Why is Katya Kolesnichenko divorcing her husband. Julia and Ekaterina Kolesnichenko - photos of sisters after plastic surgery

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko, a beloved ex-participant of the Dom-2 television project, recently reported that she again failed to build a relationship. She has been married to DJ Nikita for more than three years. We will talk about this couple, their relationship and separation in this article.

Kolesnichenko in the project

On the TV project, Catherine was never able to build relationships, unlike her twin sister Julia. Julia found her happiness in "House-2", gave birth to a child and got married.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko was not so happy. All her attempts to build a relationship ended without success, so she decided to look for her destiny outside the frame.

Beyond the perimeter

First of all, Katya went on vacation to Egypt with her friend on the project. They decided to "break away" full program", start short-term holiday romances. As a friend later said, Ekaterina Kolesnichenko practically did not appear in the room, as she started a relationship with a man.

Katya said that this is a married man, and he has two children. She, of course, was asked relevant questions about the continuation of the novel, to which the girl replied: the relationship is serious, they fell in love with each other, he promised to divorce and marry Katya.

All the girl's fans began to wait for the news of the wedding, but they did not wait. It turned out that the lovers had not met for a long time.

Then Kolesnichenko again had an affair, from which they expected a happier continuation than from the previous one, but even here the young and interesting girl did not become a bride and wife.

Meeting with Nikita

The future husband of Ekaterina Kolesnichenko, DJ Nikita Kopelyush, is a successful guy who works in nightclubs. They immediately found a common language with Katya, because the girl is also DJing.

The couple began a relationship, Katya constantly posted joint photos on the Internet. Many decided not to comment on the girl's new relationship, as they did not expect this romance to end successfully.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko assured that this time everything would work out! She talked about how good, kind, handsome, decent, attentive and just wonderful Nikita is.

Nikita also commented on his romance with Katya as serious. Young people spent a lot of time together, doing their favorite work.

wedding announcement

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko on her page in social network posted the news that she and Nikita were going to get married. Fans, of course, were happy for the girl, but still they were waiting for confirmation.

Katya did not keep herself waiting long and posted an image of two wedding rings in the next post. Friends began to wonder why they were ordinary, to which the girl replied: she and her future husband recognize old traditions, so they chose classic wedding rings without stones, engravings and other charms.

Information about when and where the marriage will take place, young people hid for a long time, they told only just a few days before the event.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko divorces her husband

The family life of a young couple went on as usual, they were happy and did not hide it. Constantly posting new photos, young people confirmed their status as an ideal couple.

Once fans began to pay attention to the fact that the girl spends too much time alone, the photo, respectively, she also posted without her husband.

Many began to assume that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko was divorcing her husband, and relevant questions poured into the girl’s account.

Initially, Katya tried not to answer them or brushed them off, saying that everything is fine, just hard times, a crisis in relations.

It couldn’t go on like this for a long time, and soon the news appeared that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko had divorced. This upset many friends and just acquaintances. They wrote her words of consolation, asked about the reason for the separation. The girl was silent for a long time about what led them to part, but one day she confessed.

What is the reason?

Katya admitted that everything was perfect with Nikita, except for the bed. He needed closeness all the time, but she did not. She said that one day she just realized that the romance was over, she just needed to lie on the couch in her pajamas, watching her favorite movie, and Nikita didn’t let her do that.

Katya said that she was tired of such a relationship and decided to let her husband go to a more active woman. Nikita supported this decision, and they went to file for divorce. After the couple received a divorce certificate, they remained on good friendly terms.

Is there life after divorce?

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko breathed freedom again! She said that her husband was against another plastic surgery. The girl had already enlarged her breasts and lips, but she also wanted to “make buttocks”. Nikita was against it, and after a divorce from him, Katya almost immediately went to the plastic surgery clinic.

The girl came to grips with her appearance and figure, now no one forbids her again.

But she still began to worry that she could not start a family normally. So she came up with the idea of ​​visiting a psychic. Cleanse the aura, remove damage or whatever else is needed. Hereditary sorceress began to help her. The girl claims that the clairvoyant is really strong.

We hope that after all the witchcraft rituals, Ekaterina Kolesnichenko will marry successfully and have children, whom they did not have with Nikita.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko before and after plastic surgery - can the ex-participant of the Dom-2 television project stop?

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko was born in the city of Krasnodar (Russia) on 04/09/1988.

They learned about the girl with the help of the sensational project Dom-2, she came to the casting along with her twin sister.

Ekaterina and Yulia Kolesnichenko bribed the jury with their charm and difference of characters. Katya was distinguished by recklessness, in some way bitchiness, which was confirmed by her bright appearance. Katya never climbed into her pocket for a word, she knew how to get out of any conflict, the so-called "bright set of epithets."

Especially for the show, these were the first twins, and thanks to the girls, the rating of House-2 grew beyond recognition, maybe because of this the girls were kept on the project for so long, regardless of Ekaterina’s extravagant behavior (Many participants did not like her, and scandals constantly developed on background of her inappropriate behavior).

Biography of the "stars of the Internet"


Ekaterina does not really like to talk about these years, her father left the family when the girls were very young. Mom left in her arms three children, twin girls and the eldest son.

All childhood passed side by side with my sister, they studied together, played, tried on outfits, jointly decided to go to music school. The girls performed with a real Kuban choir. In fact, the girls' mother admits that the twins' relationship was not always so wonderful. They constantly quarreled and even fought, but by about the age of 13, the relationship had ceased to be strained.

After reconciling, the girls were given the honor of performing several solo numbers at their college's musical performances. After studying, the girls performed for some time, but they were paid so little money that the girls were forced to quit and go to work as waitresses.

The worst thing is that the girls could enjoy a quiet teenage life at that time, but during these years, their mother suddenly died. The upbringing of three children fell on the shoulders of an elderly grandmother, she had to constantly work.

Having moved a little away from the tragedy, the girls realized that they miss the enthusiastic cries of the crowd and the stage. So they decided to try their hand at the Dom-2 TV project.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko on VKontakte shared her feelings about the death of her mother, she says that if it were not for the show, she would have remained sobbing into the pillow.

Once on the screens in 2010, the girls realized that they were not mistaken with the choice life path, shooting and participating in the project brought them crazy pleasure.

Participation in the project

For the twins, the glory of the most scandalous participants in the reality show was entrenched. The girls were constantly in the spotlight and provoked other participants into constant quarrels. Surprisingly, this only fueled interest in their personalities, the sisters became the most popular girls in House 2.

Personal life

The first pancake is lumpy. Catherine, together with her sister, drew attention to Zhenya Pynzar. For some time they could not agree on who to stop in the battle for his heart. Soon Katya's interest faded, and she turned her attention to Denis Lysenko. The relationship did not work out, a month later the guy left Catherine.

Despite her bitchy character and flashy appearance, Katya is a very sincere girl, her personal life cannot be tied to the beauty of the expected prince. The man of her dreams should sincerely want to have children from his future wife. Apparently the girl matured quite early and is really looking for a relationship for life.

So Catherine gave her heart into the hands of a new participant in the show - Philip Alekseev.

And then the girl was not lucky. Despite the first impression, Philip was very difficult person. He constantly provoked conflicts, sometimes it came to assault. The girl did not tolerate such an attitude and immediately broke up with a violent man.

After so many breaks, the girl became completely uncontrollable, not a single conversation with cohabitants ended in a pleasant way. Fortunately, her attention abruptly switched to Oleg Miami. These were last relationship Ekaterina Kolesnichenko on the screen. The couple constantly scandalized, provoked each other. There was an impression of complete absurdity and pretense.

It is unlikely that both of them wanted to build a serious relationship with each other. The remaining time on the project, Katya helped her sister in raising her first child, having fulfilled her duty, she left the project. Already in 2013, Katya left home 2, stating on her Instagram that she had found love outside the walls of the TV show and no longer wanted to put her life on public display. One can only guess about the veracity of the statements, because the girl again began to devote all her free time sister and her children.

Soon Catherine married a famous DJ, but their marriage collapsed after 3 years.

Life after the TV project

Photos of 2017 say a lot - the girl stopped making her personal life the center of attention and switched to more serious things. The girl is engaged in her own business, and is intensively engaged in her appearance.

Plastic surgery of Ekaterina Kolesnichenko

Leaving the TV project gave Katya a chance to be famous, she came to grips with blogging in her Instagram account.

Fans of the girl for several years followed her personal life. From the photographs it is noticeable that the girl not only changes her image, but also constantly turns to the help of plastic surgeons. If earlier the girl did not focus on this, now she quite calmly exposes photos with dressings and recommendations in the postoperative period.


  • The network has information about the quarrel of the twins. It's true - for about 2 years the girls did not even call up. The reason was not very pleasant - Catherine refused to help her sister with her nephews.
  • The information that the girl found her love in Turkey is true. Ekaterina has an affair with a Ukrainian businessman. Maybe because the couple meets at a distance, their relationship is still alive.

Photo by Ekaterina Kolesnichenko after plastic surgery

The girl never hid her love for plastic. Initially, Catherine enlarged her lips with the help of.

The second operation is breast augmentation (). Here you can not even compare the photos before and after, the girl’s breasts from size zero became 3.5 - no doubt there was a mammoplasty procedure.

Attitude towards a healthy lifestyle

Ekaterina does not follow her diet and health at all, saying that she simply does not have time for the gym. But even without weekly trips, with a balanced diet, you can keep yourself in decent shape.

It is for this reason that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko does lipofilling every year.

A couple of years ago, with the help of this procedure, a girl pumped out excess fat from her waist, now Ekaterina Kolesnichenko is doing buttocks.

During the procedure, the plastic surgeon pumps unwanted fat from the thighs to the buttocks to achieve the desired shape.

In her Instagram account, the girl shares all the stages of the procedures, describes in detail the difficulty of getting out of anesthesia and uploads photos before and after.

One-time Ekaterina performed 2 operations. Her nose became more refined (most likely her back and septum were narrowed), and her chin was made rounded. Thanks to these operations, the girl's face became more feminine and tender.

Feeling Complaints

Behind Catherine more than 10 plastic surgery, and always the rehabilitation period passed quite easily and painlessly. The girl always shared her condition with fans. Recently, she complains of constant headaches, fatigue and dizziness. Experts do not recommend the girl to have operations so often, most likely she completely undermined her immunity. But not one recommendation from an experienced doctor stops a girl from chasing an ideal appearance.

On the Internet, a girl shares her torment after the next one. She admits that she had to gain weight for the behavior of the procedure, and it was not easy for her. Katya writes that it has become much more difficult to move away from anesthesia.

On Instagram, she shared that her body did not have enough anesthesia, and she woke up immediately after the operation, at the moment when she was shifted.

It is not clear what is really happening with the girl's psyche: she does not just share information about the plastic surgery she is undergoing, but is proud of every crippled centimeter of her body.

It is quite possible that such an inadequate desire was provoked by a quarrel with her own sister, the girls are now completely different, and Catherine herself admits that she feels that something has failed in her head. Sometimes she attributes it to anesthesia, but sometimes she agrees that she needs the help of specialists.


Some of the girl's operations were not one-time. According to experts, the girl underwent at least 3 rhinoplasties, each time she was not satisfied with the result. The girl constantly changed plastic surgeons and clinics. It remains a mystery who sponsored this not so cheap pleasure?

Ekaterina admits that she dreamed of believing in herself and finding happiness with the help of operations, it seems that the TV star’s plan failed miserably - the girl is still not satisfied with herself and her personal life.

The most unpleasant thing is that Catherine is signed by a huge number of teenagers who believe in every word of the girl. She shamelessly recommends everyone to change their appearance with the help of plastic surgery.

As it turned out, Mexico and Nikita Kapelyush are very close friends, and, judging by her messages, even too much.

After breaking up with Catherine, plunged into a carefree life. The young man spends a lot of time in the company of friends, with whom he hangs out at nightlife in the capital. On his Instagram page, he regularly pleases his fans with fresh pictures from the next party and now and then apologizes for bad behavior during the broadcast on Periscope. But sometimes too personal information appears on his page, which tells about his love affairs. Curiously, his wife, with whom she is not yet officially divorced, has always claimed that he is a very quiet and calm person. And now many fans of the couple simply do not recognize him.

So, today Nikita posted a video that she sent to him from the Seychelles. He immediately published it on his page and made a very interesting caption to it: “Forgive the little one, what do you think? She frayed all my nerves, and now she sends vidos ". In her video message, Marina admits that she missed him very much.

However, this video did not hang for a long time and was removed. Why did the man first decide to show it, and then suddenly change his mind? Users immediately began to wonder how long Mexico and Kapelyush had known each other, and also to make assumptions: was it really she who caused him to break off relations with Katya? Indeed, most likely, Nikita and Marina have known each other for a long time, and they met in one of the clubs, because the man works as a DJ, and Mexico has long been a go-go dancer. However, we will not exclude the possibility that this may just be another PR. Kapelyush never interferes with advertising, and he is not at all averse to getting into the project.

The Kolisnichenko sisters are bright girls who were remembered by the viewers of the TV show for weaving intrigues. The twins ended up in the perimeter in 2010: they quarreled with the leadership of their native Kuban choir and decided to conquer the capital of the country.

In general, they succeeded: they were waiting for success at the casting "Dom-2". The sisters have spoken of extreme bad luck with the opposite sex, and the reality show is the only chance to find a soul mate.

Relations with young people did not always develop successfully, but the goal was achieved - the girls created families.

Sisters Kolisnichenko before and after plastic surgery

Like any girl, the sisters had imperfections in appearance. It cannot be said that minor flaws interfered with life and made girls unattractive, but in the world of show business, even minor flaws should be disposed of.

The sisters perfectly understood this commandment and began to improve themselves already on the project.

We must use the hands of professionals.

Plastic Yulia Salibekova

The Kolisnichenko sisters look completely different before and after plastic surgery: the operations gave them confidence and attractiveness. Those who have not missed a single issue of "House-2" probably remember small bruises and redness around the girls' lips. Katya and Yulia Kolisnichenko were among the first to pump up their lips with fillers.

After the project, Yulia (Salibekova by her husband) ventured into more serious procedures - mammoplasty and correction of the arms and hips. She responsibly approached the preparation and filmed each consultation.

The six-hour operation made Julia the owner of chic forms. The plastic surgeon increased Yulia's breasts to the second size, performed liposuction of the inner thighs and arms. Julia admitted that, despite the wild pain, the result exceeded all expectations.

Photos of Kolisnichenko after plastic surgery clearly show the changes for the better.

Julia's dissatisfaction was caused not only by the figure, but also by the face. The skills of plastic surgeons turned out to be very useful: former member sensational project thought about rhinoplasty. After the birth of her first baby, Yulia Salibekova narrowed the tip and straightened the bridge of her nose.

The second birth and breastfeeding brought the ex-resident of the TV set not only happiness, but also dissatisfaction with their forms. The chest lost its former shape, and Yulia went along the well-known path to the plastic surgery clinic. As an experienced patient of plastic surgeons, Julia had no fear of surgery.

“Two operations are already behind me - after the first birth, I enlarged my breasts from size zero to almost the second. Then, after some time, she resorted to rhinoplasty. Now, when I am already a mother twice, I decided to increase my breasts to the third size, ”the girl said about the new breast correction. The rehabilitation of Yulia Salibekova after plastic surgery went without complications, and the girl finally got rid of her complexes and decided not to go under the knife anymore.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko before and after plastic surgery

Catherine did not want to lag behind her sister, who every day became less and less like a relative.

She succumbed to fashion trends and enlarged her lips. After breaking up with her husband, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko began new life and the first thing I went to a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation.

The ex-participant of "House-2" has long dreamed of a narrow waist, toned hips and slender legs, but it was not possible to spend a lot of time in the gym. The doctor came to the rescue and suggested lipofilling, in which fat from problem areas is pumped into the buttocks. “Here you can do everything quickly, trust a trusted person, and the gym will be there to keep fit. It is necessary to use the hands of professionals, ”Katya commented on her decision.

The procedure takes place in several stages, and Katya immediately planned the next operation for the dream of Brazilian buttocks. Ekaterina Kolisnichenko after plastic surgery says that she plans to visit a specialist often, because there is no limit to perfection.

On her page, the ex-resident of Dom-2 regularly shares information about plasma-lifting and injection procedures: “I made sponges, pricked wrinkles on my forehead and between the eyebrows.”

Katya Kapelyush also posted photos before and after chin contouring and nose bridge correction. Some subscribers actively criticize the girl and reproach her for being overly enthusiastic plastic surgery, while others support her desire to look 100%. But the girl did not stop at the injection correction and went to the plastic surgeon for a new nose. In February 2017, Katya Kolisnichenko underwent rhinoplasty, calmly endured the rehabilitation period and for some time was pleased with the change in appearance. According to the ex-participant of Doma-2, six months later, the back of the nose sank and became saddle-shaped, asymmetry appeared, which made the girl think about re-rhinoplasty. She turned to another specialist who was able to restore Katya's back of the nose, correct the tip and remove the asymmetry.

On April 2, 2018, Katya Kolisnichenko did lipofilling of the buttocks and talked about plastic surgery on Instagram. The difficult rehabilitation period was a surprise for the girl: she had a hard time recovering from anesthesia, with difficulty tolerating pain and swelling. The girl spoke in detail about the physiotherapy procedures during rehabilitation, and two months later, the subscribers were able to evaluate the result of Katya.

Katya Kolisnichenko likes to give tasks to subscribers and ask what they think she changed in her appearance. Recently, the girl spoke about the removal of Bish's lumps: after the procedure, her face frame sagged, and filler injections were required. Despite this, she does not regret the manipulation and is proud of the result.

Subscribers do not understand and do not accept Katya's excessive passion for "improving" and criticize her love for plastic surgery.

The Kolisnichenko sisters became incredibly successful after plastic surgery. And even though Yulia Salibekova and Katya Kolisnichenko were quite attractive before plastic surgery, it was the operations that made them self-confident beauties. True, fans ask Katya to stop and keep at least some resemblance to her sister.

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 8.04.1988

City: Krasnodar, Moscow

Family: married, no children

Height and weight: 156 cm

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

Reading this article:

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko was born and raised in Krasnodar, in the company of her twin sister and older brother. They were raised by their mother and grandmother, as their father left the family a long time ago.

With it, just do not spill water. As Katya admits, even being at a distance they always feel each other. At school they were active girls. Not a single event was complete without the performance of talented twins.

In order to further develop their talent, the girls entered the school of culture, and later became soloists in the Cossack choir. Later, trouble came to the family - due to a serious illness, their mother dies, which hurt the sisters very much. But, thanks to their grandmother, they soared in spirit and began to dream of popularity.

On September 3, 2010, the sisters appeared within the walls of House 2 and announced that they want to build a relationship with Yevgeny Pynzar and ask him to choose one of them. Zhenya, of course, is flattered that two charming brunettes at once expressed a desire to be with him, but explained that his heart was already taken.

To which the twins were not upset and began to look at other guys. Our heroine really liked Denis Lysenko and they even declared themselves a couple. But a month later, at the initiative of the guy, she and Katya broke up.

Soon, Katya is seriously interested in Philip Alekseev, but their relationship was very difficult, since Alexei had an explosive temper. He raised his hand to Katya more than once, and once he broke a valuable gift given by her mother.

Despite the fact that Katya has always said that she really likes violent men, she packs up and moves to a clearing, away from her ex-boyfriend.

In the glade, Katya was greeted with negativity, as she and her sister Yulia became famous for their sharp tongues. The sisters insulted the girls present in the clearing more than once and repeatedly spread gossip about the Polyansky guys.

She was especially “rejoiced” with whom the sisters had a long-standing conflict. And the adult participant tried to do everything so that Katya would regret the words she had said earlier.

But, despite this, Katya had a fan who tried to attract attention. But Oleg did not hook the burning brunette and she simply rejected his courtship.

But the presence in the clearing was short-lived, as the guy left the second pregnant twin and left the project.

Katya went to city apartments to support her sister, because Julia was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Throughout her pregnancy, Katya was with her sister. Everything worked out, and Tigran returned to Yulia. Later, the little sister helps in organizing the wedding.

And when her nephew was born, Ekaterina apologizes to the participants for all her insults and leaves the project.

Now Katya runs a family business, which includes a karaoke bar and a beauty salon.

At one of the secular parties, she met DJ Nikita Kapelyush and very soon the lovers officially become husband and wife.

In the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko announced that she was divorcing her husband after 3 years of marriage.

The couple never had children. But they parted amicably, Katya is grateful ex-husband for everything between them.

The girl has her own clothing brand and an online store. By the way, now Katya is blonde.