Bil Andrey Albertovich biography. Individual birth horoscope

Have you ever seen a living Mona Lisa, as if descended from a painting by Leonardo da Vinci? Yes, even playing the piano and composing music?! And Aramis, descended from the pages of the immortal novel by Dumas? Then they are in front of you.

A talented melodist with a personal intonation and a handwriting of an almost pop classic, the author of such hits as "Hello world, hello friend!", "I'll swim to India", "There will be a holiday without me", "Date in Jurmala", "Ah, mom , mother, mother!”, “Rival”, “Music of the body” and others, Laura Quint has always been somewhat in the shadow of her creations, completely giving them at the mercy of people's love. Her husband, singer and composer Andrei Bill, in turn, long ago fit the image of an eternally young romantic and fairy-tale knight, who cares neither for years, nor fashion, but only serving his queen is dear. That is - to Her Majesty Music and ... all the same woman with a surname meaning musical interval.

Wedding toffees

They met almost 14 years ago. Laura was looking for a then singing artist to play Giordano's student in her eponymous polystylistic rock opera. On a cloudy December day, she, as befits a native Leningrader, was sitting at home with a cold - fever, weakness, you can’t see white light. And then a call from Moscow - they are invited to work on the jury of the "Jurmala" contest. And you have to leave tomorrow. And no rejections! Gathering the last of her strength and wrapping herself in woolen scarves, Laura gets into the "Red Arrow" ... The jury members watched the performances of the singers on the monitor in the studio. Boring songs, faded voices, monotonous mannerisms. But how much ambition! "God, when is this vanity fair going to close?" - flashed in a tired head.

And at this moment she sees an artist who clearly claims the main prize. The heat vanished like a hand. The face is an engraving. Black curls, become, huge, sky-colored eyes, a strong-willed look - in general, the face of a saint or a traitor. Bill - that's who she was looking for! The guy with his texture perfectly fit into the scenography of the performance, and he sang simply amazingly.

And six months later they met in Tallinn in May, and he took her by the hand. And so they sat all evening, like toffees. “This went on for several days,” recalls Laura. “And then I cried until three in the morning: it was clear that something had happened in my life and all my troubles and sorrows came out with these tears. And in the morning I said:“ Let's get married " - and he did not refuse me, because I was his favorite composer (laughs). Apparently, he was embarrassed. In general, we first got married, and then we got married. " It was the third marriage for both her and him.

Bad dates

With my first husband famous composer(whose name she stubbornly refuses to name), Laura lived three nightmarish years. "It turned out to be a rare asshole. He was categorically against my music lessons (and Laura graduated from the composition department Leningrad Conservatory. - S.S.), even when guests forbade me to play the piano, he was insanely jealous. It came to scandals and assault. "From this marriage, Laura left a 26-year-old son, Philip Quint (he took his mother's surname, of course, much later), who today is in the top ten the best violinists America (Philip is a student of the great, late maestro Andrei Korsakov).

Lauryn's second marriage lasted seven years. new husband was much more loyal to her talent. He also has a surname from the word "good". Was he music director popular Leningrad ensemble "Singing Guitars". Amazing guitarist, played like Jimi Hendrix. From him, Laura learned the art of arranging, many important professional things, but the trouble is that Semyon drank heavily. Alas, I had to part with him.

Andrei's personal life at first also somehow did not stick. They lived with their first wife for a year and a half. "She was a jazz singer with a magnificent contralto. And I was actively involved in sailing, regatta, won all-Union competitions many times, but I was going to seriously devote myself to music - she didn’t care about all this." Then he was drafted into the army, and when he returned, the windy little wife whistled with another. She was not even seduced by the offer to move to Moscow to continue her professional career here (Andrey is from Omsk). From this marriage he had a daughter, Alexandra. She is 19 years old, but naturally she lives with her mother. Bill does not even want to remember about his second marriage.

By the way, having moved to Belokamennaya (to study at Gnesinka), the newly-minted vocalist had to get a job ... as a janitor (they, as you know, were supposed to have housing). Dvornitskaya was located directly opposite the Moskva pool, on the very spot where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is now. It is curious that Seryozha Penkin came from Penza to conquer Moscow at the same time. And so they broke for a couple: Penkin - Ostozhenka, and Bill - Soymonovsky passage. Moreover, he had to do this in secret from his new friends and creative colleagues, because at the same time Andrei worked at the Mosconcert and rehearsed in the Good Fellows ensemble.

Most romantic union

Almost all pop stars covered the songs of Laura Quint for two and a half decades - Valery Leontiev and Iosif Kobzon, Irina Ponarovskaya and Larisa Dolina, Edita Piekha and Valentina Tolkunova, Nadezhda Babkina and Ekaterina Shavrina, Nikolai Karachentsov and Clara Novikova, Alena Apina and Lolita, Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokur, Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva ... "You won't believe it, but I never offered my songs to anyone! - Proudly says the composer. - So fate brought me up - whether it's good, bad, I don't know."

Historically, there was one piquant moment. A young, pretty girl comes backstage to some popular group - "Singing Guitars", for example, or "Songs". These are strong, beautiful, fun guys. It was only natural that when she showed her song, they often thought that she was actually offering them something else. So, even the illusory possibility of such a situation made this path unacceptable for her. "I also just believed that the stars would come to me on their own, and they really did."

The circumstances were sometimes fantastic. In 1978, she wrote the wonderful "Moscow Romance" for Ilya Reznik - then he was going to perform as a chansonnier in the programs of Alla Pugacheva. Well, he sang this song to her on a long-distance telephone (Reznik was then a Leningrader), and Alla take it and say: "I like it, and I will sing the romance." And only three months after Pugacheva included the song in her repertoire, the singer and the author of the music were finally able to meet. Further - more interesting. Arriving at the concert to Pugacheva, "Moscow Romance" hears Valery Leontiev and ... urgently arrives in Leningrad to look for Laura.

They first met at the very beginning of the 80s between his concerts in the dressing room of the Leningrad Palace of Youth, where a prudent dresser locked them up from crazy fans who even then ran after him screaming, preventing him from passing and tearing off his clothes. “I encountered this phenomenon for the first time in my life,” Laura raises her eyebrows. “I knew another success. This is Lyudmila Senchina, Edita Piekha ... When the first secretary of the district committee of the party, the second secretary of the regional committee, etc. flowers, gifts, speeches... And so that the roar, excitement, tantrums backstage!

In front of her sat a very tired, silent creature. Laura brought him three songs, but if they didn’t fit, she asked to immediately return the notes: “I don’t have extra claviers.” From such spontaneity, fatigue immediately flew off the singer, and he invited the girl to the piano ... Valery really liked the musical material, but due to the fact that Senchina had already chosen one song for herself, and he did not want to take another because of an unkind attitude towards himself on the part of the author of the poems, Leontiev had only the third - "Farewell to Mom", which marked the beginning of their creative tandem with Laura. "I was always amused by how Valera addressed the public:" I'm happy that you decided to spend your leisure time with me (emphasis on the first syllable). "After one of the concerts, when we, having drunk cognac, boarded a train to Moscow, I ventured remark: "Not leisure, but leisure." To which he retorted: are you sure?! It's hard to believe, but more than twenty years have passed since then ... "

Bill Andrey Mikhailovich

Andrey Mikhailovich Bill - Russian pop singer, showman, teacher, laureate of the All-Union State Television and Radio Competitions: "Jurmala-89", "Magic Crystal", Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, since 2007 - Honored Worker of Culture of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Master of Sports of the USSR, two-time world champion in sailing sports (2009 and 2010). Absolute Champion "EURO MICRO CUP" (2011). Since 1996 - rector-coordinator State school pop and jazz art. Lecturer and art director of ISI.

Year of birth according to the lunar calendar: Sarvari
Date of birth: 20.07.1960 , 12:00 (GMT +6)
Place of birth: Omsk, Russia, Omsk region, 73°E22′, 54°N59′
  • Rasi
  • rising sign14°21′Virgo1 housestar of the eastHastamoon star1/4 MrigashiraDay of the weekWednesday Sun4°12′Cancer11 house Moon25°44′ Taurus9 house Mercury29°05′ Gemini10 house Venus11°49′Cancer11 house Mars27°55′Ovnov8 house Jupiter1°57′ Sagittarius4 house Saturn20°52′ Sagittarius4 house Rahu24°45′ Leo12 house Ketu24°45′ Aquarius6th house
    Ayanamsa: 23°18′
  • Navamsa
  • The power of the planets

    rising sign0 conventional force
    Sun0 conventional force
    Moon0 conventional force
    Mercury+1 strengthened
    Venus-1 weakened
    Mars-2 very weak
    Jupiter-2 very weak
    Saturn-1 weakened
    Rahu-2 very weak
    Ketu-1 weakened
Rasi | degrees | Navamsa | Strength

I. Sunrise, stars, day of the week

Rising sign - Virgo

Virgo is a sign associated with the element of earth, ruled by Mercury, symbolized by the virgin. People born under this sign have practical abilities - for example, keeping records or making things with their own hands. They have a weak body and calm nature. They dress well and have the unconditional purity of their character. They are quick-witted, they are lucky in commercial activities, they are interested in the most various types knowledge. They like to talk, they are very curious. There is an impulsive, emotional vein in their character, they often engage in art, music, play musical instruments, are engaged in drawing, sculpting, designing, as well as work that requires attention to detail.

If this sign is ascending, it indicates a thoughtful, receptive, cautious and punctual person, restless or nervous. They are economical, methodical, capable of doing hard work. They lack self-confidence and tend to hesitate about any decision they make unless their heart tells them directly that it is good.

Their nature is religious, but the mentality is analytical. They are very fond of nature. They suffer from disturbances in their family and from hostile relations with relatives. These are influential people who are able to judge things correctly, but tend to get carried away by the mood. Their life is usually long, and its end is peaceful, calm.

Outwardly, they are usually of medium height, with long arms and legs, an attractive face, brown-haired or brunette, with large cheeks.

The sign of Virgo is a sign of a person who is pleasant, sensitive and creative, pure, innocent, or naive in character. They may work hard to earn money, but feel better when their freedom of action is not limited by the established, boring order.

Star of the East - Hasta

Hasta's symbol is a clenched fist. She points to a pure, immaculate person, and to actions related to power, control. This "virgin" is a star divine in nature. It indicates the ability to heal, eliminate ignorance, create. Hasta is a bright star, giving a pleasant, cheerful character. She is associated with the merchant class.

If this star rises, we see a person of pleasant character, with skillful hands, sociable, willing to take part in entertainment, but firmly pursuing his goal. Outwardly, these people are usually beautiful, follow the generally accepted manner of behavior, sensitive, artistic, prone to social activities. They are able to withstand the competition, they love foreign countries, their speech is penetrating, their mindset is somewhat thievish.

Moon Star - Mrigashira

"Mriga" means "deer". This star indicates a person of attractive appearance, like a deer. This is a meek, soft star, a "maiden" - divine in nature, and therefore corresponds to a kind, peaceful person. "Mrigashira" is also translated as "search star". The animal symbol is the serpent, which indicates a subtle, ironic person. Mrigashira is associated with the Moon, which gives a sensitive, receptive nature.

When the Moon occupies the Mrigashira star, a person is fickle, has a sharp mind, is timid, eloquent, avoids quarrels, is diligent in work, willingly indulges in sensual pleasures, is rich, lives in a comfortable environment. People born when the moon was in this star can be busy research work they are poetic, creative.

When the Moon is in the 1st quarter, the following is manifested:

Wealth, nasty character, joy of victory over enemies, ugly appearance, fullness is possible.

Day of week Wednesday

A person born on the day of Buddhi [Mercury] (Wednesday) has a beautiful appearance, speaks sweetly, possesses wealth, is skilled in the arts, is dexterous in commerce, is educated and sees the virtues (dignities) of other people.

II. Planets in signs

Sun in Cancer

The sun in this sign serves as a sign of a person who is able to be kind, sincere, cordial and indicates his love for solemn rituals. This person is attached to his household possessions or loves life surrounded by nature or in luxurious surroundings. Cancer is a mobile and "one" sign, and these people have the ability to deal with liquid products or travel-related activities. They like to live close to the water, swim, they are happy to travel to the tropics or beyond the seas. A person with the Sun in Cancer is very sincere in his affections. These people have a stubborn, sensitive, emotional character. Feelings play a big role in their decision-making process. These people are shy, their manner is restrained, but they are receptive to new ideas and insightful. They usually understand what is good and what is right, but sometimes overestimate their own ideas.

In his career or in his social position, this person experiences ups and downs. These are thrifty, conservative people, good-natured and cheerful character. They are attached to home and family; love pleasure, fun and entertainment; have a strong imagination and a good memory. Sometimes they suffer from stomach disorders, indigestion or constipation. They are rich, their character is independent. At times they can express themselves roughly, but their minds and psychic abilities are quite bright - they just know when and whom to inspire with energetic expressions. They have a temperament of good teachers, they have a heightened sense of truth. They are able to sacrifice their own interests, working for the benefit of others. They suffer from travel fatigue.

Moon in Taurus

Taurus is associated with the earth, ruled by Venus; this is the sign in which the Moon reaches its exaltation, its full strength. Being in a sign associated with the earth, it gives a controlled, moderate, stable, practical character. Ruled by Venus, it indicates the attachment of such people to possessions and either attractive appearance or attachment to beauty, nature and sensual pleasures. The Moon, being in its strongest sign, gives these people good qualities, inherited from mothers, strong intellect, good focus and stability on the way to the goal. They are stubborn, can become cocky or get very angry. They are stable, respectable, they make good citizens or faithful followers of a cause. They are a little lazy, but you can be pretty sure they will do their part. They are reliable and economical. They slowly move towards their success and enjoy prosperity in the second half of life. They love music and good food. They may be well built or somewhat full. They function well in their own environment and in situations where they are not too rushed or put under undue pressure; therefore they love the countryside and desert places. Sometimes they are old fashioned. Usually have a moderate weight, good looks and large features. They are generous to those they love.

The ancient text Brihad-jataka says that they will be people of “beautiful appearance, with wide hips, generous in gifts, able to patiently endure misfortune; will have great influence and power over others; will have more daughters than sons, will be patient, will love the opposite sex, and will be attached to their friends.” Other sources say that people with the Moon in Taurus are serious, thoughtful, observant, receptive and reasonable. They think independently; but they need to be careful not to over-influence their own feelings. They achieve success in studies related to the land and its products.

Mercury in Gemini

Mercury is in its own sign, and therefore quite strong. Such people have aptitude for literature, for conveying messages, for typing, or for any of the other qualities represented by Mercury. They are talkative, mobile, they have many friends, many professions. According to one ancient text, they will "have aptitude for the arts and sciences, speak politely but not truthfully, love entertainment, humor and pleasure." In their work they are active and productive. They may be married several times.

Venus in Cancer

For Venus, this is a hostile sign, and such a person can expect some emotional hardship at times. These chagrins will show up in the field of sexual relations, as well as because of the abuse of something and because of the soft, weak and timid nature of these people. They make good actors, decorators, or they can earn money through a business related to beauty. They live in comfort, look good, have a good heart.

Mars in Aries

Mars is the ruler, the lord of the sign of Aries and thus here it is in its own sign and therefore quite strong. Here he points to an energetic, competitive person, a feeder, a pioneer. These are enterprising people; they travel, go in for sports; act recklessly and recklessly; strongly attached to sex. They are capable of a feat, their spirit is warlike, they are very sociable. They own pets and property; such people often suffer from accidents, from injustice or from fire.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter is in its own sign. This person is smart, educated, has good friends, gets an important position in which they serve people. They have knowledge in the field of religion, law, high financial sphere. They are sincere and trustworthy. They will live in good homes, visit holy places, and be blessed with children.

Saturn in Sagittarius

For Saturn, this is a neutral sign, but the sign of Sagittarius is so good that one can expect favorable consequences from such an arrangement. These can be people with great knowledge and religious, capable of serving others, merciful and easy to deal with people. Most of the fortune comes in last years life. They can be optimistic, trustworthy people, they can have good children. They have the ability to organize actions on a large scale.

III. planets in houses

* The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth

Sun in the eleventh house

These people are usually gifted with good looks, live long, associate with great people, own property, and are able to earn money and manage it well. They may come from a wealthy family. These people are selfish and have few loved ones. They are proud and somewhat boastful, but are highly regarded by educated and skilled people.

Moon in the ninth house

The mind of this person is strong, he can manifest creative and art-related thoughts. Such people care about the prosperity of society. They have a spiritual or philosophical mind. They acquire property, have good children, and receive favorable opportunities for long-distance travel. The mother of such a person may be a blessed woman.

Mercury in tenth house

This person has a lot to say to others, he can be found conveying some knowledge to society. They have aptitude in trade or in oratory. They will have good educational opportunities; they can become writers or doctors. The way to make a living can be discovered through publishing activity, secretarial work, supply in the field of medicine and through the activities of a courier, messenger.

Venus in the eleventh house

This place is favorable for Venus; such an arrangement gives good children, money without much effort, a good marriage partner and a friendly, compassionate character. These people are doing work that affects the masses of people. They love to travel. They are conservative; they are successful in joint business and in influencing public opinion.

Mars in the eighth house

The 8th house is malefic and the presence of Mars here usually results in marital problems, useless travel, and engaging in dangerous or destructive work. This location may be unfavorable for life expectancy, there will be disputes leading to litigation. On the other, positive side, it should be noted that these people have strong feelings, inherit significant property and speak convincingly. They are cunning or engaged in dubious business.

Jupiter in the fourth house

It is very likely that a person with Jupiter placed in this house will enjoy a happy family life or live in good company. Such people make good parents, gurus or leaders. They are educated, moral and fortunate; may become owners of significant property. They receive help from their parents and associate with saintly persons.

Saturn in the fourth house

This combination indicates success away from one's birthplace and at least many opportunities for traveling abroad. These people perform well in the natural environment. Significant education is not very important. They make good parents and are associated with people who have yogic power. At heart, they are aloof people, and can lead a simple lifestyle. They may become owners of significant property. They may have chest and heart disease; the mother's health may be poor. There may be success in agriculture, in printing, in the automobile industry.

Rahu in the twelfth house

This location indicates an interest in occult subjects, frequent travel, and residence in many diverse places. They have heartburn, weak eyes, and restless sleep, or strange dreams. Classical texts mention secret sources of income, less than necessary to satisfy the level of sexual pleasure and the ability to serve others well.

IV. Yogi hosts

* The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth

Owner of the 1st house in the 10th

Respect or fame, good career, excellent reputation, high status, health, strength, long life, successful dharma, wealth.

Owner of the 2nd house in the 11th

Perhaps the best position for wealth and easy income. Earnings through a wide range of means, help from an older brother or sister is possible, income from banking or the circulation of capital is possible.

Lord of the 3rd house in the 8th

Misfortune from brothers and sisters, bad relations with relatives, younger relatives will die early or their life will be filled with difficulties, lack of courage, constant fears, no adventures, desires are not fulfilled; a person spends great efforts, and their effect is insignificant; diseases of the right ear, poor communication skills, no ability to fine arts, interest in occult or secret matters, brother may be associated with the occult.

Lord of the 4th house in the 4th

Talent or passion associated with the indicators of this planet. Learning, getting a degree, fine cars and other means of transportation, happiness from a mother, longevity of a mother, happiness and comfort, own land, wealth, a person can find a hidden treasure, a successful and calm completion of affairs, a peaceful and happy end of life.

Lord of the 5th house in the 4th

Happiness from mother, mother will live long. Predestination to possess one's own land, houses, or means of transportation. A lot of comfort and luxury in life, great happiness, auspicious completion of affairs, peaceful end of life, reasonableness, achievement of a high position.

Lord of the 6th house in the 4th

Disagreements with mother, sickly mother. Difficulties with land, home, or means of transportation. Problems with cars, little luxury and comfort in life, interruptions in education, difficult to get a degree, difficult completion of affairs, painful end of life, little or no inheritance, also little real estate.

Lord of the 7th house in the 4th

Happy marriage, comfort, happiness. Perhaps own land, houses and vehicles. High educational level.

Lord of the 8th house in the 8th

Long life, vitality, vigor, a sense of vitality, receiving wealth from a marriage partner. Money from wills, inheritances, or insurance policies. Spiritual inclinations, study of occult subjects, good for moksha, strong intuition, mentality, good sexual potency, sexual attraction.

Lord of the 9th house in the 11th

Great wealth, ambitions and desires fulfilled, happiness from friends, strong and influential friends, religious or spiritual friends, abundance of favorable opportunities, rich father. Good intelligence, wonderful children, successful investments.

Lord of the 10th house in the 10th

Successful career, respect or fame, prosperity, respect from the government or prominent people, wealth. This is a very good position, giving a strong dharma.

Lord of the 11th house in the 9th

Wealth, luck, desires and ambitions come true, getting father's wealth, father is rich and will live long, happiness from older relatives, religiosity or spirituality, happiness from friends, spiritual friends.

Lord of the 12th house in the 11th

Bad relationship with older relatives, older relatives may die early or their life will be difficult, ascetic friends, bad friends, debts and spending due to friends, few favorable opportunities, desires and ambitions not fulfilled, financial losses, few benefits and incomes. Problems with children, bad investments, mental problems.

V. Main periods and sub-periods

The main period of Mars from 07/20/1960 to 04/13/1966

Rahu sub-period from 07/20/1960 to 09/28/1960

Subperiod Jupiter from 09/28/1960 to 09/04/1961

Saturn sub-period from 09/04/1961 to 10/13/1962

Subperiod Mercury from 10/13/1962 to 10/10/1963

Ketu sub-period from 10/10/1963 to 03/07/1964

Sub-period Venus from 03/07/1964 to 05/07/1965

Sub-period Sun from 05/07/1965 to 09/13/1965

Sub-period Moon from 09/13/1965 to 04/13/1966

The main period of Rahu from 04/13/1966 to 04/13/1984

Rahu sub-period from 04/13/1966 to 12/25/1968

Jupiter subperiod from 12/25/1968 to 05/19/1971

Sub-period Saturn from 05/19/1971 to 03/25/1974

Subperiod Mercury from 03/25/1974 to 10/13/1976

Ketu sub-period from 10/13/1976 to 11/01/1977

Sub-period Venus from 11/01/1977 to 11/01/1980

Sub-period Sun from 11/01/1980 to 09/25/1981

Sub-period Moon from 09/25/1981 to 03/25/1983

Subperiod Mars from 03/25/1983 to 04/13/1984

Jupiter's main period from 04/13/1984 to 04/13/2000

Jupiter subperiod from 04/13/1984 to 06/01/1986

Saturn sub-period from 06/01/1986 to 12/13/1988

Subperiod Mercury from 12/13/1988 to 03/19/1991

Ketu sub-period from 03/19/1991 to 02/25/1992

Venus sub-period from 2/25/1992 to 10/25/1994

Sub-period Sun from 10/25/1994 to 08/13/1995

Sub-period Moon from 08/13/1995 to 12/13/1996

Subperiod Mars from 12/13/1996 to 11/19/1997

Rahu sub-period from 11/19/1997 to 04/13/2000

The main period of Saturn from 04/13/2000 to 04/13/2019

Saturn sub-period from 04/13/2000 to 04/16/2003

Subperiod Mercury from 04/16/2003 to 12/25/2005

Ketu sub-period from 12/25/2005 to 02/04/2007

Venus sub-period from 02/04/2007 to 04/04/2010

Sub-period Sun from 04/04/2010 to 03/16/2011

Sub-period Moon from 03/16/2011 to 10/16/2012

Sub-period Mars from 10/16/2012 to 11/25/2013

Rahu sub-period from 11/25/2013 to 10/01/2016

Subperiod Jupiter from 10/01/2016 to 04/13/2019

The main period of Mercury from 04/13/2019 to 04/13/2036

Mercury sub-period from 04/13/2019 to 09/10/2021

Ketu sub-period from 09/10/2021 to 09/07/2022

Venus sub-period from 09/07/2022 to 07/07/2025

Sub-period Sun from 07/07/2025 to 05/13/2026

Sub-period Moon from 05/13/2026 to 10/13/2027

Sub-period Mars from 10/13/2027 to 10/10/2028

Rahu sub-period from 10/10/2028 to 04/28/2031

Jupiter subperiod from 04/28/2031 to 08/04/2033

Saturn sub-period from 08/04/2033 to 04/13/2036

The main period of Ketu from 04/13/2036 to 04/13/2043

Ketu sub-period from 04/13/2036 to 09/10/2036

Venus sub-period from 09/10/2036 to 11/10/2037

Sub-period Sun from 11/10/2037 to 03/16/2038

Sub-period Moon from 03/16/2038 to 10/16/2038

Subperiod Mars from 10/16/2038 to 03/13/2039

Rahu sub-period from 03/13/2039 to 04/01/2040

Subperiod Jupiter from 04/01/2040 to 03/07/2041

Saturn sub-period from 03/07/2041 to 04/16/2042

Sub-period Mercury from 04/16/2042 to 04/13/2043

The main period of Venus from 04/13/2043 to 04/13/2063

Venus sub-period from 04/13/2043 to 08/13/2046

Sub-period Sun from 08/13/2046 to 08/13/2047

Sub-period Moon from 08/13/2047 to 04/13/2049

Sub-period Mars from 04/13/2049 to 06/13/2050

Rahu sub-period from 06/13/2050 to 06/13/2053

Subperiod Jupiter from 06/13/2053 to 02/13/2056

Saturn sub-period from 02/13/2056 to 04/13/2059

Sub-period Mercury from 04/13/2059 to 02/13/2062

Ketu sub-period from 02/13/2062 to 04/13/2063

The main period of the Sun from 04/13/2063 to 04/13/2069

Sub-period Sun from 04/13/2063 to 08/01/2063

VI. General qualities of the main periods and sub-periods


During the period of Mars, there will be energy and activity in all possible forms. Progress and success can be made. This is a good time for the birth of sons, the acquisition of property and interaction with siblings. There may be strong sexual passions. The period is favorable for mechanical or technical work, as well as for communication with the military or police services. The ability to perform surgery may appear. If the planet is afflicted, there is a danger of accidents, violence, cuts, fires, and so on. There may also be disputes and recklessness, diseases of the blood, bone marrow or muscular system.


The period of Rahu is mainly characterized as a time of strong desires related to the house where Rahu is located, and generally inherent in the nature of the individual. It is an indicator of the depth and intensity of the experience. In general, Rahu usually causes great suffering during the first and last two or three years of his period. If there are aspects from benefic planets or Rahu is well placed, there can be great worldly success and material gain. A person can rise to a very high, authoritative position. If Mars, Saturn or the 12th lord aspects Rahu, the period may be more difficult than usual. During this period, one can expect financial loss, danger from snakes or poison, many diseases, restless thoughts, humiliations and failures. Since Rahu is not really a planet and therefore has no direct relation to mental abilities, its period is characterized more as a time for the application of already developed abilities than for the acquisition of new talents. The scriptures say that even when Rahu is well placed, the benefits gained during this period are completely lost at its end.


Jupiter brings a period of prosperity, happiness and honor. Achievement of goals and fulfillment of cherished desires is expected. It is also mainly a time of spiritual growth and higher education. This period is a good time for having children. If the children are already big, then they become more purposeful; the older child may change during this period, and for better or for worse - it depends on the position of the planet. Since Jupiter is a benefic planet, it often gives various favorable opportunities, and therefore marriage is successful during this period. Also, the standard of living can rise, it will be possible to enjoy comfort and luxury. The acquisition of good cars is likely, since favorable opportunities favor the acquisition of property. In spiritual terms, the period is very successful for relationships with Guru or spiritual teachers. Travels to holy places are also expected. In any case, long trips will be successful. If Jupiter is afflicted, all kinds of misfortunes are possible, as luck is frustrated and almost all ventures fail. There will be diseases associated with allergies and the liver.


The Saturn period is characterized by hard work for a career. This period can bring honor and progress based on the individual's current and previous efforts. This is a time of great discipline and laying a solid foundation for a career. At this time, a person can create any real structure necessary for the future. The period of Saturn can also give wealth, authority and power. There may be money from inheritances or from real estate. If Saturn is afflicted, the period will bring limitations, delays, poverty, heaviness, disease and injury. There may also be professional falls, loss of respect, and danger from rheumatism or paralysis.


During the period of Mercury there will be a great attraction to learning, writing, oratory and all intellectual pursuits. There will be deep concentration and deep psychological understanding. Mercury is the planet of trade and commerce, and therefore this is a good time to start a business. There may also be a connection with radio, television, accounting, publishing and other activities of Mercury. If Mercury is not aspected by the Sun or any other malefic planet, then as a benefic planet it brings happiness, prosperity and other favorable effects. There will be excellent results regarding the acquisition of all kinds of knowledge. The period bestows successful relationships with the Guru and spiritual teachers. Entering this period will initiate the study of new spiritual traditions or yoga techniques. You are also more likely to go back to college or night school. If Mercury is afflicted, there will be mental problems, depression or instability. There may be nerves of exhaustion as Mercury rules nervous system. Merchants will experience loss in business in proportion to the degree of planetary affliction.


Of all the planetary periods, the period of Ketu is the most difficult to give accurate predictions. Ancient Indian writings predict all kinds of misfortune: poverty, sadness, humiliation, slander, poisoning, strange diseases, etc. Since Ketu is transcendental and carries an ascetic influence and non-attachment to earthly affairs, it does not favor marital affairs. If Ketu is influenced by positive planets, then good results can be expected. For the spiritual explorer, this period will provide an opportunity to experience a deep spiritual, mystical or psychic experience.


The period of Venus is favorable for enjoying luxury, comfort, romance and married life. If Venus is not afflicted, it will give great wealth, happiness and pleasant connections. Possible connection with artistic pursuits. This is an extremely favorable period for actors, musicians, singers and dancers. The business can be related to jewelry, sweets, entertainment, beauty salons, etc. Basically, the attention of the personality during the period of Venus is directed to marriage and heart affairs. If Venus is badly placed, these deeds will bring disappointment, sadness and grief. Happiness is upset and money matters also suffer. There may be diseases of the reproductive system and kidneys.


The Sun Period will bring with it events related to popularity, professional advancement, positions of authority, influence and power, recognition from senior or significant figures, and affairs related to the government. The father can play a significant role in fate at this time; father's life will improve if the Sun is well placed. If it is affected, the opposite effect will take place. At this time, spiritual practices and travel in tropical regions are possible. If the Sun is weak or afflicted, there may be trouble with the eyes or the heart.


The Moon gives a very personal influence in the horoscope. The period is associated with personal physical existence, recognition from others and the fulfillment of the most significant desires. It is also most closely connected with the facets of life that are dear to the individual. One can expect affairs with women and a mother whose life will also improve or worsen - this depends on the position of the moon. These years will undoubtedly be very emotional, romantic, sensitive and changeable. This is an excellent time to draw public attention and gain a good reputation if the Moon is well placed. In this case, it is also the right time for marriage and great happiness. If the Moon is afflicted there will be a very difficult period as the mental world and basic well-being are damaged. Possible exposure to slander, humiliation, accusations, falls and persecution. Physical illnesses can be related to the stomach, chest, or brain.

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Other popular personalities

In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. He was actively involved in sailing, repeatedly became the winner in all-Union competitions, but was going to seriously devote himself to music. After serving in the army, he entered the pop department Russian Academy Music named after the Gnesins (class of V. Kh. Khachaturov), where he studied from 1985 to 1990. During his studies, he was forced to work as a janitor, since in those days public housing was provided to janitors. At the same time, he worked at the Moskontsert and rehearsed in the Good Fellows ensemble.

In 1987, Bill created the Telefon group, which became the touring group of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic. In the same year he participated in qualifying round All-Union Radio Competition for Young Pop Song Performers. The singer won the title of laureate of the All-Union television competition "Magic Crystal" in 1988. A year later, he became the winner of the All-Union competition for young performers "Jurmala-89". At a competition in Jurmala, Andrei met the composer Laura Quint, who soon became his wife. In the same 1989, Bill appeared on the dramatic stage in her rock opera Giordano as a student of Giordano Bruno. Here his partners were famous artists like Valery Leontiev, Larisa Dolina and Pavel Smeyan.

Since 1990, Bill began an active tour, took part in many television programs. Such songs performed by him as “Bespectacled”, “Jealousy”, “Oh, San Remo!”, “You are the most beautiful”, authored by his wife Laura Quint, were very popular at that time. In 1990 - 1997 Andrei was the host of children's television music competitions and programs: “At Cinderella’s Ball”, “Music Club”, “Do-mi-sol and Co”, “Cool Company”, “Musical Frigate”. At the same time, he opened a network educational institutions for especially gifted children in different cities of Russia. In 1999, at the initiative of Andrey Bill Russian house folk art together with the Ministry of Education of Russia, the All-Russian children's competition performers of the pop song "Voices of the XXI century". In 2003 Andrey released a collection teaching materials on the method of teaching pop vocals to children.

Today it combines pedagogical activity from the concert. For several years, Andrey Bill has been the representative of Russia on the jury of the children's international competition « Slavic Marketplace» in Vitebsk, its host and leader of the selection of contestants in Russia. Currently, Andrey Bill is a teacher and art director of the ISI, as well as artistic director children's school-studio "Musical frigate". In 2004, at the invitation of the Administration of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Andrey Bill headed a special youth musical project- a bright variety show "Ugra Springboard", uniting 20 vocalists and 30 ballet dancers born in the north and living in Ugra. For his contribution to the development of the culture of the northern regions, Andrei Bill in 2007 was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. From 2007 to the present, Andrey Bill has been the curator of the work of the organizing committees and the Chairman of the grand jury of the competitions: "Mix Arts" in Yekaterinburg, "Northern Venice" in St. Petersburg, " winter fairy tale» in Veliky Ustyug.

Lives and works in Moscow.

In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, then served in the ranks Soviet army(Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). From 1985 to 1990 he studied at the Gnesins State Musical and Pedagogical Institute (variety department, class of V. Kh. Khachaturov).
In 1987, Bill created the TELEFON group, which became the touring group of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic. In the same year, he participated in the qualifying round of the All-Union Radio Competition for Young Pop Song Performers. The singer won the title of laureate of the All-Union television competition "Magic Crystal" in 1988.
In 1989 he won the All-Union competition for young performers "Jurmala" and in the same year, together with Larisa Dolina and Valery Leontiev, he made his debut in Laura Quint's opera "Giordano Bruno" (performing the part of Giordano's student). In the same year, Andrei Bill is married to the composer Laura Quint.
Since 1990, he has been actively touring, taking part in many television programs. In the same year, A. Bill became the owner of the title "Discovery of the Year", and the song bespectacled- Laureate of the hit parade of the Moscow press. Most famous songs: “Bespectacled”, “Jealousy”, “Oh, San Remo”, “You are the most beautiful” (L. Quint - O. Klimenkova), “Boy-girl” (L. Quint - L. Rubalskaya).

In 1991, the singer's first album " Jealousy", and Bill receives an invitation to become the host of the children's musical show "At Cinderella's Ball". Since then, he has been a permanent host of ORT children's television programs (“Do-mi-sol”, “ funny notes”, “Musical frigate”, etc.). In parallel, Bill opens a network of educational institutions for especially gifted children in different cities of Russia.
Since 1996 he has been the rector-coordinator of the State College of Variety and Jazz Art.