"Journalism is sublimation." Who is Yuri Dud and how does a journalist of Ukrainian origin manage to criticize Putin in Russia

Last Friday with his lecture for "MEDIA School" one of the best sports interviewers in the country, Yuri Dud, came to Samara. He is the editor-in-chief of the largest sports websitesports. enand the host of the Cult Tour show on Match TV, where they play with the former Wings of the Soviets football player Yevgeny Savin and the leader of the Leningrad group Sergey Shnurov.

After Yuriy's lecture, DG talked with him about how to hang out with his wife in Ibiza, what is the most important tasksports. enwhy Cord is philosophical and why Russia needs the World Cup.

- Yuri, you are not yet thirty, and you are already the editor-in-chief of one of the most famous sports sites in the CIS. A real career breakthrough. There is such a stamp, which lies in the fact that this happens to dudes who have been offended by the world since childhood and who want to prove something to this world in every possible way.

- I feel embarrassed to burden everyone with a personal biography, but I became the editor-in-chief at the age of twenty-four. I would not associate it with an attempt to prove something to someone. This is a logical continuation of a career that started quite early. I really wanted to connect my life with big football. Due to the fact that I was ill with not the most terrible, but not the most pleasant disease, which is called bronchial asthma, I did not manage to do this. Journalism in my case is sublimation. Because I started early, because I came across cool teachers, because I was often lucky, and it turned out to take this position.

Yes, and another motivation is money. I come from a poor family, in the 1990s my father was not paid a salary for six months, at the height of the 1998 crisis, our refrigerator was really half empty. And I understood: I cannot achieve any pleasures and entertainments by receiving money from my parents - this money was stupidly absent. This motivated me to earn much before the rest, and this motivation is much stronger than the one that implies some kind of evidence to the world.

Due to the fact that I was ill with not the most terrible, but not the most pleasant disease, which is called bronchial asthma, I did not manage to do this. Journalism in my case is sublimation.

- Your blog on the site is called "A Clockwork Orange". How did Burgess' dystopia and Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation affect the worldview?

I don't like Kubrick at all, I don't like the book itself. I started a blog about Dutch football and I wanted to come up with an association with the color orange. This is not the most successful association, but at that time it was not yet such a shameful button accordion. No Burgess and no Kubrick, whom I don't really understand as a director either.

- I have a slight break in the pattern in my head. On the one hand, you created an absolutely punk image of behavior in journalism, and on the other hand, constant references to a healthy lifestyle make you look like Tina Kandelaki's Instagram.

“It's like you've been eavesdropping on what's going on in my house. He saw me come home from work and grab something, feeling remorse about this. I am not advocating healthy lifestyle at all. Firstly, I am far from being an icon of a healthy lifestyle, and secondly, the promotion of something - at least good, at least bad, seems to me a rather dumb thing. As for punk, have you ever seen how complex the lead singer of the Nizhny Novgorod group F.P.G. is?

- Not.

- This is a man who has eight pack abs. And when he takes off his T-shirt at his concerts, I understand: if I were a chick, I would stand right at the stage. Since I'm not a chick, but a guy, I understand: it would be cool to have such abs myself. I don’t see any contradiction between being bright and cheerful, listening to guitar music, but at the same time do not eat shit and play sports.

— “Keeping cooperatives allows you to sometimes saturate life with entertainment. For example, to drive to Ibiza and not really deny yourself something there. Yuri, you are married, and Ibiza is not the place where you are held in high esteem family values. Why was he given as an example?

- I will reveal a big secret to most people, but if you get married right, then a trip to Ibiza will not mean going to the left. The girl with whom I go to Ibiza is rushing from this no less than me. An engagement ring doesn't stop you from rocking out at the Amnesia club to some drum and bass king from Sweden or dancing to David Guetta by the pool of the Ushuaia club surrounded by five thousand drunken Dutch. I can quote the wonderful writer of Maxim magazine who does banter interviews with the busty heroines of their covers: "A married man does not mean a dead man." Married people want to hang out. We want to go to festivals, we want to go to Ibiza, we want to go to many other places.

I will reveal a big secret to most people, but if you get married right, then a trip to Ibiza will not mean going to the left.

I don't really understand my friends or boyfriends who marry ladies who don't share their interests. It is clear that we wander into the registry office with girls who interest us primarily as a sexual object. But passion calms down sooner or later, and common interests are the thing that allows happiness to remain in place.

- Once you gave a lecture at the Ural University, where you said that sports journalists in Russia are treated “like suckers”. Have you ever felt such an attitude on the initial path in your career?

- I started in those days when journalists were respected a little more than now. For example, my colleague, a hockey correspondent for Izvestia, could be sent to the playoffs of the Russian hockey championship in Magnitogorsk. In the evening after the game, he found himself in some back alley, crowded with aggressive citizens, but did not receive stars, because he showed the identity of a well-known Moscow newspaper.

I found those times when you could calmly and directly call the head coach of the Russian national football team, take a comment. In no way am I saying that it was better then, but then it was easier. Plus, the players earned many times less, and the difference between them and the journalists was not so huge. Now football players look at more or less everyone around - including journalists - as rogue. Although many dudes do not feel such a difference. The Berezutsky brothers (defenders of the Russian national team), receiving about two million dollars a year, are not haughty about those who receive fifty thousand rubles. Vasya Berezutsky, as far as I remember, goes to the usual cinema near the Krylatskoye metro station, looking into the most ordinary pizzeria before that.

So I didn’t feel like a sucker and it’s not about me. The fact is that there were other times.

- Evgeny Lovchev, a well-known football player in the past, and now an expert of Soviet Sport, in response to the phrase that "our team at Euro 2012 looked like a redneck team," said about you: "Yuri Dud is a redneck himself in journalism." How would he parry?

— I adore Evgeny Lovchev for his fiery expertise. He is one of the most spectacular experts in Russian football. A month ago I watched a program on Match TV about the European Football Championship - something like "six months before". There was Zheka Savin (approx. DG - former footballer of "Wings of the Soviets"), there was actor Mikhail Politseymako, there was Valery Gazzaev, and it all looked rather boring - just "Gloom River". Until Evgeny Lovchev came. He just set the studio on fire, for which I appreciate him very much, no matter how he calls me - even a cattle, even a hairy rooster.

- Tell us about the interview with Alexander Emelianenko, a former mixed martial arts fighter who ended up in prison. Is it true that you were afraid of his reaction to questions and were ready to run away at any moment?

- I embellished a little. On the contrary, to create an informal atmosphere, I sat on the practice mat with my legs stretched out in front of me. He was sitting there, and I would not even be able to dodge the swing. Yes, it was scary. Alexander then behaved very unrestrainedly in life, and the interview was full of uncomfortable questions. As far as I know, Danya Turovsky, then a journalist for Lenta.ru, came to him for an interview after me, and Emelianenko ended the conversation at about the first question, he was so hesitant before that. So I unwittingly spoiled one of the best Russian journalists of our time.

- You interviewed billionaires Sergei Galitsky and Oleg Tinkov. Whose views on life are closer to you?

— Both – in principle, they are very similar in their approach to business. Tinkov, in an interview with RBC magazine, which I read on the Moscow-Samara plane, calls himself, Galitsky and Friedman ants. There are budget suckers, and there are ants - those who really work. Of course, Galitsky is more restrained than Tinkov. If I had a role model - and I don’t have it, then it would be Tinkov. If a person has problems with motivation, no matter who he works for, he should read Tinkov's biography "I'm like everyone else." The perfect book for a motivational sewer.

There are budget suckers, and there are ants - those who really work.

- Communicating with Sports.ru users at your video conference, you did not answer the question about the fact that "Yuri Dud was afraid to ask Valery Karpin (former coach of Spartak Moscow) about cocaine." Why did you leave this reader's claim unanswered?

“I think I answered him.

- No, you said: "No comment"

-What was the user's question, remind me.

- "Is it true that you were afraid to ask Karpin about cocaine?"

- Understood. I have nothing to answer him.

— Well, were you afraid to ask Karpin?

- It so happened that among those heroes with whom I did an interview, someone could be asked about cocaine. Surely this hero would answer in the negative. And who it was - Valery Karpin or someone else - I will not say.

- Another thesis from one of your lectures: "You can negotiate with a journalist in Russia." How often did they try to negotiate with you?

Seriously, did I say that?

— Yes, in one of the universities of the country.

- Apparently, it was a lecture about PR. What is considered a contract? When a press officer asks to cut out a question, I ask for a story of the same importance in exchange. Here you can also compromise. To write about someone that he is cool, although he is actually an asshole, is not. However, we are not offered this. We're proud that Sports.ru has a reputation for being the fucking principled schoolboys who shouldn't be asking questions like this because there are plenty of other options around.

- You are with the main hater in Russia, journalist Boris Levin, former journalist"Sport-Express" and the winner of the game "What? Where? When?". Does he remain the prime example of a person to deal with in the world of sports journalism?

- I can't say that. I can say that what Boris Levin is preaching is the work of an external press service, not journalism. Does Boris Levin have a financial interest in this? Probably not. Almost certainly, Boris just sees our profession as such. Just a barter to be closer to the body.

- Can it happen that, having met somewhere, you will not shake hands with him?

“Of course not, of course I will. Who am I? Moreover, for the last six months, I have been calling Boris about once a month with an offer to do an interview. An interview where I won't pretend to be a student jumping on him. I wonder how Boris looks at the world, what kind of Political Views, it is interesting to talk on the topic “What? Where? When?" - there are a lot interesting stories. Well, among other things, talk about sports journalism. It's a thrill to be antagonists at work, but not to transfer it to human relations.

- In a lecture published on Dozhd, you called the prankster Vovan one of the best interviewers in the country. There is a certain injustice in this statement, unlike courageous journalists who are not afraid to expose their faces because of sensitive issues he does it on the sly.

Yes, but I meant the result. But this is the same as talking about Ksenia Sobchak as a great interviewer and grumbling about the fact that she has more access to the stars, because she herself is a star. Well, she has such an advantage - she uses it perfectly. Vovan has another advantage. And yes - of course, I do not like the way he achieves the result.

In interesting journalism, does the end justify the means?

— No, this is wrong journalism. The result in no way justifies the means.

- The feature of Sports.ru is the constant photos of naked girls ...

- Friends, what are you, what kind of naked?

— Okay, naked to the swimsuit.

- Has an Orthodox caliphate been established in Samara?

“Fortunately, no. Don’t you get the feeling that with posts a la “6 pornstars that athletes met”, you become a sports version of Maxim magazine?

- It's flattering. But we never bet on girls. Listen, old Freud explained that sex is one of the things that makes the planet go round. And the human memory fixes the seen girl on the site. At the same time, this is only 1/20 of what our main page is formed from. The feature of Sports.ru is not priests and boobs. The feature of Sports.ru is a huge social environment where everyone can write anything and everything they want. Independence, long reads, sharp replicas - this is our main capital.

The feature of Sports.ru is not priests and boobs. The feature of Sports.ru is a huge social environment where everyone can write anything and everything they want.

- Sports.ru editor Dmitry Dolgikh lives in Samara. How did he come to your site?

— I don't remember, he came to the site long before me and became one of the main stars.

- Tell a story about yourself interesting hero, who visited you on the TV show "Hit your head."

- There was, for example, the prankster Vovan. We went after New Year's Eve for a drink and to celebrate the end of the third season of Headbutt. Vovan went with us first to one place, then to another, then I fell off the company, and the guys went to Propaganda " (the oldest night club Moscow - approx. auth.), where exactly that day there was a gay party. Everyone was under gas and, as a frenzy, decided to check who would be allowed into the club and who would not. It's funny that the most brutal were missed. The prankster was with us all evening, and I did not know how freely to behave at the table, but it seems that Vovan did not reveal any secrets - perhaps because no secrets were told.

I remember Evgeny Giner's reaction (President of CSKA - approx. auth.), when we congratulated his team on the championship in the program. They called gypsies with guitars, who entered the studio just at the moment when Giner was answering some very serious question. When the singing gypsies passed by, there was only one thought on Giner’s face: “God, what am I doing here?”. But then we congratulated him from the bottom of our hearts.

- let's go to your new program, which you lead on "Match TV". "Cult Tour" - a program about what and for whom?

- This is a program for men who are tired of talking about football in official language. They, it seems to us, want to talk about football in an informal setting.

- Why did Sergey Shnurov and Evgeny Savin (former football player of Krylia Sovetov) become your co-hosts?

- Cords - because it is wildly popular and open to experiments, including at the junction of football and non-football. Savin is the most promising of former footballers for a television career. He looks cool, speaks vividly and understands: being banal is bad.

- "Cord-philosopher digesting modernity" - the title of your interview for "Soviet Sport". What is the philosophy of Cord?

Anyone who doesn't understand this should follow his Instagram. For example, there he offered to sell alcohol only with a higher education. People will not quit drinking, but in higher educational establishments queues will form. Well, then all his songs are acutely social columns. "Nikola" is a prediction of what happened in the country in 2015. "Patriot" is a caricature of bureaucratic Russia.

He offered to sell alcohol only with higher education. People will not quit drinking, but queues will line up at higher educational institutions.

Sports journalist, TV presenter, video blogger. Editor-in-Chief Sports.ru.


By profession, I have been wandering for more than half my life. At the age of 11 he wrote the first note, at 13 he received the first money for it, at 19 he worked at the Olympics and the World Cup, at 24 he became the editor-in-chief of the largest sports website in Russia "Sports.ru". There I can be read regularly even now.

I am a purebred Ukrainian, but I do not eat bacon and salads stuffed with mayonnaise. I have been living in Russia since the age of four, I feel Russian and, unlike most of my peers, I do not dream of escaping the country. The country has yet to prove that I am not too naive.

I am a punk. I love frisky and heavy guitars, I go to Europe on the tour of "Goldfinger" and "Ska-P", every morning I undermine my hair with a couple of grams of styling products, and I consider Converse sneakers to be the best shoes in the world.

I'm impatient, and that's why I love the Moscow metro. I admire the endurance of those who move around paralyzed Moscow by car.

I greatly surprised the young ladies from the personnel department of the company, in whose staff I was registered a couple of years ago. In the duty questionnaire, which they were supposed to throw out on the internal site, there was an item "Your motto."

My motto did not pass their censorship. "It's not scary to make mistakes - it's scary to be a dull g****m" - in accordance with this simple rule I try to work and live.

I don't like it when people say the word "I" so often.


Yuri Dud became interested in football as a child and dreamed of becoming a goalkeeper. But it didn’t work out to become a professional athlete - his health failed. Then I decided to go into journalism. From the age of 11 he wrote notes for the Youth Life newspaper, and at 13 he got an internship at the Segodnya newspaper.

Since 2001, he worked as a freelance correspondent for the Izvestiya newspaper. At the age of 16 he was admitted to the state. Then he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, graduating in 2008.

In 2007, he worked in the PROsport magazine, then in the sports editorial office of NTV Plus.

Since 2011, he has been the editor-in-chief of Sports.ru.

In 2011 - 2013, Yuri Dud hosted a show on the Russia 2 TV channel. From the very beginning, the transfer caused a lot of controversy. Not only football experts came to the studio, but also beautiful girls: girlfriends of football players, fans of the game, channel hosts. Topics discussed were the hottest. , - said the presenter at the beginning of each issue.

In 2015 - 2017 he did the show "KultTura" for the MatchTV channel. The program became the hallmark of the channel, and Yuri Dud and his co-host Evgeny Savin received the GQ "Person of the Year 2016" award in the "Face from TV" nomination.

A year later, Yuri repeated this success already alone - he is again the "Face from the Screen" according to GQ.

In 2017, he started the Vdud channel on YouTube. According to Yuri, main goal was to hone interview skills not about sports. The first guests were rappers Basta, L’One and Guf, leader of the Leningrad group Sergey Shnurov, producer Maxim Fadeev. Music screensaver members of the hip-hop group "Bread" recorded for the blog. As a result, the success exceeded all expectations: in two months, the channel gained more than 600,000 subscribers and almost 20 million views.

In May 2017, RBC included Yuri Dud in the list of 20 young and promising "heroes of tomorrow".

Recognized as one of the best young media managers in Russia in 2016 (annual rating by Odgers Berndston).


Yuri Dud does not advertise his personal life in principle. It is only known that he is married and has two children.


On what football taught:

“Although Russian soccer jersey is like crap in dry closets on the Invasion, football itself remains for me a world where there is much more justice than in life. If you work hard, you get what you deserve. If you relax, you get it too. obvious: swelled - began to play worse. Communication can be more difficult, but still fair: you achieved something, relaxed, began to treat the matter worse - and out of the blue you turn your knee the wrong way, tear your ligaments and fly out for a year Total justice does not exist anywhere, but in football, it seems, it is still a little more than in life."

About working on TV:

"You have a challenge - to make sure that it is not boring. Before you is an opponent called a rotten one, your task is to kick this rotten one in the ass. It's always adrenaline, the risk is cleaner than when you accelerate on a snowboard."

On pessimism:

"Before important matches, everyone tries to play good mines, and I always say that ours will lose, and I am very happy when they win."

For questions about money:

"It's not customary to talk about this in Russia, so it's interesting for me. My goal is to make the audience or users interesting. Give them something new. People in Russian football are not used to talking about money, but I want them to get used to it."

What you need for a successful interview:

"You have to be dead to do that. I've been taught so much that to achieve excellence in your craft, you must always be dissatisfied with what you are doing right now. And therefore, in all interviews, even those that resonated with three thousand torn farts, I always I see the moments that I didn’t twist. Where I didn’t ask something. Where I conveyed the intonation incorrectly. Where I didn’t cut the total volume. Therefore, I am always dissatisfied."

About the main task:

“I carry this with me as a kind of task for life: when my children are teenagers, I want to be modern, young, look good and hang out with them. If now we fly to Ibiza together, then in 15 years I would like to do it with four And not just warm your bones in the sun, but go to all the same "spaces", "amnesias" and "Ibiza Rocks" and still dance to drums, dancehalls and even house. So that my children are not embarrassed by me, and I was not shy about them. In our country, this is not accepted. But if there should be any meaning in life, then I have it now - just like that. "

Based on materials from sites rbc.ru, sports.ru, the-flow.ru, ru.wikipedia.org, momenty.org, 2.site, gq.ru, sovsport.ru, youtube.com, lenta.ru, youngmediaman.ru , secretmag.ru.

In 2011, at the age of twenty-four, Yuri became the editor-in-chief of the Sports.ru website, and before that he tried his hand as the host of the Headbutt football program, which, despite its popularity, was closed. In addition, Dud worked as a special correspondent for NTV-Plus, on Radio City-FM. He does not like to talk about his personal life, therefore, who is unknown, there is information that her name is Olga, and she gave birth to her husband two children.

Yuri was born in Potsdam, Germany, but already at the age of four his family moved to Russia, where he still lives. Dud received his higher education in the Moscow state university at the Faculty of Journalism, and Yuri began to write from the age of eleven - these were small notes for the Youth Newspaper, later he began to collaborate with the Segodnya newspaper, at fourteen he became a freelance correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper, and two years later he was included in its staff, so by the time he entered Moscow State University, he already had a solid work record and rich professional experience.

The fact that he became a sports journalist is explained by the fact that from childhood Yuri loved football, but due to poor health (Dud suffered from bronchial asthma from childhood), he could not become a football player, but now he is happy to create programs about football and football players. He leads an active lifestyle and, if possible, for example, goes to Krasnaya Polyana to go snowboarding. He is also a regular visitor to the gym and a fan of healthy eating.

Yuri Dudya's wife already knows that her husband loves sweets, but he does not eat sweets, but dried fruits and honey. He helps her cope with the children - before work, he always takes them to Kindergarten and in the evening puts her to bed, reading her favorite books. Yuri and children are taught to healthy lifestyle life, teaching him to have breakfast, like him, with porridge, yogurt and tea. Sometimes, together with his wife, Yuri flies to Ibiza, and not only to sunbathe on the beach, but also to attend famous parties where they dance to drums, dancehalls and house.

In the future, Dud dreams of taking his children on these trips, and this, in his opinion, will help him to be closer to them and better understand each other. Even when his children grow up, Yuri wants to remain as modern, stylish and fashionable in order to be on the same wavelength with his children. Good attitude with his wife and children is very important for Yuri, and in this he sees one of the main meanings of his life.

Concerning professional activity, now Dud also hosts his own show “vDud”, which helps him improve in the field of interviewing on non-sporting topics. In his project, he invites people who are interesting from his point of view and has already managed to interview music producer Max Fadeev, the author of the Khach's Diary blog Amiran Sardarov, Alexei Navalny, film critic Yevgeny Bazhenov, Ivan Dorn and many others. When talking with the guests of the show, Yuri Dud likes to ask them provocative questions, and he prepares very carefully for each interview, trying to find out as much as possible about the next guest.

Despite the fact that the “vdud” blog has become super popular and brings Yuri many times more income than working at Sports.ru, he still considers his work on this sports site to be his main job.

In 2016, Yuri, together with Evgeny Savin, co-host of the Cult Tour program on the Match TV sports channel, won the GQ magazine's "Person of the Year" award in the "Face from TV" nomination.

Popular fame came to journalist Yuri Dudyu after he started his YouTube channel called "vdud". In addition, he is the editor-in-chief of the portal Sports.ru. The hero of this story can be called a charismatic personality who was able to reformat the hackneyed journalistic interview genre and make it more intriguing.

A hard worker from a young age. Biography

A popular video blogger was born on October 11, 1986 in Potsdam (GDR). Yuri is Ukrainian by nationality, but considers himself Russian, both in his passport and in spirit. According to the journalist, he is not going to leave the country.

Dud grew up in a poor family. FROM early age he was engaged in writing notes that were published in various publications, including the Youthful Newspaper. As a high school student, he got a job at the Izvestia newspaper (see).

After school, Yuri studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, graduating in 2008. IN student years Dud was a correspondent for:

  • radio "City-FM";
  • TV channel "NTV";
  • publications "Today".

Path to glory

In 2008, when Yuri was eighteen years old, he went to the Summer Olympics in Athens, from where he sent reports for domestic publications. In 2007, Dud was hired by the monthly glossy magazine "PROsport". In the period 2011-2013 he was the host of a television program about football "Headbutt", which appeared on "Russia 2". "The most daring and stylish program about sports" - that's what the program with Dud's participation was called at that time. In 2013, the leaders of the TV channel decided to terminate its existence. According to Yuri, this was due to the cessation of broadcasts of major football tournaments on Russia 2.

  1. As a child, Dudya was diagnosed with chronic bronchial asthma, because of which he abandoned his dreams of professional football.
  2. In most cases, Yuri moves around Moscow by metro.
  3. In May 2017, Dud starred as Cameo in Vasya Oblomov's video, where he played himself.

In 2011, when the program was still on the air, 24-year-old Dudya was appointed to the post of editor-in-chief of the Sports.ru website.

Immediately after the New Year 2014, Yuri registered on YouTube own channel, which he gave the laconic name "vDud", but the premiere of his author's program took place only three years later. The first guest was the famous Russian rapper Basta (Vasily Vakulenko). The audience immediately remembered the original jingle of the program "Yuri will Dud". On the first day after the interview with Basta was released, 100 thousand people watched it. Dudya's channel scored its first million views in a very short time.

In 2015, Yuri began to broadcast "Cult Tour" on the Match TV channel. He interviewed an ardent football fan Mikhail Boyarsky, football players Vasily Berezutsky and Fedor Smolov, as well as the coach of the Russian national team Leonid Slutsky.

A year later, Dud and the football player Evgeny Savin, who hosted this program with him, were awarded the prize "Person of the Year" publications of "GQ" as the main "Faces from TV" (see). In 2017, the sponsor of the program stopped funding it and it ceased to exist.

Family, hobbies and goals of Yuri Dudya

Dude has a wife and two children. He loves ska-punk and is a fan of bands:

  • "Ska-P";
  • Goldfinger.

The “vdud” project, according to its creator, aims to reformat the interview genre from a boring conversation with a famous person into an exciting, and sometimes shocking, non-sports show.

Despite his popularity on the Internet, Yuri did not quit working as the editor-in-chief of the Sports.ru website. This occupation is listed as a priority for him.

Among famous people, whom he interviewed as part of the project "vdud" were:

  1. Oppositionist;
  2. Journalist Vladimir Pozner;
  3. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky;
  4. Film director Yuri Bykov;
  5. Journalist Leonid Parfenov;
  6. Showman Garik Martirosyan;
  7. Producer Alexander Rodnyansky;
  8. Businessman and oppositionist Mikhail Khodorkovsky and many other iconic personalities.

Why has the Vdud project become so popular? Expert opinions

Grushevsky Stanislav, analyst at the Smimonitor Center

The very format in which Yuri Dud works is of interest not only to ordinary viewers, but also from journalists who often look at this kind of interview as a source of news.

This works like a snowball: the interviews become the subject of news in the media, which in turn expands the popularity and views of the interview itself, attracting additional audience and attention to it.

And this season, the materials on the Vdud channel aroused interest among their fellow journalists much more often. Only one interview with Yuri Dudya became an informational occasion for 154 materials in the federal and large regional media, which literally snapped him up for quotes. Issues with Maxim Fadeev and were also successful in this regard.

But the Pozner program, with which Vdud is often compared, was practically not discussed this season after the release of the programs. Despite the fact that last season there were very resonant interviews, for example, which became an informational occasion for more than 330 publications in the press.

Vlad Malenko, poet, director, leader of the Moscow Theater of Poets

I see it this way:

He turned on: “Oh, a guy like me!”, Or: “Wow! The same guy as mine! And, look, it is knocked out in new "poznoryat"! This means that our generation has a voice of reasoning!!!”

Born abroad in East Germany, the boy lived in this, as they said then, “showcase of socialism” until the age of four. Then his parents moved to Moscow. The family did not live well.

When young Yura was 11 years old, he dreamed of a football career. I wanted to be a goalkeeper. Being a big fan of this game, Dud considers it the best invention in the history of mankind. Due to bronchial asthma, he was not destined to become a football player.

Then he got a job in a newspaper that was made by teenagers for teenagers. Yuri wrote short texts, gradually gained experience in reporting, and when he was 14 years old, he decided to submit his note to the adult newspaper Segodnya. This publication has already paid royalties.

At the age of 15, Dud went to the editorial office of the Izvestia newspaper. He was ready to write little notes about anything. Of course, there was no choice. However, diligently performing the work entrusted to him, Yuri managed, as he himself says: "to settle down as the son of a regiment." While still a schoolboy and working for a newspaper, he earned $600 in a month. For parents, the monthly total salary at that time (2003) was $400.

An interesting nuance, Yuri claims that in Izvestia at that time, that is, the beginning of the 2000s, “there was the strongest sports department in general in the history of Russian media.”

After Dud entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, he was hired by the Izvestia newspaper. So he has a work book from the age of 16. Yuri, in addition, hosted several sports shows on television and radio.


And then one day Yuri decided to try his hand at YouTube. And not in terms of sports, but in order to "pump" their own skills or skills. He (long as a sleeper, with an “axe” face) was lucky, and in six months he became a famous and promoted blogger. The channel he founded on YouTube with the eloquent name "Vdud" gained hundreds of thousands of subscribers and tens of millions of views in a few months. Now the name with his last name is already a brand.

The popularity that fell on Yuri came as a surprise to the journalist. He could not even think that such a thing was even possible. His project, in addition to fame, is sometimes scandalous and disapproved by part of society (V. Pozner about Y. Duda: “He swears in vain”), brings decent money. While Yuri does not have a star disease, and he is aware that recognition and large incomes, as soon as they come, can disappear just as quickly.

Secrets of Successful Blogging

To bring novelty and interest to Internet users and viewers, Dud works on contradictions. It is not customary to talk about money, who earns and how much. So, Yuri will definitely ask Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) about income, in more detail, please, how much money do you bring from eight tours of American cities. Ten thousand dollars for the concert, okay. And the costs, of course, for clips, for junk. The coat cost $1,500 and Basta bought it for $377. Well, isn't it interesting?

All this attracts the attention of millions of people to watching video interviews that Dud posts on the Internet. He swears with ease, that is, this is not an accidentally dropped word, but part of the image. YouTube is not heavily censored federal channels television. Why not take advantage of this. Asks too frank questions.

A simple layman who does not remember when he was last in a theater or a museum (it’s good that he doesn’t ask: “What is it?”) Doesn’t matter what was the best sex in Cord’s life and how many bottles he drinks every day.

Search engine queries at the end of 2017 showed that the Dud YouTube channel overtook even the top Olga Buzova. Yuri became the absolute favorite of Internet users, he was named one of the main newsmakers of the year.

Journalist Dudya has to be taken seriously even by those who disrespectfully called the entire Internet party "garbage".

Now Yuri Dud is the most hyped, that is, trendy, fashionable journalist in the country. And already the god of television, the highly experienced 84-year-old Vladimir Pozner, who was accustomed to being in the role of an interviewer, came to visit him on the Vdud YouTube channel to answer questions. Yuri did not hesitate to use obscene phrases in terms of the master, such as "shit in one field."

In addition, dozens of bottles of alcohol are displayed on the shelf behind Pozner, and against this background, Vladimir Vladimirovich, the first president of the Academy of Russian Television, talks about the strengths of another Vladimir Vladimirovich - not the first president of the largest country in the country.

At the end of 2017, on Vesti-FM radio, he called Dudya a mediocre, thin cocaine addict and, going into hysterics, verbally smeared Yuri on the wall. And his phrase: “Don’t get involved in adult affairs,” according to one of the users, can eloquently testify that Solovyov sees a powerful competitor in the face of Dud.

And yet, the journalist considers his work as the editor-in-chief of the Russian sports website Sports.ru to be his main achievement. He himself does not employ anyone, and if you send Dudya even an excellent resume, he will delete this email. The main means of interaction between the editors is the Telegram messenger.

When Yuri was asked to tell the secret of his success in a video interview with different people He did not evade the answer. The main component is the ability of the interviewer to present his interlocutor in such a way that he becomes interesting for wide audience and not just a group of his fans. Therefore, in terms of the number of views, the most interesting guest was the rapper Purulent, as long as Dud. He also has other pseudonyms - Slava CPSU, Sonya Marmeladova, etc.

Wife and children of Yuri Dudya

Bringing his child to school on the line, Yuri becomes the object of photographing at least ten people. His appearance and high growth of 195 cm do not give any opportunity to be invisible and even more so unrecognizable.

Details of his family life The journalist tries to hide carefully. But on the Internet you can find a photo of Dudya with his wife Olga. The couple are raising two children - son Danila and daughter Alena. Tattoos of their names are embossed on the hands of the video blogger.

With wife Olga

"The main thing is not to be a dull f****m." Such life principle our hero, whom he tries to stick to. And he succeeds. About himself, Yuri says that he is “one hundred percent crest”, although he does not eat fat, does not know the language, is not going to change citizenship and will not leave Russia. A few years ago, he took his grandmother from Ukraine and helped her obtain Russian citizenship.

At the same time, all this does not prevent him from saying with constant regularity that he is very glad to be Ukrainian. In the representatives of this nation, Dud notes such distinctive features as an entrepreneurial good sense simplicity and passionarity.

In his youth, he came to Ukraine every year to visit relatives who lived in the Khmelnytsky region. Also, more than once he happened to be in Kyiv. By the way, there is no problem for Yuri to pronounce “In” or “In” Ukraine in a conversation. Since it is so accepted in Ukraine, he will also follow in a similar way.

If Dud had the opportunity to choose three Ukrainians whom he would like to interview, the journalist would invite Petro Poroshenko, Vitaliy Klitschko and Igor Kolomoisky to his studio.

He says that with his height, only basketball and play. But in free time Yuri loves to play football, go to gym or go to a ski resort. He dreams that when the children grow up, he will definitely make a trip to Ibiza with them.

It is clear that the journalist is popular in in social networks, where he constantly exposes photos with messages about significant events in his life, received prizes and awards.