Zhanna Seropyan's vocal school is all. Negative reviews about Zhanna Seropyan and her Vocal School “It's Easy to Sing

Title: Zhanna Seropyan Online Vocal School "Master Group Sing Easy"

The accelerated program of the online vocal school "Master Group Sing Easy" according to the author's method of Zhanna Seropyan will leave you no choice but to sing PROFESSIONALLY!

There is no limit to perfection, and every year we become more experienced. We analyze the results of each student to make learning in our vocal school even more effective!

  • You will want to sing to everyone in public!
  • You will easily hit high notes
  • Have a huge voice range
  • You will have a powerful and voluminous voice
  • You will enjoy your voice on the recording
  • Delight others with your results!

What is the "Sing Easy" system?

Over 2 years of hands-on ONLINE learning successfully tested with over 1000 students. A system that will allow you to significantly improve your voice in the first week, regardless of your level. Our system is suitable for both beginners who know nothing about vocals, and for professionals who have been performing on stage for a long time. You do not need to go anywhere . Learn from anywhere in the world, at any time convenient for you.
And at the same time get a 100% guarantee of results!

Learning to sing and vocals is always a hot topic. But there isn't much on the web. good schools in voice and singing. In this article, we set out to find reviews about Zhanna Seropyan and her Vocal school, and both positive and negative reviews. After all, Zhanna Seropyan's School of Vocal "It's Easy to Sing" is very common and advertised on the Internet. The ad says there is some special technique of voice training, learning to sing, play the guitar, and therefore I want to understand whether this school is really good or another divorce for suckers?

Zhanna Seropyan- a professional vocalist, has an education in pop vocals, has been singing and teaching singing for more than 15 years. She developed a progressive methodology for accelerated production and development of voice, according to which more than 30,000 students from different countries have been trained.

Zhanna is the creator of the online vocal and guitar school “Singing Easy” with a high-quality system of training, support and motivation, in which students are guaranteed to get a beautiful and strong voice in just a few weeks or months.

The lessons of Zhanna Seropyan and her “Singing Easy” School will reveal to you 5 secret techniques used by the most powerful vocalists and guitarists in the world, teach and give professional singing skills, help you choose your own style and performance technique, as well as relax, expand your range, sing expressively , feel free to sing in public and much more.

The teachers of the school promise that in just a couple of months (someone will need a couple of weeks) you will set your voice, develop it and begin to sing beautifully, effectively performing high and low notes, without any barriers and fears. And, of course, on the Internet at various forums and sites we have seen a lot of positive feedback about Zhanna Seropyan and her School.

People say that they stopped being ashamed of their voice, removed the clamps, expanded the range, began to take high notes, learned to play the guitar, etc., and all this, moreover, is confirmed by their videos, which show how the student sang or played BEFORE learning and then how he began to sing and play AFTER passing the courses of the school “Singing is easy”. This is worth believing, it is unlikely that so many people would be deceived, and in the reviews you can really hear how people sing or play well. This cannot be a divorce, in our opinion.

Moreover, Zhanna is even trained famous people, stars of show business. For example, Vitaly Abdulov (actor), Ekaterina Melnik (actress), Aliana Ustinenko (Gobozova) (participant of house2), Anastasia Lisova (participant of house2) and many others studied at the School.

Of course, we also found negative reviews about Zhanna Seropyan and the School of Vocal and Guitar "It's Easy to Sing". For example, people write that Zhanna's vocal and guitar training is too expensive and inaccessible to ordinary people. Or they write that the lessons and courses are aimed at those who already sing well, and not at those who "have stepped on the ear."

All these points, although negative, are controversial. Do not forget that you will not find high-quality materials anywhere for free, that you have to pay for everything, and even more so, this is a good motivation for learning. If the material is free, then you will just mess around and then completely abandon the classes. By the way, we recently wrote a whole article on how to get a discount of 7, 10 and 20 thousand rubles for studying at Zhanna Seropyan's Vocal School “It's Easy to Sing”. and take advantage of a very good discount if you want to get trained and get a great voice.

And as for the fact that the lessons are for those who already sing well, then the whole thing, probably, is in your efforts. Let's be honest. If you have a desire, everything will work out for you, if you don’t have it, then no teachers, schools, methods will help you. This also applies to the fact that some people wrote that the “Easy to Sing” School is a scam and nonsense, and that, supposedly, Zhanna Seropyan herself sings badly. As they say, there is a lot of negativity in this world, and some are trying to pour it on others, unreasonably, without facts. Many who write angry comments on the Internet have not even studied the courses themselves and have not tried to take them.

But let's move on to the reviews themselves. We will give you a few of those that we found on the Internet on forums, blogs, social networks, various music sites. We have not corrected anything, all reviews are real. Negative reviews about Zhanna Seropyan are highlighted in red for ease of reading.

Results BEFORE and AFTER learning vocals from Zhanna Seropyan:

“Alena Kvitko thanks Zhanna for her vocal lessons. The methodology of the school "Singing Easy" allows you to sing more professionally, beautifully, more clearly, not to be afraid of the public and the stage ... "

The result BEFORE and AFTER studying at the vocal school "Singing Easy":

“Alexander Bundych chose to study with Zhanna Seropyan, first of all, because of the convenience of learning - in an online format. I also really liked the constant Feedback from the teacher. The system of lessons is built from simple to complex, you can gradually learn everything. Thanks to the school, Alexander learned about resonators and registers, the features of using the articulatory apparatus, and much more, which helped him make his vocals of high quality ... "

Positive feedback:

“Irina Kasper has been singing for a long time, but unprofessionally - she leads corporate parties and holidays. In her repertoire there are already 850 songs that she performed. Despite this, earlier Irina did not know what a support is and how to use it, she did not know how to tune her voice, but she really wanted it. Zhanna Seropyan's vocal lessons changed her idea of ​​singing and pop vocals. After a full course in vocals, she correctly tuned her voice, learned many necessary moments, learned to use such vocal techniques as: growl, wheeze, hoarseness, subtone ... "

Video from a student of the Easy Voice Vocal School:

“Alexander Rauch has long dreamed of learning to sing as the lead singer of the Linkin Park-Chester band. He studied with 5 teachers, but no one was even close to being able to teach him such vocals, no one explained about wheezing, growling, etc. And the attitude to learning was disregard. Once I accidentally stumbled upon the lessons of Zhanna Seropyan on YouTube, they just talked about these techniques. It seemed to Alexander that it was with this school that he could achieve results.

Now he has been studying for 5 months and the changes in his voice are simply colossal! A young man freely and easily performs the songs of his favorite group ... "

Negative feedback about Zhanna Seropyan:

Negative feedback about studying at the School of Vocal and Guitar "Easy Voice" (taken from VKontakte):

« If you listen to the voice of Zhanna Seropyan herself, then doubts already arise ... You can clearly hear all the signs of the destruction of the voice-speech function. And in the lessons there is no definite methodology and system. This is rather not a technique, but mechanics and metaphysics, moreover, aimed at destroying the neuromotor of singing motor skills. Singing is a psycho-physiological process and you need to know the anatomy and physiology voice apparatus, principles of development of the voice-forming system, singing parameters of the voice, etc. All this implies learning gradually, talking about short-term successes means talking nonsense. All short-term successes in vocals are simply the adaptation of parts of the vocal apparatus to some specific actions. In the future, this leads to the destruction of the voice-forming system, apparently, as it happened with Jeanne.»

Elvis Pershin

Zhanna Seropyan — vocal coach and founder of the Singing Easy vocal school, author of numerous video lessons and courses on pop vocals. When Zhanna herself started to sing, she faced the same problems that torment many, both beginner vocalists and vocalists who have rich experience in vocals. Jeanne asked questions: how to learn to sing fast, nice, how easy it is to hit the notes, how to sing without losing your voice and, in the end, how don't be ashamed of your singing? She did not want to sing out of tune and blush with shame, break her voice at the first attempt to sing loudly, and she did not want her loved ones to shut her up when she tried to sing.

And then the author became interested in whether there are ways that will help teach you to completely control your voice. Zhanna Seropyan found these ways, but it took her years to do so. She studied many different methods, voice development schools, studied vocals with different teachers, but all this did not give her the desired results, because all these methods were based on choral singing, singing in a team, not a bright background sound. Jeanne had to spend a lot of time to somehow sing and more or less hit the notes.

Singing is an expression of himself and his emotions and therefore not only gives pleasure to the singer, but also makes him happier and liberated. If you sing well - your childhood dream, if you are embarrassed to sing in the company of friends and think that you do not have a voice, if it seems to you that you a special case and nothing will help you if you want to quickly learn to sing, but you have little time, if you already sing, but you are not satisfied with the way you are doing - in fact, all these problems are solved very easily!

To find answers to all your questions, Zhanna Seropyan I had to study and re-shoot the recordings of many performers who, in her understanding, did it easily and beautifully, perhaps by nature having good vocal abilities. By copying their sounds and facial expressions, she found answers to all questions! As a result, Jeanne developed a system "Singing is easy!". It includes just five secrets that changed her voice and life. According to this system, Zhanna Seropyan wrote down voice mastery course, containing only 5 effective exercises, which will lead you to a beautiful timbre, to the ability to sing easily, to the fact that you will not break your voice. the pride of your singing. Best of all, this course is completely free. from and to!

Unlike other vocal schools, you are unlikely to be able to get the kind of information that Zhanna Seropyan simply because most teachers simply do not know how to analyze and give a tremendous result in each lesson. To access the video lessons of Zhanna Seropyan, follow the link below. Register, it's completely free and see you at the video lessons!

The editors of InfoHit are not responsible for the content of the reviews, the learning outcomes are individual. Please see rules for posting reviews.

Rated reviews: 5

I really like learning to sing in the Online Vocal School, it's easy to sing, my voice improves from the first lesson, very interesting activities, Wonderful curators, My curator Olga is a wonderful girl who helps me with Skype lessons, and most importantly everything is clear, the founder of the Vocal School Zhanna Seropyan explains the lessons very well and they are very interesting + the result is on the face))) I want to say Thank you very much to this school, wonderful results


I want to express my gratitude to the teachers of the online vocal school "It's easy to sing" for their work, patience, loyalty and sincerity towards any novice vocalist. Such teachers are now the pride of Russia! After all, it doesn’t even matter that the knowledge gained at this school is online, because the most important thing is to see the result! And he is! It's a team of professionals! And they really love their job, you can feel it! Therefore, I wish all the people who are in any way connected with this project kindness, patience, success in all the intended goals and plans, and of course good health! Good luck!


The method of teaching the school "Singing is easy" is unique. It, among other things, allows you to train in a place convenient for the student and in convenient time I schedule my own workouts. The explanation of the lessons is understandable for any level of development of students. Vocal improvement occurs from the first lesson. Everyone new lesson reveals new possibilities of voice, which captures me and motivates me to improve my results. I really like that the lessons are updated, there is a new interesting information improved vocal training. Thanks to the training at the school "Singing is easy", I began to understand and understand different styles music. As a result of my training, I received a simple formula successful vocal training: a unique methodology + a competent coach + motivation + perseverance + regular training = excellent progress :) Thank you, FAVORITE SCHOOL, for your unique knowledge and for revealing my vocal abilities!!! I wish prosperity, ideas, improvement and long years!!!


Started practicing three weeks ago. Went through a few lessons. Before that, I tried to sing for about 15 years, during which I practically did not advance: (I reviewed a bunch of videos on the Internet, but it’s all useless. But already in the fourth lesson, it seems, I began to understand what support is. Considering my habits developed over the years, I have to hard to change , but things went well, I feel it. But I did only 10% of the total course! In general, I finally found what I need. Now I will sing :) The price is not so high, the school has a whole team of teachers and technical support , an excellent ordered program of classes, where everything is laid out on the shelves - all this is worth the money. Recommend!


I have been studying at school for 2 months and I am very glad that I chose this one. I sincerely recommend Zhanna Seropyan's "Easy to Sing" school for those who want to discover and improve their abilities in a sincere atmosphere. Zhanna is a professional, talented teacher and loves her job, lives it, puts her soul into her students. I feel the real interest of Zhanna and Artem in my successes, their joy when something that seemed difficult before turns out. The training takes place in a friendly atmosphere, but at the same time you will not be allowed to relax, because behind any talent there is also a lot of work. This school is not for excuses and pumping money. This school is really created for you and me to learn to sing professionally, to reveal ourselves and our vocal talents. So that there are more joyful singing people in the world!

Teachers test your voice, point out the points that need to be worked out in order to make a breakthrough from simple singing in the shower to a stage large or small. The repertoire is selected together, because a lot depends on it. For example, I learned that I have a lyrical voice and that with a serious approach I can sing songs by Adele, Celine Dion or Whitney Houston, and these are quite difficult things. Before school, I just didn’t know about it.)) So, if you have doubts about choosing a school for you here, they will show you your uniqueness and open up new facets, you will not be disappointed, you will get the development of your natural talents, communication, the joy of singing and, possibly , completely change your life! My great respect and gratitude to Jeanne and Artem!