Forms of participation of the population in the political life of society. Political Participation of Citizens

Topic 6. Participation of citizens in political life

(paragraph 6)


Elections - it is the procedure for electing someone by voting.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.

Governance of the state requires high professionalism, so citizens entrust this work to their representatives in the legislature. Citizens have the right to decide who exactly will represent their interests in the process of legislative activity.They make this decision in elections (representative democracy).

Basic principles of electoral law in the Russian Federation:

Universal suffrage -this means that it belongs to all citizens who have reached the age of 18, regardless of their social status, gender, nationality, religion, education, place of residence. An exception is made for persons held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict, as well as persons recognized by a court as incompetent, i.e. incapable of their mental, mental state to fully exercise their rights

Equal suffrageEach voter has only one vote.

Direct elections - The President, deputies of the State Duma and legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are directly elected by citizens. In the practice of other countries, there are multi-stage elections, when citizens elect electors, and then the electors elect the President. The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of 6 years, the State Duma - for a term of 5 years

Every citizen, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has the right to be elected to the bodies state power and local governments. An exception is established for those persons who cannot participate in elections. This takes into account the age limit (restriction):

From the age of 21 - to be elected to the State Duma

From the age of 35, as well as living in Russian Federation at least 10 years (residence requirement) - for election as President of the Russian Federation.

There are two main types of electoral systems: majoritarian and proportional.

proportional system determines the rating of political forces, in proportion to which seats in parliament are distributed between these forces. Under such a system, voters do not vote for an individual candidate, but for a party, which, depending on the total number of votes received, distributes seats in parliament according to the party list. For example, the party won 35% of the votes of all those who voted, respectively, in parliament it holds 35% of the seats.

Majoritarian systemassumes that voters do not vote for parties, but for specific candidates. Under such a system, a candidate who has received majority . There are also mixed systems.


Citizens take direct part in the management of state affairs at a referendum.

Referendum - This is a popular vote on draft laws and other issues of national importance. For example, the current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted at a referendum in 1993. When holding a referendum, the same principles apply as in the election of deputies.

The main difference between a referendum and an election is that a referendum approves or disapproves of a decision, and does not vote for candidates applying for certain positions or parties. Questions submitted to a referendum must be worded in such a way that a clear yes or no answer can be given.

In the Russian Federation, a referendum cannot be held simultaneously with elections, or in a state of emergency or martial law. The referendum is not held in Last year powers of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, as well as during the election campaign, conducted simultaneously throughout the territory.

Elections and referendums are the most massive form of citizens' participation in political life.

Other forms of citizen participation in political life:

The right to equal access to public service. The public service is professional activity to ensure the execution of the powers of state bodies. In the public service are officials(civil servants) holding positions in central and local authorities, in the judiciary, etc.

According to the Constitution, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to equal access to public service. This means that every citizen can hold any public office without restrictions depending on race, nationality, gender, social origin, property status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations. This does not mean that any citizen who wishes can work, for example, in a ministry, regional administration, etc. There is a system of competitions: requirements for professional training, a certain procedure for appointment to public positions.

Russian citizens also have the right to participate inadministration of justice. This right can be exercised by holding positions in the court, with the appropriate education and work experience, as well as by participating in justice as a juror.

- appeal to the authorities- this is the right to apply personally, as well as send collective appeals to state bodies and local governments. It could beindividual treatmentfor financial assistance, and a complaint, those. the appeal of a citizen with a demand for the restoration of a right violated by the action or inaction of individuals, organizations, state or self-government bodies. It could be statement , i.e. an appeal of a citizen with a request to exercise his right (for example, to receive a pension). It could also be sentence , i.e. this type of appeal, which is not associated with a violation of the rights of citizens, but which raises the question of improving the activities of a state body.

The laws of the Russian Federation establish deadlines for resolving issues raised in citizens' appeals.

- participation in meetings, rallies and demonstrationsis also one of the ways to influence the authorities. Citizens can gather to discuss any issues of common interest to them. A mass meeting about topical issues is called rallies . They often gather at rallies to protest against government policy, the actions of any political forces. The law allows only such gatherings that are peaceful and do not threaten violent actions against other citizens.

AT different countries there is either a notification or permissive procedure for holding rallies and demonstrations, strikes. In the Russian Federation, there is a permissive procedure, i.e. the organizers of the protest rally send an application to the local authority in advance, which gives permission to hold this rally. In case of violation of this order, the police have the right to use force against the participants of the rally using special means (rubber truncheons, water cannons, tear gases).

freedom of speech

There is a right to freedom of speech in the Russian Federation, for the real exercise of this right publicity is necessary: ​​people should be able to receive truthful and complete information about the work of government bodies, about the situation in the country, in the international arena. This requires such a condition as the abolition of censorship. Censorship - This is a special viewing of newspapers and magazines, literary works, movies, texts of radio programs and TV programs intended for release. The censor could prohibit access to any information. Now there is no censorship. But freedom of speech and the press is not absolute. The law prohibits: propaganda of war and violence, inciting racial, national or religious hatred, slander, dissemination of false information. Thus, the use of freedom of speech imposes a special responsibility.

The mechanisms of participation of citizens and their associations (political parties, fronts and movements, foundations and voluntary associations, etc.) in political life should include political institutions and institutions that ensure the representation and protection of their interests in the highest legislative, judicial and executive bodies of the country. Examples include suffrage and voting, nomination of candidates and voting, the organization of political parties and associations, the institution of representation (tribunes of the people in antiquity and people's deputies today), the institution of citizenship, the activities of the media, etc.

Elective system is called upon to ensure popular sovereignty and the representation of all interested groups and sections of the population in the system of power through parties. The role of the spokesman of popular sovereignty is assigned only to the electoral corps. Elections, in fact, are one of the leading institutions of legitimization (legitimization) of the existing political system and political regime. The act of participating in elections in itself increases the citizens' faith in the legitimacy and accountability of the government. Considering this fact, in industrialized countries much attention is paid to preparing the younger generation to participate in the political and especially in the electoral process. A large role is given to the education system, as well as various mechanisms - from official celebrations of national holidays to events patriotic organizations. Electoral campaigns in themselves provide opportunities to promote the virtues of voting.

The role of the institution of general elections cannot be overestimated. By electing this or that party, this or that deputy, the people express their needs, aspirations, interests, complaints in the most peaceful and constitutional way, without resorting to rebellion or exile, revolution.

Of course, the elected government, the State Duma and the elected president are under very weak control of the people. This is both bad and good. It's good because the need to "work off" the people's trust, to build a policy only in accordance with the promises made earlier or only at the behest of the voters - would greatly fetter the hands of the authorities. Rulers who are responsible to the people are one thing, but rulers who are dependent and indulgent to the people are quite another. This is how N. Machiavelli argued in his time.

In foreign countries, the relative ease with which the incumbent government can be replaced reduces the severity of possible demands for change in the political regime itself and its institutions. This is due to the fact that the institution of general elections is one of the important elements of the modern political system. Without resorting to revolutionary violence, but using modern mechanisms of political participation, the people are still able to impose their will on the authorities.

If the institution of elections had not established itself as the most effective tool for the political stabilization of society, then many countries would most likely have abandoned it. But now in the vast majority of countries there is a universal suffrage.

Under suffrage two phenomena are understood: 1) a set of legal norms that establish the procedure for electing the head of state, representative bodies, etc.; 2) the right of a citizen to participate in elections, to elect (active suffrage) and to be elected (passive suffrage). The right to vote is usually regulated by the constitution and special laws on elections, which determine the procedure for nominating candidates, the norms of representation, the procedure for determining the results of voting, etc. The right to vote gives people powerful channels of influence on political decision-making. However, this was not always the case.

AT ancient Greece slaves, foreigners, women and the poor were deprived of the right to vote. AT Ancient Rome for a long time, the plebeians, the predominant mass of the free (that is, not enslaved) population, were not allowed to vote. The property qualification limited the electoral rights of citizens not only in antiquity, but also in modern times. Poor white men were not allowed to vote in the 19th century. in advanced countries like the USA and England.

Under the US Constitution of 1787, thousands of black slaves were deprived of civil and human rights. It was not until 1870 that the 15th Amendment to the Constitution was adopted, granting the right to vote to blacks. However, after the withdrawal of federal troops from the South in 1877, the Negroes were practically deprived of the opportunity to vote. It was not until the 1920s that the Negroes began to achieve some success in expanding the right to participate in elections. Importance had laws of the 50-70s of the XX century, which removed restrictions on the participation of blacks in the electoral process. In South Africa, blacks were admitted to them only in the mid-90s.

American women did not have the right to vote until 1920. In the Netherlands, for example, in 1800 the electorate included only 12% of the adult population, by 1890 this figure had risen to 27%, in 1900 - to 63%. Here, the universal right to vote was introduced for men in 1917, and for women - in 1919. In England, this happened a little later - in 1928. Women received the right to vote in France in 1944, in Italy - in 1945. , in Greece - in 1956. In Switzerland, this symbol of civilization and stability, women were first admitted to the ballot box only in 1971.

In most countries, the process and procedures for election campaigns regulated by legislation. For example, Japan's strict electoral law prohibits making gifts to voters, attracting them with the promise of promotion, going around voters' houses for the purpose of election campaigning, etc. In Germany, it is forbidden to publish poll results public opinion two weeks before the election, and in England on election day. The use of mass media, especially television and radio, is sufficiently regulated. Thus, the general period of time allotted to the media for conducting election campaigns, the principles of its distribution between parties and candidates are established by law, a schedule is drawn up, in accordance with which total time broken down by day of the election campaign.

Vote- one of the most important forms of participation of citizens in the political life of the country. Along with it, there are others, in particular, organizing and participating in political and social movements, applying to parliament and local legislative bodies with proposals and projects, participating in meetings and rallies, campaigning for a particular party, working as a party functionary, membership in a political club or organization, monetary donations to the party.

The voting procedure in all countries is approximately the same. It includes the following main elements: 1) registration in the list of voters at the place of residence, 2) secret voting in a special booth, 3) the use of the same list of candidates for all constituencies, 4) the presence of third-party observers in the elections to control the correctness of the voting procedure, 5) counting of ballots by a specially created commission, 6) official publication of voting results.

Elections suggest that citizens in the voting process are offered two or more candidates, from among whom they can choose one by free will. In most countries, elections are held on an alternative basis, that is, voters are given the opportunity to choose one candidate from many. Elections may be held in one or two rounds. If none of the several candidates receives more than half of the votes, a second round is organized. Elections are a game between a candidate and a voter, the rules of which are determined by democratic procedure.

AT modern conditions for the majority of the population, the main, and often the only form of participation in politics is participation in the electoral process. General elections make it possible to reveal the alignment of political forces in the country as a whole, in a separate region, state, land, at the municipal level, in an electoral district, to determine the degree of voters' trust in a particular party, its specific leaders, candidates, program settings, etc. They allow voters to make a thoughtful, informed choice in favor of the party and program that, in their opinion, is most consistent with their positions and interests.

Three major principles underlie the regulation of election campaigns:

1. Ensuring equality of opportunity for all parties and candidates running in elections.

2. The requirement of loyalty, according to which candidates are required to behave respectfully towards their opponents.

3. The duty of non-interference of the state apparatus in the course of the election campaign.

The essence of the first condition is that all candidates in the elections are given the same maximum amount of campaign spending. At the same time, the amount of donations of individuals and organizations to the funds of election campaigns is limited. At the same time, the state in many campaigns. For example, in Russia it provides 30% of free airtime for election campaigning. At the same time, all parties and candidates are guaranteed the same time for speeches on radio and television.

Although pre-election etiquette does not allow for any kind of falsification, insulting the enemy, humiliating his honor and dignity, etc., in Russia, since 1992, the so-called “compromising war” has been constantly growing. In the course of this struggle, opponents issued negative and compromising information on practically every candidate and political party through the media, some of which turned out to be fabricated. This happens not only with us. If someone in the United States decides to vilely slander a neighbor, then in the event of a trial, this can be very expensive.

Another thing is the election campaign. Slander of candidates is not punishable! These are the rules of the game. It is not surprising that the candidates, irritated by complete impunity, "bath each other in the mud." Each state of the country has its own customs and traditions. If in the north, where immigrants from Scandinavia predominate, people and thoughts do not allow for the possibility of any fraud in elections, then in the south, the people, on the contrary, sincerely wonder how voting can take place without this. At the end of the 20th century in the United States, voters are forced to fill out questionnaires that indicate height, weight, eye and hair color. This is done so that there is no change. Each ballot paper and its stub has its own number - like on the dollar.

In the election campaign, not only traditional posters, stickers, badges are used, but sometimes the most unusual items. For example, in the US, one of the candidates used ... fly swatters that were given to voters. Clapping flies - and the name of the candidate on the handle flashes before your eyes. Don't forget to remember it!

The state structure and political life in a society largely determines the way in which the population expresses its will on key issues. One of them is the institution of the referendum. Referendum- the form of adoption of laws or the solution of the most important issues public life by popular vote. This is one of the forms of direct democracy. The referendum provides for the solution of the most important issues for society through a popular vote, the results of which have the highest legal status and are binding on all state bodies.

The referendum is used as a legislative mechanism by most of the world's democracies.

One of the main functions electoral system consists in the institutionalization of the political participation of citizens, the replacement of spontaneous, spontaneous, unorganized and often illegal (riot, uprising, etc.) forms of political action with legal, legal and legitimate ones.

Remember: What is the role of politics in society?What does the word "citizen" mean? What are the rights and obligations of a Russian citizen?

Consider: Can the average citizen influence politics? Who can participate in the management of state affairs? Why do people need political freedoms?

We have already said that depending on the policy pursued by the state, people live worse or better. Therefore, all sectors of society are interested in public policy took into account their interests. Politics is an area of ​​common interests, public life.


Public opinion researchers proposed to answer the question: “What is needed in order for you personally to participate more actively in public and political activity? Most of all there were such answers: “Confidence that this activity will bring a positive result”; “The desire to help people, including those in a difficult situation”; “The desire to protect the violated rights of one’s own, one’s loved ones”; "The ability to influence the actions of the authorities, the adoption of important decisions."

What are the possibilities of a citizen to influence the adoption of political decisions by the government? The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 32 establishes that citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.

Elections, referenda.

Governance of the state requires a comprehensive knowledge of the situation in the country, high professionalism in the adoption of laws. Therefore, citizens entrust this work to their representatives in the legislature. Citizens have the right to decide who exactly will represent their interests in the process of legislative activity.They make this decision in the elections.When voting for this or that party, this or that candidate, voters give preference to pre-election statements, programs that best suit their interests. Thus, they determine the direction of the legislative activity of senior officials.

Suffrage is universal. This means that it belongs to all citizens who have reached the age of 18, regardless of their social status, gender, nationality, religion, education, place of residence. The exception is persons held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict, as well as those recognized by the court as legally incompetent, that is, incapable of fully exercising their rights due to their mental, mental state. Universal suffrage is a sign of democracy. (Recall from the course of history whether suffrage in our country and foreign countries has always been universal.)

Suffrage is equal to: each elector has only one vote.

Elections in the Russian Federation are straight: The President, deputies of the State Duma and legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are directly elected by citizens. (Recall that in the United States, for example, citizens elect electors, and then the electors elect the President. Such elections are called multistage elections.) The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a period of 6 years, the State Duma - for a period of 5 years.

Elections in our country are held bysecret ballot:the will of the voter takes place in special booths, and other persons do not know for whom this voter voted.

Every citizen, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has the right to be elected to state authorities and local self-government bodies. An exception is established for those persons who cannot participate in elections. True, the age limit for election to government bodies may be higher (21 years for election as a deputy of the State Duma and 35 years, as well as residence in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years - for election as President of the Russian Federation). This right means that every citizen can become a candidate for election, but the citizens will choose the most worthy of the candidates of their own free will.

Citizens take a direct part in the management of the affairs of the state and referendum. This is the name of the nationwide vote on draft laws and other issues of national importance. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted at a referendum on December 12, 1993. During the referendum, the same principles apply as in the election of deputies. Elections and referendums are the most massive form of citizens' participation in the management of state affairs.

The right to equal access to public service.

Public service is a professional activity to ensure the execution of the powers of state bodies. In the civil service are officials (civil servants) holding positions in the central and local apparatus government controlled, in the judiciary and some other bodies.

According to the Constitution, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to equal access to public service. This means that every citizen can hold any public office without restrictions depending on race, nationality, gender, social origin, property status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations. This does not mean that any citizen who wishes can work, for example, in a ministry, regional administration, etc. There is a system of competitions: requirements for professional training, a certain procedure for appointment to public positions.

Citizens of Russia also have the right to participate in the implementation, or, as lawyers say, in the administration, of justice. This right can be exercised by holding positions in court (with the appropriate education, work experience, etc.), as well as by participating in justice as a juror.

Appeals to authorities.

In addition to the above, there are other ways and means to encourage the authorities to respond quickly to the economic, social, political needs of citizens.

One of these ways is the right to apply personally, as well as to send collective appeals to state bodies and local governments. Among these appeals, some concern the individual interests of citizens (the roof is leaking, and the housing office does not make repairs, etc.). This may be a complaint, i.e. an appeal, of a citizen demanding the restoration of a right violated by the action (or inaction) of individuals, organizations, state or self-government bodies (as in the example above). This may be a statement, i.e. an appeal, of a citizen with a request to exercise his right (for example, to receive a pension). It can also be a proposal, that is, a type of appeal that is not associated with a violation of the rights of citizens, but which raises questions about improving the activities of a state body, about the need and ways to solve a particular social problem. Obviously, the proposals, like certain statements, go beyond the scope of individual interest and concern the solution of issues of broad social significance. Appeals to the authorities can be sent by any person (including minors and foreigners), as well as by a group of persons, a public organization.

The laws of the Russian Federation establish strict deadlines for resolving issues raised in citizens' appeals. Civil servants who violate them, allowing red tape, may be held administratively liable.

Other ways of influencing power.

Citizens can also influence the policy of state power through public associations, political parties, using freedom of assembly, freedom of speech to express their demands to the authorities or to support certain political decisions.

Among the most important rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the freedom of assembly, rallies and demonstrations.


From Article 31 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

"Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, to hold meetings, rallies and demonstrations, marches and pickets."

Citizens can meet to discuss any issues of common interest to them. Meetings can be held at the place of residence or work, in public buildings (buildings, stadiums), on the streets, squares. A mass meeting on topical, mostly political, issues is called rally. They often gather at rallies to protest against government policies, the actions of any political forces, or to support them. In speeches and with the help of posters, the participants of the rally express their point of view on the events taking place.

Let us pay attention to the fact that there is freedom to hold only peaceful meetings and demonstrations, i.e. only those that do not threaten violent actions against other citizens. The laws of each country impose some restrictions on freedom of assembly. A gathering of people with weapons (even homemade ones) poses a threat to state and public security, a danger of violating the rights and freedoms of others. The same threat is posed by rallies at which people are called for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, racial and national hostility. Other restrictions are associated with the need to maintain public order: large crowds of people can interfere with the movement of transport, disturb the peace of citizens living nearby.

It is clear that we need a procedure for organizing meetings and rallies defined by law. In different countries, there is either a permissive or notification procedure for holding them, i.e. the organizers of a rally either send an application to the local authority that gives permission to hold a rally, or only notify (inform) about the place and time of its holding. But in all states (with any order of organization) the police have the right to use force against the participants of the rally if they violate the laws of the country. In these cases, if necessary, can be used special means(rubber batons, water cannons, tear gases).

Think about which procedure - permissive or notification - is more fully consistent with the observance of the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

All of the above also applies to street processions and demonstrations. Actually, the word "demonstration" means "march" or "rally", which provide an opportunity for mass expression of socio-political sentiments.

The meaning of freedom of speech.International human rights instruments proclaim: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression." No one has the right to prevent a person from adhering to his opinions. Everyone has the right to freely express their opinion. A person may seek, receive and impart information and ideas orally, in writing or through print or art forms expressions. Moreover, he can do this regardless of state borders.


From Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

  • 1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech...
  • 5. Freedom of the media is guaranteed. Censorship is prohibited."

For the real exercise of these rights and freedoms, it is necessary that political life proceed according to: people should be able to receive truthful and complete information about the work of government bodies, the activities of political parties and leaders, and the situation in the country. After all, in order to have your own opinion about something, you need to know about it as accurately as possible.

In our country for a long time there was censorship. Special government agency carried out viewing of newspapers and magazines, literary works, films, texts of radio programs intended for release. The censor who supervised could not authorize any publication. Some books and films could not reach readers and viewers for decades. Now there is no censorship. The fuller the guarantees of freedom of speech and the press, the stronger the democracy. It is very important that citizens have the right to apply to the press, to freely express their opinions and views in newspapers and magazines.

But freedom of speech and the press is not absolute. After all, if false information about a person is reported on the TV screen or in the newspaper, undermining his reputation,

it violates his rights. But, as we know, no one should use the rights and freedoms to infringe on the rights of other people. It may also be that the information reported from the TV screen or in the press sets some people against others, negatively affects their behavior, which often poses a threat to public order, health, morality of the population, and state security. Therefore, the law introduces some restrictions. Any propaganda for war is prohibited by law, and speeches in favor of national, racial or religious hatred, which constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, are also prohibited. Thus, the exercise of freedom of speech imposes a special responsibility. Those who use freedom to slander other people, disseminate false information, incite to violent actions may be prosecuted in accordance with the law.

The danger of political extremism.

As you may have noticed, political freedoms do not mean the possibility of irresponsible actions in the field of politics. Any political activity can be carried out only within the framework of laws and democratic traditions. However, some individuals, as well as public and religious associations or mass media, violate the established rules, resort to extreme measures in their activities that pose a threat to society, the state, and citizens. Such actions are usually called extremist (from Latin extremus - extreme). These in our country include the preparation and commission of actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation; undermining the security of the Russian Federation; seizure or appropriation of power. Extremist actions are the creation of illegal armed formations and the implementation of terrorist activities. The laws of the Russian Federation recognize the incitement of racial, national or religious hatred, as well as social hatred associated with violence or calls for violence, as dangerous manifestations of extremism; humiliation of national dignity; carrying out mass riots, hooligan actions and acts of vandalism based onideological, political, racial, national or religious hatred, as well as on the grounds of enmity against any social group. It is also propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation; propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols.

To counter extremism, it is necessary for citizens to cooperate with state bodies, public and religious associations in protecting civil rights and freedoms, maintaining law and order.

Is politics everyone's business?

Let's ask ourselves: do people want to get involved in politics? Are citizens interested in it? There is no single answer: some are interested, others are not.


In most European countries, as studies have shown, there are approximately equal numbers of people who are interested and not interested in politics. Studies conducted in our country also show that 48% of respondents show interest, 50% say they are not interested, and 2% found it difficult to answer. At the same time, the youngest and oldest citizens show less interest, and the middle age groups show a higher interest.

What, besides interest and desire, is necessary for participation in political life? Any business requires certain knowledge. Is it possible to imagine a doctor who does not know human anatomy and physiology, the science of diseases and methods of treatment? Or an engineer who does not know physics, mathematics, technology? It is clear that the first requirement for a person who wants to actively participate in political life is the political knowledge of the social structure, political system, government policy, various political organizations, major events our days. The study of history, the course of social science, the study of the laws of their republic, the speeches of prominent political figures, books and articles by political scientists, reading newspapers and magazines, participation in public life. But knowledge alone is not enough. It is necessary to determine one's own attitude towards the positions of various political parties and other organizations. It is necessary to be able to independently navigate political information, collect and systematize material on a particular issue, and correctly evaluate it. All these skills can be developed through active involvement in social and political life. Beliefs and Political Views person, knowledge and skills, the experience of his participation in public life characterize his political culture.

Test yourself

  1. Police squads were sent to the rally, authorized by the authorities, to maintain order. During the rally, its excited participants trampled the lawns on the square and broke the fences.Who, in your opinion, should compensate for the damage: the organizers of the rally or the police? Justify your answer.
  2. Do you agree with the following statement: “Freedom of the press is like a mirror reflecting the state and level of development of our democracy”? Justify your answer.
  3. The reforms being carried out in Russia are assessed positively by some newspapers and negatively by others. Do you think this "discordance" is normal? Explain your point of view.
  4. Explain how one person's use of freedom can infringe on the rights of another. Who should be responsible for the observance of the rights and freedoms of a citizen?
  5. Explain why freedom of speech, assembly, association is recognized as a condition normal development person and society.
  6. Select from newspapers and magazines (possibly from the Internet) materials that illustrate the main ideas of this paragraph.

Read the text, make a plan on the topic. Submit your quarantine assignment.

Political participation - these are the actions of a citizen in order to influence the adoption and implementation of state decisions, the choice of representatives in government institutions. This concept characterizes the involvement of members of a given society in the political process.

The scope of possible participation is determined by political rights and freedoms. In a democratic society, these include: the right to elect and be elected to public authorities, the right to participate in the management of state affairs directly and through their representatives; the right to join public organizations, including political parties; the right to hold rallies, demonstrations, marches and pickets; the right of access to public service; the right to appeal to government agencies.

Recall that the exercise of rights has boundaries (measures) and is regulated by laws, other regulations. Thus, the right of access to public service is limited to a certain register of public positions. The right to gather for meetings, demonstrations - indicating that they must be held peacefully, without weapons, after prior notification of the authorities - The organization and activities of political parties aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order, inciting social, racial, national, religious hatred etc.

Established regulatory restrictions, requirements and prohibitions are introduced in the interests of the security of the individual, society and the state, the protection of morality and public order.

Political participation can be indirect (representative) and direct (direct). Indirect participation is carried out through elected representatives. Direct participation is the impact of a citizen on power without intermediaries. It appears in the following forms:

  • the reaction of citizens (positive or negative) to the impulses emanating from the political system;
  • periodic participation in actions related to the election of representatives, with the transfer of decision-making powers to them;
  • participation of citizens in the activities of political parties, socio-political organizations and movements;
  • influence on political processes through appeals and letters, meetings with political figures;
  • direct actions of citizens (participation in rallies, pickets, etc.);
  • activity of political leaders.

The designated forms of political activity can be group, mass and individual. Thus, the average citizen who wants to influence politics usually joins a group, party or movement whose political positions coincide or are close to his own. A party member, for example, being active in the affairs of his organization and election campaigns, has a constant and most effective impact on the authorities. (Explain why.)

Often, citizens, groups or collectives, outraged by the injustice of a state decision, demand its revision. They apply with petitions, letters and statements to the relevant authorities, on radio and television, in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines. The problem acquires public resonance and forces the authorities, as already noted, to change or correct their decision.

Mass actions can have no less effectiveness. For example, in Russia there are rallies of teachers, doctors, miners against late payment of wages, deteriorating working conditions or growing unemployment. Political scientists call these forms of protest, because they are people's negative reaction to the current situation in society.

The most developed and extremely important form of political participation is democratic elections. This is a necessary minimum of political activity guaranteed by constitutions. Within the framework of the institution of elections, each full-fledged citizen performs his individual action, voting for any party, any candidate or political leader. By adding his vote to the votes of other voters who have made the same choice, he directly affects the composition of people's representatives, and hence the political course. Therefore, participation in elections is a responsible matter. Here one should not succumb to first impressions and emotions, because there is a great danger of falling under the influence of populism. Populism (from Latin populus - people) is an activity whose goal is to ensure popularity among the masses at the cost of unfounded promises, demagogic slogans, appeals to the simplicity and clarity of the proposed measures. Election promises require a critical attitude.

Elections are closely related to referendums - voting on legislative or other issues. Thus, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted at a national referendum.

Political participation can be permanent (membership in a party), periodic (participation in elections), one-time (appeal to authorities). Nevertheless, it is always directed, as we found out, to do something (change the situation, choose new composition legislature) or to prevent something (deterioration of people's social conditions).

Unfortunately, in every society some groups of citizens shy away from participating in politics. Many of them believe that they are outside the political games. In practice, such a position, called absenteeism, strengthens a certain political line and can cause damage to the state. For example, non-attendance at elections can disrupt them and thereby paralyze the most important parts of the political system. Citizens who boycott elections sometimes get involved in political processes, especially in conflict situations where their interests are affected. But political participation can be disappointing, because it is far from always effective. Much here depends on whether political action is rational or irrational. The first is conscious and planned actions, with an understanding of goals and means. The second is actions motivated mainly by the emotional state of people (irritation, indifference, etc.), impressions of ongoing events. In this connection special meaning acquires the normativity of political behavior, i.e., compliance with political rules and norms. So, even a sanctioned and organized rally can have unpredictable consequences if its participants act mostly irrationally and not according to the rules (permit hooligan antics, insult opponents, desecrate state symbols). Violent, extremist forms of behavior, a variety of which is terrorism, are extremely dangerous. (What are its goals, essence and consequences? If there are difficulties, refer to task 3.)

We emphasize that violence and enmity give rise only to violence and enmity. The alternative to this is civil consent. Recently, new mechanisms of political communication between people have been formed: public control over the observance of political norms, forecasting the consequences of political actions, and a constructive dialogue of political forces. This requires a new democratic political culture from the participants in the political process.