How old is Maria Sittel. My husband and I had a holiday romance

Maria was born on November 9, 1975 in the city of Penza. The girl grew up in a fairly wealthy family. Father Eduard Anatolyevich was an accomplished businessman and perfectly provided for his relatives, and his mother Larisa Pavlovna took care of the house and raising children. From an early age, Sittel was responsible and dreamed of becoming a doctor in order to save human lives. At first she studied in a class where there were 45 people, and a considerable number of them were registered in the children's room of the police. The mother, worried about the education and moral health of the child, decided to transfer her daughter to a medical gymnasium, where she studied Latin, biology and chemistry.

Maria dreamed of entering the Samara Medical Institute, but Larisa Pavlovna was afraid to let her daughter go so far, and then the future presenter applied to the Penza Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. She studied for a year, paying special attention to her favorite disciplines "zoology" and "anatomy", and yet she left for Samara to enter medical school. But even there, Sittel did not stay long, because due to financial difficulties she was forced to return back to Penza, where she was restored at the university.

The future presenter showed herself to be a diligent and diligent student, but she was also no stranger to fun. One day, classmates called Maria to shoot an unprofessional comedy program that they were preparing for one of the local channels. The girl had to be persuaded for almost two weeks so that she first acted as a host. The experience turned out to be very funny, but she did not even think about a career in television.

Sittel took education seriously, therefore, having received a diploma, she again entered the correspondence department at the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. Sittel made this decision thanks to her mother, who was worried about the material condition of her daughter, who at that time had given birth to a child and divorced her husband.

Maria Sittel: television

In 1997, Maria, along with her classmates, came to the studio of the local TV channel Nash Dom. There she met the editor-in-chief, who offered her a place on television, having learned that the student writes good articles. To begin with, she was given the position of the host of the Musical Souvenir program, an ideal show for an aspiring artist. Six months later, having appreciated the professionalism and responsibility of Sittel, the management appointed her to the news section, which had recently appeared on the Express TV channel. At first, Maria tried to conduct and write news in an informal style in order to interest the audience. But literally after the first report, written in a highly artistic style, a wave of criticism hit Maria, because of which she was forced to stop her experiments with style.

Sittel's career developed rapidly. Literally after a year of work as a presenter and news correspondent, she was invited to the Penza State Television and Radio Company, which was the ultimate dream for a provincial city.

Soon, Maria began to be recognized on the streets of Penza, she turned into a local TV star. Her fame reached the agents of major federal channels, and two years later she received her first serious offer. Oleg Dobrodeev called the presenter and offered the position of the leading news program Vesti on the Rossiya-1 TV channel. She could not refuse such an offer and already in September 2001 she began to conduct daytime editions. Three years later, Sittel replaced Sergey Brilev and already hosted the evening news, which made her even more famous.

Maria herself considers her start in the Vesti program a real career start. The differences between work on regional and federal channels are simply colossal. Working in Penza, Sittel could express her personal opinion, and in Vesti she had to impartially provide information to viewers. Nevertheless, she really liked working on television, it turned from a hobby into a professional occupation, which the presenter is incredibly happy about.

In 2006, Sittel hosted an extended news release paired with Dmitry Kiselyov. In the same year, she became a member of the television project Dancing with the Stars, where she performed with Vladislav Borodinov. Their duo took first place in the project.

A year later, Maria Sittel's merits in the development of television were recognized by the state, and the presenter was awarded the honorary Order of Friendship.

Maria Sittel: personal life

Mary first married at the age of twenty. She prefers not to talk about her first marriage, even the name of her ex-husband is unknown. In that union, a daughter, Daria, was born, after which the couple divorced. Sittel left the child with her parents, and she herself moved to Moscow to build a career.

In 2006, after participating in the Dancing with the Stars project, Maria was credited with an affair with her show partner Vladislav Borodinov. Nevertheless, there were exceptionally friendly and working relations between Sittel and Borodinov.

Maria met her future husband while on vacation in Cyprus. Relationship with Alexander Tereshchenkov developed according to the typical scheme of a “resort romance”: the lovers spent all the time together and, at first glance, did not even think about continuing. But Alexander, just a few days after they met, made Sittel an offer that she had been considering for a whole year. In 2009, the lovers played a modest wedding that took place in a narrow family circle. A year later, they had their first-born Ivan, in 2012 another son, Savva, and a year later, a boy, Nikolai.

Sittel devotes almost all his free time to his family and children, while not forgetting about work. Colleagues have already ceased to be surprised at her "pregnancies" and often joke about the future replenishment of the family. A few years ago, Maria moved her parents to her huge house.

Career and personal life of TV presenter Maria Sittel

Maria Sittel is familiar to most Russians - she hosts the Vesti news program on the Rossiya TV channel. A woman is of interest to many people, her beauty and intelligence attract viewers. How the TV presenter lives, how she achieved success, and who her husband is - we will try to answer all these answers in the following material.

Biography of a talented girl

Mary's small homeland is the city of Penza; she was born on 11/09/1975, in 2017 she turned 41 years old. The unusual surname testifies to the German roots of the family of the future star, the parents lived an ordinary life: his father worked in a printing house, and his mother was a housewife.

The girl grew up very inquisitive, she was interested in different things, talked a lot, had different friends. Tellingly, since childhood, Maria Sittel wanted to become a television presenter, but after school she entered Penza University as a chemist-biologist. A year later, she transferred to Samara Medical University, where she initially wanted to enter. But financial difficulties did not allow her to finish her studies: Maria returned to her hometown and recovered at the Pedagogical University, where she established herself as a successful and diligent student.

Small Motherland of Maria Sittel - Penza

Once she starred in a comedy show that was broadcast on Penza television, and this step changed her fate - the girl began working as a TV presenter on several channels, including the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Penza (where, by the way, her sister Anna still works).

At that time, the future star did not perceive this work as something serious. After graduating from her first education, she decided to get a second higher education in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Maria did not quit her activities as a TV presenter, and during her work she became a famous and popular person in Penza.

Experts noticed her literate speech and beautiful appearance, and in 2001 she went to work for the federal television channel Rossiya, where she hosted daily news releases for several years.

In 2002-2004, Maria was remembered by viewers for her participation in the French project "Fort Boyard" with other Russian celebrities.

The girl starred in a cameo role in the serial film "Prime Time Goddess", released in 2005.

A year later, she began to work in tandem with Dmitry Kiselev; it was a coup by the producers, the show's ratings went up, the two professionals did their job brilliantly.

Maria Sittel receives a television award - TEFI

In 2009, Sittel began hosting the popular Special Correspondent program, which discussed topics of vital importance to Russian society.

Maria is also known for her participation in the entertainment program "Dancing with the Stars", where, together with Vladislav Borodinov, she was able to reach the final. It was hard work and the ability to put all of yourself into the business that helped the star achieve such success.

The TV presenter has received several awards for her work. In 2005, she was awarded the TEFI Prize, two years later the girl became a laureate of the Order of Friendship.

Her popularity increased significantly after Maria Sittel held a "Conversation with Vladimir Putin."

The personal life of the TV presenter: who is the husband of Maria Sittel now, and how many children does she have

The beautiful appearance of the girl has always attracted young people. She always had excessive demands, the star rejected most of the proposals.

Maria Sittel carefully chose her husband

From her first husband, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Daria, in 1995. This happened back in Penza, when the formation of the future star was just taking place. The marriage could not withstand financial difficulties and personal misunderstandings between people - as a result, the couple divorced, even despite having a common daughter. At that time, only work on television could distract Maria from depression.

About 5 years later, she met Alexander Tereshchenko. This happened during a holiday in Cyprus. A respectable businessman attracted a beautiful woman, a relationship began, Alexander soon offered her to marry, but Maria did not give an answer for a whole year, and only in 2009 did the wedding take place. This marriage turned out to be happy and fruitful: in 2010 she gave birth to a son, Ivan, a year later, Savva, in 2013, Nikolai, and in the fall of 2016, baby Ekaterina.

Maria Sittel is a well-known TV presenter, a true professional, a beauty whose appearance was not spoiled even by the birth of many children. She works successfully and lives a happy life with her husband Alexander. Despite the fact that she does not like to talk a lot about herself, we have tried to collect the most valuable information for our reader about Maria's professional success and personal life.

Maria Eduardovna Sittel. She was born on November 9, 1975 in Penza. Russian TV presenter. He hosts the Vesti news program on the Rossiya TV channel, winner of the TEFI award.

Father, Eduard Anatolyevich, had German roots.

Mother, Larisa Pavlovna, Jewish, employee of the tax office.

The younger sister, Anna Sittel, also works at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (head of the information collection department for the Russian Federation and the CIS of the Vesti program). Until 2013, she hosted the Vesti-Penza program.

She studied at the Penza Medical Lyceum and since 1993 at the V. G. Belinsky Penza Pedagogical Institute with a degree in biology and chemistry, later she graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics with a degree in finance and credit.

She began her television career in 1997 in her hometown at the Nash Dom television and radio company.

Since 1998, she has been a presenter and news correspondent for the Express TV channel in Penza.

In 1999, she went to work at the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Since September 2001, she has been the host of the daily editions of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel.

In September 2003, she replaced Sergei Brilev in the evening editions of this program.

Since 2004, she has hosted the daily Special Opinion program on Radio Russia.

In 2006, Maria Sittel and her partner Vladislav Borodinov took part in the first season of the Dancing with the Stars TV competition on the Rossiya TV channel. The couple took first place, which gave them the right to participate in the next year's Eurovision Dance Contest 2007.

Maria Sittel and Vlad Borodinov

At the dance Eurovision 2007, the Sittel-Borodin pair took seventh place.

In 2006-2008, she hosted a large issue of Vesti at 20:00 together with Dmitry Kiselev.

Together with Nikolai Svanidze, on the air of Channel One and Russia, she commented on the farewell ceremony for the first president of the Russian Federation on April 25, 2007.

Since September 2008, he has been presenting the evening editions of the Vesti program in a pair with Andrey Kondrashov and Ernest Mackevicius.

In 2009-2011, she was the host of the Special Correspondent program on the Rossiya TV channel.

He is fond of photography, skiing, sports, reading books.

Maria Sittel's height: 180 centimeters.

Maria Sittel's personal life:

Married for the second time. Has five children.

She married for the first time at the age of twenty. She prefers not to talk about her first marriage, even the name of her ex-husband is unknown. In that marriage, a daughter, Daria, was born (1995), after which the couple divorced. Sittel left the child with her parents, and she herself moved to Moscow to build a career.

In 2006, after participating in the Dancing with the Stars project, Maria was credited with an affair with her show partner Vladislav Borodinov. However, they assure that there were exclusively friendly and working relations.

With her second husband - Alexander Tereshchenko - Maria met during a vacation in Cyprus. A few days after they met, he made an offer to Sittel, which she considered for a whole year.

TV presenter Maria Eduardovna Sittel and her biography, personal life, husband, children, photos are of interest to many viewers, because she is, in fact, a living symbol of the Rossiya TV channel, and it is from her submission that millions of viewers learn about the latest events from daily news releases. It seems that Sittel knows absolutely everything, and therefore it is not surprising that many people want to know as much as possible about her.

Maria was born in 1975 in Penza in a family with German roots. After graduating from a secondary school, the girl entered the Penza Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.

It so happened that her university friends offered her to star in a humorous program that was supposed to be released on one of the local TV channels. This experience turned out to be successful and soon the girl received an interesting offer - the Penza television company Nash Dom offered her a job as a presenter. And although she had several other plans, Maria did not refuse this offer.

Oddly enough, everything turned out very well, and soon the newly-minted presenter switched from the Nash Dom channel to the Express channel, where she began to host a news program, and then ended up on the central city television - State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Penza.

But, nevertheless, she perceived her work as a hobby, as well as a way to earn extra money, and after graduating from the university she decided to get another education, this time enrolling in a financial and economic institute with a degree in Finance and Credit.

It is worth noting that while learning a new profession, she did not quit her job as a TV presenter, and soon, in this capacity, she became very popular in her native Pumice. In the end, it all ended with the fact that, after working for another two years on local television, Maria switched to the Rossiya TV channel, which she has not parted with to this day.

In September 2001, Sittel first appeared in front of viewers as the host of the Vesti news program. Over the next five years, she was the host of many programs on the Rossiya channel, and already in 2006 she began to host a large newscast together with Dmitry Kiselev, aired at 20.00.

In the future, she hosted evening editions paired with Ernest Mackevicius and Andrey Kondrashov. And in the period from 2009 to 2011, she hosted the Special Correspondent program.

Gradually, Maria Sittel became a real star, both on the Rossiya TV channel and on all Russian television. She even began to give master classes for novice journalists, where she shared with them the secrets of this profession. Such a multifaceted approach to her work brought her even greater success.

Not surprisingly, her professional work has been awarded. As the best presenter of an information program, Sittel won the TEFI award in 2005, and in 2007 she received the Order of Friendship for her huge contribution to the development of domestic television.

Also, her personal achievements include meetings with the first persons of the state. It was she who was entrusted with conducting the "Conversation with Vladimir Putin", as well as covering his activities in the framework of other television projects.

An interesting fact is that Sittel played a small role in the series “Prime Time Goddess”, the script of which was written based on the book of the same name by Tatyana Ustinova. Moreover, the writer herself notes that she wrote it under the impression of the professional activity of Maria Sittel.

As for the personal life of the presenter, there is little information about her.

It is known that the first time Maria Sittel married a very young girl, and in 1995 in this marriage she gave birth to a daughter, Daria. Soon the couple broke up, and Maria, leaving the child in the care of her parents, left for Moscow, where she was offered a job.

The second husband of the presenter is businessman Alexander Tereshchenko, whom she met in Cyprus, where she spent her vacation. Alexander, just a few days after they met, made an offer to Sittel, but she was in no hurry to answer, and only a year later she agreed to marry him, and in 2009 a wedding was played. In this marriage, they had three sons and a daughter, moreover, Maria Sittel gave birth to 5 children recently - in September 2016.

Many are interested in where Maria Sittel is now and what she is doing. Despite the fact that her family has an addition, and she has already become the mother of five children, Sittel still works on the Rossiya TV channel, and, of course, devotes a lot of time to her family. As she herself says, only a woman creates a favorable atmosphere in the house, and only with love life is filled with a special meaning.

From Wikipedia:
Maria Eduardona Sittel was born in 1975 in the city of Penza.
Father, Eduard Anatolyevich (engaged in the printing business), had German roots. There is no detailed answer to the question of what “German roots” are. Mother, Larisa Pavlovna Sittel, a Jewess, was a housewife.
The host herself, Maria Sittel, keeps her mouth shut about her nationality.

She dreamed of becoming a doctor first. She studied at the first year of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of the Penza Pedagogical University. She studied at the Penza Medical Lyceum. Since 1993, she studied at the Penza Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Belinsky, specializing in biology and chemistry. Then she wanted to become a banker in order to have a lot of money. Graduated from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics with a degree in Finance and Credit.
“The time has come when I needed to earn money. I started to conduct a half-hour program in Penza like "Morning Mail" - "Musical Souvenir". Worked since 1997 as a reporter and host of the Vesti-Penza. In 1998, she moved to the Penza TV channel "Express", where she was a presenter and news correspondent. Since 1999, she has been a correspondent and news presenter of the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Then the well-known media manager from Moscow, Oleg Dobrodeev, once called the provincial Maria Sittel and offered the position of host for the Vesti news program on the Russia-1 channel. Maria, of course, immediately accepted this tempting offer. Details not published. Zhidovinka Maria was then 26 years old.

On September 17, 2001, the first program “News of Russian Television with the participation of Sittel. She was the host together with Kiselyov. Twice she took part in the Fort Bayard project. In 2002 - as part of the team from the Rossiya TV channel (it also included Alexei Lysenkov, Dmitry Guberniev, Margarita Simonyan and Ernest Mackevicius), in 2004 - already as a captain. Then Maria was assigned the evening editions of the news program to replace the presenter Sergei Brilev. Gradually, more and more people learned about Sittel.

Together with her Jewish colleague Nikolai Svanidze, Maria commented on the farewell ceremony for Boris Yeltsin in April 2007. Then the ceremony was broadcast on Channel One and Russia. Since September 2008, he has been presenting the evening editions of the Vesti program in a pair with Andrey Kondrashov and Ernest Mackevicius. In 2009-2011, she was the host of the Special Correspondent program on the Rossiya TV channel.

Zhidovinka Maria also began to conduct master classes in journalism, sharing her experience with less experienced journalists. On the Russian-Jew theme, about discrimination against the Russian people - of course, not a word.

Husbands and children

At the age of twenty, Maria married for the first time. In this marriage, the girl had a daughter - a Jewess Darius. Maria divorced soon after the birth of her daughter. When Maria received an offer from Rossiya-1, she decided to move to Moscow, leaving the child with her parents.
The second husband is Alexander Tereshchenkov, a businessman. Sittel met him during a vacation in Cyprus. I didn’t agree right away, for a year I thought about whether or not to marry this male, in 2009 they played a wedding. Then she began to give birth to Jewish children one after another. In 2010 she gave birth to Ivan, in 2012 she gave birth to Savva, a year later she gave birth to Nikolai, in September 2016 the TV presenter gave birth to Katya.

The younger sister, a Jew, Anna Sittel, also works at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (head of the department for collecting information on the Russian Federation and the CIS of the Vesti program).
The collection "Zhidovsky Telebox" in a fuller volume, Fundamentals of Russian Cosmism and other books of the author can also be read here.