"The president is just an ordinary spectator for me."

“The conversation, of course, is not a jubilee, we will succeed,” bard Alexander Novikov, who celebrates his 60th birthday on October 31, admitted to AiF.
Ghost of Biryulyov

Watching what is happening, I feel my complete helplessness. I am infuriated by the phrase, disgusting in its cynicism, that "crime has no nationality." Crime just the same has a pronounced nationality. Any police chief will say that. Thefts are mainly carried out by Georgian criminal gangs, racketeering and extortion - by Dagestan and Chechen organized crime groups, street robbery, robbery and violence - by people from countries Central Asia, etc. 70% of rapes and robberies in Moscow are committed by visiting migrants. So I will say for the bosses: political correctness in relation to migrants is a collective cowardice.

The state has launched this problem to such a state that people's gatherings begin. If urgently not introduced visa regime If the country is not cleansed of illegal immigrants and citizens do not feel that they are protected, they will rise not only in Moscow, but also in the country. And then no riot police will be enough. Russia has become a passage yard, a station for visitors. It is too late to pursue a policy of fraternization of peoples. The milestone has been passed. Today, rapprochement is possible only with the help of strict laws. Visa-free regime lobbies are those for whom migrants are a feeder!

The people in Biryulyovo came out to the meeting because they were tired, driven to despair, and they beat them with batons! Guys, riot police, who are you beating? Their own, honest and decent people who came out to restore justice. A young guy was deprived of his life, and the riot police beat their own people for a couple of overturned garbage cans, two battered cars and a mountain of watermelons. Where is it seen to protect visiting criminals?

The Caucasian republics, in particular Dagestan, live on subsidies. I pay taxes that go to these republics, where they are simply sawn. And on the money pulled out of the treasury, the children of these "sawyers" fatten in Moscow, firing weapons in the city center. And almost none of them work anywhere. These issues also need to be addressed, and not cowardly.

We are suffocated by the absence of laws useful to society. Protecting your people is the direct duty of deputies. People's deputies need to be in places like Biryulyovo, and not sit out their pants in the Duma, pressing buttons. About the troubles of the people who elected them, these political defectors, jumping from one party to another, completely forgot.

Prison and freedom

At one time I was imprisoned for songs and my property was confiscated, I was not allowed to perform. The prison is a micromodel of society. She is in every historical period reflects everything that happens in the wild. I don’t want to wish anyone to be behind bars, but I would recommend many to plunge into this world. Especially the scoundrels who stole billions from their people, settled in London, where today they mock Russia, arrange feasts, littering with millions of dollars, thereby provoking an attitude towards Russians as if they were some kind of geeks. Although our people for the most part is completely different. He is poor, kind, not ugly and not arrogant. The Russians saved the whole world, they won so many wars. And they will continue to save. Because homosexual Europe, mired in sins, will pay cruelly for its tolerance. I don't care that the mayor of some Paris is homosexual, even if he lives with a sea goat. But I don't want what is considered the norm in cowardly Europe to be implanted in my country. What are all these LGBT communities up to? No one infringes on their rights, no one persecutes them for their sexual orientation. But they come out to rallies and demand that we recognize this sin as the norm.

Do they want everyone to be like that? How can same-sex families be allowed to adopt children? What kind of tolerance can there be? A family of two gays can't raise normal child. If a child from an early age sees how two men sleep together (and one of them plays the role of a mother), then an unhappy, disadvantaged person will grow up.
Famous Nobody

Today, a huge number of people do not watch TV. What is there to see? Degenerate Western cartoons where they only shoot and destroy everything? Or song-plywood "Saturday evenings"? Our stage today is mostly made up of show-chaldeans working at corporate revels. Our show business is a small world that is closed on itself. He is like a hermaphrodite - he has himself and will give birth to himself. The same faces wander from transmission to transmission. At the same time, the fees of this brigade are growing year by year, because they share this money with TV channels, which promote these Chaldeans. At the same time, on stage, most of them are absolutely helpless. The word "artist" is of little use to them, these are "famous Nobody". The name seems to be known, but what he does on stage is not clear. Who do we have main character on stage? Philip Kirkorov. What kind of hero is he? I think it's an ordinary show geek, living a virtual life for show, without any moral precepts. He can hit a woman, whip a child in the face with flowers. And when the artists I respected - Valeria, Prigogine, Meladze - were outraged by his behavior, the show business flock attacked them. Because people like us are for this flock a mirror in which they are reflected. And those reflections are ugly. And so they try to break these mirrors at any cost.

Series on TV are the most terrible, saturated with malice, with secondary plots, stolen from Western analogues, having nothing to do with life. We have incredible aggression in our society today. Why even put it on the screen? Women in these series are shown as some kind of aggressive monsters. Either they are some kind of investigators, or interrogators, or bailiffs who go to work, shoot. The moral in most of these series is that the weak link must be destroyed, and not helped to rise. It's all for American idiots.

Russia is a country with a huge cultural heritage and traditions. No country has brought into this world as many spiritual treasures as ours. We had great writers, poets, artists, directors, composers. And we blindly copy terrible, secondary crafts, cook up battle "anticipations" that look like computer shooters. It has nothing to do with Russian cinema, our spirituality and mentality.

Material prepared by Vladimir Polupanov

AIF: http://www.aif.ru/opinion/1011733


Some kind of starhit, I don't know anything about this site.


Comrades, I understand that the questions raised in these interviews do not always coincide with the central theme of AS, however, I would like to hear from you something more than banality and stupidity like: "Yes, he is an ambiguous person." I say right away - it is extremely unambiguous and specific. I checked :) Therefore, I propose not to touch on his personality in the discussion (if there is one at all), okay? ..

This is a small fraction of his work, and the last link is someone's not very successful initiative, but!, nevertheless.

But according to a same:




Moscow's answer will be no less hilarious. :)

http://muzofon.com/search/dick%20you%20instead of%20registration

Excuse me, I did not learn how to do "tyts". Who would poke where to poke ... That's why I have crooked links ...

Exhibition curators: Olesya Turkina and Vika Ilyushkina

September 24, 2018 Timur Petrovich Novikov would have turned 60 years old. Exhibition of the artist in the Center contemporary art named after Sergei Kuryokhin is a tribute to the memory of an outstanding artist and cultural figure, a memory of the time of cardinal changes that took place in the artistic environment, and of the friendship between the artist and musician who determined the face of their era. It is no coincidence that Timur Novikov's exhibition opens on Sergei Kuryokhin's birthday. Timur Novikov was not only friends with Sergei Kuryokhin, he constantly participated in the performances of the Popular Mechanics Orchestra, going on stage, for example, with an inflatable dragon, playing musical instruments, painting a curtain for performances, creating the famous, alas, now lost portrait of Kuryokhin, decorating "Pop Mechanics". Moreover, Novikov invented, following the behest of John Cage revered by him musical instruments, such as "Long String" and "Utyugon", and even performed a work for 12 radios tuned to different waves. Together with his friends Sergei Kuryokhin and Sergei Bugaev Afrika, Timur Novikov participated in John Cage's only performance in Russia, Water Symphony, in 1988.

In the collection of the future Museum of Modern Art. Kuryokhin, there is a fragment of the Pop Mechanics curtain, painted by Timur Novikov together with the New Artists group and donated to the museum by the artist’s family, as well as a work donated by the collector Noskin, and numerous photographs of the artist taken during the performances of Pop Mechanics . In addition, in the collection of the Museum. Kuryokhin there is a rare video recording by Joanna Stingray of the first unofficial holiday of the city, organized in 1986 by the New Artists, in which Timur Novikov and Sergey Kuryokhin participated, donated by Alexander Lipnitsky.

The exhibition presents two main stages in the work of Timur Novikov - the time of the "New Artists" and neo-academism. Timur Novikov made two revolutions in art, establishing a new aesthetic, heir to the avant-garde in the 1980s, and then celebrating classics and beauty in the 1990s. He was a romantic who enthusiastically talked about the revolutionary methods of Russian futurists, and then sang about the "secret cult" of beauty. In 1982, Timur Novikov, together with Ivan Sotnikov, created the New Artists group, which announced the continuation of avant-garde traditions. From 1981 to 1987, the ASSA gallery operated in the workshop of Timur Novikov on Liteiny Prospekt. A peculiar result of this movement was summed up by the film "ACCA" by Sergei Solovyov (1987), designed by Timur Novikov, in which leading role the artist Sergei Bugaev Africa played himself. This film turned out to be so important for the “perestroika” generation that it was often called the “ACCA generation”.

In 1988, Timur Novikov created a new neo-academism movement. Founded by him in 1990, the New Academy fine arts proclaimed its task the revival of classical traditions, which, according to its founder, were lost not only by avant-garde artists, but also by the official Academy of Arts. Timur Novikov devoted the last decade of his life to neoacademism. The exhibition presents the last work created by the artist "Ludwig II of Bavaria", which embodies the ideals of neo-academism, from the collection of the artist's family.

Timur Novikov's works are presented for the exhibition by the artist's family and his closest friends.

The title of the exhibition "In the Gardens of Timur" on the one hand refers to Novikov's series of works "Happiness in the Gardens", on the other hand, this metaphor speaks of the role that the artist played in the history of contemporary art, inventing his own semantic perspective and creating trends in art.

  • 6. Genre life in ancient Russian literature. Hagiographic canon and its originality. Life of Boris and Gleb, Life of Theodosius of the Caves.
  • 7. Formation of the walking genre in the literature of Ancient Russia. Walk types. Pilgrimage (Walk of Abbot Daniel).
  • 8. Word about Igor's Campaign: Historical Basis, the Problem of Dating and Authorship. The system of images and artistic originality.
  • 9. Literature of the period of feudal fragmentation. Analysis of the Life of Alexander Nevsky.
  • 1. Literature of the period of feudal fragmentation (XIII-XIV centuries)
  • 2. Analysis of the "life of Alexander Nevsky".
  • 10. Hagiographic literature of the late 14th-15th centuries. Hagiographic works of Epiphanius the Wise, Pachomius Lagofet.
  • 11. Old Believer literature of the 18th century. Archpriest Avvakum and his writings.
  • Life of Archpriest Avvakum
  • 12. Russian historical and everyday story of the 17th century. (“The Tale of Woe and Misfortune”, “The Tale of Savva Grudtsyn”, “The Tale of Frol Skobeev”, etc.)
  • 13. The originality of satirical literature of the 17th century.
  • 14. Poetry of the 17th century. Presyllabic poetry. Syllabic poetry of Simeon Polotsky, Sylvester Medvedev, Karion Istomin.
  • 15. Russian literature of the 18th century: meanings, features, periodization, system of genres.
  • 16. Creativity A.D. Cantemir. Compositional and thematic originality of Cantemir's satires.
  • 17. The originality of Russian classicism. Poetry M.V. Lomonosov.
  • 18. Genre of ode in Russian literature of the 18th century. (“Ode on the day of accession to the throne of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna in 1747” by M.V. Lomonosov).
  • "Ode on the day of accession to the throne of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna 1747"
  • 19. Creativity V.K. Trediakovsky and A.P. Sumarokov. Reform of Russian versification.
  • 20. Satirical journalist of the late 60s - early 70s of the XVIII century. Creativity N.I. Novikov.
  • 21. Lyrica G.R. Derzhavin. Satirical world image in the solemn ode "Felitsa".
  • 22. A.N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow": composition, structure, problems, genre originality of the "journey" in relation to the national literary tradition
  • 23. D.I. Fonvizin: creativity, personality. Comedy "Undergrowth": problems, plot and compositional structure. comedy researchers
  • 24. Sentimentalism in Russian literature of the 18th century and N.M. Karamzin as her representative. The stories "Poor Lisa" and "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter": a system of images, originality of language and style
  • 20. Satirical journalist of the late 60s - early 70s of the XVIII century. Creativity N.I. Novikov.

    As for the 18th century, the first third of the 18th century stands out in the history of Russia, the time called "Peter's transformations". It was during this period that a radical change took place in people's lives, marked by the breaking of the old established medieval traditions and the emergence of new features that marked the transition of Russia into a new period of its history.

    The last third of the 18th century is most often associated with the development of enlightenment in Russia. It was during these years that it became the leading direction of social thought and social movement. Therefore, the 18th century is often called the "age of Enlightenment".

    The Enlightenment, a broad ideological trend associated with the struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism, arose almost simultaneously in different countries Europe. Driven by a sense of citizenship, love for the Fatherland, they launched the widest public activities to promote their views. So, the largest journalist and publisher of that time N.I. Novikov published more than a thousand book titles in his printing house. He published magazines, acted as a playwright, writer, and critic. The originality of the Russian Enlightenment was also in the fact that around the Empress there was a powerful cohort of prominent statesmen and military figures who defended the inviolability of the autocratic-feudal system.

    However, a few months before the French Revolution, flirting with the Enlightenment stopped. Novikov's printing house was taken away, Radishchev was exiled to Siberia, Ya.B. The prince was thrown into prison. Censorship was rampant. Enlightenment was limited to teaching simple literacy.

    In this situation, from the late 50s - early 60s of the 18th century, the first anti-noble movements in literature and journalism took shape in Russia. The "freethinking" of Catherine II, her flirting with the leading philosophers of Western Europe was frankly ostentatious. No one better than Catherine herself was able to define the meaning of her enlightenment as a deliberate, deliberate tactic of lies and deceit, the tactic of a monarch living in new historical conditions, the conditions of the Age of Enlightenment.

    The first magazine, "All sorts of things", appeared on the streets of St. Petersburg on January 2, 1769. It was published by the secretary of state of Catherine II, Grigory Vasilyevich Kozitsky, but the empress herself stood behind him. She decided to enter the field of journalism in order to control public opinion in Russia. Catherine counted on the fact that the example of "All sorts of things" would cause imitation, and tried to promote it. Thus, those wishing to publish a new journal could submit petitions to the Academic Commission (which controlled the only printing house in St. Petersburg at that time) without announcing their names. As a result, we still do not know who published, for example, the magazine "Mix".

    The logs appeared in the following order. "All sorts of things", as we said above, began to come out in early January. Behind her, at the end of the same month, the magazine "And this and that" appeared; in February, "Neither this nor that" appeared. In April, "Mixture" appeared, in May - "Drone", and, finally, in July, readers got acquainted with the "Hell Mail". Circulations of publications were also different and fluctuated. Interesting fact- the number of readers of "Vsyayaya Vsyachiny" was steadily falling (from 1692 copies to 600), but the circulation of "Drunk", the main opponent of "Vsyayaya Vsyachiny", increased.

    Most magazines ended in 1769. In 1770, only "Drone" and "Vskhodkajajachina" continued their releases.

    In the magazines, it was primarily about what should be the object of magazine satire and to what extent this satire is generally acceptable in print publications.

    Journalistic activity of N.I. Novikov and his magazines "Truten" and "Painter"

    In May 1769, the journal Truten began to appear, which not only did not support the course proposed by Vsyakoy Ksiachinoy, but entered into direct polemics with it. The publisher of Trutnya was Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744 - 1818) - a prominent publicist and educator of the 18th century. He was born into a middle-class noble family. He studied simultaneously with Fonvizin at the noble gymnasium at Moscow University, but was expelled from it "for laziness and not going to classes." In 1767 - 1768. was one of the secretaries of the Commission for the drafting of the new Code. Novikov took a verse from Sumarokov's parable "Beetles and Bees" as an epigraph to his journal "Droten": "They work, and you eat their work."

    The title of the journal contained two meanings. The first, designed for censorship, served as a kind of cover for the second. In the preface, placed on the front page of the magazine, the publisher confessed to his incurable laziness, which allegedly was the reason for "this publication."

    The second and main meaning of the name of the journal was associated with the main object of Novikov's satire - with the feudal nobles, social drones living off the serfs. The social position of "Trutny" irritated the publishers of "All sorts of things" and caused heated debates on the pages of the magazine.

    The controversy between "Vsyakaya Vsyachinoy" and "Drunk" was conducted on two closely related issues. The first of them dealt with the subject of satire. Novikov's journal argued that satire should aim directly at the bearers of evil.

    On the other hand, "Vsyakaya Vsyachina" has made it a rule to condemn only vices, and not their specific representatives.

    The second question concerned the nature of satire, i.e. the position that the satirist will take in relation to the carriers of evil. The fact that the nobles and the entire bureaucratic apparatus were actually the object of satire gave this dispute a special urgency. As for the peasants, due to their dependent and powerless position, they could only be an object of sympathy and compassion. Therefore, the question of the nature of satire implied the degree of critical attitude towards the nobility and bureaucracy.

    Catherine II could not hide her annoyance at the independent position of the Drone. Threats began in the direction of the Drone. Catherine's threat did not frighten Novikov.

    The bold behavior of Novikov finally brought Ekaterina out of herself. She responded to Pravdolyubov's article with a short remark, which began with the words: "We do not want to respond to the curses published in Trutn by destroying them..." Catherine used the word "destroying" in the sense of "neglecting", "despising". She clearly wanted to end an unfavorable dispute for her.

    But in response to her attack, an even sharper and more lengthy letter from Pravdolyubov followed. The controversy flared up, and Catherine failed to put it out.

    In his response letter, Pravdolyubov not only fends off Catherine's arguments, but inflicts on her personally painful blows for pride. Catherine's German origin and poor knowledge of the Russian language are played up. The Empress was not always at odds with Russian grammar, and secretaries corrected her writings. Of course, Novikov pretends that he is arguing with the magazine, with an equal fellow, but his blows are directed against the secret inspirer of "Vsyaoyaya Vsyachiny", against the Empress.

    The inconsistency of the tactics of Catherine II manifested itself not only in the fact that, having taken over the leadership of the satirical magazine, she actually abandoned satire, but also in the fact that, diligently hiding her leadership of the magazine, she repeatedly resorted to threats befitting only the highest authority.

    Having suffered a defeat in the controversy with the "Drone", Catherine decided to use the right of the strong. The following year, 1770, most of the satirical magazines were closed. Only "All sorts of things" remained under the new name "Little Stuff" and "Drone". But the existence of "Drone" was paid dearly by Novikov. This is hinted at by the new epigraph to the magazine, taken from Sumarokov's parable "The Satyr and Vile People": "Strict instruction is dangerous, // Where there is a lot of atrocities and madness." I had to abandon the denunciation of the feudal landowners and unscrupulous judges. Instead of them, coquettes, dandies, mediocre writers are subjected to satirical ridicule. But even in this form, "Drone" lasted only until the end of April 1770.

    However, Novikov did not intend to lay down his arms and was waiting for a favorable opportunity to issue a new magazine. Two years later, such an opportunity presented itself. In 1772, Catherine II wrote the comedy About Time!, in which she ridiculed reactionaries who were allegedly dissatisfied with the government's policies. Novikov decided to use the very fact of the appearance of this play as permission for satirical publications and even made an attempt to enlist the patronage of the highest authorities. New magazine Novikov was called "The Painter". In the very first issue, the publisher places an appeal to the "unknown" writer of the comedy "About time!" and invites him to collaborate in his magazine. An offer was made to send some of his writings to The Painter. Novikov's calculation was crowned with complete success. Catherine replied to the publisher of "The Painter" with a supportive letter, which was immediately published on the pages of the magazine.

    Enlisting strong, though not very reliable patronage, Novikov decided to return to the peasant theme, so successfully presented in "Trutnya" copies "with replies."

    The magazine "Painter" lasted even less than "Druten". At the end of 1772 it was closed. 20 years later, on August 1, 1792, the empress signed a decree on the imprisonment of Novikov in the Shlisselburg fortress for 15 years. The decree stated that this decision was also a mitigation of the "merciless" execution (ie, death), to which he would have been subject by the force of laws for his "crimes." Novikov spent four and a half years in the fortress, suffering an extreme need for the most necessary, even medicines. Emperor Paul I released Novikov on the first day of his reign. Nikolai Ivanovich was taken to the fortress while still in full development of his strength and energy, and came out of there "decrepit, old, bent." He had to give up all social activities and until his death (July 31, 1818) he lived almost without a break in Avdotino, taking care of the needs of his peasants and their education.

    About how it all began, about why he prefers thorns to smooth roads and about friendship with the governor Yevgeny KUYVASHEV, the artist told the leading OTV television company Ksenia TELESHOVA. We publish excerpts from this interview, which was published in the Accent program, today.

    Kremlin tradition

    - Alexander Vasilyevich, so you are 60 years old. How are you?

    If you don’t look into your passport and don’t read that I am 60 years old, then my mood is much “younger”. I absolutely do not feel at this age. I work very hard, sleep little - maybe that's why I look younger than my years? I just didn’t have time to realize that I was already 60.

    Tell us about the concert you will give in the Kremlin.

    This is my traditional birthday concert. Why on a birthday - so that there is something to do and not to arrange stupid banquets. In order not to sit and listen to tedious and long speeches addressed to you, which are the same from year to year and can only be more stupid every year.

    I am not a pompous person and I do not like any salutes, any long speeches.

    This is the same concert that we played here, in Yekaterinburg, at Cosmos. I have such a tradition - everything that I do on stage, I first show in our city, and then where God sends. I lived in this city for forty years, and we can consider that this is my historical homeland. I'm happy to start here.

    "By nature I am a revolutionary"

    - Here you started as a rock musician, then moved to another genre ... Why did this happen?

    Rock is age music. There is nothing funnier than a gray-haired, barely crawling, goat-bearded rocker grandfather who sniffs Tibetan incense and lives some kind of karmic fantasies. Rock is the music of the young. This is a revolution. I am also a revolutionary by nature, so she could not pass me by.

    Also, at the time when I was doing rock music, it was a craze, a wave that went all over the country. Rock bands proliferated and were in every club, in every yard, in every recreation center, anywhere ...

    - How did Alexander Novikov change from "The Coachman" to the new album?

    Well, how it changed ... I don’t have two similar songs at all, my albums are so different, I can’t give analogues in Russian show business and in music, who else would have them so different from one another.

    Times change, topics change, even the musicians I work with change, but I never thought about the format in which I should work, I didn’t adjust myself to the format. Moreover, my work is the format. If it weren’t for my songs and the songs of several other significant authors, then there would be no such radio stations as the Chanson radio station. They have nothing to start with.

    So everything is definitely changing. And the genre itself is changing, acquiring some other forms, taking something from other genres - this is a very complex process, you can read whole lectures on this topic.

    “Only the lazy wait for the muse”

    - What becomes your inspiration?

    Well, first of all, of course, talent. If there is no talent, then you will give birth to the white world, which many will not even want to look at.

    Secondly, performance. Waiting for inspiration is for the lazy, waiting for a muse that may never arrive. I work a lot.

    - Do you feel the energy of the hall, does it help you?

    I myself have such an energy that blows everything away. But the hall, of course, helps a lot. An artist who has no contact with the audience - why does he even go on stage? With the same success, you can perform in an empty hall. Put a mirror there and admire yourself.

    Theater Crisis Manager

    - You are the head of the Yekaterinburg Variety Theatre. Were you sent here as an anti-crisis manager?

    Alexander MISHARIN invited me to work here. The theater was then brought to an extreme state. Yes, it wasn't easy. You know what litigation and slaughter went on. What kind of slander they didn’t write to me. But today our variety theater is the best in the country. Actually, even the only one, if we are talking specifically about the stage.

    We have the largest team - more than three hundred people. Performances come with the kind of sold-out performances that any artist could wish for. There are no tickets available two weeks before the performance.

    When I first came, 20-30 tickets for 100 rubles were sold for the performance. People just ran into the theater in winter to warm themselves. Today, the cost of a ticket is more than a thousand rubles, and the halls are packed to capacity - even side chairs are sold.

    Yes, I'm talking about the theater in superlatives (as a leader should probably do). But I'm telling the truth in superlatives.

    - Several of your songs are dedicated to Yekaterinburg. Have you thought about writing an anthem for our city?

    I wrote several songs about the city - "Ekaterinblues", "Ancient City", "In Yekaterinburg", "Vostochnaya Street". But the most famous one is "Ancient City, Long City". She is popular not only with us, she is, surprisingly, asked to sing in any city.

    Once Alexei KHOMENKO (this is the director of my studio, plays keyboards, we have been working with him for more than twenty-five years) got a call and was asked: “Does your studio participate in writing a song for the city anthem?” Khomenko replied: “Why? It has been written for a long time."

    “I have always been attracted to thorns”

    - What has tempered you the most as a person, as a man in this life?

    I am a very direct person by nature. Don't be a coward, don't be lazy. I am an adventurer good sense this word. Naturally, with such inclinations, with such qualities in the anamnesis, there will be a bunch of slaps in the face and abrasions in life in the diagnosis.

    I myself am arranged in such a way, I live in such a way that my life does not imply smooth and even roads, I always tried to climb into some kind of thorns ...

    In addition, it is useless to walk on flat roads, everything has already been trampled down there. But in thorns - there you can gouge out your eye, but you can also find something. That's why I've always been drawn to it. Well, he was born like that.

    And I won't say it's bad. If you asked me if I would change something in my life - no, I would not. And that prison, six years that fell to me innocently, too.

    "The President for me is an ordinary spectator"

    - Whom did you invite to the concert in the Kremlin?

    If I list everyone, it will be very long. If I list titles and titles, it will be very boastful and pompous. Yes, some of them hold very high positions. But I invited people regardless of positions and titles.

    - Will there be your neighbor and, as they say, friend - the governor?

    We are really friends with him. But, unfortunately, he will not be - he is on vacation. He just told me: “Vasilich, I'm sorry, but I can't be at the concert” ... He was really very tired, there was a difficult election campaign, there was a lot of hypocrisy around him.

    The Governor was very courageous. And due to the fact that he is a very decent, very obligatory person, he is tired. He worked from morning to night.

    - Who else did you invite to this concert?

    I have invited many. There will be a full room. All tickets are sold, as in Yekaterinburg. But for me in the hall all the audience is the same. Even if the President comes, the program will not change in any way and I will not say toasts and specifically note: “Today the President of the Russian Federation came to the concert.”

    For me, he is exactly the same spectator as the rest. I invited these people because I wanted to, because it's my holiday, my birthday. It's just that I have it so arranged that I meet him on stage.