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The two water signs are Cancer and Pisces. Compatibility in a love relationship, for sure, in most cases, develops as well as possible. Is it really? To understand this topic, you should tell separately about the nature of each, as well as about the prospects for their relationship.


People born under this zodiac sign are very sensitive and romantic. They are kind, sociable, but also shy and vulnerable. And incredibly modest and dreamy.

Their symbol depicts two fish swimming in different directions. This sign could not but leave its mark on the character of a person. Therefore, all Pisces suffer from conflicting desires.

They are very selfless. They can forget about themselves, but they will definitely help their neighbor. They don't seek power yet. We can say that Pisces are already born tired. They do not have the strength to fight obstacles. But they are endowed with good intuition and foreboding. And they need a person who could support and understand their subtle spiritual nature.


Before talking about and Pisces in love, it is worth noting the attention and character of the second representative of the zodiac sign. He is very interesting. Cancer is also a water sign. People born under this zodiac sign are similar to Pisces. They are also selfless, always ready to help others, and also avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Cancers are very calm, but vulnerable. And also closed. They can easily close in on themselves and not answer the questions of worried loved ones as long as they consider it necessary. They may even become depressed. But when they return to normal, they become the same. Cheerful, charming and loving jokes. And these people are very easy to touch. Their tears are always sincere. But if you offend them, then you can run into problems. Cancer will take revenge, and will do it secretly.

This people - lovely friends. Cancers keep other people's secrets and mysteries as if they were their own. And they also win people over. They listen and give advice. But they won’t share their secrets - they don’t like to discuss what directly concerns their lives.

Union prospects

And now - about what a couple like Cancer and Pisces can be. Compatibility in a love relationship they usually develop successfully. Because they are representatives of the same element, who act in the same way. They can form a union filled with mutual understanding, love and tenderness.

The compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in love is based on a subtle spiritual connection between them. They perfectly feel the mood of each other and seem to be able to read the thoughts of their partner. Their relationship can be called a real art. Pisces act as a muse, an inspirer, and Cancers create, bringing ideas to life.

In this union, dreaminess and sensuality are perceived as an absolutely normal phenomenon. Pisces provide their partner with romance, and Cancers, in turn, protect the other half from adversity and problems. They are able to understand each other without words. And each of them successfully complements its partner. Pisces is the moral, spiritual component of the union. And the pragmatic Cancer solves all sorts of problems and protects not only himself, but also his soul mate. Of course, it cannot be said that they do not have conflicts. They happen, but smooth out almost instantly.

The intimate side of relationships

As already mentioned, such a couple as Cancer and Pisces is considered the most romantic and sensual. Compatibility in a sexual relationship is also almost perfect. In bed they have just an immense ocean of emotions and feelings. Both of them are responsive and sensitive to absolutely any wishes of their soulmate. Of course, most often the dominant role is played by Cancer. Because Pisces are more eccentric personalities, and they need guidance, so to speak.

They have a very active sex life and, to the envy of many, regular and frequent intimacy, filled with variety and fantasies (of which there are many). And more importantly - for them it's not just carnal pleasures. These people place more value on intimacy. For them, this is another way to get closer on a spiritual level.

In family

Usually, if the relationship in a couple develops well, then sooner or later everything develops into a family and life together. And in the case of people like Cancer and Pisces, compatibility in love and marriage is just perfect. In general, from the very acquaintance, at first glance, they understand that this is the very person with whom it is worth spending life.

Their marriage is built on mutual trust, love, understanding and common interests. It's also good that they are both homebodies. To a noisy party, they will prefer a quiet evening in each other's company for a delicious dinner and pleasant conversations by the fireplace. Sometimes they can get out into nature - but always in a secluded place.

They have practically no friends - only good comrades. Even though they don't need them. After all, Cancer and Pisces are not only a love couple, but also great friends.


Of course, it is impossible not to touch on this topic, talking about what kind of Cancer couple has and women born under these signs usually rarely conflict. There are practically no serious quarrels. The usual petty grievances - and nothing more. And all the problems that exist do not lie within this couple, but in outside world. It happens that both of them are at a loss before what happened. Then you need to make a decision about how to proceed. And everyone hopes for each other, only their partner is in the same confusion. This can become a problem in the union "Cancer and Pisces".

The compatibility of a man and a woman born under these signs is not bad, but there is one caveat. This is alcohol. If the notorious problems cannot be solved, then they begin to drown their grief in a bottle. And it is very difficult to stop this, since both will not have the strength to cope with the difficulties that have come.


Much has been said above about how relationships develop in love with people like Pisces and Cancer. It is worth noting that it is good not only in terms of marriage and family. In business terms, these people can also form a strong alliance. If Cancer and Pisces become partners, then mutual understanding is ensured. They will not substitute each other and will consult in everything. And results common work sure to please.

If a Cancer girl leads the process, then this is very good. She will be able to organize the workflow and direct the fountain of ideas coming from Pisces in the right direction. If the Cancer guy is the boss, then the result can also turn out to be quite good, but there is one thing. He will like the role of a leader, he will get a taste and then begin to show dictatorial manners.

What else can be said about such a business union as Cancer and Pisces? Compatibility according to the horoscope can work out well, even if the last one is the boss. Although, as already mentioned, they do not aspire to power. But Cancer will like it if Pisces is the boss. After all, only they will be able to understand what the boss wants and how to get close to him.

Pisces Girl and Cancer Man

Despite the fact that guys born under this zodiac sign respect family values, they like to go “to the left”. However, if their chosen one is a Pisces girl, then they don’t even have such thoughts. She suits him completely. In addition, he feels that this girl needs his advice, help, support. And she completely understands him. He doesn’t need anything else, therefore there can be no talk of any betrayals. In exchange for such sincerity, he protects her inner world, feelings and tries to help in everything.

A couple of "Cancer and Fish" can turn out very good. Compatibility in a love relationship with them, one might say, is impeccable. After all, these people are made for each other. The Cancer guy is not shy about revealing himself to his beloved Pisces. He shares his experiences and feelings, and in return receives support and advice. And the romantic and sensitive Pisces girl gets confidence in the future thanks to her reliable and strong chosen one.

Pisces man and Cancer girl

This is also a couple whose love often flashes at first sight. True, at first the Cancer girl thinks that she could be happier with a stronger guy. However, after some time, a realization comes to her - she definitely cannot find anyone better than this person. It just won't get along. And although the Pisces guy is not practical, but after living with the Cancer girl, he will become more rational, thorough and pragmatic - he will begin to bring more money into the house and will become for her support and support.

And the romance in their pair will never fade away. This is the beauty of the union of people like Cancer and Pisces. Compatibility in a love relationship is ideal - they do not get tired of saying compliments and tender words to each other, they are always ready to take care of their soulmate and give due attention. And most importantly, each of them trusts his partner, not hiding a vulnerable and sensitive soul.

And the Pisces guy and the Cancer girl have a lot of different interesting ideas and ideas. And they discuss them together, after which they try to make everything a reality. So a couple of these people can be really perfect.

The signs Cancer and Pisces can be called truly ideal partners. Their compatibility is so successful that they are able to keep love and devotion to each other all their lives. Representatives of these signs have common features character, their temperaments are very similar, they are accustomed to lead the same way of life. Lovers create around themselves small world in which only the two of us happily exist. Literally from the first meeting, deep, sincere feelings flare up between them.

1. How does a pair of Cancer man - Pisces woman develop?

2. Characteristics of signs.

3. Love compatibility and possible difficulties.

4. Sexual compatibility of lovers.

How does a pair of Cancer man - Pisces woman develop? attraction between lovers

It is noteworthy that Rybka does not need to "go out of her way" and do something fantastic in order to win such a man. Partners are just perfect for each other, and therefore Cancer is drawn to this woman at first sight. On an energetic and intuitive level, he feels that she is the very “one and only” that he has dreamed of all his life. Such a girl conquers with her romance, tenderness, sensitivity and flexibility. Lovers will constantly talk, because they are interested in being together.

With others, Cancer, as a rule, behaves closed and cold. However, with his beloved Rybka, he will easily open up, begin to share grievances and feelings with her. The chosen one will always patiently listen, support, console and help with advice. Such a woman is used to soaring in the clouds, she cannot be called a vulnerable nature, and therefore she can simply ignore sarcasm and rudeness. Thanks to her bright character, she more easily endures insults, gives her peace of mind Cancer. The mutual, sincere love of the Cancer man and the Pisces woman will make both a little brighter. He will begin to perceive the world not so aggressively, will cease to be afraid of hostility.

Why do Cancer man and Pisces woman find mutual understanding? Characteristics of signs

Both partners strive for comfort and harmony, they dream of big and strong family. That is why Cancer and Pisces compatibility in a love relationship is simply amazing. They can be called two halves of one spiritual whole, because they pursue the same life goals hold the same beliefs.

The partner protects his companion, tries to satisfy all her needs. She gives him romance and sensuality. Lovers often idealize feelings. The excellent compatibility of Cancer and Pisces in a relationship allows them to feel each other. Just one look at a partner - and a woman already knows what mood he is in, what he wants. They see each other as their own reflection. Since both are quite sensitive, they will not offend, insult their soulmate.

Since both signs belong to the same element, they are romantic, dreamy and expansive. Partners dream of a big and pure love. When fate pushes them together, the cherished feeling is born immediately. They represent family life colorful and happy. However, the habit of idealizing feelings often leads to disappointment. Partners quickly get used to each other, adapt. At this stage, there are no disagreements and quarrels between them. The fish will become for your beloved true friend, a good adviser, will give him sensitivity and warmth. But the sensitivity of Cancer is just a cover. In fact, this is a very difficult person. He often puts ultimatums, is picky, rolls up scandals. He is used to being a leader, and therefore will try to minimize the communication of his beloved with others, as in a couple.

The love compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Cancer man, Pisces woman is found very quickly. Their relationship develops rapidly. Together they feel good and comfortable, they like to spend time together. Lovers constantly talk to each other about their feelings, do romantic things. Before officially legitimizing the relationship, partners need to accumulate a sufficient amount of romantic impressions and memories. It is worth noting that the horoscope "Pisces woman - Cancer man" predicts an ideal marriage for them. The spouse will be the leader in the family. He will provide his beloved with everything necessary, making all important decisions will become his direct responsibility. The fish will only have to give her husband warmth, care, comfort and tenderness.

Soon the couple will begin to think about having children. Pisces woman, Cancer man sex is perceived as the only way to procreate. For her, a joint child is the meaning of life. The husband, too, will not cherish the soul in the baby, will consider him his pride. With the advent of children, new responsibilities will fall on the spouses, but they will only bring them happiness and pleasure. Cancer makes a wonderful father, and Pisces makes an exemplary mother. If a man decides to take responsibility for raising a child, then he will begin to spend all his strength only on this. A woman must overcome self-doubt, because it prevents her from raising a child. As a rule, the joint children of Pisces and Cancer grow up spoiled, because their parents adore them.

What is the difference between Cancer man and Pisces woman? Love compatibility and possible difficulties

Since the representatives of these signs have perfect compatibility, their union has practically no difficulties. The main difficulties are as follows:

1. The key enemy of lovers is mutual insults. Due to the fact that both partners are sensitive, they quickly tune in to each other, determine the weaknesses of the second half. Emotional Cancer man, Pisces woman in a quarrel can say too much. Unfortunately, resentment remains in their soul for a long time.

2. Due to the pathological jealousy of a partner, the compatibility of signs may suffer somewhat. main reason such behavior of Cancer are not potential gentlemen of the chosen one, but her excessive daydreaming. Immersed in his own thoughts, Rybka can fall out of reality for several hours.

3. Cancer needs the attention of a partner. When he begins to suspect that her thoughts are not fully directed at him, he begins to put pressure on his beloved.

Are Cancer man and Pisces woman suitable lovers? Sexual compatibility of lovers

The intimate proximity of these partners is like a relay race: one of the partners gives his warmth, and the other multiplies it and gives it back. It is rare for a couple to experience such mutual understanding. A Cancer man in bed with a Pisces woman shows some telepathic abilities. He feels what his partner wants. As a result, both get pleasure from intimacy, are charged with each other's energy. Thanks to a rich imagination, the intimate life of partners is filled with vivid emotions and diversity. They are able to carry passion through life. Even when physical attraction turns into simple respect, the mutual love between them will never fade away.

Cancer man, Pisces woman compatibility in bed demonstrate harmonious. They both like gentle, long touches. In sex, a woman will prefer a passive role, and therefore all power will go to a man. Their intimate life is energetic and active. Only brings a fly in the ointment psychological condition partners. They give great importance spiritual unity. Sincere feelings and passion between partners only increase over the years.

What helps to keep the union "Cancer - Pisces"? Compatibility of signs, bestowed for life

Her sacrifice and innate kindness helps Rybka forget the offense. She is ready to forgive her beloved everything. In addition, a woman is able to take the blame on herself, if only to maintain harmony in a couple. When a man is offended, things are much worse. This sign is not capable of forgiveness, it is vindictive. Cancer is easy to cheer up, but even after years he can remember a past offense. In order for Cancer and Pisces to carry compatibility in love through life, they need to learn how to discuss controversial issues. When such a man is offended, he can think up a lot, start blaming everyone, but he will never understand what exactly provoked the offense. The fish must teach the chosen one to say what does not suit him. AT such a case lovers will be able to avoid conflict. Tenderness, warmth and participation of a woman will smooth out all sharp corners.

To maintain harmony, partners should fantasize together. Their hobbies for the most part converge, and therefore both are happy to walk in the park, go to a concert or watch interesting film. Cancer man, Pisces woman will maintain compatibility thanks to such events. When Rybka once again plunges into her thoughts, she will just need to say that she thought about one of the days she lived together. This will calm the jealous Cancer. A woman must make sure that the chosen one does not move away from her. Therefore, you need to be more careful immersing yourself in your world or less likely to engage in creativity.

Cancer and Pisces

A wonderful combination that allows the signs to create a harmonious and calm union. Both signs are drawn to each other, they perfectly understand the interlocutor, they are always on the same wavelength. However, despite the harmony, there are significant pitfalls in their relationship that not everyone can overcome.

Between these partners, sympathy is born at first sight. Especially if they have common interests and values. Although in some cases both partners choose friendship, love comes unexpectedly and quite often they find each other. Dating quickly turns into living together and leads to marriage, but it happens that couples look at each other for a long time.

The novel develops rapidly and after a while they begin to live together. Cancer and Pisces are a very common combination. Marriages between them are quite strong, but it is better for these signs to marry when both are independent of their parents. The fact is that it is difficult for these signs to overcome parental influence, therefore, in young age their unions are rarely lasting, and disagreements often arise only because relatives or parents interfere in the relationship.

But, despite such difficulties, they perfectly understand each other, they have similar characters, temperaments, life values ​​and ways to achieve goals. They feel good together and their union becomes successful if both can overcome the pitfalls in the relationship. Otherwise, the relationship may collapse during the first year of cohabitation or within 5 years.

Pros of the union: Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

These partners have a lot in common. A woman born under the sign of Pisces is dreamy, introverted, artistic, often talented in the arts or likes to clean up the house so that it is cozy and beautiful. She does not like crowds, noisy parties and companies, she rarely goes out into society without her husband, she is distinguished by devotion and constancy, if she has finally decided on her life partner.

In turn, Cancer also does not seek to leave the house, takes care of the family, rarely shows leadership qualities, direct pressure, and, like Pisces, does not like noisy companies and many friends. In addition, these partners may have the same passions, interests and needs, even they love the same pets. It is for this reason that it is easy for them to find harmony and understand each other.

  • understanding;
  • common views, aspirations and values;
  • desire for tenderness, romanticism;
  • identical views on leisure, holidays, raising children;
  • calmness, harmony;
  • lack of pressure and dictate;
  • general life goals;
  • a general desire for home, coziness, comfort;
  • love for nature, pets;
  • loyalty and devotion to each other.

Cons of the union: Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

The disadvantages of this union begin to manifest themselves especially strongly if both partners are dependent on their parents and cannot withstand their pressure. Usually Cancer is passive, often runs to his mother for advice and behaves like a child in many matters, which is unlikely to please Pisces.

It happens that a woman expects support, love and attention from him, manifestations of the qualities of a strong man, but Cancer is in no hurry to protect a woman and retreats in difficult times or attracts third parties to family conflicts, more often parents, friends or relatives. This can eventually lead to significant quarrels, especially if both signs are financially dependent on their parents.

Another problem may be dependence on bad habits, lack of independence and inability to withstand difficulties. Pisces needs a strong and strong-willed, but not aggressive man who will gently manage the family situation, and Cancer - Strong woman who has maternal qualities. It is for this reason that partners can hardly withstand difficulties and this can lead to a break.

  • resentment of both partners;
  • manipulating each other;
  • gradual accumulation of grievances and claims;
  • shifting blame on each other;
  • involvement in relations of third parties, more often parents;
  • lack of independence of one or both partners;
  • inability to resist difficulties from the outside;
  • jealousy of a man;
  • absence a wide range communication.

How to find a common language in a couple: Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

For relationships to be strong, they need to stand the test of time with dignity. Even if at the beginning the relationship was good, romantic, then over time, passion can fade away due to everyday difficulties or the characteristics of both partners.

There is harmony between partners from the very beginning, since Cancers and Pisces have common interests, aspirations and values. They have approximately the same temperament, character, a lot in common, but long-term relationships can collapse due to mutual claims, manipulation and resentment. In addition, it is more difficult for these partners than for everyone else to overcome the pressure of parents or the intervention of outsiders.

The desire of both partners for coziness and comfort can become an obstacle in life, prevent them from developing and adapting to changes, so the main task of this union is not finding harmony, but the ability to resist obstacles and pressure from outside.

They need to learn independence, responsibility, get rid of the habit of manipulating, tricking and shifting responsibility to a partner, causing him to feel guilty. Then the relationship will stand the test of time, boredom and be able to overcome all obstacles. Moreover, serious conflicts and misunderstandings rarely arise between these partners.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

These partners often become lovers as well. Especially if both partners are not free, dissatisfied with their marriage and are looking for warmth and understanding on the side. Most often this happens if Cancer or Pisces are under pressure from the second half and want harmony, a loving and understanding partner. It happens that free partners choose frivolous relationships, but this happens less often.

Most often, Pisces and Cancer are in love with each other, but parents or their own material calculations prevent them from connecting. In bed, these partners perfectly complement each other. The only thing that can ruin such a relationship is boredom and alcohol abuse. You should not expect that a relationship with an unfree partner will become romantic and lead to marriage. Cancer can meet with Pisces for years, burn with love, but never dare to break up with her lawful wife, whatever she may be.

Pisces can also play a double game for quite some time, but even with a strong love, they rarely leave their family. It is for this reason that intimate relationships for them can lead to great suffering and accusations of a partner of indecision. By the way, among Cancers, situations are not uncommon when, in a state of love, they do not dare to propose and marry according to the calculation, often dictated by their parents.

Cancer and Pisces are subconsciously attracted to each other, especially if relationships with regular partners did not work out or turned out to be in conflict.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Man-Cancer and Woman-Pisces

A good combination if both partners are independent and independent of their parents. Cancer and Pisces understand each other perfectly, they have a lot in common, they easily solve everyday problems within the family. Even after the stamp in the passport, romance continues in their relationship, and they always find something new and interesting in each other. It seems to others that there is an ideal relationship between them, mutual love and harmony, which often causes envy in some people.

It happens that one of the partners becomes so attractive to a stranger that the ill-wisher wants to destroy him family relationships. And setting Cancer against Pisces to strangers and vice versa is very simple, since both partners are sensitive and may differ in suspiciousness and suspicion. Very often this leads to resentment, quarrels and constant jealousy, which destroys relationships.

It happens that Cancer cannot cope with external difficulties, so it is very difficult for him to adapt to family life. This also leads to a break, especially if Cancer expects support and attention from his wife. A marriage can only be saved if both partners learn to resist external difficulties and take responsibility for their actions and words.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

A wonderful combination that can give birth to friendship on long years if not for life. Cancer and Pisces immediately find a common language, they have a similar worldview, desires and aspirations, and if friends are also connected by some common hobby, for example, music, dancing, something else, they will never run out of topics for conversation. These partners often become friends and this can go on for a long time.

However, Cancer can find in Pisces a true friend with whom he would like to live until old age. Therefore, friendships often turn into romantic ones, even if both partners are not free. If the relationship in the family has exhausted itself, these partners begin to live together. However, it is difficult for them to survive the scandals that inevitably arise between ex-husbands and wives. It is for this reason that friendships between these partners can develop into romantic ones, if only they are connected by a common passion, hobby.

Friendly relations between Pisces and Cancers will not turn into romantic only if the legal relationship of at least one of the partners is harmonious and calm.

Business couple compatibility: Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

A complex combination that astrologers should avoid. This is because Pisces and Cancer, despite mutual understanding, common values ​​and interests, are not used to taking the initiative and showing leadership qualities.

Business often requires decisive action, freedom and independence, and these partners are accustomed to shifting responsibility to another person or relying on a leader. It is difficult for them to resist difficulties, to show determination, so partners should not engage in joint business.

This combination can only be good if both signs are in an equal position, not subordinate to each other. If the woman is the boss and the man is the subordinate, the relationship can lead to a serious impasse in business. In addition, Cancer will avoid responsibility and decisiveness, so they will shift their responsibilities to other people's shoulders.

If the man is the boss, then Pisces can be a responsible worker. However, due to the lack of leadership qualities of both partners, their common cause can quickly burn out.

What a Pisces Woman Needs to Know About a Cancer Man

Cancer man is charming, can conquer female heart his courtesy, gentleness, calmness and patience. However, behind deceptive softness and warmth, great selfishness and capriciousness can be hidden.

This man is used to shifting responsibility onto other people's shoulders, he needs a female leader who will not demand the qualities of a “real man” from him, who can take some of the responsibility for family relationships on herself. He often finds himself a companion who, in union, plays the role of a psychological mother. It is for this reason that it is difficult for Pisces to get along with such a person, because a woman of this sign herself dreams of a strong man.

Cancer can be a pleasant and gentle spouse who will do everything for the well-being of the family and children. The only thing you should not demand from him is leadership qualities, aggressiveness and the ability to withstand external difficulties. Cancer is used to stepping back from obstacles and having others solve their problems. Therefore, if you are ready to lead him, direct him in the right direction, then this is your option.

Cancer can cheat on his wife and hide it, but such an act is not associated with deceit and betrayal, but with weakness. Unfortunately, many representatives of this sign are weak on women and alcohol, but not all.

What a Cancer Man Needs to Know About a Pisces Woman

A woman born under the sign of Pisces may seem to you an ideal wife, a friend that you have long dreamed of. Soft, smiling, timid and gentle, she is able to win the heart of a man the first time. Sometimes her charm does not disappear even after many years of marriage, which men feel. It is for this reason that they can write notes to her, make appointments and not hide their interest, even if there is a legal spouse next to her. Therefore, jealousy can become a test of your union.

Remember that Pisces needs male attention, especially if the work of a woman is related to creativity. By nature, women of this sign are faithful to their chosen one, although they can afford to flirt on the side, but no more. Such a woman will decide on a real betrayal only if you put pressure on her or she meets a more interesting, as it seems to her, life partner.

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The main plus of the couple is that two representatives of the elements of water meet in it, able to subtly perceive emotions and feelings with rich inner world.

Each of the partners is endowed with a skill;

  • Empathy
  • Sympathy
  • Compassion
  • Understanding

Each of them wants to find;

  • Your soul mate
  • care
  • Tenderness
  • caress
  • permanence
  • romance
  • sincere love

And in this union they find everything they need. There is practically no relationship between them by calculation. They are not characterized by conflict, dominance, vindictiveness.

They are kind, they know how to empathize, sympathize, understand the mood of a partner and conflicts between them are extremely rare.

The relationship between them, as a rule, is romantic, emotional, filled with subtle feelings and complete mutual understanding. And when there is mutual understanding, there will be a desire to act.

The Cancer man in this union is more practical and economic, but he does not have strictness, he is soft, caring, understanding. What calms the fish woman and gives inner strength for inspiration and work. Together they can successfully work at home, improve their financial situation, and achieve success in their profession.

There is good spiritual compatibility between them, they always help each other and do not skimp on support, tenderness and affection. They love the hearth, a calm homely atmosphere, more than noisy companies. Able to endlessly enjoy each other's love and give it to the fullest to their soul mate.

Cancer man in love will

  • Faithful
  • Reliable
  • economic
  • prudent
  • emotional
  • sensitive
  • Homemade
  • caring
  • respecting family traditions

Pisces woman in love will

  • emotional
  • sensitive
  • Adaptable
  • Soft
  • gentle
  • Kind
  • sincere
  • Mysterious
  • sensual
  • romantic

Cancer man and Pisces woman compatibility in love relationships - cons

There are practically no serious problems between them. Each partner is aimed at a serious relationship, each of them wants to find their soul mate and live with her all their lives. In addition to Pisces and Cancers, they are very attached emotionally to a partner and it is difficult for them to decide to part.

Disagreements between them may occur due to excessive emotionality. They are so vulnerable that they can be offended by each other’s words, whoever said something wrong, see hidden subtext and malicious intent in the partner’s words, which did not exist at all.

But still, it will be a cause for resentment. Hushed, resentment will begin to accumulate, gather until it pours out like a storm in the form of claims, discontent, tears and memories of what once was.

Usually, the Pisces woman forgives easily, she is very compassionate, but the Cancer man can hush up grievances.

So they need to be more open with each other. In case of resentment, do not wait until the partner guesses about it, but talk calmly about what caused unpleasant emotions. Then the relationship will become even better and brighter.

Too much emotionality still gives a temptation to escape from reality, then it will be replaced by empty fantasies and self-deception. Bad habits can also be added to them.

In general, they are similar in their negative qualities and seem to mirror each other's behavior.

Negative Qualities of a Cancer Man

  • Closure
  • rancor
  • Restraint
  • Reticence
  • Vulnerability
  • Touchiness

Negative qualities of a Pisces woman in love

  • suspiciousness
  • Vulnerability
  • Impressionability
  • Touchiness
  • Uncertainty
  • Indulgence in your weaknesses
  • Uncertainty

Cancer Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility in Love

Usually in such relationships, the Cancer man takes a more practical position towards life, he can more easily organize family life and lead a partner, inspire, support, surround with care. A Pisces woman often needs someone who will give her confidence to act, relieve her of internal fears, which may not work out.

They would be well suited for classes where you can fantasize, come up with images and bring them to life, only for this you need courage, not to close yourself, but more confidently reveal your abilities. Then hobbies can even become a good source of income.

Thus, sadness, melancholy can be avoided, it is characteristic of both partners. Cancer and Pisces can often experience incomprehensible sadness, nostalgia, and so deep into emotions that they are no longer interested in anything. So depression is not far away, in order to avoid it, one must not be limited only to work and household chores, but to find pleasant impressions that would adorn life together.

see also how a Cancer man loves how a Pisces Woman loves

How can a Pisces woman conquer a Cancer man?

Conquering a Cancer man to a Pisces woman will not be difficult. He will immediately notice an emotional woman, because his emotions are the most important thing for him, to which he will immediately react. He will especially like that a woman has a rich inner world, knows how to understand his mood, state, is interested in his inner world.

He just needs a woman

  • understanding
  • sympathizer
  • Compassionate
  • Soft
  • tender
  • Feminine
  • Thoughtful

He wants peace family happiness, without passions and unexpected changes. It may take time for him to gain confidence. He is careful in his choice. But the more a woman is affectionate, gentle, emotional, friendly, soft with him, the faster he will get used to her.

Cancer man and Pisces woman in bed

The compatibility of Cancer man and Pisces Woman in bed is perfect. They feel each other's needs well, understand and can even guess the partner's desires, creating the right mood.

Each of the partners charges their soul mate with positive emotions and knows how to completely dissolve in the partner.

Intimate relationship between them

  • romantic
  • sensual
  • emotional
  • gentle

Together they are excellent partners and lovers and their love ardor never ends.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And help you learn more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all the planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Compatibility Cancer and Pisces are quite good. Both signs belong to the water element, they are guided in their lives by feelings, emotions, intuition.

Only Cancer stands on the ground more firmly than Pisces. His mood is not so changeable, although this zodiac sign is prone to depression. Pisces is a dual sign, dreamy and very changeable. If partners are united by friendship, both contribute to the relationship, their union will last a long time. When they allow selfishness, negative feelings to take over, the marriage is bursting at the seams.

The nature of the signs

The strength of the union of Cancer and Pisces determines the nature of each sign. What features endowed them with a horoscope? Let's look into this in more detail.

Cancer character

Cancers are strongly influenced by the Moon. They are sensitive and emotional, have too vulnerable nervous system. At the same time, the representatives of this sign of the Zodiac have an extremely developed intuition, they recognize the moods and secret thoughts of people in an almost supernatural way. They know how to achieve their goals, although they prefer to solve problems by waiting. Attached to the family, traditions, love history. They like to surround themselves with loyal and devoted people with whom it is comfortable and convenient to communicate. Here are the main traits that describe the character of Cancer:

  • Sensitivity
  • Developed intuition
  • Passion
  • unstoppable
  • stealth
  • Sentimentality
  • Emotionality
  • Passion for hoarding.

CANCER + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

Pisces Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility

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The characterization of the sign will be incomplete without a description of the negative features. If Cancer is not directed in the right direction, he will turn into a lazy and dreamy person. The conservatism of this sign turns into indecision and passivity. Passion for hoarding - in pathological stinginess. Excessive sensitivity of Cancers makes them capricious, prone to depression. Relying on their intuition, they draw the wrong conclusions about people, become too gullible or too suspicious.

Character Pisces

People born under the constellation Pisces are mysterious and mysterious natures. The duality of this sign of the Zodiac makes them changeable; even close people cannot fully comprehend their character. Their intuition and the gift of clairvoyance allow them to predict the future. The combination of generosity and sensitivity makes Pisces merciful, capable of self-sacrifice and real compassion. Pisces themselves are prone to melancholy, prone to bad mood often show this. They prefer to wear the mask of successful and lucky people. Here are the main character traits of Pisces:

  • Mystery and mystery
  • Secrecy and secrecy
  • Developed intuition
  • Sensitivity
  • Generosity
  • reverie
  • Tendency to melancholy
  • inner strength
  • Good sense of humour.

Pisces, like sponges, absorb other people's emotions, both positive and negative. They do not like to solve problems, try to get around them or wait until troubles are solved on their own. They are often passive, subject to dangerous illusions, and require a push from outside to act. They may not communicate, run away from responsibility, treat their duties irresponsibly, deceive others for their own peace of mind.

General sign compatibility

Cancer and Pisces compatibility horoscope are successful. These two zodiac signs understand each other perfectly. They feel almost the same, their emotions are much stronger than logical thinking. No one knows how to listen and sympathize like Pisces. Therefore, for Cancer, they are an almost ideal partner. Friendship or love relationships between signs are tied up quickly. Both feel that they have found a soul mate, able to understand all the secret dreams, inner experiences. Cancer and Pisces can achieve a lot in joint work if it is connected with creativity, philosophy, charity.

However, Cancer and Pisces can easily lose their sign compatibility. Despite the similarity of natures, there are contradictions between signs. Pisces are changeable, they do not like to sit still. They constantly dream of new travels, easily change their place of residence. Cancer is tied to the house, only in rare cases does he decide to change something in his life.

Signs have different attitudes towards money.

For Pisces, this is just a means of subsistence, an unfortunate necessity. Cancerians feel calm only when they have an impressive bank account. Pisces is a freer sign, they do not tolerate pressure and do not strive for leadership. Cancer is the owner, he wants to "sculpt" a partner in his own way. Conflicts in a couple arise when she encounters problems, none of the partners wants or likes to solve them.

Whether Cancer and Pisces are compatible enough is influenced not only by the Sun, but also by the combinations of the Moon and its ascendant. If he is in a fire sign, Cancer and Pisces have internal contradictions, which negatively affects relationships. Earth signs make Cancer and Pisces more pragmatic, but reinforce their conservatism. Not bad if one of them has the Moon ascendant in Scorpio. Then the harmony in the relationship is enhanced, while such a partner becomes more decisive. Air adds lightness to relationships, which is good for the union. Chinese horoscope also has its influence. Ox, Monkey, Rabbit add practicality. Dragon, Tiger and Horse - determination and determination. The snake enhances the intuition of signs. Not a very positive influence on the Goat and the Rooster, such people become whimsical and grumpy.

Sexual compatibility of signs

The compatibility of the signs Pisces and Cancer in love and sex may depend on their relationship in other areas. For both partners, the sexual side of life is very important. But casual relationships that are not supported by emotions and feelings do not bring them pleasure. The act of love for both is the highest bliss based on spiritual closeness. The goddess Venus endowed them with sensuality and passion, which is best manifested with complete psychological compatibility. They love a long love game, sexual experiments. The fantasy of Cancer and Pisces is inexhaustible, they are happy to realize their erotic dreams in bed.

Compatibility in a love relationship is broken only when quarrels arise between partners.

Everyday problems, misunderstandings, conflicts destroy that subtle spiritual connection, without which sexual life is impossible for them. Cancer and Pisces do not belong to the type of people who are able to seek reconciliation in bed. The bedroom is a holy place where you can enter only with complete harmony of relationships. Loyalty is not the main advantage of these zodiac signs. If they are not satisfied, any of the partners can change. At the same time, the connection with lovers and mistresses will be long, based on feelings, which is very dangerous for the family.

Pisces Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility

Pisces man and Cancer woman great couple, the relationship in which is based on sincere feelings and true love. The guy sees in the girl a gentle and subtle nature, a faithful companion who is able to understand him and accept him as he is. The Cancer girl often looks for a stronger companion, but with close communication she understands that she will no longer be able to meet such an understanding and caring man. Relations between them are fastened quickly, the couple does not see anyone else and nothing behind them. Their spiritual intimacy is reinforced by excellent sexual compatibility, which can only be broken by quarrels.

The marriage of a Pisces man and a Cancer woman resembles a safe harbor in which love and mutual understanding reign. Spouses are very delicate towards each other, they are afraid to offend with a careless word, to break the harmony of the union. A woman does not require a man to perform feats on a career basis, to bring a lot of money into the house. This gives him the opportunity to develop his own spiritual world, fantasy. A man is ready to sacrifice a lot for his wife, he takes care of her, but at the same time does not allow him to remain an eternal child. A woman in such a union develops, becomes more practical and rational, begins to take her duties more seriously.

Problems and ways to solve them

No matter how good marriage compatibility is, problems arise in a couple. Cancer and Pisces are lost when serious problems arise. They are unable to make quick and constructive decisions. The wife often takes responsibility if the problem is about money or personal relationships. In other situations right exit she rarely finds. The husband is likely to withdraw into himself and fall into melancholy. Misunderstandings in a couple arise on material grounds, Pisces are wasteful, Cancers are a little stingy. A man loves change, traveling, he always dreams of a new home, moving to another city. This lifestyle is not suitable for a woman, this can also cause conflicts.

To maintain the union and relationship, the Cancer man and the Pisces woman should not get hung up on rubble problems. They must dream, set lofty goals. The motor in such a marriage is always the wife, and the generator of ideas is the husband. It is better to entrust money matters to a woman, but decisions about serious purchases should be made by a man. He will acquire a quality thing, and will not save on trifles. If a couple is facing a serious problem, it is worth seeking advice from relatives and friends. This will help solve difficulties, and keep peace in the family for many years.

Cancer Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Cancer guy and Pisces girl at first sight feel that they have found a soul mate. They, like no one else, are able to understand the feelings, emotions and thoughts of a partner. When Cancer and Pisces meet, their friendship feels like it lasts a thousand years. Winning each other for signs is not a problem. Between them there is no period of adaptation and grinding, as the signs are united by the water element. A girl is able to listen to her man for hours, sincerely empathize and sympathize with him. The Cancer man does not open up to anyone like he does to Pisces. In addition, partners have perfect compatibility in bed, they never cheat on each other.

The Pisces woman and the Cancer man are a slightly introverted couple who live in their own romantic world. In any company, they keep apart, do not enter into conversations and look at each other with loving eyes. Relations between partners are built on common interests and aspirations that are far from simple life. They develop intellectually and spiritually. A man becomes a leader in a couple, he can always rely on his understanding and sympathetic wife. She, in turn, gains practicality, comes up with new goals, ideas. At the same time, she loves her husband and asks for advice in everything.

Problems and ways to solve them

Cancer man and Pisces woman can destroy their compatibility due to mutual insults. When both are not in a good mood, they are able to drop a careless word, hurt a partner. Both are vindictive, they worry for a long time, they close in themselves. It is difficult to call offended Pisces to a frank conversation, and even more difficult - offended Cancer. The second problem is the authoritarianism and sense of ownership of Cancer. He seeks to protect his wife from external contacts, is jealous of her, especially in those cases when he cannot realize himself in work or other areas of life. If a compromise is not found in these matters, the couple is threatened with parting, and it will be difficult to return the relationship.

In order for Cancer and Pisces to improve compatibility, and there are no conflicts in family life, partners should not get hung up on domestic issues. Together they must develop spiritually and morally, set high goals for themselves. But it is also dangerous to completely go “into the clouds”. If dreams are unrealizable, the spouses will give up, they will turn into lazy and melancholy people. Cancer and Pisces should travel more often, visit exhibitions, the theater, visit guests. This will allow them to get rid of isolation, to make new reliable friends who will come to the rescue at the right moment.