Picasso violin in four dimensions. Homework "Suggested music for the painting P

The times of subsistence farming are long gone. Modern life It is arranged in such a way that a person is forced to purchase various goods and services. And this applies not only to household items, clothes or food. Entertainment and utilities, souvenirs and toys, and even knowledge and transportation services have long been commodities.

The industrial industry is trying to satisfy all human needs at an accelerated pace. But the link between the manufacturer and the buyer has long been the people involved in the trade. It is to them that the holiday is dedicated, which is celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday of July.

Trade Worker's Day: the history of the holiday

Mankind got acquainted with the experience of the first trade deals, probably, even before it came out of the caves and learned how to make tools.

Natural exchange has long been effective way survival.

Later appear monetary units and, of course, enterprising individuals who became a kind of intermediaries between people who wanted to get rid of surpluses or purchase the necessary goods.

The first merchants were respected by the population, and especially successful merchants established entire trade routes and even voyages for outlandish goods to foreign lands.

The appearance of trading shops greatly simplified the trading process, and fairs and bazaars became not only a place for trading operations, but also a kind of prototype of entertainment services.

Trade is developing at a rapid pace, and not only individuals, but entire artels, factories and countries act as sellers.

The development of the economy and the well-being of the people directly depends on trade services. Without buying and selling it is impossible to imagine either the production process or personal life.

The first merchants were only men. Today, women are also involved in trade. In addition, professions related to the sale of goods and services have no age restrictions.

The fact that a huge part of the population does not have a professional holiday was first thought by government bodies in the 60s.

In the Soviet Union, Trade Day has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July since 1966.

However, for unknown reasons, the holiday in 1988 was moved to the third Sunday of March.

Today's date, which falls on the fourth Saturday of July, was legalized in 2013 by presidential decree.

Who celebrates Trade Day?

The sphere of trade services is so extensive that people of many professions consider trade day their professional holiday.

First of all, these are employees of shops, supermarkets, warehouses and other organizations involved in the trade sector.

And these are not only the sellers behind the counter, but also people who are associated with market research and demand, with the provision of stocks and logistics, warehousing and movement of goods.

People who provide buyers with household and communal services also consider their holiday. Service is an integral part of trading.

Therefore, on the Day of the trade worker, people who are engaged in water supply, electricity supply, maintenance of communications and buildings, cleaning and repair, and household services are also congratulated.

Modern realities are changing trade relations, and many transactions are carried out through local networks.

Online stores, although a virtual structure, have very real sellers who monitor and correct the process, collect applications, purchase goods and mail out. Therefore, Trade Day can be safely called the holiday of virtual traders.

Millions of people are involved in these areas. Therefore, taking into account the families and relatives of the heroes of the occasion, almost a third of the population celebrates the holiday of trade.

Day of trade workers in Russia: traditions

Usually trade workers celebrate their holiday at the workplace. After all, the schedule for most workers in this area is floating, and Saturday is often a working day.

At work, management tries to highlight the best workers, for which it encourages them with cash bonuses, prizes, and even vacation packages. At the state level, solemn events are held with festive speeches, concerts and, of course, the presentation of distinctive prizes.

The highest award is the title of Honored Worker of Trade of the Russian Federation.

It is assigned to trade workers in various fields.

And, of course, do not forget about the holiday and home. The culprit is congratulated on his professional holiday. They often organize trips to nature, where they invite both relatives and colleagues.

In addition to the usual name of the ancient merchant "merchant", there were many funny trade-related professions.

So, prasols were engaged in buying goods and raw materials in villages and villages.

Ofeni sold haberdashery and manufactured goods.

Small merchants who carried their goods in special boxes were called peddlers.

Khodebshchik went around the houses and offered small goods. In addition, he necessarily had a kind of billboards.

The scribbler traded only in haberdashery goods.

The word “salesman”, familiar to us, appeared in everyday life only to late XIX century.

At this time, the first department stores and large stores began to open, which required employees to carry out sales.

The very first fair was called "kholopya". No, they didn’t sell slaves there. The name is associated with the area where it was organized. It was the village of Kholopye in the Volga region.

Everyone could trade at the fair. Therefore, there were the most outlandish goods that were traded directly from the ground or from carts.

The merchants were notable PR people. They called customers with funny sayings, used cunning tricks with discounts and prizes.

But the market day was considered Friday. It was on this day that it was possible to purchase goods on credit, promising to pay off exactly one week later on Friday.

This is where the saying came from: “Seven Fridays in a week”, referring to people who do not keep their promises.

Only wholesale trade took place in Gostiny Dvory. In some cities Gostiny Dvor could take up an entire block.

Goods were stored and sold on the first floors of such buildings. And the upper floors were rented to merchants for housing.

After all, the merchant did not leave Gostiny Dvor until he had sold all the goods he had brought.

The flea market appeared for the first time in France. To remove junk workers from the streets, a special area was assigned to them.

But since the goods were old, used, and sometimes antiques, fleas quickly bred on the market, which became the reason for the now familiar name that all flea markets in Europe have.

Many people wonder why a camel is depicted on the coat of arms of the Ural city of Chelyabinsk. It would seem that this animal is not typical for this area.

It turns out that it was through Chelyabinsk that the Great Silk Road passed, which connected Europe with Asia. And the best vehicle was just a camel - a hardy and hardworking animal. And so the ship of the deserts became a symbol of the harsh Ural city.

No matter how you talk about the laws and principles of trade, the profit of the seller largely depends on luck. Therefore, various signs and superstitions are honored by modern merchants, who are quite superstitious. Common signs of sellers in our time are associated with actions during trading.

  • A first-time buyer discount is sure to guarantee big sales throughout the day.
  • If all the goods are stroked with banknotes from the first sale, everything will be sold.
  • Until the end of the day, these bills can neither be spent nor borrowed.

But the Guinness book sales record holder was Joe Girard, who, having entered the trade at 35 summer age, managed to sell 13,000 cars in 15 years.

Keep in mind that he only traded with private buyers, without making a single wholesale transaction. This record has not been broken to this day.

Modern merchants, sellers, marketers put a lot of effort and money to attract buyers to their product and make their business as profitable as possible.

The holiday "Day of Trade Worker" in Russia is celebrated on the fourth Saturday of July. This holiday was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2013 No. 459 "On the Day of the trade worker." Not an official holiday.

Celebrations are celebrated by employees of trade, consumer services and housing and communal services. The holiday is considered by all specialists who are involved in the purchase and sale of goods and services. They are joined by students and teachers of specialized educational institutions.

Mostly women become sellers, although during the Middle Ages only men were engaged in trade. It is thanks to trade workers, their responsible and tireless work that we all get the satisfaction of our requests for services and goods.

History of the holiday.

The profession of a seller in the times of Kievan Rus was considered honorable, meant weight and respect in society.
The history of the holiday of trade workers began during the Soviet Union. It has been celebrated since 1966 on the last day of July. A little later, in 1988, the celebration of Trade Day was scheduled for the third Sunday in March. This change did not immediately "take root" among workers in the trade sector, and for some time they celebrated the holiday on the old date - in July.

Most recently, in 2013, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree according to which the celebration takes place on the fourth Saturday of July.

Trade relations are developing every day and are already manifested in new form- Internet trading. So the sellers of the Internet network also accept congratulations on this day.

Celebration traditions.

On this day, trade workers organize corporate parties or celebrate a holiday with friends for festive tables. Most trade workers meet this day at work, so it will be good if customers, shop visitors, do not forget to say congratulations and thanks to the sellers for their work.

On their holiday, trade workers receive bonuses and commendation sheets from their superiors. And some for special achievements and high levels of sales - the title of Honored Trade Worker of the Russian Federation. This applies to representatives of all types of trade.

The importance and significance of this profession lies not only in working at the cash register or counter - this is work that ensures the availability of goods on the shelves of large megamarkets and small retail outlets. The work of these people is valuable and necessary daily.

Any modern man cannot imagine life without small retail stores and large shopping centers where you can easily and conveniently buy whatever you want, and, accordingly, without people who provide household services and sell goods. How pleasant it is for the buyer when he is served by a polite, sociable and knowledgeable seller who knows all the subtleties of his goods. Trade Day is a holiday that unites all workers in this field, regardless of the specifics of the goods or services provided.

What number is marked

With the definition of a specific date when the Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing and Public Utilities Workers is celebrated, not everything is so simple. The point is that at the state level different periods the history of Russia claimed completely different dates, and therefore it was actually celebrated twice, namely in the USSR Trade Worker's Day was celebrated on the third Sunday of March and the second time on the fourth Sunday of July. From May 7, 2013, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2013 No. 459 “On the Day of Trade Worker” established a single date - the fourth Saturday of July (July 26 in 2014), which currently is official.

Who is celebrating

Trade Day is celebrated not only by sellers, sales managers, purchasers, but also by employees of consumer services companies and housing and communal services, which bring people considerable benefits every day. The perpetrators of the holiday receive congratulations on the Day of Trade not only from ordinary buyers and their colleagues, but also from officials states. On the Day of Trade in 2014 in Russia, they will also not be left without congratulations, and their merits will be celebrated at various levels.

A little about the profession

Sometimes it seems that there is no easier profession than a salesperson, but this is a deep delusion. The seller is a necessary, important, financially responsible and difficult profession. A good seller knows the range of goods, prices, the psychology of the buyer, how to approach, what to advise, and most importantly, he will make the buyer satisfied and come back for a purchase. This is a professional with a capital letter, who always has both regular customers and revenue in the store. The Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Housing Workers, celebrated on July 26, 2014, is the main confirmation of the importance of the seller's profession in the life of the country.

Background of the holiday

This profession arose at the dawn of civilization simultaneously with the advent of commodity-money relations and is one of the oldest on the planet. Its importance and usefulness have been confirmed over the years, for no unnecessary profession would have lasted so long. In the USSR, initially until 1966, the holiday date corresponded to the fourth Sunday in July. On November 1, 1988, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR changed it to the third Sunday in March. In fact, the culprits of the holiday themselves celebrated it twice, so to speak, according to the new and the old style. Uniformity was established only by the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 2013, who, by his Decree "On the Day of the Trade Worker", determined a single date that falls annually on the fourth Saturday of July. Thus, in our country Trade Day in 2014 will be celebrated on July 26.