Who does Slava Nikitin meet? Tereshina's ex-husband: Rotten scum, I'll smash your face and your homeless boyfriend

Don't sleep!

Born in Novosibirsk, and from the time when Slava Nikitin went to kindergarten, he describes the events of his life with undisguised irony. Kindergarten for him was a prison, where after dinner forced to sleep! Sadikov's years are remembered only because of his friends. There he had his first love and a friend who ate all the snow in the area. In general, invite Vyacheslav Nikitin to an event, to a holiday, and he will have something to amuse the people with!

Don't spit!

At school, Slava studied selectively. That is, he did his homework only in mathematics and the Russian language. Everything else he could write off in 5 minutes of change. The school gave him a rich life experience: going on a date for the first time, playing spin the bottle, tasting beer, and finally going into business. He made drawings for his classmates for money. Well, and of course, broken glasses, running away from classes and spitting chewed paper - this is why the teachers "carried out" the brain of Slava's mother at parent meetings. Today, of course, ordering Vyacheslav Nikitin for a corporate party, for a wedding means to cheer up all the participants of the holiday.

Well, girls - now!

Since the young man liked mathematics, he chose an institute, after which he could work as an accountant. Higher education is, in principle, not bad, especially since there are “so many beautiful and very beautiful girls” nearby, but disappointment came immediately. He would immediately turn around and leave, but, fortunately, the students had KVN, their own canteen, friendly parties and gatherings, and those very beautiful girls. A handsome boy did not get lost, whipped, courted and very often achieved his goal. He was especially successful when he somehow decided to earn extra money in the summer at the selection committee. I felt myself, talking with applicants, in the role of at least a professor. And he just finished his second year!

The family relationship of Tanya Tereshina and her common-law spouse, TV presenter Slava Nikitin, seemed ideal. On Instagram, the singer tirelessly shared romantic pictures with her beloved with her fans, and no one had any doubts that harmony reigned in the couple.

Like a bolt from the blue, Tanya's message sounded that she had left her common-law spouse and father of her daughter Aris. Tereshina's subscribers were at a loss - what caused the separation of the spouses? Some even suggested that Nikitin cheated on the singer, and she could not forgive him for this. To dot the i's, Tereshina frankly told what happened in her family.

“I want to officially declare that the family union of Tatyana Tereshina and Slava Nikitin has broken up. We have been in a relationship for 4.5 years. Last month I didn’t take “romantic” photos together, because I didn’t want to lie to subscribers. The reason for our parting is not treason at all. In this we were honest with each other. And from his side and from me there was absolute trust all these years. The reason is that my former man absolutely unable to control his anger. He is psychopathic, unbalanced, extremely aggressive, even ashamed to write how much! He is not stopped at all by the presence of a child nearby, an elderly person in the person of my mother and, of course, the once “beloved” woman, ”Tatiana wrote on Instagram (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. — Note. ed.).



According to Tereshina, she is afraid for the health of her loved ones. The singer repeatedly forgave her husband for his unrestrained behavior, but her patience came to an end. “I hope Vyacheslav behaves with dignity in this situation and finally leaves us alone. I understand perfectly well that there is no tragedy. Unfortunately, sometimes people break up. I am a grown woman and my priorities are right. For me, the most important thing is that my child is healthy, for him I live in the first place, and in the current family situation, my daughter may get stressed because of her father's dissolute behavior. This is my choice and my decision, ”Tereshina said.


The singer's fans were shocked by her statement. Many advised Tatyana not to cut off the shoulder and give her relationship with her husband a second chance - at least for the sake of her daughter. By the way, Slava Nikitin did not disregard the message ex-lover and published a post on his Instagram, in which he covertly spoke about his claims to the former.

Despite the fact that the TV presenter did not mention Tereshina's name, his subscribers immediately guessed who in question: "It's a shame for modern girls! In an ultimatum order, they force the husband to hire a nanny, a housekeeper, preferably a driver, but the shellac still dries treacherously for a long time and the girl still does not have time to do anything! Women with the last of their strength come up with activities for their husbands - fix it, take it, earn money, cook it! But these bristly infections are not enough, they are freaking out and walking around with disgruntled faces!

Tanya Tereshina - popular Russian singer, fashion model. She became known to the general public when she performed in the group's team. Further, in the biography of Tereshina, a solo career followed.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Viktorovna Tereshina was born in May 1979 in Budapest into a Russian military family. The zodiac sign is Taurus. The father's service involved constant moving. The family lived for some time in Poland and Ukraine.

In 1992, the Tereshins moved to Smolensk, where they stayed for a long time. There Tatyana graduated general education school. In addition to school, Tanya attended music, ballet and art circles. The girl sang well and became a soloist in the ensemble.

In 1996, the girl entered the Smolensk Institute of Arts, choosing the faculty of painting. But she did not work by profession, she decided to move to Moscow, where she was cast in the Modus Vivendis modeling agency. Soon she became the main model of "Point" and "Fashion".

While working in these agencies, Tereshina participated in shows that took place in European countries. According to Tanya, she really liked walking on the catwalk.

Music and creativity

The life of Tatyana Tereshina changed dramatically at the end of 2002, after the soloist hi-fi groups left the team, deciding to end show business. Tereshina also took part in the selection for the vacant position. She did not really believe in victory and doubted her strength, but she was chosen from a large number of applicants. This is how it started musical biography Tanya Tereshina.

The first performance of the aspiring singer with the Hi-Fi team took place in February 2003. But the girl already then guessed that in Hi-Fi she would not be able to fulfill herself. Until May 2005, together with Timofey Pronkin, the performer visited almost all cities of Russia. The group gave about 500 concerts during this period. But as soon as Tanya Tereshina received an offer to try herself in solo career, the singer immediately left the team.

During the participation of Tatyana, the group did not release music albums and shot only one video with the singer for the song "Trouble", but received the Golden Gramophone award.

Hi-Fi - "Trouble"

In June 2005, Hi-Fi became the winner of the "Muz-TV 2005" award in the nomination "Best a dancing group". This success allowed Tanya Tereshina to receive further work. At the same time, according to Tatyana, after leaving, she retained a good relationship with colleagues in the team, despite the fact that the singer's desire to start solo performances caused a number of conflicts and scandals with colleagues and producers.

The debut video of the singer "It will be hot" was released in 2007. The single was noticed by musical giants: MTV and Russian Radio. In the same year, the singer managed to record 7 new songs for the first album. In the same period of time, Tereshina actively performed at various national concerts.

Tanya - "It will be hot"

A notable breakthrough of this time was the song "Fragments of Feelings", written especially for her by a popular rapper in 2008. The single was presented on the popular Europa Plus radio station and remained a hit for several months.

A year later, Tanya Tereshina sang the song "Western" in a duet with.

Tanya Tereshina and Zhanna Friske - "Western"

For all live performances and videos, Tanya herself comes up with outfits. Art education allowed the girl to create beautiful costumes, in the future she is thinking of releasing her own clothing line based on these sketches. The singer's videos are shot by Estonian film director Maasik Hindrek, who worked with the band and Noize MC.

In 2010, Tereshina recorded the video "Radio Ga-ha-ha", in which the similarity with the outrageous American singer is guessed. The video received varying degrees of criticism, from devastating criticism for a failed attempt at a parody and emulation of a global star, to being recognized as a good PR stunt.

Tanya - "Radio Gagaga"

With the composition "Radio Ga-ga-ga", the performer was nominated for the RU.TV 2011 "Creative of the Year" award, but lost the victory to the group. In the same 2011, the first and so far the only album in Tereshina's discography, Open My Heart, was released, containing 20 songs in the R&B and pop genre.

Tanya Tereshina has repeatedly participated in candid photo shoots magazines for men (for example, XXL). In her interviews, the performer stated that her body was not subjected to plastic surgery and it's 100% real.

Tanya Tereshina - "Fragments of feelings"

In October 2013, the artist presented a new composition, created together with the rapper, "And in love, like in war." At the same time, the musicians presented a video for the song.

In the same year, a rap remake of the song "Fragments of Feelings" was released, performed with. The melodic line and chorus remained the same, but the rapper completely changed the text.

Personal life

According to some reports, the artist had a short romance with a favorite of the public of the 90s. The girl starred in the singer's video.

In those years when Tanya Tereshina sang in the Hi-Fi group, she had a warm relationship with Mitya Fomina. He once told Tatyana that he was not against a serious relationship and made her an offer to marry him. But then Tanya met with the millionaire Arseniy Sharov, so she did not agree with Fomina's proposal. They remained good friends. Later he even became godfather her child.

See you with civil husband, TV presenter Slava Nikitin, Tanya Tereshina had affairs with wealthy boyfriends. The singer herself claimed earlier that the girl was only interested in men with a big wallet. Beginner 25-year-old TV presenter Vyacheslav Nikitin was not one of them. But the couple, having met in February 2011, lived together for a long time. Tatyana is 7 years older than Slava.

In December 2013, the couple had a daughter, Aris, to whom Tanya devoted everything free time. Music briefly faded into the background, since in the first months after the birth of the baby there was no talk of a nanny. During pregnancy, Tatyana monitored her and her daughter's health and did not limit herself in food, which led to the fact that the singer, according to rumors, gained 15 kg.

But soon after giving birth, Tereshina published a photo with a toned figure on Instagram. The singer weighed 54 kg with a height of 169 cm. She shared with fans the secret of her harmony. The woman did not sit on trendy diets, her recipe is simple: do not eat fatty foods, get enough sleep and walk a lot.

Long time family life Tatyana seemed perfect to fans. The singer regularly posted on Instagram happy and romantic photos with her husband, child and pets. But in the fall of 2015, Tereshina left her common-law spouse. For fans, the sudden breakup was a surprise and a mystery. They assumed that treason was to blame, but which of the couple found himself new love, opinions differed.

Later, Tatyana herself spoke about the reasons for the end of the relationship. It was not a matter of new feelings. The singer admitted that her outwardly wonderful husband does not know how to deal with anger. Tanya called the former "psychopathic" and unbalanced. According to the girl, she simply began to fear for her life and the life of the child, which prompted her to end this relationship.

At first, after the break between the former common-law spouses, conflicts broke out every now and then. Tanya did not like that Slava devoted little time to his daughter. But today their relationship has improved, because, according to the artist, Aris should have two parents. The singer is not going to interfere with Glory to take part in the upbringing of the child.

In May 2016, Tatyana started an affair with a producer music videos Ruslan Goem. The couple attended the RU.TV award party together at the Nobu Moscow restaurant, where the paparazzi caught them kissing.

However, already in the same year, Tatyana introduced the public to a new lover, Vadim Bukharov. The young man turned out to be 13 years younger than the singer, which gave rise to many controversial comments among Tatyana's fans. Some have suggested that the young suitor is simply taking advantage of the woman's money.

However, Tatyana was not at all embarrassed by either the age difference or the angry captions to her photo like “mother and son.” She hastened to announce that she was happy, and shared with the press her thoughts about the imminent wedding and joint children. Many thought that a relationship with Vadim was just a holiday romance, because for the first time they were noticed together on the Cote d'Azur. Moreover, upon arrival, the lovers did not live together. Bukharov lived in Sochi, and Tatyana and her daughter lived in Moscow.

Nevertheless, the guy appeared on her Instagram with enviable frequency. But in the end, the couple broke up without announcing the reasons. The last joint photos are dated October 2017. By the way, neither Tanya nor Vadim chose not to delete shared photos from their accounts.

The artist loves to travel and has already visited many countries. But Tanya still had a dream - to visit South Africa. In one interview, the performer shared that there is a place with strong energy - Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River. It was there that the girl would like to get married and exchange rings with her chosen one.

Tanya Tereshina - Whiskey Premiere 2018

Now Tatyana continues to engage in creativity. In February 2018, a presentation of a new composition, Whiskey, took place. In honor of this event, the girl posted a post on the microblog with words of gratitude to Mitya Fomin, whom the singer called the ideological inspirer. And in August, she released a new track "Hunter".


  • 2004 - "Trouble"
  • 2007 - "It will be hot"
  • 2009 - "Western"
  • 2010 - "Radio Ga-ha-ha"
  • 2011 - "Understand"
  • 2012 - This Morning
  • 2012 - "Life in one night"
  • 2013 - "War"
  • 2013 - "Meeting"
  • 2014 - Sorry
  • 2017 - "Cannon"
  • 2018 - Whiskey
  • 2018 - "Hunter"

I am Slava Nikitin, the end is still far away, be patient! Now I will do what I promised myself and my teacher in Russian and literature never to do! The Russian language has always been difficult for me, and one day, I said in all seriousness that my future profession will never, ever be associated with writing lyrics, writing and all that nonsense! Mathematics is the queen of all sciences! With her in an embrace, I wanted to go until the end of time! But, damn you, Vyacheslav Sergeevich! Of course, before the ears of the teacher, who would not have heard me for a century, got acquainted with my plans for later life, something else was going on, so you need to start over!

So, I yelled at the obstetrician in 1987 in Novosibirsk! How tired I was of sitting in my mother, and I decided to see what was outside, I, of course, do not remember. But how these same minihumans appear in mothers, I knew five years later! They often say that the street teaches, they say the yard boys and girls will tell everything anyway - and where the children come from, and what is pisya, and about other interesting things! So, in my yard, just the same street know-it-all was me, because my mother bought me a children's book "Where do children come from"! Something like this, since childhood, I tried to find out everything and everything first!

The first murder chamber I had to go through was a kindergarten! I didn't love him! Even despite the fact that my mother worked through the wall in the nursery! Me and other inmates were constantly forced to sleep during the day! And the worst thing is that you had to put two palms together and put them under your head, who taught these nannies, Yoshkin cat, to sleep like that? Falling asleep in the trunk of a Zaporozhets, on which a maniac is knocking, and next to it homeless people are burning garbage, is even easier than with two palms under your cheek! In short, if it weren’t for my friend Sasha, who constantly ate snow, and of course Rita is my first love, who, I think, didn’t even know my name, there would be nothing to do in the kindergarten!

After, of course, there was school! The time when I first played spin the bottle, participated in the Olympics, went on a date, practiced Russian folk dances for a bunch of years, scratched a manta, tried beer, and so on! School, of course, I liked more than I did not like! If I were to remove parent meetings and homework, then there would be no price for her! I did my homework only exclusively in mathematics, geometry and Russian, the rest of the subjects could wait until the change of the next day! Ten, fifteen or six hundred memorandums were written against me, I don’t even remember, but the fact that my mother never came from a meeting in a great mood is a fact! In prison, people like me are kept exclusively in a punishment cell, or they put on a straitjacket! “I give him one word, and he answers me ten” - the catchphrase of all my teachers, well, except for the draftsman, he drank all the time, and he generally had to put on me, he didn’t even know my name, for sure, like Ritka from kindergarten bitch! Drawing - this was my first income, no, I did not hand over empty bottles to the teacher, I made drawings for half the class for money!

So, what else is there in the school, what can you talk about? Sausages in the dough, broken glass with a backpack, running away from classes, spitting chewed paper, I think many had, so why talk about them! It was, of course, and exotic! For example, I put a phone under the table for a physics teacher, and I myself called from another - there was a melody of a rushing train, so she jumped out of the office, like the audience in the first film from the Lumiere brothers! Oh, the longer you write, the more you remember, and since I don’t really want to outdo the four-volume War and Peace, I’m moving on to the institute!

My life changed in college! No, well, it’s not like they say: “Vyacheslav, you did it,” and then I suddenly became more attractive, more secure and more odorous, no! It’s just that when you see, in principle, the same faces for 10 years, and then suddenly, bam, all the people are new and with new interests, and the girls are exactly seven billion times more beautiful, if you want it or not, you start to change! First outwardly, well, then how trample! I entered accounting, after a day, an hour, or maybe a minute, I was disappointed in my chosen profession! Like Sasha, who saves me by eating snow in kindergarten, here, from inevitable disappointment, KVN, the institute canteen, saved me, Good friends, and, of course, girls with seven billionth beauty!

One summer I was able to work in admission committee, not for the sake of money, but for the sake of a new experience, it was fun, the applicants were only 2 years younger than me, but I considered myself just a Gulliver among midgets! I was sure that just one look at an applicant could break her heart to shreds! Oh, it feels like I'm talking about the institute, if it's not a proposal, it's about girls! You can talk about this life span even longer than about school! There were also three-day student festivals in Altai, after which we had to treat the entire food tract, because we ate exclusively alcohol, there were also overnight stays in college dormitories with girls from the stream, after which we had to treat something completely different! Joke! I didn't get sick like that! Although there is one disease, thanks to which, after the story about studies, there will be no story about the army! Even at school, I had some kind of mega problems with the displacement of the vertebrae, I spent four months in hospitals, but I won’t remember this, because now nothing bothers me! And the only thing that worries me is that I have no desire to surpass the Guinness Book of Records in terms of the number of pages, so I turn to Moscow, the RU.TV channel and the fragments of feelings!

I had a year to finish my studies when I came to my mother and said that I was leaving for Moscow! I always knew that I was a fool, an idiot and the dumbest cretin, but my mother reminded me of this one more time, just to be sure! In spite of everything, the ticket had already been bought, and on January 24, 2009 I ended up in Moscow! Arriving in the morning, I went to the Kievsky railway station, because I simply did not know other places! This was my second visit to Moscow! I sat for five hours in the European shopping center until the friend with whom I decided to visit finished work! Going to the devil knows where, for me, by the way, it was not at all difficult, only a few factors stopped me: a relationship with a girl, not the largest amount of money in my pocket, and the fear that the losers would have to come back! I didn't have to, thank God! A month later I worked at RU.TV, my friend worked there, who, in fact, helped me get a job, and the experience was decent - 2.5 years on MTV Novosibirsk! Nevertheless, I graduated from the institute thanks to the most wonderful person and teacher Sarvaz Akhmedovich Ali-Askyari!

I broke up with a girl, though already here in Moscow, she moved in with me, but she left just as quickly! But I met that one and only, most beloved and wonderful Tanechka! About how I met her, how I was fired from the channel, how I broke my finger, how I spent the night on the children's slide and a thousand more stories I will tell some other time, otherwise it already begins to seem to me that a spirit has entered into me Daria Dontsova! Everyone, see you soon!

November 24, 2011 Slava Nikitin

Biography written in 2009

Well, let's start with the fact that I'm the unplanned child of the family. Parents wanted a child, and I was born - a permanent bully and an utter joker. The prototype of our family is completely licked from any Soviet film: dad is a factory worker, mom is a school teacher. Yes, and the phenomenon of Glory to the people happened in the city of Novosibirsk. Foreigners are completely sure that bears walk around our streets, playing the balalaika and drinking vodka. It is not true. They don't have balalaikas. Speaking of birds, being a real Siberian guy, my parents sent me not to a circle of young technicians, but to a circle of Russians folk dances. I studied there for about 4 years and in order to be a more versatile person, I began, already of my own free will, to play the balalaika. At a time when the entire young population of the country was sitting at the piano, I played on my three strings. Polonezov Aginsky did not write for my instrument, so my repertoire consisted of “There was a birch tree in the field” and “Kalinka Malinka”. Do not think that the list of circles and sections runs out on this. So up to this moment I have managed to work out swimming, chess, boxing, origami, auto-modeling, cross-stitching, volleyball, modern dance, judo, swindling the female part of the population, basketball, in a word, everything, except for meatball modeling courses. It should be noted that everywhere I achieved good success, but by virtue of a dozen sewing in a well-known place, I did not become a master of sports anywhere.

IN school times besides collecting hobbies, I also collected reports on me. My diary was not full of deuces for behavior, but this is only because I stopped keeping it in the sixth grade. At every meeting, poor mother was read a huge list of my “merits”. But, despite my sloppiness, I studied very well and not badly, I finished school without triples and with a lot of nickels. And with thanks for directing the last call.
Like any sane person, I went to university after high school. I went to study - attention - to be an accountant. The question of choosing a profession is even more difficult for me than the question of the meaning of life. There is nothing in common between me and accounting, so you know. Then, again, like many others, there was KVN at the institute, well, and there I already got to the VJ casting from MTV Novosibirsk, and quite by accident - I just dropped in to have fun with friends. In the end - I came, I saw, I conquered. And then work began on television, expensive cars, girls, real estate in Miami immediately appeared. True, all this was in magazines, which I could now buy for myself.

After working for about two years as a correspondent and TV presenter in the capital of Siberia, I decided to rush to the capital of the country. I have been hanging around in Moscow since February 2009. If you are a policeman, do not read the following sentence. Defending the title of gouging registration, and even more so registration, I do not have.
In the book "Deniska's Stories", which my mother read to me twenty-eight times as a child, there are chapters where main character Denis tells what he likes and what he doesn't like. At the end of the story about myself, I will do the same.

"That I love"
I like to draw on the margins of notebooks, I like to laugh, I like to invent new words, I like to travel far by car (not driving), I love to sing, although I’m not very good at it, I love mountain rivers, mint sweets, I also love when there are a lot of people around, I love Lyapis Trubetskoy, the name is Olya, lying in the bathroom, grimacing in front of the mirror, I love puzzles, airplanes, I also love corn, large structures I love terribly, I love to touch my face, I love to lie in the bath, I love sushi and the smell of gasoline, I love to love!

"... and what I don't like!"
I don't like making my bed fried zucchini I don’t like, I can’t stand cigarette smoke, I don’t like depression, I don’t like mannequins when you drop sweets on yourself, underpants, I really don’t like the noise of a hairdryer and a vacuum cleaner, I don’t like fine print when my legs are buzzing with fatigue, I don’t like masculine girls when trying to seem smart, I still don’t like the hospital and the heat ...

The hero of our article is the bright and charming VJ Vyacheslav Nikitin. Many fans are interested in his biography and personal life. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Vyacheslav Nikitin: biography, childhood

He was born on April 10, 1987 in Novosibirsk. Vyacheslav was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family. His mother was a kindergarten teacher nursery group. The father is a representative of the technical profession.

When the boy was 5 years old, his parents sent him to the studio, although he himself wanted to get into the circle young technicians. At first, Vyacheslav was reluctant to attend choreography classes. But after a couple of months, he became seriously interested in it. As a result, he devoted 4 years of his life to dancing.

At the age of 10, the boy enrolled in a circle where he was taught to play the balalaika. In just a few months, he fully mastered this folk instrument.

In high school, Vyacheslav Nikitin was engaged in swimming, judo, basketball and playing chess. In general, our hero received a comprehensive development.


After graduating from high school, Vyacheslav entered the local university. He studied to be an accountant. As a student, Nikitin took an active part in the life of his native university. For example, the guy participated in local KVN games. Even then, the handsome brunette realized that his main calling was to entertain the public.

For almost 2.5 years, Vyacheslav worked on Novosibirsk television. He combined two positions - correspondent and presenter. The leadership of the local channel was pleased with the cooperation with Nikitin. But the young man understood that it was simply unrealistic to achieve career growth in this city.

Television career

In January 2009, a bright and purposeful guy from Novosibirsk came to Moscow. He was sheltered by an old friend who at that time worked in the capital. A month later, our hero brought his girlfriend here and rented an apartment.

A good friend helped Vyacheslav get a job at RU.TV. However, the guy's external data and experience on the Novosibirsk channel also played an important role.

For several years, Nikitin has been telling TV viewers news from the lives of Russian and world show business stars, and also presents new movies and music. His literate speech, vocabulary and the manner of presenting the material can be the envy of many presenters.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Nikitin has never been a ladies' man and a womanizer. In high school, he met a girl with whom he fell in love with no memory. His feelings were mutual. The lovers came to Moscow together in 2009. They rented an apartment. Vyacheslav was the main earner. The girl kept the house clean and cooked food. It would seem that their relationship is built according to an ideal pattern. But soon there was a discord in the relationship. The lovers quarreled, then reconciled. One day they decided to finally part.

In February 2011, Vyacheslav Nikitin met former soloist Hi-Fi group Tatyana Tereshina. They began a stormy romance. A beautiful and slender girl won the heart of our hero. The guy was not even embarrassed that she was 7 years older than him.

In December 2013, the couple had a daughter. The baby received an unusual and rare name- Aris. Despite having a common child, young people were in no hurry to formalize their relationship. They consider the stamp in the passport just a formality. The most important thing is feelings.

present tense

Television is not the only field of activity in which Vyacheslav Nikitin is engaged. Our hero has established himself as a creative and resourceful host of events. His experience in this field is 8 years. Weddings, birthdays, presentations, corporate parties - these and other events he holds at the highest level. No one negative feedback his work was not reported.


Now you know the details of the biography and personal life of the VJ RU.TV - Vyacheslav Nikitin. Let's wish him creative success and quiet family happiness!