Voice blind listening with the stars. New stars of the show "Voice": what is the phenomenon of the project and which of the performers was remembered by the audience

". A professional, accomplished artist decided to take part in an amateur, in fact, competition in order to return to the big stage spectacularly (Alexander himself spoke about this in an interview). And he succeeded: his performance of the Celine Dion song All by Myself turned the chairs of all four mentors. Moreover, the judges almost quarreled over the right to accept such a strong player in their team. Recall that Alexander chose Grigory Leps as a mentor.

Daria Stavrovich

The soloist of the alternative group "Slot" (in which, by the way, Teona Dolnikova also sang at one time) Daria Stavrovich interested the mentors with a non-standard manner of performance and rather unusual techniques, performing the song Zombie bands The Cranberries. All four chairs turned to the contestant (the judges, of course, could not fail to note the singer's bright stage image) - almost simultaneously, but Dima Bilan was ahead of everyone. Almost immediately after him, Polina Gagarina pressed the red button, Leonid Agutin soon turned around. However, Daria herself gave preference to Grigory Leps, who turned last.

Boris Sheshera

Charming 21-year-old Boris Sheshera managed to attract the attention of mentors (only Polina Gagarina did not turn around) and win the audience's sympathy. The contestant, who performed the composition of Anthony Charles Williams II Someone Tell Me Why, said that he had come from Bashkortostan and had been living in Moscow for almost a year. After the judges bickered among themselves, Boris chose the team of Leonid Agutin.

Sardor Milano

As it turned out, it was not the first time that Sardor stormed the Voice - this attempt was the fifth in a row and, finally, was crowned with success. During the time that has passed since the first casting in the show, he managed to graduate from the Academy of Music. Gnesins (with honors), as well as win the Main Stage project and meet the producer of the group Backstreet Boys. For his performance in the blind auditions for the fifth season of The Voice, 24-year-old Sardor chose Cherubino's aria Voi che sapete from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro. All the mentors turned to the owner of the voice of an impressive range of three and a half octaves. The struggle for the contestant was fierce, Dima Bilan won it.

Tatyana Shamanina

The charismatic soloist of the Guru Groove Foundation band Tatyana Shamanina performed her own version of Eva Polna's song "Dislike". It seems that Polina Gagarina immediately recognized her (and almost at the very beginning she turned her chair around). And in the last seconds of the performance, Grigory Leps and Leonid Agutin also pressed the red buttons. Only Bilan did not turn around, which is strange, because, as Gagarina said, they are real fans of the team headed by Tatyana. Bilan begged Tatyana not to swear at him and complained that he did not recognize her by her voice, but the girl still chose the team of Polina Gagarina.

Alena Paul

A contestant from Surgut sang Regina Spektor's Apres Moi and was distinguished by her "playful attitude to music", as Dima Bilan described her manner, who was the first of the mentors to press the red button. Perhaps this is what determined the choice of Alena - he fell on Bilan's team.

Nicole Knaus

Nicole Knaus, who is in her ninth month of pregnancy, performed the legendary song New York, New York and was able to turn three out of four chairs towards her - Dima Bilan was the exception. To Gagarina's bewilderment - after all, the contestant was only a month away from giving birth - Nicole laughed it off: "I hope I will be able to negotiate with the baby." Thus, Leonid Agutin, whom she chose as a mentor, received a head start - the right to score one more participant.

William Borges Hidalgo

Polina Gagarina and Leonid Agutin turned to the temperamental Cuban. Probably not the last role was played by the choice of the song - "Dark Night" in the Spanish manner and in the Spanish language. Without thinking twice, William Borges became a pupil of Agutin.

20-year-old Daria Antonyuk from the Krasnoyarsk Territory sang the song Destiny's Child Stand Up for Love and delighted all the judges with her voice - all the chairs turned to her. The mentors vied with each other to offer the young and confident contestant to join their team. Gagarina used as an argument the fact that it was she who pressed the button first, Leps recalled that it was his pupil who won in season 4. It almost came to a bargain, but Daria herself chose Leonid Agutin.

Which of the stars tried their hand at a vocal project - seriously or as a joke. Usually, participation in the Voice project becomes a high point for artists. Sometimes with a trampoline, sometimes with a match, which helps to light up for a while. However, the opposite also happens. When famous artists, TV presenters or musicians come to blind auditions - to pin or compete for victory. TV program magazine remembered who […]

Which of the stars tried his hand at a vocal project - seriously or jokingly

Usually participation in the Voice project becomes a high point for artists. Sometimes with a trampoline, sometimes with a match, which helps to light up for a while. However, the opposite also happens. When famous artists, TV presenters or musicians come to blind auditions - to pin or compete for victory. The TV program magazine remembered which of the celebrities we had already seen on the project and suggested who we could see.

Ivan Urgant

Show host " Evening Urgant"Sang the song "Turn around", performed by Valery Meladze and Grigory Leps. It was in the first season of "The Voice" - there was no talk of Leps's presence on the jury. Ivan accompanied himself on the piano and made his voice slightly lower than usual, although he still performed incognito, being behind a blue curtain. At this time, behind the scenes, the camera filmed front people "worried" about the performer, so that the audience would not guess anything. Dima Bilan first dozed off, then woke up, and Alexander Gradsky summarized: “Interesting. Suddenly". The message of the song "Turn around" did not come true, but everyone laughed. The video has received over 6 million views on the internet. And Ivan Urgant continues to perform in clubs in the form of Grisha Urgant.


In the fourth season of The Voice, Lolita came to the blind auditions. Also incognito. The surprise didn't work. Although Lolita tried to force her voice, slightly distorting the timbre, when she sang the song “I Dreamed” by the Sunday group. The signature style of an experienced vocalist was calculated on the first notes. “Lola!” Polina Gagarina immediately blurted out and instantly slammed the button. “This is Lolita!” the singer continued to convince her colleagues. “I know,” Basta nodded calmly. And a little later he made a choice. “I was just passing by, honestly,” Lolita admitted after the number, holding a bag in her hands. Most of all, after the broadcast, the audience discussed the fact that the artist performed without a gram of makeup, as if she really was passing by.

Dima Bilan

In the same fourth season of The Voice, Basta took the red chair of Dima Bilan. The Eurovision winner himself decided to try out for blind auditions. Bilan with the song "Night Caprice" by Sergei Mazaev gracefully changed his voice, so that it became impossible to calculate it. Polina Gagarina raised her hand over the button several times, but did not dare to press it. “My name is Viktor Belanidze,” the artist suddenly introduced himself. - I'm from here. I used to be a dispatcher, pushing buttons.” “After your dispatching work, several trains probably derailed,” said Grigory Leps. The video with this performance became one of the most watched on the Internet and gained 3.5 million views in a year.

Regina Todorenko

A spectacular blonde from Odessa came to the "Voice" on the second attempt - and already as a well-known host of the "Eagle and Tails" program in between her own filming. But since the travel show is on a niche channel, not a single mentor recognized Regina Todorenko. By performing the song “Nochenka”, the girl turned only Polina Gagarina towards her. In a basket with her on the stage, Todorenko brought the Odessa ram - and, according to biblical tradition, distributed it to the judges. The clip gained 4.6 million views in a year. And the girl dropped out at the knockout stage.

Rodion Gazmanov

The son of the chief captain and acrobat of the Russian stage, Rodion Gazmanov, came to the voice to sing. By that time, he had already managed to sparkle on Channel One in the show of reincarnations "Just the same." Most viewers associated Rodion's vocal experience with the video for the song "Lucy" in 1988, in which seven-year-old Rodion sang about a dog with his dad. Since then, Gazmanov Jr. has matured, successfully worked in business and agriculture. However, in 2012, the love of music took its toll - he recorded the album "Anti-phase" and began to rehearse diligently. In 2015, 34-year-old Rodion came to Golos and sang I Believe I Can Fly Ar Kelly - Basta and Grigory Leps turned to him, to whom the singer went to the team. “If only I had warned you!” Polina Gagarina was indignant. Rodion reached the stage of fights, where he lost to Vitold Petrovsky.

Maria Katz

Perhaps the most experienced and eminent of the singers of the Voice. Maria Katz in 1994 was the first vocalist to represent Russia at Eurovision. Under the pseudonym Judith with the song "Eternal Wanderer" she took 9th place. Then the singer performed in the Blues League and her own project Beauty and the Beast. At the beginning of the 2000s, Maria Katz, as a vocal teacher, led the participants in the show "Become a Star" (as a result of which the group "Other Rules" was created). And last year she came to the "Voice". The 42-year-old singer performed the song What's Up by 4 Non Blondes to the accompaniment of Igor Khomich, the guitarist of the Balls of Fire band, in which she is the soloist. On the last chords, Polina Gagarina pressed the button - and immediately recognized her colleague. Then Grigory Leps also approved Masha Katz. Both mentors began to sing along in sync. “I immediately understood, oh you!”, Alexander Gradsky laughed, turning around after the end of the number. “I am often invited for interviews as a“ Eurovision veteran ”, the singer explained her participation in the“ Voice ”. But they won't let me sing! And so I thought and decided, why not? In the team of Grigory Leps, the vocalist reached the quarterfinals.

Katya Gordon

The former TV presenter and wife of Alexander Gordon not only directs music videos but also sings. In 2009, Katya created the pop-rock band Blondrock. In February 2010, the team sent an application for participation in Eurovision with the song "War is bad", and went to the semi-finals of the national selection. And in 2013, Gordon wrote the song "Take Paradise" for Ani Lorak, for which the singer received the Golden Gramophone. This year, Katya Gordon will come to the "Voice" as a full-fledged contender for participation. Whether it works or not, we'll see.


Daniel Gradsky

The son of Alexander Borisovich Gradsky Daniil is famous, first of all, for the fact that he is the son of Alexander Borisovich. Nevertheless, the organizers of the show decided to play the master by persuading Daniel to come to the blind auditions. Of course, as a good joke. The guy performed the song Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton. Gradsky Sr. began to sing along from the first note - obviously, he really likes the thing. The buttons were pressed by Pelageya and Dima Bilan - the latter already jumped in his chair, seeing who was in front of him (Daniel often came to shoot with his father). “What, a joke again?”, Considered the reaction of Bilan Gradsky. But when he turned, there was more surprise on his face than joy. And then restrained rage. “Well, you’re a scoundrel-I-I-I-th!” Dad grumbled. - Well, why is it necessary? Stop this bullshit! Have you agreed?" And only after Daniel admitted that the training took place in an atmosphere of absolute secrecy, the situation calmed down. Gradsky Jr. refused to continue participating in the competition.

The first stage of the new season of the Voice show is in full swing. Blind auditions give viewers big surprises. The members of the jury are no less surprised to see the contestants when their chairs are turned towards the stage. The flow of talented vocalists does not dry out, although the project has existed for five years.

However, among the nuggets and vocalists widely known in narrow circles, national favorites also try their hand. Many viewers are wondering: what brings successful stars to the project? Sometimes artists themselves answer this tricky question.

The famous showman and parodist Maxim Galkin shocked the audience and the jury. The artist chose for blind auditions the most difficult excerpt from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera The Magic Flute, which is performed by three vocalists - two men and a woman. Galkin sang bass, tenor and soprano at the same time, besides German. Before Maxim, no one was able to repeat such an experience in the project. The showman did not stay in the project, but his performance became the highlight of the show.

“Well, what can I tell you about myself? - Maxim Galkin said when his number was completed. - I'm from the Moscow region, from the village, my wife also sings. It was she who sent me to the show "Voice".

Alexander Gordon

Alexander Gordon, most likely, would not have remained in the project either, like Maxim Galkin, but he had no choice. None of the jury members turned to the TV presenter. What was the surprise of Gagarina, Leps, Bilan and Agutin when at the end of the number they saw the performer of the composition In The Death Car. No one expected such self-expression from Alexander.

Meanwhile, Gordon admitted that he once dreamed of working as a singer in a restaurant. He also remarked that, due to his age, he could have sat in one of the coaching chairs. By the way, in one of the seasons of the show, Alexander's colleague Ivan Urgant appeared on the stage, who also could not win the sympathy of the mentors.

Daria "Nuki" Stavrovich

Daria Stavrovich impressed the jury of the Voice show with her incredible energy and powerful vocals. The rock star made all four mentors turn around, and eventually chose Grigory Leps. The artist is known to the audience for her work in the alternative group Slot and in the Nuki project.

“I had the only goal - for Leps to turn around, I didn’t think about the rest,” Daria frankly told StarHit. “The mentors listened to vanilla, sugary songs all day long, I was afraid that even I wouldn’t wake them up with my song!”

Irina Klimova

The star of "Petersburg Secrets" and "Streets of Broken Lanterns" Irina Klimova surprised the jury and the audience a lot when she stepped on the stage of "Voices". The theater and film actress performed the song “There is no me there”, written by the founder of the group “ moral code» Pavel Zhagun, which was sung by Sevara in the first season of the Voice show.

The mentors did not dare to take Irina to the next stage of the show, being confused during the song. However, Klimova was satisfied with her performance, especially after she was warmly received by the audience in the hall.

Ekaterina Gordon

Journalist, presenter and lawyer Katya Gordon did not hide the fact that she got on the "Voice" almost by accident. The star admitted that the popular musical project This is her chance to make herself known to the whole country. After all, few people know that Catherine is the author of many songs that are performed by other Russian pop stars. According to the journalist, she wandered through the corridors of Ostankino and accidentally found out that a casting was underway for the project.

For blind auditions, Gordon chose her own composition "Take Paradise". Her voice charmed Dima Bilan, who turned literally from the first chords. The other members of the jury were also happy to see Katya in the project.

The project started in the fall of 2012, quickly became popular - and remains so to this day.

The Voice show has been on Channel One for five years now, six seasons behind, and the show still has the highest ratings. Thanks to the TV project, new names are constantly being lit. But neither Channel One nor the professional mentors of Golos take care of their wards after the final. A significant bonus is the conclusion of a two-year contract of the winners with the recording studio Universal. Next, on your own. And then how lucky.

How do the stars who were applauded a few years ago live today? How much do they earn? The names of some of them are still well-known, while others have practically disappeared from the field of view of the general public. Why did this happen - in the material site

Dina Garipova


The winner of the 1st season of the show "Voice" was Dina Garipova. The 21-year-old girl captivated the audience and mentors with the luxurious range of her voice, she was chosen by Alexander Gradsky. The victory was clear and indisputable - a million SMS messages from viewers who supported Dina.

Success in the project allowed Garipova to become People's Artist native Tatarstan. A year after winning the competition, the girl took 5th place at Eurovision, and toured the country for another two years.

What else? Dina voiced three cartoons, she was hired by the Musical Theater, which is directed by Gradsky. Got married. And new bright stars appeared in The Voice, and most fans no longer remember Dina Garipova.

Sevara Nazarkhan

Velengurin Vladimir / Archive "KP"

This girl did not win - in 2012 she did not even reach the semi-finals, "Voice" became another springboard for her, after which the singer became an even bigger star in her native Uzbekistan.

Sevara receives 8,000 euros for a concert, she collects full houses. The singer, who turns 42 in 2018, tours a lot, collaborates with European musicians and recording studios, records songs, music for films. By the way, she was the author of the soundtrack for the film “Ulugbek. The Man Who Revealed the Secrets of the Universe”, which received the award in the nomination “Best Foreign documentary at the 74th Venice Film Festival in autumn 2017.

Sergey Volchkov


25 year old Sergey Volchkov, who won the 2nd season of The Voice, got a good start to his career. A year later, in 2014, he successfully performed at the "Slavianski Bazaar", his first solo concert, held in Vitebsk, gathered a full house. And now Sergey has a busy tour schedule - he is in demand in many cities.

Gela Guralia


32 year old Gela Guralia won the hearts of many viewers in the 2nd season and, although he did not become a winner, attracted attention. They signed a contract with him, which then had to be broken - according to the promoters, due to the singer's "star disease".

However, this does not interfere with Guralia's career - he performed accompanied by symphony orchestra in the Kremlin Palace, he has a huge number of fans, recording clips and albums are in full swing. They say Gela receives 6,000 euros for her performance.

Nargiz Zakirova


Charismatic and bright Nargiz Zakirova in 2013 she took 2nd place on the show "Voice". He took her under his "wing" famous composer and producer Maxim Fadeev, he wrote several songs for Nargiz, they all became popular.

Released in 2016 solo album Zakirova called "Heart Noise", which includes 15 songs. Zakirova and Fadeev filmed a joint video. Today, Nargiz's participation in the concert costs 10 thousand euros.

Anton Belyaev


From 6,000 to 10,000 euros takes for the performance and Anton Belyaev- Member of the "Voice" in 2014. The guy reached the semi-finals, did not become the winner, but even without that his career can be envied: the Therr Maitz team he created has been successfully performing since 2004.

Anton was the host of the "Red Star" (a popular hit parade on the First) paired with Vera Brezhneva. Took part in a high-profile show " main stage"on the channel" Russia 1 "- there he was a member of the team Igor Matvienko. And today Anton often flickers on the jury of various musical castings.

In 2016, viewers were able to see the film "Voices of a Big Country" - Belyaev wrote music for it and acted as a producer.

Alexandra Vorobieva

In the third season (2014) won Sasha Vorobieva. This thin, fragile blonde shocked everyone with her strongest voice. Graduated from the Academy. Gnesins, performing in a Moscow club with a cover band, Alexandra captivated everyone with her incredibly fast and flawless performance of "Waltz about Waltz" in French.

After winning the show, she became an artist musical theater Gradsky. She married - a young man whom she had known for a long time, even before the "Voice". More than three years after the bright victory in the show, almost nothing is heard about Sasha.

Father Photius


Becoming the winner of the 4th season, hieromonk Photius became incredibly popular. He is actively touring. In the fall of 2017, the artist presented to the audience his new program titled "Hieromonolog".

Today Hieromonk Photius still sings in the church choir and lives in his cell. He is a designer and layout designer in an Orthodox publication. Part of the money that he receives for his performances, Photius gives to the construction and repair of temples.

By the way : In order for the clergyman Photius to be allowed to participate in the show, Channel One sent an official request to the Metropolitan. In addition to relatives, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia congratulated Photius on his victory in Golos Kirill.

Daria Antonyuk

Kudryavtseva Larisa / Archive "EG"

Season 5 Winner - Daria Antonyuk- studies at the Moscow Art Theater School, participates in performances. According to the press, the cost of Daria's performance in the concert is 7,000 euros. In addition, Daria will appear in the continuation of the Bloodhound series, for which she also recorded the soundtrack.

Hardly anyone expected to see this accomplished artist in The Voice, but he came and with just one note of the chorus of Eric Carmen’s beautiful song “All by myself” “turned” to himself all four mentors of the fifth season of the Voice show - Grigory Leps, Leonid Agutin, Polina Gagarin and Dmitry Bilan. Among them, by the way, a serious struggle broke out for Alexander to make the right choice. Polina Gagarina promised to even cry, and Grigory Leps just immediately hinted at a profitable financial contract ... Panayotov did not think long and went to Leps. Later, when asked by journalists whether Alexander considers participation in the show a step back in his career (after all, he began his career in show business with the Become a Star project), Panayotov told a shocking story that this year he almost died in a car accident , and after it greatly overestimated his life. And I decided to try whatever you want. Many fans of The Voice already predict the singer will win the project.

Maksim Galkin

From the very first words of the song from the opera "The Magic Flute" by Mozart, the showman puzzled the mentors. After all, sing arias for three opera singers different voices are not for every artist! "It's someone you know!" - Polina Gagarina immediately said, and, listening to the singing, she shouted “This is Galkin!”. And then she pressed a button that turned her chair to face the comedian. Following Polina, according to tradition, Dima Bilan also turned. To which, not recognizing Maxim, Leps and Agutin shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. When musical composition ended and the moment of truth came, Leps, out of habit, asked Maxim: “Don’t you think that music is not yours?” This question, Gregory, apparently, considers it very original and asks it to every star who acts as a guest on the project. Galkin was not at a loss and in response said to Leps: “Grisha, well, I’m not saying that humor is not yours when you tell jokes?” What ripped off the applause of the audience and the wild laughter of the rest of the mentors. Maxim said that he had come for a reason, but his wife sent him to the show, and noticed that she was also a singer. Then he congratulated everyone on the new season of "Voice" and ran away to shoot his show "Maximaksim".

Nikolay Baskov

The mentors could not fail to recognize the unique voice of Nikolai Baskov, as soon as he sounded, performing the song of the Italian singer Johnny Fontana "Il mondo". Bilan and Gagarina decided not to wait for the end of the composition and immediately turned to the stage and, seeing it closed with an impromptu curtain, exchanged understanding glances. Like, it's definitely Basque! When the singer finished the song, the curtain fell - and the mentors could not hold back their cries of surprise! It was not Nikolai at all who stood on the stage, but Vladislav Vulfovich, the famous music composer. "Come on?! It can't be!" they shouted. And only Polina Gagarina was not at a loss and asked Vladislav to sing to them again. It was then that the deception was revealed, as music began to sound, and from auditorium came out with a microphone and a standing ovation from the Basques himself. “I honestly tried to change my voice!” he said. “Kolya, it didn’t work out!” Agutin disappointed him. And Leps, of course, immediately gave out a crown joke about "music is not yours." Baskov is very difficult to confuse, so he retorted: “I also think so, but you can’t deceive the viewer!”

Katya Kovskaya

This girl is well known in show business, and the audience first saw her on the X-factor project. Main stage ”, in which Katya reached the very end. Kovskaya graduated from the pop-jazz department of the Gnessin College, where many studied famous singers our time. Catherine also writes songs herself. By the way, one of her latest hits is the song “Dance with me”, which was performed by Polina Gagarina. The blond mentor quickly recognized her friend and immediately turned around. Katya joined her team, although she had the opportunity to get to Bilan. By the way, on stage the singer was accompanied by the finalist of the second season of the show "Voice" Tina Kuznetsova.

Charlie Armstrong

As soon as the first lines of the song “My First My Last My Everything” sounded, Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Bilan decided that the legendary Barry White himself had come to the project. The mentors were not at all embarrassed that he passed away 13 years ago (perhaps they were just joking). Deciding to test her guess, Polina (the only one of all) turned her chair to the singer. When it was time to introduce himself, the singer once again stunned everyone by saying that his name was Charlie Armstrong and he was the grandson of that same Louis Armstrong! And he sang again the legendary hit "Let my people go" of his eminent grandfather.

Vadim Kapustin

A star for connoisseurs of good music - this is how they call Vadim Kapustin on the sidelines of secular parties. Vadim is the creator of the popular project electronic music"Triangle sun", whose compositions are published on the world's famous collections, and the songs are heard on the best radio stations around the world and even on the British MTV. Previously, the band played in one of the best bars in Ibiza. It was there that Vadim and his partner, musician Alexander Knyazev, gained worldwide popularity. And now Kapustin has come to Golos. Three mentors turned to him, all except Bilan, but chose Vadim Leonid Agutin.

Alexander Gordon

“He's mocking!”, Dima Bilan commented on the singing of a person unknown to the mentors while listening to him sing the famous song “In the death car” by Iggy Pop. “This is someone I know!” Polina Gagarina said with confidence. And so it turned out. The mentors didn’t recognize Alexander Gordon, but they were afraid to turn around before the end of the song - all of a sudden it’s not a joke and you’ll have to take a joker to your team. “And I thought that now everyone would turn around and I would choose!” Gordon said, laughing. “Oh, you are a chewed mole!” Bilan shouted. And everyone laughed! And Alexander's mentors let go in peace, noting the completely unusual timbre of Gordon, who, by his own admission, had dreamed of becoming a singer in a restaurant all his life.

Katya Gordon

But the ex-wife of Alexander Gordon, Ekaterina, came to the “Voice” not to joke, but to participate seriously. And the fact that now the journalist, singer and songwriter is expecting her second child did not become an obstacle for her. By the way, Katya sang Ani Lorak's song "Take Paradise", which, as it turned out, was written by Gordon. After the performance, the singer thanked Grigory Leps for giving her the opportunity to write songs for first-tier artists. But Gordon got into the team of Dmitry Bilan, as soon as he turned to her during the performance of the song. But, alas, Katya left the show during the first "battles" of the second round. She sang along with Leroy Gehner, and Bilan made a choice not in favor of Gordon.

Lera Gehner

Jazz singer, actress, director, promoter and screenwriter - this is not yet full list what Lera Gekhner, the current ward of Dmitry Bilan, is doing in life. But her most famous projects today are Lera Gehner Band and NO BUDDS. She performed at the fashionable "Manor. Jazz” and played one of the key roles in the scandalous play “The Vagina Monologues”. Lera sang Vladimir Vysotsky's song "My Gypsy", which charmed three mentors (except Grigory Leps). "I'm 45 and I'm doing this for my fans!" she said.

Irina Klimova

The romantic image and sensual performance of the song “There is no me there” by the Honored Artist of Russia, actress and singer Irina Klimova, alas, did not impress any of the mentors. Dmitry Bilan, after her performance, admitted that he recognized her in the middle of the song. “I know exactly who you are, thank you for doing this number from the bottom of your heart! But I do not quite understand what we could do with you in the future,” he said. Irina was a little upset, but she tried not to show it. The actress listened with dignity to the comments of the mentors and left the stage to the applause that the audience and the mentors themselves burst into in honor of her and her merits in theater and cinema. “At least I tried!” says Irina.v last years her life, they often appeared together on screens and social events. Akhmadov took the loss of his older girlfriend hard, and last year, as a photographer, he made an entire exhibition “My Lucy” in memory of Gurchenko. To take part in the "Voice" he was "sent" by his wife - a popular Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk. And the performance of the jazz hit "Gee, Baby, Ain't I Good to You" charmed Polina Gagarina and Leonid Agutin. Aslan chose Polina.

Inga Lepsveridze

Although Inga is not a star, she got into our rating thanks to the stardom of her father, Grigory Leps. It is still not clear whether the girl wanted to take part in the project or just wanted to surprise her dad, because the mentors did not appreciate her singing, and Grigory himself said that “it’s bad, and in one place it’s even very bad!” “My name is Inga, my last name is Leps!” The girl introduced herself. “Your name is Lepsveridze!” Grigory remarked displeasedly. In general, the mentors agreed that Leps's daughter sang not well, but she has a chic original timbre.