What is dual citizenship. Countries allowing dual citizenship with Russia

The question of how many citizenships you can have is very peculiar, since it should be considered in relation to each specific state. In this article, we will try to answer the question posed, based on the current migration laws. Russian Federation and Ukraine!

How many citizenships can you have in Russia?

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, citizens of Russia are not prohibited from receiving internal passports other countries. In this regard, there is only one rule - within 60 days after receiving a passport of another country, a Russian citizen is obliged to report this to the relevant authorities of the Russian Federation.

But it should be understood that it is the second citizenship that is allowed in Russia, and not dual! At the same time, the Law does not clearly describe the differences between the two presented forms of citizenship.

As for multiple citizenship (that is, the presence of 3 or more citizenships), the Constitution does not mention this at all. Therefore, prohibitions on having multiple passports different countries also does not exist.

How many citizenships are allowed in Ukraine?

According to the law, in Ukraine you can have only one citizenship - Ukrainian. However, at the legislative level, no sanctions and penalties are prescribed for those persons who have dual citizenship. But, it is worth noting that the current government of the country is developing a set of measures - a system of fines and other penalties for having dual citizenship and hiding this fact from the relevant Ukrainian authorities.

Now this issue in Ukraine is under development!

How many real citizenships can a person have?

If a we are talking about those countries that recognize double citizenship, then in fact, one person can be a citizen of 2, 3 countries or more. The main condition is that they all recognize the citizenship of other powers that you have.

In most cases, civilized countries of the world do not recognize dual citizenship and punish such a fact with various fines (for example, Germany, the USA).

  1. Israel
  2. Turkey
  3. Greece
  4. Dominican Republic
  5. Spain
  6. Lithuania
  7. Brazil
  8. Argentina
  9. Latvia
  10. Ireland

Taking into account the mentioned inaccuracy of the wording in the migration laws, formally the Russian Federation can also be included in this list. However, it is better to additionally consult with a lawyer in this regard in order to avoid violations of the country's migration rules!

The laws of different countries are so dissimilar that, at times, the head can go round. This also applies to the issue of second allegiance. There are countries with dual citizenship, there are those where it is categorically forbidden to have another passport, and there are those that do not recognize second citizenship at the legislative level, however, in fact, they do not deny it.

Russia can be reckoned among such states, however, here the terms “second” and “dual” citizenship have different meanings.

In which countries can you automatically acquire a second citizenship without renouncing the Russian one? This is:

  1. Israel.
  2. Brazil.
  3. Lithuania.
  4. Ireland.
  5. Canada.
  6. Chile.
  7. Jamaica.
  8. Dominican Republic.

Citizenship by birth

In the following states, when a child is born within the country, he acquires the status of a citizen "by right of soil": Argentina, Brazil, Barbados, Mexico, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru. But this cannot be done in any state Western Europe.

"Mercantilist" countries

There are also countries where you can acquire citizenship by investment. What are these powers? This is Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, and even. The contribution of a person in this case must be solid.

Map of the states of the Caribbean

So, for the whole family it is possible if the applicant invests in this state from 300 to 500 thousand dollars. The Cypriot authorities are ready to give citizenship to a foreigner, provided that he invests 7 million euros. In Malta, that's $1.5 million.

The Bulgarian authorities are ready to accept a person as a citizen of their state for a contribution of up to 1.3 million euros, plus they will still need to live here for one year before the application is submitted.

Countries where dual citizenship is allowed on certain grounds

Features of dual citizenship in the USA

If a person acquires citizenship in this country, then when approving citizenship, the person must take an oath that she will be faithful and devoted to America. However, there is a slight amendment here: the fact is that the authorities of this power do not check whether a person has renounced his former citizenship or not.

And it turns out that that second country does not cancel the obligations of a citizen in relation to himself. In practice, many Russian people have dual citizenship of Russia and the United States for perfectly legal reasons. But if he submits documents for acquiring another citizenship, then the authorities will find out about this, and then the person will have to completely move to another state forever. That is, a citizen of America to get a second Russian passport will not work.

Dual and second citizenship in the Russian Federation

The difference is that dual citizenship is considered by us as the presence of two passports of those powers between which there are official written agreements. Thus, Russia has signed such an agreement with Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Now a person who has dual citizenship can choose for herself which of these two states she will pass military service. And children, whose parents have dual citizenship, at birth receive documents from two powers at once.

In all other cases, we are talking about the second citizenship. Residents of Russia, who have citizenship of another power, with which the authorities of the republic have not entered into any agreement, according to Russian law considered only as citizens of Russia.

Cons of dual citizenship

These are not all the disadvantages of dual citizenship. Still, for example, those legal actions that were stopped after his departure from the country can be restored against such a person.

Or, for example, a person, the authorities of this power have the right to demand from him the fulfillment of obligations regarding the country where he is also a legal resident.

Benefits of Dual Citizenship

The advantages of dual citizenship are as follows:

These are not all the advantages of a second citizenship, however, they are the main ones. Additional benefits for persons with two passports depend on the countries in which the person acquired the corresponding citizenship.

Informing the authorities of the Russian Federation about the second citizenship

Until August 4, 2014, Russian citizens were not required to notify the country's authorities about their second citizenship. However, after the new law came into force, everything changed, and now all people, having the citizenship of any other power, must inform the relevant authorities of the Russian Federation about this in writing. This law continues to operate in 2017.

Notification of dual citizenship (or rather, of the second one) is also practiced in some countries, so Russia has not become an innovator in this regard. Information about the nominal number of persons who simultaneously became citizens of other powers is needed for state registration in the republic, and the creation of a complete information database.

The government should be aware to which country its citizen has other obligations. For a citizen of the Russian Federation, the obligatory informing of the authorities about the presence of a second citizenship does not carry any limitation: he is in no way infringed on his rights, opportunities, and obligations in relation to the Russian Federation.

Multiple citizenship in Russia - the presence of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation may have citizenship. in a foreign state, it is possible only on the territory of Russia in person. A citizen of the Russian Federation may have citizenship of a foreign state (dual citizenship) in accordance with federal citizenship.

We can say that dual citizenship is allowed in Russia. it's about whether the power recognizes your second status or simply does not prohibit it. How will be punished for dual citizenship in Russia. The Russian constitution allows you to have as many foreign passports as you want, but it does not. how many citizenships can you have in Russia? A citizen of the Russian Federation can have citizenship of a foreign state. The Russian Federation recognizes dual citizenship only if it is between the Russian Federation and another.

Is it possible to have Russian and German citizenship at the same time. What does the legislation of both countries say? How many citizenships can you have in RussiaDual citizenship is prohibited in Russia?. in the Constitution: Article 62 establishes that citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to have dual citizenship.

The institution of dual citizenship was also recognized in the previous version of the law. in the following way: "A citizen of the Russian Federation can have citizenship. Israeli or German passports can still be as many as you like. Agreements on the recognition of dual citizenship of Russia as of this. 11 Jul 2016. EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA IN RUSSIAN.

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  2. The conclusion can be drawn as follows: in the general case, any citizen of Russia. The law does not prohibit citizens of the Russian Federation from having several passports, but not. The institution of dual citizenship was also recognized in the previous version of the law. way: ......
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