A cycle of lessons on breakups and maturation. Material support of the training session

based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Grade 10

Lesson 1

Topic. I.A. Goncharov. Creative and life path.

Goals. To acquaint students with the personality of I.A. Goncharov, his biography, to give an idea of ​​the worldview, citizenship, philosophical and aesthetic views of the writer, to reveal the relationship between his work and fate, to introduce creativity

I.A. Goncharov in the general context of the development of literature of the second half of XIX century.


1. Show the role of the patriarchal way of life in the parental home, the Maykov circle, the "natural school" in shaping the personality of the writer.

2. To acquaint with the content of the main works of the writer, to show their connection with the ideological and aesthetic searches of the time and the traditions of previous literature.

3. Show the originality of the socio-political, civic position

I.A. Goncharova.

Lesson Form. Story-lecture.

Outline plan

I . Organizing time.

II. Teacher Lecture Accompanied Presentation MicrosoftPowerPoint

1. Formation and formation of the personality of the writer

a) Patriarchal way of life in the parental home.
b) Reading preferences of the future writer.
c) Moscow Commercial School (1822-1830).
d) Moscow University (1831-1834).
e) Maikov's circle, its role in shaping the views of the writer.
f) The first literary experiments of I.A. Goncharova. Poems, essays; connection early creativity writer with the aesthetics and poetics of the "natural school".

2. The peculiarity of the socio-political, civic position of I.A. Goncharova

a) The balance, objectivity of the writer's position in relation to all the most important social, political, philosophical issues of the time.
b) Protection of the moral principles born of the traditional patriarchal way of life, and understanding the need for social change in the country.

3. Roman " ordinary story"(1841) in the work of the writer

a) An overview of the content of the work. The role of the conflict of romantic and pragmatic consciousness in the structure of the novel. The story of life, moral quest of Alexander Aduev. Features of the poetics of the novel.

4. The history of the creation of the novel "Oblomov"

a) Publication of a chapter of the novel ("Oblomov's Dream") in the journal Sovremennik.
b) Reaction to the publication of revolutionary and Slavophile criticism.

5. Trip around the world I.A. Goncharov, his role in the development of the civil position of the writer

a) The history of the journey "Frigate Pallada". The ratio of Russian and Western, Russian and Eastern consciousness, the originality of the Russian national character.

6. Publication of the novel "Oblomov" a) The discussion that unfolded around the novel.

Summing up What are the pros and cons of Oblomov's life? Try to find the positive and negative aspects of life in Oblomovka, highlighting three aspects of the story: the attitude of the Oblomovites to the world, nature and man; philosophy of life; principles of raising a child

Summing up What are the pros and cons of Oblomov's life? Philosophy of life (+) Measured, calm life, without worries and incidents. There is no place for evil. Philosophy of life (-) Life is a mechanical repetition of food and sleep. Inability to work. Attitude to work as a punishment, hope for "maybe".

Summing up What are the pros and cons of Oblomov's life? Principles of raising a child (+) The love of parents for Ilyusha. Formation of the poetic beginning in a child with the help of fairy tales, folklore. Principles of raising a child (-) Excessive guardianship, completely protecting from activity. Fairy tales give rise to empty dreams of a miracle, that everything can be obtained without difficulty. The absence of a positive example of parents, education "in Oblomov's way"

Oblomov's feelings Oblomov suddenly longs for "tears, passion, intoxicating feelings." He loves deeply and sincerely, but love for him is an integral part of Oblomov's ideal of life, "an eternal and even flow of feeling." Love awakened Oblomov from sleep, but did not change the essence of his character.

Type of training session: a lesson in the complex application of knowledge.

You can't understand Russia with your mind...


    Organize activities to develop the skills to analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

    To create conditions for acquaintance with literary criticism dedicated to I. Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" (with fragments of articles by Dobrolyubov, Druzhinin, Bursov, Kuleshov) and fragments of N. Mikhalkov's film "A Few Days in the Life of I.I. Oblomov" in order to identify the relevance of the novel.

    Formation of humanity, kindness.


TV, video materials, handouts (excerpts from articles by literary critics)

During the classes:

    Organizing time:

Teacher: Hello guys! I am sure that our meeting will be held in a warm, bright atmosphere, filled with mutual understanding, respect for each other, and openness.

And we gathered about ... What is the occasion?

What is the subject of today's conversation? Yes, this is Goncharov's novel Oblomov (I pick it up)

And the topic of today's lesson: "The novel by I. Goncharov" Oblomov "yesterday and today ..." (writing on the board).

What do you think the lesson will be about?

Student response...

Teacher: Yes, that's right, we will talk about how the generation of readers before us perceived the novel and its characters, and also look at it with a critical eye through the prism of today.

    Knowledge update.

Do you remember the year of his birth?

Answer of the disciples (1859)

Yes, that was when fans of the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine read the novel in the first four issues of 1859. And then the first reviews appeared. Please read them.

Testimonials in printed form on the board

§ Tell Goncharov that I am delighted with Oblomov and I am re-reading it again... Oblomov is not an accidental success, not with a bang, but a healthy, solid and timeless success in a real audience.

L. Tolstoy

§ As long as at least one Russian remains, Oblomov will be remembered until then.

I.S. Turgenev

§ If Goncharov wrote only one Oblomov, then this would be enough to recognize his indisputable right to one of the most prominent places in the front row of Russian writers.

A. F. Koni

Teacher: That was yesterday. These are views from the past. The views of those who lived near Goncharov. What do you think is relevant today in these assessments, what do you agree with, what do you disagree with?

Student response

Teacher: Yes, the contemporaries were right, they remember Oblomov. Here it is in our today. (I show the book) And although on its pages the main character ... overtook death, the novel itself outlived its creator I.A. Goncharov, having quietly "sleeped" on the shelves of libraries, in cabinets and on shelves for so long... ( student response- 147 years), keeping many generations of readers awake. Why do you think? After all, there are books that live a year, two, ten years, and here 147 ... What's the matter?

And the purpose of our today's lesson is to reveal the secret of the novel, to examine it with a critical eye from the perspective of the past and the present, and to find in it what is relevant for today.

    Work at the main stage.

Teacher: For this, we have a group of students representing literary criticism, film criticism and free youth criticism.

And we will conduct our conversation about the novel in the form of a business game. Each group has its own role. To play it, you need to get ready, remember everything you know about the novel, about its heroes. So, literary critics examine the materials of articles by N.A. Dobrolyubov, B. Bursov, L.I. Kuleshova, A.V. Druzhinin and prepare tasks for them. This is their task. The task of film critics is to study the film archive, and the task of representatives of youth criticism is to once again look at the pages of the novel itself and determine the problems that are relevant today.

Group work

We take 5-6 minutes to work

Group task literary critics: Study the materials of the articles by N.A. Dobrolyubova, A.V. Druzhinina, B Bursova, Ya. And, Kuleshova, dedicated to the novel "Oblomov" and its characters, and prepare an answer to the question indicated in your assignment.


How on. Dobrolyubov explains the reasons for Oblomov's inaction?

<...>What are the main features of Oblomov's character? In the complete inertia that comes from his apathy towards everything that is happening in the world. The cause of apathy lies partly in his external position, and partly in the image of his mental and moral development. According to his external position - he is a gentleman; “he has Zakhar and another three hundred Zakharov,” in the words of the author.

<...>.It is clear that Oblomov is not a dull, static nature, without aspirations and feelings, but a person who is also looking for something in his life, thinking about something. But the vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of his desires not from his own efforts, but from others, developed in him an apathetic immobility and plunged him into a miserable state of moral slavery. This slavery is so intertwined with the nobility of Oblomov, they mutually penetrate each other and are conditioned by one another, that it seems there is not the slightest possibility of drawing any kind of boundary between them. This moral slavery of Oblomov is perhaps the most curious side of his personality and his entire history ...

ON THE. Dobrolyubov. What is oblomovism? 1859

How does B. Bursov explain the reasons for Oblomov's inaction?

Oblomov is fading away both because he, as a landowner, can do nothing, and because, as a person, he does not want to do anything to the detriment of his human dignity.<...>A person consciously goes to completely fade away, but not to become an official or a businessman, not to enter into a deal with his conscience<...>In Goncharov's portrayal, Oblomov appears as a person, although hopelessly lagging behind the requirements of the times, still not compromising.

B. Bursov. National originality of Russian literature. 1964

How does the critic A.V. see Oblomov-man? Druzhinin?

Not for the comic side, not for the pitiful life, not for the manifestations of weaknesses common to all of us, we love Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is dear to us as a man of his land and his time, as a gentle and gentle child, capable, under other circumstances of life and other development, of true love and mercy. He is dear to us as an independent and pure nature, completely independent of that scholastic-moral shabbiness that stains the vast majority of people who despise him. He is dear to us in truth, which permeates his entire creation, in a thousand roots with which the poet-artist connected him with our native soil. And, finally, he is kind to us, like an eccentric who, in our era of selfishness and unrighteousness, peacefully ended his life without offending a single person, without deceiving a single person and without teaching a single person something bad.

(Russian criticism of the era of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, - M., 1989.)

Like A.V. Druzhinin talks about the reasons for Oblomov's inaction?

(...) The sleepy Oblomov, a native of the sleepy and yet poetic Oblomovka, is free from moral illnesses, which many practical people who throw stones at him suffer from. He has nothing to do with the countless mass of sinners of our time, presumptuously taking up things to which they are not called.

How does Dobrolyubov talk about the reasons for Stolz's activities?

... From Goncharov's novel, we only see that Stolz is an active person, he is always busy with something, runs around, acquires, says that to live means to work, etc. But what does he do, and how does he manage to do something decent where others can do nothing - this remains a mystery to us<…>Stolz had not yet grown up to the ideal of a Russian public figure.<…>And we don’t understand how Stolz could calm down in his activity from all the aspirations and needs that even Oblomov overcame, how he could be satisfied with his position, calm down on his lonely, separate, exceptional happiness ... We must not forget that there is a swamp under him, that Nearby is the old Oblomovka, that it is still necessary to clear the forest in order to get out onto the high road and run away from Oblomovism. Whether Stoltz did anything for this, what exactly he did and how he did it, we do not know. And without this, we cannot be satisfied with his personality ... We can only say that he is not the person who will be able, in a language understandable for the Russian soul, to tell us this omnipotent word: “forward!”

As a critic Ya.I. Kuleshov talks about the reasons for Stolz's activity?

What is the moral image of Stolz in the view of the critic?

Stolz is a machine that works methodically. He is stuffed with virtues in order to show off in front of Oblomov in everything, in all cases to be "on top". But we do not see an integral character, his soul. He is active, moderately civilized, knows the rational principles of the economy and even appreciates Beethoven, he is polite, but never enthusiastic. For him everything is a means, not an end. He leaves Olga with an assignment to captivate Oblomov, to rescue him into secular living rooms, and Stolz was not interested in the rest. Stolz works for the sake of labor itself, but he did not have a higher ideal and did not suspect that ideals were needed. He never thought about the purpose of life.<…>Stolz, at a high stage of his active life, turned out to be the same Oblomov, preparing Olga for the role of “mother-creator and participant in moral and public life whole happy generation.

Assignment to the Youth Criticism group

What issues raised in the novel are related to the category eternal questions, name them. Which of them was relevant for N. Goncharov? How did he resolve it?

Read materials about the life and work of the director and actor N. Mikhalkov. Prepare a message about him and his film "A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov"

Handout for film critics.

Nikita Mikhalkov was born in Moscow on October 21, 1945. Father - Sergei Mikhalkov - poet and playwright. Mother - Natalya Konchalovskaya - poetess and translator. Nikita Mikhalkov graduated theater school them. B. Shchukin, studied at the directing department of the All-Union state institution cinematography in the class of Mikhail Romm.

The starting point, a debut in cinema, was the film "The Sun Shines on Everyone" (directed by K. Voinov, 1959). The first notable work in the cinema was the main role in the film "I'm walking around Moscow" directed by Georgy Danelia (1963).

The first directorial works of Nikita Mikhalkov were course short films. As a director, Mikhalkov made 15 full-length and 12 short films and staged several performances. Among them: "An unfinished piece for a mechanical piano" (1976), "Five Evenings" (1978, filmed during the filming of the film "A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov"), "A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov" (1979). ), "Kin" (1981), "Burnt by the Sun" (1994).

In 1998, Mikhalkov founded the Three Te studio and is its artistic director. The name of Nikita Mikhalkov is inextricably linked with various charity events aimed at the revival of Russia, monuments national culture, Russian Orthodox Church and their shrines.

The films of Nikita Mikhalkov, making a triumphal procession on the screens of the world, won the hearts of the audience, were awarded the most prestigious cinematographic awards. The list of awards includes more than 30 domestic and international prizes.
Nikita Mikhalkov - National artist Russia (1984), laureate of the State Prizes of Russia.
Mikhalkov was also awarded special honorary prizes for his contribution to cinema and the development of culture.

A few days from the life of I.I. Oblomov

Feature Film(Mosfilm, 1979). 2 episodes
Directed by Nikita Mikhalkov.
Screenplay - Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexander Adabashyan.
Operator - Pavel Lebeshev.
Music - Eduard Artemiev.
Lyrics - Anatoly Romashin.

Cast: Oleg Tabakov, Andrei Razumovsky, Yuri Bogatyrev, Elena Solovey, Vanguard Leontiev, Oleg Kozlov, Elena Kleshchevskaya, Galina Shostko, Gleb Strizhenov, Evgeny Steblov, Evgenia Glushenko, Nikolai Pastukhov.

Screen adaptation famous novel I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov": the story of an outstanding person who turns out to be absorbed in the routine of his existence. Love suddenly awakens in Oblomov the desire to live, feel, suffer, but the impulse just as suddenly fades away.

Prize "Golden Shield of Oxford" to the director, cameraman (P. Lebeshev), actor (O. Tabakov), actress (E. Solovey) at the Oxford International Film Festival (1980)

Named Best Foreign Film of 1981 by the National Board of Film Critics.

Work at the main stage. Group performance.

Teacher: What questions raised in the novel belong to the category of eternal questions, name them.

Answer: Meaning of life, happiness, equality of women, true love and friendship, humanism, etc.

Teacher: Yes, these are all eternal questions. They are always interesting. But you didn't say...

Let's focus on Hamlet's "to be or not to be?" How does he transform in the novel?

What characters are you primarily associated with? In what form?

Answer: There will be no Oblomov, but there will be Stolz.

Oblomov - to stay, and Stolz - to go forward.

Oblomov - to live by feeling, and Stolz - by reason.

Oblomov - contemplation, Stolz - action.

What is higher and more necessary? Contemplation or action?

Why does Oblomov contemplate, while Stolz acts? What motivates them to do so?

Student responses

Let's change the situation and explore more deeply the motives of the actions of the heroes. Will your position change? To do this, we turn to literary criticism.

Response from Literary Critics Group

What is Dobrolyubov's opinion about Oblomov's inaction? (Oblomov - master)

What is B. Bursov's opinion about Oblomov's inaction? (does not compromise, does not enter into a deal with conscience)

What is the opinion of Druzhinin A.V. about Oblomov's inaction? (does not want to take on a job for which he does not have a calling, realizing its meaninglessness)

Teacher:Whose opinion about the protagonist's inaction is closer to you? How? Maybe you have your own opinion on Oblomov, on his inaction? Formulate and justify, prove with a text, use a speech sample: Oblomov is inactive because ...

The antipode of Oblomov is Stoltz. He works, works, why?

What does literary criticism say about this?

What is Dobrolyubov's opinion on this issue?

Students answer (to live is to work)

What is the opinion of the critic Kuleshov on this issue? (to work for the sake of work)

Whose opinion about Stolz's actions is closer to you?

How? Maybe you have your own opinion on this. Formulate and justify, prove with a text, use a speech pattern: Stoltz acts because ...

Teacher:We explored motives. Let's try to answer the question: what is more necessary? Contemplation or action already from the standpoint of new facts, from the standpoint of the study of motives. Has your opinion changed?

Student responses

And what is higher: contemplation or action. How do you understand this question?

Teacher:And what does criticism say about the moral character of the characters?

How Oblomov is shown in Druzhinin? What is the attitude of the critic towards the hero and why? (he is dear to criticism, he did not offend anyone and did not deceive, he did not teach bad things)

And how does criticism say about the moral character of Stolz? Kuleshov's opinion. (this is a machine working methodically)

Which is higher: contemplation or action? (answers)

We have listened to the opinion of literary critics, and now the floor is given to film critics. How does our contemporary N. Mikhalkov answer this question, but first a message about him and his film dedicated to the novel Oblomov.

Message from a group of film critics about Mikhalkov and his film.

By the way, the main problem in the film is exactly what is higher: contemplation or action?

Teacher: Please, look at two films and tell me who, in your opinion, is the director N. Mikhalkov preferring? Oblomov or Stolz?

Showing fragments of the film.

Assignment to the film critics group. Analysis of the fragment "Conversation in the alley". Analyze the behavior of the characters.

What are Oblomov and Stolz talking about?

How does the director show them (face, eyes)?

How do you assess Stolz's behavior in a conversation with Oblomov?

Why is Oblomov crying?

Who is higher: Oblomov or Stolz in this episode?

Analysis of the fragment "Family scene in the house of Stoltsev". Analyze the behavior of the characters.

What does Stolz say to Olga?

Why is Olga crying?

How do you feel about Stolz in this fragment?

General question : What idea unites both films? How is the motive of tears connected with this thought?

After watching the movie, the teacher asks:

To whom does the director Mikhalkov give moral preference? Who is higher: Oblomov or Stolz? Which is higher: contemplation or action?

And here is how Mikhalkov thinks about it. Mikhalkov's words: “Does it make sense today to return to the conversation about Oblomovism, which has long and rightly been condemned, and everything that could be said about it has already been said. That is why we wanted to approach the essence of the novel from a slightly different angle, to talk not about the danger of Oblomovism , but about the danger, so to speak, of Stoltsevism, about pragmatism, displacing, devouring in human soul spirituality."

Vocabulary work: pragmatism is...direction in philosophy, recognizing the truth only that which gives practical useful results.

Teacher: Is the problem of Stoltsevism relevant? Is it as dangerous as the director and actor Mikhalkov thinks?

What does our contemporary, director and actor N. Mikhalkov see as the main danger of Stoltsevshchina. Do you agree with him?

What is closer to our national character, our mentality: contemplation or activity?

Vocabulary: mentality is ...

Teacher: THREE features distinguish our nation: catholicity, patriotism, spirituality.

You can't understand Russia with your mind... But you can only understand it with your heart and soul!

1. Communion.

So what is the relevance of the novel and the problem raised in it?

What is higher and more necessary: ​​contemplation or action?


Write an essay of your choice:

    "What is the relevance of the novel" Oblomov "?"

    "Oblomov" yesterday and today ... "

    “What is so terrible about Stoltsevism?”

We have prepared for you a series of lessons under the general name "Navigator". They will help you better understand the works of Russian literature and navigate the materials dedicated to this work and posted in the public domain on the Internet.

I propose to talk about the story of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was published more than 150 years ago, but it touches upon psychological and philosophical problems that are still relevant today. However, during this time, some phenomena and objects disappeared from our lives. To make them more understandable for you, take a look at, and in the section you will find information about the era reflected in the work.

Before us socio-psychological novel. The author reflects about responsibility Russian nobleman or, if you look more broadly, about duty educated person in front of yourself, loved ones, fatherland and the world. Goncharov turns to national character. For example, did the annual agrarian cycle really evoke in a Russian man for centuries dreams of peace, of the end of suffering - so that there was no need to work, and the cold did not come?

In addition to social questions, deep psychological questions are also asked in the novel: can a person change his character? Is it possible to force a person to become different, to inspire him to abandon his nature? What is love? Is man doomed to yearn for the rest of his life the lost paradise of childhood? Can dream ruin a person's life?

This, far from complete, range of problems is characteristic of the socio-psychological novel. If you want to reflect on the problems that Goncharov touches on in the novel, take a look at.

The plot of the book is simple: main character, middle-aged man, trying to start active life, but cannot overcome its own inertia. The outbreak of love at first glance changes him, but Oblomov still fails to get out of the captivity of a sleepy passive existence. He is afraid of responsibility, dreams of peace and carelessness.

Recall the plot of the novel will help you. You can also listen to the work performed by the announcer or in the form of a radio play .

In the composition of the novel, we distinguish two storylines. The first is Oblomov's personal development. Second - love story of Oblomov and Olga. The exposition, which gives the key to both lines, is Oblomov's conditional and somewhat "invented" dream. It is there, in the hero's dream of childhood, that we will find answers to many questions.

The beginning of the first line is the arrival of Stolz, an active and successful friend of Oblomov. tie love story- Oblomov's acquaintance with Olga. The culmination of this line is summer at the dacha: explanations of the heroes, disputes and promises, passionate love. The culmination of a personal conflict is Oblomov's parting with Olga. This event simultaneously becomes the denouement of a love story. The gradual fading of Oblomov and death on the Vyborg side is the denouement of the personal line. Family life Stoltsev and Stolz's meeting with the narrator - an epilogue.

There are many characters in the novel, but we will single out two main male and two main female characters.

Ilya Oblomov- a kind, dreamy, irresponsible person, most of all striving for peace. He is afraid of life, movement, problems. This fear borders on ill health - both psychological and physical. The name of the hero has long become a household name.

Oblomov's antipode Andrey Stoltz- his best friend, a successful entrepreneur. Obsessed with the idea of ​​life transformation and personal development. Travels, learns new things, tries to help Oblomov cope with apathy. These heroes, as we see, are related according to the principle of antithesis. The same can be said for the female characters. Olga Ilinskaya- a thin, deep person. A smart, independent, ambitious young noblewoman, in love with Oblomov and dreaming of awakening him to the fullest. real life. Agafya Pshenitsyna- a tradesman's widow, a skilled housewife. She has no education, she is immersed in everyday life and seeks to create comfort around herself.

The most important approach is antithesis- that is, a sharp opposition of characters, images, situations. She organizes different levels works: the characters' characters and their appearance, spaces (Oblomovka - St. Petersburg, Oblomovka - the house of the Stoltsev), estates, traditional peasant and Europeanized noble worlds are contrasted.

The integrity of the novel with such a variety of problems and storylines achieved in large part thanks to keynotes. It is this technique that allows the author to connect various temporal, spatial and plot planes. Among the leitmotifs, lilac, the aria "Casta Diva", as well as much more prosaic motives stand out most clearly: food (pies, clatter of knives before dinner) and sleep.

Mention and repeats: the text constantly mentions the word "peace" and its derivatives in all possible variants. This is the main and unchanging goal of the hero.

pay attention to idyllic paintings. What is an idyll? The unhurried course of life in a closed place, remote from external adversity. This is a world where everything is safe, where you can blissfully doze off in anticipation of something even more beautiful ... This is how Oblomovka appears, this is how the hero sees the Vyborg side. Such pictures can delight someone, and horrify someone, but without them we would not understand the hero.

It is worth noting the division of the novel into 4 parts, coinciding with different periods personal relationships of the characters, with the change of places where Oblomov lives and even with the change of seasons.

Radkova Yu.N.

teacher MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5" in Bryansk

Lesson Objectives: improve text analysis skills artwork , the ability to characterize the image of the protagonist of the work, to compare it with the images of other heroes.

During the classes.

1. Preparation for perception.

- “... As soon as I drink tea in passing, I take a cigar - and go to her. I sit in her room, I go to the park, I climb into secluded alleys, I can’t breathe, I can’t look enough. I have an opponent: although he is younger than me, he is more clumsy, and I hope to breed them soon. Then I'll go with her to Frankfurt, then to Switzerland or straight to Paris…” - such an unusual letter was received from I.A. Goncharov from Marienbad by his friend Lokhovsky in the summer of 1857. Are you intrigued? Lokhovsky was also intrigued. But it turned out that it was about the main character of the writer's new novel - Olga Ilyinskaya. In the summer of 1857 Goncharov experienced the happiest days of his life. Where had his usual apathy and slowness gone! Goncharov got up at 6 o'clock in the morning, drank medicinal waters, and from 9 o'clock until lunch he worked without interruption - he wrote the novel Oblomov, begun ten years earlier. In the evenings, he wandered along the forest paths for a long time, thinking about the next scene or episode. There, in Marienbad, Goncharov read his new novel I. S. Turgenev and A. Fet, who highly appreciated the work of the writer, and when Oblomov was published in Russia (Notes of the Fatherland, 1859), success struck, which L. Tolstoy called "capital".

What was interesting about this novel to contemporaries? This is what we will talk about today in the lesson.

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

M.Yu. Lermontov also wrote: “The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious than the history of an entire nation ...” The life and fate of the protagonist of the novel “Oblomov” - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - make one think about the most difficult issues of freedom the will and the need to live “as needed” or “as I want”; about the extent to which violence against the human person is detrimental (even with the “for good” attitude). How should life be arranged so that a person does not die in it, does not hide from it, does not shrink from its touch? What is the key to a full, active life? Or is Oblomov's life and extinction an acceptable, possible, legal version of it?

The novel does not provide direct answers to these questions. A detached observer, not imposing his opinion, Goncharov slowly leads the story. So leisurely that N.A. Dobro-lyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism” writes about the plot and composition of the novel: “He, if you like, is really stretched. In the first part, Oblomov lies on the couch; in the second, he goes to the Ilyinskys and falls in love with Olga, and she with him; in the third, she sees that she was mistaken in Oblomov, and they disperse; in the fourth, she marries his friend Stolz, and he marries the mistress of the house where he rents an apartment. That's all".

Is that all? Of course not: the image of Oblomov is given in development, the author reveals the fate of the hero and the life around him, life for 37 years, from the age of seven to death. Who is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov? What idea do the surname, first name and patronymic give about the hero?

The surname "Oblomov" is associated with the words "fragment", "broken off" - a person. Broken by life, succumbing to it. The name and patronymic of the hero - Ilya Ilyich - are self-enclosed: the way of life of the ancestors finds its completion in Oblomov.

How does Oblomov appear before us? Give his portrait and socio-psychological characteristics.

Oblomov - a nobleman, a retired collegiate secretary, has been living in St. Petersburg on Gorokhovaya Street for the twelfth year, this is "a man of 32 - 33 years old ..."(quote, p.17).

A huge role in creating the image of the hero, in revealing his character is played by subject details. What objects surround Oblomov? What things are especially dear to him? How do they characterize the hero?

Oblomov's home costume - a spacious Asian robe (quote, pp. 17 - 18) - is a symbol of the hero's lifestyle, a sign of belonging to the lordly world.

The hero's room (p. 18 - 19, quote) says, on the one hand, that Oblomov has a taste, an inner need to surround himself with expensive and beautiful things, but, on the other hand, testifies to Oblomov's indifference to his life, unwillingness maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the office.

Books whose pages are yellowed and covered with dust, last year's newspaper, inkwell,from which, "if you dip a feather in it, only ... a frightened fly would escape" -symbols of intellectual and spiritual stagnation, the "sleep of the soul" of the hero.

In addition, Goncharov describes in detail Zakhar, Oblomov's servant. Why? Compare their images.

Oblomov and Zakhar are like twin brothers, who simply cannot exist without the other, and Zakhar is a caricature of his master(quote, p.69 - 74).

Goncharov emphasizes that Oblomov and Zakhar are psychologically related types in many respects, Oblomov cannot do without Zakhar, and Zakhar cannot do without Oblomov, and, although one master and the other a servant, their slavery is mutual. In a social perspective, this is the idea that Oblomovism is not just a purely "landlord" phenomenon, but in general a national Russian one.

At the beginning of the novel, we see Ilya Ilyich lying in bed for half a day, and even numerous guests cannot make him get up. Who comes to the hero? Why does the author make these people representatives of different social strata?

Secular dandy Volkov; former colleague, and now head of the department, Sudbinsky; the successful writer Penkin; the faceless Alekseev, who does not interfere in anything; the arrogant and noisy rogue Tarantiev calls Oblomov with him, reproach him for inaction. Each of them has his own lures in life (Volkov has balls, ballet, women; Sudbinsky has a career and money; Penkin has a desire to become famous), with which they seek to attract Oblomov, but Ilya Ilyich opposes them to the vanity of his philosophy: “But to live when?”, “Where is the man? Give me a man, love him(p. 35). Thesephrases are addressed to indifferent people who live for the sake of prosperity, wealth, and Oblomov eschews this.

However, there was a time when Oblomov also dreamed of prosperity. What was he preparing himself for? What ideas about life, service did the hero have?(Chapter 5, p.59 - 60).

“... He was full of various aspirations, he kept hoping for something, waiting for a lot both from fate and from himself; everything was preparing for the field, for the role - first of all, of course, in the service, which was the purpose of his arrival in Petersburg. Then he thought about his role in society; finally, in the distant future, at the turn from youth to mature years family happiness flashed and smiled at his imagination.

“Brought up in the bowels of the province, among the meek and warm manners and customs of the homeland ... he was so imbued family beginning that the future service seemed to him in the form of some kind of family activity, such as, for example, lazy writing down income and expenses in a notebook, as his father did.

He believed that the officials of one place constituted a friendly, close family among themselves, ... that visiting a government office is by no means an obligatory habit that must be adhered to daily, and that slush, heat, or simply dislike will always serve as sufficient and legitimate pretexts for not going to office. .

At home, he heard about the boss that he was the father of his subordinates, and therefore he formed for himself the most laughing, most family concept of this person. He imagined him as something like a second father, who only breathes that, as if for work and not for work, all the time, to reward his subordinates and take care not only of their needs, but also of pleasures.

Why didn't Oblomov's youthful dreams come true?(p.60 - 64).

But how upset he was when he saw that one had to be at the last earthquake in the world in order not to come to the service of a healthy official ...

Oblomov became even more thoughtful when packets with the inscription necessary and very necessary flashed in his eyes, when he was forced to make various certificates, extracts, rummage through affairs, write notebooks two fingers thick ...; moreover, everyone demanded soon, everyone was in a hurry to go somewhere, they did not stop at anything ...

Twice he was raised at night and forced to write "notes", several times he was obtained by courier from the guests - all about the same notes. All this brought fear and great boredom to him.

With the arrival of the chief, running around, fuss began, everyone was embarrassed, everyone knocked each other down, others twitched, fearing that they were not good enough as they were to appear to the boss ...

Ilya Ilyich suffered from fear and longing in the service ...

“What did he do at home? Was reading? Did you write? Studied?" - Goncharov begins the 6th chapter with these questions. What answers does the author give to them?(p.64 - 69).

Mentally drew up a plan for arranging the estate and managing the peasants; dreamed of exploits for the benefit of mankind

So we see thatOblomov is not able to do anything in life, because he has very distant ideas about everything and does not really want any activity.Projects of exploits for the benefit of mankind are simply food for his imagination, dreaminess is a property of his nature, because from childhood he was used to living in fictional, fabulous, imaginary events. Oblomov, in essence, is satisfied with his position. Any desire to actively change something in life seems to him a vanity in which a person loses himself, and he wants to preserve his personal independence and freedom.Laziness, apathy, dreamy contemplation, inability to act - these are his qualities.Why is Oblomov like that?The social and national roots of the character of his hero are revealed by the writer in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", which takes us to that "blessed corner of the earth" where Ilya Ilyich spent his childhood. Why is it exactly this way - “a blessed corner of the earth” - that the inhabitants perceive their native Oblomovka? How do they live?(quotes, pp. 95 - 100).

The world that raised Oblomov appears as a “blessed corner of the earth”, as a small, secluded space, carefully protected by the gentle embrace of the sky “from all kinds of adversity”.The life of Oblomovka, inscribed in the natural circle, is forever repeated, returns “to its full circle”: “some faces give way to others, children become young men ... marry, produce their own kind ...”. This is how the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the Oblomovites lived, and this is how they live, diligently protecting themselves from outside world with his roads, letters, strangers. Oblomov's world gives its inhabitants a sense of security in a vast and unknown environment.Silence, peace, patriarchal mores and customs reign here. The Oblomovites perceive labor as a punishment; Their leisurely and measured existence is filled with concern for food and universal,like a deep faintafternoon nap, scary stories and fairy tales.

The nanny told Ilyusha stories. What fairy tale characters remembers Oblomov in his dream? Is it by chance?(p.110 - 112)

The mention of Ilya Muromets, who spent 33 years on the stove, and Emelya, who does not want to get up from his stove, is not accidental: many critics and literary critics compare Oblomov himself with these characters, only instead of a stove he has a sofa.

How does little Ilyusha appear before us? How is he brought up in the family?(p.101 - 110)

What is the attractive side of such upbringing and how is it detrimental to the child?

A child grows in love, so he is sensitive, kind, sincere, he sees only the good in life, and is not ready for difficulties and disappointments.

It is detrimental that the child's inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness do not develop, but are stifled; parents try to prevent the slightest effort of Ilyusha, and all because work in Oblomovka is perceived as a punishment.

So what is Oblomovka - a miraculously surviving "blessed corner of the earth", a piece of paradise, or a starting point moral decline hero, the beginning of his death?

Oblomovka's patriarchal idyll is fully defined by the concept of "life is a dream." “The dream is the overture of the whole novel,” wrote I.A. Goncharov, and this dream is transformed in the mind of the hero into an idea of ​​the ideal.

Oblomovka - Oblomov - Oblomovism - this is the ideological core of Goncharov's novel, it is no coincidence that the main character says: "Our name is legion ...". Oblomov is not just a hero, but a hero-type, whose name has become a household name. The writer shows the social (under the conditions of upbringing and lordly origin) and national (in traditions, ideas, moral norms, ideals, culture) roots of Oblomovism.

4. D/Z:read the 2nd part of the novel: 1) Methods of education in the Oblomov family and in the Stolz family. What kind of people has been shaped by this upbringing?

2) The ideal, the meaning of life for Oblomov and for Stolz.

3) Why so different people are friends?

Literature: I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov. - M.: AST, 2001.

I.V. Zolotareva, T.I. Mikhailova. Pourochnye developments in literature. Grade 10. 1 semester. - M.: VAKO, 2003

G. Fefilova. Literature. Outlines for 105 lessons. - M.: AST, 2016