Slavianski Bazaar concert 15 July. Where to stay during the festival "Slavianski Bazaar"

Now I can't even believe that there was a time when no "Slavianski Bazaar" festival was held on Belarusian soil. That is, in general.
How did we live without it before? How did they work and raise children?... It's hard to imagine. There was no "Slavic Bazaar" .. Some kind of surrealism.
And then he showed up. Our bazaar ... All so Slavic. Although the word "bazaar" in itself is not Slavic at all.
Once, at one of the "bazaars", I don't remember what year, we were sitting during the opening concert, the three of us - me, Kuchma and Putin. I tell them:
-- Guys, let's rename the "bazaar" to "kirmash". So it will be closer to the Slavs.
Kuchma nodded approvingly, but Putin disagreed. He said, they say, this is contrary to tradition and will be a violation of the precepts of Batu Khan. Like, Russia grew out of the Golden Horde and we must honor our history, not scatter spiritual bonds.
I shrugged my shoulders and didn't argue...
This year, neither the President of Russia nor the President of Ukraine arrived at Slavianski Bazaar. The second didn't even send a greeting.
And I would like our festival to be attended, if not by the leaders of the G20, but at least a couple of heads of state. To give solidity to the festival. In recognition of it as a world-class cultural event.
Invitations were sent to many countries of the world. Including in the USA, Mr. Donald Trump .... Alas, no one expressed a desire.
And then I remembered that there is such a small country - Moldova. And in it, a resident is a certain Igor Dodon, a completely trouble-free person. Just a find, not a person. A find for all occasions.
For example, on May 9, none of the fellow presidents came to Moscow to Putin, as if to the plague. Only Dodon agreed.
Then there was an economic forum in St. Petersburg. History repeated itself: there was again no one among the heads of state except Putin. I had to urgently discharge Dodon from Chisinau... And Dodon immediately appeared in St. Petersburg.
I did not start reinventing the wheel and invited Dodon to the "Slavianski Bazaar". Anyway, I think a person is hanging around idle, like shit in an ice hole. Let him visit our market. Although he is not a Slav, but a natural Romanian, but without fish, as our people say, and cancer is a fish.
There he is, in the title picture, sitting to my right with the same expression on his face, as if he had a stomach ulcer.
By tradition, the festival was opened by your obedient servant.
I went on stage and read out the usual pathos text ... Something, something, but we have heaps of pathos. There is not enough money almost always and for everything, but pathos is in abundance. In terms of stocks of pathos, we rank third in the world immediately after North Korea and Russian Federation.
When I walked towards the stage, the whole hall stood up. All fifteen thousand people. I walked among these people, and they sincerely applauded me. In unison. Maybe there was some scoundrel who did not succumb to the general mood and remained standing, defiantly crossing his arms over his chest. Fortunately, I did not notice this, and therefore nothing overshadowed my triumph. Triumph, I would say, will ...
Listen, for the sake of such moments it is worth living!
Approaching the microphone, I addressed the participants and guests of the festival. My appeal was both pompous and controversial.
The inconsistency was that, on the one hand, I noted the independence and sovereignty of Belarus as an undoubted blessing for it, but on the other hand, I presented the collapse of the Soviet Union (it was the reason for our independence) as an undoubted evil. geopolitical catastrophe. And cultural too.
I remembered the beginning of the "dashing nineties", when the so-called "national adradzhenne" flourished in Belarus. When Belarusian children began to be driven into Belarusian schools. Almost forced to learn the Belarusian language. When the Belarusization of Belarusians was carried out without any referenda. When hotheads urged to remove the monuments to Lenin from the pedestals, as well as to rename the streets and avenues.
It was a difficult time. The centuries-old foundations created by the Communist Party were crumbling. The monument to Derzhinsky in Moscow was collapsed, and to Lenin in Baku. Not to mention the Baltics.
Under communism, people were drawn to art. Although many things were forbidden. And when censorship was removed, people immediately had no time for art.

LUKASHENKO: "I remember the times when centuries-old foundations collapsed in the post-Soviet space and people had no time for art."

Of course, it was bold on my part to call the Soviet order, which had existed for only seven decades, "secular foundations." But you know my taste for exaggeration. Therefore, be indulgent.
Praising our festival, I finally moved on to the presentation of a special award "Through art - to peace and mutual understanding."
This time Tamara Gverdtseteli received it. And before her, I had the opportunity to award Valery Leontiev, and Sofia Rotaru, and so on.
Rotaru, after the annexation of Crimea, was terribly offended by Putin and his lads and did not refuse Ukrainian citizenship in favor of the Russian Although, it would seem at first, it would be great to change lightweight hryvnias for new Reichsmarks.
But Tamara Gverttseteli, after the annexation of South Ossetia, did not take offense, and without unnecessary remorse bears the title of Honored Artist of Russia and Georgia at the same time.
How the Russian-Georgian famous singer thanked me .... It was something incredible ... I felt like Comrade Stalin at the anniversary of Comrade Stalin ... I haven’t been praised like that for a long time ... This was one of the conditions (put forward in an unobtrusive form ) to all the artists who went up on stage ... Only Leps was allowed not to praise Lukashenka, but simply to sing without further ado (and, as it turned out, to sing to the soundtrack).
It's a pity Tamara didn't sing her hit "Vivat, King!".. I would gladly take it personally.

Roza Rymbaeva praised me very much... You probably don't know who she is...
And I was just a little boy when I first heard the voice of this singer on the radio. And I well remembered her last name in addition to Serik Konakbaev, a famous boxer from Kazakhstan. That is, at that time, out of several million Kazakhs living in the Soviet Union, I knew only two - Rymbaeva and Konakbaev ... They were all-Union celebrities.
And here she is on stage .. For me it was a surprise. Frankly, I didn’t even suspect that Roza Rymbaeva was still alive .. After all, so many years have passed ..
To be honest, Roza Rymbaeva sang no song ... But after the song she scattered in such pompous compliments to me that I somehow immediately and forever appreciated her remarkable talent as a singer.
A certain Zara spoke for Rymbaeva ... She, too, as she finished her funeral, admired me personally and my contribution to world culture as the curator of the festival.
Then the "Belarusian State Ensemble "Pesnyary" will appear on the stage ... Vladimir Mulyavin has not been with us for a long time, and the ensemble continues to delight people with its creativity. Because it has the status of a state one.
Now, if the Beatles were the "British State Beatles", then who would have allowed them to fall apart in their time? They would have called both John Lennon and Paul McCartney to the Ministry of Culture and told them: "Listen, guys .. Quit your squabbles and quarrels. Go and work as you used to work. Otherwise, instead of a guitar, each of you will get a broom and go to sweep the streets of Liverpool" ...
The appearance on the stage of Natasha Koroleva made the blood in my veins move faster ... It's not for nothing that our people say " forty-five - woman berry again.
Natasha, however, is only forty-four, but forty-five is within easy reach ... However, as a true gentleman, I will keep the lady's age a secret in front of my reading public.
I remember Natasha as a very young girl. When at the age of sixteen she bought a reserved seat on the train and came from Kyiv to Moscow. At that time, I myself was a completely beardless boy and worked as a people's deputy in the Supreme Council of Belarus.
It used to happen that you would come to your hotel room after the meetings, turn on the TV, pour a glass of wine, smoke a Bulgarian BT cigarette in an armchair in front of the screen and start looking at the screen, what interesting things were shown there .. And they showed everything there, and often - this very Natasha Koroleva...
I immediately fell in love with her ... Or rather, I was inflamed .. Such, you know, young, and already a woman with blood and milk ... Before going to bed, I dreamed about her ... I dreamed of having Natasha from heels to the crown ... But - alas , composer Igor Nikolaev became the happy owner of the Queen. You got ahead of me, you bastard...
After all, I was often in Moscow, on the Lubyanka, by the nature of my service, and I was going to find Koroleva for an hour free from intelligence work and get to know her as closely as possible ...
Do not count the nights when I was alone in bed asking myself a heart and mind tearing question: "Well, why am I not Igor Nikolaev? Why am I not Igor Nikolaev? My mustache is no worse."
In order not to completely go crazy from unrealized passion, so as not to completely go crazy on the basis of sperm toxicosis, I swore to myself that I would become a hundred times cooler than Igor Nikolaev, and I would have dozens of such natasha queens - to choose from.
There was only one way I could become cooler than Igor Nikolaev - to win the presidential election ... So that victory of mine is ishcho and the victory of Natasha Koroleva .. She stimulated me then.
Years have passed .. You can even say - decades .. And Natasha Koroleva is still the same as before - calling for kisses ...
Looking at her strong and beautifully shaped legs, at her rounded chest in a well-necked dress, I caught myself thinking that I would like to live with her in the forest .. In the same "Thrushes", for example ... So that she would run away from me barefoot on soft moss, wrapped in an animal skin, and I would race after her like Tarzan in one loincloth, jumping from tree to tree, and still overtake her and fall into this intoxicating moss ... And so that she passionately whispers to me all sorts of difference, necessarily with its inimitable fricative "ge".
... I sat in an armchair (not at the Oktyabrskaya Hotel in 1992, but at the Slavyansky Bazaar in 2017) and dreamed of Natasha (for sure, in terms of temperament, Koroleva will kill all my long-legged young reeds), and she time openly flirted on stage with a group of young people in dark suits.

Having finished singing about yellow tulips, she finally turned her languid gaze to me and turned to me with the words...
... The beginning was very promising: "I would like..."
...Then, after a short pause, during which I suddenly felt like a hot stallion, she continued like this: "Directly low bow. Alexander Grigorievich, this is your merit."
She really bowed deeply. And I regretted that I was not sitting in the front row and could not contemplate all the splendor that was revealed in her neckline ... After a bow, she suddenly shook her finger at me, like, "oh, naughty." and said: "You....oh...You're so....wise.."
After that "oh" I was ready to rush onto the stage, grab Natasha and take her somewhere to a secluded place ... and after "You are so...", I literally hung my ears in anticipation: " Well, what am I? Which?", and he tried to guess the continuation for himself - "flammable", "courageous, strong" and so on ... And it would be better if she said "oh" instead of all these words...
But Koroleva said that I was.. hmm.. "wise", which did not fit in with the course of my thoughts ..
Yes, I'm wise, but not now, not now. Wisdom goes hand in hand with old age. And just at that moment I didn’t want to be old to the extreme ... In general, Natasha broke me off at the most interesting place ... What a fool.
Deeply disappointed in Koroleva, I tried to get her out of my head as soon as possible, and switched all my attention to the next singer.
The next was someone Slava. This is the first time I've heard that there is such a thing...
Glory dressed up in black dress in white polka dots and sang about loneliness. At the same time, she cursed almost obscenely. She called her imaginary loneliness both a bastard and a bitch ... I squinted my eyes in the direction of my younger son Nikolai. Kolya listened without trying to cover his ears with his hands...
Slava did not have such an expressive figure as Natasha Korleva, but she tried to compensate for this slight shortcoming with an active and, as it seemed to me, inviting swaying of her hips. Her hips, it should be noted, were what you need.
Who spoke there?...Some kind of vague Chris de Burgh.
I remember the dance group "Alan". Hot Caucasian guys famously danced something like a "lezginka" on the stage. And for the second time during the concert I regretted that I was not sitting in the front row. Then the jigits could fall to their knees and slide on them towards me, like those other jigits from the film "Belshazzar's Feasts or a Night with Stalin" ... And I would have grinned in Stalin's style into my mustache and applauded them with restraint.

The last, shock number of the program, was Grigory Leps in glasses a la "Cat Basilio" ..
When he sang about "the best day." the aunts in the hall could no longer be kept. They got up from their seats and began to sway, clap their hands, sing along.
A bad example is contagious .. Following the aunts, everyone else stood up ... I also had to younger son Nikolay, Igor Dodon and Natalya Kachanova to break away from their chairs and dance stupidly, sing along ... At the same time, I showed thumb, they say, class, let's ishcho .. Like, burn and walk.
At the same time he was thinking: "Fuck, what am I doing? So that's your herd instinct."
It’s good that there were no Stas Mikhailov and Vaenga ...
Oh, if Konstantin Stupin were alive, I would definitely invite him to the "Slavianski Bazaar" ... If only he would set the heat for all this wadded public ...

Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk is the largest and largest arts festival. If you are still thinking: what event to visit in July? Of course, go to Vitebsk: for more than a year the Slavic Bazaar has been the largest festival in the country. Since 1992, this holiday of a national scale has been welcoming guests from many countries of the world and has been a launching pad for young musicians and performers, as well as other artists.

This international arts festival is rightly considered the main hallmark of the city, and has long been known not only in but also abroad. "Slavianski Bazaar" attracts thousands and thousands of tourists to the country, traveling with families and friends, is a meeting place for connoisseurs of the most different types arts. It doesn't matter if you like literature, music, theatrical art or cinema - within the framework of the festival you will definitely find something interesting just for you. What awaits the audience at the “Slavianski Bazaar” in Vitebsk in 2017?

Program and participants of the festival “Slavianski Bazaar” in Vitebsk 2017

Every day from July 11 to July 19, 2017, various festival projects await the audience, including traditional ones: THEATER MEETINGS, PUPPET QUARTER, FESTIVAL WITHOUT BORDERS.

It should be noted that one of the topics that will be mentioned in the festival program will be the work of Marc CHAGALL. In 2017, the 135th anniversary of the birth of the famous Vitebsk artist is celebrated.

July 10, Monday

Summer amphitheater

Singer ZARA and the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus conducted by Viktor BABARIKIN

July 11, Tuesday

Concert hall"Vitebsk"

XV International Children's Music Competition "VITEBSK". The first day

National Academic drama theatre named after Yakub Kolas "THATER MEETINGS"

Performance "JUDY"

Theater Agency "ART-PARTNER XXI" (Russia) Peter KUILTER

Director: Alexei FRANDETTI.

Producer: Leonid ROBERMAN.


Summer amphitheater

Grigory Leps

July 12, Wednesday

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Concert Hall "Vitebsk"

XV International Children's Music Competition "VITEBSK". Second day

Summer amphitheater

"Once Upon a Time in Russia"

Satirical show: Olga KARTUNKOVA, Denis DOROKHOV, Timur TANIA, Azamat MUSAGALIEV, Mikhail STOGNIENKO, Alexander PTASHENCHUK, Ekaterina MORGUNOVA, Zaurbek BAYTSAEV, Maxim KISELEV and others.

State Academic Order of Friendship of Peoples Dance Ensemble "ALAN" (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania)


International Theater Center "CHANCE" (Russia) Yuri CHIGROV

Director: Sergey KUTASOV.



Gala concert of popular young performers and bands: Stas PIEKHA, NYUSHA (Russia), Michal SHPAK (Poland), Dmitry KOLDUN, Alyona LANSKAYA, Alexey GROSS, Alexey KHLESTOV, Sasha NEMO, Max LORENS, TURAN, YUZARI, Alexey KULESHOV, Evan RAI , Dmitry KOROLEV, Jan MAERS, Mikhail MOTUZ, Jean SENKEVICH, Max ZAYATS, groups NAVIBAND, NO TICKET, DROZDY, RADIO VOLNA, ballet by Dmitry ZALESSKY, ballet by Yulia MIKHAILOVA, dance show«TREND DELUXE» (Belarus).

July 13, Thursday

Concert Hall "Vitebsk"

XV International Children's Music Competition "VITEBSK".

Gala Concert and Award Ceremony

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"

The performance "LET'S GO!" Moscow Puppet Theater (Russia)

Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic

Hieromonk FOTIY (Russia)

Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater



Theatrical company "SUJET" Yury CHIGROV

Director: Vyacheslav DOLGACHEV.

Cast: Vladimir GOSTYUKHIN, Elena PROKLOVA, Alesa KACHER, Maria RASKAZOVA, Vyacheslav GUGIEV.

Summer amphitheater


Grigory LEPS, Tamara GVERDTSITELI, Alexander BUINOV, Methodie BUJOR, VARVARA, Marina DEVYATOVA, ZARA, SLAVA, JASMINE, Stas PIEKHA, NYUSHA, Alexander PANAYOTOV, hieromonk FOTII, Dmitry GUBERNIEV, State Academic Dance Ensemble "ALAN", Sergei MANDRIK's ballet "STREET" -JAZZ" (Russia),

Yadviga POPLAVSKAYA, Inna AFANASIEVA, Ruslan ALEKHNO, Dmitry KOLDUN, Olga RYZHIKOVA, THEO, Elena SPIRIDOVICH, NAVIBAND, musical project"NOISE", State Ensemble dance of the Republic of Belarus, theater-studio of modern choreography, choreographic ensembles "ZORKA", "LYAVONIKHA", "ON ROSTANY", "CARNIVAL", "PREMIERA", "VIP", fashion studios, pop song studio "FORUM", show ballet SENSATION (Belarus), ALEKSEEV, Timur MIROSHNICHENKO, Oksana ANTONIUK (Ukraine), LONDONBEAT (Great Britain), ALILO Ensemble (Georgia), Laila IBRAGIM (Egypt), Chris de BURG (Ireland), Julio IGLESIAS Jr. (Spain), Roza Rymbayeva (Kazakhstan), Liao Tsui (China), Konstantin MOSKOVICH (Moldova), Michal SHPAK (Poland);

Winner of the Grand Prix of the XV International Children's music competition"VITEBSK";

participants of the XXVI International Contest of Pop Song Performers "VITEBSK".

July 14, Friday

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Grodno Puppet Theater (Belarus)

Summer amphitheater


Nikolay GNATYUK, Irina BILYK, Ivo BOBUL, Natalia BUCHINSKAYA, ALYOSHA, Mikhail GRITSKAN, Zlata OGNEVICH, Evgeniy KHMARA, Olga VASILYUK, Marietta WAYS, Max LORENS, Anyuta SLAVSKAYA, Dasha PYSHNAYA, Darina GALITSKAYA, VIA "KOBZA", group "EMOTION" , Academic Ensemble songs and dances of Ukraine of the State Border Service of Ukraine and others.


Concert Hall "Vitebsk"

XXVI international competition pop song performers "VITEBSK". Semifinal.

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Theater "ALBATROS" (Sweden)

Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic


Ensemble "ALILO" (Georgia)

Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater




Director: Alexander Efremov.

Cast: Alexander TIMOSHKIN, Elena GIRENOK, Vera POLYAKOVA, Valeria Efimenko, Alexander BRANKEVICH, Anton ZHUKOV.

Summer amphitheater



Summer amphitheater


Alexander BUINOV, AZIZA, Tamara GVERDTSITELI, Methodie BUJOR, VARVARA, Marina DEVYATOVA, SLAVA, JASMINE, Alexander OLESHKO, Alexei OSTUDIN, DISKOMAPHIA, DISCOMAFIA, STREET-JAZZ ballet by Sergei MANDRIK (Russia), Yadviga POPLAVSKAYA , Irina DOROFEEVA, Nadezhda MIKULICH, Oleg ZHUKOV, Enchantress Ensemble, show-ballet SENSATION (Belarus), LONDONBEAT (Great Britain), Julio IGLESIAS Jr. (Spain), Alisher KARIMOV (Kazakhstan), Elena YUROVA, Kevin McCoy (USA), Irina BILYK (Ukraine).

July 15, Saturday

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Belgorod State Puppet Theater (Russia)

"Alexander ZATSEPIN. THERE IS ONLY A MOMENT…” Anniversary concert

Alexander ZATSEPIN, National Academic Concert Orchestra of Belarus conducted by Mikhail FINBERG, Larisa DOLINA, AZIZA, VARVARA, Gleb MATVEYCHUK, JASMINE, Alexander OLESHKO, Oksana BOGOSLOVSKAYA, Anastasia MAKEEVA, Alexander ELOVSKIKH, Alexander KOGAN, groups "MAGIC OF THE YARD", "FIVE" , ballet by Sergei MANDRIK STREET-JAZZ (Russia), Ruslan ALEKHNO, Dmitry KOCHEROVSKY, Tatyana GLAZUNOVA, Natalia TAMELO, Ivan VABISHCHEVICH, Galina GROMOVICH, Evgeny TSIMBALIST, Alexander SOLOVYOV, DROZDY group, FORUM pop song studio, show - ballet "SENSATION" (Belarus), Alisher KARIMOV (Kazakhstan), Konstantin MOSKOVICH (Moldova), others.

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Solo performance "MY ROAD" Based on the materials of Belarusian folklore

Concert Hall "Vitebsk"


Helena MERAAI, Kristina KORNELYUK, Masha NOVIK, UZARI, ensemble "ANGELS OF MUSIC" (Belarus), Laila IBRAGIM and Tamer TAUFIK (Egypt), Anna TIMOFEY (Israel), Federica RUSSO (Italy), Aigerim ZHANTEMIROVA (Kazakhstan), Eduards REDIKO, ensembles "PERLITES", "PUMPURINI" (Latvia), Antonia GIGOVSKA (Macedonia), Rodrigo de la CADENA (Mexico), Arina ARKHIPOVA, Kira GOGOLADZE, Alexandra TABULINA, David GAZARYAN, ensemble "MUSICAL FRIGATE" (Russia), Anna VORONOVA, Lyubov ZHERDEVA (Ukraine), others.

Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater


Performance "STAR BOY"

Theater Agency "ART-PARTNER XXI" (Russia) Oscar WILDE

Director: Maxim DIDENKO.

Producer: Leonid ROBERMAN.

On stage: Dina KORZUN.

Piano: Nina BAZHENOVA.

Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic


Claudio SANTANGELO, marimba; Stefano dell "DONNE, violin. Gala concert of the masters of the arts of Italy

Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater

"FESTIVAL WITHOUT BORDERS" Gala concert of Israeli art masters

Summer amphitheater

XXVІ International Contest of Pop Song Performers "VITEBSK" Final. Day one: "SLAVIC HIT"

The performance of the participants of the competition, accompanied by the National Academic concert orchestra Belarus under Mikhail FINBERG

July 16, Sunday

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Interactive fairy tale "Merry Dorotheus"

Belarusian theater "LYALKA" (Belarus)

Summer amphitheater


Concert Hall "Vitebsk"



Theater agency "ART-PARTNER XXI" (Russia) Vitaly PAVLOV

Directed by Mikhail TSITRINYAK.

Producer Leonid ROBERMAN.


Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater


Chess detective "GAME OF NAPOLEON"


Stéphane BRULOTT (translated by Larisa OVADIS)

Director: Valery BELYAKOVICH.

Cast: Oleg LEUSHIN, Mikhail INCHIN, Evgeny BAKALOV, Karina DYMONT, Sergey BORODINOV, Alexander KUPRIYANOV and others.

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"



Youth animation theater "IS" (Ukraine)

Summer amphitheater

XXVІ International Contest of Pop Song Performers "VITEBSK" Final. Day two: "FESTIVAL HIT"

The first part: the performance of the participants of the competition, accompanied by the phonogram "-1".

Second branch: Yadviga POPLAVSKA (Belarus), Felix LIVSHITZ (Israel), Roza RYMBAYEVA (Kazakhstan), Michal SHPAK (Poland), Gleb MATVEYCHUK (Russia), Philip ZHMAKHER (Serbia), Kevin McCoy (USA).

July 17, Monday

Belarusian theater "LYALKA"


Rivne regional academic theater dolls (Ukraine)

Summer amphitheater


Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater

The tragedy of MACBETH

MOSCOW THEATER IN THE SOUTH-WEST (Russia) William Shakespeare

Director: Valery BELYAKOVICH.

Cast: Sergei BORODINOV, Lyubov YARLYKOVA, Evgeny BAKALOV, Alexander NAUMOV, Oleg LEUSHIN, Mikhail GRISCHENKO, others.

Concert Hall "Vitebsk"


Performance "MALE FRAGRANCE"

Theatrical company "MASCARAD" (Russia) Jean ANOUY

Director: Pavel SAFONOV.


Summer amphitheater


Valery MELADZE, Stas MIKHAILOV, Tatyana BULANOVA, Denis MAYDANOV, Irina and Soso PAVLIASHVILI, Gleb MATVEYCHUK, Egor KRID, Mikhail BUBLIK, the A-Dessa group (Stas KOSTUSHKIN), the PYATERO group, Sergei MANDRIK's STREET-JAZZ ballet (Russia), Ruslan ALEKHNO, Petr ELFIMOV, Alyona LANSKAYA, Anastasia TIKHANOVICH, Uncle VANYA, the TIPTOE group, the dance ensembles ZORKA, LYAVONIKHA, the WHEEL youth theater, the HOUSE OF THE WIND studio, the theater-studio of modern choreography, show-ballet "SENSATION" (Belarus), Dimash KUDAIBERGEN (Kazakhstan), Intars BUSULIS (Latvia), Philip JMAKHER (Serbia), Kevin McCoy (USA), Irina BILYK (Ukraine), others.

Summer amphitheater


Anniversary concert "20"

July 18, Tuesday

Summer amphitheater


Concert Hall "Vitebsk"


Musical "CASANOVA"

UO "Belarusian State University culture and arts” (Belarus)

Composer and Producer: Kim Breitburgh

Stage director, chief choreographer: Nikolai ANDROSOV.

Musical director, supervisor: Valeria BREITBURG.

Artistic director: Irina DOROFEEVA.

Summer amphitheater

Gala concert "Chanson TV - ALL STARS"

Masha RASPUTINA, group "JUST" (Italy), Alexander NOVIKOV, Willy TOKAREV, Tatyana BULANOVA, Denis MAIDANOV, Irina and Soso PAVLIASHVILI, Victor RYBIN and Natalia SENCHUKOVA (group "DUNA"), Vladislav MEDIANIK, Evgeny KEMEROVSKY, Rada RAY, Garik KRICHEVSKY, Evgeny GRIGORIEV (ZHEKA), Eduard IZMESTEV, Katerina GOLITSYNA, Vladimir ZHDAMIROV, Anatoly POLOTONO and Fedya KARMANOV, Valery KURAS, Tatiana TRETYAK, Alexander LOMINSKI, Tatiana CHUBAROVA, Sergey KUPRIK, Intars BUSULIS, Methodie BUJOR, Ruslan BEREZOVSKY, Sergey ROSSI, Yaroslava KRASILNIKOVA, Alexander ELOVSKIKH, Andrey IVANTSOV, orchestra led by Mikhail YANIS, show-ballet "SENSATION" and others.

And also buy in Vitebsk at the addresses: Concert Hall "Vitebsk" (Frunze Park, building 1), Freedom Square (underpass near the "Summer Amphitheater"), in the underpass of Victory Square, Showroom"Dukhovskoy Kruglik" (Prospect Frunze, 13A/1).

Scheme of the summer amphitheater in Vitebsk

Where to stay during the festival "Slavianski Bazaar"?

In the city of Vitebsk big choice hotels and hotels, but note: than less days remains before the festival, the less free places remain. Accommodation options can be found on the website You can also rent an apartment or a private house from local residents.

Official website of the “Slavianski Bazaar” in Vitebsk

We hope you enjoy Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk 2017 and the festival will remain in your memory for a long time, just like the city itself.

Text: Dronina Inessa