Easy ways to teach kids to draw. How to teach children to draw most effectively? How to teach children to draw to develop creativity

Excellence in Kindergarten Teaching Experience

How to teach children to draw?

Dudnik Tatyana Nikolaevna - teacher
"Primary School - Kindergarten
compensating type No. 225, Saratov

The great French educator of the 18th century, Denis Diderot, said: "A country in which they would teach to draw, as they teach to read and write, would soon surpass all countries in all sciences, arts and craftsmanship." And this idea today sounds so relevant and true that no one dares to challenge it.

The task of the younger generation of teachers is to build a bridge over time, a difficult task in terms of the social reunification of said bankrupt mentality, but inevitable if we are to be truly teachers. In post-war literature, travel as a form of study in biology is analyzed by Popovich, Sipos, and Iordach. The first referenced source is limited to zoology, but it offers a number of useful suggestions, both on the choice of ecological systems and groups of organisms, and on methods of sampling and sample processing.

Since the systems that must be observed in the teaching of ecology are the super-dividual biological systems and ecological systems, moving to the earth seems indispensable. The Exit chapter provides an example of organizing such a lesson, useful suggestions for other excursions, and suggestions for environmental topics.

I am the head of the art studio in kindergarten. And every time I let my children go to school, I think about how children use the knowledge, skills and abilities I have given in later life What problems do they face and how can I help them? What do I need to pay more attention to? In addition, I am a mother of many children; all three of my children went through my school of drawing and modeling in kindergarten, and I had a great opportunity to follow them further way at school. Before me, as a teacher, a mother, the problem of broken continuity in the work of a kindergarten and a school in art activities very clearly arises. Children who had good knowledge, abilities and skills in art activities in kindergarten, at school, drawing lessons are treated as secondary, and, consequently, the quality of children's work is deteriorating. Children lose interest in drawing, modeling, as a creative process of learning about the world around them. teachers primary school, especially in the first half of the year, the main emphasis in drawing lessons is on practicing the technical skills and techniques that children have already mastered over the years of studying in kindergarten. And children, these lessons become not interesting, therefore, children try less, the characteristic, figurativeness of children's fine art fades.

A movement of field students can take place both in support of the mainstream didactic process and in the biology circle. The work of Professor Negulescu is addressed exclusively to the method of organizing the circle of biology. Although it does not make a direct reference to ecology, the work may provide useful suggestions, especially in relation to organizational activities. The Biology Circle can also be very useful in promoting a love of nature, but this should not only be done with the most interested students and should therefore be found in the mainstream curriculum, as Tibela points out.

Of course, not all children will become artists, sculptors, but the time when they can freely create, when an aesthetic worldview is formed, is very limited. Only in childhood, visual activity is the leading line of personality development. Through it, the child perceives and reflects the world and your attitude towards it.

However, it cannot replace the real ecosystem, being inadequate for identifying environmental issues on the part of students. The most systematic work on ecology teachers belongs to Stagren and Killien. Ideologically filtered and updated in terms of the knowledge base, this work can still serve as a good guide for organizing environmental lessons, including field work. The chapter "Lessons and practical practice outside the classroom" contains helpful tips and topic suggestions.

The chapter "Teacher Schedule" is unique in our specialized literature. The opportunities for field work during each season of the year are presented in detail. It turns out that most of the lessons on earth can be done with discovery procedures.

Having studied, programs for teaching children visual activity in kindergarten and primary school, we notice the main directions in educational work teacher:

  • Development of technical skills.
  • Education of emotional responsiveness in the perception of the surrounding world and the ability to convey their impressions in visual works using various means of expression.
  • Teaching the ability to depict objects and phenomena, conveying their images expressively by creating distinct shapes and choosing colors.

These tasks are solved by us - teachers throughout the entire preschool and school childhood, and are specified taking into account age and psychological characteristics each period.

Research through research requires learners to know and act independently. They must identify the background of the problems and then find and articulate the problem. The research concept of Fries and Rosenberg seems to differ from that of Ciolac-Roussou, which means that in the case of the first authors, on the one hand, the research seems to be related to both discovery and discovery, and on the other hand, with the teacher not only does not create problems, but also does not try to identify certain problems, leaving the student more freedom to correct the problem area.

Since we have the same areas of work, both educators and teachers face the problem of finding effective ways teaching children. And the more coordinated the actions of all teachers, the closer the relationship between the school and the kindergarten, the higher the final result in teaching children art activities, and, ultimately, introducing them to the fine arts.

Such an identification may be favored by a spatial organization of activity that would surprise such ecosystems as being under various anthropogenic influences. Establishing solutions to problems identified by students may be the subject of ad hoc discussions after fieldwork and aims at relationships that are compatible with environmental protection. The main limitation of field activities in the analyzed educational literature is that they are regarded as occurring at the same time.

Or, the surprise of the current laws of the objects studied by the ecology requires an investigation over a longer period of time. And often, even to characterize the value of a variable at a given moment, only one movement in the field is not enough. Therefore, he believes that a shift in the field should receive new valences in the teaching of environmental knowledge at the pre-university level, and this should be done in accordance with environmental methodological requirements, even if not at a level of rigor similar to real research activities.

It's no longer a secret to anyone that modern life leaves an imprint on the learning process, makes its own adjustments. We, teachers, have to reckon with the fact that an increasing percentage of children suffer from an unstable psyche and attention deficit.

Even 10 years ago, the classic scheme for building a lesson worked perfectly. The lesson was conducted immediately with the entire group of children. At the beginning - a “surprise moment”, something interested the children, then - explanations, clarifications of the order of work and independent activity children, evaluation of results. Now I have to divide the group into 2-3 subgroups in order to provide more individual approach to each child. And one more problem: children do not memorize all the material at once, they have to be repeated several times during the lesson. Based on my experience, I slightly rebuilt the methodology for conducting the lesson. In the younger and middle group children and I invent fairy tales and accompany the drawing with a story. Children of the younger before school age they are very receptive to fairy tales, they believe in them, easily imagine, and invent them themselves. Therefore, the occupation of simple drawing turns into creative experimentation, children learn to see vivid images and depict them.

The combination of the research method with field work, so excursions become explicit components of the research method. This is the need to use the research method in teaching knowledge of ecology. Combining the teaching of knowledge in the field of ecology with the formation of attitudes compatible with environmental protection, with arguments adapted to the cultural profile of students, anthropocentric or not. Field work should be used not only to convey knowledge, but also to convey meanings. It should be noted that if we add to these two elements that, in the current poor socio-economic conditions, the organization of field activities with students cannot be carried out solely with the resources available in public educational institutions, it seems absolutely necessary to train future biology teachers some opportunities to receive resources necessary for the transfer of knowledge on ecology and values ​​related to environmental protection.

For older preschool and primary school children, I use the step-by-step explanation method. At the beginning - a holistic perception of an object or phenomenon, what impressions it awakens, what images it evokes. Then clarification of the order of work.

And then an explanation and immediately an exercise for children in depicting individual parts of the work. I leave the last half of the lesson for children to independently refine the drawing or sculpture. Another effective technique is when the children at the end of the lesson make up a story about their work. This technique allows me to solve several problems at once. First: directs children to create story work (building a composition of a drawing, creating a multifaceted image, observing the rules of perspective, observing the proportions of objects and individual parts of the whole object, conveying one's attitude to the image using expressive means).

These skills are the development and implementation of projects to access non-governmental resources available for environmental education, possibly in cooperation with protected natural areas near schools and secondary schools. In conclusion, students do not perform on-site activities in accordance with the needs of biological disciplines and, in particular, ecology. If you ever participate in such trips, we have to deal with lucky chance. Even students who take to the field in biology departments outside of compulsory practice have to pay for themselves.

Secondly: organizes the behavior of children: those who have finished drawing think about the story and present their work, and those who work more slowly get the opportunity to work more.

And thirdly: undergoes a self-analysis of the work done, children, comparing the work, see the successes and shortcomings of their work and correct it.

One of the leading areas of work is the training of technical skills. So, for example, even painting of this form causes difficulties for both kids and schoolchildren.

Well, many students don't even like nature. Ignoring, of course, the ideological component of the text. The article also contains an interesting chapter on the history of teaching biological sciences in the Romanian school. Other offers appear on the page. Some of the author's suggestions are to adapt the language, sometimes obsolete, to current scientific ones.

Writes out from the text the love of nature of this teacher, who will undoubtedly be able to convey the students and the love of nature, although he does not explicitly mention this aspect of didactic activity in the text. And the practice of using students' private resources is unacceptable in public education.

To teach children to carefully shade the entire outline of an object in a drawing, I conduct a series of exercises in which I introduce different types hatching: detachable, non-separable, straight and arc strokes.

I conduct exercises as part of the lesson, in which children later use the acquired skill in their independent work. For example, color the bird so that it is clear that the head is fluffy (tear-off stroke around), on the wings and tail - long feathers (long tear-off arcs), and on the chest - short (short arcs). Such exercises help children more easily and quickly create the impression of a complete, voluminous and expressive work. Children learn to arrange strokes depending on the shape and texture of the object.

The ability to design and implement projects will be useful to teachers, and after educational establishments have a much larger budget than the current one, for example, to carry out activities in the biology circle. Didactics and Pedagogy, Bucharest.

Bucharest School Inspectorate, Training Headquarters, Bucharest. Other titles that are of interest to teachers and students can be found. Do you have information about the above topic? Can you contribute to a better understanding of the subject? Part of my activity is in this area and may be too emotionally attached. In turn, without claiming that they are more than just scratching the surface: Mr. Siminescu seems to be the most comprehensive and most recent of all, even though he first published over 100 years ago. 2. In addition to the practical results of "excursions" in nature, it is also a fun side, a precursor to passion. And without passion there is no perfection. Ecology will soon become a science of survival. Very closely connected with all aspects of life, but with too much "fashion" in Everyday life. Education and health budgets should be unlimited. Now everything goes against nature and common sense. It is as if the annual production of wheat is almost completely consumed, and little can be left for future extraction. Apart from the fact that teachers are extremely poorly paid, the main requirement on the list of requirements is "bypass". Parents, knowledge, means, etc. can teach as close as possible to decency. But hope does not die, especially after you discover that there are teachers like you. Education and health budgets should be unlimited. Do I know? There are arguments to set an unlimited budget for culture. There are arguments to set an unlimited budget for research. Problems arise when we ask “with what money”, that the tax has already become excessive, the state economic units have gone bankrupt, and the country is in debt to its head. I have very strong opinions on this topic. . Yes, it would be useful to teach ecology in schools.

When painting over large surfaces with paints, I use the technique of “working on the account together with the educator”. I say stretching: “Ra-a-az”, and at this time, with a wide and long stroke of the brush, I draw a line along the kennel of the object from one edge to the other, “two-a-a” - next I draw another long stroke This organizes children, teaches confidence , feel free to brush from edge to edge without interruption, to achieve a “smooth” image.

There are many things that have to give up, but they don't give up. To be honest, I was taught all sorts of nonsense at school, but what I need now was not taught to me. We don't have years. 1 in my class. But no one taught me. No one taught me the scientific approach to problem solving, the rigorous method.

School Other School - Events. Age group: children in elementary grades. Areas of development: affective, social, physical, intellectual, spiritual and characteristic. Location: inside, in the classroom. The proposed activities contribute to the personal development of participants in order to improve the achievement of the following goals.

Dilute and mix paints, select a characteristic color

These tasks are solved at each drawing lesson. But classes on drawing up landscape compositions are especially effective in this direction: “Rainbow”, “Sunset”, “Sea distances”, “ gold autumn". The first three topics teach how to mix paints on wet paper, successively applying one color after another, and thanks to moisture, different colors interpenetrate each other. When drawing autumn scenery in preparatory group, I used the technique of a set of different color spots, first on a plexiglass palette, then printing them on a sheet of paper, and after drying, further drawing the details. In such classes, children get the opportunity to experiment with colors, develop a sense of color perception, imagination, and aesthetic taste.

Ø The child develops his communication skills and excels in understanding. Ø The child develops his communication skills and adopts a positive attitude towards developing relationships with others. Ø The child adopts a positive attitude towards life and people. Ø The child develops the ability to express himself through various forms of communication.

Ø The child treats others in a non-discriminatory manner, without being influenced by social, religious, ethnic or sexual stereotypes or prejudices, and strives to eliminate them and their consequences. Ø The child is aware and accepts his feelings and feelings, understands the causes and consequences that they can have for themselves and for others.

In order to achieve greater expressiveness of children's drawings, I conduct conversations about how, using color, size, shading, etc., you can convey your attitude to the depicted object. I spend game exercises, on which we depict the same object, but in different colors. different sizes, different techniques. I also use other exercises when children, before drawing or sculpting, transform into a depicted image - a kind of psycho-gymnastics: "Cowardly hare", "Mighty oak and thin birch bending in the wind", "Graceful swan", "Terrible thorn", etc. . P.

Ø The child seeks to achieve and maintain his inner balance, to develop in order to become emotionally mature. Ø The child builds self-confidence by being aware of their own abilities and potential to find their own role. Ø The child is able to express their feelings and feelings in an authentic way.

Ø The child can identify and control their own responses in different circumstances and relationships with others. Ø The child acts responsibly for the development of the group, encouraging and facilitating a shared climate within the group. Ø In the group to which the child belongs, the child participates in the definition, observance and evaluation of unanimously adopted rules.

Another technique: another child tries to guess the character of the hero depicted by his friend. This technique teaches children to evaluate how much his means of expression are understandable to others.

And so, with this article, I want to draw the attention of teachers to the fact that only in childhood the soul of a child is open to the perception of a miracle, and therefore we adults must most effectively build an educational and educational work, so as to develop a creative worldview, the ability to see and create beauty in a new personality that opens the world.

"Giraffe's Birthday" Drawing by Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

Recently, I often wonder - is it worth teaching a child to draw? The question arose as a reaction to my daughter's drawings, made on the instructions of an art teacher under his guidance. I was upset by the pattern of the drawing and the teacher's obvious help, if not intrusive help. I began to explore this issue in myself and around, communicating with children and parents, with teachers and freelance artists, and, above all, looking at the drawings of my daughter Sonya and the children I knew.

"Antarctica in winter" 🙂 Drawing by Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

I must say right away that Sonya produces about 10 drawings a day. She draws quickly and enthusiastically. The subjects of her everyday drawing assembly line are animals, princesses and nature. From time to time, she creates entire colored worlds on a piece of paper. When there is no paper at hand, walls, documents, sheets and other things convenient for drawing are used. No logic and threats from damage to property do not save. From the early age and before today drawing is the only permanent activity at home.

"Flower field". Drawing by Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

Drawing and the sea, sea and drawing. When asked what she likes more, diving or drawing, Sonya replied that of course she would draw. Although she just loves to soar under water 🙂

"Green Fish" or "Sea Space". Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

Precisely because my kid loves to draw so much, I decided to look into this issue and collect in one post the visions and advice of those artists and teachers who have wonderful children.

So here's what I found out for myself on the topic child drawing. First of all, I clearly learned that only a child who already draws himself can be taught to draw. If the kid does not want to draw or does not like to do it, then it is better not to insist. You can try to captivate the child by drawing yourself. Often this works best.

"Rainy Summer" Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

When a child is already able to learn, he grasps the technique on the fly from a drawing adult or simply plagiarizes brilliantly from his peers. If you encourage him to independently search for shape and color, without looking at friends, then there is hope to develop talent, otherwise, the child will develop only technical drawing skills. Creating a cozy creative corner in your home means that instead of cartoons, the kid will bring you a project of his dream house or a drawing of a fruit shop where the sellers are children 🙂 Children have such wonderful ideas!

"Love Birds" Sonya Danilova, 5 years old

Be careful with stencils, coloring pages and felt-tip pens! They often replace the child's natural pattern. Facilitate tasks, dull the perception of color and shape. An excellent alternative would be paints (watercolor, gouache), colored pencils. But take your time with the number of colors. 6 colors are more than enough to get started. Ideally, the baby should get to know each color carefully and slowly. Let me give you an example, let's take yellow. Here is a yellow pencil, he draws like this, but the paint, it has a different texture, but the yellow warm sand, it's so nice to tinker with it in the yellow sun. A yellow delicious banana, and a yellow flower ... how it smells. The point is to make color both a voluminous, substantive, and abstract concept at the same time. So that the baby first feels it, tastes and smells it, tactilely and visually, so that he remembers the sound of this color, pronouncing it with his mother. Yellow ... B English language there is a wonderful expression for the process of color cognition - “experience the color”.

Masha Vasilyeva, artist, teacher, top hair stylist, mother of Alice and Lada

“If a child devotes himself a lot to some activity, then he needs to go deep into it. And this situation can be created by an adult. Let's take drawing. Imagine the amount of physical energy spent on 10 drawings and the amount of consciousness that is involved in this activity. I mean the inclusion and control of the instruments of consciousness: will, steady attention, imaginative thinking, concentration, perception. And now we present 2-3 drawings that fully utilize the same amount of physical energy of the baby. By expanding the involved field of consciousness. That is, our task is to translate the physical energy of activity into building the structure of consciousness. This will be development. It is not necessary to teach, but it is necessary to create a space for creativity! Deep. Miscellaneous. Offer him a different approach to drawing, play drawing. Flesh: draw with eyes closed, or open in the dark, to the music, with the left hand, two at the same time. Visual perception: from nature, from memory or from imagination. Figurative thinking, imagination: set tasks - draw what is not, or what is not, but it was before or will be later. A beast that lives underground but can swim or fly. Will: to draw a picture for a gift or a picture of our life or a portrait of a family so that it makes us happy for a whole year on the wall - due to the importance, the child collects all the will and tries very hard. Concentration: draw all the scales on the fish so that it looks like it is alive. And of course good materials, large sheets, thick brushes that can paint over half the sky in one breath. Feelings change very quickly. The tools must keep up. Small child cognizes feelings with the help of spots of color, rhythm. Everything is bright and wide.

After 7-8 years, you can work with thinner tools, but not with felt-tip pens. They do not allow feelings to unfold. Turn drawing, creation into description. Felt pens after 14 years, when the artist knows what he feels, realizes, knows how he will realize it. Consciousness is already connected with feelings and deeds. Do you know why children stop drawing? They don't know how to fit the expanding consciousness into drawing. We do not give them complex techniques, tools, styles. Here it is necessary not to teach, but to offer, to give an opportunity, to show, to switch attention. It is very important to see your child for the peculiarities of consciousness, temperament, because in artistic activity, in the game, we can, understanding the tasks of his development, offer him those tasks that will turn on dormant areas of consciousness, harmonize him for the benefit of all future life! This is deep parental creativity to listen and know what to do now - run out for 5 minutes on the street, and then draw, or listen to music and dance until you drop, and then draw in complete silence, or tickle and hug, or swim, or read an exciting story or be silent for 1 hour. Try everything. Joyful creativity to all!

Dusi's drawing, 7 years old

Olga Kultenko - mother of Arina (4 years old) and Masha (2 months old), organizer of the Miracle Tree Creative Studio, family photographer, artist

Yulia Chernova, make-up artist in the cinema and theater of Stas Namin, Nicole's mother, 5 years old:

Nicole is with me all the time at work and she constantly learns from me the art of makeup. She really likes to draw on her face and body, she is also fond of Vedic stories, especially everything related to Krishna.

Galaxies in Krishna's mouth

Nicole goes to kindergarten with an artistic and aesthetic bias. But in kindergarten they have creative tasks, not free creativity. Therefore, her work in kindergarten is very similar to the work of other children, more formulaic, and when she draws herself, she shows a riot of imagination and sees things from an unexpected angle.

Works from a kindergarten with an artistic bias

Although I am an artist, I do not teach my daughter how to draw. I think that living in a creative theatrical environment, her learning happens organically. I don't mind classic art education but it doesn't make any sense now. If I try to correct her work, suggest, direct, then she actively protests and says that she knows herself. For example, if a man has 2 legs looking in one direction.

"On the free wind" is somehow better drawn. I myself prefer two styles in painting "naive" and "abstract", it is very lively and real. Children's drawings please me with their spontaneity and non-canonicity. After the theater and art school, where I painted a lot of still lifes in 4 years, I’ve had enough, I don’t draw still lifes anymore. I want Nicole to draw for pleasure, and not out of necessity.