All in Olga but any. Larina

a) trochee;

b) iambic;

c) anapaest;

d) dactyl.

a) 1819 - 1825;

b) 1825 - 1835;

c) 1837 - 1840.

  1. About whom Pushkin said in the novel

a) the mother of the Larin sisters;

b) Tatyana;

c) Olga;

d) nanny Filipyevna.

  1. climax?

a) duel between Onegin and Lensky;

  1. What is the role of the author in the novel?

a) ;

a) ;

a) ;

  1. Write down an epithet from the passage

Immersed in instant cold

Onegin hurries to the young man,

Looks, calls him ... in vain;

He no longer exists. Young singer

Found an untimely end!

Withered at the dawn,

Extinguished the fire on the altar!

Control work based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

  1. What is the name of the meter in which the novel is written?

a) trochee;

b) iambic;

c) anapaest;

d) dactyl.

  1. Indicate the time limits of the action taking place in the novel:

a) 1819 - 1825;

b) 1825 - 1835;

c) 1837 - 1840.

  1. About whom Pushkin said in the novel"... Any novel / take and find right / her portrait ..."?

a) the mother of the Larin sisters;

b) Tatyana;

c) Olga;

d) nanny Filipyevna.

  1. What element of the composition is called climax?

a) the element in which the conflict arises;

b) an element in which the artistic conflict reaches highest point its development and requires permission;

c) the element in which the conflict is resolved.

  1. The culmination of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is:

a) duel between Onegin and Lensky;

b) Tatyana's declaration of love to Onegin;

c) the second explanation of Evgeny and Tatyana in her Petersburg house.

  1. What is the "Onegin stanza"?

a) a stanza of 8 verses, where the first 6 rhyme with each other, and 2 are connected by a pair of rhymes;

b) a stanza of 14 verses: 3 quatrains and 2 final lines.

  1. Lyrical digression is:

a) emotional perception of the events described by the author;

  1. What is the role of the author in the novel?

a) is an active person;

b) is an observer of events.

  1. Determine which of the heroes of the novel correspond to these characteristics (in front of the letter, write down the corresponding name):

a) young rake; he is smart and very nice; he could not distinguish the iambic from the chorea, no matter how hard we fought, to distinguish; with a yoke he replaced the old dues with a light one; how early he could be hypocritical; Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little;

b) wild, sad, silent; she liked novels early on; the soul was waiting for someone;

in) she is round, red-faced; coquette, windy child;

G) his pen breathes love; admirer of glory and freedom; he was loved... so he thought;

e) he was a simple and kind gentleman.

For reference: Tatyana, Dmitry Larin, Onegin, Lensky, Olga.

  1. Determine which of the writers, critics owns the words:

a) Onegin is a suffering egoist, an unwilling egoist;

b) I am always glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me;

in) Onegin is an egoist by nature, a secular parasite.

For reference: V. Belinsky, D. Pisarev, A. Pushkin.

  1. Identify the characters in the circle of their reading:

a) scolded Homer, Theocritus, but read Adam Smith;

b) She loved Richardson not because she had read it, not because she preferred Grandison to Lovlace...

  1. Write down an epithet from the passage: "Where, where have you gone, my golden days of spring? .."
  2. Write out the metaphor from the passage:

Immersed in instant cold

Onegin hurries to the young man,

Looks, calls him ... in vain;

He no longer exists. Young singer

Found an untimely end!

The storm has died, the color is beautiful

Withered at the dawn,

Extinguished the fire on the altar!

  1. Why is the poetic work "Eugene Onegin" called a novel?
  2. List the features of the plot of the novel "Eugene Onegin".
  3. What social strata are represented in the novel, and what characters represent them?
  4. Write a short answer to a topic
  1. option - "My idea of ​​​​Tatiana";
  2. option - "My idea of ​​​​Onegin."


  1. a - Onegin; b - Tatyana; c – Olga; d - Lensky; d – Dmitry Larin.
  2. a - Belinsky; b - Pushkin; in - Pisarev.
  3. a - Onegin; b - Tatyana.
  4. golden days
  5. covered with cold, the storm died, the beautiful color withered, the fire on the altar went out
  6. reflects historical era, shows the internal development of the hero (psychologism)
  7. 2 conflicts, the image of the author, Russian life is shown in all its manifestations
  8. high society (Onegin), patriarchal nobility (Larins), educated provincial nobility (Lensky)

1 option

  1. The novel was written in:

a) 1836 - 1839; b) 1839 - 1841; c) 1812 - 1837.

2. Pechorin was called:

a) Maxim Maksimovich; b) Grigory Alexandrovich; c) Sergei Alexandrovich.

3. Choose the most precise definition genre of the work "Hero of Our Time".

a) a story with a dynamic plot and an unexpected ending;

b) a novel in which the main problem is the problem of personality and which seeks to depict the entire complexity of the world and man with the greatest completeness;

c) a novel in which a large number of actors and develops several storylines.

4. Theme artwork- this is:

a) objects, characters and situations taken by the author from reality and transformed in his artistic world;

b) main episodes literary work in their artistic sequence;

c) the main generalizing idea of ​​a literary work.

5. Define the term "plot".

8. What is the cause of the tragedy outstanding personality in the era of the 30s of the 19th century?

Control work based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Option 2

1. What ideological and aesthetic trend in literature does the novel "The Hero ..." belong to?

a) romanticism; b) realism; c) classicism.

2. Define the hero by description:

“He does not see anything legally for himself, except for himself…”

a) Pechorin; b) Dr. Werner; c) Onegin.

3. What is the tragedy of Pechorin?

a) in his conflict with others;

b) indifference to everything that surrounds him;

c) in dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality and a clear understanding of their contradictory nature;

d) in his selfishness.

4. Define the idea of ​​the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

a) the image of the socially typical personality of the noble circle after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising, analysis modern society and psychology of the human personality;

b) condemnation of the typical personality of the noble circle and the social environment that gave rise to it.

5. Define the term "plot".

6. Restore the chronological sequence of events in the novel (write the chapters in the correct order).

"Bela" - "Maxim Maksimych" - Preface to Pechorin's magazine - "Taman" - End of Pechorin's magazine - "Princess Mary" - "Fatalist".

7. Formulate what a psychological novel is. Explain why A Hero of Our Time is called a psychological novel.

8. Why is the character of Pechorin called controversial? Tell us in detail about the contradictions in the character of Pechorin.


Option 1

Option 2

Taman-Princess Mary-Fatalist-Bela-Maxim Maksimych-Foreword to the magazine-End of the magazine

Always humble, always obedient,
Always as cheerful as the morning
How simple is the life of a poet,
Like a kiss of love sweet
Eyes as blue as the sky;
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp,
Everything in Olga ... but any novel
Take it and find it right
Her portrait: he is very sweet,
I used to love him myself
But he bored me to no end.
Allow me, my reader,
Take care of your big sister.

A sort of Barbie Pushkin turned out. A real girlfriend for the already plastic Vladimir. So I would put them in a gingerbread house. And also this “disclosure of the image” through a hyperlink: take, they say, any novel ...

The girl "from the novels" is prefaced to the girl "from Pushkin" -
not otherwise than for contrast, to the greater glory of Tatyana.
However, here is the same Olga:
“... shyly under the crown
Standing with bowed head
With fire in downcast eyes,
With a smile on your lips."

Is it the same Barbie?

Nabokov writes: “Pushkin's work is, first of all, a phenomenon of style ... Before us are not “pictures of Russian life”; at best, this is a picture ... which will immediately fall apart if the French props are removed and if the French scribes of English and German authors stop suggesting words to Russian-speaking heroes and heroines.

And, it seems, it turned out that Olga and others, hastily shattered by Pushkin, and without props, minor characters novel - her mother, nanny, Zagoretsky, Princess Alina, Guillo, a gray-haired Kalmyk, etc. turned out to be even more alive than the staged Onegin, Tatyana and Lensky. It even seems that they are the only ones alive in this realm of shadows - the world of Onegin, Tatyana, Lensky.

Pushkin's lines "Always modest, always obedient" are used by mothers in relation to their daughters when they want to boast of their behavior. This stanza is dedicated from the novel "Eugene Onegin" ().

Willingly or unwittingly, Pushkin portrayed not just an obedient angel girl. Olga is sweet and childishly naive, as an 11-12-year-old child can be naive. She had heard from childhood that she was intended. She managed to make friends with him and fall in love. She willingly listened to his poems, perhaps expressed her opinion. Olga played chess with him, listened to the books that Lensky read to her. Vladimir came to the Larins almost every evening and he was not bored with her. There were common interests common topics for conversations.

Unlike, who only did what she was sad, Olga helped her mother set the table and in other household chores. I did needlework. Olga was supposed to make a wonderful hostess and mother. Or did he seek to see future Decembrists in the heroines? Even so, Olga was more suitable for this role. She would not have disappeared, because she was more skilled and was stronger in spirit than her sister.

Pay attention to the last 3 lines. It was not Olga who bored Pushkin, but her portrait. A portrait of a blue-eyed blond girl, which was portrayed by other writers and poets. Artists liked to depict this sentimental image on their canvases. He could be found everywhere. Is it really Olga's fault that she was born a blond angel with blue eyes?

Always humble, always obedient,
Always as cheerful as the morning
How simple is the life of a poet,
Like a kiss of love sweet
Eyes as blue as the sky
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp,
Everything in Olga ... but any novel
Take it and find it right
Her portrait: he is very sweet,
I used to love him myself
But he bored me to no end.

A little boy, captivated by Olga,
I don't know the pain of the heart yet,
He was a touching witness
Her infantile amusements;
In the shadow of the protective oak forest
He shared her fun
And crowns were read to the children
Friends, neighbors, their fathers.
In the wilderness, under the shadow of the humble,
Full of innocent beauty
In the eyes of her parents, she
Bloomed like a hidden lily of the valley,
Unknown in the grass deaf
No moths, no bees.

Here, for the first time, a representative of the Larin family appears with us - the youngest Olga, with whom Lensky has been in love since childhood, and who was predicted to marry. Good, neighbors

Olga Larina

She gave the poet
Young delights first dream,
And the thought of her inspired
His tarsals first groan.
Sorry, the games are golden!
He loved thick groves,
solitude, silence,
And the night, and the stars, and the moon,
Moon, sky lamp,
to which we dedicated
Walking in the darkness of the evening
And tears, secret torments of joy ...
But now we see only in it
Replacement of dim lights.

In general, the guy suffered. Sighed alone under the moon. Idyllic and romanticism :-) This further emphasizes the mention of the tsevnitsa. It's not what you thought about in the first second - it's such an old wind instrument, and in this particular case, a kind of symbol of idyllic poetry. But "the first dream of young delights" - this is exactly that - for sure wet dreams :-))


Always humble, always obedient,
Always as cheerful as the morning
How simple is the life of a poet,
Like a kiss of love sweet
Eyes as blue as the sky;
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp,
Everything in Olga ... but any novel
Take it and find it right
Her portrait: he is very sweet,
I used to love him myself
But he bored me to no end.
Allow me, my reader,
Take care of your big sister.

Olga and Vladimir
Not very well the author speaks well of Olga. A kind of pretty blonde, pleasant in every way, but empty, which means boring. I think few girls would be happy to read such a derogatory characterization. However, Pushkin makes a reservation that before he himself was fond of such young ladies, but he was already very bored with them. But anyway, it’s even a little insulting for Olga :-)

Her sister's name was Tatyana...
For the first time with such a name
Gentle pages of a novel
We will sanctify.
So what? it is pleasant, sonorous;
But with him, I know, inseparable
Remembrance of old
Or girlish! We should all
Confess: the taste is very little
With us and in our names
(Let's not talk about poetry);
We don't get enlightenment
And we got from him
Pretense, nothing more.

TADAM! The second one appears main character of this wonderful novel in verse - the elder sister Tatyana Larina. She was a year older than Olga and must have been about 18 years old. Pushkin notes. that this is an old, and therefore not very popular name at that time. They were rarely called noble girls. Interestingly, after the publication of the novel, the situation changed to the opposite :-)) The name means organizer, founder, sovereign, establishing, set, appointed.

So, she was called Tatyana.
Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.
Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.
She couldn't caress
To my father, not to my mother;
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
Didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
She sat silently by the window.

Again, a strange thing. Here the author seems to think that Tatyana is less outwardly attractive, and even "wild" than Olga (and which of the girls might like it), but from the first lines it is clear that she is more attractive to him. More interesting, more profound, it has a secret, raging passions inside.

Thought, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural Leisure Current
Decorated her with dreams.
Her pampered fingers
Didn't know needles; leaning on the hoop,
She is a silk pattern
Did not revive the canvas.
The desire to rule is a sign
With an obedient doll child
Cooking jokingly
To decency, the law of light,
And importantly repeats to her
Lessons from my mother.

But dolls even in these years
Tatyana did not take it in her hands;
About the news of the city, about fashion
Didn't have a conversation with her.
And there were childish pranks
She is alien; scary stories
In winter in the dark of nights
They captivated her heart more.
When did the nanny collect
For Olga on a wide meadow
All her little friends
She didn't play with burners
She was bored and sonorous laughter,
And the noise of their windy joys.
Neither embroidery, nor games, nor toys, but stories (especially horror stories) are more interesting to her. She is a loner. He likes to think and follow life from the outside.

Elizaveta Ksaveryevna Vorontsova is one of the possible prototypes of Tatyana Larina.

She loved on the balcony
Warn dawn dawn
When in the pale sky
The stars disappear in a round dance,
And quietly the edge of the earth brightens,
And, the messenger of the morning, the wind blows,
And gradually the day rises.
In winter, when the night shadow
Possesses half the world,
And share in idle silence,
Under the foggy moon
The lazy East rests
Awakened at the usual hour
She got up by candlelight.

She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Rousseau.
Her father was a good fellow
Belated in the last century;
But he saw no harm in books;
He never reads
They were considered an empty toy
And didn't care about
What is my daughter's secret volume
Slept until morning under the pillow.
His wife was herself
Mad about Richardson.

S. Richardson

I started reading early, since papa didn’t forbid it, and maman generally looked favorably on some books. I don’t really know why the young girl Russo needs, but everything is clear with Samuel Richardson :-) After all, the founder of the “sensitive” literature XVIII and early XIX centuries I think the most popular women's novel of the time was his Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady.
She loved Richardson
Not because I read
Not because Grandison
She preferred Lovlace;
But in the old days, Princess Alina,
Her Moscow cousin
She often told her about them.
At that time there was still a groom
Her husband, but by captivity;
She sighed for another
Who in heart and mind
She liked much more:
This Grandison was a glorious dandy,
Player and Guard Sgt.

Sir Charles Gradinson
True, there is an explanation right there why Tatyana loved Richardson .... Ordinary female things inspired by an older and more experienced cousin. Moscow cousin Alina, who will still flash on the pages of the novel later. In general, the Moscow cousin is a stable satirical mask, a combination of provincial panache and mannerisms of that time. But it's not about that. Alina favorably accepted the courtship of her future husband, but she dreamed of something else - a dandy and a guardsman. Don't be embarrassed by the rank - the nobles served in the guards, it's just that her hero was still young.
And finally, it should be mentioned, the lines " that Not because Grandison / She preferred Lovlas» The first is a hero of impeccable virtue, the second is a hero of insidious but charming evil. Their names have become household names and are taken from Richardson's novels.
To be continued...
Have a nice time of the day.


Read the examples carefully, find comparisons in them and highlight them while reading aloud.

Example 1

Always humble, always obedient,

Always cheerful like the morning

Like the life of a poet, simple-hearted,

Like a kiss of love, honey;

Eyes like the sky, blue;

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga ... But any novel

Take it and find it, right

Her portrait...

(A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Example 2

“The mass tossed and turned, buzzed, worried, like a huge woolly beast - a thousand-legged, thousand-eyed, pliable, like a bear-mokhnach.”

(D. Furmanov "Chapaev").

When a new concept appears in a story, it is also highlighted with logical emphasis. So, the logical stress falls on the name that first appeared in the work:

Onegin, my good friend,

Born on the banks of the Neva

Where might you have been born?

Or shone, my reader.

(A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

When the heroes in front have already been named, with further mention there is no need to specifically highlight them:

The king rode through the village from the war.

Rides - black malice sharpens the heart.

Hears - behind the elderberry bushes

The girl laughs.

Menacingly red eyebrows frowning,

The king spurred his horse

Hit the girl like a storm

And screams, ringing with armor ...

(M. Gorky "Girl and Death")

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Task: Read the examples carefully, find comparisons in them and, when reading aloud, highlight them. Example 1. Always modest, always obedient, Always, like morning, cheerful, Like the life of a poet, simple-hearted, Like a kiss of love, sweet; Eyes like the sky, blue; Smile, linen curls,