Nizhny Novgorod Regional Theater of the Young Spectator Remnev.

At the beginning of its formation, the only Nizhny Novgorod State Theater on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (now - academic theater drama) gave a matinee for children only once a month. The former idol of Nizhny Novgorod residents, entrepreneur, director and first artist N.I. dramatization of novels for youth. Nikolai Ivanovich firmly decided to educate the future audience of his theater and expand the troupe at the expense of young performers - in order to stage performances for children and have young staff for episodic roles and crowd scenes contemporary plays at the Nizhny Novgorod Drama Theatre.

N.I. Sobolshchikov-Samarin took a large group of graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater College into his troupe. A. Strizheva, sisters A. and V. Davydov, P. Kayurov, A. Aleksandrov, T. Rozhdestvenskaya and others were admitted to the theater.

In 1927, in a special letter, Sobolshchikov-Samarin addressed the youth who had just come to the theater: “My young friends! At your discretion, I am submitting the following project: I propose to create a performance solely from your strength ... Make an initiative from which in the future you will create a young branch of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater ... N. Sobolshchikov-Samarin. The youth responded vividly to the call of the respected stage master. On May 1, 1928, a public performance of the youth performance "The Red Package" based on the play by G. Bronikovsky and Y. Broshat took place. The performance symbolized the beginning of a new life for the youth of the theater. For the next theatrical season, Sobolshchikov-Samarin invited a number of graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater College to perform performances for children. The so-called Tyuzov group was headed by a talented director-enthusiast E.A. Bril, artist G.L. Kigel and the head of the musical part of the theater - composer A.A. Kasyanov. E.A. Brill strengthened the youth team with experienced artists.

November 28, 1928 the first performance of the Nizhny Novgorod theater created especially for children took place.Fonvizinsky's "Undergrowth" was on. The Nizhny Novgorod Youth Theater became the third theater for children and youth in the country.

In the first season, the young theater group played 52 performances, while for the entire previous five years drama theater only 35 performances were performed at matinees.

In the early 1930s, she joined the team large group youth, graduates and senior students of the theater college. The troupe was joined by: A. Andreev, A. Agapova, A. Kunitsyn, V. Lebsky, V. Rusinov, S. Sachkov, B. Suvorov, M. Tikhonova, S. Fomina, E. Khomutova, V. Khodbko, N. Chekhov, M. Chibisov, as well as a talented amateur actor K. Nikonorov. A large number of directors also changed. Everyone contributed to the work young team. The history of the Youth Theater in the pre-war years contains very "multi-colored pages." At this time, beneficial creative and organizational traditions are laid. Such performances as “Silver Pad” based on the play by N. Pogodin, “The lonely sail turns white” based on the novel by V. Kataev, “ The Snow Queen”according to the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen, staged in those years, were mature works of theatrical art.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War new tasks arose before the theater: performances in military units, at defense work, in front of the wounded. In just four war years, the theater gave 1250 concerts and performances, 226 of them in the army. Work was underway on new performances: “The Partisans Leave for the Forest”, “A Soldier Was Coming From the Front”, “Long Ago”, “Immortal”, etc.

In 1948, a new main director, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR VL Vitaliev. The theater of the times of Vitaliev is heroic-romantic. The director was sure that the most effective education of young hearts is to show the best examples of human behavior. He staged performances: "Romeo and Juliet", "Alexander Matrosov", "How the Steel Was Tempered", "The City at Dawn", etc. The heroic-patriotic, heroic-romantic direction of the repertoire was preserved in the theater on long years and was one of the main features of his creative appearance.

Further in the playbill of the theater appear contemporary works- plays by V. Rozov, V. Aksenov, M. Shatrov, V. Tendryakov. The theater makes its contribution to dramaturgy, creating performances in close collaboration with the authors. This is how the performances "Alyosha Peshkov" and "In People" based on the biographical stories of M. Gorky, staged by G. Sheftel, "When in the gardens of the Lyceum ..." about A. Pushkin, the poetic performance "About time and about myself", written and staged by A. .Altshuller, Yu.Bespalov, R.Vetsner based on the play by V.Balashov. In the future, the stage of the theater will play the plays of the Gorky resident A. Khazanov “Otherwise you can’t live” and “Ball”, “Liar” by A. Usov; from the classics: W. Shakespeare, A.N. Ostrovsky, M. Lermontov, G. Longfellow.

For many years creative team theater was formed from graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod-Gorky theater school. From the memoirs of the theater teacher G.A. Yavorovsky: “Much in the work of the actors of the Youth Theater, graduates of our theater school, should be discussed in detail: about the acute character of R. Loitskaya, about the soft femininity of O. Treimut, about the thoughtfulness of N. Slavinskaya, about the stormy temperament M. Tareeva, about the filigree skill of I. Neganov, about the subtle humor of A. Palees, etc. However, with all the variety of talents and creative styles of artists, I would like to note the internal unity of the performing style. This is determined, to a certain extent, by the unity of the Gorky theatrical school, based in its origins on the realistic art of N.I. Sobolshchikov-Samarin, the system of K.S. Stanislavsky. The literary part of the theater was headed by the future famous director of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov, President of the Moscow Art Theater School - A.M. Smelyansky - a former pupil of the studio at the theater.

For more than 20 years, director R.Ya. Levite has been fruitfully working in the theater, releasingabout 50 performances. Among them are "Cunning and Love", "Oleko Dundich", "Servant of Two Masters" and others.. A large number of plays for children and adolescents were staged by the leading theater artist and director K.V. Kulagin, some of his performances are still on the playbill of the theater.

From 1970 to 1986, B.A. Naravtsevich, People's Artist of Russia, became the main director of the Youth Theater. His very first performance, The Three Musketeers, was a real theatrical event in the city; it also demonstrated the main creative nature of Naravtsevich: bright theatricality, musicality, a fusion of comic and deeply lyrical lines. "Bumbarash", "The Prince and the Pauper", "Three Sisters", "Farewell in June", "Boycott", "In the Beginning Was the Word", "The Song of Danko", "Hurry to Do Good", "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and many other performances ... together they make up the concept - the Naravtsevich Theater. It was he who determined both the policy of the theater and its success, and the rare kindness, festivity, lyricism atmosphere auditorium and scenes. The musical part of the theater was headed by E.B. Fertelmeister, who composed music for many performances. At this time, the team is experiencing a take-off time, their work is known far beyond the city.

In 1978, on its 50th anniversary, the Youth Theater was awarded the order"Badge of honor". Then he moved to a new building on M. Gorky Street.

The creative activity of the theater team was marked by many awards: these are diplomas of the 1st degree at the All-Russian shows in 1958, 1963, awards from the Ministry of Culture of the USSR for a number of performances, the title of laureate of the 3rd International Festival children's and youth theaters in Sofia, (1976); diplomas of theater festivals and reviews of different years in Moscow, Vladimir, Taganrog and other cities of Russia.

In 1986, in the Youth Theatre, showing the premiere performance of "Anna Snegina" directed by A.R. Palees, the first in the city opened small stage.

Since the beginning of 1987, the theater has been headed by the chief director, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. K.S.Stanislavsky V.A.Simakin. His very first performances - "Tomorrow there was a war", "Turandot", "Eugenia's Dreams" - continued best traditions Youth Theatre.

Youth theater is a special theater: its audience different ages, and in the choice of repertoire it is necessary to take into account age features and interests, and therefore on the stage of the theater of previous years - and colorful, spectacular fairy tales for the little ones ("Magic Shoes", "The Little Mermaid", "Ah yes Brer Rabbit"), and romantic performances with an adventure story for teenagers ("The Secret of the Castle of Horrors ”, “Teacher of the XXI century”, “The Thirteenth Star”), for young people - “104 pages about love”, “Valentin and Valentina”, “Wonderful fusion”, “Eight loving women”, the classic (“The one who gets slapped” by L. Andreev, “Masquerade” by M. Lermontov, “I don’t want to study, I want to get married” based on the play by D. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”).

In order to diversify the theatrical repertoire for young people in the 1996-1997 season. the main director of the theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation L.S. Belov staged: the musical "The Devil Betrayed" based on the plot of R. Shtilmark about the Nizhny Novgorod merchant of the 18th century V. Baranshchikov, the eccentric story "Harold and Maud" (C. Higgins, J-K .Carrier), theatrical cabaret "Gretchen" based on the play by L.Hubner.

For more than 30 years, Nina Ivanovna Golovleva, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, headed the theater as director. Her activities as a leader are characterized by the stability of the theater.

The history of the Nizhny Novgorod Youth Theater will forever preserve the names of wonderful artists who served and serve: M. Zorin, A. Lugovaya, E. Yaroshenko, I. Neganov, K. Kuznetsova, N. Tareev, R. Loitskaya, O. Treimut, O. Dumpe, A .Palees, L.Pavlovskaya, O.Arlakhov, E.Kalabanov, V.Shapovalov, V.Kondrashkin, A.Usov, K.Kulagin, N.Meshcherskaya, O.Beregova L.Remnev, I.Dolganova, E.Firstova, O. Fattakhov, M. Ilyicheva, M. Chernova, A. Chukhnov, and many, many others.

Since 2006, creative development Nizhny Novgorod State Theater young viewer can be characterized by the motto "Another theater!". This means a change in the creative course with a naturally emerging new content, including new dramaturgy, new administrative and creative workers who came to the theater - representatives of a different (not Nizhny Novgorod) theater school. "Other" meanings were reflected in the repertoire poster of the Youth Theater: for a children's audience - a Christmas tale "How to get to Bethlehem?" according to the stories of V. Bryusov, almost circus show"Elephant Horton" based on the poems of Dr. Seuss; for youth - the comedy "The Cripple from the Island of Inishmaan" by M. McDonagh, the sexual neuroses of our parents "Angels" by L. Barfus, performances based on plays by Swedish playwrights who put forward the slogan "the child has the right to tragedy" - the unreality show "The Woman Who Married for a turkey” by G. Boetius and the play-journey “A trip to Eel-La Breque” by Thomas Tidholm; and also - "The Last" by M. Gorky, the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare, the strange story "Three on a swing" by L. Lunari, " dog's heart» M. Bulgakov and others.

The "new social project", declared by the Nizhny Novgorod State Youth Theater, has made adjustments to relations with the audience. Priority was given not to school trips to the theater by the whole class, but to family visits: most of the performances were played on the Small Stage of the Theatre.

The activities of the Youth Theater for the period 2006-2008 under the artistic direction of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation V.V. Kokorin, who has a bright directorial style and a peculiar artistic vision, she has been awarded many awards. The performances of the theater became laureates and diploma winners of festivals: the Moscow International Festival of Theater for Children "Big Break", the VIII International Festival "Rainbow", the IX International Festival "Voices of History", the IX All-Russian Festival "Real Theatre", the All-Russian Festival of Performances for Children "Harlekin" . In 2008, the performance of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater for Young Spectators "The Last" became a nominee for the National theater award"Golden Mask".

In 2009 artistic director Theater again appointed V.A.Simakin. They released performances: “The Golden Key” by A.N. At the same time, Vladimir Zolotar, who was the chief director of the theater from 2008 to 2012, staged the following performances: "The Heart of a Dog" by M. Bulgakov, "King Lear" by W. Shakespeare, "The Thunderstorm" by A. N. Ostrovsky, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by M. Twain and others.

Currently, the theater is headed by director A.S. Garyanov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The main director of the theater is V.L. Shraiman, a well-known Russian theater director, teacher, head of the All-Russian Laboratory of Directors of Puppet Theaters STD RF, vice-president of the KukART International Theater Festival. For a number of years, V.L. Shraiman has been a member of the jury of the Golden Mask National Theater Award. In 2013, on the Big Stage of the Youth Theater, V.L. Shraymanym released the play “Visit” based on the play by F. Durennmatt “The Visit of the Old Lady”, which aroused the interest of the audience and positive reviews from theater critics.

Today Theater of the Young Spectator poster offers the audience not only spectacular premiere performances for children and adults, but also time-tested classics. The theater repertoire carefully preserves the best productions of past years - the musicals "The Bremen Town Musicians" and "The Flying Ship", performances based on the works of foreign authors and plays by domestic playwrights. The performance-musical "Puss in Boots" and the fabulous production of "Sleeping Beauty" invariably evoke a special delight of the public.

Among the premieres in the "adult" repertoire of the Theater for the Young Spectator in the new season can be noted classical production Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". The small stage of the theater also offers the audience a lot of interesting performances. In particular, here you can see solo performances by the leading artists of the Youth Theater and avant-garde productions based on the most famous and provocative literary works. It is not the first time that the modern edition of Mikhail Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog" has been staged with great success, with rather original melodies and rhythms of modern and classical composers chosen as musical accompaniment.

With great success go on stage Theater of the Young Spectator performances other theater groups and associations. Leading troupes of the country regularly come on tour to Nizhny Novgorod, theater festivals and other entertainment events are held here. In particular, the theater regularly takes part in the All-Russian action "Night of the Arts".

In each season, avid theater-goers and those who are just discovering the world of performing arts expect from the Nizhny Novgorod theater for young spectators a special look at the usual interpretations of famous performances. And year after year, the theater team justifies the honorary title of one of the best in the country, surprising and astounding the audience with its inherent courage and freshness of views. Here they begin their acquaintance with fairy world modern theater young Nizhny Novgorod residents, attending performances for the first time in the company of their parents. This is where love is born theatrical art for those who themselves someday set foot on this stage in the rank of a full-fledged participant in the stage action. Preserving traditions, the Youth Theater keeps up with the times, and this, perhaps, is most appreciated by the audience visiting it.

The Nizhny Novgorod Theater for the Young Spectator was created on the initiative of the famous Nizhny Novgorod actor, director, entrepreneur N.I. Sobolshchikov-Samarin in 1928. The team was headed by director E. Brill. Later, for a long time, the theater was directed by V. Vitaliev, since 1972, the main director is Boris Naravtsevich. It is with his name that the brightest stage in the life of the theater is associated. Over 15 years of work at the Youth Theater, Naravtsevich staged more than 40 performances, many of which became an event, brought up his actors, and managed to return the viewer a sense of theater as a holiday.
Later the theater was directed by V. Simakin, L. Belov.
In 2006, Vyacheslav Kokorin, Honored Art Worker, laureate of the Golden Mask National Theater Award, was appointed chief director of the Nizhny Novgorod Youth Theater.
Many young artists came to the troupe - his students, as well as graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod theater school, who are actively involved in the repertoire today along with such masters as National artist Russian Federation Leonid Remnev, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation Natalya Meshcherskaya, Lyudmila Pavlovskaya, Evgeny Kalabanov and others.
Since November 2006, the Youth Theater has released 10 new performances. Young directors from Moscow and St. Petersburg were invited to the performances.
With the premiere of the performance "Angel" based on the play by Lukas Barfuss, the "New Social Project" came into force. Audience discussions, frank conversations after the performance proved both the correctness of the director's choice and the viewer's interest in a sharp, bold, topical contemporary theater. Show the best performances Festival "New Drama" on the stage of the Youth Theater announced the launch of the "ARTstart" project, within which the theater plans to show Russian and foreign artists working in various fields of art at its venues. Project "Another Youth Theater": modern concept Swedish children's theater in a series of seminars on modern children's dramaturgy and master classes with the participation of colleagues from Sweden. The performances “The Woman Who Married a Turkey” and “A Trip to Ugri-La Brec”, staged within the framework of the Swedish project, became diploma winners of the Moscow International Theater Festival for Children “Big Break”. In 2007, the play "The Last" by M. Gorky, staged by V. Kokorin, took part in the International theater festival"Rainbow" (St. Petersburg), became a laureate of the International Festival "Voices of History" (Vologda) and a nominee for the National Theater Award " Golden Mask" (Moscow). Children's performance"Elephant Horton", based on the poems of Dr. Seuss, became the winner of the Festival of performances for children "I'm small, hello!" (New Urengoy).
In September 2007, the Nizhny Novgorod Youth Theater held the IX All-Russian festival"Real Theatre".

Every month the Theater of the Young Spectator in Nizhny Novgorod pleases citizens and guests of the city with various performances. in the Nizhny Novgorod cultural life Youth theater has long occupied a strong place. It rightfully arouses the interest and love of a young spectator, and the serious attention of experienced theatergoers of the city.

Youth Theatre. Poster for June 2019

  • Musical "Flying ship" (6+)

05, 06 June 2019 at 10:30

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
The story of Princess Zabava and a simple guy Ivan - "not-a-fool-yet-tsarevich", who sincerely love each other. Their love haunts the Tsar - he wants to make his only daughter a happy wife of a rich merchant! The rich groom himself - the vain Polkan - does not mind marrying the heir to the throne, and will stop at nothing on the way to his goal. This life-affirming musical is about the fact that true love can work wonders. When magic rushes to help love, the impossible becomes real, and even those born to swim can take off.

  • Musical "Cinderella" (6+)

07, 10 June 2019 at 10:30

Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes
Director Vladimir Chervyakov decided to tell this fairy tale in your own way. The director took the original fairy tale by Charles Perrault as a basis.
The adventures of our Cinderella begin on the eve of Christmas, when there is magic in the air, and dreams can easily become a reality. Miracles happen, and there are crystal slippers, fairy godmothers, and pumpkin carriages. But after the twelfth strike of the clock, the magic of this night invariably evaporates, and only our heroine remains, alone, in the struggle for her happiness and love. Is Cinderella destined to find happiness?

  • Musical fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" (6+)

June 11, 2019 at 10:30 am

Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes
Based on an Arabic fairy tale. The director of the play, Vladimir Chervyakov, characterizes his production as follows: "This is a detective story. In accordance with the classics of the genre, the viewer will find out the answer to main question at the very end of the show."

  • Performance "Wolf, rock-n-roll and kids" (6+)

June 13, 14 at 10:30
Premiere! A musical performance based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Lyrics by Yuri Entin. Once upon a time, a hooligan pack led by Wolf Uncle Gray bursts into the measured life of Aunt Masha's Goat, her kids and the villagers. Remember the continuation of the fairy tale? Only we have a different story! It turns out that the Wolf is not going to eat the kids-goats. And the kids from morning to evening play pranks and have fun, waiting for the return of their beloved mother from the fair. Goat Aunt Masha is a charming young lady who not only has kind heart, sharp horns, but also a bold tongue. The Wolf will get it! Uncle Gray is also not a timid dozen - he will answer an insult to the offender like a wolf! Unexpected turn of events. You never know how the story will end. Only the mysterious Wizard Trickster knows about everything.