A group of people. Tomsk dance group "YUDI" conquered the world with their performance

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The Tomsk group "YUDI" reached the final of the "Britain's Got Talent" contest. Another breathtaking performance of Russian dancers produced good impression on the judges popular show in Britain, which is broadcast on the ITV channel. In the semi-finals, the group "UDI" showed a performance with a philosophical content on the theme of the struggle between good and evil. This number is a logical continuation of the performance in luminous costumes in the dark, which was no less exciting than the first one. His YouTube post has over nine million views.

Group "YUDI". Team History

The history of the dance team from Tomsk began in the second half of the 1990s, when three guys from the boarding school were united into one group by the dream of a big stage.

Group "YUDI" is a representative of the dance school of the same name which specializes in hip-hop and breakdance. She is 9 years old. Now about 650 people go to study here. Disabled children, children from orphanages and low-income families also learn dancing at the school. Competitive prize money of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, the group wanted to use to create their own gym for training.

The name of the team was formed from the first letters of the names of the participants (Yuri, Denis and Igor). The dance group UDI participated in the finals of the "Minute of Glory" contest. In the early spring of this year, the guys went to Britain for the first time to participate in a popular TV show. The jury rightfully positively assessed the performance of the Russian dancers. The TV star described UDI's performance as "life-affirming". The actor was shocked and said that this performance is something that none of them have ever seen. The other two members of the jury spoke of the group with no less praise.

Fight for the final

Group "YUDI" entered the top three of the nine participants in the semi-finals, they voted the most TV viewers. Only 2 participants could participate in the decisive stage of the competition. The first lucky winner in the final was the illusionist Jamie Raven, who received the largest number of votes from viewers. He had very interesting, intricate tricks.

Another competitor of "UDI" in the semi-finals was the dance group IMD Legion from London. She showed a futuristic number in costumes that resembled astronaut spacesuits or superhero clothes. The number was sporty with acrobatic elements. Half of the jury voted for this group. The sympathy of the viewers helped the team from Tomsk to reach the final.

Coming home

After participating in the British TV program, the dance group "UDI" came to their native Tomsk. They were warmly welcomed at the airport. Relatives, friends, and also fans called the team the winners, although the participants from Tomsk took tenth place in the popular TV show. The main prize went to the dog Mathis.

They greeted everyone in English and admitted that they heard native language they were very pleased. On the day of arrival, the UDI group did not want to attract much attention. But she failed to do this. Fans, relatives and friends of the dance team arrived at the airport much earlier than the landing of the plane in which the dancers were flying.

The success of your favorite dance group

Tomsk citizens followed the success of their favorite group at night. Broadcasts of the British program on the Internet began after midnight. The dancers from Tomsk had to do their best; and they outdid themselves. Their numbers are philosophical, about the struggle between good and evil. All of them are performed in a single genre - these are the scope of the project.

The English tabloids called the light show magic. On YouTube, the video of the UDI group has gained almost 10 million views. Many Britons thought that the team would win in famous show, but they did not manage to become the first.

With the money won, the athletes wanted to build dance school for children from Tomsk. Local authorities have promised to help the group in this difficult task.

Tomsk group "YUDI" today is fighting for victory in famous show"Britain's Got Talent" - British "Minute of Glory". "Boys from Siberia", as they are called in London, made a splash on the island. The sympathy of the jury helped them get into the final - the stern and adamant Britons were touched by both the history of the group and the sincerity of the dancers.

Actress Amanda Holden explained for everyone: I vote for the unusual and unique, so I vote for UDI. We saw a lot of special effects on stage, believe me. But to do this without expensive equipment is expensive.

That rare case when football fans, especially British ones, completely forgot about football. So the FA Cup final will not be late for long. But a stone's throw away from Wembley Stadium are the finalists of Britain's most popular show, Britain's Got Talent. Warm-up - right in the middle of the street, so incendiary that even the police staged a time-out. Still, the idols of the whole kingdom are so close. Idols, which are simply called here - "Siberian guys".

Who are these "YUDI"? When asked by the "great and terrible" Simon Cowell, chairman of the jury and creator of the show, they answered instantly - wizards. Just wizards.

The question seemed to be "How is this even possible?" literally hung in the air. But while whispering in the hall, where is it computer graphics, and how the stairs are hidden, miracles continued. Butterflies fluttered on the stage, mysterious masks appeared, and swords flew out of nowhere thanks to the play of light and shadow. The effect is hypnotic. The reaction of the jury: "we have never seen anything like this." The first artists from Russia in the nine-year history of the competition should be in the final.

"It was absolutely perfect," said singer Alisha Dixon.

"I have no words, incredible!" - Supported her actress and TV presenter Amanda Holden.

"Sometimes people ask us why we don't only have UK citizens playing here. But I'm so happy that our rules allow it, because that's the only way we can see fantastic artists like you," added Jury President Simon Cowell.

Fantasy they themselves call everything that happens to them recent months. An application for participation, news that hundreds of thousands were selected, an invitation, a plane from Tomsk to Moscow and from there to London. Quarter-finals, semi-finals - everywhere a sensation. But such success was not expected. They did not expect to become stars in a competition that opened the world to, say, Susan Boyle. They put the number seven years ago, where only they did not perform with it. But for such recognition had to travel thousands of kilometers. Crowds of fans and in three weeks - more than 9 million views of the performance on youtube.

"It seems that from the outside everything is simple in technical terms, but on the other hand, everything is very complicated. And this parallel, it attracts the British people, and there is a philosophical side - the struggle between good and evil. This is very important," says the founder group "YUDI" Denis Vishnyak.

The philosophy of each of them is that dance conquers the street and gives hope. The hope that Yura, Igor and Denis once needed so much - three guys from a Tomsk boarding school, children from low-income families and an orphan. Together they went crazy for Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michael Jackson. So Yura, Denis and Igor became - "YUDI". Themselves choreographers, producers and costumiers.

"Our story began in 1999. We lived in our youth and in our youth with fantasies and dreams about acting, about playing on stage, and this common dream of ours rallied us, and we came to a common goal," says Denis Vishnyak.

To the dream - by leaps and bounds. Performances, concerts, invitations to shows and finally, their own dance school. She is already nine years old, there are more than six hundred students, including children from dysfunctional families. And for each movement - as a protection from all troubles.

"Dancing allows me to feel something more in life. Dance is like oxygen for me ... Thanks to dancing, I have changed," say the students of the school.

Among their pupils are disabled children, such as Dima - brave, stubborn and also dreaming of the stage. UDI has already decided - if they take first place and receive 350 thousand dollars, they will spend it on the development of the school. So that there were no queues of 250 people, as now, there was enough space for everyone to dance, and in the halls complex in technique and deep in meaning numbers were born. And most importantly - sincere.

They rush to the stage. Nine rivals, including dancers, singers, and illusionists, are already somewhere behind the scenes. They admit - they are ready to fight. Although they know that they are competing with themselves.