Carmen summary of the musical by Ilya Averbukh. Ice musical "Carmen" by Ilya Averbukh

famous singer Sati Casanova discovered a new role for herself - she performs mantras and even performed on the same stage with Deva Premal and Miten. Yoga Journal, she talked about yoga, music and plans for the future.

Every step of my musical career important in its own way. But the most important thing came when I turned towards sacred and ethnic music. As soon as I discovered a craving for her, everything fell into place. And this is not even a feeling, but as if the knowledge that everything that was done before was preparing me exactly for this moment.

Before I began to chant mantras, I was lost. This was the period when I left the Fabrika group, but this did not make me happier. Then I felt misunderstood, unrecognized, and thought: “Why am I even on this earth?” I sat in depression, drank tea, looked into the void, meditated (then still unconsciously). And I meditated to find myself, to understand why I was born, what my purpose is.

Everything happened spontaneously - the best things happen that way. And the mantras also went spontaneously. I listened to them a lot, then I sang them at one event in a yoga club, then at another, third, fourth ... As such, I did not take mantra lessons. I was helped by all the vocal teachers that I once had, I am truly grateful to each of them. But the greatest teachers for me are life and God. I prayed to the Creator: "Please make me your instrument, your flute, breathe through me, I'm just your guide..." - that was my mantra last years. I didn't take Sanskrit lessons - as you know, Russian-speakers, Sanskrit is given quite easily, since Sanskrit and Slavic languages ​​are consonant. My native Kabardian is so complicated that after it, probably, only Chinese will seem difficult.

I dream of finding golden ratio» mantras and pop music, an energetic interweaving into the genre of popular music of the state that is present when mantras are sung. It is more difficult to do this in the performance of pop songs. But I think it was Edith Piaf who said that even a telephone directory can be sung in such a way that people will cry.

Yoga entered my life about 10 years ago, when my lover, who was a very authoritative person for me at that time, said: “You know, I think yoga will suit you - you have scoliosis and shattered nerves.” It was not my will, but rather a desire to please him. I am very grateful to him for this. First there were asanas, then gradually I began to delve into the ethical and energy components, and only then such things as destiny, dharma, karma began to open up. I believe that every day I am getting closer to that yogi who practices for real, observing all the principles of yoga. All the fullness of life, horizontally and vertically - that's what yoga is.

Whose opinion matters to me? The opinion of the teacher who initiated me into the technique of Atma-kriya-yoga. The words of the parents are important, although our opinions may differ. And that's great. Most of all, I am glad that communication with relatives is becoming more and more High Quality. My father is engaged in the interpretation of the Koran. All of the above does not negate my belonging to the Muslim tradition. Dad used to worry, but now he said that my passion for other traditions seemed to strengthen me in Islam.

Of all the places on earth, my favorites are India and Bali.

I dream of freeing myself. Who understands what I mean - he knows. What else can you dream of? Everything else is decoration. True liberation, realization - there are so many techniques and noise around this, conversations, books, masters - both false and real. Those who dig in this direction know that one can get lost in it, but the answers are only in the heart.

For the first time in my life, I don't care what happens next. For the first time I do not plan and do not think. No matter what happens, I will not get tired of repeating the words of Mother Teresa: “The Lord did not give me anything that I asked for, but he gave me what my soul really needs.”

Interview: Maria Rusakova

Photo: Andrey Vasiliev for Yoga Journal

Popular Russian performer frankly told Woman's Day about how yoga has changed her creative and personal life.

Sati, in recent years you have dramatically changed your life by turning to yoga, mantras, Ayurveda and training. What made you do it?

I've had a lot in my life: depressions, losses, failed romances, job losses. In the end, I realized that the loss of something in life comes from the fact that I lose myself. It took me a long time to figure out what was wrong with me. Then I realized that I didn't know myself at all. I always wear some kind of masks, I always pretend to be someone, I try to be good, comfortable. Immersed in all these thoughts, I sat in my apartment and did not want to see anyone for days on end. It was hard for me to live, I was disappointed in fame, money, fans, novels, party life, I was lost. Finally, one fine day, I realized that I want to change everything in my life or not live at all. I began to pray: “Lord, help me, I don’t want to live like this, either take me away or help me.” The Lord heard me and gave me the opportunity to change my life.

Do not you now feel like a stranger in the Moscow party?

I don't know, and even if it is, I don't really care. If I suddenly became a stranger, so be it. The main thing is that I am happy and do not harm anyone. And the fact that I have become incomprehensible is the problem of those who do not understand me.

How did you deal with criticism from others regarding your activities?

I come from a Muslim family - my pilgrimage, retreats, yoga, seminars are perceived by my Muslim friends, acquaintances or even strangers, extremely critically. Judge not lest ye be judged. There is a belief that a person who criticizes and slanders takes some of the sins or karma onto himself. The saints say that if someone speaks evil, you need to pray for these people, because they take your sins upon themselves.

Did your passion for yoga and spiritual quest affect your creativity?

Yes, of course, but I can’t call it a hobby. It's much more than a hobby. The change in my way of life, my thinking was reflected in my work. In a word, an element of ethnicity has appeared. It attracts me with its originality - it is a return to the origins, to the true wisdom that we have lost as victims of globalization, civilization and so on.

How did your family perceive your new way of life, because surely other traditions were laid in you from childhood?

Since childhood, it was precisely such traditions that were laid in me that you need to live without harming anyone, be your own authority and live according to God's laws. I can say with confidence that there is absolutely no conflict between the traditions that were laid in me and what I got carried away with. I just expand my horizons, and this does not apply to religion or to changing religion at all. All this is an erroneous opinion.

Have you always been a vegetarian or did you come to this at a certain point in your life?

No matter how cleverly a person performs various postures, if he goes to chew hamburgers after training, he will not become a yogi. We must not harm living beings, neither by deeds nor even by words. And even more so there is their meat. I didn’t have to force myself to become a vegetarian, everything turned out by itself. The body itself refused meat, then it gradually became clear that I was allergic to chicken and fish. This just proves the fact that a person is not inclined to eat animal products. I can say that I feel much better than when I ate meat.

Sati, many have noticed that you have recently lost weight. Is this related to your new lifestyle? Refusal of many products adversely affects health. Doesn't this apply to you?

Isn't the whole world now in pursuit of losing weight? Like any girl, I love harmony, grace and the like.

What do you usually eat? What does your daily food intake look like?

I usually do not accept a heavy early breakfast. If, nevertheless, I woke up very early, I can eat a handful of dried fruits with nuts. Revealed that it is ideal for me to eat green buckwheat porridge. Recently, I love this dish very much, I steam it, then simmer it for a long time over low heat or just pour boiling water in a thermos. I also add vegetables, spices, vegetable oil there. I prefer to eat all this yummy in the region of 10-12 hours. Also in the morning it is important to drink plenty of water, it helps the body to remove toxins. Still, they wash the body, so from the inside it also needs to be washed, so in the morning you need to drink at least half a liter. I love vegetable stews, soups, buckwheat, quinoa, rice. I have a lot of food in my diet, unlike those who eat fish and meat. My diet is much richer and more interesting.

As for love affairs, does your lifestyle prevent you from building relationships? After all, not many will share your interests.

It is quite logical that not every person will understand and share my hobbies, but that's why people are looking for ideal, suitable partners for them. I haven't met mine yet, but I'm waiting.

What self-development books do you read? What would you recommend to read?

In fact, there are a lot of books on self-development, as well as a lot of unnecessary garbage. It is easy to get lost in all this information. Regarding yoga, I would recommend a book in which everything is described very concisely and intelligibly. It was recommended to me 10 years ago, and it was my introduction to yoga, the author of this book is Dishikachar. "Heart of Yoga" If you are interested in reading about a more spiritual component with mystical knowledge and skills, while an artistically beautifully written book, then it is better to read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. If you are interested in esoteric knowledge, then read Daniil Andreev, "The Rose of the World", these books turned my mind around.

Did your clothing preferences change when you started spiritual practice? Where do you shop most often? What brands do you prefer?

By the way, spiritual practice freed me from dependence on brands, trends, and so on. I don't care about the magazines' perpetual surveillance of trends. The task was made easier by the fact that a stylist Daria appeared in our staff, who, if necessary, takes those things that suit me. She knows my preferences and knows that I am not obsessed with fashion at all. It is important for me that the clothes are feminine, elegant, comfortable and beautiful. I don’t care what brands, most often I buy things from the shooting that I liked. I'm sorry to waste time shopping.

Sati, what perfume and cosmetics do you use? Definitely organic. What brands do you prefer?

Yes, definitely. I love taking care of my skin with organic products. Now you can find decorative cosmetics organic. This, of course, costs a little more, but we have one face, and it will last for a long time, it is desirable that at the same time it remains beautiful. As for perfume, here I prefer essential oils: Indian, Iranian, oriental. Just a drop of oil and I smell like a rose or like a jasmine, and it's beautiful. In my opinion, it is much better than alcohol, smelly perfumes.

How does your day start, what time do you wake up, what is the first thing you do, do you meditate every day?

As a rule, my day begins with practice, it is either physical yoga or meditative yoga. It's always different, depending on how much free time I have. If there are a couple of hours left, then I can practice extensively, if less, then more concisely.