you need to wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning, you fall asleep at 23.00, set a waiting period of 7 hours. That is, it will work out if this mode is activated at 23.00, then the multicooker will turn on at 6 o’clock in the morning and cook porridge in 30 minutes, the rest of the time it will stay in the “Heating” mode, which is just very convenient: the porridge will infuse.
  10. Result: porridge cooked according to this recipe will turn out to be dense, thick and rich. And one more universal recipe, if you do not want thick porridge, you need to take the indicated amount of milk in the recipe (0.5 l), put 5 large spoons of cereal, and all other ingredients to taste. Such porridge can be kept on heating for a longer time so that it thickens a little. The porridge will turn out to be liquid, just like this, little children are very fond of.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. cooking secrets

  • in order to cook a viscous porridge, take round-grain rice, because it boils well. It is better not to use steamed cereals at all, as well as long-grain rice - it is more suitable for side dishes and soups;
  • so that the milk does not escape through the valve, if the above methods do not suit you (drawing an oil rim, monitoring the boiling process), then it is necessary to dilute the milk with water. Then it certainly will not “run away” and will not clog the valve of the device;
  • if you want to cook porridge using the delayed start function, you need to freeze a glass of water, and then put ice cubes along with the rest of the products. Then the milk will not sour, even if the room is very hot. It is advisable to use chilled milk;
  • they cook porridge without milk, on water, add pieces of dried fruits, raisins, berries and fruits, but then the porridge will turn out not so tasty and satisfying;
  • keep in mind that a lot depends on the power of the appliance and the brand of the multicooker: programs can work differently. For example, if it is Panasonic (power is only 500 W), then the porridge will be cooked within an hour, and if these are powerful appliances, then 20-30 minutes will be enough;
  • and finally - little secret: The most delicious rice porridge is obtained if you use the "Delayed start" function. Want to check it out? Use our recipes to see for yourself. Good luck and bon appetit!

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker. Video

- valuable and useful product daily, as well as dietary nutrition, which has unique cleansing properties. Cooking such porridge on the stove is a real test of responsibility, diligence and patience. So that milk does not run away and the viscous, gradually thickening product does not burn, you need to vigilantly monitor the process and often stir the contents of the pan for half an hour. The production of the desired porridge with the help of an electric programmable one, in which the automation takes care of everything itself, eliminates such troubles.

Let's figure out how to cook rice milk porridge in multicookers of leading brands and denote the use of the resulting "multicooker" product in dietary rations.

Recipe for rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

To enjoy high-quality milk-rice porridge, you need to load the multicooker with suitable products in the right proportion and sequence, set the correct mode and wait for the technical signal that the process is complete.

The general recipe for a device of any brand is as follows:

  • one measuring container of rice;
  • five measured containers of liquid (milk or milk with water);
  • a tablespoon of sugar on top;
  • a teaspoon of salt (incomplete);
  • a tablespoon of butter.

Detailed sequencing:

  1. Sort the rice cereal and rinse it thoroughly in running water. For viscous milk porridge, rice with round grains is most suitable, containing especially a lot of starch. After rinsing, let the water drain completely. You can additionally dry the rice grains by laying the cereal on a towel.
  2. To prevent boiling milk from escaping through the safety valve of the multicooker, it is useful to lubricate the cooking container from the inside.
  3. Download prepared rice.
  4. Pour in the liquid - whole milk or milk diluted with water. With the first option, the probability of “escape” of milk and burning of porridge is much higher. In the second case, in order to thoroughly insure against such troubles, three measuring glasses of milk and two of water are poured into the cooking container. For full-fat milk, the optimal proportions of the mixture are two measures of milk and three measures of water.
  5. Sprinkle salt and sugar. The oil is put either immediately, simultaneously with salt and sugar, or, after cooking, in the finished product. Based on the maximum preservation of nutrients, the second option - seasoning with oil already cooked porridge - is preferable.
  6. Close the lid, set the desired mode. Depending on the specific model, these can be the “Porridge”, “Porridge with milk”, “Stew” or “Rice” programs.
  7. At the end of the process, in order to compact the consistency, you can sweat the porridge for some time (usually 15-20 minutes) on automatic heating.

Brands and modes

Rice porridge with milk according to this recipe can be cooked in any model of multicookers Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Mulineks and other brands. Each of them has specific mode features. So multicookers " Redmond» (« Redmond”) are equipped with the mode “ Milk porridge", which lasts 30 minutes. At the end of this period, the product is left for another 20 minutes under a closed lid.

The company's devices Polaris» (« Polaris”), depending on the model, have a mode “ Milk porridge" or " Rice". After the end of the program, the porridge is simmered for 15 minutes under the lid in the “Heating” mode. Asian multicookers " Panasonic» (« Panasonic”) cook rice in milk in the “ Milk porridge". At the end of the process, the product is brought to the condition for 15 minutes on the "Heating".

Kitchen appliances of the international brand " Mulinex» (« Moulinex”) have a program “ Milk porridge' or, on some models, ' Rice". After a sound signal about the end of cooking, set the “Heating” mode and let the porridge brew for 15 minutes.

Multicookers of the concern Philips» (« Philips”) are provided with the program “ Porridge". The product cooked in this mode is left under the lid, setting "Heating", for an additional 15 minutes.

Multicooker porridge - special qualities in dietary use

Rice porridge, cooked well in a slow cooker, fully retains its unique absorbent capacity. Absorbing harmful substances, it perfectly cleanses the digestive tract.

Cooking milk-rice porridge in an airtight cooking volume preserves its nutritional composition as much as possible - starch, essential amino acids, vitamins

Rice porridge is a tender and quite satisfying dish that is ideal for breakfast. Of course, I want the cooked porridge to be tasty and crumbly.

To do this, you must follow a few rules for preparing such porridge.

Rice is a cereal that quickly absorbs water, so the amount of water should be several times the amount of rice used. In order for the porridge to become viscous, it is necessary to observe a ratio of 1: 4, that is, for 1 cup of rice, 4 cups of water will be required. Raisins, as well as apples and pumpkins, give an additional taste to the sweet milk rice porridge. Porridge made from a mixture of cereals has an excellent taste, most often rice is combined with millet.

An excellent assistant in the preparation of this dish is a slow cooker. Cooking rice porridge in a slow cooker is very simple, you just need to put all the necessary products in its bowl, and the technique will take over the cooking process itself.

If you have a slow cooker, then you can cook delicious and very healthy rice porridge, both in water and in milk. There are many recipes for rice porridge in a slow cooker. Choose the right recipe and cook fragrant and delicious rice porridge in a slow cooker.

Rice porridge with milk in the Redmond slow cooker

The process of preparing this porridge is quite simple, the porridge is very tender and tasty. Such a dish can be safely offered to small children. For the smallest children, you can grind rice cereal with a coffee grinder before cooking porridge.


  • 650-680 ml of milk;
  • 100-120 gr. long grain rice;
  • 50-65 gr. butter;
  • granulated sugar;
  • salt.


First you need to thoroughly rinse the cereal so that the water becomes completely transparent. Then, the required amount of milk should be poured into the multicooker container, and then butter, a pinch of salt, and granulated sugar should be added to it. The amount of sugar needed in porridge is calculated from your personal preferences.

Then you need to close the lid, and then select the “Milk porridge” function on the panel. 35 minutes will be enough to cook rice porridge, so you should set this time on the timer. Then you need to start the process of cooking porridge by pressing the "Start" button.

After the cooking time is over, leave the porridge to infuse for 15 minutes, and then you can pour the finished rice porridge in milk into the pan. Serve with a piece of butter.

Rice porridge recipe in Polaris slow cooker

Porridge prepared according to this recipe is perfect for breakfast and energizes for the whole day. If desired, chopped dried apricots can be added to the porridge along with raisins.


  • 120-130 gr. rice
  • 400-420 ml of milk;
  • 100-115 ml of water;
  • 95-110 gr. Sahara;
  • 50-65 gr. light raisins;
  • butter.


The required amount of rice must be washed, and then pour it into the multicooker container. Then you will need to pour the washed rice with water along with milk.

Then you need to add sugar, as well as butter, then you need to mix all the ingredients in a slow cooker. The container, which is necessary for steaming dishes, should be placed above the multicooker container, and then washed raisins should be placed on its surface.

Then you need to close the multicooker and select the function that is used to prepare milk porridge. Well, cook rice porridge in a slow cooker for 34 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the milk rice porridge in the Polaris slow cooker will be ready. Then you just have to mix it well and you can serve it to the table, decorating it with any jam or chopped nuts.

Rice milk porridge in a Panasonic multicooker

Cooking this porridge is not difficult at all, and as a result you get a tasty and very healthy dish which will please everyone.


  • 190-210 gr. rice
  • 650-700 ml of milk;
  • 100-110 ml of water;
  • salt;
  • 30-35 gr. butter;
  • 70-75 gr. light honey.


To prepare rice milk porridge in a Panasonic multicooker, you first need to do the washing of rice in running water. When the rice is washed, it must be poured into the multicooker container.

Milk with water should be added to rice. If you need a thicker consistency of porridge, then the amount of liquid can be slightly reduced. Then you need to add a pinch of sea salt, as well as the required amount of butter.

To prepare this dish, you should use the "Milk porridge" function on the multicooker panel. Milk-rice porridge in a slow cooker should be cooked for 40 minutes.

After the multicooker signal sounds, you need to add light honey to the porridge and then mix the milk-rice porridge well. With honey, this porridge will have a rich and bright taste. Then you can serve hot porridge to the table, decorating it with fresh berries or fruits.

Rice porridge with pumpkin in the slow cooker Scarlet

Such porridge with pumpkin turns out to be very tasty, although it is cooked on water. Rice porridge with pumpkin can be served as a dessert or a second course for lunch or dinner.


  • 0.75–0.85 kg of pumpkin;
  • a couple of medium-sized apples;
  • 80-90 gr. blue raisins;
  • 200 g of rice;
  • 360-390 ml of water;
  • 75-85 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 35-38 gr. butter.


First you need to clean the pumpkin, then cut it into cubes. Sliced ​​pumpkin should be transferred to the multicooker container. Apples also need to be peeled, and then cut into pieces of arbitrary size. Then the chopped apples must be sent to the pumpkin in the bowl.

Rice, along with blue raisins, should be thoroughly washed, and then added to other ingredients in a slow cooker. Then everything should be poured with the required amount of water, and also sprinkled with sugar.

Cooking rice porridge in the Skarelet multicooker on the “Pilaf” mode, the cooking time is set by the multicooker itself, you do not need to set it specially. After completing this program, pumpkin-rice porridge in a slow cooker is ready, you just need to add a little butter, and then mix it.

Rice porridge on the water with meat in a Philips slow cooker

A simple rice porridge with meat will be a great option for dinner. This dish is light and very tasty.


  • 400-450 gr. chicken meat;
  • 230-240 gr. rice
  • 480-490 ml of water;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • 30-45 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Chicken meat must be washed and then cut into pieces. Then you need to season the meat with salt, as well as spices. Carrots should be peeled, then chopped with a grater.

Then you need to pour olive oil into the container of the multicooker and put chopped meat along with carrots on its bottom. Fry meat with carrots for 35-40 minutes by pressing the "Baking" function. Periodically, it is necessary to look into the slow cooker and make sure that the fried ingredients do not burn.

In the meantime, you need to rinse the rice, and then pour it with cold water, leave for half an hour to soak. After the end of the "Baking" mode, drain the water from the rice, and then add water again in a ratio of 1: 2. Add sea salt to rice water.

Then you need to pour the rice along with salted water into the multicooker container. Then you will need to set the "Rice / Buckwheat" function and close the lid of the multicooker.

After the beep sounds, open the lid, and then thoroughly mix the finished porridge with meat so that all the ingredients of the dish are evenly distributed.

As a result, you will get friable rice porridge in a slow cooker, you can immediately serve it to the table.

Rice porridge in a Mulinex multicooker with mushrooms

Rice porridge according to this recipe will turn out crumbly and very tasty, and mushrooms will give it a special taste and aroma.


  • 200-220 gr. rice
  • 350-380 gr. fresh mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • red bell pepper;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • 340-360 ml of tomato juice;
  • salt;
  • spices.


Rinse the rice until the water is clear. Onions must be peeled and then finely chopped. Carrots should also be peeled and chopped with a grater.

Mushrooms along with bell pepper must be cut into slices. All chopped vegetables, along with mushrooms, must be placed in the multicooker container, and then turn on the “Baking” function for 15 or 20 minutes. First, fry the onion, and then add all the other prepared ingredients.

Then you need to put rice to vegetables and mushrooms and pour everything with the required amount of tomato juice and 260-280 ml of water. All ingredients should be mixed well, and then select the “Pilaf” function and cook the dish with the lid closed. After completing the “Pilaf” mode, you need to remove the finished dish from the multicooker and transfer it to a large dish.

Rice and millet porridge in a slow cooker

Thanks to the mixture of cereals, the taste of porridge will be rich and multifaceted, and raisins will perfectly complement its delicate taste, which is sure to please fans of milk porridges in a slow cooker and even small children.


  • 85-90 gr. rice
  • 85-90 gr. millet groats;
  • 180-190 ml of milk;
  • 210-215 ml of water;
  • butter;
  • 30-45 gr. light raisins;
  • salt.


Rice-millet porridge is prepared from an equal amount of cereals. Cereals for porridge should be thoroughly washed. Light raisins should be washed and dried a little.

Then the cereal must be transferred to the multicooker container and add the required amount of water along with a small amount of salt. If desired, you can put a little sugar, but since raisins will be present in the porridge, it will give it the necessary sweetness.

The required amount of milk should be added to the cereal, as well as light raisins. Then you need to close the multicooker and turn on the "Milk porridge" function. Porridge with milk in the slow cooker will be ready after the appropriate signal sounds about the end of cooking.

Ready porridge can be put on plates and served with raspberry jam or fresh berries.

Rice porridge in a slow cooker Supra with baked milk

Thanks to baked milk, the color of the porridge will be pinkish, and the taste is simply unforgettable. Raisins and dried apricots will add sophistication and originality to the porridge. The porridge is very tender and tasty, everyone will like it.


  • 180-210 gr. rice
  • 400-420 ml of water;
  • 580-590 ml of baked milk;
  • 30-35 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 gr. salt;
  • dried apricots and light raisins;
  • butter.


Rice with raisins and dried apricots should be washed and then transferred to the multicooker container. Add a little bit of sea salt and the required amount of sugar to the rice. Then a turn of water and milk, they also need to be added to the multicooker container.

Then you should close the multicooker and press the "Porridge" function. The dish in this mode will be cooked for an hour, you should not change the set time. After completing the mode, you must turn off the multicooker, and then add butter at your discretion. Then the porridge needs to be mixed so that the oil is distributed throughout the porridge, and let the dish brew for another 20-22 minutes. Then you can start tasting this delicious milk porridge, it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rice porridge with millet and pumpkin in a slow cooker

This porridge has a rich taste, and sesame gives the zest to the porridge. Porridge prepared according to this recipe can be an alternative to the well-known pumpkin porridge with rice, as it has an original taste.


  • 100-115 gr. millet;
  • 100-115 gr. round rice;
  • 360-380 ml of milk;
  • 360-380 ml of water;
  • 25-35 gr. butter;
  • 210-220 gr. pumpkins;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • 15-20 gr. sesame.


The pumpkin cut into pieces must be fried in oil, using the “Frying” or “Baking” mode for 3 or 4 minutes. Then the roasted pumpkin should be sprinkled with the required amount of sesame seeds. In the meantime, it is necessary to wash the rice together with millet until the water is clear.

Then you need to add the washed cereal to the multicooker container to the pumpkin and pour all the ingredients with milk and water. Then you should add a little sea salt and granulated sugar to taste. At the end, you need to add butter to the bowl.

Then you need to select the “Milk porridge” function, it is cooked for about 35 minutes.

Ready porridge has a pleasant orange color, you can try it immediately after cooking. A photo of rice porridge in a slow cooker can show what consistency the dish should have at the end of cooking, but you can do without it. Preparing a dish according to the above recipe is very simple, there should not be any difficulties in cooking.

Recipe for rice milk porridge in a slow cooker with a pear

Pear gives the porridge a special taste that perfectly complements it. According to this recipe, you can cook liquid rice porridge in a slow cooker, for which you need to add more milk.


  • 180-190 gr. round grain rice;
  • 360-380 ml of milk;
  • 450-480 ml of water;
  • 20-25 gr. butter;
  • 65-75 gr. granulated sugar;
  • medium sized pear.


Put butter in the multicooker container, and then turn on the "Frying" function. When the oil starts to boil, you will need to add granulated sugar. Mix the butter with sugar and cook in this mode for a couple more minutes. The icing should take on a light caramel hue.

Then a pear should be put in the glaze, which must first be peeled and cut into cubes. Then the sugar with the pear must be mixed so that the glaze completely covers the pear. Rice should be thoroughly washed several times, and then add the cereal to the multicooker container.

You need to add milk with water to the rice, then mix all the ingredients and turn on the "Milk porridge" function. After the beep sounds, you can try the cooked porridge. Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker is ready.

Loose rice porridge in a slow cooker

Rice porridge has an interesting golden color, and its taste has a spicy tinge due to the use of spices.


  • 200-210 gr. steamed rice;
  • bell pepper;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • a couple of heads of onions;
  • 400-420 ml of water;
  • 3-4 gr. turmeric;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • 3 gr. ground paprika;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fresh greens.


Vegetables must be washed, onions and carrots must be peeled. Bulgarian pepper should be de-seeded and then cut into cubes. Pour olive oil into the container of the multicooker, add finely chopped onion to it. Select the "Frying" function in the menu and fry the onions for 10 minutes.

After a couple of minutes, you should add carrots, chopped with a grater, along with chopped bell pepper to the onion. After the beep, pour washed rice into the multicooker container, then add sea salt, as well as spices and pour all the ingredients of the dish with water. Then mix everything.

On the multicooker panel, you need to select the “Pilaf” or “Rice” function and cook the dish for 35 minutes. Serve crumbly rice porridge with finely chopped greens.

Rice porridge with milk in a slow cooker

This original rice porridge has a rich and multifaceted taste that real gourmets will appreciate.


  • 100-115 gr. rice
  • 180-190 gr. pumpkins;
  • banana;
  • 55-60 gr. butter;
  • 25-28 gr. Sahara;
  • 400-410 ml of water;
  • 200-230 ml of milk.


The capacity of the multicooker must be greased with butter, both the bottom and the sides. The required amount of rice should be thoroughly rinsed with running water. The pumpkin must be cleaned, and then cut into cubes or chopped with a grater.

Put rice with crushed pumpkin in a bowl and pour everything with the required amount of water. Then you need to turn on the "Milk porridge" function on the multicooker. When the signal sounds, you need to add half the required amount of milk and continue cooking porridge in this mode.

The banana should be peeled and cut into rings, then drizzled with melted butter and placed in a steaming container. After the signal is triggered, the container with bananas must be installed in the multicooker and left on the “Heating” mode for 5 minutes.

Serve milk porridge with bananas and butter. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon or grated chocolate, this will help set off the taste of porridge. The above recipes will help diversify your menu and enjoy the excellent taste of both milk porridges and porridges cooked in water with vegetables and meat.