When and by whom was the Kuban Cossack choir formed. Kuban Cossack choir: history of formation

From WIKIPEDIA - The Kuban Cossack Choir (full name - the State Academic Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Kuban Cossack Choir) is a choral singing group founded in 1811. The repertoire includes Kuban Cossack, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs, as well as songs based on verses by Russian and Ukrainian poets, edited by Viktor Zakharchenko, artistic director of the group. The State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir is the oldest and largest national Cossack group in Russia. The only professional team in Russia folk art, which has an uninterrupted succession history with early XIX century. It is interesting to note that the next oldest folk com...

From WIKIPEDIA - The Kuban Cossack Choir (full name - the State Academic Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Kuban Cossack Choir) is a choral singing group founded in 1811. The repertoire includes Kuban Cossack, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs, as well as songs based on verses by Russian and Ukrainian poets, edited by Viktor Zakharchenko, artistic director of the group. The State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir is the oldest and largest national Cossack group in Russia. The only professional group of folk art in Russia that has a continuous successive history since the beginning of the 19th century. It is interesting to note that the next oldest folk group in chronology, the Pyatnitsky Academic Russian Folk Choir, performed its first concert in the year of the centenary of the Kuban Cossack Choir. The level of skill of KKH is recognized all over the world, which is confirmed by numerous invitations to foreign and Russian tours, crowded halls and press reviews. The Kuban Cossack choir in a certain aspect is historical monument, in the forms of culture and art, depicting the military and cultural development of the Kuban, the history of the Kuban Cossack army, the history of the classical secular and spiritual culture of Yekaterinodar, the tragic events of the Civil War and the 30s, the history of Soviet aesthetics? big style? national art. The choir represents both the history of individuals and the everyday life of singing and musical culture Kuban, as well as historical heroism and the great drama of the Cossacks as a whole, integral to the history of Russia. The total composition of the team - 157 people; administrative staff - 16, technical staff - 24, choir - 62, ballet - 37, orchestra - 18. Founders Department of Culture Krasnodar Territory. Achievements The art of the Kuban Cossack Choir has been marked by numerous high awards and brilliant victories in Russia and abroad. The choir is twice a laureate of the All-Russian competitions of state Russian folk choirs, a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after. Shevchenko, winner of many international folklore festivals. The merits of the choir in 1988 were awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and in 1993 - the title of "academic". Representing Russian culture in the world, the choir, according to the foreign press, performs on a par with such groups as the State Symphony Orchestra St. Petersburg Philharmonic and the Bolshoi Theatre.


The influence of music on a person 15.10.2017

Dear readers, today in our section there will be interesting meeting with Russian folk song. The article was prepared by Lilia Shadkovska, a person who is in love with music. She is already familiar to many of you from blog posts. Today Lilia will tell us about the famous Kuban choir, and we will listen to folk songs performed by him. I pass the word to Lily.

Hello our dear readers and fans. The time of holidays and vivid summer impressions has quickly flown by. And outside the window is autumn. Each of us has her own. For someone it is colorful and rustling, for someone it is rainy and dull, for someone it is thoughtful and sad, and on Irina Zaitseva’s blog - autumn is warm, cozy and homely, with recipes for healthy herbal preparations and fragrant tea, a lot of variety, useful information and, of course, with soulful music. We bring to your attention the theme of the beloved Russian song. Have a nice holiday!

Golden voices of Russia

Russian song is deep
like human suffering
sincere as a prayer
sweet as love and consolation.

It is through the song that one can comprehend the character of the people. For a Russian person, the song is like repentance: “In the song you will cry, and you will repent, and you will confess, and you will lighten your soul, and the weight will fall like a stone from your heart.” How many of them, diverse in genre: historical, labor, soldier, ritual, calendar, lyrical and comic ... This is a real treasury of the Russian soul, its heritage and historical memory.

But the song becomes famous and popular primarily thanks to its performers. Today we invite you to listen to Russian songs performed by the Kuban Cossack Choir, the full name of which is: State Academic Order of Friendship of Peoples and the Holy Right-Believing Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy, I degree Kuban Cossack Choir.

How a Cossack traveled the whole world

I had a childhood dream, and she
came true. Looked at the world. And made sure:
there is no better place than Russia and Kuban ...
V. Zakharchenko

This team was applauded on all continents and in crowded concert halls our vast country. Performance has always been a delight. The repertoire of the choir includes Kuban Cossack, Russian and Ukrainian folk songs, songs of composers, diverse in genre and character. The Kuban Cossack Choir under the direction of Viktor Zakharchenko is recognized as the national brand of Russia. Let's start our acquaintance with the incendiary song "Through the Carpathian Mountains".

Kuban Cossack Choir "Through the Carpathian Mountains"

This oldest Cossack choir was founded in 1811 and has its own unique history. At its origins were the spiritual enlightener of the Kuban, Archpriest Kirill Rossinsky and the regent Grigory Grechinsky. In 1867, the choir was renamed from the Black Sea to the Kuban Troops, which performed not only sacred works during worship, but also performed Cossack folk songs, works of classical music.

The fate of the Kuban Cossack Choir is inseparable from a difficult fate Kuban Cossacks and the country as a whole. So, in 1921, by decision of the Bolshevik authorities, the choir was disbanded. It was prescribed: “All conductors, musicians, singers and others who have official notes, instruments, hand them over immediately. Persons who hide the above property will be handed over to the revolutionary tribunal.”

Kuban Cossack choir "My Bitter Motherland"

Listening to this song, the words of the great Russian writer N.V. Gogol immediately come to mind: “Rus! Russia! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful far away I see you: poorly scattered and uncomfortable in you ... But what an incomprehensible secret power attracted to you? Why is your melancholy song, rushing along your entire length and width, from sea to sea, heard and heard incessantly in your ears? What's in it, in this song? What calls, and sobs, and grabs the heart? .. "

When the Cossack choir sings

In 1936, the choir was recreated in the USSR again, and in 1939, a dance group was also created with the choir. The group's repertoire was enriched with bright original dance numbers. The Kuban Cossack Choir has a lot of ardent fans. Even in the most difficult years for the country, it seemed, when there was no time for dancing and no time for songs, the choir team sang in such a way that everything painful spilled out of the soul.

Kuban Cossack choir "Lord, have mercy"

I always listen to this song with tears in my eyes. When you hear it, you truly feel the spirit and power of Russia, you are filled with them to the depths of your soul.

Agree, friends, that the outstanding creative achievements of the team do not happen by themselves. They are associated with the names of talented leaders and conductors. So, in 1968, the choir was again recreated in a new genre and new structure under the direction of the Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR Sergei Chernobay. And already in 1971, the Kuban Cossack Choir for the first time became a diploma winner of the international folklore festival In Bulgaria.

boy with a dream

In 1974, when the team was again on the verge of disintegration, artistic director and the composer Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko became the chief conductor, who realized all his wildest dreams and creative ideas. And this activity began with a childhood dream - the boy had a great desire to learn music.

I had to write a letter to I. Stalin himself. He wrote that the children of the village and he personally had a great desire to learn music, and there was not even an accordion at school. Soon a commission raided the village - no, not with a button accordion, but with a check. The commission issued a reprimand to the principal of the school for insufficient attention to creative development children and left. After some time, the mother nevertheless bought an accordion for her son: “With what excitement I touched my harmonica!”. Happiness knew no bounds. He even went to bed with an instrument.

He was collected by the whole village to enter the music school: some gave soap, some shoes, some towels. But at the exams at the school they gave a turn from the gate, because he did not know musical notation. “I went out into the street, as if in a frenzy. I climbed the high bridge. I wanted to jump down. The thought brought me to my senses: what about mother without me? .. "

There, on the bridge, a passer-by approached him, weeping bitterly. O miracle! He turned out to be a teacher music school. Having learned the reason for his tears, the teacher suggested that Victor play the harmonica. Hearing how selflessly the boy plays, the teacher said: "You will study with us." After several years of study and work, V. Zakharchenko managed to realize another of his cherished dreams - he became the leader of the illustrious team of the Kuban Cossack choir. Thanks to deep knowledge, his talent, high efficiency, he embodied this.

“The Kuban Cossack choir is my cross, the meaning of my life…”

In the new team, V. Zakharchenko set the main goals - the revival of the classical Cossack choir and the preservation of the traditions of his people. Thus began the fruitful work. The vocal abilities of the artists were honed, and each member of the choir became a pearl of rare beauty in the crown of the collective. There are new songs, new dance numbers and concert programs. Over the years of work, it was possible to realize all the creative and artistic aspirations.

“The Kuban Cossack choir is my cross, the meaning of my life, for the sake of it every day I get up at six in the morning and go to bed after midnight.” creative work takes a lot of mental strength. It also happens like this: “When I am out of sorts, the thought of my quiet homeland always warms me. I remember the native thresholds of my father's house.

Kuban Cossack Choir "My Quiet Motherland"

It should be noted that despite all the ups and downs of Viktor Gavrilovich's life, it was faith in God that helped him survive, even at a time when life hung in the balance. There were also unforgettable happy moments of life that fate gave him.

Kuban Cossack choir "Ah, fate, my fate"

All his most cherished dreams come true. The work of a lifetime has also come true - he brings the spiritual culture of the forefathers to the audience through the songs of the Kuban Cossack choir. Victor Gavrilovich firmly believes: “All dreams come true, the main thing is to believe and strive!” I propose to listen to another song that charges with powerful energy, faith in all good things and uplifting.

Kuban Cossack choir "Transportation Dunya held"

Do you know that:

  • the choir, formed in 1811, performed before Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II;
  • over forty years ago, V. Zakharchenko received a team of 15 people, and today there are almost 150 artists - singers, dancers, musicians;
  • traveling through the villages, V. G. Zakharchenko recorded several thousand Kuban songs and returned them to the audience in their original form at concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir;
  • the maestro created the Regional Children's Experimental Secondary general education school folk art Kuban Cossack Choir;
  • the teaching staff trains performers for work in creative teams folk art. Today in five departments (folk choral singing, folk dance, arts and crafts, wind instruments, folk instruments) 576 people study at the school, including talented children from many cities;
  • V. G. Zakharchenko dreamed of performing on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, and his dream came true. The bicentennial anniversary of the Kuban Folk Choir took place on the stage of this palace;
  • The Kuban Cossack choir traveled all over the continents, where kings and presidents gave him a standing ovation. Also, this team performed at the G8 summit;
  • the folk collective forced even the highest ranks of NATO to “dance to its own tune”;
  • Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi, having visited the concert, said: "The Kuban Cossack choir conquered Italy not with guns, but with songs."

Today Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko is an Honored Art Worker, National artist RSFSR, honorary citizen of Krasnodar, awarded with many orders and medals. He created a unique team, became an idol for the younger generation, is an example of selfless devotion to his people, the Kuban region and Russia. The main motto of his life: "Our strength of mind is nourished by faith - in God, goodness and justice."

The State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir is the oldest and largest national Cossack group in Russia. The only professional group of folk art in Russia that has a continuous successive history since the beginning of the 19th century. It is interesting to note that the next oldest folk group in chronology - the Pyatnitsky Academic Russian Folk Choir - showed its first concert in the year of the centenary of the Kuban Cossack Choir.
The level of skill of KKH is recognized all over the world, which is confirmed by numerous invitations to foreign and Russian tours, crowded halls and press reviews.

The Kuban Cossack choir in a certain aspect is a historical monument, in the forms of culture and art depicting the military and cultural development of the Kuban, the history of the Kuban Cossack army, the history of the classical secular and spiritual culture of Yekaterinodar, the tragic events of the Civil War and the 30s, the history of Soviet aesthetics "great style" of national art. The choir represents both the history of individuals and the everyday life of the singing and musical culture of the Kuban, as well as historical heroism and the great drama of the Cossacks as a whole, integral to the history of Russia.


October 14, 1811 laid the foundation for a professional musical activity in the Kuban, glorious began creative way Black Sea Military Choir. At its origins were the spiritual enlightener of the Kuban, Archpriest Kirill Rossinsky and the regent Grigory Grechinsky.
In 1861, the choir was renamed from the Black Sea to the Kuban Military Singing Choir and from that time, in addition to participating in church services, gives secular concerts around the region, performing along with spiritual, classical works and folk songs.

In 1911, celebrations were held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Kuban Military Choir.

In the summer of 1921, by decision of the authorities, the activity of the collective was terminated, and only in 1936, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Azov-Chernomorsky Regional Executive Committee, the Kuban Cossack Choir was created, headed by Grigory Kontsevich and Yakov Taranenko, who for a long time were regents of the Kuban Military Choir. However, in 1937 G. Kontsevich was groundlessly repressed and shot.

In 1939, in connection with the inclusion of a dance group in the choir, the group was renamed the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks, which in 1961, at the initiative of N. S. Khrushchev, was disbanded along with other state folk choirs and ensembles of the USSR.

The reconstruction of the Kuban Cossack Choir in the genre and structure of the State Russian Folk Choirs took place in 1968 under the direction of Sergei Chernobay. In 1971, the Kuban Cossack Choir for the first time became a student of the international folklore festival in Bulgaria, which marked the beginning of numerous honorary titles won later at various international and all-Russian festivals and competitions.

In 1974, the composer Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko became the artistic director of the State Kuban Cossack Choir, who, for more than 30 years of his creative activity in the Kuban, managed to fully realize his artistic, scientific and educational aspirations. In 1975, the choir became a laureate of the 1st All-Russian competition of state folk choirs in Moscow, repeating this success in 1984 at the second similar competition. Under his leadership, the choir brought to the stage the authentic song folklore of the Kuban Cossacks, in folk songs, rituals, pictures of the Cossack life, individual folk characters appeared, looseness and improvisation appeared, a true folklore choral theater arose.

In October 1988, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the choir awarded the order Friendship of Peoples, in 1990 he became a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine. T. G. Shevchenko, and in 1993 the team was awarded the honorary title of "academic".

In August 1995, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, during his stay in Krasnodar, blessed the Kuban Cossack choir to sing at festive divine services in churches.

In October 1996, the Decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory "On the recognition of the succession of the (historical) State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir from the Military Choir of the Kuban Cossack Host" was issued.

Currently, in addition to active touring and concert activities, the Kuban Cossack Choir is systematically working on recording, scientific study and stage development of the traditional song and dance folklore of the Kuban Cossacks.

Zakharchenko, a folklorist, collected scattered and almost disappeared from the field of view of musical science and artistic creativity 14 collections of songs of the Kuban Cossacks A.D. Bigdaya, republished by him in his creative edition, from the standpoint of modern folklore. In essence, the first, but the most difficult and important steps have been taken towards the creation of an anthology of song folklore of the Kuban.

Viktor Zakharchenko developed and implemented the concept of the Center established in 1990 folk culture Kuban, later renamed the State Scientific and Creative Institution (GNTU) "Kuban Cossack Choir", which currently employs 506 people, including 120 people in the State Kuban Cossack Choir. This is the only cultural institution in the country so far, which is so systematically, comprehensively and promisingly engaged in the revival of traditional folk culture. Since 1998, numerous festivals, international scientific conferences and readings, the publication of studies on the history and culture of the Cossacks, the release of CDs, audio and video cassettes have been significantly activated on the basis of the State National Technical University, intense concert and musical educational activities have been carried out in Russia and abroad.

An assessment of the multifaceted activity of the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir was the assignment of high titles to him: Honored Artist of Russia (1977), People's Artist of Russia (1984) and Ukraine (1994), Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea (1993), laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1991) and the International Prize of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called (1999), Academician of the Russian Academy for the Humanities and the Petrovsky Academy (St. Petersburg), Full Member (Academician) of the International Academy of Informatization, which is an associate member of the UN (1993). V. G. Zakharchenko was also awarded the Orders of the Badge of Honor (1981), the Red Banner of Labor (1987), the Friendship of Peoples (1998) and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2004).

With all its activities, the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir contributes to the revival and development of a rich cultural heritage our ancestors, spiritual and patriotic education of the population.


The total composition of the team - 157 people; administrative staff - 16, technical staff - 24, choir - 62, ballet - 37, orchestra - 18.
Department of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory.

The art of the Kuban Cossack Choir has been marked by numerous high awards and brilliant victories in Russia and abroad. The choir is twice a laureate of the All-Russian competitions of state Russian folk choirs, a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine. Shevchenko, winner of many international folklore festivals. The merits of the choir in 1988 were awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and in 1993 - the title of "academic".

Representing Russian culture in the world, the choir, according to the foreign press, performs on a par with such groups as the State Symphony Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic and the Bolshoi Theater.

Artistic director and chief conductor of the Kuban Cossack Choir - People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, laureate of the International Prize of the St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle Foundation, doctor of art history, professor, composer Viktor Zakharchenko.

Director of the choir - Arefiev Anatoly Evgenievich
Chief - choirmaster Ivan Albanov
Chief - choreographer Valentin Zakharov
Choreographer - Elena Nikolaevna Arefieva
Ballet tutor — Leonid Igorevich Tereshchenko
Orchestra leader - Honored Artist of Ukraine Boris Kachur

In 2011, the team is preparing to celebrate its bicentennial with an all-Russian tour with a new program.

Main dates:

October 14, 1811 - the beginning of the creative activity of the Black Sea Military Choir. At the origins of the organization of the choir were: the spiritual enlightener of the Kuban, Archpriest Kirill of Russia and the choir director Grigory Grechinsky. The foundation of professional musical activity in the Kuban was laid.

Since 1861, the Black Sea Choir has been renamed the Kuban Military Singing Choir. Since that time, in addition to participating in church services, the choir constantly gives secular concerts around the region, in which, in addition to spiritual works, Kuban folk songs and classical works were performed.

In September 1911, celebrations were held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Kuban Military Singing and Musical (wind, and then symphonic) choir, that is, the orchestra.

Summer 1921 - the cessation of the activities of the Kuban Military Singing and Musical Choirs.

1925-1932 - the time of active touring activity of the Kuban male vocal quartet - the only professional group in the Kuban, the basis of the repertoire of which was folk songs from the repertoire of the Kuban Military Singing Choir. The leader of the men's quartet was Alexander Afanasyevich Avdeev.

1929 - the first singer of the anthem of the Kuban Cossacks "You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland" and the head of the Kuban men's quartet Alexander Afanasyevich Avdeev was repressed and shot.

July 25, 1936 - By the Decree of the Presidium of the Azovo-Chernomorsk Regional Executive Committee, the Kuban Cossack Choir was created, headed by Grigory Mitrofanovich Kontsevich (artistic director) and Yakov Mikhailovich Taranenko (conductor), both of them were regents of the Kuban Military Choir for a long time.

1937 - Grigory Mitrofanovich Kontsevich, an outstanding musical figure of the Kuban, artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir, was repressed and shot on December 12.

1939 - in connection with the inclusion of the Kuban Cossack dance group in the choir, it was renamed the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks.

1961 - along with ten other State Ensembles The Soviet Union, on the initiative of N. S. Khrushchev, also disbanded the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks.

1968 - the revival of the Kuban Cossack Choir under the direction of Sergei Alekseevich Chernov, the team was created in the genre and structure of the State Russian Folk Choirs.

1971 - The Kuban Cossack Choir for the first time becomes a diploma winner of the international folklore festival in Bulgaria.

October 14, 1974 - the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir was headed by Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

December 1975 - The Kuban Cossack Choir took first place and received the title of laureate of the first All-Russian review - competition of the State Russian Folk Choirs in Moscow.

Summer 1980 - the choir becomes a diploma winner at the International Folklore Festival in France.

December 1984 - the choir again took first place and received the title of laureate of the second All-Russian competition State Russian folk choirs in Moscow.

October 1988 - By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the choir was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

March 1990 - The Kuban Cossack Choir becomes a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine. T. G. Shevchenko.

1993 - the team was awarded the honorary title "Academic".

August 1995 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, during his stay in Krasnodar, blessed the Kuban Cossack choir to sing at festive services in the temple.

October 1996 - Decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory "On the recognition of the succession (historical) of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir from the Military Choir of the Kuban Cossack Host."

2006 - anniversary year Kuban Cossack Choir - 195 years

Victor Zakharchenko has been celebrating his birthday on stage for several decades in a row. Well, Viktor Gavrilovich was not used to blowing out candles in a close family circle. And today, on his anniversary - Viktor Zakharchenko turned 80 on March 22, the legend of the Kuban Cossack choir will come out to the public. Concerts of the famous choir begin in Krasnodar.

On the anniversary of Viktor Zakharchenko, Komsomolskaya Pravda collected five little known facts from the biography of the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Zakharchenko defended his team

The history of the legendary choir begins in 1811. This is the oldest and only folk group in our country, the history of which has not been interrupted since the beginning of the 19th century. Viktor Zakharchenko has been directing the Kuban Cossack Choir for 44 years. When he took the helm, he was 36 years old.

To get to the first All-Russian competition of Russian folk choirs, which was held in Moscow in 1975, Viktor Gavrilovich deceived the party leadership. Unheard of insolence in those days! Before the concert itself in Moscow, all the teams at that time showed their performances to a special commission. And since at that time it was impossible to perform without propaganda of the Soviet ideology, the artistic director of the choir included works about Lenin in the program. Party officials approved the repertoire. And already in Moscow, on the stage, Zakharchenko showed completely different songs - Cossack ones. And although the jury was shocked, the first place was given to the Kuban artists. And that performance was called "revolutionary."

On the basis of the Kuban Cossack Choir, they wanted to open a music hall

At the time when Viktor Zakharchenko came to the Kuban Cossack Choir, the fate of the folk group hung in the balance. The Krasnodar Philharmonic was going to reform the team. Each concert of the choir cost the budget a round sum, so they decided to cut staff and rename the choir - to make an ensemble out of it. But Viktor Gavrilovich did not give. He went to the villages and farms of the Kuban, wrote down more than a thousand folk songs, which the artists began to perform under the guidance of the new artistic director. Zakharchenko, who himself was born and lived in the Kuban village, heard Cossack songs from childhood, he knew how the village lives, what kind of music the villagers need.

Our artists have turned into mannequins: the women are all in the same dresses, with the same pink faces, fake smiles. Some sort of sedate pavushki are floating around the stage - swans in sparkles, a sort of leaf chastity is floating around the stage. But is she really like that in real life, a Russian woman! Do not recognize her - before that sugared! And the men ... faceless, expressionless, all as one in satin shirts, belted with sashes, - Viktor Zakharchenko said then and "broke", reworked the choir. Today the Kuban collective is a pearl of Russian folk art.

Every rehearsal begins with a prayer

The artistic director calls his artists children, and the building in which the folk group is located - "the house of the Cossack choir." And for 44 years in a row, the artists begin each rehearsal with a prayer.

Yes, but where else to start? - Viktor Zakharchenko smiles, adding, - we are all one big family, believers love. And how to sing spiritual songs without faith?

The artists read "Our Father" and ask God to protect them from troubles and help them in their accomplishments.

Started walking with a cane after an accident

Viktor Zakharchenko has been walking with a cane for 22 years. Problems with the knee happened after the accident, which was the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack choir.

Until he lost consciousness, he asked the Almighty for mercy, ”Viktor Gavrilovich told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And already in the hospital, when I began to come to my senses, I heard a chant. I thought that in the church and with a dull look I began to look for icons on the walls. I met only the tearful look of my daughter and asked where the holy images were and what happened? She couldn't explain what it was. Then I realized that together with the priest they were reading a prayer for health. Later, I discovered that I did not feel one leg and it was folded and pressed close to the other. Then I had to endure the most unpleasant procedure of letting oxygen into my knee. Everyone prayed to God for help. Now I know for sure that such tests were sent to me for a reason. As you can see, now I am on my feet and even go in for sports. I have the strength to lead the choir.

Despite a serious injury, Viktor Zakharchenko works out with a coach and can run 4 kilometers. And even ran with a torch during the Olympic torch relay in Krasnodar in 2014.

"The choir will live both with me and without me, because God is with us"

Five years ago, on his 75th birthday, Viktor Zakharchenko admitted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda:

I read that a person has an average of eighty years to live. And I understand that there is little time left, but I can say with confidence that the choir will live with me and without me, because God is with us!

Viktor Gavrilovich, may the choir live long with you!

The historical predecessor of the modern Kuban Cossack Choir is the Military Singing Choir of the Black Sea Cossack Host. Its founder was the first present of the Ekaterinodar Spiritual Board, military archpriest Kirill Vasilyevich Rossinsky.

In August 1810, he applied to the military office of the Black Sea Cossack Army with a request to create a Singing Choir. The proposal was approved by the military chieftain F. Ya. Bursak and members of the office. In August, estimates were prepared for the salary of the regent, choristers, as well as funds for the purchase of costumes.

For the Feast of the Intercession Holy Mother of God October 1, 1810 Art. The military singing choir performed for the first time in the Military Resurrection Cathedral. The first regent of the choir was the nobleman Konstantin Grechinsky. Initially, the choir existed at the expense of Archpriest Kirill Rossinsky, but in January 1811, the Odessa and Kherson Governor-General Duke de Richelieu officially approved the states, estimates and allocated money for the maintenance of the Military Choir.

On October 1, 1811, on the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, which began to be considered the holiday of the Military Choir, the team already performed as the officially established Military Singing Choir of the Black Sea Cossack Host. On December 22, 1811, Emperor Alexander I issued a decree "On the institution in the Black Sea Cossack army of brass music from 24 musicians", that is, a brass band. The orchestra was named the Military Musical Choir. The singing and musical military choirs developed in parallel. Rich, varied and fruitful creative activity two choirs continued until April 1920. Their outstanding role in the spiritual, cultural and patriotic education Kuban cannot be overestimated. According to contemporaries, these were the best military art institutions in Russia on the periphery.

In 1860? Cossack army renamed to Kuban. The military choirs were renamed accordingly. In addition to participating in church services, the Singing Choir also gave secular concerts in Yekaterinodar and throughout southern Russia. Sacred music, folk songs, classical works were performed. The choir has become a forge of musical personnel for both cultural institutions and Orthodox Church, and for the army of the Russian Empire.

The activities of the choir were highly appreciated by the Russian emperors: Emperor Alexander II found him "remarkable in terms of voices and harmony of performance", and the emperor Alexander III thanked the choir "for the excellent performance music programs”And ordered the military authorities to attend to the expansion and improvement of the choir.

With the Bolsheviks coming to power in the Kuban, the Army Singing Choir was renamed the State Choir. However, in connection with the policy of repression against the Cossacks, the choir was persecuted. On April 21, 1920, the Kuban-Chernomorsk regional revolutionary committee decided: “All military choirs and orchestras, now renamed state ones, with all personnel, libraries, musical instruments transferred to the regional department of education. All conductors, musicians, choristers and others who have official instruments and sheet music must hand them over immediately. Persons who hide the above property will be handed over to the revolutionary tribunal.” In the summer of 1921, by decision of the Bolshevik authorities, the activities of the collective were finally terminated. In 1920, not recognizing the new government, twenty-seven members of the Army Singing Choir, along with thousands of Kuban Cossacks, were forced to emigrate to Greece, Turkey, Serbia and other countries. There, in exile, they created several choirs that bore the name of the Kuban Military Cossack Choir and preserved the traditions of the Military Singing Choir. However, in 1925-1932. led to the Kuban tour activity The Kuban male quartet is a fragment of the former choral group. Unfortunately, the head of the collective, Alexander Avdeev, was repressed and shot in 1929.

In connection with some weakening of the policy of repression against the Cossacks in 1936, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Regional Executive Committee, the State Kuban Cossack Choir was established, headed by G. M. Kontsevich and Ya. M. Taranenko, who were regents of the Kuban Military Choir before the revolution. It was they who transferred rich singing and musical traditions, folk song repertoire and their high artistic taste to the newly formed State Kuban Cossack Choir, thereby uniting history into a single whole.

Military singing and State Kuban Cossack choir. It was incredibly difficult to work in the conditions created by the Soviet government. Nevertheless, G. M. Kontsevich did not lose faith in the future great mission of the newly created choir. On March 3, 1937, he prophetically wrote in the Krasnoye Znamya newspaper: “Now the Kuban Cossack Choir of 40-50 people from best voices Cossack villages and farms. His future is undoubtedly bright. This highly artistic team will decorate our Kuban and paint the region with a bright star. However, soon the first artistic director of the State Kuban Cossack Choir, an outstanding folklorist G. M. Kontsevich, was arrested on false charges of "assassination of Stalin" and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out on December 26, 1937. G. M. Kontsevich was rehabilitated posthumously in 1989? In 1939, in connection with the inclusion of a dance group in the choir, the choir was renamed the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The ensemble was disbanded and its soloists were drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. The team was recreated in April 1944 at the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic. The first performance of the restored Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks took place in September 1944. However, in 1961, at the initiative of N. S. Khrushchev, the ensemble was again disbanded along with ten other state folk ensembles and choirs of the USSR.

On October 14, 1974, Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko, a folklorist, choirmaster and composer, was appointed artistic director of the choir, educated outstanding choral conductor professor V. I. Minin and the patriarch of Russian folklore, professor E. V. Gippius. Management dance group passed to Vyacheslav Modzolevsky, then to Leonid Milovanov, and after him - to Nikolai Kubar.

With the arrival of Viktor Gavrilovich to lead the choir, the team rose to the heights of creativity and gained worldwide fame. For 35 years of his activity in the Kuban, V. G. Zakharchenko managed to fully realize his artistic, scientific and educational aspirations and bring the team to qualitatively new creative frontiers.

Today the team consists of 146 artists. During the leadership of the choir, V. G. Zakharchenko turned the choir into an ensemble of international class. The geography of the choir's tours is boundless, it is applauded on five continents, in dozens of countries around the world. The choir gave hundreds of concerts throughout Russia, in all the former republics of the USSR. At the same time, the team regularly performs in the cities and villages of the Kuban. Now he is based in Krasnodar, in his own building, specially allocated for him by the leadership of the Krasnodar Territory.

The choir is actively preparing for the meeting of future Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 - he is already participating in the Cultural Olympiad. The Cultural-Olympic project of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir has been prepared for the 2014 Olympics: “22 concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir - for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi!” -- it will be a special Olympic tour team in the capitals of the Winter Olympic Games. A fundamentally new word in the concert activity of the Kuban Cossack Choir is the preparation of large programs designed to reveal the rich potential of the collective. So, the grandiose performance “The Great Cossack History” (in two acts and eight scenes) is already ready, dedicated to the life of the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the history of their resettlement to the Kuban.

There is every reason to believe that a worthy meeting of the 200th anniversary of the State Academic Order of Friendship of Peoples of the Kuban Cossack Choir under the direction of V. G. Zakharchenko will serve further development and the prosperity of our Kuban and the great Motherland - Russia Soloviev A.A. 200 years with the song Kuban Cossack choir: history and modernity//Russian Cossacks