Lists of foreign (national) names. Beautiful and rare names for girls

Are you expecting a daughter and don't know what to name her? Here are some ideas to help you make the right choice. And what will be the name for the girl - simple or unusual - is up to the parents to decide.

Many parents begin to think about how to name a child only after seeing two stripes on the test. Others cannot decide on a name, even after returning from the hospital. What names for girls are in fashion now? Modern or vintage? Russian or foreign? You can open a list with names in alphabetical order or look through church calendars, which many Orthodox parents are guided by.

How to choose names for girls

When choosing a female name, the following should be taken into account: both parents should like it, combine beautifully with the patronymic and surname, and, preferably, be fashionable and popular. And do not forget that each name has its own meaning. "Letidor" has selected for you a list of the most beautiful and rare names for girls.

church calendar

The tradition of choosing a name for a newborn according to the church calendar (Saints) is again relevant. From more than 1000 female names, we have chosen the most beautiful and rare: Anfisa, Melania, Uliana, Emilia, Juliana, Nonna. However, there are significantly more male names in the Saints than female ones. Therefore, a girl can be named after a male saint, if there is a used analogue male name in female version: for example, Appolinarius - Polina.

Beautiful and rare names for girls by horoscope

There is an astrological calendar that studies the combination of different names with the signs of the zodiac.

Here are the most unusual astrological names:

If your daughter was born under the sign Aries, then, perhaps, the name Alla, Alice, Raisa will “fit” her.

Girls born under the sign Taurus, the following names will do: Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica, Sabina.

For Gemini you can offer beautiful and rare names for girls - Aksinya, Albina, Gloria, Yvette, Clara, Lucien, Taisiya, Eliza.

impressionable Cancers the names of Bogdan, Juliet, Letizia, Lolita, Melania, Simone, Selena will do.

regal Lionesses- Aurora, Adelaide, Ariadne, Bella, Dora, Ilona, ​​Kapitolina, Lada, Laura, Roxanne, Emma, ​​Eleanor.

methodical Virgins- Vita, Herta, Constance, Linda, Regina, Stella, Edita.

charming Libra- Veronica, Zlata, Isabella, Lyubov, Milena, Nelly, Pelageya, Snezhana.

unpredictable Scorpions- Zara, Louise, Magdalene, Martha, Seraphim, Taira, Teresa, Elina.

Active Sagittarius- Bertha, Violetta, Jeanne, Isolde, Marianne, Muse, Patricia, Thekla.

Calm Capricorn- Barbara, Kira, Nora, Renata, Eleanor.

freedom-loving Aquarius- Ilona, ​​Aelita, Gloria, Novella, Frida.

Creative Pisces- Adele, Amelia, Eva, Venus, Ninel.

Old Russian names

Many names that we consider native actually appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and for the most part do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslav - sane; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - exacting; Snezhana - modest, gentle.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to the statistics of the Office of the Civil Registry Office of the city of Moscow, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alice, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Daria. So if you are looking for beautiful yet rare girl names, skip this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the female name. We used to believe that whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of the meanings of female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, calm, having matured, she becomes decisive and stubborn. He will never commit rash acts, knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria in Latin means "strong, strong." She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. Choosing carefully professional field in which he will become a real expert.

Dominica means "lady" in Latin. Girls with this name have intuition, a masculine manner to lead and rule. Dominika is self-confident and able to complete the most overwhelming and difficult task. The most inclined to a leadership position, even if it is associated with risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics show that many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which is not particularly popular now. If you hold the same views, then keep in mind that quite recently little Aurora, Lyubava, Leya, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Spring, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra have already been born.

Unusual names for girls

Lovers of everything original were, are and always will be. According to statistics, one of the most unusual names for girls over the past five years has been: Joy, Moon, Byzantium, Chelsea, Legend, Russia, Oceana.

Foreign names for girls

Among the current modern trends in the choice of names, one can name the fashion for foreign names. This is due to the fact that English language became the international language of communication, and therefore pronounce English names For many it is not as difficult as it used to be. Or maybe the parents do not exclude that their daughter will go abroad in the future? Bella, Grace, Jessica, Camilla, Carolina, Jasmine, Monica, Patricia, Roxanne, Nicole, Vanessa, Stephanie, Charlotte are the most beautiful foreign names according to most moms and dads.

Foreign names for girls from films and books

The popularity of foreign literature and cinema did not pass by - girls began to appear with such rare names: Gladys, Daisy, Ginevra, Isolde, Lyoda, Manni, Neris, Setrit, Talayt, Theida, Ebba, Airy. And how many more beautiful and rare names for girls are hidden in world literature?

Women's full names in England have their distinguishing feature. They consist of three parts, two of which are written with a hyphen, and last names. The first name is the main one. The second is the average. The third is the last name. The first name is the main one, it is by him or by a diminutive form from him that a girl is called in life. The list of English female names is constantly updated, because any word can become a name, even the surname of one of the relatives or a celebrity.

History of the origin of the English name

Initially, English names, like all other peoples, were a common nickname, consisting of two words - a noun and an adjective. They reflected the character of a person, his main features and signs. Further development led to the fact that people began to attribute names (nicknames) to born girls that reflect the most desirable qualities that would predetermine and influence fate.

Native English female names

For England itself, true English names are rare. They account for less than 10% of the total. But it's not just in England. In any Christian country, the basis is made up of names borrowed from the Bible, that is, they have Jewish, Latin or Greek roots. List of English female names of English origin:

  • Mildred - Mildred. Delicate and strong.
  • Alice - Alice. It means "noble class" in translation.
  • Alfreda - Alfreda. Wisdom, mind.
  • Yvonne - Yvonne. Archer.
  • Eloise - Eloise. Daughter close to God.

Nevertheless, some Britons remain true to their traditions and name their daughters. The conquest of England by the Vikings reduced the number of English names. Instead, the Normans appeared. Not everyone in the UK today female names English, the list is constantly growing due to the famous foreigners, after whom the democratic British name their babies.

Names from Christian calendars, Bibles

The spread of Christianity in England greatly influenced women's names. At baptism, babies were named after saints and characters in the Bible. The people twisted these words in their own way, so new English female names began to appear. A list of them is given below:

  • Mary - Mary. Serene. It comes from the Hebrew name Maria. That was the name of the mother of the Lord Jesus.
  • Ann - Ann. Grace, Grace. This name was the name of the mother of the prophet Samuel.
  • Maryanne - Maryann. Serene grace. This name united two - Mary and Ann.
  • Sarah - Sarah. Name Means "powerful princess".
  • Sophia - Sophie. Wisdom. Came to English from Christianity.
  • Katherine - Katherine. Purity. The name comes from Christianity.
  • Eva - Eve. Life. Came from the Bible. That was the name of the progenitor of people.
  • Agnes - Agnes. Innocent, undefiled. The name comes from Christianity.
  • Susanna - Susanna. Little lily.
  • Judyt - Judith. Glorification. Biblical name.
  • Joan - Joan. A gift from a merciful God.

A large number of names that are still used today owe their appearance to Protestants and Puritans, who opposed themselves to the Anglican Church and gave their children new names that were different from the usual ones. For the most part they were of a rather strange nature, consisting of sentences. For example, The-Work-of-God Farmer, which means God's Work Farmer. But life has conquered religious fanaticism. Simple people gave their daughters beautiful and new names:

  • Daniel - Daniel. God is my judge.
  • Sarah - Sarah. Imperious.
  • Susan - Susan. Lily.
  • Hannah - Hannah. It came from the name of Anna. Grace. Grace.
  • Dinah - Dina. Derived from Diana. Divine.
  • Tamar - Tamara. Date palm.

The modern list of English female names that appeared in Puritan families is quite significant. Many representatives of this trend were forced to hide and went to Australia or North America.

American names

America was settled by people from different countries. Mostly people from british empire: British, Scottish and Irish. For the most part, these were commoners and criminals who fled from persecution in their homeland. It was they who brought here a shortened form of names that took root well and gained popularity. The list of English female names has been replenished with new ones, such as Ben, Ed, Mud, Mel, Dan, Meg, Ellie, Tina, Lina.

In addition to the inhabitants of Britain, thousands of people from all over Europe moved here, who came with their own traditions and names, which were partly remade by the English-speaking population in their own way.

The most popular American female names (list in English):

  • Mary - Mary. Derived from Mary. Serene.
  • Patricia - Patricia. Noble.
  • Linda - Linda. Beautiful.
  • Barbara - Barbara. Foreigner.
  • Elizabeth - Elizabeth. God is my oath.
  • Jennifer - Jennifer. Enchantress.
  • Maria - Maria. Serene.
  • Susan - Susanna. Little Lily.
  • Margaret - Margaret. Pearl.
  • Dorothy - Dorothy. Gift of the gods.
  • Nancy - Nancy. Grace.
  • Karen - Karen. Generous.
  • Betty - Betty. Oath to the Gods.
  • Helen - Helen. Sunshine.
  • Sandra - Sandra. Male protector.
  • Carol - Carol. Derived from Karolina - princess.
  • Ruth - Ruth. Friendship.
  • Sharon - Sharon. Princess, plain.

English Catholics, Protestants, Puritans brought their own rules to America, according to which names were given. They, as well as in England, consist of three parts - the main, middle and surname. Many American names were borrowed by the British.

New female names

In the 18th century in England appeared new tradition give children a middle (middle) name. This brought back to life Old English and Gothic names such as Matilda, Diana, Emma. New beautiful English female names have also appeared. The list was supplemented by well-known English writers. Jonathan Swift, William Shakespeare and others gave English women the following names:

  • Stella - Stella. Star.
  • Vanessa - Vanessa. Butterfly.
  • Juliet - Juliet. Born in July
  • Ophelia - Ophelia. Exalted.
  • Viola - Viola. Violet.
  • Silvia - Sylvia. Lesnaya.
  • Julia - Julia. Girl with soft hair.
  • Clara - Clara. Clear. Light.
  • Pamela - Pamela. Wanderer. Pilgrim.
  • Wendy - Wendy. Friend.
  • Candida - Candida. Net. White.
  • Clarinda - Clarinda. Light. Purity.
  • Belinda - Belinda. Beautiful.
  • Fleur - Fleur. Flower. Blooming.
  • Sybil - Sybil. Prophetess. Oracle.

Beautiful female names

Every parent wants, above all, their child to be healthy and beautiful. For their newborn daughters, the British choose euphonious and tender names. It is hoped that the girl will have those character traits that the name denotes. Therefore, the names are chosen sonorous and with meaning. If there is no such name, then the child can be called any word you like. Legislation allows this, so new beautiful English names for women appear. The list is given below:

  • Agata - Agatha. Good, good.
  • Adelaide - Adelaide. Noble.
  • Beatrice - Beatrice. Blessed.
  • Britney - Britney. Little Britain.
  • Valery - Valerie. Strong, brave.
  • Veronica - Veronica. The one that brings victory.
  • Gloria - Gloria. Glory.
  • Camilla - Camilla. Worthy of serving the gods.
  • Caroline - Carolina. Princess.
  • Melissa - Melissa. Honey.
  • Miranda - Miranda. Delightful.
  • Rebecca - Rebecca. Trap.
  • Sabrina - Sabrina. Noble.

English surnames

It so happened historically that the personal name is primary, and the surname, which denotes belonging to a clan, family, is secondary. In the same way, English names and surnames are formed for women. List of the most popular and frequently occurring surnames:

  • Anderson - Anderson.
  • Baker - Baker.
  • Brown - Brown.
  • Carter - Carter.
  • Clark - Clark.
  • Cooper - Cooper.
  • Harrison - Harrison.
  • Jackson - Jackson.
  • James - James.
  • Johnson - Johnson.
  • King - King.
  • Lee - Lee.
  • Martin - Martin.
  • Morgan - Morgan.
  • Parker - Parker.
  • Patterson - Patterson.
  • Richardson - Richardson.
  • Smith - Smith.
  • Spencer - Spencer.
  • Taylor - Taylor.
  • Wilson - Wilson.
  • Young - Jung.

For the most part, like most peoples, they came from personal names. In some cases, they do not undergo any changes - Allen, Baldwin, Cecil, Dennis. Others are associated with the names of the gods and Teutonic mythology - Godwin, Goodiers, Godyears. Part is formed from Scandinavian names - Swain, Thurston, Thurlow.

Some surnames consist of a personal name, to which the ending - son is added, which meant "son of such and such": Thompson, Abbotson, Swainson. The people of Scotland use the prefix - Mac, which also means "son". For example, MacDonald is "Donald's son", MacGregor is "Gregor's son".

Some surnames have a professional connotation, that is, Stuart - "royal seneschal", Pottinger - "the cook who cooks the royal soup." Surnames, like first names, can be given in honor of the place of residence, these can be the names of counties, countries, cities.

Fashion on various names is gradually changing. In a certain period, any names necessarily become popular. A very responsible step in life is the choice of a name for a child. The name is given for life, so its choice and meaning requires careful study.

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful modern name for a girl?

It is currently fashionable to call girls in a foreign way: Nicole, Evelina, Jacqueline. Such names sound quite modern and beautiful. If such a name does not correspond to the patronymic and surname and looks ridiculous in this combination, you should not condemn the child to such difficulties in the future. Also, your daughter may not be ready for such unusual name and may be ashamed of it in the future. But, definitely, a rare name will distinguish the child from other boring names.

Old Russian names also gained popularity: Vasilisa, Praskovya, Pelageya. These are names with an old schooling and energy, they sound quite solemn. When choosing an old Russian name for your daughter, look at the abbreviated versions of such names. This will help to avoid embarrassment when children in the kindergarten will be teased with Palazhki and Vaska.

picking up modern name, try to choose one that is easy to pronounce.

Modern Russian names for girls

Having settled on the choice of Russian names, you should pay attention to the universal names that mean feelings: Love, Faith and Hope.
Choose a name for your princess based on the season of your baby: you can name a winter baby Snezhanoy, autumn - Golden, summer - august, spring - Maya.
Most popular Russian names are:

  • Sofia
  • Victoria
  • barbarian
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Pauline
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Veronica.

Most of these names do not have Russian roots, but they have taken root with us and have been popular for a long time.
Popular old Russian names :

  • Pelagia
  • Ustinya
  • Darina
  • Miroslava
  • Vasilisa
  • Yesenia.

Learn more about the meanings of female Old Russian names from our article.

Rare and unusual female names

Many parents want to emphasize the individuality of their child and distinguish him from other children with an unusual name.

  • When choosing a name for your daughter, remember that she will live with him all her life. Try to pick up one of the rare names that are typical for your country of residence and nationality.
  • Study the diminutive version of the name you like, it should not cut the ear. You should definitely like the diminutive version, because peers and relatives will call the daughter like that.
  • Study the meaning of the name, because it can influence fate. It will be unpleasant to know that the meaning of your girl's beautiful name is "lame" or "sad."
  • Analyze the list of popular names over the past few years. Perhaps that rare name that you have chosen for the child has not been such for a long time.

Examples unusual old Russian names :

  • Bozena
  • Vesnyan
  • Veroslava
  • Zlatislav
  • Darena
  • Lubomir
  • Miloslava
  • Stanislav
  • Slavyana
  • Tsvetana.

foreign names will also sound unusual:

  • Dominica
  • Beatrice
  • Gloria
  • Cassandra
  • Ariadne
  • Mirabella
  • Medina
  • Flora.

Unusual names , which in the past few years had to register with the registry office:

  • Golub
  • Rosiyana
  • Byzantium
  • ocean
  • Cherry
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kupava.

Beautiful female names by months according to the church calendar

It has long been customary for Orthodox believers to name a child in honor of the memory of a saint who falls on the child's birthday. Take a closer look at the church calendar, you might like a name that matches the month of your daughter's birth.
AT January the memory of saints who help the needy, steadfast and courageous is honored.

  • Anastasia
  • Tatiana
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • Melania
  • Vasilisa.

February- a month in which the memory of women who know how to balance their character is honored.

  • Rimma
  • Vasilisa
  • Kseniya
  • Pelagia
  • Svetlana
  • Sofia.

AT March modest and humble girls are born, but according to the calendar, it is possible to reward the daughter with a strong name:

  • Marianne
  • Irina
  • barbarian
  • Alexandra
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Hope
  • Nika.

At April girls are usually stubborn and firm in nature. Therefore, it is best to choose soft names from the holy calendar:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Pauline
  • Lydia.

Hardworking girls born in May, such names are suitable:

  • Elizabeth
  • Ulyana
  • Juliana
  • Faina
  • Taisiya.

AT June, wanting to reward your daughter not only with a beautiful name, but also with a reliable patroness, stop your attention on such names:

  • Valeria
  • Kristina
  • Elena
  • Pelagia
  • Maria.

For July daughters according to the church calendar there is such a list of names:

  • Olga
  • Jeanne
  • Marina
  • margarita
  • Elizabeth
  • Juliana.

A girl will grow up decent and honest if in august you choose her name from the calendar:

  • Angelina
  • Kristina
  • Irina
  • Daria
  • Elena.

In the calendar, there is a fairly extensive choice for girls born in September:

  • Sofia
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Ludmila
  • Tatiana
  • Nataliya
  • Raisa.

Good choice of female names and in church calendar per October:

  • Maria
  • Veronica
  • Pelagia
  • Maria
  • Taisia
  • Hope
  • Zinaida
  • Gold.

If you have difficulty choosing a name for your daughter, November saints will help solve this problem:

  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • neonilla
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Elena.

In the first month of winter december, honor such saints:

  • Tatiana
  • Catherine
  • barbarian
  • margarita
  • Anfisa.

Foreign female names in the Russian way

Most of the names have the same origin, usually Greek, Hebrew and Latin, but they have been translated into other languages.

  • popular name Maria, which has Jewish roots, is quite common with us. In England it is Mary, in France - Marie.
  • English name Elizabeth and German Lizhen translates as Elizabeth.
  • french Julie and Italian Juliet in the Russian way will become Julia.
  • Spanish Catarina, English Catherine- this is our Katerina.
  • Spanish and Italian Lucia(translated as "light") - an analogue of the name Svetlana.
  • Analogue of the English name Dolly in Russia - Daria, a Barbarabarbarian.
    Almost all foreign names have analogues in Russian.

Beautiful Tatar female names

The meanings of Tatar names are mainly divided into denoting certain features:

Beautiful Muslim female names

Female Muslim names are quite popular among other peoples due to their beautiful sound and meaning.

  • Alsu - pink-haired
  • Aliya - exalted
  • Aisha - life
  • Amira is a princess
  • Amina - faithful
  • Layla - night
  • Maram - aspiration
  • Nadira - rare
  • Rashida - walking right
  • Halima - patient
  • Zuhra - morning star
  • Malika - queen
  • Rahima - merciful
  • Samia - precious
  • Farida is unique
  • Firuza - light
  • Khabiba is my favorite
  • Jasmine - similar to jasmine.

Beautiful Kazakh female names

If you want to endow your daughter with any qualities, then you need to know what the name means. Kazakh names, in addition to native Kazakh ones, include names from Arabic, Russian, Persian and other languages. Each female Kazakh name has its own unique meaning, mostly pleasant and necessary meanings for life, character traits.

  • Ademi - graceful
  • Azhar - pretty
  • Aigul - moon flower
  • Alma - apple
  • Balzhan - sweet, smart
  • Balym is my smart girl
  • Gulnaz - graceful
  • Dameli - reliable
  • Zhanar - shine of the eyes
  • Kunsulu is a ray of sunshine.

Modern Armenian female names

For Armenians, a born girl is, first of all, a future mother, so the name should mean care, purity, warmth. Many female names come from the names of pagan goddesses. Anahit- mother goddess, goddess of motherhood and war - Nane, Astghik- Goddess of beauty and love. There are a lot of names formed from the names of natural phenomena, plants and celestial bodies: Suzanne- lily, Lusine- moon, Garunik- Spring. Many female names are formed from male names with the addition of certain endings. The ending “ui” personifies the feminine – male Tigran + ui = female Tigranui. The ending "uht" is translated as a daughter and a holy oath. Wormizd's daughter will Wormizduht. The most euphonious modern Armenian names:

  • Anush - means "sweet"
  • Asmik - jasmine
  • Arevik - the sun
  • Gayane - earthly
  • Zara - gold
  • Zarui - Priestess of the Fire Temple
  • Mariam - Mary
  • Naira - free
  • Nana - mother
  • Narine - wife
  • Ruzanna - rose
  • Siranush - love
  • Ermina - courageous, dear.

List of the most beautiful female modern names

most popular and beautiful names:

  • Anastasia
  • Milan
  • Angelina
  • Valeria
  • Kristina
  • Yesenia
  • Arina
  • Marina
  • Svetlana
  • Snezhana
  • Zlata
  • Siyana
  • Regina
  • Pauline
  • Lilith
  • Pelagia
  • Emilia
  • Elina
  • Violet.

Meanings of the most beautiful female names

Anastasia- from the Greek "resurrected", "immortal".
Milan- Slavic name, meaning "dear".
Angelina- from the Greek "angelos" - an angel.
Mia- Swedish origin, meaning "rebellious".
Valeria- from the Latin "strong".
Kristina- from the Latin - "Christian".
YeseniaSlavic meaning"autumn".
Anna- translated from Hebrew as "brave", "blessed".
Marina- is of Latin origin "marine".
Svetlana- from the Slavic "bright", "clean".
Snezhana- from the Slavic "snow".
Thea- from the Greek "goddess".
Zlata- from the Slavic "golden".
Nika- from the ancient Greek "victory".
Regina- translated from Latin - "queen".
Pauline- from the Greek "solar".
Eve- is of Hebrew origin, meaning "giving life."
Pelagia- from the Greek "sea".
Violet- from Latin means "violet".

Whatever you name the child, let reason and common sense prompt you in the search for a name. Harmonizing with the surname and patronymic, having good value a name that pleases the child and parents is the best choice. Remember that your daughter will live with him all his life, approach responsibly when choosing a beautiful name.

The name is an important part of a person's life and destiny. It determines not only his character, but also how a person is perceived by society. All over the world there are a huge number of interesting and beautiful female names, some of them are listed in this article.

Every parent strives to name their child the most beautiful and kind name that will bring him a happy life and only good things. In the name of a person is always hiding special meaning, since it was created and invented only under the influence of certain factors:

  • religious beliefs
  • impressions from the events
  • love for beautiful nature
  • observation of the external features and behavior of the child
  • wish the child a happy fate

Each name has its deep roots, which go far, far into ancient customs and traditions, ancient languages ​​and the names of the Gods. It is believed that the name given to the child affects the formation of his character and traits that will be present in him until the end of his life.

Women's names are considered especially beautiful, as they are often a translation of fragrant flowers, natural phenomena, heavenly bodies and feelings. A female name should be the embodiment of femininity and tenderness. The name must necessarily be sonorous and soft in order to please the servants of men and interest them.

The most beautiful foreign names, Top 10 beautiful foreign female names:

  • 10th place: Penelope - The name has deep Greek roots. It is believed that the wife of Odysseus was called Penelope, so it refers to the divine. The name promises its owner self-confidence and purposefulness.
  • 9th place: Angelina (variation from Angelina) - also a name with a religious and divine note, since it originates from the word "angel" - "angel". The name promises a woman a soft character and beauty of the soul.
  • 8th place:Marianne- comes from the ancient Spanish name "Maria". It has a soft sound and promises its owner a kind character and a pure heart that wants to help others.
  • 7th place: Patricia - The name comes from ancient Latin. The name has a rather aristocratic character, because literally it is translated as "noble" or "royal"
  • 6th place: Gloria - another ancient Latin name. It is very strong in its sound and character, as it is called upon to “glorify” a person and “glorify God”
  • 5th place: Dominica - another “royal” name because, firstly, it was invented and taken from the Latin language, and secondly, it literally translates as “lady”
  • 4th place: Adriana - if you translate this name literally, then it can be deciphered as "a resident of Adria." But nevertheless, it is very strong in terms of its energy and promises its owner a strong position in life.
  • 3rd place:Suzanne- this is a beautiful name of Jewish origin, which in its translation means an opened and fragrant "lily"
  • 2nd place: Sofia - The name has deep Greek roots. This name is very strong, not only because it literally translates as “wisdom”, but also because it promises its owner self-confidence and strength.
  • 1 place:Daniella - the name is also of Jewish origin, which must necessarily bring happiness and peace to its owner. It can literally be translated as: "God is my judge"
beautiful names for girls, the most beautiful foreign female names

Arabic beautiful names for girls

There are several Arab countries in the world. Regardless of how they are arranged and how successful a separate state is, Arab men have always valued and will value their women. The very first thing that every father gives his daughter is beautiful and unique name capable of bringing happiness and glory to the child.

Arabic names are distinguished by a special sonority. Most often they are invented, focusing on the beauty of the surrounding nature. That is why the names hide words that are translated as: rose, flowers, moon, sky, stars, sea. Some names are religious in nature, while others are based on personal feelings and experiences.

One way or another, Arabic female names always hide the fairy tale and mysteries of the Arabian nights, the smell of flowers and sweets, and passionate feelings.

The most beautiful female Arabic names:

  • Adara
  • Bahira
  • galiya
  • Daliya
  • Itidal
  • Fadriya
  • Farina
  • Halima

beautiful Arabic names for girls

Beautiful names for oriental girls

Like Arabic, all oriental names are fraught with a special touch of romance and mystery. As a rule, oriental names include observations of nature: the rising and setting of the moon, the sun, the flowering of roses. Each parent who gives his daughter a name must choose in advance the one that her future husband should like.

The most beautiful oriental names:

  • Azizi
  • Gulnara
  • Jannat
  • Zulfiya
  • Ilham
  • Mariam
  • Nabil
  • Nadia

Beautiful Modern Turkish Names for Girls

Turkey is one of the modern Muslim countries, which managed to preserve all its ancient traditions and customs, but invariably moves towards a more favorable European way of life. Turkish men, like most Muslims, are very fond of beautiful women. Beauty for them is not only appearance, but also the ability of a woman to teach herself, cook well, speak, and also have a sweet, sonorous name, similar to music.

The most beautiful Turkish names for girls:

  • Aksan
  • Birsen
  • Damla
  • Essen
  • Sessil
  • Senai
  • Yaldis

Armenian names for girls are rare and beautiful

Armenians value their family very much. They love mothers, sisters and daughters. Each man invariably protects all the women in the family until the end of his days, not allowing them to offend or harm them. Mother or father is trying to give her daughter the most beautiful name that will shape her fate in the best way: it will give happiness, a rich husband and many children.

The most beautiful Armenian names for girls:

  • Azatui
  • Arfenia
  • Gayane
  • Sarina
  • Yvette
  • Margarid
  • Narine
  • Siranush
  • Shagane

the most beautiful armenian names for girls

Beautiful English names for girls

English names do not differ in such richness of deep meanings and wishes for your child, as, for example, oriental names. However, they have a soft enough sound that caresses the ear. It is believed that having an English name is very noble, because this is one of the few royal states in the world. English names are very popular all over the world and can often be found in any continent of the planet, regardless of religious faith and age.

The most beautiful English names for girls:

  • Alexa
  • Brianna
  • wilma
  • Gabby
  • Madonna
  • Madeline
  • Merrelin
  • scarlet
  • Celeste

Beautiful names for French girls

It seems that there is nothing more pleasing to the ear than gentle French. If you hear him in the original and without an accent, you can understand how affectionate and “purring” he is. Similarly, women's names are distinguished by their special charm, style and quivering rustling of consonances. It is believed that the original French name gives its owner a sense of taste, sophistication and tenderness, which is not characteristic of every woman.

Most beautiful french names for girls:

  • Charlotte
  • Ajelica
  • Julienne
  • Penelope
  • Roselle
  • Sessil
  • Celeste
  • Louise
  • Violet
  • Philissy

beautiful french names for girls

Beautiful American names for girls

American names are distinguished by their special meekness, speed of sound. They rarely have some deep meaning or experience. Often they sound harsh, but nonetheless beautiful. It has become extremely fashionable to have an American foreign name. So, it speaks of its owner as a person "moving forward", "modern" and "positive".

The most beautiful women American names:

  • Britney
  • kimberley
  • Shannon
  • Tracey
  • Glory
  • Marilyn
  • Jessica
  • jennifer
  • Holly
  • Megan
  • Tiffany

Beautiful European names for girls

Of all parts of the world and continents, Europe has always been and will always be distinguished by exquisite taste in everything: in eating habits, dress, manner of speaking and education. To have a European name means to have already taken the “first step into Europe”. So you can be absolutely sure that no matter what part of the world you are from, you can always be accepted and understood. European names are often based on Greek names and Latin words.

Beautiful European names for girls:

  • Julie
  • Daniella
  • Lolita
  • Maria
  • Lucia
  • Paula
  • Sofia

Beautiful names for Japanese girls

A feature of Japanese names is that they are all necessarily based on the beauties of nature. The Japanese love to give children names for life, which embody tree blossoms, moonrise or secret meanings that are understandable only to a narrow circle of people (relatives). Japanese names are quite short and have a lot of vowel letters, but it is worth noting that for the accustomed ear to the Slavic dialect, they sound quite harsh.

Most beautiful Japanese names:

  • Sakura
  • Amaya
  • Yoshiko
  • Keiko
  • Kumiko
  • Katsumi
  • Midori
  • Mezumi
  • Tomiko

beautiful japanese names for girls

Beautiful Tajik names for girls

Tajikistan is one of the eastern hot countries. It is distinguished by the same way as in most Muslim states: there is a cult of the family in which a woman is valued as the keeper of the hearth. Parents try to give their daughter the most beautiful name, which will remind them of the beauty of nature, warm feelings. Some names have religious overtones.

The most beautiful Tajik names for girls:

  • Anzurat
  • Afshona
  • Barfina
  • Laylo
  • Suman
  • Firdeus
  • Shahnoza

Beautiful German names for girls

Like most European names, German names do not have a deep meaning in themselves and are often variations of ancient Greek and Latin names. Perhaps someone will find German names too harsh or rude to hear, but nevertheless, they are popular all over the world. It is believed that the German name will give the girl only the best character traits: self-confidence, determination, cheerfulness and movement towards the goal.

The most beautiful German names for girls:

  • Agnet
  • Adalind
  • Amalia
  • Benedict
  • Wigberg
  • wilda
  • Volda
  • Gertraud
  • Greta
  • Dietrich
  • Catherine
  • Leonor
  • Odelia
  • raffaella

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

There are many beautiful oriental names and Azerbaijani ones are no exception. In such names, among the notes of religion, there are a lot of comparisons with the beauty of nature and the female body.

The most beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls:

  • Adil
  • Aigul
  • Valida
  • Gezal
  • Gulnar
  • Deniz
  • Zarif
  • Inara
  • Leyli
  • Naira
  • Ravana
  • Saadat
  • Sudaba
  • farida

the most beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

Beautiful names for Kazakh girls

There are quite a lot of different names in the Kazakh people. Many of them are truly Kazakh, but still the majority are borrowed from nearby peoples and mostly taken from the Arabic language. Like all oriental names, Kazakh ones reveal the extraordinary beauty of female nature, comparing it with flowers and other phenomena: sunrise, moon, sky, sea, the rustle of leaves and the music of birds.

The most beautiful Kazakh names for girls:

  • Aguila
  • Aysel
  • Aibibi
  • Venus
  • Dfyana
  • Dameli
  • Zabira
  • Cadia
  • Nabia
  • Onega
  • Wasama
  • Shaygul

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

Everyone knows about the ardor of temper of the Georgian people. So in the names, the traditions and character of Georgia were embodied in every female name and endowed its owner with an ardent character, beauty of the soul, and only good heart. Georgian names have a very strong energy and therefore are not suitable for every girl. But such a name always brings happiness and raises its owner to a level above all other women.

The most beautiful Georgian female names:

  • Aliko
  • Darius
  • Jamaliya
  • Lamar
  • Maryam
  • Mariko
  • Manana
  • Nellie
  • Suliko
  • Tatia
  • Eliso

Beautiful Polish names for girls

Poland is one of the popular European countries and therefore you can often find common European names in it. Together with them, a significant part is still occupied by true Polish names, which were based on the Slavic languages. Polish names are easy to pronounce and very light in their energy.

The most beautiful Polish names for girls:

  • Agnieszka
  • Bertha
  • Bozena
  • Wislawa
  • Grasia
  • Danua
  • Julita
  • Irenka
  • Kasia
  • Nastusya
  • Roxanne
  • Solomeya
  • Stephia
  • Cheslava
  • Justina

Beautiful Jewish names for girls

Most of the Hebrew names are of a religious nature or belong to the wives, mothers and daughters of the Great Prophets. Only some of the names can be based on some natural beauty: flowers, heavenly bodies, nature. Jewish names are very common throughout the world and are the source for other names formed by other countries.

The most beautiful Jewish names for girls:

  • Avital
  • Sharon
  • Naomi
  • Daniella
  • Camel
  • Ariella
  • And bath
  • Josephine
  • Simone
  • Edita

beautiful names for Jewish girls

Beautiful Uzbek names for girls

There are many beautiful Uzbek names for girls:

  • Gulnara
  • Asmira
  • Dinora
  • Ziolla
  • Nigora
  • Zuhra
  • Dilbar
  • Nigora
  • farhunda

Beautiful Moldovan names for girls

Moldovan female names are often borrowed from nearby Slavic peoples: Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian. However, there are a number of beautiful names worth paying attention to:

  • Adella
  • Agatha
  • aurica
  • Adrianna
  • Barbara
  • Bianca
  • Carmen
  • Claudia
  • Doina
  • Dorothea
  • Eliza
  • Fabian

Greek names for girls are rare and beautiful

Greek names have a special nobility, because it is believed that they were worn by the Ancient Gods. The basis for the creation of these names was the Latin language. Such names always hide a special and secret meaning: faith in God and love for nature. Greek names have the strongest noble energy, giving their owner success and happiness.

Beautiful and rare Greek names for girls:

  • Adonia
  • Ariadne
  • Monica
  • Odette
  • Sabina
  • Theresa
  • Felitsa
  • lucia

Tibetan beautiful names for girls

Interestingly, most Tibetan names do not have a clear gender distinction. This suggests that one name can be given to both a newborn boy and a girl. Each name in Tibet, of course, is based on a religious faith - Buddhism, but still includes human observations of nature, the beauty of the surrounding world. Some names are a translation of the day of the week or month in which the child was born.

Beautiful female Tibetan names:

  • Ardana
  • Balma
  • jolma
  • Lhatse
  • Putshi
  • sanmu
  • Yangjian

Beautiful Indian names for girls

Indian names differ in that they contain a certain parting word for the child. So, for example, some can be translated as “bold”, “confident” or “happy”.

Indian names for girls are not quite familiar to Slavic hearing, but nevertheless, they are distinguished by their special sonority and beauty:

  • Amala
  • Bharat
  • Vasanda
  • Devika
  • Jita
  • Canti
  • Lalit
  • Madhavi
  • Malati
  • Neelam
  • Perva
  • radha
  • Rajni
  • Trishna
  • Harsha
  • Shanti

Beautiful Italian names for girls

Italian names are very sonorous. They contain a lot of vowels and a beautiful ending. Such a name is fraught with a soft, but rather quick-tempered character for its owners. In addition, such a name will give the girl a sense of nature, beauty and make a child a creative person.

Beautiful italian names for girls:

  • alesandra
  • Giovanna
  • Isabel
  • Bella
  • Carlotta
  • Laura
  • Lizabetta
  • Nicoletta
  • Olivia
  • Enrica

beautiful italian names for girls

Beautiful Asian names for girls

Persian female names are fraught with the mystery and secrets of the East, wrapped in sweet fragrances, passionate feelings and precious stones.

Beautiful Persian names for girls:

  • Abhayat
  • Adiba
  • Darius
  • Tabanda

Beautiful Spanish names for girls

Spanish names are very similar to familiar European ones, but nevertheless they differ in some way. They hide a small religious note and a person’s desire “to instill: the name of favorable wishes for a happy life for your child.

Beautiful spanish names for girls:

  • Maria
  • Lucia
  • Letitia
  • Milagros
  • Mercedes
  • Manuella
  • Veronica
  • Dolores
  • Carmen

Beautiful foreign names for girls twins and twins

Often parents want the names of twin girls to be consonant. The following options can help you choose a name:

  • Zhanna and Snezhana
  • Polina and Christina
  • Anya and Tanya
  • Christina and Karina
  • Anna and Svetlana
  • Anna and Alla
  • Masha and Dasha
  • Marina and Darina
  • Alina and Polina
  • Xenia and Evgenia
  • Olya and Yulia

Video: "Beautiful female names"

Often, from the first days of pregnancy until the birth of a child, parents argue about the name of the future baby. Many come from the words of the saying: "As you call a ship, so it will sail." Therefore, the choice, especially for girls, is approached with great care.

It is believed that a female name should be refined and at the same time mysterious. Therefore, they strive to name girls not just beautifully, but putting a special meaning that could tell others about the character of its owner.

Choosing an original name for girls

When sorting out names, parents proceed from various factors:

  1. Believers use church calendars, where the names of the great martyrs who suffered for their faith are recorded. Each month and each day of the month has a specific name. They were quite famous and widespread in ancient times. On the this moment many of them are unusual for us, and therefore are considered very rare. Despite this, every year there are more and more such names.
  2. Those who are fond of numerology are looking for a harmonious ratio of the date of the birth of the child with the name that was chosen for him. If harmony can be achieved, then the child will be happy and successful in everything.
  3. Some name their children according to the time of year they were born. It is believed that "winter" children should be called warm names, and "summer" - solid, so to speak, with character.
  4. Do not forget about the traditions inherent in different peoples. Many girls are named after grandmothers, great-grandmothers or other famous women in the family, and sometimes men. You can often meet girls with boyish names (Alexandra, Valeria, Ruslana, Evgenia).
  5. And even more often, children are simply called names that are fashionable at the moment or dedicated to some important events countries. For example, Elnara, which means “Joy of the People” in Tatar.

Beautiful female names from ancient Russian to modern Russian

In the course of a sociological survey conducted in our country, it turned out that the most favorite female names among men are:

  • Anastasia,
  • Catherine,
  • Victoria,
  • Kseniya,
  • Tatiana,
  • Alexandra,
  • Sofia,
  • Natalia.

Names that are relevant in Russia are of Slavic, Latin, Greek, Germanic and even Jewish origin.

Slavic are considered the oldest, but, despite this, some of them are popular to this day. For example:

  • Bozena (God's);
  • Lyudmila (sweet for people);
  • Snezhana (snowy, that is, cold);
  • Vlad (the one who owns fame);
  • Darina (gift of the gods).

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, new names were formed, adopted and taken root, which we consider to be primordially Russian. They were formed through trade with various countries, especially with Byzantium. And there were in use not only Greek names, there were also Egyptian, Byzantine, Babylonian, Germanic and many others. Here is just a small list of the most common:

  • Irina (calm and peace);
  • Maya (mother, nurse);
  • Elena (light);
  • Zoya (living, life);
  • Natalia (given by God);
  • Taisia ​​(wise);
  • Alena (light);
  • Valentina (healthy, strong).

But there is also Orthodox names, each of them has a specific day in the year. And if the child was born on this day, then it is recommended to name him:

  • Raisa (careless);
  • Anfisa (blooming);
  • Euphrosyne (joy);
  • Claudia (limping);
  • Seraphim (fiery);
  • Kapitolina (born in the Capitol).

Some parents prefer to call their children biblical names - Eve, Dinah, Leah, Rachel, Rebekah, Delilah, Esther. This tradition was borrowed from the Jewish people. It is they who name the children using the Old Testament.

AT modern world more and more children are called double names. This is how they did it in Ancient Russia, but with only one difference: one name was known to everyone, and the other was known only to the closest. At the same time, it was believed that the first must necessarily be negative, so that in life it would be the other way around. Used old Russian:

  • Bereginya,
  • Veselina,
  • Goldenflower,
  • malice,
  • Zorina,
  • curve,
  • Kupava
  • Gorislava,
  • Nekras,
  • Malusha,
  • Milena,
  • Svetozara,
  • Yaroslav.

In those days, everything was clean - both nature and air. They lived honestly, subsistence farming, and knew what love is. Therefore, they gave names that endowed people with wisdom, kindness, diligence, and a strong character.

Fancy foreign

Unusual names for babies parents borrow from foreign languages. Since our country is multinational and multi-confessional, not Russian names are often used, but common in various countries of the world.

For example, Belarusian. They are very similar to Russian ones, with only one difference - instead of "and" "i" is used. Here are the most common ones - Alesya, Alena, Yana, Yarina, etc. Ukrainian - Oksana, Sofia, Darina, Vladislav, Stanislav, etc.

Muslims often call children Azerbaijani names. They are very warm, feminine and soft-sounding, which gives them a special charm:

  • Aziza (dear);
  • Diamond (beautiful);
  • Amina (guardian);
  • Bella (beauty);
  • Jamila (beauty of the world);
  • Zara (gold);
  • Leila (night);
  • Maryam (loving).

The east has no less attractiveness and mystery. In the East, a woman is hot and sensual inside, but closed and cold outside. These are the women who attract men.

Representatives of the Arab countries call girls melodic names that emphasize the beauty of the owner - Aisha (beloved wife of the Prophet), Zafira (victorious), Ablaa (perfect), Nadira (rare), Rashida (wise), Salima (immaculate), Latyfa (gentle girl).

For the Japanese, the most important thing is the sonority of the name and surname of the child. The most interesting are those that mean flowers and natural phenomena or precious stones in translation:

  • Fuji (wisteria)
  • Sora (sky)
  • Amaya (evening rain)
  • Keori (flavor)
  • Cho (butterfly),
  • June (obedient)
  • Yoko (ocean child).

Among foreign ones, it is European ones that have gained particular popularity in Russia. They are distinguished by a special energy, as these are the names of winners, real business women, great designers, politicians, successful actresses and singers. These include French:

  • Aglaya,
  • Gabriella
  • Daniela
  • Jasmine,
  • Stephanie
  • nicole,
  • Camilla
  • Olivia,
  • Nadine,
  • Evelina,
  • Suzanne
  • Sophie,
  • Adeline,
  • Bridget,
  • Blanche.


  • Agatha,
  • Alice,
  • Valerie,
  • Gloria,
  • Diana,
  • irma,
  • Caroline,
  • Laura,
  • Monica,
  • Sabrina.


  • ursula,
  • Erika,
  • Albertina,
  • Amalia,
  • Belinda,
  • bruna,
  • Gertrude,
  • Greta,
  • Josephine.

From the Scandinavian countries, in particular, from Ireland, such unusual names came to us:

  • Isolde (fair),
  • Mirna (beloved)
  • Nora (honor)
  • Suzanne (lily)
  • Fiona (vine)
  • Elinor (foreign),
  • Rachel (sheep)


  • Vedella (wanderer),
  • Gerdi (fortress)
  • Kaisa (pure),
  • Marit (pearl),
  • Ottali (rich) was not widely used, as it sounds strange and unusual to the Russian ear.

Recently, names from songs, films, TV series have gained particular popularity. Top included:

  • Constance,
  • scarlett,
  • Olympics,
  • Stella,
  • chloe,
  • Natella,
  • jacqueline,
  • cassandra,
  • Regina
  • Dominica.

Ratings of Russian names

According to experts, the most unusual are found in mixed marriages, where one of the parents is a foreigner. According to the registry office, the rating of the most unusual names for Russia is as follows.

  • Zhuzha;
  • Millionaire;
  • Russia;
  • Privatization;
  • diamond;
  • Rowan;
  • Niva;
  • Moon;
  • Ophelia;
  • Viagra.

Judging by the most used, it is best to refer to the statistics of queries in search engines:

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you, dear parents. When you give a name to a child, remember that he will carry it for the rest of his life. And I don’t want the girl to become the object of ridicule at school. It is better if her name is familiar to the country and nationality to which you belong.