Initially, oratory was called culture, the ability to draw. Social Studies Tests

With today in Russia there are new norms of the literary Russian language. Now it is impossible to accuse of illiteracy those who sign not an agreement, but an agreement and drink STRONG coffee. Such norms are enshrined in dictionaries, which the Ministry of Education and Science has approved as reference.

It is desirable to sign the "contract" on Wednesdays. In the morning, have yoghurt for breakfast and drink black coffee. All these words and phrases should not cut the ear now, they are acceptable in use. From now on, this is the norm. On Knowledge Day, the Ministry of Education and Science released words that were previously considered the height of illiteracy. Here are just a few innovations. The word "marrying" is a mistake, it is correct to say "married". "Karate" must be written with an "e". You can conclude as you like - both "agreement" and "agreement". And - both on Wednesdays and on Wednesdays. Well, and absolutely amazing - double stress in the word "yogurt" / "yogurt". Such rules are determined by the list of "dictionaries, grammars and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language", specified in the order of the Ministry of Education, which officially comes into force today.

The Ministry of Education considered that there were too many low-quality dictionaries, and it was time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Publishing houses were offered to pass a kind of attestation - to hand over directories for verification to the commission in order to compile a list of official publications that can and should be consulted. There were four of those. And it is them, as stated in the official document of the Ministry of Education, that it is recommended to use "when using the Russian language as the state language":

"Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language" by Bronislava Bukchina, Inna Sazonova and Lyudmila Cheltsova,
"Grammar Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by Andrey Zaliznyak, "Dictionary of Russian Stress" by Irina Reznichenko, "Big phrasebook Russian Language" by Veronika Telia. It is interesting that all four books were published by one publishing house.

Today, the Ministry delicately refused to officially comment on the order to Vesti, saying only that the list of dictionaries was recommended to officials and allegedly does not introduce new rules for the Russian language. Moreover, this list is not final. In the final - there will be several dozen directories.

Meanwhile, in the ranks of philologists - confusion. It is not clear why this list did not include any of the dictionaries that until today were considered standard - Rosenthal's books, for example, or Lopatin's academic reference book. Where, by the way, the word "coffee" is still masculine. However, a number of experts refer to the fact that language norms change over time, and this is normal. The dictionary only fixes how it is customary to speak in this era. So, for example, in the 30s they said both "my" and "my" taxi. And if now more and more people say "agreement", or "strong coffee", then this is the norm. This point of view is shared by one of the authors of the spelling dictionary from the new list. Will new dictionaries take root in state institutions? And will their use in educational institutions mandatory - the order of the Ministry does not stipulate.

It is interesting that in these four books we also found the word "Internet", which from now on must be written only with a capital letter (although "telephone" or "television" - with a small one). And absolutely Russian - "fife-o-klok". That is, "I didn't have a fife-o-clock today" in the sense of "I didn't have lunch today."

Option 1 Level A Tasks Choose one correct answer out of four. A1. Initially, culture was called: 1) oratory 2) the ability to draw 3) ways of cultivating the soil 4) Good breeding A2. Culture in the broad sense of the word is: 1) all kinds of ...

Option 1 Level A Tasks Choose one correct answer out of four. A1. Initially, culture was called: 1) oratory 2) the ability to draw 3) ways of cultivating the soil 4) Good breeding A2. Culture in the broad sense of the word is: 1) all types of transformative activity 2) arts 3) the production of spiritual values ​​4) human education A3. Spiritual values ​​include: 1) microscope 2) computer 3) scientific discovery 4) TV A4. Accumulation cultural property vertical means: 1) the emergence of new works of art 2) the deepening of knowledge about culture 3) the transfer of cultural values ​​from generation to generation 4) the restoration of cultural monuments A5. The specifics of mass culture are: 1) entertainment 2) accessibility 3) originality 4) recognition A6. Are the following statements correct? A. Elite culture is hostile to mass culture. B. Elite culture raises the level of mass culture. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong A7. Ve

Option 1 Level A Tasks Choose one correct answer out of four. A1. Initially, culture was called: 1) oratory 2) the ability to draw 3) ways of cultivating the soil 4) Good breeding A2. Culture in the broad sense of the word is: 1) all types of transformative activity 2) arts 3) the production of spiritual values ​​4) human education A3. Spiritual values ​​include: 1) microscope 2) computer 3) scientific discovery 4) TV A4. The vertical accumulation of cultural values ​​means: 1) the emergence of new works of art 2) the deepening of knowledge about culture 3) the transfer of cultural values ​​from generation to generation 4) the restoration of cultural monuments A5. The specifics of mass culture are: 1) entertainment 2) accessibility 3) originality 4) recognition A6. Are the following statements correct? A. Elite culture is hostile to mass culture. B. Elite culture raises the level of mass culture. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong A7. Are the following statements correct? A. Science is a system of knowledge. B. Science is the production of knowledge. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both judgments are wrong A8. The education system is regulated by: 1) the state 2) society 3) social group 4) individuals 1

A9. The humanization of education is: 1) reducing the teaching load 2) the opportunity to get an education in another country 3) attention to the individual characteristics of the individual 4) free attendance of classes A10. The world religions do not include: 1) Christianity 2) Buddhism 3) Judaism 4) Islam А11. Art in the broad sense of the word is: 1) a high level of skill 2) artistic reflection reality 3) correct reflection of reality 4) all of the above A12. Worldview is formed under the influence of: A. personal experience. B. Environmental cultural environment. B. Education and upbringing. G. Psychological characteristics of personality. 1) A and D are correct 2) A C is correct 3) C and D are correct 4) A B C D is correct A13. The ability of a person to moral self-control is called: 1) conscience 2) persuasion 3) talent 4) etiquette A14. A person's awareness of his significance is called: 1) honor 2) dignity 3) respect 4) recognition A15. Moral norms are protected by: 1) the state 2) society 3) church 4) political parties А16. Advertising is a mandatory and integral part of: 1) national culture 2) elite culture 3) mass culture 4) folk culture A17. What function of science is illustrated by the introduction of developments in the use of ultrasound for drilling and cutting metals? 1) cultural and worldview 2) production 3) social 4) moral 2

A18. Are the following statements about science correct? A. The purpose of science is the description, explanation and prediction of processes and phenomena. B. The goal of science is the theoretical reflection of reality in the form theoretical knowledge. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect A19. Are the following statements about the classification of culture correct? A. The forms of culture are determined by its bearers. B. The forms of culture are determined by the natural-geographical factor. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect A20. Are the following judgments about the social function of education correct? A. In the process of education, a person acquires social experience, his socialization takes place. B. Education directly regulates social processes in society. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect A21. The mass media include: 1) literature 2) television 3) theater 4) film art A22. Works created by anonymous creators, often without professional training, belong to the culture: 1) mass .. 2) folk 3) screen 4) artistic A23. The problem of increasing the social and moral responsibility of a scientist today is determined by: 1) the struggle for copyright 2) the emergence of new scientific discoveries 3) the pursuit of scientific truth 4) the ambiguity of the consequences of scientific discoveries A24. An extensive path of development of education means: 1) an increase in various types of educational institutions 2) an increase in the number of disciplines taught at school 3) the integration of academic disciplines 4) an increase in the quality of teaching A25. What sign characterizes secondary education in the Russian Federation: 1) the state guarantees all citizens education in Russian 2) teaching in foreign languages is compulsory 3) secondary education is compulsory in the Russian Federation 4) a student cannot be excluded from educational institution 3

A26. Are the following statements about mass media (media) correct? A. The content of information supplied by the media takes into account the needs of the audience. B. The demands of the mass audience are largely formed under the influence of the media. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect A27. Are the following statements about the media correct? A. The media contribute to maintaining the continuity of the development of society. B. The content of information disseminated by the media reflects the needs of a specific audience. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both judgments are wrong A28. Are the following judgments about self-education correct? A. Self-education is necessary for distance learning. B. Self-education must be engaged in to increase the individual level of culture. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect A29. The spiritual world of man is called: 1) microcosm 2) macrocosm 3) cosmos 4) soul A30. The foundation of the spiritual life of society is: 1) cognition 2) art 3) science 4) culture Level B tasks Answers to level B tasks are a word, a sequence of letters or numbers. In the matching tasks, you need to write the letters of your chosen answers in the correct sequence. IN 1. What concept corresponds to the following definition? “The ability of a person to give preference to high (artistic, scientific, religious) interests over selfish, material, mundane aspirations is …………...”. Answer: _______________ B2. Fill in the missing word: “………….. is special shape public consciousness and practically spiritual activity for the development and implementation of aesthetic values, i.e. beauty values. Answer:______________ 4

IN 3. Insert the missing word: “The system of views on the objective world and the place of a person in it, on the attitude of a person to the reality around him and to himself, as well as the main positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles, value orientations due to these views, are ... ........" . Answer: _________________ B4. Finish the sentence: “A set of norms that determine human behavior in society and are based on public opinion- this is ... ”Answer: ________________ B5. Which of the following is unique to an elite culture? 1) General availability 2) Complexity and inconsistency 3) Calculation for a narrow circle of experts 4) Anonymity 5) Expression of refined tastes of the privileged part of society Answer: ________________ B6. Establish a correspondence: for each definition of the first column, select the corresponding concept from the second. 1 2 3 Q7. Establish a correspondence: for each definition of the first column, select the corresponding concept from the second. 1 2 3 4 5 B8. Which of the following examples can be folk culture 1) Musical 2) Cinema 3) Dances 4) Anecdotes 5) Tales 6) Sayings 7) Laws Answer: __________________ B9. Which of the following examples can be attributed to popular culture? 1) Piano concerto 2) Philosophical essay 3) Detective novel 4) Heroic epic 5) Epic 6) Television 7) Radio broadcast of a variety concert Answer: ________________ 5

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Moral standards include 1) Respect for other peoples 2) The rule of law 3) Loyalty and love for the Fatherland 4) Respect for nature 5) Talent 6) Love for art 7) Honest performance of duty Answer: ___________________ 6

Answers option 1 LEVEL A Task number Answer task number Answer task number Answer 1 3 11 2 21 2 2 3 12 4 22 2 3 3 13 1 23 4 4 3 14 2 24 2 5 2 15 2 25 3 6 4 16 3 26 3 7 3 17 2 27 3 8 1 18 3 28 3 9 3 19 1 29 2 10 3 20 4 30 4 LEVEL B Item No. Answer 1 Spirituality 2 Art 3 Worldview or scientific picture of the world 4 Morality 5 2 3 5 6 1B 2A 3B 7 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 8 3 4 5 6 9 6 7 10 1 3 4 7 7

Current page: 10 (total book has 41 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 27 pages]

Religion performs compensatory function. fills the limitations, dependence, impotence of people in terms of both the restructuring of consciousness and changes in the objective conditions of existence. Real oppression is overcome by "freedom in the spirit", social inequality turns into "equality" in sinfulness, in suffering; disunity and isolation are replaced by brotherhood in the community; impersonal, external relations of individuals indifferent to each other are compensated by personal communion with God in a religious group. Importance has a psychological aspect of compensation - stress relief, consolation, catharsis, meditation, spiritual pleasure, including in the case when the psychological process is set in motion with the help of illusion.

Religion provides communication communicative function. Communication develops both in non-religious and in religious activities and relationships, includes the processes of information exchange, interaction, perception of a person by a person. Religious consciousness prescribes two plans for communication: 1) believers with each other; 2) believers with God, angels, souls of the dead, saints, who act as ideal mediators, mediators of communication between people - in the liturgy of prayer, meditation, "secret vision", etc.

regulatory function. Being a normative system and the basis of socially sanctioned ways of behaving, religion in a certain way organizes the thoughts, aspirations of people, their activities.

Integrating-disintegrating function in one respect unites, and in another - separates individuals, groups, institutions. Integration contributes to the preservation, disintegration - to the weakening of the stability, stability of the individual, individual social groups, institutions and society as a whole. The integrating function is performed within the limits in which a more or less single, common religion is recognized. If in the religious consciousness and behavior of the individual, tendencies are found that do not agree with each other, if there are different, and even opposing confessions in social groups and society, religion performs a disintegrating function.

Religion, being an integral part of culture, performs cultural transmission function. It contributes to the development of certain of its foundations - writing, printing, art, ensures the protection and development of values. religious culture, carries out the transfer of the accumulated heritage from generation to generation.

Legitimating-delegitimizing function means the legitimization of certain social orders, institutions (state, political, legal, etc.), relations, norms, patterns as they should, or, conversely, the assertion of the illegality of some of them. Religion puts forward, the highest requirement is the maxim (Lat. maxima- the highest principle), in accordance with which an assessment of certain phenomena is given and a certain attitude towards them is formed. The maxim is given a binding and immutable character.

In addition to the main functions, religion at different times performed and continues to perform non-religious functions, determined by the specific historical and social situation in which a given religious association lives and functions.

Tests for Section III

1. All types of industrial, social and spiritual activities of a person and society, as well as all their results in the aggregate can be called:

a) culture;

b) the economy;

c) worldview;

d) history.

2. The existence of culture is impossible without:

a) public institutions in charge of cultural affairs;

c) state funding of cultural events;

b) democratic state structure;

d) continuity of cultural traditions.

3. Each cultural value:

a) is unique;

b) understandable;

c) known;

d) necessary.

4. Initially, culture was called:

a) oratory;

b) the ability to draw;

c) ways of cultivating the soil;

d) poetic gift.

5. Traditionally divided into material and spiritual:

a) culture;

b) morality;

d) religion.

6. Worldview is formed under the influence of:

A. personal experience;

B. environmental cultural environment;

B. education and upbringing;

G. psychological characteristics of the individual.

7. Culture, the purpose of which is to obtain commercial profit, is called:

a) elite;

b) folk;

c) national;

d) mass.

8. hallmark elite culture is:

a) the complexity of the content;

b) limited by the national framework;

c) the ability to make a profit;

d) targeting the general public.

9. Reflection and transformation of reality into artistic images underlies:

a) art;

c) production;

d) education.

10. A type of fine art that has a three-dimensional form is called:

a) sculpture;

b) architecture;

d) abstractionism.

11. The genres of painting do not include:

a) still life;

b) landscape;

c) graphics;

d) portrait.

12. Are the judgments correct? Science means:

A. Knowledge system;

B. Knowledge production.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

13. Sciencethis thinking:

a) in images;

b) in art forms;

c) in concepts;

d) feelings.

14. The process of initiation to values human society, knowledge about the world accumulated by previous generations is called:

a) science;

b) art;

c) education;

d) creativity.

15. The education system is regulated by:

a) the state;

b) society;

c) social group;

d) individuals.

16. Humanization of educationThis:

a) refusal to set low marks;

b) free attendance at school;

c) greater attention to the individual characteristics of the individual;

d) reducing the teaching load.

17. Humanitarianism involves:

a) ensuring the universality of education;

b) refusal to study the exact sciences;

c) creation of conditions for education for persons with physical disabilities;

d) increased attention to the study of social disciplines.

18. Internationalization of educationThis:

a) learning foreign languages;

b) the opportunity to get an education in another country;

c) creation unified system education for different countries;

d) training of various specialists.

19. Are the following statements correct? The socializing function of education is that:

A. In its process, a person acquires social experience, the socialization of the personality takes place.

B. It directly regulates social processes in society.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

20. Are the following judgments about the connection between spiritual and material culture correct?

A. Spiritual culture always provides for the needs of material culture.

B. Spiritual and material culture exist independently of each other.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

21. According to the Law Russian Federation"On education" is mandatory:

a) secondary (complete) general education;

b) basic general education;

c) vocational education;

d) higher education.

22. Are the following judgments about school education correct?

A. The knowledge acquired at school must correspond to modern scientific ideas.

B. The knowledge acquired at school must correspond to the cognitive abilities of students.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

23. Are the following judgments about the development of science correct?

A. The development of science is impossible without relying on the achievements of predecessors.

B. Scientific revolutions refute all pre-existing theories.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

24. Are the following judgments about religion correct? The specific property of religion is:

A. Connection with the world of human experiences.

B. Belief in the supernatural.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are true;

4) both judgments are wrong.

25. Religion is a form:

a) human existence;

b) class consciousness;

c) human culture;

d) morality.

26. Religion includes:

a) a system of dogmas;

b) mythology;

c) cult activities;

d) all of the above.

27. A religion that recognizes the existence of only one God is called:

a) paganism;

b) polytheism;

c) monotheism;

d) animism.

28. What is the name of one of the early forms of religion, the essence of which is the worship of some animal or plant and the belief in one's origin from them?

a) totemism;

b) fetishism;

c) animism;

29. The world religions do not include:

a) Christianity;

b) Buddhism;

c) Judaism;

a) Confucianism

b) Christianity;

d) Buddhism.

Section IV
Economic sphere of society

4.1. The concept of "economic sphere and "economy". Resources and their limitations

Economic sphere - decisive in the life of society - regulates the issues of production, ownership, exchange, distribution and consumption of material and spiritual goods.

The economic sphere is formed historically. Its development is due to changes in social production, the need to stimulate the activities of producers in such a way as the nature and content of labor require.

concept "economy" often used to characterize social production. There are different approaches to determining the content of the economy.

First of all, the economy is considered as a set of industries and types of material production and non-productive sphere. It creates goods and services, without which human society cannot exist and develop.

Secondly, the economy is usually associated with a set of economic relations that develop in the system of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. These relations form the economic basis of society.

Thirdly, economics is understood as a branch of science that studies the functional or sectoral aspects of economic relations.

Fourth, researchers have in mind the economy when they distinguish micro- and macroeconomic production and intereconomics. Microeconomics acts as a separate production or enterprise. Macroeconomics appears as a national economy. Intereconomy characterizes the patterns of emergence and development of the world economy.

Fifth, distinguish various forms of the economy: market, mixed, etc.

At sixth, the economy is given a leading place in the system public relations. It determines the content of the political, legal, spiritual and other spheres of public life.

AT real life production always has a certain socio-economic form and is distinguished by the relations that develop between people.

So, economy is a sphere of human activity in which the material goods necessary to satisfy the various needs of people are created.

Resources- this is all that is spent in the process of producing goods and services and from which a person benefits for himself.

Resources can be divided into:

natural (natural forces and substances);

material (all supernatural, "man-made" means of production that are the result of production);

labor (population of working age);

financial (funds allocated by society for the organization of production);

informational (mass media). All resources have one thing in common: they are available in limited quantities. Indeed, except for air, solar heat and rain, all other means of satisfying human needs exist to a limited extent.

Limitation- this is the insufficiency of production resources to create the volume of goods (goods and services) that people would like to receive.

To satisfy their material needs, people organize production.

4.2. Production

Production- this is a certain process of creating vital goods necessary for the development of human society.

Social production is a complex economic concept that combines material and non-material production into a system. material production- the basis for the development of human society in general, non-material production in particular, the role of which is steadily increasing.

History knows two main forms of social production - natural and commodity.

natural production- this is a form of management in which the products of labor are intended to satisfy the producer's own needs, for on-farm consumption.

Subsistence economy is a closed system in which everyone works for himself, for his own internal needs. The main features of a subsistence economy are isolation and conservatism, manual labor, slow pace of development, direct links between production and consumption. The law of the development of natural economy is the repetition of production in the same volumes. However, despite its primitiveness and relative hopelessness, subsistence farming has a stable character and exists to this day. The commodity economy is more developed and complex in comparison with natural economy.

Commodity production- this is a form of economic organization when products are produced by separate, separate producers, each specializing in the development of one particular product, so that the purchase and sale of products on the market is necessary to meet social needs.

In the process of production, people enter into relations with each other, that is, in relations of production. They represent complex system, which includes property relations, as well as forms of distribution of the production product, its exchange and consumption.

Production for society is an objective necessity. Since human needs are limitless, constantly changing and growing, this encourages society to develop production. For this, factors of production are used.

Factors of production- These are the elements of the production system and the processes affecting it.

The following main factors of production:

Earth (all types natural resources available on the planet, suitable for the production of goods);

work (human efforts that are expended in the production process);

capital (material and spiritual resources with which you can increase the productivity of land and labor);

entrepreneurship (special abilities of people who can coordinate and manage production);

information (knowledge and information that people need for conscious economic activity). In the production process, each factor performs its function and has its own income share:

rent (land owners);

wages (wage-earners);

percent (owners of capital);

profit (entrepreneurs);

the control (managers, shareholders of mass media).

In order to produce, the factors of production should connect. By the nature of the combination of factors of production can be carried out:

on a voluntary basis (if the means of production are owned by the producers themselves);

by force (if the means of production are separated from workers and are the property of other members of society).

In its turn, compulsion to the combination of factors of production can be:

non-economic (slavery and feudalism did this directly with the help of armed force - they forced slaves and peasants to work for themselves under the threat of weapons);

economic (capitalism realizes this with the help of commodity-money relations, i.e. the capitalist does not force the worker to work for him, but the worker is forced to take a job in order not to die of hunger).

The result of social production is the total social product (SOP), consisting of objects, things and rendered services.

According to its economic role, the total social product is divided into:

material costs (raw materials, energy, materials);

pure product (labor of workers employed in social production for a certain period of time).

In turn, a pure product includes:

necessary part (which serves the reproduction of the labor force, satisfying both the material needs of people in food, clothing, housing, and helping to realize their spiritual and social aspirations);

surplus part (which is necessary for the expansion of production and forms social savings). The total social product can also be measured using the following indicators:

gross social product (GSP), which is the total value of all final goods and services produced in the country during the year;

national income (ND) - this is a part of the total social product, containing the value newly created during the year;

gross national product (GNP), which includes the total market value of all finished goods and services produced in a country during the year. GNP reflects the unity of the entire national economy.

Any firm, releasing products, must cover its costs (costs). Otherwise, it will incur losses and its owner will eventually go bankrupt. If the firm's revenue exceeds its costs, then it makes a profit.

Differ costs in the accounting sense (they are usually called accounting) and cost in economic sense (economic or opportunity costs).

Accounting (explicit) costs - the cost of resources expended in the prices of their acquisition.

Accounting costs are always supported by accounting documents. They are obvious. Therefore, they are also called explicit costs. The difference between sales and accounting costs is accounting profit .

Company's total revenue - accounting costs - accounting profit.

Accounting profit is used to pay taxes, pay dividends to shareholders, develop production, etc.

Implicit costs - this is the amount of income that is not received due to the rejection of the best alternative use of resources.

Economic or Opportunity Costs - this is the revenue that could be obtained with the most profitable of the alternative options for using resources (the sum of explicit and implicit costs).

Economists distinguish between total, average, and marginal costs.

General costs is the total cost of the firm's output.

Average cost is the total cost per unit of output.

marginal cost is the increase in total cost associated with the production of an additional unit of product.

The total costs are divided into permanent and variables.

fixed costs is that part of the total cost of the firm that does not depend on the volume of output.

For example, if a firm has rented premises, then it must pay the fixed rent, no matter what the volume of output is, and even if it is not produced at all. Interest on a loan received by a firm from a bank must also be paid regardless of output. The salaries of the administrative staff are also included in fixed costs.

Fixed costs also include depreciation.

Depreciation- this is a gradual loss of the value of buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles as they wear out.

For example, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles serve for a long time. During their service life, they wear out and gradually lose their value, regardless of the degree of their use. It is no coincidence that used cars are always cheaper than new ones. Moreover, the longer their service life, the cheaper they are.

variable costs- this is that part of the total costs, the value of which is in a straight line from the output of the product.

These are the costs of raw materials, fuel and energy for technological purposes, the wages of workers, packaging, and transportation of products. For example, the more tables a furniture factory produces, the greater its costs for boards, glue, paint, wages of workers, etc.

The most important characteristic of social production is its efficiency.

Efficiency of social production is a comparison of a social product with the costs of its creation.

Cost-effective production is considered to be the one in which the maximum result is provided by the minimum of resources expended.

The most important indicators economic efficiency production are:

- labor productivity;

- material consumption of products;

- rate of return or profitability.

No less important is social efficiency production activity. She is characterized by:

– working conditions;

– the state of the environment.

The essence of production is the interaction of productive forces and production relations.

The productive forces of society is the totality of all factors, means used by society in the production process.

productive forces consist of:

work force (i.e. people with work skills);

means of production (i.e. objects of labor with the help of which and from which material goods are created);

technology and organization of production. The development of the modern productive forces of society is characterized by the following main trends:

- productive forces become less material and labor intensive;

– natural and labor resources function more economically;

- the production activity of people becomes more creative.

Productive forces interact with industrial relations, which are understood as a social form of development of the productive forces.

Both the productive forces and the relations of production contain inside yourself a system of contradictions between various elements of social production: technique and technology, means of production and labor force, etc.

All together: both the productive forces, and the production relations, and their elements act driving forces economic development society.

A. The commercialization of mass culture allows its creators not to take into account the tastes and demands of the mass audience in their activities.

B. In popular culture, works of literature, painting, cinema are considered primarily as consumer goods that bring profit when sold.

1) only A is true,

2) only B is true,

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong.

Are judgments about contemporary culture correct?

A. In modern culture, numerous forms and varieties of culture are represented: mass, elite, folk, screen and others.

B. Works of modern culture are available only to a narrow circle of art connoisseurs, highly educated intellectuals.

1) only A is true,

2) only B is true,

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong.

6. The social function of science is manifested in its ability to participate in:

1) knowledge of the structure of the Universe,

2) improving technology,

3) solving global problems of our time,

4) the study of questions of the origin and essence of man.

7. For artistic creativity required(s):

1) the desire for an accurate reflection of reality,

2) simplicity work forms,

3) work in creative team,

4) the use of figurative and symbolic means.

Are judgments about art correct?

A. Art as a component of culture is distinguished by the greatest stability of its forms.

B. One of the manifestations of innovation in art is the change in artistic styles.

1) only A is true,

2) only B is true,

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong.

9. Introducing a person to culture necessarily requires a person:

1) visits to concerts and museums,

2) independent spiritual efforts,

3) higher education,

4) stable financial situation

Which example illustrates innovation in cultural development?

1) celebration of Maslenitsa,

2) visiting art gallery,

3) reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin,

4) the creation of the aircraft by the Wright brothers.

11. Mass culture, unlike folk

1) is perceived by a narrow circle of connoisseurs,

2) arose only with the transition to an industrial society,

3) does not interact with the elite culture,

4) is based on national traditions.

12. Which of the following characterizes art in contrast to science:

1) identification of patterns of development of nature and society,

2) theoretical solution of worldview problems,

3) reflection of the world in artistic images,

4) the use of theoretical concepts.

13. The most important necessary mechanism of creativity is:

1) intuition,

2) impeccable logic,

3) the presence of higher vocational education,

4) acquisition of knowledge.

The culture of conspicuous consumption is

  1. Folk
  2. Bulk
  3. National
  4. Youth

15. Initially, culture was called:

1) oratory

2) the ability to draw

3) ways of cultivating the soil

4) Good manners

16. Culture in the broad sense of the word is:

1) all types of transformative activities

2) arts

3) production of spiritual values

4) human education

17. Spiritual values ​​include:

1) microscope

2) computer

3) scientific discovery

4) television

18. Vertical accumulation of cultural values ​​means:

1) the emergence of new works of art

2) deepening knowledge about culture

3) transmission of cultural values ​​from generation to generation

4) restoration of cultural monuments

19. The media include:

1) literature

2) television

4) cinematography

20. Works created by anonymous creators, often without professional training, belong to the culture:

1) mass..

2) folk

3) screen

4) artistic

21. The foundation of the spiritual life of society is:

1) knowledge

2) art

4) culture

Appendix 1

"Wide and narrow concept culture. comparison table»

Culture in a broad sense Culture in the narrow sense
Everything that is created by man, in its totality the degree of upbringing of a certain person
second nature. everything that relates to the activity in the field of art
all transformative human activity and its results etiquette
The result of human activity and society, the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created by man science and scientific institutions.
A historically determined level of development of society, the creative forces and abilities of a person, expressed in the types and forms of organization of life and activities of people, as well as in the material values ​​\u200b\u200bcreated by them ways to reach the truth
Culture includes: A. Norms of human behavior B. Experience and methods of activity in different spheres of life C. Spiritual and moral problems of a person
Culture is the measure of the human in man.

Annex 2
"functions of culture"

Annex 3

"Elite, mass and folk culture"

The phenomenon of culture is a historical category that incorporates many meanings and meanings that have been formed and transformed over the centuries. Thanks to the achievement by mankind of a certain level of awareness and reflection of the surrounding reality, there is a need not only for knowledge of the world, but also for its transformation. Subsequently, all material and non-material transformations of the surrounding reality by man are firmly fixed in world history, acquiring the generalizing meaning of "culture".

The possibility of building a generalizing model of culture attracts the attention of representatives of various sciences: philosophy, psychology, history, archeology, ethnography, including sociology. Such interest is due to the versatility of cultural phenomena, and their functional significance, as well as the possibility of one's own interpretation of this phenomenon. Despite this, only in the middle of the XX century. the realization of an increasingly realized need and the possibility of a special interdisciplinary study of culture begins.

Culture, being primarily a social category, has its own characteristics, respectively, and carries some social functions, which will be considered in this work.

1.1. Origin and meaning of the term "culture"

The concept of "culture" (derived from the Latin culture - to cultivate, cultivate the soil, engage in farming) was born in Ancient Rome as the opposite meaning of the concept of "nature" - nature. Consequently, initially the term "culture" was used in relation to human activity aimed at transforming the "natural", "natural", namely the cultivation and cultivation of the land, caring for animals, and farming.

Over time, the word "culture" began to absorb more and more wide circle objects, phenomena, actions, common property which was their human origin. Accordingly, the person himself, to the extent that he was considered as the creator of himself, fell into the sphere of culture, and it acquired the meaning of “education”, “upbringing”, i.e. cultivation, cultivation, caring for a person, during which something is supplemented and corrects itself in human nature. Linguists note that until the 17th century the term "culture" had no independent use. It was used only in phrases, meaning improvement, improvement of what it was combined with: "culture juries" --- development of rules of conduct, "culture lingual" -- improvement of the language, etc.

A clearer content of the term "culture" was first given by the German thinker S. Pufendorf. He used this term in relation to the "artificial man", brought up in society, as opposed to the "natural" man, uneducated.

In the 18th century, continuing ancient tradition, the ideologists of education with the help of the term "culture" expressed the idea of ​​culture as a sphere of development of "humanity", "human nature", "the human principle in man" as opposed to the natural, elemental, animal. Thus, in the era of enlightenment, culture was interpreted as a means of elevating a person, improving the spiritual life and morality of people, and correcting the vices of society. Here culture acquires the meaning of "true humanity", "truly human being". Only that which expresses the dignity of man and contributes to his development belongs to it. Consequently, not every result of the activity of the human race deserves to be called a heritage of culture. But, on the other hand, culture was also considered as a really existing and historically changing way of life of people, the specificity of which is due to the achieved level of human reason, science, art, upbringing, education. From this point of view, not only the positive achievements of mankind, but also the negative manifestations of human activity (religious strife, wars, crime, etc.) should be recognized as cultural phenomena.

In the future, an expanded interpretation of culture was entrenched: culture embraces everything that distinguishes the life of human society from the life of nature, all aspects of human existence. It includes not only the result of a person’s spiritual activity, but also a change surrounding nature, the creation of an artificial habitat, technology, forms of social relations, social institutions, etc. In a narrow sense, culture is the level of relations that have developed in a team, those norms of behavior that are consecrated by tradition are obligatory for representatives of this ethnic group and its various social groups. Culture here acts as a form of transmission of social experience through the development by each generation of not only the objective world of culture, skills and techniques of technological attitude to nature, but also cultural values, patterns of behavior. Moreover, this role of culture regulating social experience is such that it forms stable artistic and cognitive canons, ideas about the beautiful and the ugly, good and evil, attitudes towards nature and society, what is and what should be, etc.

In yet another sense, the concept of culture reveals the essence of human existence as the realization of creativity and freedom. Of course, here it is necessary to distinguish, firstly, freedom as an integral spiritual potential of a person, and, secondly, awareness and conscious social realization of freedom. Without the first, culture simply cannot appear, but the second is achieved only at relatively late stages of its development. Next, when we are talking about culture, it means not some separate creative act of a person, but creativity as a universal relation of a person to the world. In this understanding, culture means the relationship of a person to the reality around him, through which a person creates the world and himself. Thus, each culture becomes a way of creative self-realization of a person. Therefore, the comprehension of other cultures enriches us not only with new knowledge, but also with new creative experience.

In our time, the word "culture" is one of the most used both in everyday language and in a variety of scientific definitions, which speaks both of the ambiguity of the term and the diversity of the very phenomenon of culture. In the 60s of our century, there were 237 interpretations of "culture", today there are about 400 different scientific definitions of this phenomenon. material objects, ideas of images, technologies for their manufacture and operation with them, stable ties between people and ways to regulate them based on the evaluation criteria available in society. For each society, all these components in their specific historical form form its socio-cultural complex, or the culture of the given society.

In everyday life, the term culture is used either to denote the optimal functioning of social institutions (“culture of everyday life”, “culture of work”, “political culture”, etc.), or is associated with politeness and education (“culture of behavior”, “culture of thinking ”, “culture of feelings”, etc.). In journalistic clichés (“science and culture”, “culture and economy”, “news cultural life”), the realm of culture is limited to the realm of art and morality. Thus, by ordinary consciousness, culture is perceived as a sum of values, a certain historically established standard of perfection, to which society should strive.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that culture includes not only what is created by man and characterizes his life in certain historical conditions, but also the means, methods and results of human activity, the changes that he makes in himself. yourself, in your body, in your soul, in physical and spiritual form. Such an expansive content of the concept of culture makes it an object of study for a whole complex of social sciences: philosophy, political science, religion, history, sociology, etc.