Form 8 registration of the child foreign passport. Required documents for a passport for a child.

In comparison with obtaining a foreign passport by a capable adult citizen, for a child under 14 years old, it has a number of features. Let's analyze this issue in more detail.

A foreign passport for a minor child can be issued on the basis of an application from one of the parents or a legal representative (guardian, custodian).

For minors, as well as for adults, it is possible to obtain an identity card for traveling abroad of one of two types:

  • old-style, without electronic data carrier, with a 5-year validity period;
  • biometric, with electronic carrier, valid for 10 years.

What type of passport is better to issue for a child, parents decide on their own. Below is a brief overview of the procedure for obtaining each of the documents.

Registration of a biometric passport

Issuance of a new passport for a child under the age of 14 is possible after the parent/representative provides the following set of documents.

1 Birth certificateA photocopy must be attached to the original.
2 application formIt can be downloaded from the FMS website.
3 Parent/Guardian/Custodian IDOriginal plus a photocopy of the biographical page.
4 PhotographWhen requesting a passport through the Unified Portal of Public Services, you will need to in electronic format.
When requesting a document through the FMS, it will be done during a visit to the territorial office
5 Former passport of a minorIf available and up to date

It is possible to issue after the submission of these documents to an authorized employee of the FMS after paying a state duty in the amount of 1,500 rubles.

An important point: starting from January 2013, in accordance with Art. 74 of the Federal Law No. 169 of July 01, 2011, confirming the payment of the state duty, a receipt is provided by the applicant at his own request. Employees of the Federal Migration Service do not have the right to demand it: to verify the fact of payment, they must use an electronic database.

In addition, you will also need to provide a document confirming that the minor has Russian citizenship. At the choice of the applicant, any of the following certificates may be used.

The child was born before 06/01/2002The child was born after 06/01/2002
• Foreign passport of a minor, which must be replaced with a new one.
• Birth certificate containing a stamp of Russian citizenship.
• Russian/ international passport parent, if it contains information about the child.
• An insert to the birth certificate, indicating that the applicant belongs to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
• Translation of a document issued by another state to certify the fact of the birth of a child, with a stamp of the Russian mission abroad stating that the child has acquired Russian citizenship.
In the absence of such documents, the parent must submit a request to the Federal Migration Service to put a mark on the child's native citizenship in the child's certificate (the latter will need to be documented).Birth certificate containing information about:
• belonging of parents to Russian citizenship at the time of the birth of the child;
• the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation in one of the parents, if at the time of the birth of the child the other parent was a person without citizenship;
• belonging of one of the parents to the citizenship of Russia, the second - to the citizenship of another country, if the fact of the birth of the child was recorded in Russia.

If you want to travel abroad with your children, you must take care of issuing documents for them that will allow them to cross the state border. Small children are usually simply entered in the passport of one of the parents, and older children are already being issued a separate foreign passport.

What documents do you need to enter in the child's parent's passport?

In order for the child to be entered in the mother's or father's foreign passport, the following documents must be prepared:

    interior Russian passport parent;

    the passport of the parent to whom the child will be entered;

    Birth certificate of the child with an insert about citizenship;

    2 photos sized 3.5x4.5 cm in black and white or color.

What documents do I need to apply for a passport for a child under 14?

Children school age can already go abroad not only with their parents, but also with children's groups and teachers or with other relatives, and for this they will need a separate foreign passport. We list what documents you need to prepare for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years old:

    application, drawn up on a special form;

    an internal Russian passport and a copy of the parent on whose application the child will be issued;

    a copy of the passport of the second parent;

    2 photos of the child and the parent in black and white or color format 3.5x4.5 cm in size;

    certificate from the place of study;

    a boy under 18 will need certificate of form No. 32 from the military registration and enlistment office for a deferment from military service;

    if the child and the parent have different surnames, you need to present documents that confirm the relationship ( marriage certificate or divorce certificate, certificate of paternity);

    receipt for payment of state duty.

What documents do you need to apply for a passport for a child over 14 years old?

The list of documents for issuing a passport for a child from 14 to 18 years old, in addition to the above, should be supplemented. If the child is traveling abroad with one of the parents or with other adults, then you will need to issue notarized permission of the second parent in the first variant, and in the second from each. If there is no second parent, then you need an appropriate document confirming his absence, this may be death certificate, a certificate from the police that the whereabouts of a citizen is unknown.

What to do if the second parent is abroad? In this case, such a permit can be issued at the Russian consulate and sent by mail.

The degree of relationship of children with the declared parents is always carefully checked, for this you will need a marriage certificate of the parents, a birth certificate of the child, etc. Even the same surname does not always indicate that people are close relatives.

→ Obtaining a foreign passport of a new sample by a citizen of the Russian Federation under the age of 14

State service for registration and issuance of a new generation passport, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of Russia, for persons under the age of majority, under the age of 14 years.

General information

Biometric passport of a new sample, containing an electronic information carrier (chip), has validity period 10 years.

The issuance of a foreign passport is carried out by the territorial divisions of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) when a citizen submits an application, presents the required documents and pays state duty.

With regard to minor citizens from the date of birth to the age of 18 or citizens recognized as incompetent, the application is submitted by one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees upon presentation of documents confirming the rights of legal representatives.

Responsible body

In Moscow, for the provision of this public service, you must contact the local offices of the Office of the Federal Migration Service (UFMS) in the city of Moscow at the place of residence, stay or actual residence.

Service provision period

The term for issuing a passport depends on the place of application, and is counted from the date of acceptance of all properly executed documents and photographs.

When applying at the place of residence, the term for the provision of services does not exceed one month. Up to four months .

If there are documented circumstances related to the need for emergency treatment, a serious illness or death of a close relative, the period for issuing a passport does not exceed three working days.

Service cost

The state duty for the issuance of foreign passports of a new sample to children under the age of 14 is 1200 rubles.

List of documents

Documents provided in migration service to obtain a new generation biometric foreign passport with an electronic chip:

Application (questionnaire) for the issuance of a new generation foreign passport for a child under 18 years of age The application is submitted by the legal representative of the child on one sheet with the back (questionnaires printed on two sheets are not accepted). The application can be filled out using electronic computers or by hand legibly (in block letters) in black or black ink. of blue color. Correction of errors is not allowed. The signature in the questionnaire is put by the applicant in the presence of the FMS officer.

If there are not enough lines to enter information about labor and learning activities over the past 10 years, the applicant additionally provides one more questionnaire with the continuation of his labor (educational) activity. Personal photographs (2 pcs.) Two black-and-white or color photographs sized 35×45 mm with a clear image of the face strictly from the front without a headdress. Birth certificate Birth certificate of the child with a mark of belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation or an insert to the birth certificate (if any). Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of one of the parents (legal representative) Civil passport proving the identity of the legal representative of the child. Documents confirming the rights of a legal representative To confirm the rights of a legal representative, a birth certificate of a minor citizen or an act of the guardianship and guardianship body on the appointment of a guardian or trustee is additionally submitted. Foreign passport issued earlier A foreign passport is provided if its validity period has not expired. Receipt of payment of the state duty The state duty is paid at bank branches.

  1. Application for a passport for a child.
  2. A copy of the completed pages of the civil passport of the legal representative.
  3. Photos 4pcs. – 3.5 * 4.5, oval, matte.*

Questionnaire forms for international passports of the old sample and the new generation for children are different.

Templates to fill.

List of documents for a children's passport
(from 14 to 18 years):

  1. Copy of marked pages Russian passport child.
  2. Questionnaire-application for a passport for children over 14 years old in 2 copies.
  3. Copy of the child's birth certificate.
  4. Copy of parent/guardian's passport (all completed pages).
  5. A copy of the child's previous foreign passport (if any).
  6. Photo 4pcs. – 3.5 * 4.5, matte, in an oval.*

    * - for an old-style passport - 4 pcs., for a biometric - 2 pcs.

Application forms for a passport for a child from 14 to 18 years.

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You can fill out the questionnaire by downloading the template from our website, or ask for help from the specialists of the Travelmart Passport and Visa Department.

The cost of filling out the questionnaire upon further submission of documents to us is free of charge, upon personal submission to the FMS department at the place of residence - 990 rubles.

If you decide to fill out an application for a foreign passport for a child yourself, we recommend that you have a prepared questionnaire in electronic form when submitting documents to us for making adjustments to it if necessary.

Please note that in certain cases, the list of documents for a child's passport is expanding. For example, if the legal representative and the child have different surnames, it is necessary to submit a document confirming the relationship of the parent / guardian and the child (marriage certificate, etc.)

Having prepared the required set of documents, you can bring it to our office in person or transfer it through a representative. You can submit documents for issuing a passport for a child daily, on weekdays from 9 to 20, on Saturday from 10 to 19. Our address: Moscow, st. Vorontsovskaya, 20.

The Travelmart company will quickly and efficiently help you prepare documents for issuing a children's passport, as well as significantly simplify and speed up the procedure for obtaining a finished document.

The scale of the cost of issuing a passport