Egor Khalyavin kisses in the toilet. The victim of plastic surgery Yegor Kholyavin admitted who contains it

The second round of the wedding competition did not please with novelties, repeating the story with a cube, snakes, cockroaches. The prize - a ring with a ruby ​​and diamonds went to Marina Afrikantova, who did not cut off her hair, did not throw cockroaches by the collar and did not frighten her with snakes.

Instead, she pedaled the simulator and tried to sing Olga Buzova's song. Afrikantova's win and the ring exactly reminded me of a similar plot with Leroy Frost. Congratulations to Marina on her victory in the competition, after all, Olga Zharikova, but she also condemned the dishonest act of Alexander Gobozov, who pushed and then hit Katya Zinoviev.

Was the victory predictable?

Olga Buzova's narcissism knew no bounds, with what delight she announced all the new tasks for tired contestants. It is clear that the debutant Olga Zharikova was not supposed to advertise the ring, therefore the victory of the "sacred cow" of Marina's project is justified from all points of view.

In general, almost all those who participated in this stage of the competition were ready to give all their best, which they demonstrated. The majority happily supported the proposal to extinguish competitors from Yabbarov, and Sanya Gobozov famously implemented it.

Ekaterina Zinovieva, who sobbed both from pain and from resentment, should have remembered all the warnings and cuts that were shown to her about Gobozov's assault. I wonder if it will be or again all emotions and supposedly feelings will cover?

Congratulations to Marina Afrikantova on her win, after all, advertisers and sponsors are clearly betting on her, which we already wrote about in the sloka. Do you think you deserved to win?

Olga Buzova and Vlad Kadoni held the sixth stage of the Love of the Year contest. Olga said that in five weeks everyone would know who would win and get an apartment in Moscow. Sasha and Joseph, Zakhar and Lera, Peter and Vera, Yulia and Sergey, Darina and Nikita took the stage. Aleksey Kupin, who yesterday still claimed that he broke up with Maya and was not participating in the competition, today asked the presenters to give him and Maya a chance, he wants to be with Maya, loves her, and they would like to return to the competition. Buzova returned the couple and said that at this stage, according to the results of the audience's voting, Joseph and Sasha were eliminated from the competition. The presenter announced that the task of today's stage is simple, there is a huge cube on the stage, whoever stands next to it for a specified time and does not remove his hand, no matter what happens, he won. Kadoni gave everyone gloves, named the order of formation, Nikita Kuznetsov becomes the first, followed by Lera Frost, Peter, Zakhar, Yulia, Kupin, Maya, Kucherov, and Kurochka and Darina climb up. The sensors are very sensitive, you should not move your hand, you need to put your hands and freeze. Buzova offered to drink for the alleged victory of Kucherov and champagne was brought into the studio, which Kucherov and Kuznetsov opened together, since the guys already had one hand busy with the cube sensor. While champagne was being handed out, Nikita moved his hand a little and the bell rang, Kuznetsov dropped out. Kadoni walked around the cube, distracted Zakhar and a sensor lit up and made a sound. Vlad decided that Vera and Darina were sitting too well and they took out a snake each. Leray and Peter were each given a broom of nettles and offered to drive each other away from the cube. Peter touched Lera's legs a little, she was in pain, Lera could not beat Peter in the face, and Peter himself refused to fight. Kupina host decided to cheer up, called two half-naked girls who stroked Alex and took off his pants. The snakes were taken away, but gas masks were taken out, and in these gas masks, the participants must repeat the dance movements after Joseph. Iosif danced, and Kupin tore his hand away from the sensor. Vlad suggested that Lesha go into the hall and get dressed, as a result, 5 girls and Kucherov remained. Buzova lowered Darina and Vera down, the gas masks were removed. Olga offered Kucherov to pump the press 100 times, and he will receive beer for this. While Sergey was pumping the press, Vera flew out, her hand became numb while she was sitting on the cube, so she did not press it tightly against the sensor. Kadoni brought huge cockroaches for Maya and launched them into her hair, Darina and Lera also got it. Maya stepped aside. For Yulia, they took out an exercise bike, offered to train and sing a song under special effects. Efremenkova did not pass the test. A cockroach got into Darina's dress, her hand slipped and she dropped out. Lera and Kucherov remained, they were given thirty seconds to rest and continued the competition. Lera was given headphones with music, and Kucherov was offered a certain amount of money so that he would refuse what was in the cube, maybe there was emptiness or a toy. They took out 5 thousand for Sergey, then they offered 15 thousand, he refused. Lera Vlad decided to cut the braid, she refused, they wanted to give Kucherov a dumbbell in return. Sergei offered to shave him bald, and give Lera a dumbbell. Frost agreed, and Vlad cut off her entire braid. Kucherov was given a dumbbell and offered to give in to the girl, he refused and asked Lera for 150 thousand rubles in return. Frost refused. Time passed, two hours and 40 minutes later, Sergei was released from the dumbbell. After three hours and 25 minutes, the task was complicated, they took out one more glove, and now Lera and Sergey will hold on to two circles at the same time facing the cameras. Yet Kucherov surrendered first. Lera Frost won, Buzova admired Lera's fortitude, her fortitude and endurance. Lera herself got the prize, it was a very expensive ring, according to Buzova, sapphire, diamonds and white gold.

Even yesterday, most TV fans wanted Anastasia Lisova to leave the reality show house 2 as soon as possible. But after the girl humiliated Yegor Kholyavin all over the country, they are ready to give her a standing ovation, because he has long been asking for something like that!

Today on the air on, Nastya spoke in small detail about where, when and how many times they tried to do “magic” with Yegor, but could not do it, because Kholyavin is impotent! Kuzin and Kuznetsov said very correctly - a man who “has no problems with this matter” would simply laugh, because it is obvious to everyone that Lisova is trying to avenge him for assault. But this situation infuriated Yegor so much, like Anastasia told everyone his terrible secret. And while the guys watched the scene of Zhenya Kuzin and Nastya, Kholyavin apparently retired in the bushes with magazines kindly placed in his suitcase by Tanya Okhulkova and Diana Ignatyuk, and for several minutes he diligently worked to raise and demonstrate to the whole country his manhood! It is difficult to imagine a more humiliating situation, but, not realizing it, Kholyavin ran around film set in shorts, insulted Lisova with the last words and demanded that she come up, make sure that he got up!

This is not the first time that a girl accuses Yegor of male failure, and today's behavior once again proves that this is the case. Well done, he proved that he gets up! But... Apparently, not for women, which means that the rumors do not lie and Kholyavin is really gay?!

Comrades, what are we watching!?! House-2 without brakes!
The night broadcast has just ended, in which Nastya, the translator, openly stated that Yegorka is impotent! Oh my god it started! You listen to how much shit flew out of this mountain of fat! Did he accidentally confuse the project with anything? I'll put my dick in her mouth and take a picture! I put it - go suck it! And another fight! Organizers! You are complete freaks and your participants are exactly the same! You must have a conscience - you broadcast from TV screens to federal channel! They set up a den without brakes ...

Two at once ex girls Egor Kholyavin - Marina Afrikantova and Ulyana Tatarchenko came to the project to talk about proximity.

On February 22, 2015 (on the air on February 28), Yegor Kholyavin's ex-girlfriends told the whole country about their intimate relationship with him. Kholyavin's next relationship ended in failure.
As in the case of Tatyana Okhulkova, and earlier with Marina Afrikantova, Yegor quickly became disillusioned with Anastasia Lisova and preferred to end their conversation. To understand the situation and bring the man to clean water, two former girls of Kholyavin came to the talk show in city apartments at once - Marina Afrikantova and Ulyana Tatarchenko, Yegor's first project love. As it turned out, both girls, from their own experience, as well as watching Kholyavin from the side, were convinced that his passion declines immediately after intimacy. Moreover, after spending the night with the lady of the heart, Yegor, previously in love with no memory, changes dramatically and begins to pour dirt on the object of sympathy. According to Afrikantova, the situation is so serious that the guy needs a professional who can solve a difficult task and save him from hatred for the opposite sex. Egor himself not only sees no problems in himself, but also continues to blame former passions for everything, which turn out to be not at all fairy princesses as he thought of them initially.

Non-Fan / It used to be "magic" sometimes. Now "sex" through the word.

Orgi let the hamsters on the air call everything by their proper names (without swearing). He fucked her. She poimela him. According to your script (judging by the broadcasts), they will soon broadcast about a group sex, dovecote and lesbians. And your hamsters, having drunk alcohol like "shy pioneers", all about the "stamen and pestle" screech. Well, if you go to the right level so you need to match the voice acting from the video.

Ex-participant of the reality show "Dom-2" Yegor Kholyavin risks his health almost every month, going for a new plastic surgery. The man admits that he is not afraid of anything, but only slowly but surely goes to the intended goal - to become a real living Ken. Many wonder where the celebrity has the money for such expensive procedures. Kholyavin explained that all his expenses were paid by the American production company.

“I can’t disclose the amount of my salary. I will say this: everything that is happening in my life now is paid for. Housing, transportation by car with a driver, operations - the production center pays for everything. In addition, I received a separate amount for signing the contract, every month I am given a fixed salary, let's say. I also receive a fee for operations, it grows every time, ”said Yegor.

The man does not hesitate to arrange live broadcasts during operations. Recently, footage appeared on the Web after a procedure to reduce the chin of a television star. According to Kholyavin, he really likes the changes in himself, because during his participation in the project he was a fat guy with glasses who was not interested in spectacular girls.

“Recently there was a big alteration of the face: they removed the chin, changed the cheekbones, nose, straightened the ears. In total, since January, I have had 5 operations, 8 are still ahead. We also need to reduce the pelvis so that the shoulders appear wider, undergo vision correction, I have already changed the shape of the eyes, we will also completely change the shape of the lips and make a Hollywood smile, they will insert a new jaw, ”said Yegor.

Kholyavin's family is worried about his health. However, the man believes that you need to confidently go towards the fulfillment of your dreams. Some time ago, Yegor claimed that it was his mother who was to blame for the fact that he became full. According to the reality TV star, early years Parents should teach their children proper eating habits.

“I was fat, I endured humiliation and insults, I went through a difficult moment in my life when I became a member of House-2 ...

How much dirt I listened to in my direction ... I already changed after the project, but, having parted with the girl I loved very much, I realized that I want to radically change everything, ”said Kholyavin in an interview with Sobesednik.

Recall that, being a participant in a reality show, Kholyavin tried to build relationships with different girls, but each of them refused to take him seriously. The fair sex claimed that due to excess weight Egor, they cannot consider him as a boyfriend, and also experience physical attraction to him. Later, the guy admitted that, including for this reason, he decided on desperate measures in the struggle for a perfect body.

Perhaps, Kholyavin felt the most sincere feelings for the famous blonde television set Marina Afrikantova. After parting with her, the young man fell into a deep depression, from which he could not get out for a long time. By the way, speaking of ex-lover, Yegor does not hide the fact that he still has an interest in her, and his mother is completely counting on their reunion.

In this article, we will look at what plastic surgeries Yegor Khalyavin performed, and also find out why he decided to carry them out, who sponsors it and what the participant in the Dom-2 TV show wants to achieve with this.

Participation in the project

Yegor has just begun his special long journey to improve his face and body, but as the media say, he is becoming like a doll.

Back in 2014, Khalyavin came to the Dom-2 project, which at that time was one of the most popular. He was a very gallant man, smiling and kind, with his unique sense of humor and sharp mind. Almost half of the project participants (mostly women) did not accept Khalyavin because of his plumpness.

Khalyavin spent almost six months on the project, but nothing came of it. He never found a life partner. The organizers of "Dom-2" have always helped the participants in the transformation of their appearance.

Khalyavin was offered sports complex exercise and diet, to which he agreed. Egor lost almost twenty kilograms in a very short period of time.

Egor, after this diet, met one beauty on the project, they even opened the so-called Love Island for the first time. However, he eventually had to leave the project.

Changes after Dom-2

Immediately after Khalyavin left the project, photos with a new appearance began to appear on the network.

Apart from slim figure, he decided to change and. As experts say, and according to Yegor himself, he cleaned in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks. The face became more like a doll and thin!

Face correction (oval). acid in the lips and eyebrows with clear outlines - all this was done for the sake of beauty, and Khalyavin confirmed all these procedures. Yegor told his fans that he decided to go to the surgeon again in order to put his body in order.

He's going to turn his face into a doll face. As it became known from latest photos, Yegor was at the plastic surgeon, who made marks on the face for the upcoming operation.

The surgeon noted the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the relief of the back, the chest and the press cubes with a marker, all this should appear after the plastic surgery.

Egor also, in addition to all of the above, did, tightened his eyelids, enlarged his buttocks, removed the mucous membrane, spent it, and much more.

Yegor Khalyavin after plastic surgery

Khalyavin himself says that with each surgical intervention he feels much more comfortable and better. In total, according to information, about eleven operations out of thirty planned took place.

With the help of plastic surgeons, he removed fat deposits from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis face, and also applied the service of lifting his face with the help of threads.

Khalyavin every time uploads a photo with the transformation of his appearance and body. He believes that with plastic surgery he will make himself perfect.

How many operations? As they say, he needs only thirty plastic surgeries to achieve his puppet goal.

Egor does not pay attention to insults addressed to him, most do not like what he does to himself.

People give examples of who he was and who he is becoming (photo of Khalyavin before and after plastic surgery), however, it is not easy to convince Khalyavin, because he is too purposeful and persistent.

As Yegor Khalyavin himself says, he constantly lives in a serious and long recovery period, he is constantly ill after surgical interventions, but he endures in order to achieve his goal.

What caused the attraction to plastic surgery

After Yegor left the Dom-2 television project, one company engaged in plastic surgery. The Americans made an offer to Halyavin to pass their casting.

At that very moment, he broke up with his girlfriend, and he had nothing to lose. So he agreed to a change in his life. After leaving the project, he weighed about one hundred and fifty kilograms, which was just right for an American company, because Yegor was perfect for their advertising.

After all the plastic manipulations were carried out, conveyors were launched in America, and the production of male dolls in the likeness of Halyavin began.

At that moment, Yegor signed a huge number of contracts with modeling agencies around the globe. On well-known channels, a show about the changes of Yegor and his appearance will be launched.

As Khalyavin said, after the first transformation (operation), not very pleasant words poured on him from the fans. However, this did not hurt him in any way, because the guy did not take their words seriously.

Criticism and attitude to all this Khalyavina

Critics appeared on the net who claimed, and still claim to this day, that he simply cannot change his genetics, and all his future children will be exactly the same as he was in childhood. Yegor Khalyavin very much wants to start a family, because he recently turned thirty years old.

Khalyavin never told his mother about all his changes and operations, because she is very worried about this.

As Khalyavin himself said, he does not communicate with his relatives except for one person. And this is a sister who is constantly on the side of her brother and helps and supports him in every possible way.

As people say, if Khalyavin succeeds with his puppet plan, then he will be a completely different person, and it will be very stupid to compare with the guy who came to the Dom-2 project, because no matches will be found.