Pelageya full name surname. Pelagia is woven from contradictions

    Of course, maybe there is just Asya, like full name, I even remember one woman in some organization with which I collaborated. Asya Vasilievna. But, it is quite possible that some themselves shorten their names in everyday communication.

    Nobody called, but I can say that I myself met only one Asya with the full name of Stanislav. They call her Stasya and Asya. This is my daughter.

    There is such a full name - Asya.

    Yes, yes, I also did not believe for a very long time 🙂

    On some sites they write that Asya is a diminutive of Anastasiaquot ;, became an independent name but how true that is, I can't say.

    The famous actor Mikhail Efremov's second wife was a woman named Asya, her full name sounds like Asiya.

    Therefore, Asya is an abbreviated version of the name with the first letters As, but this is definitely not Anastasia. Here, how the parents will call at home or how the person himself will then decide on the name.

    All my acquaintances Asya are actually Anastasia. And I remember even arguing with someone that they say Nastya cannot be Asya. That Asya is probably Aksinya, I read about it somewhere.

    And over there in Turgenev’s story Asya, as far as my memory serves me, the heroine was generally called Anna, and she was also called Asya for short)

    But now, it seems, the name Asya has become independent, my colleague recently named her granddaughter like that, just Asya, that's what they wrote in her passport.

    So, in addition to the separate name Asya, there is also Asya - an abbreviation for different names: Anastasia, Aksinya, Anna and others, which is enough imagination)))

    In my opinion, Asya came from the name of Taisiya, Tasya.

    Indeed, besides the fact that given name can be a diminutive of several female names, such as: Agnes, Aksinya, Anna, Anastasia, Asiya, and even, oddly enough, Alexandra, Olesya, Taisiya, etc., it, apparently, is quite independent - complete name. I say this from a personal point of view. life experience, because at one time, being the secretary of a class Komsomol organization, he personally filled out a registration card for a girl from my class, who bears this wonderful name - Asya.

    Therefore, no one forbids parents to call the newborn a beautiful name Asya - bringing back to life!

    I know quite a few women whose full name Asya is written in the passport. But there are Nastya, Anastasia, who want to be briefly called Asya. In some peoples (Tatars, Kazakhs) I met the name Asiya (with an emphasis on last syllable). They were also called in Russian Asya.

    I'm here under the pseudonym Asyushka. Asya, that is. But in my life (according to my passport data), my name is Anastasia, Nastya.

    Nevertheless, I know a girl who is Asya according to her passport. Asya Evgenievna. That is, in principle, if you want to name your daughter Asya, no one will interfere in the registry office. Asya, so Asya.

    But, I repeat, this is often called Nastya.

    Yes, guessing about this estate - Asya at first falls to everyone, but it turns out that it already fully exists, as a separate official name not connected with any other and not educated from anything.

    Although earlier poets, and even we in the common people can call and sow the day Asya, for example, Anastasia is abbreviated.

    A film was even made called Asyaquot ;, if I'm not mistaken, there is such a work.

    My girlfriend was called Asya by my parents and friends, although her full name was Agnes. Whether this is correct, I don't know.

    A very beautiful name Asya, and the most that is not complete. Although many people consider it short and gentle, they use it for such variants of names as Anastasia, Arsenia, Agnes, and even Anna.

    So here, what else they like and how they like it, they say so. In general, this is not the main thing, all parents want happiness and health for their daughter.

    For me, this is a very relevant topic, because. the daughter herself wanted to name Asya and was looking for a longer form to transform this name into. And I found it, and I called it! 🙂 But in order..

    Firstly, there really is a full-fledged, full-format name Asya. And nothing else. Good, beautiful, Russian name.

    Secondly, some Anastasias are cut not by Nastya, as most of us are used to, but by Asami. For me at one time it was a discovery, but this is the place to be, a fact.

    Thirdly, which is even more strange and unusual, the name Anna is also sometimes shortened not to Anya, and not even to Nyura, but to Asya. Well, who likes it better, and who is used to what 🙂

    Fourthly, among the peoples of the former USSR there is the name Asiya or Asiyat, which is also successfully transformed into Asya.

    And fifthly, my version, so long sought after and so dearly loved. Arseny. Not modified version male name, as many may mistakenly think, but a full-fledged Orthodox woman's name mentioned in Christmas time. I named my daughter just like that .. My beloved Arsyusha, Asya, Asenka 🙂

The name Asya, of Greek origin - "returned to life." Women with this name are always excitable and receptive. They are very sensitive to everything that surrounds them. Such women, always and too seriously, take life, one might say - somewhat idealize it. And if they have to face the harsh prose of life, then they are completely lost. But in the end, they learn from their disappointments - useful lessons. Asya is a tireless inventor. And all the monotony of life irritates her somewhat. However, Asya is always full of original ideas, which most often do not become reality.

In specific actions, Asya is not too hasty, she does not know how to grasp everything on the fly. But if you asked her to do something, then first let her think it over in detail. A woman with this name is a creative person who forges her own path in life. This is a very hard-working woman who, together with her ingenuity, is able to open any doors in front of her. But unfortunately, she rarely takes advantage of the chance given to her. Asya is very kind and always likes to make small gifts. Moreover, she herself is more pleased with them than the people to whom they were intended.

Asya loves to give gifts

In the family, Asya is not a leader, but she has enough intelligence and common sense not to let her family sit on her head. This woman has a sense of proportion, she always knows how to feel the limit where you just need to dampen your emotions. For a woman with this name, love is not at all the last place in life. And if she is cordially attached to someone, she will be able to discard even the most strict, moral principles.

Asya's name day

  • Asya's name according to the zodiac sign: Suitable for Gemini.
  • Asya Talisman: emerald .
  • Asya name compatibility: favorable relations with the names: Boris, Valery, Vladimir, Pavel, Semyon, Eduard.

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Version 1. What does the name Asya mean

reduce from Asta


Type of excitable and receptive women. They are sensitive to everything that surrounds them. Their interest in the world truly knows no bounds. Perhaps they take life too seriously and idealize it somewhat. Faced with the harsh prose of life, they are lost, but in the end they learn useful lessons from their disappointments.
This woman is a tireless inventor, the monotony of life annoys her, however original ideas, with which Asya's pretty head is full, most often do not take on reality. As for specific actions, then Asya is leisurely, she does not know how to grasp everything on the fly, and if you asked her for something, then let her think it over in detail.
Asya is undoubtedly a creative person, a person who paves her own way in life. Combined with an enviable capacity for work and ingenuity, this quality opens all doors for her. Another thing is whether she will be able to take advantage of the chance given to her.
She is kind, loves to give small gifts, she herself rejoices in them more than those to whom they are intended. She is not a leader in the family, but she has enough intelligence and common sense not to let her family sit on her head. In general, she has a sense of proportion, she is well aware of the limit where you need to dampen your emotions. The emotionality of these women is both their weakness and their charm. Love occupies not the last place in their life, and with a strong heartfelt affection, they will not consider it shameful to discard strict moral principles. -Greek

Numerology Of The Name Asya

Name number: 8

The number 8 is one of the most mysterious, but its secrets can also be revealed. Eights - strong personalities who set clear goals and always achieve them. They are active, easily converge with people, although sometimes they are too frank and straightforward.

Although the outside of the Eight seems insensitive to us, in fact, they like to show their emotions and would like to do it openly, but the internal boundaries do not allow them to do this.

The meaning of the letters in the name Asya

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

FROM- Differ in stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They are overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Your partner may be overly demanding.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are able to hide many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic nature with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • FROM- Word
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Asya in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and then the last name. You may need to write the name Asya in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Charming, sincere and smiling girl Pelageya is a famous folk singer in Russia and abroad. She has a unique deep voice and incredible charisma. In her performance, you can hear romances, folk and author's songs. There are no dark spots in her biography and personal life. She is an open person and gladly shares with her fans photos, husband, child, talks about her experiences and achievements.

Pelageya Khanova in her young years achieved great heights in show business. But with her perseverance, diligence, vocal and external data, this is not at all surprising.


In 1986, Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova was born in a family of musicians in Novosibirsk. This name was given to the girl by her own grandmother, but in the registry office they thought differently and decided that the newborn would be called Polina. In fact, the workers simply assumed that Pelageya and Polina are one name, only the first is outdated, but the second is modern and sonorous. Pelageya was able to officially return her name only when it was time to apply for a passport. The surname of Pelageya Khanova and she got it from her stepfather, she never communicated with her father and does not know him.

Pelageya's mother was a fairly popular and well-known jazz singer. But, unfortunately, she lost her voice due to illness. She continued to build her career on the theater stage. She worked as a director and taught acting.

Little Pelageya with her mother

Pelageya, a native Siberian, grew up as a very gifted child. The girl learned to read very early, when she was only three years old, she read her first novel Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais, and at the age of ten she was already carried away by The Master and Margarita and mastered his reading from cover to cover. Developed in creative direction the future singer from a very young age, and this was facilitated primarily by her mother.

Mom was engaged in vocals with her daughter, she can be safely called the first teacher. And all because they were afraid to harm the voice of the future singer, spoil her wide range.

The beginning of the creative path

Pelagia began her first steps to the Olympus of Glory at the age of 4. But it was just a performance put on by the teachers. kindergarten. The first appearance on the stage turned out to be successful. Pelageya, a young talent, fell in love with the stage with all her heart, 4 years after her first appearance on the stage, she was enrolled in a special music school at the city conservatory in her hometown, Novosibirsk.

Pelageya started performing at the age of 4

Pelageya felt comfortable on stage and showed high-quality and colorful performances. Soon, this attracted attention famous musician Dmitry Revyakin. Hearing the performance of the little singer, the artist immediately approached her with a proposal to participate in the famous in those years very popular project “ morning Star". He did not lose, Pelageya became the owner of the title of "best performer folk song in Russia in 1996” and a laureate of a prestigious competition.

Further, the career of the little girl Pelageya, whose talent no one doubted, went up rapidly. She performed at the competition "Young Talents of Siberia", "New Names of the Planet", and also became a member of the KVN team from the University of NSU. Pelageya was entrusted with singing at a trilateral summit for the presidents of Russia, France and Germany. When the concert was over, the head of France, Jacques Cherak, praised the girl and said that she was undoubtedly worthy of the title of Russian Edith Piaf.

Pelagia in her youth and now

Pelageya, despite his achievements, which are associated with creative activity never put school in the background. She even managed to graduate as an external student, at the age of 14 she graduated and received a certificate. She then entered Russian academy theatrical art in Moscow. And in the same 1999, Pelagia became the soloist of the group, which is named after her.

Group "Pelageya"

With the advent of 2000, changes took place in Pelageya's life, her measured life, where studies were mainly present, changed. The singer started real life artistes, at a very lively pace. The tour changed studio work, recording new songs, searching for lyrics and music for those same songs, vocal lessons, and so on in a circle.

In 2003, the debut retrospective album of the same name was released. It included the most recognizable songs: “Lubo, brothers, lyubo”, “Cossack”, and others. In 2004, Pelageya tried herself in an unusual role for her as an actress and starred in a TV series called Yesenin. Two years after the release of the first album, Pelageya graduated from the academy with excellent marks and received a red diploma.

Singer in the group "Pelageya"

In 2006, an autobiography film was released about the singer, it told about her life and creative way, he received the name "Geeks". To date, Pelageya has released 6 albums, and the seventh is on the way. Not all of her works were published on media; Pelageya's repertoire includes dozens of romances. But she fulfills them only from the price.

But not all of the singer's work was met with open arms by her fans and critics. So, for example, the studio album "Girls' Songs", which included 12 songs, caused very mixed emotions among the public. One of the most widely read and authoritative magazines, Rolling Stones, rated Pelageya's work as a singer at 4 out of 5, and critics did not speak flatteringly about the performance, calling it "discolored and withered."


In 2012, Pelageya joined the jury vocal show talent called "Voice". She sat in the chair of the judges, and her partners were Agutin, Gradsky and Bilan. For three seasons of the project, Pelageya was able to win honorable 2nd and 3rd places along with her protégés.

Personal life

About the personal life, husband and child of Pelageya, it is very rare to see at least some information in the media with a negative connotation. Her biography is very measured, and Pelageya herself does not look like a person with a quarrelsome character. In her life there were two official marriages.

With her first husband Dmitry Efimovich in 2010, the marriage was officially registered. Pelageya took the name of her husband. But the family idyll lasted between the singer and director " comedy woman not for long, only 2 years.

The artist with her husband

4 years after the dissolution of the marriage with her first husband, information appeared in the media that Pelageya had a man, at that time they were talking about Ivan Telegin. Gossip and rumors were constantly heated up, the couple was often seen together at various events. Everyone's doubts disappeared when Pelageya was spotted at the 2016 World Hockey Championship along with the wives and lovers of the hockey team. The singer was accused of taking Ivan away from the family where there was a newborn child.

But despite gossips June 16, 2016 Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married. The wedding was hidden behind seven locks. Only the closest and dearest couples were invited to the celebration and celebration. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds went to Honeymoon to Greece.

Pelageya hid her interesting position almost to the very end. And only on recent months, the fans declassified it, but the singer's rounded belly was already clearly visible there. January 21, 2017 Ivan and Pelageya became parents. A daughter was born, who was called rare and nice name Taisiya.

Pelageya with her tiny daughter

Despite the fact that Pelageya recently became a mother, everything is wonderful in her personal life, she has a husband and a child, she does not leave the stage.

Just 1 month after she was released home with a child from the maternity hospital, the singer was already performing on stage. She appeared at the Crocus City Hall on the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorguev and sang with him.

Also in the same year, together with famous actor Nagiev, Pelageya led the concert. It was dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Voice show.

Social networks

AT in social networks Pelagia is not active, although it is registered in almost all the most popular ones. On Instagram, she has only 4 thousand subscribers, she does not spoil her fans with photos, only 11 posts have been published. One gets the impression that the page is not hers personally, but the group of the same name.