How to cook porridge from rice. How to cook rice porridge with pumpkin on water in the oven. Diet rice porridge with vegetables.

Dairy rice porrige can be both a light sweet dessert and a rich first course. It all depends on the amount of liquid (water or milk) and the presence of additional ingredients. And if you cook porridge without sugar, then it will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish or vegetables.

The benefits of rice porridge with milk

The traditional milk rice porridge, of course, has a number of useful properties. It is not surprising that experts advise this dish to be the first to be introduced into complementary foods for young children. The fact is that rice is one of the few cereal products that are completely devoid of gluten - a component that can cause a persistent allergic reaction in a child's body.

Boil a handful of sticky rice in 4 cups of water. Once the water boils, add 2 pieces of ginger and cook for about 20 minutes or until the rice is cooked through. Mix foods and cook them in a pad of rice. In both recipes, you can add walnuts or yogurt and other foods of your choice.

These two pulps strengthen the spleen, stomach and lungs, strengthen the blood and Qi, and improve the blood supply to the extremities. Sticky rice is processed more slowly than the digestive system. Therefore, with a serious illness, it is better to limit it. Too much will make you feel overwhelmed and digestive system take more time to process them.

Milk rice porridge is ideal not only for children, but also for those who need to build muscle mass and stock up on energy. In addition to useful amino acids, the dish contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, vitamins of groups E, B and PP. Regular consumption of rice cooked in milk contributes to:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Those who often eat rice porridge with milk can boast of an excellent condition of the skin, hair and nails, a quick reaction, a sharp mind and an excellent memory. However, to abuse such a tasty and healthy dish not worth it, it is enough to include it in the menu a couple of times a week.

In the second lesson of the Ayurveda course, we learned and then cooked Basmati rice with vegetables and spices. Yuri told me that we use basmati because it is much poorer in starch and has more nutritional qualities than other white rice. Ayurveda does not use brown rice because it requires more heat, is harder to digest, and is believed to interfere with digestion, while basmati rice, on the contrary, enhances it. The products are nothing special or exotic. However, there are some specific details in preparation.

Important: It is important to have a thick bottom pot and thick walls if possible. With a lid that covers it tightly without any air coming out of nowhere. It is also important that our burner heats up quickly and cools down quickly, this is very important when cooking this rice. Not in my oven, we are with the old oven 25 years old. One on a higher heat and one on a very low heat.

Rice milk porridge - recipe with video

A detailed recipe with a video will help you prepare a delicious and especially boiled milk porridge. Its density and sweetness can be adjusted as desired by slightly adjusting the amount of liquid and sugar.

We mess well and wait until the water boils without a lid. AT this moment water boils, we move the pot to a low temperature, close the lid tightly and do not lift until the end of cooking. At this time, the rice takes water and the vegetables are actually steamed. Rhys will know he's ready if you take a few grains, crush them between your fingers and get a ball like silicone.

  • Rice is washed 2-3 times in a saucepan.
  • Leave 2 fingers at the level of the product for 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Cut vegetables into cubes and cut carrots into circles.
  • Add all the spice mixture and fry lightly.
  • Return the rice immediately with a little water.
  • The water is about 1 finger above the rice.
  • Add spice mixture.
  • Without any solid particles in it.
  • And not too soft and yellow.
  • After removing the heat, sprinkle with olive oil.
  • Stir, but gently and only a few times.
  • Turn the mixture - the rice below comes up.
  • For steam and moisture.
And he's ready. 🙂 Yuri said, according to Ayurveda, this is a very balanced nutritious food, very good to consume every day.

  • 1 st. round rice;
  • 2 tbsp. water and milk;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • about 1/2 tsp salt;
  • a piece of butter.


  1. Rinse rice in several waters.
  2. Pour a couple of glasses of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  3. After boiling, add rice, mix and cook over low heat, without closing the lid, until the cereal absorbs the liquid almost completely. Make sure it doesn't burn.
  4. Add salt and sugar, and then add milk in half a glass after the next boil. Boil for about 20 minutes.
  5. Leave the finished porridge under the lid for five minutes. When serving, toss a piece of butter on a plate.

And if a red lens is added to it, or maung gives it will become absolutely perfect. 🙂. Finally, by allowing the rice to soak into the water at night, toxin levels are reduced by 80 percent. Before cooking, rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear.

Put the rice in a container, add five parts of water and a little salt, mix well. Let it simmer, then let it cook over very low heat with the container lid on. Therefore, cook it for about 15 minutes without opening the lid. Scientists say millions of chefs threaten the health of their families by cooking rice incorrectly.

Rice milk porridge in a slow cooker - a step by step recipe with a photo

Rice milk porridge will give a charge of vivacity to the whole family from the very morning. Moreover, the slow cooker will help to cook it with little or no personal participation. It is enough to load all the ingredients in the evening and set the desired mode. Thanks to a special function that maintains heat, the dish will have an acceptable temperature in the morning.

Chemicals poison rice as industrial pollutants and pesticides remain in the soil for years. Thus, minimal amounts of arsenic are absorbed. But accumulated over the years chronic exposure to toxins leads to serious health problems - developmental problems, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

But experiments show that the way rice is produced is the key to removing the toxins it contains. In the first, he places a part of rice and two parts of water, which makes the water gradually evaporate in the swelling rice. In the second approach, the scientist puts in one part of rice and five parts of water, because when the rice is ready, the rest of the water is discarded. In this case, the level of arsenic drops by half.

  • 1 multi-glass of rice;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • salt.


  1. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker liberally with butter, which will prevent the milk from “running away”.

Since my own home bakery and mashed rice go home, so of course I had to try. On the Internet, in many recipes, you can find the ratio of ingredients in 200 g of rice to 1 liter of milk. In my opinion, this is too much, the suspension is too hard, and the children do not go down the throat like that. 180 grams of rice per 1 liter of milk is more reasonable. The advantage of this procedure is that you pour into the bakery within a minute and feed whatever you need and you don't care. For classic rice, you need to watch the rice, then mix it with milk so it doesn't burn.

2. Rinse a multi-glass of rice well, discard unsightly rice grains and debris. Load into the bowl.

3. Pour 2 cups of milk and one of water. As a result, the ratio of dry product and liquid should be 1:3. For a thinner meal, simply increase the amount of water or milk as desired.

The first time you do this, try giving those 90g and see how your density works for you. 1 teaspoon of oil. Ingredients suitable for sweetening are grape sugar, honey or maple syrup.

  • Cinnamon for final suspension.
  • Add 500 ml of your milk to your home bakery.
  • Rinse the rice hot water and pour it into your home bakery.
  • Lightly sweeten the rice to bring out the sweetness in it.
You can fine-tune the resulting density, but the rice is soft. On a plate, dip it in honey or maple syrup.

4. Salt and sugar to taste. Set the mode to "Porridge".

5. After the beep indicating the end of cooking, add a piece of butter. Stir and leave for another five minutes.

Rinse the rice thoroughly in the bakery and then arrange on a plate. Many children enjoy the smooth texture. Food is better for her and slides down the throat better. Make a big squash of carrots, peel them, rinse them again, stew them into small pieces. Pour in water so that the pieces are just submerged and you will be soft. Trim cooked after plastic sieve or spread it out with a fork. In order for carrots to have a higher consistency, you can add some water to which is added cooked or ground milk or fresh milk.

Children's milk rice porridge - the most delicious recipe

Most delicious recipe will tell you in detail how to cook milk rice porridge, familiar from childhood. This dish is usually served for breakfast or dinner in kindergarten, camp or school.

  • 200 g round rice;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2–3 tbsp. milk (depending on the desired density);
  • sugar and salt to taste.


You can also add milk when the child does not want to be malnourished - the taste of milk is known to the child, he will take snacks. Single Potato Broccoli Pear Rolls. . Wash peeled and re-rinse potatoes and carrots, discard water to cover them. Bake under the hood. Pour out the rest of the water and add the oil. Spread with a fork or add some milk.

Vegetable snack 3-4 kinds of vegetables

Potatoes with broccoli Potatoes with bacon Carrots with a flower. . Do not use canned or dried vegetables. Sprinkle well and peel the vegetables in small pieces and boil in a little water until tender. Roast the cooked vegetables with a fork. Prepare a soup using half the amount of vegetables according to one of the recipes. Pour the vegetables into 300 ml of water. Cook the cooked vegetables with the water they cooked. Add 1 teaspoon of oil.

  1. After washing, pour an arbitrary amount of water over the rice and leave to swell for about 30-60 minutes. This step makes the grain especially tender and soft, and also allows you to remove some of the starch. If there is not much time or desire, you can skip this step, but then it will take a little longer to cook the porridge itself. After the specified period of time, drain the water.
  2. Boil 2 tbsp. drinking water and put rice in it.
  3. After the liquid boils again, reduce the fire and continue to cook for another 10 minutes, loosely covering the lid.
  4. Boil milk separately. As soon as almost all the water has boiled away, pour in the hot milk.
  5. Cook until tender, stirring occasionally over low heat. After 10-15 minutes, try the grains, if they are soft, the porridge is ready.
  6. Salt it and sugar to your taste.

First, add 2 more liver lean meats to the plant food for brewing. Add very delicately chopped meat to the crust of the grilled fork. Egg for 10 minutes, detach the dandruff and shard. Add to a vegetable dish. Choose carrots, celery, parsley, broccoli, bacon, and a piece of horseradish. Add a spoonful of butter and a shard with a fork. Add water or carrot juice or milk as needed.

Prepare vegetable food from food that is already good for her. Before grinding lay out a small amount of vegetables. Cut out most of the fork with a fork and add some soft vegetable pieces. Gradually increase the amount raw vegetables. Put one large apple, peel it and rub it. You can add some hot milk. In the same way, prepare a cake, for example, from a banana or from a pear, later from a mixture of fruits.

Liquid rice porridge with milk

The process of cooking thick or liquid milk rice porridge is practically the same. In the second case, you just need to add more liquid. But the easiest way is to follow the detailed recipe.

  • 1 st. rice
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 4 tbsp. milk;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste.


  1. Before cooking, be sure to rinse the rice in 4-5 waters until the liquid becomes completely transparent.
  2. Put the washed cereal in a saucepan, pour it cold water and cook after boiling until almost cooked.
  3. Boil the milk separately, adding a pinch of salt to it, and pour it into the porridge when the rice is soft.
  4. Cook the milk porridge over medium heat until it reaches the desired consistency, about 25 minutes.
  5. Add sugar to taste and butter when serving.

Forbid the banana to the dish and dilute the fork, add 3-4 tablespoons of white unsweetened yogurt and rinse. To prepare the meat, use moisturizing milk ready within a month. From the moon, you can use "regular" skim milk. Pour the rice into the water and water until the water is hot. Then add milk and stir it for about 20 minutes.

20-25 g baby chicken 250 ml milk 1 teaspoon sunflower, corn or olive oil 2 teaspoons sugar. Cut the semolina in a little cold milk. Add the remaining milk to a boil, pour in the mixture and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Milk rice porridge with pumpkin

Rice milk porridge with pumpkin is a delicacy for real gourmets. The sunny color of the dish cheers up and gives warmth, therefore it is most often prepared in the cold season. In addition, the pumpkin itself certainly adds usefulness to the porridge, and its quantity can be varied at will.

  • 250 g round rice;
  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1.5 st. Sahara.


Let the flakes swell in water for about 20 minutes. Add milk and add to the piece for a while. Pour 1-2 cups of fruit juice into a damp jar. You can use chopped or grated fruit. For inspiration - from Mother Katka, thank you! To taste, we can thicken the rhyming dung scale.

Then let it simmer and boil until the water is completely absorbed. Add half a pound of baby milk and mix thoroughly. Add 2 tablespoons of Hami Rice Rice to the broth and pour over. This decoction is good for digestive problems.

  1. Rinse rice, put in a bowl. Pour in about a cup of boiling water.
  2. After boiling, cover the container with a lid, reduce the gas and cook for 5-10 minutes.
  3. At this time, grate the pumpkin with large cells.
  4. When almost all the water is absorbed, add salt, sugar and grated pumpkin. Stir and pour over cold milk.
  5. When it boils, reduce the gas and cook with occasional stirring for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Turn off the fire and let the porridge brew for the same amount. For fidelity, wrap the pan with a towel.

Mix the broth with vegetables and meat, add oil. Mix everything, add olive oil, pre-cooked baby milk. For larger children, we decorate with chopped parsley. Boil cooked vegetables along with baby milk into a fine puree and parsley. We only give parsley to older children.

Add baby milk after thorough cooking and mix everything. Boil the cooked soup or rinse the Hami rice slurry. Heat up by frying without milk rice. Smooth with milk and add olive oil. Instead of tomato juice, use 3 fried peeled tomatoes, but you can buy tomato juice for babies in Tesca.

How to cook rice porridge in milk - secrets and tips

Traditionally, round-shaped white rice is suitable for milk porridge. It melts faster and better. But if you wish, you can experiment with a brown, unrefined product. In this case, the dish will turn out to be more useful. In addition, it is worth using a few more secrets:

Add 10 g of rice or rice that does not contain fat, pour milk into the ground and boil the dill. Then skip and dilute the remaining milk. Mix half of the fruit snack and serve warm. We can be stuffed with crushed raisins. Add a spoonful of oil or olive oil and chopped parsley to the finished soup.

Then add 50 g of green peas - boil, serve with potatoes or rice. Bake orange slices and bake. You can mix a few drops of lemon in the pepper. Serve with rice or pasta. We crush or mix the mixture. We can add 300 ml of baby milk as needed.

  1. Be sure to rinse the rice several times before cooking until the water is no longer cloudy and whitish. This means that starch and gluten have come out of the grain.
  2. You can cook milk porridge both with pure milk and with the addition of water. But in the first case, the cereal will cook longer, besides, there is a risk that the porridge will burn, as the milk boils away faster. When water is added, the rice is more boiled and cooked faster. Depending on the desired result, you should adhere to the proportions and take 1 part of rice:
  • for thick porridge - 2 parts of water and the same amount of milk;
  • for medium density - 3 parts of water and milk;
  • for liquid - 4 parts of water and the same amount of milk.
  1. To get a more delicate and uniform texture, the finished porridge can be additionally chopped with a blender, rubbed through a strainer or punched with a mixer. This is especially true if the dish is intended for young children.

In milk rice porridge, be sure to flavor with a very small piece of good butter. Then the taste will become even softer and softer. By the way, to get an interesting taste, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg powder can be added to the dish, and sugar can be replaced with honey or condensed milk. The porridge is especially original when raisins, dried apricots, fresh or canned fruits and even vegetables are added.

Calorie milk rice porridge

What determines the calorie content of rice porridge in milk? Naturally, from the total number of calories contained in all ingredients. So 100 g of boiled rice on one water has 78 kcal. If milk of medium fat content (up to 3.2%) is added to the dish, then this figure increases to 97 units. When oil and sugar are added to porridge, the calorie content of the dish increases accordingly. And if you throw another handful of dried fruits into it, then the indicator will reach the level of 120–140 kcal per 100 g of milk porridge.

The whole world knows about such a wonderful dish as rice porridge. It is not only tasty, but also useful, with healing and rejuvenating properties. Cook it for your household for breakfast, because it is a source of vitamins, nutrients and energy. To prepare a crumbly, healthy, tasty and low-calorie porridge, pay attention to the recipe presented.

Do you want to cook a quality meal? Then follow the following rules: be sure to sort the rice before cooking, rinse under running water. Rinse properly. To remove starch, rinse with warm water. Then cold - so you remove the fat. At this point, we move on to the recipe. To turn a simple, ordinary rice porridge into holiday dish, you will need: the brightest dried fruits. Then, the porridge will be filled with colors, aroma and taste of raisins, dried apricots, cherries, cranberries, prunes. Both children and adults will like this dish, and the calorie content of the dish will not change. Even more you will like it.

The calorie content of the finished dish will be 78 kcal per 100 g.

Step by step cooking

1. Choose pic. You will need long grained. Carefully sort out the cereal from excess debris. Rinse with running water. First warm, then cold. Thanks to the contrast of temperatures, you will get rid of starch, gluten and fat. The porridge will turn out crumbly and very tasty.

2. Take a bowl or pan. Fill with water and leave for 25-30 minutes.

3. Proceed to the next step. Take a pan with a thick bottom or non-stick coating. You pour water. Taken in a ratio of 1:2 (rice to water). Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Pour rice, mix with a wooden spatula. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat.

4. Put dried fruits in a bowl. Rinse and fill with hot water, you can boil water. In order for them to steam out and become soft. Leave for 25 minutes.

5. Check the rice, when all the water has evaporated, add butter, salt, put sugar and vanilla.

6. Mix thoroughly and, according to the recipe, put dried fruits. For those who like sweets, you can add a spoonful of honey at this stage.

7. Stir rice with dried fruits. You can add a pinch of sesame seeds, this will add spice and sophistication to the dish. Cover the saucepan with a lid, wrap it in a warm blanket.

8. After 30 minutes, you can start serving. The porridge is ready. Delicious and healthy breakfast, low in calories. It turns out beautiful, very appetizing, fragrant and festive.

Follow the cooking technology described in the recipe, then you will get the perfect porridge. Start your day with a plate of healthy treats. You can vary the recipe as you wish.

Video recipe

Many people cook rice with milk, but you need it with water. on the water is a light, low-calorie dietary dish. It is an integral part of the therapeutic, preventive and dietary menu. Experts believe that porridge boiled in water is four times healthier than in milk. Rice has a remarkable quality, it is quickly absorbed and easily digested, which affects the performance of the body.


Most people believe that the calorie content of cereals is equal to the calorie content of the finished dish. This opinion is wrong. Due to the fact that rice absorbs liquid during cooking, it increases in size. Because of this, the calorie content of the product changes. Rice cooked in water will have 78 kcal per 10 grams, in milk - 97 kcal. It does not take into account additives - sugar, butter.

Best consumed for breakfast. Together with a serving of rice delicacy, you will receive a charge of vivacity, energy, useful substances and vitamins, such as: thiamine and riboflavin. It is part of the diet. Helps in the fight against excess weight, cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, harmful substances, it is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.