Interview Buzova magazine TV program. A new interview with Olga Buzova: about love under the guns of cameras, contenders for the role of a guy and leaving the stage for the sake of the family

Last Sunday, TNT launched, which many fans of the Doma-2 star were so eagerly waiting for. After everything experienced in connection with the scandalous divorce, Olga Buzova again found the strength to "open the world of other men", and now everyone is watching how she will choose a man for the role of a guy from air to air. In the meantime, the details of the artist's new interview are being discussed on the Web.

The 32-year-old gave an interview to TV presenter, singer and actress Olga Buzova spoke about the backstage reality, the first impression of the participants of the show and plans for family life.

Many reproached Olga Buzova for putting life on public display again, but also new love the star will build under the guns of the cameras.

Paradox: I so wanted to hide future relationships from prying eyes, but in the end I came to television in order to find a man for myself, to build love. That's how unpredictable I am.

And you can't argue with that. At the same time, even such a television shark as Olga Buzova was very embarrassed when she was surrounded by 15 men.

Olga Buzova TV presenter, singer

To be honest, when I saw young people, I wanted to run away. I really hoped that the feeling that I had been waiting for so long and wanted so much would immediately arise: I would be struck by lightning, pleasantly pricked in my heart. But that did not happen. I just sat there and thought: "God, what am I doing? What nonsense ... Why all this?" It seemed to me that everything was wrong, not real, and I again take everything into my own hands. I so wanted to be a princess, but in the end I gathered them all myself, organized everything, and now they are standing in front of me. And they are forced to stand, because these are the rules of the project. I thought: “What if they didn’t like me? What if they don’t want to be here at all, but are only because it’s television? ..”. In general, I drove myself to such an extent that it became scary. At first I agreed to the craziest act of my life, then I myself got scared of it. It's one thing when you go to a reality show at the age of 18, and another thing when at the age of 32 you try to build relationships in front of the whole country out of hopelessness. Sounds formulaic, but it's true.

Journalists asked Olga Buzova if, in a fortunate combination of circumstances, for the sake of her beloved and family, she could give up her career and her plans. To which she replied the following:

Leave - no. I have a solo concert on November 18 at the Crocus City Hall called "Take Me". This show is fateful. I kind of say: "Take me as a woman, as an artist, as a person, as music." How can I leave it all? I have such global plans.

But still, Olga Buzova does not leave hope that she can become happy again if she finds a soul mate with the same values ​​as hers. And for Olga Buzova they are important.

Olga Buzova opened the doors of her apartment to journalists for the first time. The film crew of the program "Live" was the first to visit the star. Andrey Malakhov saw the conditions in which the TV personality lives, and found out with whom she spends her evenings.

It turns out that despite the fact that Olga now and then gives apartments to close people, she herself is now renting housing - in the hope of an early housewarming. There are no men's slippers in her house, but there are a lot of beer and sausages in the refrigerator. On the shelves in the corridor there is a huge number of beautiful shoes, and in the dressing room - a lot of a wide variety of outfits. In the bathroom, as expected, there is a jacuzzi, and next to it on a hanger hangs a gift from Philip Kirkorov - a bathrobe with Olya's portrait embroidered on it and the inscription Superstar. There is also a dressing room in the apartment, full of costumes, gifts from fans, portraits, letters and… crowns.

For the first time in the history of Russian show business, Buzova also opened the doors to her bedroom. There were a lot of huge teddy bears in this room, and Olya's bed has a ladder so that her little dogs Eva and Chelsea can climb up to their mistress.

But most importantly, during the visit of Andrei Malakhov, Olga Buzova made a loud statement - she is ready to become a mother! “I myself am surprised at this desire,” Olya admitted. “It comes to the heart when you hug other children. For the first time, I felt one hundred percent that I am ready and want to devote my life to my child. But there is a problem: you need a man to give birth.”

Buzova does not hide - she missed the male affection. “The whole country already wants to marry me, and I don’t mind, I want a family, I want a daughter,” the star says, noticeably worried. “I can give so much now not to dogs, but to my children!” The problem is that Olga wants children only from the man she loves, who will be faithful to her and will love her herself, and not her popularity and opportunities. And such a person is hard to find ....

Olga admitted that she suffers from loneliness, but at the same time she is not afraid that she will be left alone for life. She believes that at some point in her life there will be more than just work. "So today I more needed by the country than a man, - says one of the richest women in Russian show business. - The country makes its choice, the country wants me, but I don’t see men around me. Around me only cowards. The first man to go out of diapers will win my heart."

Will Olga be able to find such a man soon? Why does dad Buzova take offense at his daughter? Why does Philip Kirkorov protect Olya from all attacks and call her a goddess and a plowman? Why does the director of the gymnasium where Buzova studied not let the star on the threshold? The answers are on Live.

May 10, 2017

Having survived a painful divorce, the host of Doma-2 does everything herself: she builds a career on the stage, reads seminars “The Way to Success” and even changes car tires. And everything works out!

The personal life of Olga Buzova collapsed rapidly. While fans were waiting for the TV presenter to make peace with football player Dmitry Tarasov,. Six months have passed. Tarasov managed to surprise with a deliberate demonstration of a new relationship that he had begun even before the divorce, and Buzova ... sang. Olga directed the time and energy freed from family troubles to the realization of an old dream. No one expected such a turn, so the reaction was different. Buzova says that she is used to it: they love and hate her equally strongly.

— Olya, a week ago you announced your first solo concert in November in Moscow. Today I tried to buy a ticket: in the hall for two thousand people there are a few seats left in boxes for 5-6 thousand rubles. Did you expect tickets to sell out so fast?

- Many are surprised. And I dreamed of becoming an artist since childhood. I often received offers to buy and perform a song, but I understood what to do musical career- hard labor. But last summer they showed me the song "To the Sound of Kisses", and I realized that I wanted to sing it. I bought it, showed it to my close people, but everyone was unanimous: “What the hell do you need it for, the song is about nothing ...” But if I light up some idea, then it’s hard to stop me. I recorded the first song while still married - it turns out that I sang the future to myself: “Questions without answers, and tears are not from the wind. We do not hear each other, we burn like flashes. And the nerves are strained, patience is not eternal ... ”So fate happened, this is all in the past.

The song came out in November, I was in a difficult emotional state. Everyone reacted to my undertaking with skepticism, except for relatives and friends. And then she stayed there for two weeks. I remember how I performed at a concert for Muz-TV and for the first time I heard how one and a half thousand people sing with me. I left the stage and said to my assistant: “God, how I like being on stage, what a thrill I feel!” There is no way back: no matter how the dogs bark, the caravan goes on. I sing and get unreal pleasure from it - I know that there are a huge number of people to whom my work is close. I don't claim to be opera singer, I'm not pretending to be Rihanna - I'm just learning, doing vocals. I sing about what worries me, share real emotions. As it turned out, my women's history close to many - I get in in social networks hundreds of stories of love and betrayal, they thank me for the motivation to live, to work on, no matter how difficult it is. I read, I cry, I empathize. It gives strength.

Photo: personal archive

Recording songs, shooting clips became a lifeline for me in a difficult life situation in which I found myself. Creativity healed me, saved me.

"I invest in myself"

- The director Alexei Golubev shoots the clips for you, he also sets the program of the concert. He staged the Plushenko show, shot clips for many masters of our show business. Solo career- an expensive pleasure. How long do you have to invest?

- Yes, I am now investing a lot in myself - in creativity, in my development. Of course, it's not cheap. To make a quality product, you need a lot of investments: to record a song, buy a track, shoot a video. You do not think that on November 3 Buzova will sing four songs. There will be a presentation of my solo album! From the shooting of "House-2" I go to a rehearsal, I dance and sing for three hours. I have a team, dancers - global goals and plans. There will be a tour soon.

- You are a tasty pie for producers. Wouldn't it be easier to join, say, Maxim Fadeev, who praises you? Under the wing of a producer, it is easier to become your own in show business and avoid attacks from colleagues, mistakes ...

- I love the phrase of Bruce Lee: "Train with those who are stronger, love the one who can not, do not give up where others give up." I like that I build my own career and no one tells me what to do. I am a free-spirited Capricorn. I want to manage my own life and not obey some kind of production center. I haven't been wrong about this yet. In me, probably, there is a producer's vein. Maybe I'll become a producer myself? I agree that doing everything alone is more difficult. I am constantly asked: do you have a driver, a stylist? Are you all on your own? Yes, I do everything in this life myself. Now for the first time I will change winter tires to summer tires - before it was the responsibility of a man in my family. But I know: I will do everything well and I will not be obliged to anyone. I work with the director, PR manager and assistant - we manage.

Bilan and Buzova starred in feature film"Burn!" Premiere in autumn. Photo:

- Actresses, athletes, TV presenters, ballerinas periodically begin to sing. Why did our showbiz turn against Olga Buzova?

- Four of my songs one after another got to the 1st place in Russian iTunes. Moreover, the first three became leaders in an hour, and "Fly away" - in 15 minutes. None of our artists has achieved such a result. Then I shot a video for the song “Get Used”: everyone expected me to be in sequins and rhinestones, and a stylish cool mini-movie came out. With particular anger, they fell upon me after the concert at the Olimpiysky - at the Big LoveShow, the organizers recognized my performance as the best, and after all, all our artists performed there. I myself staged the number, sewed costumes for the dancers, which cost a lot of money. I had a dream to go on stage beautifully - I fulfilled it. Who's stopping you from being cool? I have been working in television for a long time and I got used to everything. But still, I am a girl, vulnerable, so it’s easy to offend me and evoke emotions. Most of all, it hurt that men measured one place with me, allowed a public insult. It was very unpleasant. There was no one to protect me - I endured all this alone ... I don’t want to waste positive energy on the statements of people who criticize me. Because they expect it from me. I'd rather write good word those who support me. My people know that now I am free from relationships, I am single and I want to direct all my creative potential and energy into creativity.

Everyone knows: if I joke about Buzova, they will notice it, and if I insult Buzova, they will write about it

— : “Loneliness is the best state for immersing yourself in creativity. I love being in it."

- I'm not a queen yet, but I already speak in the words of a king (laughs). I agree that loneliness promotes creativity. I was in a relationship for six years, I was married for five of them, so there was not so much time and, perhaps, the necessary emotions that would push me to start a new path. Philippe and I recently crossed paths at the same event. He hugged me and said: “What are you doing?! You are a goddess, incredible, great fellow ... ”This is worth a lot. If a person like Philip criticized me, I would be upset. So far, people whose opinion means little to me are speaking ugly.

- Katya Gordon and Aziza emphasized that Olya Buzova is attractive to them as a person, but the success of her songs depends "on the popularity gained thanks to Dom-2 and the start of a career at the peak of interest in personal life." Do you agree?

- I do not think so. Popularity as a TV presenter does not guarantee success on stage. I had different projects, not all ended successfully. As for my personal life, for the first months I hid from all interview offers, I never speculated on a divorce. She smiled, hiding pain and tears, went into the frame and on stage at corporate parties and events. People just found an excuse for their unflattering comments. I don't understand why there are so many questions. I work like Papa Carlo - no days off! The other day I flew to London, where my company OlgaBuzova Design was a sponsor of a large-scale event. I only stayed there for a day to rest.

In the play "A man in great demand" Olya demonstrates model parameters. Photo: personal archive

I know how to rejoice in the success of others, which I wish for everyone. I like the work of Ira Dubtsova and Lena Temnikova - I will always tell them that they are cool. If I don’t like someone, I won’t say anything, why offend a person? Everyone has their own audience, I don’t cross the road for anyone.

- I heard how artists recently joked that Stas Mikhailov took his audience of single women after 40, and Buzova got all the rest, who are younger. Do you agree?

I am also very interested in who my audience is. Now I travel with seminars "The Way to Success" in the regions - I communicate with people a lot. Many beautiful self-sufficient girls of 30-35 years old come to communicate with me. But there were many adult women, over 50. Therefore, I communicate with the audience of Stas Mikhailov (laughs).

“The most important quality in life is a sense of humor”

- Where does Buzova's strength come from to fight such a wave of criticism? I quote Bilan: “A person who fights with so many ill-wishers and negativity can only be respected for this.”

The most important quality in life is a sense of humor. Ksyusha Sobchak taught me the ability to laugh at myself, a participant in Dom-2, 13 years ago at Dom-2. I had hair extensions, everyone knew that at that moment it was impossible to wet them, and they pushed me into the pool. I burst into tears, I wanted to leave the project. Ksyusha caught me outside the gate and said: “If you run away now, they will break you down later. They just threw you into the pool - no need to react so seriously. In an awkward situation the best weapon is a smile, the ability to laugh at oneself. I remembered. Reacting to every attack addressed to me, I would give rise to the next negative emotion.

This is how Dom-2 began: participant Olya Buzova and host Ksenia Sobchak. 2004 Photo:

- Ivan Urgant recently in his program noted the success of your next hit, which 15 minutes after the release became the leader of our iTunes. And then he quipped, saying that you will soon be invited to the West, but even in this case, the brain drain will not happen. It's a shame?

- There is a stereotype: Buzova is stupid. My relatives know what I read, what I am fond of, they have seen how I rush to visit all the museums on my travels. You can talk to me about any topic. Unfortunately, people think narrowly: they think that my Instagram is my whole life. If I post a photo where my shoulder is bare, then it means that I am depraved. And at this moment I can sit at home under a blanket with dogs and read a book. I encourage you to think more broadly.

Everyone knows: if I joke about Buzova, then many will notice it. And if you want to be written about you, then it’s better to insult Buzova. This method is now used by many people.

I am calm about the statements of Vanya Urgant, because it is ridiculous. Yes, it was funny to me. If that were true, it would be embarrassing. By the way, Vanya Urgant never got to the first place in iTunes, although he sings. So they want to send me to the West as soon as possible (laughs). I am like a splinter for many artists - they always say something about me once a month.

At the same time, I know how he treats me. When the guys from "" had a concert at Crocus, they invited me and we talked for half an hour, I gave the public my humor. One thing can happen in the frame, often everything is different behind the scenes.

- Another of your fellow countrymen, a resident of St. Petersburg, Sergei Shnurov, has recently also not left Buzova's work without attention.

- Sergey Shnurov sang my song "To the sound of kisses." Someone saw this as a joke on me. Each person has his own half-empty glass, but mine is always half-full. If Sergei Shnurov himself sings my songs, for me this is a compliment. At a recent press conference, he said that he was not against any kind of cooperation with Olga Buzova. So as long as someone has their say and turns up their nose, I'll work with the best.

Olga this spring gave her mother a trip to Vienna for her birthday. Photo:

“Hopefully, at 40 I will have a husband or boyfriend”

- Did you think about leaving work at Dom-2 and devoting yourself to the stage, theater, filming a movie?

- Never! I love my job at Dom-2! I talk about it, and I really get goosebumps. On May 11, the project is 13 years old, and all these years I have been with Dom-2. Whatever happens in my life, I come to Polyana, the guys run up and say: “Olya, thank God that you are today ...” These sincere emotions inspire and delight. It is interesting for me to analyze their behavior, to observe, to give advice, so I build my tour schedule in such a way as to be at work more often. I spend at least 20 days a month at Dom-2. Some people think: she sits there and opens her mouth. When I do a four-hour show, I become like a squeezed lemon, because, as a psychologist, I pass through each participant’s problem through myself. In the frame, I can talk endlessly.

- Do the participants today look like young Buzova 13 years ago?

- Now at Dom-2 there are different rules: it has become freer, it is easier to realize oneself - the guys act in films, conduct corporate parties, open their own businesses. Actually, I still consider myself young. I just turned 31. What happened in my life six months ago was inevitable, I regret that it did not happen a little earlier - a lot of time was lost.

On the set of the video "People did not believe" in Sochi, Olya burned Wedding Dress. 2017 Photo:

— Do you plan to have a rest in the summer?

Now I try to occupy every minute of my life. After work, I come home at one or three in the morning, sit down and read or think a lot - I analyze my behavior, other people, I try to understand why I was so wrong, why I was betrayed, where my eyes were ... Forces are not eternal, I need to rest. I really love to travel. Once a month I try to get out for a couple of days in Europe. My mother and I flew to Vienna for her birthday. Now I’m giving my best friend a present for her birthday — we’re flying to Greece for two days.

- What will Olga Buzova be like at 40?

- I hope that, in addition to three dogs, I will have a husband or at least a young man. Everyone is so interested to know about my personal life. And I can't talk about it...

- Psychologists say: it takes a year to recover from the betrayal of a loved one.

- I think in my case even more. It is hard to imagine how a person who has loved can immediately introduce another person to the whole world. I don’t even dare to talk about it ... I think that by the age of 40 I will become a blonde again, but for now I am comfortable being a brunette. I am sure that I will always work hard. Now I decided to buy my mother a house in Spain. I really want to give her this gift.

— And to yourself?

And I want to buy a house for myself! I do everything in this life myself.

Private bussiness

Olga Buzova was born on January 20, 1986 in Leningrad. Graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State University(Faculty of Geography and Geoecology). The only participant in the television project "Dom-2" on the TNT channel, which became its host. Played the main female roles in private performances "Elegant Wedding", "Black Diamond", "Man in great demand". She starred in the series "Poor People", the film "Burn!". Owner of her own clothing brand. In November 2017, the presentation of the first music album will take place.

Date added: 05/11/2017

“I am like a splinter for many now”

The host of the House 2 project gave a very personal and candid interview magazine "Tele Program" and answered many questions from her fans, as well as ill-wishers.

In November 2017, Buzova's first solo concert will take place, it is already impossible to buy tickets now, since there are no more empty seats in the hall. Olga admitted to a correspondent that she wanted to become an artist since childhood and only now realized what hard labor it is to do. musical career. The concert program for the singer is staged by director Alexei Golubev, she has dancers and her own team. According to Olga, she invests a lot in her creative development, since recording a song, shooting a video requires a lot of financial resources. The journalist asked Buzova if it was not easier for Olga to join the production center, for example, Maxim Fadeev, who praises the work of the aspiring singer. Olga replied that she was a freedom-loving person and wanted to take control of her own life. The host of House 2 communicates a lot with people, travels around the regions with her seminars "The Way to Success". Olga has learned not to react to criticism and considers a sense of humor to be the main quality in life. Olga believes that the reason for the attacks on her by show business stars is that:

“Four of my songs one after another got to the 1st place in Russian iTunes. Moreover, the first three became leaders in an hour, and "Fly away" - in 15 minutes. None of our artists has achieved such a result. Then I shot a video for the song “Get Used”: everyone expected me to be in sequins and rhinestones, and a stylish cool mini-movie came out. With particular anger, they fell upon me after the concert at the Olimpiyskiy - at the Big LoveShow, the organizers recognized my performance as the best, and in fact all our artists performed there. I myself staged the number, sewed costumes for the dancers, which cost a lot of money. I had a dream to go on stage beautifully - I fulfilled it.

Buzova is not going to completely change the career of the host of the Dom 2 project for the career of a theater artist and singer, Olga adjusts her tour schedule so as to get to the shooting of the project in the clearing. Olya plans to buy her mother a house in Spain, but she can’t talk about her personal life yet.

In an interview with the site, Olga Buzova told why she agreed to participate in a reality show, whether she could love a man weaker than herself, and whether she was ready to remarry.

Olga Buzova can be treated differently, but one cannot deny the fact that this fragile girl is rushing like a tank, conquering more and more new areas of activity.

Television, writing, variety art, acting, making clothes and jewelry. And now also cryptocurrency. The other day, Olya held a press conference at which she announced that her Buzcoins were ready to compete with the already famous Bitcoin. And our heroine is set up nowhere more seriously.

Another high-profile reason for discussion was the news about the launch of a new reality show, the participants of which will be able to compete for the heart of Olga Buzova.

The name of the show is still kept secret, but TNT management notes that there are no analogues to this project in Russia. After the press conference, Buzova gave us a few minutes, where we elaborated on questions about her personal life.

website: Olya, today you are the most popular girl in Russia ...
Here! It's nice to be recognized and talked about. Thanks.

website: I guess that soon you will also be the most rich girl in Russia... Aren't you afraid that it will be difficult to find a suitable couple?

ABOUT.: (humming)"She's not afraid..." I don't want to limit my potential because maybe there is no man stronger than me. I do not want to ignore my abilities, to belittle my abilities in order to lower myself to the level of those who want to be with me. The rocket is launched. If I have already taken such a bar and everything works out for me, then I want to continue building a career, doing business. Let the men reach up to me.

“After all, millions of people live in Russia, billions in the world. Can't there be one man for me? I do not need much (laughs - approx. site)» .

I hope that love will come to me. But I will not fetter myself, stop. Get to my level! Go forward.

website: Clothing brand, jewelry, television, stage - this is understandable. But cryptocurrency?! It is believed that only men can exist in such a serious business.

O. B.: I destroy stereotypes. And I have been doing this for many years, no matter what I do. At first they do not believe me, then they laugh, then they fight with me, and then I win. Every time people say: “Oh, she won’t succeed,” but in the end I achieve my goal. Who said that this is a male activity? Where is that written? Today, women are leading the way - confident, self-sufficient, literate, savvy. So why can't they do what they can do? Why shouldn't a man in a family cook, wash dishes or clean up? These are all prejudices and stereotypes.

“For example, at one time they told me:“ It’s time for you to give birth to children. Who, to whom, when said that I had to go? Where are these rules written?

Unfortunately, we live in a stereotypical society. I'm against it, so I destroy them.

I want to do this business and I believe in my new IT project Buzar, in the Buzcoin currency. Judging by our press conference, many people already understand this matter, some noted that they are looking forward to the launch. This is the future, I'm sure. It's just that for the majority, these are just terrible words, but for me, they are already the realities that I live by. This new world which I open for my people. And I do it the first of the women of show business. But I'm used to being the first in this country (laughs - approx. site).

website: And what will you do with so much money? After all, as you know, money spoiled a lot of good people.

O. B.: I am not. I am a girl from the most ordinary family and I remember very well the time when I washed the floors in order to earn at least some money. I have never been afraid of work. I was brought up like this: if you want to get something, go to work. It happened that I had nothing to eat (I then left home), and my sister brought me food. There were times when I earned 30 thousand rubles a month, although I was already the most recognizable girl from the reality show. And I always gave all this money to my mother, because I wanted her to feel how grown up I am.

“Today nothing has changed - money does not fall from the sky to me, it is very hard to earn.”

My income is an opportunity to invest in myself, in my career, development. That is why today I cannot boast of houses, good cars, although, of course, I want this.

I have my Mercedes, which I have been driving for a year, and an apartment that I rent. All funds go into the career. Clips with the best directors and world stars, concert show, a team of 15 people - and for all this I pay out of my own pocket. Nothing in my life comes on a silver platter.

Therefore, I have an absolutely adequate attitude towards money. Yes, I can boo: afford to relax in the best hotels, fly business class, dine in expensive restaurants. I spent my vacation in Thailand with my friends and paid for everything in full. Here's another fact: thanks to my earnings, I can make loved ones happy. My mom spent her birthday in Singapore, where everything was just the best for her. She wrote to me: "Thank you, my princess, my diamond, for making my dreams come true." I give happiness to my family.

website: Numbers, endless work schedule, yellow press, haters ... Have you forgotten what it is to be weak?

O. B.: It seems to me that if a man stronger than me appears next to me, then I will automatically become weaker. And today I have no other choice but to stay strong. If I had given up slack, I would have broken down a long time ago from so much attention, condemnation. Even good things can break a person: popularity, fame, money.

“My inner core and fortitude allowed me, in spite of everything, to remain human. Kind, open, sympathetic, friendly.”

I didn't turn into an embittered woman who hates everyone.

Who will stand up for me today, if not myself? I am in charge of my own life from start to finish. I take care of myself. That is why I urgently need someone who is stronger than me (both mentally and physically), who will solve my problems and take care of me. My man should be without diapers. I want to meet someone who will fight this world with me if necessary.

website: And, apparently, such a person will soon be found, because a new show is being launched on TNT, where you will look for your love. How did you agree to such an adventure?

O. B .: This has never happened on television. Everything that concerns me happens for the first time. It's no secret that I've been alone for over a year. And I'm not a robot, but a girl, although many people forget about it. And if you think that I can live without love, then it's not. I want to love and I want to be accepted for who I am - the real one.

“I didn’t think that at 32 I would have to admit it, but yes, I don’t have a man, and this is a problem.”

I am constantly touring, doing business, hosting TV shows, and there is simply no time left for my personal life.

Therefore, I decided to agree to participate in a new show on the TNT channel, where I will look for my love. And the first one who turns out to be brave, strong, loyal, loyal, smart and real will be next to me. For me, this is a gamble, a risk, but I really want to be happy. And maybe the project will give me that.

website: Do you believe that the project participants will look at you as a girl, and not at the star Olga Buzova?

OB: It's difficult, I know. I would very much like to feel those emotions again when you catch a look at yourself, but not such that they just recognized you, namely, interested, flirting or something. I don't remember this being last years, honestly. And I just go to the project for emotions, impressions. It will be new stage in my life. I do not know what will happen there and how it will all end. But I am sure that you will get tremendous pleasure, because everyone in this country is interested in who Olga Buzova will choose. I can say for sure that this man will definitely be lucky, he will be the most happy man on this planet (smiles - approx. site).

“The most important thing is to be loved just like a girl. Although on the other hand, of course, a man must understand that I am not an ordinary girl, and he will have to accept my life as it is.

I am not going to give up anything, although I am ready to adapt somewhere, moderate my ardor, listen and hear. In this world, I am the queen. If you don't like it, live somewhere else. I need to be accepted for who I am and loved. And in return I will give my love.

website: Are you afraid of being deceived on this project?

O. B .: Of course, I'm afraid, but who does not take risks, he ... does not love. There are still thorns, there are walls that I built around myself, but if a man wants and can open me, interest me, win me over, then no obstacles will stop him. I am sure that if he needs it, he will come, get it, conquer it.

“I want to remind you that in this country with eggs there must be a man. He is a breadwinner, he is a knight, and a girl should only choose.

The participants of this project will go through a tough casting, because I have to be sure that I am not being used. I will say right away: if a man wants to take a picture with me, he will immediately go home. I need sincerity.

website: You have everything. What do you dream about? Marry?

O. B.: Getting married is not the ultimate dream. Marriage, as you know, does not guarantee happiness in marriage. In my example and in the example of many others, you can see that a registered relationship is not an indicator of fidelity and lasting devotion. Love can exist without marriage. I dream to please - relatives, friends, fans, surrounding people.