Characteristics of Nikolenka from the story "Childhood" by L. N

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 6 classes | Lesson planning for the school year | Cyclic algorithms

Lesson 32
Cyclic algorithms
Practical work No. 15
"PowerPoint. Skipping rope "

Algorithm presentations

Cyclic algorithms
(Algorithms with repetitions)

Along with algorithms in which steps are performed strictly one after another (linear) or algorithms in which the sequence of actions depends on a particular condition (branching), there are algorithms in which actions are repeated.

Check out the following algorithm.

1. Start.
2. Do your homework.
3. Repeat action_2 until you have done all the lessons.
4. End.

This is a cyclic algorithm, described verbally.

Synonyms: cycle - repetition. Examples: school timetable, change of seasons, change of day and night.

A cyclic algorithm is an algorithm in which some steps are repeated several times depending on a given value or condition.

The loop body is the steps of the algorithm that are performed several times (contains at least one action).

Practical work No. 15
"PowerPoint. Skipping rope "

The final result of the presentation "PowerPoint. Skipping rope "

We create a presentation "Jump rope"

1. Launch the PowerPoint program. Create a new presentation.

2. Using the tools on the Draw panel, draw a picture of a girl jumping rope on four blank slides. It might look like this, for example:

When creating each next slide, try to use the image on the previous slide as much as possible.

3. When all four slides are ready, in the menu slide show select a team Presentation setup. Check box continuous loop until key is pressed (Esc) and click on the button OK. This mode cycles through the slide show.

4. Set the slide change on click and start your presentation.

5. Start your presentation in automatic slide change mode.

6. Complete the slides as you wish. For example, you can use as a background picture Housecreated by you earlier in the Paint graphics editor.

7. Save the work in your own folder under the name Rope.

Now we are able

Organize a continuous cyclic demonstration of the presentation.

Lesson of Russian literature in the 7th grade based on the work of L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood"

Lesson topic: Happy irretrievable time of childhood.

Lesson form:

Round table discussion (work in groups, expert group).

The purpose of the lesson:

  • learn to analyze a work of art,
  • give a moral assessment to the heroes of the work; develop Creative skills students.

Tasks: analyze the actions of the heroes of the work.

Valeologization of the educational process.

Entrance to the lesson.

Physical education and exercise. Speech by a valeologist.

1. An emotional component that motivates the activity of students in the lesson (inclusion of students in work).

Good afternoon guys!

Today we have a literature lesson on the topic: " Happy, irretrievable time of childhood."

I hope that today we will succeed.

Guys, do you like literature lessons? What does she teach you?

Literature is art. I invite you to immerse yourself in this magical world. (View video clip.)

A little man is born into the world, a bundle of happiness. What will he be like? Who will he become? What talents and abilities will he have? Unknown.

Nature scatters abilities and talents without looking. And yet each of you has the right to choose. You can become a good man, but maybe bad. You just need to find the right path for yourself, which you are going to follow along the Road of Life. Look around you and you will see that people behave differently. If Masha's pigtail is pulled, Masha clenches her fists and hits back, if Tanya's pigtail is pulled, Tanya yells and runs to tattle. If Petya draws an airplane, but the result is a frog, Petya tears the drawing into pieces and breaks the pencil, if Vasya draws an airplane, but the result is a frog, then he draws again and again.

Be sure to see yourself properly, to honestly figure out what's what. Determining the shape of your own nose is not difficult, there are mirrors for this, but how to determine the stamina and strength of your own heart? Invites to talk about it the topic of our lesson.

To plunge into the world of childhood, we will be helped by a work that has tremendous moral power, which is necessary for an adult. The heroes of these works are your peers, and this becomes decisive. Let's think about the happiness and unhappiness of childhood, about good and evil, about the relationship and mutual understanding of adults and children in this work and about their actions.

We have little time, so for more efficient work we will divide into 4 groups. For each group, I have prepared tasks and we will perform these tasks step by step.

In the story “Childhood”, several days have passed in front of us in the life of a boy. The world of a noble family of the 19th century is drawn.

What kind of people surround the main character of the work? How do they influence him? what moral deeds does Nikolenka Irtenyev perform? We will talk about this today.

For more efficient work, let's divide into 4 groups.

I will distribute worksheets to each group. We are getting ready to answer these questions. Prepare answers orally or you can write them on the same sheets of paper.

Distribution of assignment materials.

In addition to 4 groups, we will also have specialists.

Valeologist. (The doctor who will give practical advice on the preservation, promotion of health. A specialist with a medical education) today we will perform the role of a valeologist (full name of the student)

As a linguist (full name of the student)

Task 1 group

1. Which hero of the work says: “So you love me very much? See always love me, never forget. If your (mother) is not there, will you not forget her? Don't you forget, Nikolenka? “She kisses me even more tenderly.”

What is her name?

Irteneva Natalya Nikolaevna (Maman) - Nikolenka's mother.

2. Find her description.

The narrator describes her as follows: “When I try to remember my mother as she was at that time, only her Brown eyes always expressing the same kindness and love, a mole on the neck, a little lower than the place where small hairs curl, an embroidered white collar, a tender dry hand that so often caressed me and which I kissed so often. In her smile, as noted, all the beauty of the face.

3. Tell about her attitude towards others. Find by text.

Task 2 group

1. About whom does Leo Tolstoy write?

He was a man of the last century and had, in common with the youth of that century, the elusive character of chivalry, enterprise, self-confidence, courtesy and revelry. He looked contemptuously at the people of this age, and this look came as much from innate pride as from secret annoyance that in our age he could not have either the influence or the success that he had in his.

Irteniev Petr Alexandrovich (Papa) - count, head of the Irtenev family, father of Nikolenka.

2. Tell us what you remember about him.
Large, stately height, a strange, small step gait, a habit of twitching a shoulder, small always smiling eyes, a large aquiline nose, irregular lips that somehow awkwardly but pleasantly folded, a lack of pronunciation - trampling, and a large bald head over the whole head. The narrator realizes that his father's appearance is not very happy, but at the same time notes that everyone liked him with her, without exception, and was lucky. The narrator admits that for him his father was the highest being, he loves and puts him high, although he does not take a special part in the life of his son. “His two main passions in life were cards and women ..

The main guide of his life and actions is happiness and pleasure.

3. His attitude towards others. Give examples from the text.

Assignment 3 group.

« Her whole life was love and self-sacrifice.L.N. Tolstoy

1. About whom in question?

2. How does he remember Natalya Savishna?

Before us is the difficult, full of deprivation, suffering, the life of a simple serf woman. Fate was cruel to her. But with true Christian patience, without complaining about her fate, she bears her cross.

3. What is the main thing in the heroine?

4. What is your attitude towards her?

She has no husband, but how rich her life is, how high light she is gifted with love. The main thing in it is love for people. Inexhaustible diligence, peasant mind, feeling dignity, pride. Natalya Savishna is illuminated by the inner light of a loving, suffering soul.

Natalya Savishna- a housekeeper, in the past a yard girl, then a maid and nanny to Nikolenka's mother. A type of selflessly devoted servant who selflessly devotes her whole life to her masters (cf. Arina Rodionovna in A. S. Pushkin). Her story is as follows: already after she was taken into the master's house, she wanted to marry a young lively waiter Fok, but the narrator's grandfather considered this ingratitude on her part and exiled her to a barnyard in a steppe village. However, no one could replace N.S., she was returned, and she, in turn, repented before the master and asked to forget her former nonsense. Having received her freedom after twenty years of faithful service, she was deeply wounded. After the death of his mother, Nikolenka in N.S.’s room listens with bated breath to her simple-hearted explanations about the fact that the soul of a righteous person, before going to heaven, toils for another forty days. He is also struck by her sudden transition from talking about the holy and mysterious to grouchiness and petty calculations, in which he later sees the sincerity of grief, which does not want and does not know how to pretend.

After the departure of the Irtenevs from the village, she is bored with idleness, a year after the death of Nikolenka's mother, dropsy opens in her. For two months she suffers from an illness, enduring torment with Christian patience, and accepts death as a blessing, after first asking everyone for forgiveness for the offenses that she could inflict on them, and thanking for the favors shown to her. The narrator recalls this old woman as a "rare, wonderful creature" whose whole life was love and self-sacrifice and who had "such a strong and good influence on my direction and development of sensitivity"

Assignment 4 group

1.What is the name of the next character in the story?

As now I see before me a long figure in a padded robe and in a red cap, from under which sparse gray hair is visible.

He was out of sorts. You could tell by his knitted eyebrows and the way he threw his frock coat into the chest of drawers, and how angrily he girded himself and how hard he scribbled on the book of dialogues with his fingernail to mark the place. up to which we had to confirm.

2. Find its description and talk about it.

3. How does he feel about the Irtenev family? Examples from the text.

4. How does Nikolenka feel about him?

Karl Ivanovich (Mauer) - German, teacher, tutor. Appears at the very beginning of the story "Childhood" flapping flies over the head of the sleeping Nikolenka Irtenyev, which causes dissatisfaction with the awakened pupil. Tolstoy emphasizes the eccentricity of K.I. and his kindness, but also the difference between the behavior of the hero in the nursery and in the classroom, where he no longer acts as a good-natured uncle, but as a mentor, with glasses on his nose and a book in his hand. Most of the time K. I. spends reading, and at this time on his face there is a calm and majestic expression. “All things of K.I. are laid out in orderly order, neatly in their place.
K. I. considers himself unhappy from birth, or, as he himself says, distorting Russian words in a German way, “Isho in the womb of my matri.”

His life is long rich story, which the hero tells the children: he is the illegitimate son of Count von Zomerblat, out of generosity went to military service instead of his brother, whom his father loved more than him, he fought with the French, was captured, fled, worked at a rope factory; returning home, he was almost arrested as a deserter, fled again, was hired by the Russian general Sazin, and only then got to the Irtenevs. Parting with their family, when Nikolenka's father is going to take on a new French tutor, is experienced as a drama.

General task.

Students from my school have sent a surprise for you. Let's get a look.

Here is the black box. Guess what items are here. What subjects does the author focus on?

(I distribute these items to groups).

Samovar. Who is this item related to? Which group will tell about samovars.

What do you know about samovars. Let's listen to the linguists.

Box. Who is this item related to? Which group will talk about the chests.

Cards. Who is this item related to? Which group will talk about the cards.

What do you know about this subject. What do linguists tell us?

Glasses, book, ruler.Who is this item related to?

Which of these items are symbols?

Box. Considering that the chest was usually prepared in ancient times by every marriageable girl. A symbol of hope, something precious.

The samovar is a symbol of the family.

Cards- a symbol of frivolity, an easy attitude to life.

Glasses, books- a symbol of the mind, wisdom.

They are symbols.

Work with all groups.

Let's move on to the image of the protagonist of the story.

Who the protagonist works? (Nikolenka Irteniev)

Tell us what you learned about him. How do you imagine Nikolenka?

A lively, observant child, sensitive to any manifestation of injustice, vulnerable, can easily be offended, but also moves away quickly, does not remember evil.

Why do you think I took this image as the latest.

Under the influence of what is the character of the hero formed? (Under the influence of What is good? (the life of the mother, Natalia Savishna, Karl Ivanovich);


Because it was these characters that left a deep mark on Nikolenka's soul.

Work according to the scheme

Nikolenka Irteniev, Natalia Nikolaevna, Petr Alexandrovich,Natalya Savishna,Karl Ivanich.

In what atmosphere did Nikolenka live, how did those around him treat him? Schematically show the attitude of each of the characters to Nikolenka.

The writer's reasoning about the importance of feelings and experiences in childhood is important. And what a deep imprint they left in the soul.

Teacher: Yes, it is an atmosphere of love, joy and happiness. Everyone loved Nikolenka: mother, father, Karl Ivanovich, Natalya Savishna. The boy is surrounded by love, lives in a kind, good family. Perhaps life should be easy, carefree, happy?

Now, guys, let's get some rest. So, we closed our eyes, remember our relatives, grandfather. grandmother, father, dear kind mother ...

We open our eyes and smile at each other.

Scroll through the most joyful, bright episodes in his life.

Communication with parents, open joys of pure prayers. In which chapter can this be read? "Childhood" (Happy, happy irretrievable time of childhood!)

Were there things in his life that he was ashamed of? (The episode with Karl Ivanovich, the incident with the tablecloth.)

A feeling of grief, an ardent desire to help Karl Ivanovich. (He loves him equally with his father!) The desire for harmony between all people and the desire to help them. He suffers, seeing children's injustice not to himself personally, but to other people.

What thought makes Nikolenka worry, suffer, even cry?

(He suffers from the fact that he thinks badly of people, and they are better, kinder than him.)

And most importantly - he blames, executes himself for unworthy not only deeds, but even words and thoughts! But this is the torment of a sensitive child's conscience.

can you give examples from the text?

For example: the case with the tablecloth.

What interests Tolstoy more: external events or something else? ((human soul)

The soul of the protagonist Nikolenka is open to all the impressions of childhood, knows how to analyze his actions, suffer because of his misdeeds.

Does he know how to analyze his actions, to suffer because of his misdeeds?

He knows how to analyze his actions, to suffer because of his misdeeds.

Having suffered, he becomes better, purer in soul.

He acquires high wisdom, true love for people, selflessness, honesty, kindness.

Which episode of the chapter impressed you the most?

What interests Tolstoy more - an act or his moral sense? (Much attention is paid by the author to the experiences and thoughts of N.I.)

Conclusions on the work of the groups: So, summing up everything that has been said, we can say that Tolstoy is a great connoisseur of the human soul.

Interview with students on questions.

Goodwill, sincerity of the family, warm relations between households, parents and children. Gentle, soft, meek intonation of love and kindness.

Probably it's time to give the floor to the valeologist.

4. Message of the valeologist.

Now a lot of good feelings have been named: tenderness, goodwill, affection ... But there are feelings that destroy our health. Remember: you are evil - your intestines will always hurt; you cry a lot - your kidneys will hurt; very restless, you allow yourself unreasonable antics - the liver, stomach will suffer, the protective field that protects you from colds will collapse. And what harm does foul language cause to your health!

The last pages of the story are closed. What can you think about?

What to think about?

What is good? (life of mother, Natalya Savishna, Karl Ivanovich);

What is evil, is it inevitable in life?

What is suffering and is it possible to live without them?

What is happiness? What is the "misfortune" of childhood?

What should a person be like in order to live a happy and dignified life?

11. Homework. Prepare a small creative work on the topic "My attitude to relatives"

Try to do good to people, not to bring them pain and suffering. Cherish every moment of your childhood, because this is “a happy, irrevocable time”!

Clip preview.

Thank you for the lesson.

And at the end of the lesson, I invite you to tea drinking at the samovar.

It is rare to find among European and, in particular, Russian writers a rival to Tolstoy in hard work on his works. Tolstoy printed a lot, but he wrote many times more, almost always preceding the final text with a long chain of rough sketches ... Dozens and hundreds of sheets written for the developing "Childhood", "War and Peace", etc., were rejected by him, and the work began all over again... “A terrible thing is our work. No one knows this except us ... ”he wrote to Fet.

“You need to write in draft, without considering the place and the correctness of the expression of thoughts. Rewrite for the second time, excluding all unnecessary and giving the real place to each thought. Rewrite for the third time, processing the correctness of expressions. The alteration of what Tolstoy wrote, as a rule, was carried out not twice, as planned in the diary entry, but much more ...

What was written and corrected was usually copied not by Tolstoy himself, but by his relatives and friends. As Tolstoy's fame grew, the number of copyists increased; From the beginning of the 1900s, a typewriter appeared in Yasnaya Polyana, which facilitated and at the same time multiplied the number of copies that Tolstoy constantly corrected ...

Tolstoy usually worked from morning to afternoon. “In the morning the head is especially fresh,” he wrote. Tolstoy's work, as a rule, was regular and systematic... "I think that every great artist must create its own forms. If the content works of art can be infinitely varied, so is their form. And then Tolstoy lists the best works Russian literature (including his "Childhood").

N. K. Gudzii

Questions and tasks

  1. Briefly convey the meaning of the texts of I. F. Smolnikov “In mid-nineteenth century ... "and N. K. Gudziya" How Tolstoy worked ". Consider a portrait of Tolstoy. What do you think of the personality of the writer?
  2. Is the work of a writer instructive for you? Read the story "Childhood" in full.

Enrich your speech

  1. Choose from the given passages of the story the reflections of the hero. Think about what thoughts disturb him, how his “ruthlessness to himself” helps self-improvement.
  2. Prepare a dialogue with a classmate about the heroes of Leo Tolstoy.


L. N. Tolstoy.
"Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth"

Goals: introduce the trilogy, the main character of the story "Childhood"; note the children's rejection of vices, the desire to correct oneself; emphasize the influence of the mother and her sister, who taught children to simply love; pay attention to sympathy for someone else's grief and class attitude towards people; note the skill in describing the appearance of the characters; help to feel the hero's regret about the past childhood, his sincerity in relation to people.

Methodical techniques: selective reading of chapters, analytical conversation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. Tell (act) a dialogue for the school radio: “What is so scary about a self-satisfied nonentity”?

2. Reading and peer review 2-3 satirical tales on the plot of school life.

IV. Exploring a new topic.

1. Reading the textbook material (p. 276) and talking about questions.

What was the significance for Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana? (She is a cradle, she introduced people to life, with folk songs, fairy tales, legends, epics. She taught him to love. S. 276.)

Who is the main character of the story "Childhood"? (Nikolenka Irteniev.)

2. The word of the teacher.

Autobiographical prose is usually based on a living memory of the past, the authenticity of immediate impressions. Think about who owns the words below: the author or the hero Nikolenka Irteniev. Why did you decide so? What thoughts and feelings are conveyed in them?

“Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me. (Of course, these are the reflections of an adult, for whom childhood is a distant past. And memories of him, of what happened, "elevate the soul", i.e. make it better, be like wonderful people met on life path remember and love the closest people - mother and father.)

So, the main character of the autobiographical story is Nikolenka Irteniev.

3. Reading by the teacher of a chapter from the story "Childhood".

4. Analytical conversation (about the mother) on issues.

What feeling is imbued with the author's memories of his mother? (Love, adoration. He remembered the individual features of “a beloved creature: brown eyes that always expressed the same kindness and love” for everyone, a tender dry hand, which he kissed when she caressed him. Of the clothes, he remembered only an embroidered white collar. memory retained not the general expression of the image of the mother, but only its details.)

What else did the author remember in the portrait of his mother? (The smile that made the beautiful and kind face of the mother beautiful. The eyes shone with kindness and joy. The smile added charm to her face. And it seemed that everything around was shining with happiness and joy. And if, according to the author, in difficult moments of life, at least for a moment to see that smile, “I wouldn’t know what grief is.”)

How did the mother treat the servants? (“Wait a minute, Mimi,” said Marya Ivanovna with a smile ... ““ Put it on, Karl Ivanovich,” said mother, when he raised his hat over his head. Natalya Nikolaevna did not express either impatience or annoyance when she I had to repeat my question, did the children sleep peacefully, three times.)

Why did the author “unwittingly” shudder when asked why he was crying? (“It was I who cried in my dream…” It was a lie. He could not explain the reason for the tears, so as not to upset his mother. But to lie to her, this kind, pure, heavenly being, was a great sin for him…)

5. Teacher reading the chapter “What Kind of Man Was My Father?” pp. 282–284.

6. Conversation on questions.

What is the portrait of the father? (S. 282.)

How did those around him treat him? (Everyone liked him, especially those who wanted to be liked. In dealing with people, he kept the border of pride and arrogance. He skillfully hid the unsightly aspects of life from others, avoiding grief. In a word, the author’s father is a born artist, an expert in all things that bring convenience and pleasures, and he knew how to use them. My father communicated with the relatives of his wife, the author’s mother, and friends of his youth, being angry with them, of course, in his heart for having succeeded in the service and “grew far away in ranks” from him. music, sang; he liked folk music.

Conclusion. The author's father lived for himself, thinking only about his own pleasures (cards, women). His life was full of all sorts of hobbies, and he never thought about whether his hobbies were pleasant to others, whether his wife and children were happy, he was so happy in life that he did not see the need (in moral convictions).

V. Summing up the lesson.

How does the mother appear to the hero of the story? When did her face get even better?

What was his father like and what was characteristic of him (his relationship with other people, the features of his clothes, his attitude to music, books, the ability to speak)?

L. N. Tolstoy. STORY "Childhood". chapter "classes"

Goals: to teach to analyze the read chapters of the story in order to identify the motives and reasons for the actions of the characters; develop speech through answers to questions, memory, attention.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

1. At home you read the chapter "Classes". Tell us how children studied at the beginning of the last century. (Children studied at home, worked with them home teacher and caregiver. He gave assignments in the subjects themselves and immediately asked the answers of his students.)

2. Read the description of the classroom. What is interesting about the inhabitants of this room and their activities tells the interior?

Karl Ivanovich, with glasses on his nose and a book in his hand, was sitting in his usual place, between the door and the window. To the left of the door were two shelves: one was ours, the children's, the other was Karl Ivanych's, his own. On ours there were all sorts of books - educational and non-educational: some were standing, others were lying. Only two large volumes of "Histoire des voyages" (" General History travels”), in red bindings, decorously rested against the wall; and then there were long, thick, large and small books - crusts without books and books without crusts (...)

Landcards hung on the other wall, all almost torn, but skilfully pasted over by the hand of Karl Ivanovich. On the third wall, in the middle of which there was a downward door, two rulers hung on one side: one was cut, ours, the other was brand new, his own, used by him more for encouragement than for ruling; on the other, a black board, on which our big misdeeds were marked with circles and small ones with crosses. To the left of the board was a corner where we were put on our knees (...)

In the middle of the room stood a table covered with a tattered black oilcloth, under which in many places one could see the edges cut with penknives. There were several unpainted stools around the table, but from long use of varnished stools. The last wall was occupied by three windows.

(Everything in this room says that they are studying here: books, maps, rulers, a table with stools, a blackboard ... But each item also tells about people: the teacher Karl Ivanovich and his students. And it turns out that almost a century and a half ago the children were also sometimes lazy, and, worrying or thinking about something extraneous, they could cut the table with a knife or tear the map, and were not averse to looking out the window, dreaming that the lesson would end quickly. knees, or circles and crosses on a black board.

A lot has also been said about Karl Ivanovich: about his strictness, accuracy, desire to assert independence (his own things), and much more.)

3. Conversation on questions.

- Briefly describe the content of the chapter.

- Why was Karl Ivanovich out of sorts? (S. 285. "...t now the children have become big, they need to study seriously ... Yes, now I have become no longer needed, and I must be driven away; where are the promises? where is the gratitude?

- What is the relationship between Karl Ivanovich and the father of the protagonist?
(S. 286. "I know whose jokes these are ... to tell the truth ...".)

- How does Nikolenka perceive what he hears? (“... I was upset that I could not do anything.” From tears and sobs, I could not pronounce the dialogue and was punished, although Karl Ivanovich understood the injustice of punishment.)

– How is the character characterized by his thoughts about Karl Ivanovich and his father? (S. 286. "I sympathized ... there was agreement between them.")

III. Study of new chapter story - "Natalya Savishna".

1. Reading the chapter by the teacher.

2. Conversation on questions.

- For what was the girl Natashka punished and exiled to the steppe village to the barnyard? (For the love of the lordly waiter. She is a serf, she has no right to love, to personal happiness. Her duty is to serve the masters and live for them, only for them.)

Why was she returned to her masters? («… n no one could replace Natalya ... "And if she is irreplaceable, why should she be punished if she gave her heart and soul to the masters even before punishment ?! Because she wished a little personal happiness?! Natashka returned (otherwise the servants were not called) insulted, humiliated, devastated. She didn't even think about love. “Returning in a robe (simple peasant clothes) from exile; she came to her grandfather, fell at his feet and asked him to return her mercy, affection and forget the nonsense that had been found on her and which, she swore, would never return. Indeed, she kept her word.")

- Why did you refuse freestyle? (S. 289-290. Where should she go now? "Since then ... is she happy? Satisfied?")

Assignment: "I got mad at her once." For what? (S. 291, 5, 6th paragraph)

What was the main character thinking about as he walked around the room? (S. 291. “How! Natalya Savishna ... No, this is terrible! ..” ... The future master lives in the boy, until he himself realizes this. Class education made itself felt.)

Conclusion. The master and the servant, the landowner and the peasant, the serf and the serf... The line between them is not erased, no matter how the masters treat their servants. “... what a rare, wonderful creature this old woman was”, and suddenly “... just Natalya, you tell me”, “... how to repay the impudent Natalya for the insult inflicted on me.” And for Natalya, who has grown old in the house of her masters, the boy is “my father”.

- What does the interior of the room in which Natalya Savishna lives say about her mistress? (The room where a person lives can tell a lot about the character, habits, and occupation of the tenant. Natalya Savishna runs the household in the Irtenev family, so her chests "had absolutely everything." In the blue chest - on the lid is a drawing of Volodya - Nikolenka's brother - proof of how dear Natalya Savishna is every sign of attention of her beloved children.Ochakovo smoking, brought by Nikolenka's grandfather from Turkey and carefully preserved by Natalya Savishna, is also a memory of the past years of faithful service and devotion.)

IV. Summing up the lesson.

- Does the character of Natalya Savishna seem interesting to you?

Why did she decide not to take freedom? Do you approve of her decision?

L. N. Tolstoy. STORY "Childhood". chapter "childhood"

Goals: reveal the world of thoughts and conflicting feelings of the protagonist; show the generosity of the people who love him; to show Tolstoy's skill in depicting the movements of the soul.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Find out which character is being referred to in the above passage. What is she? How does Nikolenka feel about it and how is the author?

“She not only never spoke, but also did not think, it seems, about herself; her whole life was love and selflessness. I was so accustomed to her disinterested, tender love for us that I did not imagine that it could be otherwise, I was not at all grateful to her and never asked myself questions: is she happy? is it enough?

Sometimes, under the pretext of a necessary need, you would run from a lesson to her room, sit down and start dreaming aloud, not at all embarrassed by her presence. She was always busy with something: either knitting a stocking, or rummaging through the chests with which her room was filled, or writing down linen and, listening to every nonsense that I say (...), she would say: “Yes, my father, yes ". Usually, when I got up and was about to leave, she opened a blue chest, on the inside of which - as I remember now - there were pasted a painted image of some hussar, a picture from a lipstick jar and a drawing of Volodya, - she took out smoking from this chest, lit it and , waving, said:

This, father, is still Ochakov smoking. When your dead grandfather - the kingdom of heaven - went under the Turk, they brought him from there. That’s the last piece left,” she added with a sigh.

In the chests with which her room was filled, there was absolutely everything.

This passage is about Natalya Savishna. All her life she selflessly served the Irtenev family, she was unusually modest and kind, she treated all family members with love, especially children. Nikolenka loved Natalya Savishna, but not only never tried to please her, to take care of her, but even when, on behalf of her mothers, Natalya Savishna punished him for ruining the tablecloth, he was indignant like a true barchon: how the serf dared to punish him. The author not only describes the kind old woman with extraordinary love and tenderness, but also recalls with belated regret how little true warmth and attention that she deserved, he once showed to her.

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Study of the chapter "Childhood".

1. Commented reading.

Task: draw an oral picture (using a textbook) of a boy falling asleep at the table.

What does he see through his slumber? (Look and smile.)

What does it feel? (The touch of a “gentle hand,” a “wonderful gentle hand,” hears a “cute” voice.)

What kind of feeling do the memories of parting breathe before going to bed? (Love filled his heart, it was a need, it gave strength. And nothing was needed except innocent gaiety and the boundless need of love.)

Conclusion. L. N. Tolstoy carefully preserved the spiritual image of his mother. "She seemed to me such a high, pure, spiritual being that often... I prayed to her soul, asking her to help me, and this prayer always helped a lot."

The elder brother Nikolenka was very similar to his mother. They were related by “indifference to the judgments of other people and modesty, reaching the point that they tried to hide the mental, educational and moral advantages that they had over other people. They seemed to be embarrassed by these advantages.” And another amazing feature attracted Tolstoy in these expensive creatures - they never condemned anyone. Once in the "Lives of the Saints" Dm. Rostov Tolstoy read a story about a monk who had many shortcomings, but after his death found himself among the saints. He deserved it by the fact that in his entire life he never condemned anyone. And Maria Nikolaevna, Tolstoy's mother, faced with injustice, used to blush all over, even cry, but she would never say a rude word. And Tolstoy himself, talking about his father, did not utter a single word of condemnation.

At the end of the chapter, Tolstoy asks: “Will that freshness, carelessness, the need for love and the strength of faith that you possess in childhood ever return? What time can be better than when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need for love - were the only motivations in life? .. Has life left such heavy traces in my heart that these tears and raptures have departed from me forever?

What worries Tolstoy when he thinks about childhood?

V. Summing up the lesson.

A feature of the hero of the story "Childhood" is that he constantly thinks about the manifestation of his feelings and is often "merciless to himself."

What interests Tolstoy more - an act or its moral meaning?

Do you always critically evaluate your actions and feelings? Are you at the same time "merciless" to yourself?

Homework: prepare an answer to question-task 5 (p. 294); read the article by N. K. Gudziy “How Tolstoy worked”.

Dialogue with a classic

Letter to Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Hello, dear Lev Nikolaevich! I am a big fan of your work, but I would never have thought that someday I would undertake to write these lines. After all, I am a person who reads a little classical works and rarely writes letters to anyone. But my desire to write is simply unstoppable, because I want to write to you about the place you and your work occupy not only in my life, but also in the lives of other people who are fond of your works.

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for writing a lot good works, which many people know not only in our country, but also far beyond its chapels. You have made a huge contribution, both to Russian literature and to world literature, thereby glorifying Russia and, of course, yourself. Your work has passed through the centuries, and I am sure that it will not lose its relevance in many years. Because in your works there are answers to questions that concern every person.
One example of such works is your most famous work"War and Peace". This epic novel conquered millions of people, and the heroes of this work will forever remain in the hearts of readers. Each hero of this novel is a person with an incredible destiny. Some are happy to know what mutual love is and to be loved, while others know all its worst sides and curse this feeling. When I read this novel, I plunged into another world. In times of chic outfits, balls, courageous deeds, pure and boundless love. Throughout the novel, new sides of the characters are revealed to us, their disputes with each other and the inner search for oneself. You showed it so vividly, emotionally and realistically that, while reading this work, I fell in love, hated, rejoiced and experienced along with the characters. I don’t have exactly one favorite character in this work, because they are all different and unusual, and their problems and actions are so modern that I can say that this eternal images. Take, for example, Pierre Bezukhov. This novel describes his spiritual quest, his reflections on the meaning of life. Don't people now think about it? Of course! Young people are just as worried about the future, trying to find themselves, their place in life, as they did several centuries ago. They ask questions about love, as Natasha Rostova did, they are worried about the attitude of fathers and children, as Andrei Bolkonsky was worried about. This is what makes the work so relevant, famous, and most importantly - eternal, and you - an amazingly talented writer, because not everyone can describe life in this way, and thereby help to understand oneself. And despite the fact that now the number of people reading has significantly decreased, I am sure that such works as “War and Peace” will help more than one generation find the meaning of life for themselves, learn to think deeply, understand themselves and try to make the world a better place. .
Sincerely, your admirer Natasha Mamchich.