Obtaining citizenship by Ukrainians in a simplified manner. Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship, residence permit and permanent residence

Citizenship plays a big role in a person's life. This is not just belonging to a particular country, but a stable relationship consisting of rights and obligations. Is dual citizenship possible in Ukraine? The answers to this and some other questions will be provided in the article.


It should be noted right away that dual citizenship in Ukraine has long been a problem for many people. The reason for this is very simple - the imperfection of the Ukrainian legislative framework. Until now, there are many contradictory, and often even unsolvable issues, due to which obtaining dual citizenship in the Ukrainian state remains a great difficulty.

So what are the contradictions? In short, the Ukrainian authorities consider dual citizenship illegal and unacceptable. This is truly a strange approach. It seemed that most of the advanced countries of the world are quite loyal to the acquisition of their subjects of the second, third or tenth, in turn, legislatively establishes a ban on the possibility of obtaining foreign citizenship as an additional one.

Legislation of Ukraine

The following regulations testify to the inability to obtain a second citizenship:

And at the same time, the mentioned law states that obtaining a passport of a foreign state is not a reason for depriving a citizen of citizenship (which implies many rights and obligations). It is difficult to understand how exactly belonging differs from citizenship, and why the loss of one does not entail the loss of the other. Most likely, the Ukrainian authorities can take away the passport.

It is very important to say only one thing: the entire system that exists in Ukraine needs serious improvement. The ban on dual citizenship in Ukraine should either be canceled or at least somewhat simplified. So, it is worth paying attention to the procedure for imposing fines and penalties for concealing the fact of obtaining a foreign passport.

Trouble on the border with Russia

Double citizenship although it is prohibited in Ukraine, in some cases it is regulated by special agreements. At the moment there are only two such agreements: with Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Children born in a family with dual citizenship have full rights to Ukrainian citizenship. The conclusion here can be drawn as follows: punishment for dual citizenship in Ukraine will follow only if it is inconsistent. The permission of the relevant authorities will help to reach the agreements established in advance.

At the moment, Ukrainians have a number of reasons why they want to buy Russian passport. These are economic difficulties, and low salaries, and problems with employment. Despite the fact that dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine, many people still try to find loopholes in the law and outwit the current government. What are the options here?

Russia and Ukraine: how to get settled in two countries at once?

It's no secret that a large number of Ukrainian citizens often go to the Russian Federation to work. Moreover, this can be done quite legally: you just need to issue labor contract with a partner from another country, obtain a patent, residence permit and some other documents. However, it will not work for a long time: the maximum period, as a rule, is 90 days. Otherwise, the Ukrainian authorities will simply take away the passport.

The second option is even more radical. It's about on obtaining permanent residence in Russia. However, such actions will lead, as you know, to not the best consequences: the Ukrainian will lose internal passport and will be fined a hefty amount.

Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship

Some citizens may have a difficult question: will it be possible to restore their Ukrainian citizenship, while having citizenship Russian Federation? The scheme, it must be said, is not simple. The thing is that Russia and Ukraine have not concluded an appropriate international agreement between themselves. And therefore, to become a citizen of Ukraine, being a native of the Russian Federation, it will turn out only if you refuse a Russian passport. The same applies to the reverse situation.

Plus, in 2017, the Ukrainian authorities started talking seriously about introducing visa regime with Russia. If an appropriate decision is made, then it is possible that a foreign passport will have to be issued to cross the border. Naturally, this will complicate the situation even more.

Obtaining dual citizenship by Russians

Russian legislation provides for the possibility of obtaining dual citizenship. But Ukrainian laws openly contradict Russian ones. The main difficulty in obtaining a passport of a neighboring country will be the preservation of a Russian passport. Most likely, the Ukrainian authorities will demand to abandon it.

In the Ukrainian state, there is a simplified scheme for obtaining citizenship for certain categories of persons. So, if a Russian citizen was born on Ukrainian territory, has close relatives in a neighboring country, or has lived in the Ukrainian SSR for a long time, then he should contact the Ukrainian embassy or directly to the Ukrainian FMS. In these instances, the Russian citizen will definitely be helped to complete all the necessary papers.

And yet, is it possible to have dual citizenship in Ukraine? Is there really no working way to get a second passport? There is still one option, which is often used by the Ukrainians themselves. The only question is how long this method will work.

The main way to obtain dual citizenship

The Ukrainian must prepare all the necessary documentation for presenting it to the local office of the Migration Department (FMS). A completed written application for renunciation of citizenship of Ukraine is also given to the department. The application must be completed by a notary public and divided into several copies. Then the written application is sent to the consulate. To many, this kind of action will seem a little creepy, but there is nothing to be afraid of. The procedure for renunciation of citizenship looks different.

This is followed by obtaining a permanent place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation. The internal Ukrainian passport is surrendered, only a foreign passport with the necessary mark remains on hand. The FMS has no right to take away the Ukrainian passport. As a result, on the territory of Ukraine, a citizen retains all the same rights and obligations. A person just loses his passport. In Russia, a Ukrainian has full-fledged citizenship.

About responsibility

Often, applicants for Russian citizenship can be severely punished for wanting to obtain dual citizenship in Ukraine. Responsibility can be expressed in the most various types. Fortunately, the Ukrainian authorities so far cannot boast of an official document that strictly regulates the penalties for obtaining a second passport.

However, the judiciary can do the following:

  • deprive the passport;
  • fine (moreover, the amount of the fine can be very, very decent);
  • significantly restrict their rights.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the issue of marriage. A spouse with Ukrainian citizenship can take Russian citizenship. Deprivation of the first citizenship in this case will be unlawful. What does this mean? It's very simple: marriage is the only legal way keep both citizenships at the same time.

Will changes be made to Ukrainian legislation?

Will a law on dual citizenship be adopted in Ukraine soon? The question is very difficult. On the one hand, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada periodically touch upon this topic. And you can not say that it is ineffective. Thus, in 2017 Ukraine was able to achieve visa-free regime with European countries. It is possible that in the next couple of years it will be published new law, fixing the possibility of obtaining additional citizenship. The only question is what place the Russian Federation will take in this law. On the one hand, this is the most "desirable" country for many citizens of Ukraine. On the other hand, strained relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine may become a possible obstacle on the way to a law on dual citizenship. Simply put, if Ukrainians are able to obtain additional citizenship, it is unlikely in Russia.

The economic and political crisis that erupted in Ukraine in 2014 forced many people to leave their homes and go to Russia in search of work. But, as it turned out, some native Russians are interested in the question of how to get.

In accordance with the realities of 2017, it is possible to obtain Ukrainian citizenship under a simplified program. Who is going to Ukraine? First of all, those Russians and residents of the CIS who have their own business on the territory of this state are interested in the question of how to obtain citizenship of Ukraine. There are not so many people who change their place of residence for ideological reasons.

Today, everyone who is interested in obtaining Ukrainian citizenship can count on the fact that his issue will be considered in a simplified manner. On average, citizenship issues are considered from 30 to 90 days. But sometimes, against the background of various bureaucratic hooks, obtaining citizenship of this Slavic state is delayed for an indefinite time.

A few years ago, the procedure for considering applications from Russians wishing to become citizens of Ukraine was even simpler. This was explained by close family and business ties between Russians and Ukrainians.
The procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for residents of Kazakhstan, Moldova and other former Soviet republics was somewhat more complicated.

There are still no diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Citizenship of Ukraine can be obtained only on the basis of direct kinship. At the same time, the applicant had to prove that his parent lived on the territory of the Ukrainian state until 1991.

Certificate of obtaining citizenship of Ukraine

Grounds for obtaining citizenship

The law "On Citizenship" contains a complete list of conditions under which each person can become a citizen of the Ukrainian state. The most significant grounds in 2017, the country's authorities recognize:

  1. Birth of the applicant on the territory of the Ukrainian state.
  2. Origin (the applicant must confirm the fact that he is an ethnic Ukrainian).
  3. Naturalization.
  4. Guardianship or adoption (the most problematic basis, it is used extremely rarely).
  5. Restoration of allegiance.

In 2017, obtaining Ukrainian citizenship is increasingly based on international agreements.

What are the conditions

According to the realities of 2017, it is possible to become a citizen of the Ukrainian state if the following conditions are met:

  1. Recognize the laws of the Ukrainian state.
  2. Recognize the Constitution of the Ukrainian state.
  3. Relinquish previous citizenship.
  4. Live on the territory of the Ukrainian state for at least 5 years.
  5. Have on hand documents allowing immigration.
  6. Have on hand documents confirming financial viability.
  7. Speak fluently in the state language.

The procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship can be general and simplified. In the second case, a person becomes a citizen of that country 30 days after the application is submitted. In the first case, the applicant may wait up to 12 months.
Refugees arriving on the territory of Ukraine from other states are obliged to provide a declaration of absence of citizenship.
In some cases, the procedure for obtaining citizenship requires the provision of a special document. He must confirm the fact of legal stay in the country. Refugees must also prove that they continuously lived in the territory of this power for three years.

Marriage with a citizen of Ukraine

It is also possible to obtain citizenship of Ukraine in 2017 by entering into marriage with a citizen of this state. The procedure for obtaining citizenship primarily involves the provision of a birth certificate of a life partner. The applicant's spouse must be born on the territory of the Ukrainian state or confirm the fact of residence before 1991.
Another important document for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship in 2017 is a marriage certificate. The spouses must have been married for at least two years.
Some Russians and residents of other former Soviet republics often enter into fictitious marriages with Ukrainians. Unlike other European states, Ukraine turns a blind eye to the conclusion of such a marriage. No one will check whether the "spouses" live together. But this method should not be put at the forefront. Given the difficult economic situation within the country, for agreeing to become a fictitious spouse, some Ukrainians ask for a "round" amount.

Marriage certificate

Features of the registration procedure

A person interested in receiving should know what the clearance procedure is. Today, the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship is approximately as follows:

  • get permission to immigrate to Ukraine;
  • get a residence permit;
  • apply to the diplomatic institution of your country with a request to renounce the previous citizenship;
  • wait for a resolution (sometimes the waiting period is extended for 12 months);
  • determine the basis for legalization on the territory of the Ukrainian state;
  • prepare and submit all necessary documents;
  • receive a response from the staff of the diplomatic institution.

The procedure for issuing a residence permit to the applicant can be prompted by the employees of the diplomatic mission. institutions. Ukrainian residents can do this at the consular section of the Russian embassy. Russians interested in legalization in Ukraine undertake to clarify the procedure for registration with employees migration service at the place of residence.

It is important to clarify in advance the likelihood of passing the legalization procedure according to a simplified procedure. This is true not only for residents of the former Soviet republics who once lived on the territory of the Ukrainian state. Former citizens of Ukraine also have the right to become a citizen of this country again under a simplified scheme.

If the applicant's question was resolved positively, then he has the right to receive a Ukrainian passport and TIN.

What documents do you need to provide

To obtain citizenship of the Ukrainian state, it is necessary to prepare and submit the following documents:

  • correctly completed application;
  • 3 high-quality photographs for pasting into the questionnaire;
  • resolution from the authorized body on withdrawal from the previous citizenship;
  • , confirming the fact of continuous residence within the country;
  • high-quality photocopy of the residence permit;
  • certificate-confirmation of knowledge of the Ukrainian language;
  • certificate confirming financial solvency.

The person undertakes to attach an identity document to the application. It is also necessary to timely obtain an extract from the tax authority, indicating that the applicant has no debts. Young people of military age are obliged to submit a certificate from the military commissariat.
Ukrainian citizenship imposes certain obligations on the applicant. A person who wishes to renounce his native citizenship in favor of Ukrainian, undertakes to recognize and comply with all the laws of this country. He must also be ready to carry out the duties that are relevant for members of Ukrainian society. So, if a young healthy man is concerned about obtaining Ukrainian citizenship, he must be ready to be sent to the ATO zone. According to the current situation, the willingness of the applicant to go to the ATO zone is often a decisive factor for the country's authorities.

Getting permission to immigrate

A Russian can become a citizen of Ukraine only on the basis of an immigration permit. If the applicant does not have this document in his hands, and he cannot apply for citizenship under a simplified scheme, the authorities of the country will be forced to refuse him.

An applicant can obtain an immigration permit on the basis of a quota. This takes into account the category relevant to the candidate. This applies to those persons who are of interest to the authorities of the country. These should include:

  1. scientists and inventors.
  2. Writers, artists, actors and musicians.
  3. Coaches and athletes.
  4. Big businessmen.
  5. Investors.
  6. Relatives of a person who once immigrated to Ukraine.

With a bit of a stretch, refugees should also be included in this list. A person applying for refugee status must prove the fact of persecution in their homeland for political or religious reasons. It is important to bear in mind that obtaining refugee status in Ukraine is a very long and tedious procedure. If the applicant has the opportunity, then he should give up this method in favor of some other.

Features of obtaining a residence permit

After receiving a document allowing immigration, the applicant has the opportunity to issue a Ukrainian residence permit. This document can be unlimited or issued for 5 years. To complete this document, the applicant must provide:

  • application (can be written by hand);
  • high-quality photocopy of a foreign passport;
  • a high-quality photocopy of a document allowing the applicant to enter Ukraine;
  • bank receipt;
  • permission from the father or mother (relevant for a minor).

When applying for a residence permit, some citizens of the former Soviet republics face sharp pitfalls. There was a case when a mother who arrived from Kazakhstan and an adult daughter applied for a residence permit. The basis for the mother's immigration was a document confirming the fact of her grandfather's residence in Ukraine.

Application for a residence permit

After the mother obtained citizenship, the daughter tried to obtain a residence permit based on the fact that the mother lived in Ukraine. Given that the mother received Ukrainian citizenship after 1991, this was impossible. To avoid such difficulties, anyone who finds their issue difficult should enlist the support of a qualified lawyer.

Friends, congratulations. Today I acquired the citizenship of Ukraine. Those who read my LiveJournal from time to time will ask a reasonable question - why do I need this? After all, citizens of Ukraine are visa-free to an even smaller number of countries than, say, Russians. And it's significant. The answer will be this - firstly, I am still a quarter Ukrainian, and Ukraine is not a completely alien country to me. And secondly, I am deeply convinced that Ukraine will cancel visas to Europe, or even enter into European Union over the next 5-7 years. Hard to believe it? Read the latest news from Interfax - the process has begun. Did you believe, friends, that impoverished Romania would be accepted into the EU? And where is Bulgaria outside the resort area devastation? It is rather politics, and it is not always possible to predict what all this will lead to. Let's leave this at the mercy of Nostradamus, and move on to the question - how to get Ukrainian citizenship. After all, it's not that easy!

How to get citizenship of Ukraine?

The main ambush is that Ukraine does not recognize dual citizenship. This is an extremely mediocre and unfinished law, which has a lot of shortcomings and ambiguities. For example, Ukrainians leaving for America are not deprived of their citizenship, even after receiving American citizenship. Why? Because the law says "a citizen of Ukraine who has entered the citizenship of a foreign state is deprived of citizenship of Ukraine." And in America (as well as in Israel and a number of European countries), you not only enter into US citizenship, but you receive it as a result of a stepwise procedure. In the case of Israel, as far as I know, citizenship is given to any Jew (including a Jew only by mother) who has expressed a desire to repatriate. Automatic. At once. This is a very subtle nuance, but that's exactly what he is.

If you have never been a citizen of Ukraine, but decided to become one, you are in trouble, because the law of Ukraine on citizenship states that a person who wants to become a citizen of Ukraine must renounce his former citizenship. It would seem that the situation is hopeless? But, fortunately, the law is incompetent so that we can get around it. Moreover, what is extremely important - to bypass it in an absolutely legal way! Taking advantage of the holes in the Ukrainian legislation. But first, about who is entitled to citizenship -

... A person, either herself or wanting to be one of the її batkіv, dіd chi baba, same brother chi sister, were born or lived until 16 June 1990 on the territory, yak became the territory of Ukraine ...

Here, in general, everything is obvious - dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather. I specifically do not touch on any other cases, but only those that relate to Ukrainian origin(birth) of our next of kin. Including those who are now deceased.

Avoiding pitfalls

When applying for citizenship of Ukraine, they demanded to give a receipt that within 2 years I undertake to renounce my second citizenship. Without this receipt, they do not even accept documents for citizenship. I signed everything for them, they accepted the documents. The other day I was handed a stamped paper about "hugeness". Not a passport! A certificate of citizenship. The consul could not explain to me what the legal status of this document is. I asked him (the consul) - does this paper give the right to enter Ukraine on it? He replied that no, they say you need a passport. And they won’t give me a passport until I give up my second citizenship. So what does this paper give? Can I work in Kyiv, if I suddenly wish? The consul said yes. Then I asked what would happen if I did not give up my second citizenship - the consul replied that then I would not receive a Ukrainian passport.

Then I turned to the legislation of Ukraine, and not without the moral support of friendly Ukrainian lawyers, I found the following -

... vihodyachi zi art. No. 1 of the Law on the enormity of Ukraine, even though there is no such procedure, because such a procedure does not work, but the variability of formalizing the application of foreign enormity (peddancy) will exceed half of the amount of wages established by law, in Ukraine ...

I have no doubt that everyone understood what it was about. In a nutshell, you can not renounce your former citizenship if this procedure, at a total cost, is above 50% of the minimum wage in Ukraine. As of today, April 2009, Ukraine's minimum wage is 626 hryvnias ($80), respectively half - 313 hryvnias ($40). Further. Renunciation of citizenship Whether it's the Russian Federation or Israel, costs based on the official price list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the equivalent of $700 (USA), $200 (Israel), or $160 (RF).

In other words, the Law of Ukraine says in black and white that you are not obliged to give up the previous engraving if the procedure is more expensive than 50% of the minimum wage in Ukraine. The second nuance is that if you are denied exit from your previous citizenship, this cannot be an obstacle to obtaining a Ukrainian citizenship. We are talking about articles 1 and 8 of the Law of Ukraine on citizenship.

In the first case, everything is obvious about 50% of the minimum wage.

As for the refusal to withdraw from the former citizenship, there is a nuance. For example, in Israel, the condition for renunciation of citizenship is the provision of the following documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs: a certificate from the tax service that you have no debts, a passport of the country of migration. Without these documents, your application for renunciation of citizenship will be denied. What does it mean? You go to an ATM and overdraft yourself $50. Then you go to the Inspectorate for Taxes and Duties and take a certificate stating that ... you have(!) debts. You do not have a second (Ukrainian) passport - the certificate is not considered a passport, which means you have not fulfilled this condition either. All this is submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You are denied renunciation of citizenship on the grounds that you have debts and you have not submitted a passport from the country of migration. And this falls under the following Ukrainian law -

Art. 8 “...As foreigners, mayuchi all before the legislation of the country of the state, submit for the withdrawal of such a document, for independent reasons they cannot take it away, they submit a declaration about the sovereignty of the foreign community ... ".

A declaration means a non-binding paper where you sign that you know that Ukraine does not recognize your second citizenship. Then you get a Ukrainian passport.

I formatted it all in the form official statement and submitted to the Consulate of Ukraine. And I received a response, where the following was written: "You should submit this application after a year from the moment you received Ukrainian citizenship, after which, on the basis of this application, you will be issued international passport citizen of Ukraine".

This is how legislative obstacles on the way to Ukrainian citizenship are avoided. Isn't it true that the devil is not so terrible as he is painted?

What documents are submitted?

Very clearly - documents establishing your kinship with a person born in Ukraine. In my case, it was like this: a notarized copy of my grandmother's birth certificate in Ukraine, a notarized copy of my father's birth certificate, and my own birth certificate. Then 2 photos and the amount of the consular fee, equivalent to about 100 dollars.


I asked the consul what to do with the law of Ukraine on the state border, which obliges citizens of Ukraine to cross the border only with a passport of a citizen of Ukraine? After all, they never gave me a passport. Does this mean that I have to visit Ukraine with an Israeli passport, but with a certificate of Ukrainian citizenship? And further - as a citizen of Ukraine, I have the right to work in Ukraine, but when I enter with an Israeli passport, I get a regular entry stamp for 3 months without the right to work. How to deal with this nuance?

Here the consul could not answer anything. He only said that some Ukrainian laws are not fully developed and not all the subtleties are provided for by law. And he further added that he, as a diplomat, had no right to discuss these things with me for reasons of "diplomatic and professional ethics."


I thank the beautiful, clever and native speaker of the Ukrainian language, Lyubasha Galkina from Kiev, without whose help my attempts to obtain Ukrainian citizenship would have been doomed, if not to failure, then to a lot of difficulties. The girl helped me in translating the official bureaucracy to the name of the consul, from which the Consul General of Ukraine himself was amazed, asking "Alexander Valeryevich, who writes such letters to you? Exceptionally competent Ukrainian speech!" Lyuba, thank you!

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - a certificate from the tax inspectorate on the absence of tax arrears;
  • - a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for men aged 18-27;
  • - birth certificate;
  • - a birth certificate of your closest relative, if he was born on the territory of Ukraine, or a passport of your relative - a citizen of Ukraine.


Think carefully and weigh your step. Acceptance of citizenship Ukraine implies that you will have to give up Russian citizenship. Take up the paperwork only if you are completely sure of your decision.

Apply for renunciation of Russian citizenship. Those who are in the area Ukraine must apply to consulate-General Russian Federation in Ukraine, residing in Russia - to the Office of the Federal Migration Service (UFMS) at the place of residence. In addition to the application, you will need to provide a passport, a certificate from the tax authority on the absence of tax arrears and a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for men of military age.

Wait until you receive a document confirming your renunciation of Russian citizenship. Your application may take up to 1 year to be processed.

Check if you are in the category of people who can get citizenship Ukraine in a simplified way. First of all, these are those who permanently resided (was registered) in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR) at the time of independence. Secondly, these are people whose closest relatives - parents, grandparents or siblings - were born or permanently lived in Ukraine at the time of independence. Also, these are those who were previously a citizen Ukraine.

Submit documents to obtain Ukrainian citizenship. In Russia, this can be done at the consular section at the country's embassy, ​​in Ukraine - at the OVIR. If you belong to one of preferential categories when obtaining citizenship - provide relevant documents, for example, photocopies of birth certificates of relatives born in Ukraine.

Wait for a decision on your request at citizenship. It may also take a long time.

Russia and Ukraine are neighbors. If you want to move there permanently, you must accept citizenship this country. This decision should be deliberate and balanced, because the double citizenship unacceptable.

You will need

  • - Required package of documents:
  • - passport;
  • - birth certificate;
  • - a certificate from bailiffs confirming the absence of fines;
  • - a certificate from the tax office confirming the absence of tax arrears;
  • - military ID (for men);
  • - a guarantor residing in Ukraine and having Ukrainian citizenship (documents confirming the Ukrainian citizenship of your guarantor).


If you have decided to take citizenship Ukraine, then must renounce their previous citizenship . To do this, you need to submit an application to the Office of the Federal Migration Service, located at the place of residence. In addition to the application, you must provide certificates: from the tax office, from bailiffs and a military ID (for men). A complete list of documents, as well as a sample application, can be viewed at the stand in the FMS.

You do not need to complete the application for renunciation of citizenship yourself. Usually, the FMS offers a service for filling out applications for a moderate fee: 100 - 200 rubles.

After your application for renunciation of citizenship has been reviewed and a positive response has been received, you can apply for citizenship Ukraine. If you already live in the territory of this country, then you need to apply for Ukrainian citizenship at the OVIR. There you will again be asked to submit some of your documents and documents of the guarantor. An application for the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship can also be submitted to the embassy Ukraine if you are in another country.

After submitting all the documents, you must be patient and wait for a response to your request. In most cases, a positive decision on granting citizenship comes Ukraine.

A negative answer may come if you have a criminal record or gross violations on your part in the process of filing documents. If a refusal has been received and you do not agree with it, then you can appeal it in court.

Helpful advice

Carefully check the correctness of filling out the documents both in case of renunciation of the former citizenship, and when filling out an application for the acquisition of citizenship of Ukraine. Especially passport data. Mistakes are unacceptable, since waiting for corrected documents can take almost the same time as waiting for the primary version - a year or more.


  • how to get ukrainian citizenship documents

Citizenship of Ukraine allows you to participate in political life countries: to elect and be elected to government bodies, participate in the management of state affairs, work in the public service, be a member of a political party, hold rallies and meetings. The Constitution of Ukraine guarantees citizens the right to work, provides the possibility of free choice of gender labor activity and professions, as well as social protection and the right to return to Ukraine at any time.

British citizenship can be acquired by soil law (if the child was born in the UK to a British citizen, then he is a British citizen), by blood law (if one of the child's parents is a British citizen, then the child is also a British citizen), by naturalization, registration, and also through adoption / adoption. Often citizenship The UK is obtained through naturalization. The timing of obtaining citizenship through naturalization depends on whether the applicant is married to a British citizen or a British citizen. If he is married, then naturalization will be shortened - 3 years, and if not, then 6 years. It is also important to know English.

The so-called " citizenship for investment" can be obtained on the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis. The amount of investment required to obtain citizenship varies from $ 200,000 to $ 350,000, depending on the area of ​​investment. The essence of obtaining citizenship by investment is that, subject to making a certain amount in one or another sector of the economy, the investor and his family members receive citizenship Saint Kitts and Nevis, even if they did not live and do not live in this state. You can get about the same citizenship and in other states (for example, in Dominica, Austria).


  • obtaining a second citizenship

Law No. 62-FZ "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" establishes the grounds for acquiring Russian citizenship by children. The child may receive citizenship Russian Federation both by birth and at the request of his parents (guardians, trustees). Acquisition of citizenship by birth by a child depends on the citizenship of his parents and place of birth.


The child is accepted into the Russian citizenship regardless of whether he was born in Russia or outside of it:
1. when the mother and father of the child are Russians,
2. when the child has a single parent - a citizen of the Russian Federation,
3. when one of the parents is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the other parent has the status of a stateless person or is declared missing, or his whereabouts are unknown,
4. when one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation, the other parent is a foreign citizen, and to kid threatened to become stateless.

A child born on the territory of the Russian Federation also becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation:
1. when one of the child's parents is Russian and the other parent is a foreign citizen,
2. when both parents of the child (or his only parent) - Foreign citizens living in Russia, and the state of which they are citizens does not provide to kid his citizenship.
3. when both parents of the child (or his only parent) are stateless persons living in the Russian Federation.

In addition, a child who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation may be admitted to a Russian citizenship in the manner and on the grounds provided for in Articles 14, 25, 26 of the Law on Citizenship: for children, a simplified procedure for admission to citizenship. The simplified procedure involves applying to the competent authorities with an application for the admission of a child to citizenship. Both parents and guardians (custodians) of the child who have the right to do so under the Citizenship Law can act as applicants.

Applicant residing in Russia must submit an application for admission to citizenship child to the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence. An applicant residing outside the Russian Federation may apply to the Russian diplomatic representation or consular post.

The application is made in two copies on a special form. Along with the application, an identity document of the applicant is provided, as well as the following documents:
- the birth certificate of the child or his passport, if any;
- if the child lives in the territory of the Russian Federation, a residence permit or other document confirming the child's residence in Russia;
- proof of identity and citizenship the other parent (when the child acquires citizenship on the basis of paragraph "a" part 2 of article 14 and parts 2 and 4 of article 25 of the Law on Citizenship);
- a document certifying the status of a stateless person of the other parent (when a child acquires citizenship on the basis of clause “a”, part 2, article 14 and part 3, article 25 of the Law on Citizenship);
- certificate of establishment of guardianship or guardianship, in appropriate cases;
- for the acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation by a child aged 14 to 18 years, his consent, drawn up in writing, is required. Such consent is drawn up in any form and certified by a notary;
- 3 photographs of the child (3x4 cm);
- receipt of payment of state duty or consular fee.

The consideration of the application under the simplified procedure and the adoption of a decision on it shall be carried out within a period of up to six months from the date of filing the application. The decision taken on such an application shall be notified to the applicant in month from the date of the decision. In case of a positive decision on granting Russian citizenship to kid who has reached the age of 14, a Russian passport is issued, and to kid under that age, residing in Russia, a special insert is issued in the birth certificate, which confirms that the child has citizenship of the Russian Federation. If a child under the age of 14 is Russia does not live, information about him is entered in the foreign passport of the parent (parents) of the child - citizens of the Russian Federation. Also, at the request of the child's parents, he can be issued a Russian passport.


Without an appropriate mark in the documents, a child cannot receive a passport, and an adult cannot travel abroad. In addition, confirmation of citizenship is required in social institutions - maternal capital, for example, without a stamp in the documents of the child simply will not be given. At the request of the adoptive parents, it can be terminated if the child acquires another citizenship. If the child has a different citizenship, and both adoptive parents are Russians, he becomes a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Helpful advice

If one parent is a full-fledged citizen of Russia, and the other is not, then the citizenship of the child at the time of birth can be obtained, and the territorial birth of the baby cannot become an obstacle. Obtaining citizenship for a child In what cases can a child acquire Russian citizenship on the day of his birth: Parents must have Russian citizenship, regardless of where their baby was born, in connection with this, the child automatically becomes a full citizen of the Russian Federation.


  • Russian citizenship for a child

The procedure for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation is quite complicated. Therefore, the collection of documents for obtaining citizenship should be taken very seriously and responsibly.

You will need

  • citizenship application;
  • residence;
  • a document confirming your legal income;
  • document on completed education;
  • confirmed renunciation of another citizenship you have;
  • birth certificate;
  • Marriage certificate.

For a long time, Ukraine, like Russia, was part of the USSR. In those days, there were no problems with citizenship within these states, since it was important to be a citizen of the USSR, and not of Ukraine or Russia. The situation changed significantly after the declaration of independence of Ukraine, which closed its borders for the free movement of both Russian and Belarusian citizens. But, nevertheless, there remained the fundamental ties of Russian citizens who were previously born and living in Ukraine, and vice versa. Now, some of these citizens want to know how to get Ukrainian citizenship. In principle, you can get Ukrainian citizenship quite quickly (almost in 1 month) if you belong to one of the privileged categories of Russians who are granted citizenship under a simplified scheme. For all other Russians, obtaining Ukrainian citizenship can take up to a year.

Conditions for obtaining citizenship

Before applying for Ukrainian citizenship, you need to check how your application will be comparable to the conditions put forward by the Ukrainian side. Thus, only persons who recognize and comply with the Constitution and Laws of Ukraine, have lived in Ukraine for at least five years or have been married to a Ukrainian or a Ukrainian woman for at least two years can obtain citizenship in Ukraine. If a citizen had Russian citizenship, then he must renounce Russian citizenship, and only then apply for registration of Ukrainian citizenship. In the execution of the last paragraph, problems often arise, since Ukraine does not allow legally obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation at the same time. Thus, you must be either a Russian citizen or a Ukrainian citizen.

Before obtaining Ukrainian citizenship, you must go through the procedure for obtaining an immigration permit. This permission is granted within the quota, in accordance with the category to which the person corresponds. If you are going to get Ukrainian citizenship, you should ideally own state language, because otherwise, on the territory of Ukraine you will not be guaranteed free communication. If a person has any physical disabilities that do not allow him to learn Ukrainian language, then this condition is not required.

An essential condition for obtaining citizenship is the availability of sources of income in Ukraine. That is, it could be wage or own business social payments or a certain amount of child support received. If a person has the status of a "refugee", then he does not have to confirm the existence of a source of income in Ukraine.

General system for obtaining citizenship

The general procedure for obtaining citizenship lasts for a year. The entire list of documents that must be submitted to the Ukrainian embassy in the Russian Federation or to the OVIR located in Ukraine can be found in these institutions. If you want to know how to get dual citizenship of Ukraine, then not a single employee will give you such advice, since dual citizenship in this country has no legal grounds. Although there are a number of companies that offer dual citizenship due to the presence of "holes" in Ukrainian legislation. Time of registration of citizenship of Ukraine according to common system is 1 year. Be sure to fill out all forms correctly and without errors. If the employees of the above institutions find errors in your documents or discrepancies in relation to any data, then the registration of citizenship may be delayed for a long time.

Simplified citizenship system

You can get citizenship under the simplified system in a month. But for this it is necessary to observe, in addition to general conditions some more. Before you can obtain Ukrainian citizenship under the simplified system, you must confirm. That your direct relatives live in Ukraine or the fact that you were previously a citizen of Ukraine. Both under the simplified and under the general system of obtaining citizenship, the decision is made by a special commission established under the President of Ukraine. Only after the decree of the President is issued, you become a citizen of Ukraine.