How does an 11 month old baby eat? Dosages and volumes. Products that cause allergies.

To decide how to feed a child at 11 months, you need not only to understand the preferences of your baby, but also to protect his diet from harmful foods. At this age, the child can be offered several new dishes that will benefit the body.

When breastfeeding, you need to make a menu, taking into account the 2-time consumption of mother's milk per day. Toddlers on artificial feeding twice a day should receive an adapted special mixture. It is best to feed a child with milk immediately after waking up and immediately before bedtime.

Meal plan during the day

You are almost on your child's first birthday and a lot has changed during this past year. You may have a problem with your little one, who now no doubt moves with ease - and gets into everything in your house if you're not careful.

Eleventh Month for baby: motor skills

At 11 months old, your baby should be traveling holding furniture or hands. He might even let go of your hands to try out a few preliminary steps alone, or he might even walk on his own. Some children at this age experiment while standing or on one leg.


  • The diet of the child should consist of products subjected to heat treatment: stewing, boiling, steaming. You can no longer cook porridge separately, since the baby easily eats healthy food prepared for the whole family. Of course, it should not contain starch, dyes and spices.
  • The main products for the baby during this period are cereals, vegetables, meat, fish, fruits and sour-milk ingredients. The choice of a particular type depends on the tastes of the child himself. Porridges can be given rice and oatmeal, and from fruits, stop at apples and bananas.
  • All food should be, if not homogeneous, then consisting of small fragments. Vegetables are kneaded with a fork, and the meat is simply torn into small fibers.
  • Exotic fruits, citrus fruits, nuts and whole milk should not be included in the child's menu. At the age of up to a year, this provokes a strong allergy.
  • At 11 months, it is important to teach the child to eat properly on his own. It is not necessary to do this every day, but for sure the baby will be interested in the offer to drink from a cup and wield a spoon without the help of adults. Just do not forget to pre-wash the baby's hands and put on a waterproof bib.

Making menu options

At 11 months, the baby's food should still be divided into five feedings throughout the day. The interval between meals is at least 4-5 hours.

A few particularly adventurous 11-month-olds find climbing a fun way to explore. They will scale meters, overcome the railings of their grid, and put themselves in rather unstable situations. If you have one of these little climbers, don't provide easy access. Move chairs away from tables and countertops so your child can't climb high enough to take a nasty spill. Your child will also enjoy opening drawers and cabinets, so be sure to lock up any chemicals, cleaning products, or within it.

  1. In the morning give a milk mixture or apply to the chest. Typically, the volume of liquid absorbed is 200 ml. Even if you have made the decision to breastfeed your baby only once a day, it is best to do this after waking up, at 6-7 in the morning.
  2. For breakfast, it is best to give porridge. For greater benefit, add a little egg yolk there. Special porridges in packs are easy to steam, but if you cook porridge yourself, it is better to rub it through a sieve or grind it well in a blender. For dessert, you can give your child a little fruit puree and juice.
  3. For lunch, you should choose a hearty mashed potatoes. The most suitable vegetables for this dish are zucchini, carrots, potatoes and cabbage, which are seasoned with oil. Puree can be served with meat in the form of steamed meatballs or meatballs. Or, instead, cook vegetable soup, adding a little pearl barley or rice cereal there. At 11 months, the child can already be fed with a salad of grated vegetables with the addition of oil.
  4. Most mothers prefer to give their child cottage cheese for dinner. If you have also introduced kefir into the diet (about 150 ml per day), it is better to reduce the consumption of cottage cheese products to 30 g. It is good to give cottage cheese to capricious people in the form of a casserole, but which option to choose is a personal matter for parents. If your baby is very mobile, then for dinner you can offer vegetable puree, but meat in the evening should be abandoned. As a dessert, fruit mix or juice is again suitable.
  5. At a later time of the day, the baby can again be breast-fed or given formula. It is also allowed to pour a little kefir.

Regardless of what kind of feeding the baby is on, the menu of an 11-month-old child should include an abundance of fluids between meals. Some time after dinner, you are allowed to eat cookies.

As your child's hand coordination improves, he will enjoy learning how things work by arranging toys by size and color, as well as separating and putting them together. Stacking blocks and nesting cups are great toys for this activity.

Eleventh Month for a baby: nutrition

Your child should feed himself with his fingers and begin to explore the use of a spoon. Fill your 11 month old's diet with a variety of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, as well as protein beef, chicken, fish, tofu. Offer snacks in the morning and afternoon to give your child enough energy to get through the day. Crackers, fruit, and dry cereal are all good snacks.


The menu of a child at 11 months, although not very different from previous diet options, may already include those products that were previously prohibited.

  • Pasta. Vermicelli dishes are great for dinner in combination with meat or fish puree. Milk soup can also be made with pasta.
  • Kissel. This drink in the crumbs menu is complemented by a duet of juices and compotes. It should be prepared only from those fruits that the baby has already tried. You need to rinse and clean the ingredients, wrap them in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice into the pan. It is better to give kissel to babies without sugar so that its taste preferences do not change much.
  • Pudding. This is not the easiest dish, which requires enough time. There are a lot of options, puddings are made with the addition of pasta, vegetables and meat. It is also a great opportunity to solve the problem of the baby's refusal from kefir or milk in its pure form.
  • Fish. It can be introduced into the baby menu a month earlier, but do not rush if the baby is prone to allergies. For lunch, you can give fish broth from low-fat fillet of crucian carp, pike perch or pelengas (fish varieties like salmon or sturgeon will not work).

Giving the child to eat new foods should be little by little. You can start with half a teaspoon, and then gradually increase the dose.

Your child's sense of taste is developing, so keep adding different flavors to your mealtime repertoire. If you have a particular one who constantly pushes the spoon away, don't give up. Sometimes children have to be exposed to food eight to twelve times before they eat it. At the same time, never force your child to eat. It is better to let young children decide for themselves when they are full. Research has shown that children who have been forced to clean their plates often turn into superhumans later in life.

Eleventh Month for baby: communication

Eleven month old people understand that they are unique people. They have strong feeling their likes and dislikes, and they've learned to use their emotions to get what they want - like throwing up when you try to take your favorite toy. Your child may have already discovered the word "no." If so, you will probably hear it a lot.


To diversify the nutrition of the crumbs, you can include in the list of familiar cereals and soups some healthy meals with new recipes.

  1. Delicious veal soup is very easy to make. Cut into pieces 20 g of meat, add one chopped potato and carrot. Boil food in water for 40 minutes, and then beat the mass with a mixer.
  2. Meat pudding will turn out if you pass 60 g of liver through a meat grinder, put 20 g of grated boiled carrots, 5 g of butter, one raw yolk and 10 g of ground crackers. Beat the mixture thoroughly and place in a greased mold. Steam the dish for about 40 minutes.
  3. Since the 11-month-old baby already has fish in his diet, steam the soufflé. Boil 100 g of fillet and pass through a meat grinder. Add 5 g of oil, yolk and mix. Cook in a water bath with a lid on.

Summing up

  • And with breastfeeding, and with artificial feeding, it is necessary to give the crumbs food at least 5 times a day. In this case, a special mixture or mother's milk is needed twice.
  • There is a certain table that describes how many times and how best to feed the baby. But remember that the serving size and composition of dishes should be chosen based on activity. little man and individual reactions of his body.
  • At 11 months, you can already give fish and pasta, include jelly in the diet. Many parents, however, do not know how much to allow the baby of the products that he tries for the first time. To begin with, any dish should be prepared based on an incomplete teaspoon.
  • Give up the idea of ​​giving your child exotic fruits or chocolate. The simpler and more familiar the food for the baby, the less the risk of allergies.
  • If you do not know which cottage cheese your baby will like the most, choose medium fat content. Babies suffering from excess weight can be offered a dietary product with a fat content of up to 2.5%.
  1. Regardless of whether your son or daughter is breastfed or artificially fed, you do not need to overfeed your child at night. Otherwise, there may be problems with the work of the stomach or intestines.
  2. Baby food should consist exclusively of fresh products. Do not cook a lot of food in advance: when you reheat food, it will lose its nutritional value. Or the baby will not want to eat because of a change in taste. If, composing sample menu, you are focusing on ready-made dry cereals, be sure to follow the recommendations on the package.
  3. Do not make food too hot to avoid burns and rejection of food.
  4. It will be right if not only fruit, but also vegetable juices appear in the diet of the baby. However, the latter often cause in children discomfort. In this case, you can mix the juices of several fruits and vegetables to make a tasty and nutritious mix.
  5. Of particular importance is how many times to give the baby some heavy foods. For example, cottage cheese and egg yolk should be allowed only twice a week.

When choosing an approximate menu for a baby, try to provide the diet with a maximum of essential minerals. Ready-made sweets for dessert are definitely not suitable.

Tips for your baby's eleventh month

Communication begins to take on a more mature rhythm after 11 months. Babies at this age can engage in regular conversational conversation. When you ask a question, you will get an answer, although you probably won't understand much of that answer. You will also likely notice that your child has more attention span and may focus on you or the game for more than a few seconds at a time. Now as your child crawls and walks with help, let them explore many different types of textures, including grass, carpet, and flooring. Engage your child in the experience by pointing out the people and things in the photo and ask your child what they are. Start reinforcing good behavior with praise and correcting inappropriate behavior with a firm no. Encourage your child to become more independent by dressing, eating and getting ready for bed. If your child is bipedal now, put on prosthetic socks or a pair of comfortable baby shoes when you go out. Stick to bare feet at home until your child is walking.

  • Read with your child every day.
  • You can also attract him by letting him turn the pages.
Curtis, G. and Shuler, J.

Recommended reading: .

The menu of the child at the onset of 11 months is not much different from the previous one. It should be balanced, contain foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats, preserve vitamins as much as possible during processing.

At the age of 11 months, on the one hand, it is easier to stick to a diet, since the dishes included in the menu are quite diverse; on the other hand, this period is fraught with pitfalls: the baby becomes capricious, picky in food, and it seems that sometimes feeding a child is a real test.

Week for your baby's first year, Da Capo Press. A baby's first year is filled with many changes, and when it comes to the end of 11 to 12 months, often one of the biggest changes goes all the way to tableware and leaves it completely. baby food. At the same time, parents are also trying to navigate how to wean off the breast or bottle. Many parents feel overwhelmed and unsure how to make these changes, and understandably so.

Meal schedule around 12 - 13 months

Ideally, meals should be spaced 5-3 hours apart, counting from the start of one meal to the start of the next. If you have a lot of kids, or you're nervous about them accidentally gagging, go there. Try to have as much variety as possible in your toddler diet, ideally not serving the same thing two days in a row. If you are concerned about the number of calories they eat or need to increase the weight of your children. Milk should be about 16 ounces a day the day after 1 year. . Establishing the foundation for a healthy diet in your baby's first year can help prepare him for a lifetime of good dietary habits.

The kid, who used to keep a close eye on the spoon and open his mouth greedily, trying everything in a row, now recognizes food by appearance and defiantly turns away. To some extent, such behavior is characteristic of children of this age (). Let's talk about how to properly compose a diet and interest the baby in food.

What to do with breast milk

Lactation is decreasing, and many are wondering if it makes sense to continue breast-feeding if the little one fully eats adult food? The answer is that mother's milk is good for a child at any age.

At 11 months old, your baby is probably still using breast milk or formula. But as he continues to develop his motor and sensory skills, he will likely start to act on the food on your dinner plate as well. Allowing your 11-month-old to experiment with healthy snacks not only promotes independence, it also offers him an extra boost in nutrition.

Dried fruits compote

Fruits are not only packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber, but they are also low in fat and sodium. By this age, your child has multiple teeth and should improve on chewing and swallowing, but fruits that are difficult to chew are still choking. Choose soft fruits like oranges, peaches, watermelon, kiwi, pineapple, and bananas. Cut grapes and berries into small pieces. Firmer fruits such as apples or pears can be diced and mashed for easier texture control.

Contrary to the common misconception that you can't get enough of breast milk, studies show that after a year its fat content increases by 2 times. By consuming only 500 ml of milk per day, up to 30% of the energy requirement, 75% of the daily intake of vitamin A, 36% of the daily need for calcium is covered. The influence of long-term feeding on the intelligence of the baby has been proven, such children are less likely to suffer from allergies and infectious diseases.

Instead of submitting raw vegetables, refill them until tender before serving them to your child. Steaming keeps the nutrient levels high, making them easier for your child to chew. Carrots, peas, zucchini and mushrooms - good options. Your child may also enjoy broccoli and cauliflower - just keep a close eye on them the first few times you serve them, as these vegetables tend to be a bit harder to chew on. If you don't have time to steam a few vegetables, serve diced avocados or thin bell peppers - these foods have a naturally soft texture.

What is included in the diet

Meat products should be included in daily feeding. Since now the little one has about 8 teeth, it is desirable to serve meat dishes in such a way that they are easy to chew, but at the same time, the jaw apparatus must work.

When serving fish, make sure that the portioned pieces are not too large, otherwise the baby may choke. Check the fish carefully for small bones.

Goat cheese and soy yogurt are good alternatives. Other protein-rich foods include boneless fish, finely diced, soft beans, and eggs. Eggs are extremely versatile - and you can sneak into them with plenty of others. useful products. For example, try scrambling eggs with soft black beans, diced tomatoes, minced zucchini, and mushrooms.

Serve a small amount of egg cattle as a snack and refrigerate the leftover for a later snack or tomorrow's breakfast. Grains serve as the basis for many typical snacks for children. Instead of just relying on the same iron-fortified cereal you've been feeding your baby for months, consider using whole wheat spiral pasta or lightly toasted whole wheat bread wedges. Wheat crackers can also be a fun snack for your child to nibble on.

It is still useful to include kefir and cottage cheese in the diet. It is better to give preference to unsweetened sour-milk products. Children's yogurts in jars that attract attention on store shelves are often not worth giving. They are good if the child needs a snack on the road or, for example, in line at the clinic, but even they can develop an allergic reaction and there is always a chance to buy the missing product.

Kissel from flakes "Hercules"

Bite-sized pieces of wheat flour are another kid-friendly snack—just make sure it's sugar-free. The potential for allergies is always a concern when introducing new foods to your child's diet. Allowing at least three days before you introduce new foods will help you accurately assess your child's food allergies. Be especially careful about handling your baby products that cause allergy symptoms in any immediate family members.

Some mothers indulge their family in making homemade yogurt with or without a yogurt maker. It is not so difficult: the initial products are milk and lactic acid bacteria starter, sold in supermarkets and pharmacies.

Homemade yogurt kids will appreciate

Feed 11 daily month old baby cereals. The most useful in terms of nutritional properties and fiber content is oatmeal (it is best prepared from whole grains). This is followed by buckwheat and rice. Avoid boiling cereals with milk. Some people think that milk porridge will taste better. However, try to cook it in water, boil it well and flavor it with cream or butter. And if you add finely chopped pieces of dried apricots to it, the baby will gobble up the porridge on both cheeks.

Feeding your baby solids is exciting and important for parents as your baby is about to take the first steps towards healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. You can use this as a guide for feeding your baby in the first year. Please refer to the notes section at the end of this post for points to remember when following these solid food rules. When should baby start with solids?

How to administer solids to your child?

Card with solid products for a child First year. Here is a collection of baby food chart or diet chart or meal plan for babies aged 6-12 months to help you plan what your baby can eat in specific months. Each food table contains information about what foods can be included in a particular month with an exemplary meal plan and an approximate amount of food. Please use them as a guide and always discuss your solid feeding plan with your child's doctor before starting.

What mother is not tempted to diversify baby food with sweets. It's nice to see how the baby eats something with pleasure. However, it is too early for children at 11 months to get acquainted with chocolate, sweets and other yummy things. Also, they should not be allowed to taste cakes. However, if it's a biscuit home cooking, freshly baked, then a small portion is possible.

Also keep the following points in mind before planning clear food charts for your child. So check with your child's doctor about when to introduce common allergenic foods if your family has food allergies, asthma, or eczema. The number of foods mentioned in each chart is a rough guide, each child's appetite is different, and therefore, if your child has a bit less or more than the indicated amount is absolutely fine. Home Recipes Recipes Recipes.

All of these charts are ready to give you an idea of ​​your meal planning for each month. Before planning a diet, consider your child's body type and other factors. Never introduce more than 1 food at a time when you are giving solids to your child. Check for allergy symptoms when you introduce the New Food to your child and stop feeding your child if you find any symptoms. If your child is allergic to any particular ingredient, remove it from the recipe. Please avoid green chilies and red chilies for at least two years. Instead, sweet tasting vegetables or fruits may be preferred. If a recipe calls for more spices, adjust according to your child's age and preference. Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new products. Sugar, salt, cow's milk and honey are not recommended until 1 year of age. This should not replace your doctor's advice. . By 11 months, your baby will be all over the place: going where she shouldn't be, grabbing anything within easy reach, and it looks like she's on a one-man mission to seek and destroy, that's what else you can expect.

Dietary diversity is very important

Every other day, it is advisable to introduce egg dishes into the diet of the crumbs. Someone loves a simple boiled, for those who eat poorly, you will have to apply a creative approach. For example, cook an omelet in different versions. It can be cheese, with cream, with zucchini, etc.

You can add fruits and berries that are typical for our regions to the child's diet: apricots, cherries, plums. Regarding strawberries and raspberries, the opinion is debatable. It is believed that up to a year they cannot be given due to allergenicity. If the mother decides to introduce the baby to similar berries this season, then they first offer one, and then observe the reaction of the child.

Sample menu for an 11 month old baby

Breakfast (around 7-8 am)

  • Porridge or vermicelli - 200 gr;
  • fruit puree - 50 gr.

Lunch (about 12 noon)

  • Vegetable puree - 150 gr;
  • steamed meat or fish cutlet - 60 gr or
  • soup with meatballs - 200 gr;
  • juice or compote - 50 ml.

Afternoon snack (about 4 pm)

  • kefir with cookies - 150 ml and 15 gr;
  • cottage cheese - 50 gr.

Dinner (8 p.m.)

  • omelet - 100 gr;
  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • fresh fruit - 50 gr.
  • breast milk or kefir.

forbidden food

Smoked food, sausages, pickles, marinades, spicy dishes, etc. remain banned. Foreign fruits such as pineapple, citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines), mangoes, papaya and others should not be included in the diet of a child of this age. Nuts are also undesirable.

Not every spice is suitable as a seasoning for a children's dish.

Be careful with the use of spices. Most of them are still forbidden for young children due to the content of aromatic acids and essential oils that irritate the immature gastrointestinal tract.

From 9 months in very small quantities can be added to baby food:

  • onions with garlic, but not raw, but boiled;
  • dill, celery, white pepper, bay leaf; well-known spices - basil and rosemary - are allowed for use for children only after they reach one and a half years;
  • for sweet dishes, you can add vanilla and cinnamon as a seasoning.

We learned how to feed a baby in his 12th month of life. Try to serve dishes in an attractive way, causing interest, and with it appetite. Do not lose heart if something from the proposed food is rejected, perhaps in a week the baby will react to it in a completely different way. Enjoy your baby's appetite.