For the issuance of a foreign passport. Foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is

International passport citizen Russian Federation

International passport(general foreign passport (OZP), also commonly called " international passport», « foreigner», « foreign country" or " foreign"") - an official document proving the identity of a citizen when leaving and staying outside the country, as well as when entering the territory of the state from a trip abroad. In practice, a foreign passport certifies the identity of Russians permanently residing outside Russia on the territory of Russia, although this issue is not fully regulated by law. In a number of cases (purchase of a railway ticket, purchase of air tickets for domestic flights, currency exchange, etc.), a foreign passport can also be used by Russians permanently residing in Russia.

Biometric passport

Biometric passport (biopassport) - a new generation passport and visa document (PVD NP) - containing the biometric parameters of its owner, that is, a measurable physical characteristic or behavioral trait used to recognize a person, identify him or check whether he is who he claims to be . Biometric data includes: height, weight, fingerprints, hand shape, iris, voice, signature writing, DNA, and more. Today, a foreign biometric passport of the Russian Federation contains a microcircuit (electronic chip), which stores a color photograph of the passport holder as the main identifying element of the passport, information about the date and place of birth of the holder, the date of issue of the passport and the authority that issued the document.

Outwardly, biopassports do not differ much from old-style passports. The new document has an increased number of pages, a page of identification data printed on plastic, including a signature image and a black-and-white copy of the owner's photo stored on the chip. The issuance of biopassports in the Russian Federation began in a pilot mode in 2006 in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad by divisions of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) and continues to this day.

Current situation in Russia

The passports of most countries of the world, of which Russia is not included, contain a special message, usually given in several languages, which is called a passport message. The message is addressed to representatives of the authorities of foreign states. In this message, the state that issued the passport requests that the holder of the passport be allowed unhindered passage, travel and provide him with the necessary assistance.

Entry without a visa for holders of Russian passports

Blue and light green - visa-free regime, dark green - visa is stamped at the airport

Currently, holders of Russian foreign passports can visit 90 countries without a visa or by obtaining a visa at the entrance. To visit other countries, a separate visa is required.


Russian empire

In Russia, the arrival of foreigners was surrounded by various restrictions already in the Moscow period; border governors could let foreigners into the state only with the permission of the highest government. In troubled times, a system of "traveling" letters begins to be developed for traveling within the country, with the aim, mainly, of the police. IN general rule travel letters were erected by Peter I (decree of October 30, 1719), in connection with the recruitment duty and poll tax introduced by him. In 1724, in order to prevent the possibility of evading the poll tax, special rules were established on the absence of peasants, and they differed. stern letters And pass letters. Since 1763, the passport has also received fiscal significance, as a means of collecting money. passport fees.

The extreme shyness of passports for the people caused a whole series of measures at different times, which consisted mainly of temporary benefits for the selection of a passport and the simplification of various formalities, but did not affect common principles passport system. The question of its radical reform was put on the agenda as early as 1859, but a significant change was made only by the law of April 7, 1897, which destroyed the fiscal significance of the passport, after which the passport retained police and tax functions in Russia. The preservation of the value of the instrument of police supervision by the passport was recognized by the commissions established to revise the passport charter as necessary, in view of both the vastness of the territory of Russia and the difficulty of providing it with sufficient means of police protection. No less an obstacle to the complete abolition of passports is the mutual guarantee preserved in Russian legislation in the proper serving of state and public fees. The last passport commission, which developed the current Regulation on June 3, 1894, on residence permits, by law on June 2, 1897 extended to the entire Russian Empire, except for the provinces of the former Kingdoms of Poland and Finland. An essential aspect of the reform of 1894 is the establishment of precise rules on the cases in which societies and householders have the right to refuse to issue or renew passports to absent members of societies or peasant households. The election to public office of rural residents who have been absent on passport books is allowed, without their consent, not earlier than one year after the passport books were issued to them, and, moreover, only if it is impossible to fill these positions with other persons.

According to the legislation in force for the period of 1906 in Russia at the place of permanent residence, according to general rule , no passport required. The exception is metropolitan and other cities declared in a state of emergency or enhanced protection. In addition, in localities to which the rules on the supervision of industrial establishments apply, workers in factories and plants are required to have a passport in their place of permanent residence. A passport is not required when absenting from the place of permanent residence: 1) within the county and outside it no further than 50 miles and no more than 6 months, and 2) from persons employed in rural work - in addition, within parishes adjacent to the county of residence, even if for more than 6 months. The wife of the recipient is included in the residence permit, and sons and male relatives, adopted children and guardians under 18 years of age, daughters under 21 years of age and persons of advanced age or who, due to health reasons, cannot do without outside care, may be entered. Of the persons entered in the passport, males under the age of 17 and not in public service, and females under the age of 21, can receive certain types only at the request of their parents or guardians or with the consent of the trustees; married women, regardless of their age - only with the consent of their husbands. The wife of a person who is in an unknown absence or suffering from insanity may be issued, according to the law of June 2, 1897, a residence permit by order of the local governor, mayor or chief police officer. Unseparated members of peasant families, even adults, are issued a view only with the consent of the owner of the peasant household or by order of the zemstvo chief (peace mediator). Persons included in the general view may also be issued separate residence permits at the place of their temporary stay. Passports are issued on a common basis to schismatics of all sects, except eunuchs. If a person without a proper type is found, if he proves his identity, a period of not more than 6 months is given to obtain a type, and after this period - a special certificate for departure within seven days. Those who do not leave within this period are expelled by the police on the basis of instructions approved by the Minister of the Interior (for special rules for St. Petersburg, see the Appendix to Article 340, note, mouth. Passport). Non-employee nobles, persons dismissed from public service, officer ranks and reserve officials, honorary citizens, merchants and raznochintsy receive permanent residence permits issued by police departments (in the capitals - by district bailiffs). Persons who are on civil service, and the clergy of all confessions, except Roman Catholic, these books are issued at the place of service or from the subject spiritual authorities. The same books are issued to widows and adult daughters of the said persons. Petty bourgeois, artisans and rural inhabitants receive from petty-bourgeois and craft councils, through volost foremen: 1) Passport books for 5 years, if there are arrears in public fees - with the consent of the society, and the annual amount of fees is indicated, which must be paid on December 31 of each year ; otherwise, the book is taken away; 2) Passport for one year, 6 months or 3 months, regardless of the arrears on the recipient. In 1883, the Minister of the Interior was granted the right to establish a mandatory application by householders to the police about arrivals and departures in all cities, towns and towns where a police official has a stay. The regulation on residence permits of 1894 does not apply to persons in active military and naval service, to persons of the military estate of the Cossack troops, to Finnish inhabitants, to foreign citizens living in the empire, to persons serving abroad and returning from there, to persons of the Roman Catholic clergy, foreigners, mining workers, eunuchs, exiled settlers and those under police supervision established by order of the administrative authorities. In relation to all these persons, as well as to the inhabitants of the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland, the previous legalizations on passports retained their force. Foreigners are allowed to enter Russia only with passports issued by Russian missions and consulates or with national passports certified by them. Foreigners who arrived without a passport are sent back, and if the foreign border authorities refuse to accept them, then they are treated like vagabonds. Residence permits in the empire are issued to foreigners by the heads of the provinces for one year.

An important consequence of the spread of the passport system in Russian Empire was the receipt and consolidation in the passport of surnames for the entire population of the empire. Often this was done by order.


Soviet international passport sample 1929

Immediately after the revolution, the Soviet Republic did not follow emigration very much; many who disagreed with the new regime left the country, so from 1917 to the end of the 1920s, about 4 million people left the country (including about 500 scientists). In 1922, 225 representatives of the intelligentsia (philosophers Berdyaev, Ilyin, Frank, Bulgakov) were deported by two flights of the so-called philosophical steamboat from Petrograd to Stettin, as well as several ships from the territory of Ukraine and trains from Moscow, on the personal instructions of Lenin. Of the emigrants, only a small part returned (Nikolai Gumilyov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Alexei Tolstoy).

The closure of the borders by the Soviet government began in the mid-1930s. During the Second World War, about 700,000 Soviet citizens who were deported to Europe, captured by the Germans or deserted, did not want to return and settled in Europe or left for America. An iron curtain was created in the USSR - now only employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the nomenklatura and selected cultural figures could travel to capitalist countries, ordinary Soviet citizens had the opportunity to travel only to socialist countries on a trade union ticket.

The third and final wave of Soviet emigration coincided with the break in relations with Israel. On June 10, 1968, the Central Committee of the CPSU received a joint letter from the leadership of the USSR Foreign Ministry and the USSR KGB, signed by Gromyko and Andropov, with a proposal to allow Soviet Jews to emigrate from the country. As a result, about half a million people left the USSR in the 1970s, many against their will, for example, such well-known dissidents as Brodsky, Solzhenitsyn, Aksenov, Aleshkovsky, Voinovich, Dovlatov, Gorenstein, Galich.

On May 20, 1991, a few months before the collapse of the USSR, the last Soviet law on the procedure for leaving citizens abroad was adopted, which was distinguished by liberalism (by Soviet standards) - it was possible to leave at the request of state, public and religious organizations or enterprises.

In 1993, exit visas were abolished and the free issuance of foreign passports was allowed, the right to freely leave the country was enshrined in a new law in 1996. Passports with symbols of the USSR were issued to citizens of the Russian Federation until the end of 2000, respectively, their validity period expired in the first years of the 21st century, when the Soviet Union had not existed for more than 10 years. From 2000-2001 foreign passports for citizens of the Russian Federation were already issued with the symbols of the Russian Federation. Since 2011, an application for a foreign passport can be submitted through the website, which in many cases has simplified its issuance.


  • New generation passport. The procedure for issuing foreign passports to citizens of the Russian Federation from March 1, 2010.

Get international passport V Barnaul possible in two ways. The first is to submit documents for registration to the regional Office of the Federal Migration Service. The second is to use the Internet portal of public services.


To obtain a foreign passport, Russian citizens must collect the following set of documents:
- an application for a foreign passport (print from the official website of the Office of the Federal Migration Service and fill in clear block letters);
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- a receipt for payment of the fee (for the production of an old-style passport, you will have to pay 1,000 rubles, for a biometric one - 2,500 rubles);
- photo - for biometric passport- 2 pcs., for an old-style document - 3 pcs. Photos can be either color or black and white. Most importantly, they should be matte, in an oval with shading. Photo on international passport a new sample is made by a special apparatus in the Office of the Federal Migration Service when submitting documents. The photographs brought with you are necessary for the questionnaire, which will remain in the archive;
- a military ID containing a record of the end of service. It can be replaced by a certificate from the military commissariat. These documents need to be provided only to men aged 18-27;
- permission from the command, issued in the prescribed manner (for military personnel of the armed forces of the Russian Federation);
- a previously issued foreign passport, if its validity has not expired at the time of receiving a new one.