Victor drobysh - biography, information, personal life. Viktor drobysh biography The musical path of the long-haired blonde

Our today's hero - famous composer and producer Viktor Drobysh. He collaborates with many stars of Russian show business, and also helps young talents to break onto the stage. The biography of Viktor Drobysh is of interest to thousands of his fans. Do you also consider yourself one of them? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article. We wish you happy reading!

Viktor Drobysh: biography, family

June 27, 1966 - the date of the birth of our hero. His small homeland is a small town of Kolpino, located in the Leningrad region.

In what family was the future composer brought up? Let's start with the fact that his parents are not related to music and show business. Mom received a higher medical education. My father worked as a turner for several decades. Their family could not be called poor. But mom and dad didn’t have extra money to buy expensive toys and quality things.


With early years Vitya showed a love for music. His father saved money for a car. But at some point he changed his mind and bought a piano for his son. The boy was happy with this gift. Our hero touched white and black keys for hours.

At the age of 11, Victor was sent to a music school. He enjoyed attending classes. The teachers predicted a bright future for the boy. Years later, their words really came true.

Student years

The biography of Viktor Drobysh indicates that after graduation high school he went to Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In the northern capital, the guy entered the Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov.

First steps on stage

Vitya began his professional career while still studying at the university. The game of the young musician was highly appreciated by the guitarist of the group "Earthlings" Igor Romanov. He invited Victor to become part of their team. Our hero could not miss such a chance. However, at that moment the popular team was on the verge of collapse. Therefore, cooperation with the "Earthlings" was short-lived.

Victor Drobysh and Igor Romanov created their own group called Soyuz. They were joined by several other talented guys. For 4 years, Vitya played on keyboard instruments. Then the team broke up. But friends organized new group- "St. Petersburg". This time Drobysh acted as a songwriter.

New life

At some point, our hero realized that he felt cramped on the Russian stage. Viktor left the group, packed his things and left for Germany. He lived in this country for several years. If you think that Drobysh was sitting idle, then you are greatly mistaken. He managed to try himself as a producer of such bands as Culture Beat and No Angels. But the real success was brought to him by the German-language project BG The Prince Of Rap. Songs performed by this group led the European charts for a long time.

In the 1990s, Drobysh moved from Germany to Finland. There he immediately took up the promotion of the musical group Pets. He managed to achieve the desired results.


The biography of Viktor Drobysh continues with the fact that in 2002 he flew to Moscow. Returning to his homeland, he took up producing domestic performers. The songs he wrote have gained immense popularity among listeners. For example, for the singer Valeria, he created the composition "Watch". Kristina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo performed two of his songs - "Just to love you" and "Love that no longer exists."

In 2006, Viktor Drobysh was appointed producer of the Star Factory-4 project. Our hero 100% coped with the tasks assigned to him. From under it light hand came out like this popular artists like Stas Piekha, Dima Koldun and others.

To date, in his creative piggy bank - more than 50 written songs and several dozen musical projects. In 2010, Viktor Drobysh was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. This is the highest recognition of his services to the country.

Today it is rare to meet a person who does not know who Viktor Drobysh is. Biography, nationality and marital status- all this interests his fans. About when he was born, where he studied and how he got on stage, it was said above. As for nationality, in an interview with print media, our hero has repeatedly stated that he has Belarusian roots.

Victor Drobysh: biography, personal life

The tall blonde with a radiant smile has never had problems with a lack of female attention. Both in high school and at the conservatory, girls ran after him. And there was a certain pattern. Those who liked him were not his type.

For the first time, the musician married at the age of 20. The poetess Elena Stuf became his chosen one. They were connected not only big love but also creativity. His wife collaborated with him as the author of the tests.

In 1987, the biography of Viktor Drobysh was replenished with a joyful event. His first-born son Valery was born. It is now known that he inherited the talent of both parents. Valera is a composer and poet.

In 1999, Elena Stuf gave Victor a second son. The boy was named Ivan. Despite the external idyll, the marriage of two creative people did not last long. They formally filed for divorce in the early 2000s.

Viktor Drobysh did not have the status of a bachelor for long. At one of the social events, he met a charming blonde, a former model. It was Tatyana Nusinova who became the second wife of the composer. Their wedding took place in June 2008.

Victor adopted Tanya's son from his first marriage into the family. Anton immediately found a common language with his stepfather. However, the guy spent most of his time with his own father, businessman Alexei Nusinov.

In May 2010, the wife gave birth to Drobysh daughter Lida. Our hero could not stop looking at his blood. He himself swaddled and bathed the baby, read her bedtime stories. In December 2011, another replenishment took place in the composer's family. Tatyana gave birth to a son, who received the name Daniel.

Today Viktor Drobysh may well call himself happy man. After all, he has a cozy home, a caring wife, four children, as well as a job that brings moral satisfaction and a stable income.


An exemplary family man, a talented musician, a true patriot is the composer Viktor Drobysh. We have reviewed his biography in detail. We wish this wonderful person creative success and well-being in the family!


Viktor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in Kolpino, Leningrad. Graduated from music school School of Music, the Conservatory. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in piano. Victor studied at school number 467 from 1973 to 1981. At the same time, he also went to a children's music school.

He played keyboards in the Soyuz and St. Petersburg-2 groups.

He took part in the creation of the Lost and Found group (later renamed Pushking).

Since 1996 he has been working in Germany. After working in Germany, Viktor Drobysh moved to live in Finland, where he created the Pets duet.

At the same time, he was vice president of the Russian-Finnish radio station Sputnik, whose St. Petersburg studio later became Radio Monte Carlo Petersburg.

The German recording company "Edel Records" awarded Drobysh the "Golden Disc" for the composition DaDiDam performed by a duet.

Later, when Drobysh returns to Russia, the song YesDiDam performed by Kristina Orbakaite, but in Russian.

Widely known are notable works composer, as

  • All my love, performed by Kristina Orbakaite at the World Music Awards "World Music Awards" in Monte Carlo in May 2002;
  • The love that is no more, which received the national music award "Golden Gramophone" in 2002 (in December 2003, Drobysh was awarded the "Song of the Year" award for her) performed by Christina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo, as well as
  • just love you, which became a hit by Christina Orbakaite and Abraham Russo,
  • Valeria's hit watch, for which Drobysh also received the Golden Gramophone award in 2003, etc.

Star Factory

In 2004, Viktor Drobysh took part as a co-producer in the musical television project of the First Channel "Star Factory-4".

In August 2004, the "Producer Center of Viktor Drobysh" was created, which engaged in the creative promotion of graduates of the "Star Factory-3": groups "Tutsi", "K.G.B.", as well as such performers as Yulia Mikhalchik, Natalya Podolskaya and Stas Piekha.

In 2006, Drobysh became the music producer of the sixth season of the TV project "Star Factory" and also General Producer The National Music Corporation, which produces such artists as Stas Piekha, Marta, Natalya Podolskaya, Yulia Mikhalchik, Zara, Sogdiana, Ivanna, Alexei Khvorostyan, Prokhor Chaliapin, Alexander Kireev, as well as the Tutsi, K. G. B., Chelsea and Ultra Violet.

"Battle of the Choirs"

Victor Drobysh participated in the TV project "Battle of the Choirs", where he was a mentor of the choir from Novosibirsk, which reached the final, but lost to Yekaterinburg. Unlike his colleagues, he did not select participants in the city, but took ready-made guys from Laima Vaikule, who, due to her busy tour schedule, refused the choir. In the new season, he was the mentor of a rock choir from St. Petersburg, which lost in the final to the Krasnodar Territory.

Prizes and awards

  • As a music producer and composer, Viktor Drobysh pays great attention to working with talented young people making their debut on the Russian stage. For this activity, he was awarded the Order "For the Revival of Russia in the XXI century."
  • Decree of the President Russian Federation No. 1637 of December 29, 2010 Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia (2010)

Personal life

  • First wife poetess Elena Stuf
  • two sons: Valery Drobysh (born pr. 1987) - composer, co-author of his father, and Ivan Drobysh (born pr. 1999)
  • The second wife since June 21, 2008 is Tatyana Drobysh (born 1969), she has a son, Anton Nusinov, from the ex-husband of businessman Alexei Nusinov.
  • Daughter Lydia Drobysh (born May 6, 2010)
  • Son Daniil Drobysh (born December 15, 2011)

Viktor Drobysh - photo

Victor Drobysh - famous music composer and a producer who became famous for his work with many pop stars and harsh remarks about colleagues in show business.

Composer and producer Viktor Drobysh

Today he is one of the most productive Russian producers. His wards regularly become laureates of prestigious music awards.

Childhood and youth

Victor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in St. Petersburg, but in response to questions about nationality, he does not hide his Belarusian roots. The family of the future producer was of average income, the parents did not have special finances, but they did not live in poverty either: father Yakov Yakovlevich was a turning specialist, and mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna worked as a doctor.

From childhood, the boy grew up purposeful and dreamy. When at the age of 5 he wanted to play the piano, all his relatives, with the exception of his father, were against it. The piano then cost like a full-fledged car, but Yakov Yakovlevich took out a loan and bought an expensive instrument for his beloved son.

At the age of 6, Victor independently enrolled in a music school to improve his skills. However, like many children, over time young musician wanted to play in the Zenit football team, become a pilot or an aircraft designer. But then his father insisted on continuing musical career. After graduating from school in 1981, Drobysh entered Leningrad Conservatory name .

Music and production

In his youth, Victor himself worked musical artist: long-haired, slender, harmonious growth and appearance (Drobysh's height is 177 cm), the blond had every chance of becoming a pop star. Musical biography Victor started as a keyboardist, where he was invited by a guitarist. Together with the once popular band, he went on tour throughout the country. The group soon disbanded.

Igor Romanov decided to create another team, where he again invited Victor and some guys from the previous group. New project was called "Union", the first album was called "Igor Romanov and his group" due to problems with Soviet censorship. The musicians gave concerts in their native country, and also visited West Germany.

In 1990, Drobysh became a member of the Pushking project, which was founded by vocalist Konstantin Shustarev. After recording the demo, the participants were noticed by German producers, who invited them to Germany to record a full-length album. Then Victor tied up useful contacts with foreign producers and studio owners.

In 1996, the musician, together with friends, moved from Russia to Germany, where he took up producing activities. In order to start their own business, they had to sell cars. Victor became the producer of the German band "Culture Beat" and the pop group "No Angels". But he achieved the greatest popularity thanks to the project "BG The Prince Of Rap", whose songs for a long time led the European charts. However, the man did not work out with business in Germany, and he moved to Finland, where his wife's relatives lived.

In Finland, Viktor worked at the Finnish-Russian radio station Sputnik, later becoming its vice president. He also continued producing and composing, founding the Pets collective. The song "Da Di Dam" written by Drobysh became a hit in Finland and some other European countries, in particular Germany. For this song, the composer received the German Golden Disc award.

In 2002, Victor returned to his homeland, deciding to try himself as a producer. Russian stars. He began collaborating with and writing songs for them that became instant hits. Valeria sang the song "Watch", and Kristina Orbakaite sang a Russian cover of the song "Da Di Dam", thanks to which the composition gained fame in the CIS countries.

Such a successful start allowed Victor to become a sought-after composer among the stars of Russian show business. He collaborated with many artists - and other musicians.

Fame opened the way for Drobysh to television. In 2004, the composer invited the producer to the Star Factory-4 project on Channel One. Working with talented youth prompted the man to create the Victor Drobysh Producer Center. main goal organization was the promotion and popularization of young talents, among which were numerous graduates of the show "Star Factory-3".

In 2006, Drobysh headed the music show "Star Factory-6", becoming its general producer. He also founded the National Music Corporation, where he took the chair in 2010 CEO.

Victor Drobysh at the show "Star Factory"

For the producer, his wards are always important, Drobysh often made scandals in order to protect the teams with which he works. In 2011, Viktor Yakovlevich quarreled with the members of the Star Factory jury and who were sharply criticized. Drobysh called the last one on the air a “cow”.

In 2012, Viktor Yakovlevich wrote the song "Party for Everybody" for the band that represented Russia at Eurovision. This musical composition helped the ensemble take 2nd place in the European competition.

In 2015, he started producing under the pseudonym IVAN. Under the leadership of Drobysh, the young vocalist released the hits "Cross and Palm", "Help You Fly" and "Movie about Love". He performed the last song in a duet with.

In 2016, Ivanov performed at Eurovision as a representative of Belarus. The details of IVAN's number intrigued the public for a long time. Drobysh claimed that Alexander would sing naked, surrounded by wolves, and that exclusive permission had already been obtained for this. The singer really performed with wolves, but not with real ones, but with detailed projections.

IVAN at the Eurovision Song Contest

On December 17, 2016, a big anniversary concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Viktor Drobysh. The event was broadcast throughout the country on the channel "Russia". The producer was congratulated by many Russian pop stars who recorded hits under the guidance of the hero of the day. The participants of the concert were Valeria, Kristina Orbakaite, Irina Allegrova, Stas Piekha, and others.

In the fall of 2014, rumors appeared in the press that Drobysh had quarreled with a popular and original singer, and the artist became the initiator of the conflict. She did not appear at the producer's creative evening, and her songs ceased to appear on Russian Radio, with which Victor collaborates. The producer did not comment on the rumors about the quarrel, but noted that his contract with Vaenga had long expired, and the singer refused to renew it. At the same time, Drobysh does not hold a grudge against her, does not try to harm her career in any way, and will be glad if Elena herself continues to promote her own creativity.

Representatives of Russian Radio explained the absence of Vaenga's songs on the air by the fact that recently the singer has not performed anything that a major radio station would consider worthy of her broadcast.

A year later, no less scandalous news hit the Network: Victor had a fight with an actress. It soon turned out that the video is another prank of the actress, with which she often entertains her Instagram subscribers. In fact, the artist and producer closely cooperate in the musical field: Anastasia is one of the members of the Drobysh music label.

The producer is open to everything new, many young musicians start working under his leadership. Thanks to the interest in young people, the composer became the hero of the song new star Russian show business. The girl recorded the track "Call me, Viktor Drobysh", which was included in her mini-album "I'm Liza".

In 2017, Drobysh was again at the center of a scandal. The producer spoke sharply about her work. Viktor Yakovlevich, who was later supported by the singer, said that concerts with the participation of Olga Buzova would never be successful, and the singer herself had neither charisma nor talent. The celebrity responded to the insults on her Instagram, where she urged not to “promote at her expense” and complained about the hypocrisy in the music field.

Personal life

Victor Drobysh first married at the age of 20 to the Finnish poetess Elena Stuf. In 1987, their son Valery was born. Later, the young man followed in the footsteps of his father and now works in tandem with him. When the couple already lived in the homeland of the poetess, she helped Victor in his career. In 1999, the couple had a second son, Ivan, who later became a drummer.

When Drobysh was invited to Moscow, Stuff and her children decided to stay in Finland. As a result, the long distance played a role, and in 2004 the couple filed for divorce.

In September 2007, Victor met his future second wife, Tatyana Nusinova. The fateful meeting took place thanks to mutual friends. A few weeks after they met, the producer confessed his love and called Nusinova to marry, the wedding was played in June 2008. 2 years later, their daughter Lydia was born, and in 2011 the family was replenished with the birth of Daniel. Tatyana has a son Anton from a previous marriage.

Viktor Drobysh now

Viktor Drobysh is investing in the formation of Russian show business. At the end of 2017, he became the producer of the project of the MUZ-TV channel " New Factory Stars." Soon the opening of the first of its kind online academy "Formula Star" took place. The composer created the school of show business in order to select new artists who will become the future of Russian pop music.

Viktor Drobysh at the New Star Factory project

The wards of the producer learn to create musical hits on their own, write music that can generate income. The speakers and teachers of lectures and lessons, which are broadcast via the Network, were the producer himself, singer Valeria, her husband, actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Classes and webinars are held on the basis of the Victor Drobysh Producer Center. The school announces its work from the pages of the composer's official website. Photos of participants Drobysh publishes in a personal account in "Instagram".

In the fall of 2018, Viktor Yakovlevich became a guest of the TV show “Out loud”, which has been running for the 2nd season on the MIR 24 TV channel. On the second day of the competition, the composer's songs were performed by young musicians from Russia and other post-Soviet countries. After the performance, Drobysh met with the participants of the show and gave professional advice to everyone.

At the same time, Victor surprised the public with a statement that he was ready to become a producer of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from Ufa, who was raped by three bosses. The story received a great response in society. Reporters drew attention to the fact that the girl is fond of singing. Drobysh agreed to the proposal of Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists to take the young performer under his care.

Victor Yakovlevich Drobysh. Born June 27, 1966 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian composer and music producer, Honored Artist of Russia (2010). Author of Buranovskiye Babushki's song Party for Everybody, which took 2nd place at Eurovision 2012.

Viktor Drobysh was born on June 27, 1966 in Kolpino, Leningrad. He graduated from music school, music school, conservatory. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in piano. Victor studied at school number 467 from 1973 to 1981. At the same time, he also went to a children's music school.

He played keyboards in the Soyuz and St. Petersburg-2 groups.

He took part in the creation of the Lost and Found group (later renamed Pushking).

Since 1996 he has been working in Germany. After working in Germany, Viktor Drobysh moved to live in Finland, where he created the Pets duet.

At the same time, he was vice president of the Russian-Finnish radio station Sputnik, whose St. Petersburg studio later became Radio Monte Carlo Petersburg.

The German recording company "Edel Records" awarded Drobysh the "Golden Disc" for the composition DaDiDam, performed by a duet.

Later, when Drobysh returns to Russia, DaDiDam will perform the song, but in Russian.

In 2004, Viktor Drobysh took part as a co-producer in the musical television project of the First Channel "Star Factory-4".

In August 2004, the "Producer Center of Viktor Drobysh" was created, which engaged in the creative promotion of graduates of the "Star Factory-3": groups "Tutsi", "K.G.B.", as well as such performers as Yulia Mikhalchik, Natalya Podolskaya and Stas Piekha.

In 2006, Drobysh became the music producer of the Sixth Season of the Star Factory TV project, as well as the General Producer of the National Music Corporation, which produces such artists as Stas Piekha, Marta, Natalya Podolskaya, Yulia Mikhalchik, Zara, Sogdiana, Ivanna, Alexey Khvorostyan, Prokhor Chaliapin, Alexander Kireev, as well as groups "Tutsi", "K. G. B., Chelsea and Ultra Violet.

Widespread popularity of V. Drobysh was brought by the composition "Feat" of the St. Petersburg Trash-Top Kach.

i> Listening to popular music, we pay attention first of all to its performer, but the name of the author is often left behind the scenes. Usually there is not much information about this person. But there are also exceptions to the rule. For example, many fans of his work know about the life of Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh. And it is very pleasant that some memories of this person are closely connected with the village of Borshchevka, Loevsky district. Why exactly? It turned out that his father Yakov Yakovlevich, who now lives in St. Petersburg, comes from this village. Every year, together with their sister Tatyana, they come to their homeland, usually to Radunitsa.
Yakov Yakovlevich does not forget his teacher Lyubov Grigorievna Kiryushkina, who also taught his brothers Peter and Vladimir. This woman is a teacher by vocation, because in her house former students- Frequent guests. Yakov Yakovlevich every time pleases Lyubov Grigoryevna with gifts: for example, CDs with music or photographs autographed by celebrities. Somehow a parcel arrived from Viktor Drobysh, and it contains a large bright album not only with his music, but also with photographs of all the performers of the composer's songs.
On October 24, the cultural and sports complex "Minsk-Arena" hosted creative evening V.Ya. Drobysh "Hits and Stars", at which the President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko presented him with the Order of Francysk Skaryna for a high level of creativity, a significant personal contribution to the development and strengthening of Belarusian-Russian cultural ties.
On this day, Russian pop stars - Grigory Leps, Irina Allegrova, Valeria and others gathered in the hall. And this is not surprising, because famous musician- the author of many popular compositions. Who does not know the famous compositions “Watch” performed by the singer Valeria, “Love that no longer exists” and “Just to love you”, which were sung by Christina Orbakaite and Avraam Russo. Many people know the songs written for Stas Piekha, Dmitry Koldun, Natalia Podolskaya, the Chelsea group and other performers.
pleases creative success Viktor Yakovlevich of his fans - receives several Russian music awards and becomes the laureate of the programs "Song of the Year" and "Golden Gramophone". He successfully collaborates with many young performers within the framework of the Star Factory project and as a result receives the state order “For the Revival of Russia in the 21st Century”. In 2005, he recorded a musical composition together with the Belarusian singer Natalia Podolskaya, who became the winner in the Russian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest. A few years later, Viktor Yakovlevich again becomes the author of a song representing Russia at Eurovision. Together with the Buranovskiye Babushki team, they take second place in the competition. He successfully collaborates with many Russian and Belarusian performers. In 2010, Viktor Drobysh received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.
The famous composer recalls his childhood with warmth, when in the summer he came to Borshchevka with his parents to meet his beloved grandmother Maria Pavlovna. About this time he says: Happy childhood, which you will not return either in the Canaries, or in Mallorca, or in Monte Carlo. Can you imagine what it is like for a young guy to break out of school, take a train to Gomel, then another 40 kilometers by bus, and there - just paradise! A boat, a motorcycle, horses… You can imagine: picking mushrooms on a motorcycle! You go - once, the big ones are worth it! I stopped, collected a bucket and drove on ... ".
The other day we were talking with the cousin of the composer Alexander Petrovich Drobush. Yes, it was Drobush, this is not a typo, it just happened with the surname interesting story- an employee of the village Council, who spoke the local dialect, when replacing passports, turned almost all Drobyshs into Drobushes. Today Alexander lives in Borshchevka with his wife and son and is engaged in beekeeping. And earlier, he devoted many years of his life to work in the local economy and the household group of the school. Another cousin of Victor, Vasily, lives with his family in Borshchevka. He also remained to work as a machine operator at KSUP "Malinovka-Agro". The eldest of the brothers, Sergey, lives in Loev with his wife, they raise their daughter together, and work as a mechanic for the repair of agricultural machinery. The younger Nikolai chose a different direction - a teacher by education, he taught at a local school, now he and his wife and daughter have left for Gomel.
Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh has not been to Borshchevka for a long time, but this does not prevent the relatives and friends of the famous musician from rejoicing at his successes. Today in Belarus he has four cousins, three cousins ​​and five nieces, who, we are sure, would not refuse to meet the famous and undoubtedly talented musician, composer and producer.
Elena Kuksa, "LK".