Menu for a picnic in nature for the day. Menu for a picnic in nature: recipes for original snacks

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Fresh air generates an incredible appetite. And that’s why it’s worth taking something tasty for a picnic with family or friends. In this article you can find simple recipes appetizers, salads and main courses for outdoor recreation.

The best recipes for picnic snacks - pita snacks, sandwiches, canapes

When choosing food, avoid perishable products even if you have a thermal bag. Many people like to take ordinary sandwiches with them on a picnic. It's simple and satisfying. Each of us loves sausage, cheese or meatballs on black bread. But in order to surprise guests and households, it is worth fulfilling a new recipe.

For example, you can make a mozzarella sandwich, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Such a snack will not bring extra calories. A sandwich with pear, ham and brie cheese on a light grain bun will impress people.

And for lovers of solid snacks, you can offer sandwiches with tuna and tomatoes .

  • can of canned tuna
  • Hard boiled eggs - 2 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper -1pc
  • Tomato -1pc
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • lettuce leaves
  • Olive oil with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar
  • Greens and salt and pepper to taste
  • White bread

It is worth refilling in advance and boil the eggs until tender. Post products layers : bread soaked in dressing, lettuce, tuna mashed with a fork, chopped eggs, pepper and tomato.

Lavash roll with Korean cabbage


  • Lavash - 3 sheets
  • Mayonnaise - 100g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dill -1 bunch
  • Smoked chicken breast– 300gr
  • Hard cheese -150g
  • Korean carrot - 200g

To prepare the filling, you need to grate the garlic on a fine grater and the cheese on a coarse grater. Separate the meat from the bones and cut into cubes, and chop the greens. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise. Put a sheet of pita bread on a hard surface, and half of the filling on it, cover with another pita bread and lay out the rest of the filling. cover all last leaf and gently roll up the roll. After an hour of cooling in the refrigerator the roll must be cut into circles.

Diet roll of lavash and avocado

  • Lavash - 3 pieces
  • Tomato - 1pc
  • Avocado - 1pc
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Soft cream cheese - 50g
  • Greens - 1 bunch

Cut the peeled avocado into cubes and mix with chopped tomato, add cream cheese and herbs. Lay the filling on pita bread, as in the previous recipe.

For a picnic, a dish loved by many summer residents is ideal. stuffed loaf. To prepare it, you need a long crispy baguette. It can be stuffed with ham, cheese, herbs with tomatoes and peppers, boiled chicken and garlic. In general, everything that you love.

For an aperitif, children can be given a large juicy apple or pear. And as an appetizer sweet skewers from bananas, pears, kiwi and apples, watered with condensed milk. It's no secret that kids love beautiful food. Make the simplest mini sandwiches and decorate them in an original way.

Picnic Salads - Recipes for the Whole Family

For a holiday with the whole family, you can do vegetable salad from tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, dill, parsley and other greens that you can find. It is better to fill such a salad with olive oil with lemon juice or balsamic vinegar.

Similar prefabricated fruit salad kids will love it. Bananas, pears, apples, oranges, kiwi, grapes, melon and watermelon are traditionally added to it. Avoid grapefruit, lime and other bitter fruits , they will spoil the delicate taste of the salad. And the dressing for this dish is natural yogurt without additives.

Spicy lovers will prefer Salad "Country"


  • Smoked sausage -200g
  • Can of corn - 1 pc.
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • A pack of rye crackers with smoked flavor

Mix all ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Seafood lovers will appreciate salad with salted salmon.


  • Cucumbers - 200g
  • Eggs -3pcs
  • lettuce leaves
  • Salmon, trout or pink salmon lightly salted -150g

Cut cucumbers, fish and eggs into cubes. Arrange on lettuce leaves and drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Interesting chicken liver salad will require prior preparation.


  • Chicken liver - 500g
  • Tomatoes - 4pcs
  • Lettuce, arugula and basil - large bunch

Fry the liver until done. Mix with halved cherry tomatoes and finely torn greens. Dress the salad with vegetable oil, garlic, salt and pepper.

Simple and delicious picnic recipes - for family outdoor recreation

In addition to barbecue, you can cook a lot of interesting and tasty dishes at a picnic.

Surprise your loved ones with a large 800 gram carp on barbecue .

The fish practically does not need to be marinated. It only needs to be gutted, the head removed, divided into 2 layers and generously spread with sauce, which will require:

  • Vegetable oil - half a glass
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Lemon juice - a few drops

Cooking time of fish on fire is about 15 minutes. It turns out a very tender, juicy and fragrant dish.

Cheese zrazy great picnic dish. They are baked or fried like ordinary meatballs, only a piece of cheese is added inside, which, when melted, gives piquancy to the dish.

You can prepare in advance stuffed potatoes.


  • Potato - 7-9 large tubers
  • Cheese - 200g
  • Smoked ham - 300g
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Tomatoes - 2pcs
  • Mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and cut in half. Remove the pulp with a spoon to make a deepening. Mix diced ham, herbs and tomatoes and season everything with mayonnaise and spices. Sprinkle generously with cheese on top. And the food is edible. But for best view it is worth baking the potatoes in the oven or microwave so that the cheese melts.

Pork in soy sauce delight with oriental notes.

  • Pork - 500g
  • Soy sauce - 200g
  • Sesame - 1 tsp
  • Red pepper - a pinch
  • Ground ginger - 1 tsp

In a marinade of soy sauce, sesame, pepper and ginger, dip the meat for 2-3 hours and refrigerate. After the time has elapsed, pull the pork out and bake in the oven at a temperature 180⁰С 50-60 minutes.

On the grill, you can bake not only meat or fish, but also potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini. Mushrooms are perfectly baked on the grill without any spices. Before serving fried mushrooms need only be sprinkled with soy sauce.

Can do cauliflower Grilled . It is baked in foil envelopes in a special marinade, which requires:

  • Soy sauce
  • Mustard
  • Garlic
  • sweet paprika
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Cauliflower with onion cut into half rings should be poured with marinade and packed in a foil envelope. Then put the dish on the barbecue grill. Cabbage is cooked in 20 minutes.

Remember that picnic dishes should be nutritious yet light so that you don't feel like heaviness. After all, you need to relax and have fun in the fresh air.

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To buy everything, invite everyone, choose a place, think over entertainment and, of course, do not forget about safety - undoubtedly, this is very important points. But many will agree that the most important part of any picnic is the menu.

And if you compose it correctly and put a piece of your soul into each dish, then the memories of the picnic will remain for a long time. Next, let's talk in detail about what to cook for a picnic, so that outdoor recreation will appeal to everyone without exception.

Choosing meat

Most often, meat becomes the crown dish of any holiday in nature. It can be barbecue or barbecue. The main thing is to prepare it on an open fire. And it is very important to choose it correctly.

Here are some tips to avoid making a mistake when choosing:

  • chilled meat. You can not take a pair, as it can be hard. It is not recommended to take frozen, due to the loss of some taste. It is strongly not recommended to take re-frozen.
  • the meat should be glossy, dry, elastic when pressed and without extraneous unpleasant odors.
  • dark meat is also not worth taking, because it is most likely already simply old. Such meat is used only for soup, and even then not always.
  • meat is better to take in one piece, and cut into portions at home.
  • it is necessary to ensure that there are no pieces of fat or veins.

Usually pork, lamb or chicken are chosen for barbecue. Rarely beef. Here, too, it is necessary to take into account some nuances when choosing:

  • the color of lamb meat should be bright. If it darkens, the meat is old. Suitable for barbecue: loin, tenderloin, meat from the back.
  • pork is chosen light pink in color and always with a small amount of fat. Suitable neck, loin.
  • for chicken barbecue, it is better to take a broiler chicken - it has the most tender meat. As for the part, almost anything will do - fillet, drumsticks, thighs.
  • if you decide on beef, then veal tenderloin is ideal. Everything else can be too hard.

Proper marinade - delicious barbecue

In some cases, this may be a matter of convenience or simply a tribute to fashion. In a word, it's up to you. It is much more important to make the right marinade. After all, it depends on how tasty and soft the meat will be.

Wine, vinegar, tea, mineral water, kiwi, grapefruit, mayonnaise, spices, tomatoes, onions - this is just a small part of what can be used for marinade.

There are marinades that are suitable for any meat or poultry. This is, for example, vinegar with onions. Or mayonnaise with the same onion. These options are almost always win-win, and also do not take much time.

In addition, they do not require special cash costs. But still, it is better to choose a marinade more thoughtfully and carefully. And it is best to proceed from the type of meat or poultry you have chosen for barbecue.

So, marinades from pomegranate juice, kiwi or beer are well suited for pork. For lamb - kefir marinade or soy sauce. And beef can be marinated, for example, in wine. If you decide to make chicken barbecue, then you can make a marinade from carbonated mineral water. Or - cognac marinade.

Of course, one should not forget about classic options- marinades from vinegar, mayonnaise, onions, lemon juice, etc.

? How to measure liquid using improvised kitchen tools, read our article.

What is oregano, how to use seasoning and what it suits, read.

How many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon? 100, 200, 300 grams of the product using common cutlery.

meat alternative

What can you cook for a picnic besides barbecue? Of course, in addition to meat kebabs, there are other types. For example, vegetables. Vegetables can be cooked both on separate skewers (skewers) or on a wire rack, or alternating with pieces of meat. For these purposes, almost any vegetables are suitable - tomatoes, onions, eggplants, bell peppers and others.

An interesting combination of vegetables with mushrooms. For example, with mushrooms. But there is one caveat. If vegetables can be fried both on skewers (skewers) and on a grill, then in combination with mushrooms it will still be more convenient to use skewers.

And, of course, do not forget about the fish. Which is better to choose?

The main thing is that it is not small and does not have a bright rich taste in itself. If the fish is medium in size, then it is fried whole, if it is large, it can be cut into portions.

As for the choice of marinade and its need - you decide. If meat absolutely needs a marinade, then with fish everything is far from so simple. Many people say that it is not needed. Because during cooking on an open fire, the fish turns out to be slightly smoked, with smoke.

But if you still decide to pickle, then you need to remember that you need to do this quite shortly before the start of cooking and it is better to limit yourself to something simple and unpretentious. For example, lemon, salt and fennel.

In any case, both vegetable and fish skewers are not only a tasty alternative or addition to meat, but also an excellent dish for vegetarian guests.

Diversify the menu

Of course, barbecue is a signature dish that will decorate any picnic. But do not forget about other dishes. First of all, it is, of course, vegetables. You can simply serve them by chopping them coarsely and garnishing with herbs. It's a picnic, not a dinner party. The simplicity of the dishes and their presentation is appropriate here. But still, it will be much tastier and more interesting to make a salad.

Vegetable salad

Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into cubes, bell peppers into strips. Onion cut into half rings. Finely chop the greens. Mix vegetables, add oil and herbs. If desired, you can salt and pepper.

In addition, vegetables can be cooked on the grill. It is enough to know two basic rules here - vegetables are cut large and they definitely need to be poured with a little oil and / or lemon juice. When they are ready, they can be served as a separate dish, or mixed in the form of a hot salad.

Often they take sandwiches with them to a picnic. And in their preparation, you can use all your, almost unlimited, imagination.

Very popular now, for example, sandwiches with mozzarella cheese.

Sandwiches with mozzarella

For them you will need:

  • Rye bread;
  • mozzarella cheese;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • balsamic vinegar.

The preparation time for one sandwich will be several minutes. The calorie content of such a sandwich will be about 150 kcal per 100 grams.

Two slices of bread are cut off, tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into thin slices. Mozzarella is also cut into circles. Cucumbers are laid out on one slice of bread, then tomatoes, and after them mozzarella. All this you sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and cover with a second piece of bread. Your sandwich is ready.

There is another simple and very tasty spring-summer radish salad.

radish salad

For him you need:

  • radish - half a bunch;
  • two or three cucumbers;
  • chopped cabbage - three hundred grams;
  • a little dill;
  • sunflower or olive oil, to taste;
  • wine vinegar, to taste.

It will take about twenty minutes to prepare. The calorie content of salad is about 46 kcal per 100 grams.

Cut the radish into rings, cucumbers into half rings. Finely chop the cabbage. Chop the dill. All this is mixed and sprinkled with oil and vinegar.

What snacks to cook for a picnic

Now lavash rolls have gained a lot of popularity. In addition to the fact that they are very easy to prepare, they also give room for imagination in the choice of fillings. And it's also perfect for a picnic.

The only caveat is that if it is very hot outside, you drive quite far and / or from morning until evening, then it is better to replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream.

Here, for example, is a variant of a pita snack.

Lavash roll with mushrooms

  • thin pita bread - 3 pieces;
  • mushrooms - 200 grams (champignons);
  • greens (parsley and dill in half a bunch);
  • cheese - 200 grams (hard);
  • mayonnaise - about 100 grams.

The preparation time for the roll will be about 15-20 minutes. And the calorie content is 252 kcal per 100 grams.

Grate the cheese first. Boil or fry mushrooms - as you prefer. The greens are finely chopped.

Lavash is laid out with an overlap and smeared with mayonnaise.

Then spread in heaps alternately mushrooms and cheese. Sprinkle it all with herbs.

Roll up tightly and place in the refrigerator. For about half an hour. After that, take it out and cut it.

And few picnics are complete without potatoes. How is it not prepared! Boiled, baked, fried in coals. Or here's a good option - accordion potatoes. Such an appetizer can be made both at home, in advance, in the oven, and already in nature, on the grill or in the same coals.

accordion potato

For her you will need:

  • potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • bacon - 200 grams;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • sunflower oil - 50 grams.

In order to cook in the oven, you will need a little more than an hour of time, and the calorie content will be about 350 kcal per 100 grams.

Peel the potatoes first and make cuts in them. Cut the bacon into slices, onion into cubes, rather finely. Mince the garlic.

Spread the potatoes on the foil, sprinkle it with plenty of garlic onions. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place bacon slices in the slits. All this is sprinkled with oil and wrapped in foil. You need to bake in the oven for a little more than an hour at 220 degrees.

And another interesting variation on the vegetable theme is eggplant rolls. They will definitely not leave you and your guests indifferent.

Eggplant rolls

For them you need:

  • eggplant - 2 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to your taste;
  • sunflower oil -2 tablespoons;
  • parsley to your taste;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml.

It will take you about an hour to cook the rolls. Calorie content - 85 kcal per 100 grams.

First, cut the eggplant lengthwise into slices. And soak them for half an hour in salt water, this will remove the bitterness. While the eggplant is soaking, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Cut the tomatoes into slices. Chop greens and garlic, and mix with mayonnaise. When the eggplants are ready, drain the water and dry them with paper towels. Then fry them in a frying pan in heated sunflower oil.

You grease the fried eggplants with mayonnaise with garlic and herbs, put the tomatoes on top. Roll up the roll and chop off the edges with a skewer or toothpick. Your snack is ready.

To diversify the table and show your skill and hospitality, you can find hundreds and thousands of wonderful recipes. But the most important recipe for any picnic is close people and a great mood!

A picnic is not just a holiday in nature. Fresh air, fishing, badminton, tart fire smoke and crackling corners, favorite songs with a guitar, friendly company - what could be better? Picnic dishes deserve special attention. After all, they are needed not just to satisfy hunger. Usually they are prepared by joint efforts, turning even the process itself into a small holiday. Roles are assigned, tasks are given out... Someone is already dragging a dry log, someone is gathering brushwood, caring hands are stringing fragrant pieces on skewers, smoke is curling over the fire, and the water in the pot is boiling... The kids are making noise, trying to bring their own mite. And here it is, the long-awaited moment - friends are seated around an impromptu table, ready to taste the fruits of their efforts. Appetite by that time will play out serious, that's for sure!

Safety is the key to a good holiday. Therefore, we leave perishable products at home. Of course, if you have a travel refrigerator, you can afford anything. But why? The choice of recipes is already quite wide. In addition to safety, you should also think about convenience. Dishes for a picnic in nature should not require complex serving and an abundance of cutlery. It is better to cook what you can eat with your hands. Or disposable forks. After all, we didn’t come to the restaurant! Therefore, we will take a break from conventions, get into the mood and enjoy a real camp kitchen.

Picnic king - barbecue!

For those who are wondering what dishes to cook for a picnic, the first thing that comes to mind is barbecue. This is real classic. Pork, lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, fish are suitable for its preparation. Cut and marinate the meat in advance. It is better to do this the day before, then it will marinate enough.

Barbecue should be grilled over coals. Do not think that the main work was done by the one who marinated the meat. Half the success depends on the barbecue. Therefore, you should not let the process take its course - you need to monitor the fire, preventing the flame from flaring up and spoiling the meat.

Hot: ear, kulesh, porridge

Are there fishermen in the company? Great! Doubly great if they manage to catch something. Fresh fish will make a wonderful ear. You can play it safe by taking the head of a silver carp or a piece of pilengas fillet from home. Different types of fish are well combined in the ear, and the more there are, the more fragrant and rich the dish will turn out.

In addition to fish, millet or pearl barley, roots, potatoes, carrots, herbs, and pickles are added to the ear. Here it is quite possible to experiment.

Other picnic dishes that can be prepared in a pot: kulesh, porridge with stew, potatoes with meat.

Lavash with cheese

An incredibly tasty delicacy, preparations for which you need to make at home, will appeal to both children and adults. It is prepared on the grill. A mixture of homemade cheese and herbs is placed on thin pita bread. You can use suluguni, cheese, homemade cottage cheese, young garlic and onions, spinach, watercress, dill. Lavash envelopes are wrapped as tightly as possible. This dish is cooked over coals and served hot. Easy picnic meals like this can be prepared with the kids.

Bruschetta with vegetables

If there are vegetarians in the company, they will certainly appreciate picnic dishes whose recipes do not contain meat. For example, crispy bruschetta with grilled vegetables. You can cook vegetables on the grill. Baked asparagus, broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini are incredibly tasty. Hot vegetables are laid out on bread slices. From above they can be poured with olive oil, sprinkled with soy sauce or lemon juice, sprinkled with sesame seeds or flax seeds.

This dish is perfect for fasting.

Mackerel with smoke

Moderately fatty, fragrant, not containing an abundance of bones, mackerel is very popular among lovers of outdoor recreation. From this fish you can cook all kinds of dishes for a picnic. Recipes with mackerel may not require pre-marination. It also bakes up pretty quickly. You can wrap it in foil, stuffed with vegetables, and bury it in hot coals. You can just fry on the grill. And there is also an excellent recipe, as a result of which the fish turns out to be similar to smoked. To do this, branches and umbrellas of young dill are laid on the grate, and on them - a whole or cut fish along the ridge. The greenery does not light up, but smolders, emitting abundant smoke. As a result, fish meat is saturated with it, smoked. It takes about an hour to prepare this dish.


And what to do with the kids? What simple picnic dishes can the younger generation cook? After all, children also want to feel like field chefs! Yes, and sometimes it is simply unbearable to wait for a fragrant fish soup or tempting kebabs. We will offer young tourists to master the preparation of sausages. You need to put them on sharpened long sticks. And it is not at all necessary to wait for the coals - you can cook directly over the flame. Together with sausages, you can fry tomatoes, pieces of lard, bread.

Everyone should certainly appreciate the efforts of little chefs! Moreover, it will help to cope with the appetite that has played out in the fresh air.

Picnic snacks

You can diversify the table with snacks prepared in advance. For example, prepare a salad of boiled eggs, melted cheese and garlic with mayonnaise. At a picnic, it can be smeared on fried slices of bread. A mixture of softened canned fish, greens, onions and yolks can be stuffed into halves of eggs. Such dishes are especially good for a picnic in the country. They will appeal to everyone - both small and adults.

Picnic dishes will be perfect with homemade sauces. It's good to take care of them in advance. For example, make adjika, cook fragrant tomato ketchup, cook tartare. Homemade pickles will also be appropriate in nature.

baked potato

Potato picnic dishes are very diverse. A classic of the genre is to simply bury unpeeled tubers in ashes and wait until they are completely baked. It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to remove the peel. You can eat with it, it is even delicious in its own way. There are other versions of this delicacy. Several cuts are made on the potatoes, slices of bacon or bacon, onion slices are laid in them, sprinkled with seasonings. Stuffed tubers are wrapped in foil and baked in this form. The recipe is good because the dish is prepared quite quickly, and the result exceeds all expectations!

Picnic drinks

First, let's remember what we agreed not to do during the picnic - do not take perishable food with you. Therefore, kefir, fermented baked milk and even delicious homemade milk were left at home. Instead, we will serve tomato and apple juice, kvass, bottled water to the table. Cool green tea or brewed rose hips are very good at a picnic. And if it is planned that the holiday will drag on until dark, we will stock up on the ingredients for making a drink at the stake. After all, by the evening it will certainly be cold. Who can refuse a fragrant herbal tea? We need mint, lemon balm, thyme, raspberry and blackcurrant leaves. You can add dried berries, dried fruits. And from spices, anise, star anise, cinnamon diversify the taste. There is no special recipe - just mix the herbs in a pot and let the water boil. And pour the drink into cups still hot.

In nature, even ordinary food seems especially tasty! We have selected 7 recipes that you should definitely take with you on a picnic. They will pleasantly surprise you with a variety of tastes and will help to feed even a large company at no extra cost.

Thinkstock photos

This dish is ready in just minutes! It is convenient to take it with you to nature, without fear of getting dirty or losing ingredients along the way. Another indisputable advantage of lavash roll is the variety of fillings. It can be cooked with meat, poultry, fish, or even made vegetarian. The main thing is to choose the right combination of ingredients. Nobody will leave hungry!

thinkstock photos

Cupcakes can be more than just sweet! Try to cook them from ... zucchini. This unusual appetizer will surprise your loved ones and become the signature dish of a spring picnic. Classic recipe muffins can be supplemented with various additives: ham, vegetables, cheese and herbs. Even kids who don't like vegetables will love this appetizer!

Hot dogs are perfect for a picnic in nature! This dish, which is usually considered unhealthy fast food, at home becomes a healthy and satisfying snack. A classic hot dog is made using a variety of hot dogs and sausages, but feel free to experiment with flavors and replace them with any other meat, such as chicken or even crab!

thinkstock photos

This salad is a real kaleidoscope of colors and flavors! Tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers topped with salted cheese, olive oil and aromatic herbs... What could be better? This dish is prepared in minutes and eaten just as quickly. To take a salad with you on a picnic, put it in special lunch boxes or containers.

thinkstock photos

If you're going on a picnic and don't want to take the usual sandwiches with you, make delicious bruschettas right in nature! Prepare homemade chicken pate in advance and take it with you. Such an appetizer, which can be quickly spread on bread or pita bread, is perfect for a spring picnic!

thinkstock photos

When it's warm outside, instead of hot tea and coffee, you want to drink something cold and refreshing. Going on a picnic, be sure to bring homemade lemonade with you! This drink is made very simply, and the taste is much superior to store-bought soda. In addition, you can choose any fruits and herbs yourself, creating unusual flavor combinations!

These vegetable tartlets from the famous chef look so elegant that they will turn an ordinary picnic into a real holiday! Take ready-made dough, so as not to mess with flour, and any seasonal vegetables.

Picnic Dishes- this is a special section in cooking, because in this case you will have to cook food not at home in comfortable conditions, but in nature, where your options will be limited! You will not be able to use tricky kitchen appliances. However, this is not necessary. The food that is prepared during a picnic is simple and uncomplicated in its preparation. You can verify this by examining this section of the site, or rather those photo recipes that are given in it.

But still, what kind of food to take with you on a picnic, what kind of food to cook? Of course, in this matter you can focus on your own preferences, but still there is one important recommendation: such food should not be perishable. In this case, fresh vegetables, fruits, all kinds of snacks are good. If you are planning to make a barbecue, then you should not keep it warm for too long, even if it is "well marinated with vinegar."

The components of the dish that you are planning to cook in nature must be prepared in advance. For example, salad vegetables should be washed at home. If you will cook meat, then prepare it in advance, cut and marinate. In general, please note that not all operations are feasible in the "field".

The picnic menu can be quite varied. It can include all kinds of snacks, for example, first and second course sandwiches (you can easily cook fish soup, various stews, pilaf, goulash and much more), salads and even desserts on a fire and coals from it. All this is quite easy to cook on a fire and on the grill, as you can see by studying the photo recipes in this section. Of course, each dish has its own cooking tricks, but we will definitely share them.

We would also like to mention that a picnic in nature can be held not only in the warm season. So, for example, you can organize it in the winter. In general, a set of dishes for a winter holiday is practically no different. Of course, if it is very cold, then you will not be able to enjoy the taste of cooked food, sitting on the street. However, dishes with the aroma and taste of a fire will not become less tasty from this.

So, if you are going on a picnic and do not know what to cook, what to include in the menu for outdoor cooking, then we invite you to visit our website, or rather this section of it. The proposed recipes are very diverse and, for sure, some of them will interest you. They are painted as detailed as possible, yes, moreover, they are also equipped with step by step photos. Therefore, even if you do not have much experience in preparing picnic dishes, you can still easily cope with this task.